The WORST Signature Moves In Pokemon...

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with over 1,000 Pokémon now available a good signature move can be what sets a Pokemon apart from the rest from sacred fire to the likes of Thunderclap a good signature move can be the whole reason a Pokemon sees any usage at all these are certainly great moves but we can't really ignore that there are some real stinkers out there last week I discussed which moves are the best in competitive Pokemon but today I'll be explaining which signature moves are the bottom of the barrel and see practically no use if you enjoy this video on a play in time be sure to leave like And subscribe for more competitive Pokémon content as a matter of fact you should really just subscribe right now as a playlist full of content just like this that I know you'll enjoy once this video ends and if you think you're subscribed do me a favor and double check because only like half my viewers actually are with that let's get into it I suppose we should start with Gen one not because I'm going to be going in chronological order or anything but because gen one signature moves are a different breed of bad these moves just kind of suck and for some reason most of the signature moves in this generation despite how strong the user may be are all pretty partic particularly weak for what reason I don't know but Pokemon eventually kind of got its act together with signature moves so for now we'll just talk about these barrage is by far the signature move which puzzles me the most as a signature move of the exeggutor line a Pokemon which is phenomenal in Generation 1 you'd imagine that this move would stand up to its Legacy but barrage despite exeggutor being a grass psychic type is a normal type move meaning it hits nothing for super effective damage and it's resisted by Rock and steel with ghost being immune to it but beyond that barrage is is a simple reskin of Fury attack at 15 base power and 85 accuracy and a chance to hit between two and five times it caps out at a measly 75 base power making it weaker than body slam a move which has perfect accuracy 85 base power and a chance to paralyze I mean this move is basically just exeggutor sending coconuts at the opponent so why not make it a slightly more powerful bullet seed by setting its base power to 30 and giving it perfect accuracy it could even be switched to be a special version of bullet seed if you want to let exeggutor run a option Beyond leaf storm regardless the current version of the move just isn't cutting it next up is kinesis I'm going to keep it a buck 65 with you guys whoever cooked up Alakazam signature move burned the kitchen down it's an 80 accuracy move which lowers the target's accuracy by one stage 80 accuracy that's the same accuracy as hydropump this is a signature move this is supposed to be the super cool thing that Alakazam can do that nothing else can but for some reason it's just a direct downgrade to sand attack I'm not kidding it's simply the exact same move but reskinned with lower accuracy yeah there's not much to say here this move kind of sucks clamp on the other hand could be considered a somewhat interesting signature move as the signature move of the Closter line in Generation 1 which was later gifted to the clamer and barbaric line I'm still going to include it here because it has some pretty limited applications but I will acknowledge that a physical Whirlpool is kind of a neat move but none of the Pokémon who have access to it would actually want to run it see trapping moves are strong situation Al they have applications in Parish trapping in singles and can even see Fringe usage in doubles but literally every Pokemon who has access to this move is far more effective as a shell smash sweeper meaning that none of them would even consider running this move over any more powerful water moves that they have access to I don't know just give it to dond dozo and then it might see some play I'm not kidding it'd be cool if Don dozo had a trapping move like that okay so the last of the generation one signature moves we got to cover is payday 40 base power scatters coins that's certainly a description look I know this move is meant to farm money but I know I'd get a lot of comments saying that I forgot about it if I didn't at least mention it it's useful for in-game purposes but competitively it's not doing anything for a team you want to hit a money spread on your opponent and win the game you click Make It Rain with golden go Case Closed speaking of money we may be discussing the worst signature moves but one of the best moves you could be making is trying out Factor recently Factor sent me a bunch of meals and drinks to try out for the sponsorship and believe me when I say these are some highquality meals they're arrived in this package that kept them cool and ready to be transferred to my fridge where at any point I could throw them in the microwave for 2 minutes and enjoy a fresh never frozen meal as a full-time content creator I spend a lot of my day 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really want to talk about this move already Dark Void is the signature move of dark cry a legendary Pokémon which has never been legal in official competitive play it was originally an 80 accuracy move which puts both opponents to sleep meaning that it was not only a spread move but a sleep move that was more accurate than sleep powder the best sleep move in the game save for Spore which has extremely limited distribution Dark Void has effectively been gutted beyond the point of repair to a frankly hilarious degree to be honest smeargle was known to run Dark Void in VGC because of its ability to sometimes instantly win the games when paired with a restricted partner like Primal Groudon or xerus smeargle's Moody ability also let it at the time get both accuracy boost and speed boost to make the move even more threatening so game freak in their Infinite Wisdom said okay this smeargle guy's abusing the heck out of dark cry's move so let's just make it so smeargle can't use it and then all was right with the world then they nerfed Dark Void to B 50 accuracy why I I I don't know dark cry isn't ever tournament legal so why did they Nerf the move into the ground if it was never going to be used in competitions again for reference this makes Dark Void the least accurate sleep move in the game less accurate than sing a move with 55 accuracy the only formats where dark cry is legal are Smog on Singles formats where Dark Void being a spread move doesn't even matter so in those formats dark cry if it wants to play optimally actually runs hypnosis a 60 accuracy sleep move you know you messed up big time when the only Pokemon that gets access to a move doesn't even run it speaking of moves that are so bad the soul user doesn't run it powder is the signature move of vivalon it's a pretty cool concept powder is a priority move which sets up powder on the opposing Pokemon and causes the use of a fire move on that turn to be blown up in the user's face and deal 25% of their Total Health and damage instead while very cool it is extremely Niche obviously and vivalon almost never ran it in competitive play because in the face of a fire type Pokémon it could alternatively just like put it to sleep with sleep powder with compound eyes sleep powder becomes a 97 accuracy move and those last move slots would be better filled with the likes of hurricane bug buzz and quiver dance yeah powder was a neat idea but the move saw nearly no use in competition due to vivalon just having outright better options in the one situation powder was meant to be useful what is kind of crazy though is that for a few Generations there weren't any outright bad signature moves introduced but for some reason come Generation 8 and9 Pokémon started started to shoot airballs like a lot of airballs like some of these moves make the same mistakes that they made way back in Generation 1 let's take for example tarot tarot is a pretty crazy move not because it does anything particularly cool but because it is the signature move of the Colossal line the Pokemon that dominated much of gen8 VGC and despite this you've probably never heard of the move so what does it do well tarot lowers the target's speed by one stage and makes them weaker to fire moves I can almost get what they were going for here I'm not going to lie colossal is one of my favorite design Pokemon of all time and if you want to see why I actually have an old video going over the Pokemon's genius design but to put it briefly it's a tanky Pokemon which can instantly become a fast sweeper if it's hit by a super effective water move tarot could be a really unique designed speed control move for colossal if it were able to run this move reliably while still being able to sweep teams with weakness policy and steam engine but because colossal isn't moving first there isn't much of a Reason to Run speed control on it I could imagine a set where colossal is able to run tarot lowering something's speed so a partner fire type Pokemon can now outspeed it and then one-hot it with its new fire weakness but this is simply too hard to consistently achieve in VGC honestly a fix for this move could be to make it hit both opponents like icy wind and that would allow for a slow colossal to just T shot the opponents lower both their speeds make them weak to Fire and give the fire type Pokemon a much more powerful opportunity to score Kos on the next turn while that might sound broken you need to keep in mind this strategy does require you to run colossal in a format without Dynamax so meanwhile false surrender also from Generation 8 is much more underwhelming than it is outright bad false surrender was created in gen 8 for the Grim staro line as an 80 base power physical dark move false surrender was just meant to be a thematically appropriate signature move for Grim starl that had the bonus of not checking accuracy but in generation 9 King Gambit was introduced with its own signature move being kowtow cleave a physical dark move with 85 base power which doesn't check accuracy and they both have 16 PP you can't make this up they're the same move I mean they're literally conceptually the same move too taaa is to Bow and show honor to someone but instead of doing that King Gambit just smacks him in the face and false surrender description says that the user pretends to Bow its head and then stabs the target with its hair it's literally the same move King Gambit just got it later on in the power creep so it's it's just stronger that's kind of crazy right okay so shelter is yet another move that isn't outright terrible but there's seriously no purpose in running it over another move see shelter was introduced in generation 8's Pokémon Legends archist a game with a very different battle system than traditional Pokémon games and due to this many of the moves in this game had to be toned down or changed to be translated to scarlet and violet shelter was one of these moves originally it was the signature move of the huian Goodra line which would increase its defenses while obscuring it and making it so attacks on Goodra were less likely to hit it was a pretty busted move despite the fact that stat changes weren't permanent in Pokemon Legends aras's battle system of course a move which raises defense and evasion would be absolutely unacceptable in a traditional Pokémon game so what did game freak do they made it so shelter increases the user's defense stat by two stages just like iron defense a move that huian Goodra also gets only iron defense has much more PP than shelter and you might say that this doesn't really matter because you're not really ever going to click shelter more than three or four times in a game but iron defense is an outright better option since huin Goodra is a stall Pokemon the absolute worst thing a stall Pokemon can do is run out of pp since the recoil damage on clicking struggle is just so punishing you'd rather click iron defense a few more times then start struggling because you ran out of shelters this is the sole reason huian Goodra doesn't run its own signature move in competitive matches as we make our way into gen 9 we need to acknowledge one of the strongest signature moves ever C strikes is a physical water type attack which hits the target three times each hit resulting in a critical hit oh wait nope this isn't that this is the surging strikes wug Trio not only is one of the weakest Pokemon ever designed with a near useless stats spread and ability pool but its signature move of triple dive is an outright downgrade to surging strikes being 30 base power hitting three times and for some reason still having a chance to miss don't get me wrong on another Pokemon triple dive would be worth that chance to miss but when you're hitting things with the attack stat of a literal wet noodle it's not particularly useful in generation 9 water types not named dondoo were kind of robbed with their signature moves to be honest because vua signature move of filet away is far too risky for the man to ever make use of it in VGC fet away is a lot like shell smash but rather than having the user's defenses to double its speed and attack stats this move requires that the user has its HP the reason it's simply too much of a sacrifice for this move is because we're shell smash users can use a focus sash or white herb to bypass much of the risk of that move fet away in no way benefits from these items on the very turn you go for filet away you could be prevented from clicking it because vusa got outsped and hit for too much damage leaving it with not enough HP to actually click the move or Worse Vala just moves first and gets koed before it can even click an attack since it haded its own HP belly drum has the same requirement to activate but at the very least it maximizes the user's attack stat regardless of what stage the user attack is at when it clicks the move I don't know this move just kind of isn't worth running also sketch sketch is a bad signature move in battles yeah but Marcos it can copy any move in the game dang that sounds like you're not clicking sketch in battles huh I know I'm not you're you're clicking the other moves that you copied outside the battles I don't make the rules I do I made the rules for this video but those are the worst signature moves in competitive Pokemon I don't think I missed any but I'm sure I did somehow let me know in the comment section below if I did miss one and if you agree or disagree with what I had to say say also let me know if I should make a video also let me know what I should make a video on next if you enjoyed be sure to leave a like And subscribe it mean the world to me and if you want to support me further you can check out my patreon page or become a YouTube channel member by clicking the join button below the video this gets you sneak peeks at future videos and even some bonus content you also see your name at the end of my videos like all these lovely people special thanks to my most boosted supporters Avatar 67 Jordan herriage and Ranger Lance for their generous pledges another way to support my channel is to check out all the videos in the playlist on screen right now I know you'll find something in there that you enjoy I also have a second Channel where I talk about the current VGC metagame Trends and a twitch Channel where I stream both of which are going to be in the description thank you all for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Moxie Boosted
Views: 96,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Switch, Nintendo, VGC, Pokemon VGC, VGC 2019, VGC 2020, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, Competitive Pokemon, Nintendo Switch, Pokemon Moveset Guide, pokeaimmd, pokemon sword and shield vgc, wolfey vgc, false swipe gaming, cybertron vgc, wolfe glick, pokemon showdown, moxie boosted, vgc, vgc 2024, competitive pokemon, pokemon world championships, smogon, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon moves, dark void, darkari, game freak
Id: 3LtqyB6GRDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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