Game Environment Software

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now we're going to talk about the software is that the game environment artists use to create studying game levels whether it be indoors inside buildings or outdoors in nature we'll talk about pieces of software that big studios and professional artists use to achieve the level of detail complexity and realism we see in modern games there are a lot of programs you can use to get this job done so please don't take this personally if we don't mention your favorite software because I am pretty sure it is awesome - we're going to split these types of software into six categories based on what they are mainly used for number one concept art for the most part concept art is done using Photoshop which is a great tool to create stunning environments it has all the tools that the 2d artist needs it has been around forever artists trusted because it gets their job done and it makes studios and clients satisfied concept art is not a requirement for an environment artist but it is a great way to contribute to the vision you are creating also it helps you better understand and communicate with concept artists when they hand you their work to work from furthermore it is a very valuable discipline to be familiar with you will be learning about color value composition and design at some point you may want to create your own concept designs to work from number two modeling an environment artists must have the necessary knowledge of modeling game props and game environments alike there are so many stellar 3d modeling packages that can help you maude everything you need but there are few that stand out and they are considered industry standards because a game studios use them a lot these are 3ds max Maya also indie game developers and in the game studios use blender for the most part because it is amazing also because it is free these modeling packages have a lot of tools that can make the process of modeling a fast and efficient you can do route apology using modeling software which allows you to rework polygon flow of your model topology flow is very important when creating characters or objects with information and for animation you come out with topology flow in mind from the start using your 3d modeling software but you can also use additional applications to help you with topology later on a journey or project one of the best applications out there that can help you with your topology is topogun also you can do even rap in using these programs which is a very important process for baking and creating the maps at the environment artists needs for creating textures later on number 3 sculpting sculpting is a necessary process for creating intricate details for high poly models which usually require millions of polygons for the most part sculpting is used to create organic models hard surface models and environment architectural details sometimes for this job there is no software that can stand against ZBrush which is the king of digital sculpting basically all game studios and most professional artists that use sculpted depend on it to get their job done there are some alternative programs you can use which are way more affordable than zebras among these are Autodesk Mudbox sculptress 3d code and blender which also has sculpting tools number for statutory texturing is a very important part of environment artists job the software's that are used today are not the same software that will bethe were used even ten years ago this process used to be done in Photoshop as a primary tool for texturing in game development in general but today we have way more options game environment artists use substance painter and substance designer to create textures for their models we also have quick sauce suite which is a combination with 3d tools that can be used in integration with Photoshop to create textures for 3d models mari is also a 3d painting tool that can support textures up to 32 K by 32 pixels and thousands of textures per model across different channels it is amazing for creating intricate texture and details with high quality resolution maps number 5 terrain generation one of the best softwares for doing this job is world machine it is being used by a lot of environment artists terrain generation software helps you to create realistic looking at 3d terrain it is a powerful and flexible it combines procedural to raishin simulations of nature and interactive editing to produce realistic cocaine terrains quickly and easily you can build an export high-resolution hide fields textures and meshes for your game or rendering software number six game engines and environment artists definitely needs a game engine to take his assets into to see how it is going to look inside a game there are a lot of game engines out there the most used are Unreal Engine unity current engine and a lot more those game engines are all great and available for everyone all you need to do is to download them there are also a lot of online tutorials and documentation that will help you to understand how to get your art in game a game engine does a lot of things from rendering and real-time collision detection using physics engine animation artificial intelligence AI and sound just to name a few I hope this was useful and helped you know what are the software's that an environment artist uses in order to create his stunning environment arts you can share with us your thoughts in the comment section below and you can check some our previous videos thank you very much and I will see you in the next one
Channel: InspirationTuts
Views: 26,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game environment artist, game environment software, game environment pipeline, game environment 3d model, game environment art tutorial, game environment artist role, game environment background, game environment concept art, game environment concept design, game environment space, real game environment, software for game environment artist, video game environment design
Id: OmuuPX9NbY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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