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well this is Rocky with piers on the man it's my pleasure to be able to present to you something that would help your business go further and for that uh it's the ability to be able to have a game day presence to be able to have the ability to drive your business forward and doing it for a major portion of the morning the morning ritual that sets your whole day three maybe four hours which seems like a lot of time but your business is worth it so let me let's get into it and we'll cover a variety of different things from the CEO time management to the morning routine tools that we could have and looking at two to three to four hours of focus of developing creating content and marketing for your business before your regular workday and as a CEO Lish a productive morning routine which is crucial for setting the tone for a successful day and this would be something that could be model for your teams or for the people that are in your business common morning routines exercises that may fit you let's start with CEO time management strategies and that allows you to be able to look at exactly how effective do you allocate eight four hours per day to focus on developing your business every single work day and prioritizing your business development how do you ensure that you dedicate sufficient time each day to work on essential tasks such as business development content creation and even marketing which takes a lot of time and time allocation what strategies do you employ to maximize productivity during the four hours dedicated to Business Development so let's get started what is the morning routine look like getting up early getting an early start wake up at least four hours before your regular workday begins if it starts at 9:00 am normally consider getting up at 5: in the morning or having at least a consistent schedule that allows you to have a wakeup routine and being able to have morning rituals to incorporate the quick morning rituals uh to focus your mind focusing on blocks of hours a dedicated time so if it's 5: to 9:00 a.m. set up some time slots tag uh segmentation divide those four hours into work blocks maybe two hours for Content creation one hour for marketing one hour for business development how I do it is an hour for an overview for the day and an hour and a half for Gathering the information for the challenge or the problem that I'm focusing on being able to do some meditation and then my final hours working out strength training running and even u in the pool and of course avoid multitasking if you can uh but certainly that's helps quite a bit to be able to concentrate prioritizing and planning the daily plan plan the task the night before what I do is I go to bed earlier 8 n sometimes 10 p.m. and before I do that I look over the entire day in my mind and I set up the question of the problem that or the challenge that I want to resolve for that evening and letting my subconscious really delve into it Priority setting time management tools leveraging the technology as well in the morning there's different tools that you could have obviously your calendar your emails and of course some of the uh things that you look like uh productivity apps I use mind mapping for that uh content creation tools and of course looking at continuously improve I have regular reviews weekly reviews monthly reviews annual reviews even daily reviews that this is meant to be skill development invest in time in learning reading uh learning through to uh I use YouTube I use books I use uh sessions that I step into uh feedback loop um I connect daily on a daily basis with my peers to be able to get some feedback but uh I always should show up a lot better how do you enhance the morning routine for better productivity what specific ways can you enhance and Define the morning routine well the wakeup routine is is consistency wake up time now I don't use clocks I use an internal clock so I Wake Up Normally and I've been doing that for many many years so sometimes I wake up at 3:30 in the morning sometimes at 4:30 sometimes at 5:00 a.m. like it did today and I avoid snoozing because I'm fully Wide Awake It's seems to me that I am in my sharpest once I do what's next next drink a glass of water I drink a glass of water right after waking up rehydrating my body and I wait to eat a healthy breakfast until later on but I do physical activity after I go through my entire morning routine and I use that as the last aspect to it but I do mental preparation and that is to meditate after I've done my work of two hours meditate guided meditation visualization and then of course reviewing the day again to see what needs to be done and blocking out some time and Learning and Development I have the ability to uh dedicate 15 minutes or so to have a summary of books that I go through so I can listen to it and be able to reflect on it and go through an exercise skill development as well short learning sessions tools that I use productivity tools uh like task manages and calendars uh I use mind mapping and not taking as well and um I uh limit the screen time I use my iPad would gives me one screen time I'm away from my desk in my uh uh meditation chair and of course I maintain a positive mindset a gratitude practice I write it down three times on my notebook on a daily basis and reaffirmations that I would have so what is the um tools that I could use for that the task management tools there are a few out there todoist Trello I use uh uh different tools uh to do that and of course calendar and scheduling Google Calendar fantastical note taking I do use my Apple note uh and also um the Mind map and only focus is my task and note taking uh for time management there is a Pomodoro Timer that I use every 25 minutes to take uh uh breaks after that for about 3 to five minutes health and wellness to be able to look at at uh and reflect and update my uh Health tracking my habit tracking there are two tools habitad streaks and reading and learning I do use YouTube I use apoc and there's some other ones that I use as well so in terms of effectively select four hours to focus on in summary wake up early you could set your alarm if you like I prefer not to establish the morning routine so it's consistent I avoid distractions so when I wake up I drink a glass of water get refreshed get my iPad go to my chair and start uh going through my process I'm fully awake this is probably my Alpha mode state that I'm in so that it becomes my best time for alertness and cognitive efficiency so I planned the night before I uh invest about five to 10 to 15 minutes each evening planning what my challenge or opportunity will be for the next day and I go through the day reflecting on what wouldn't well what could have been improved and I go through a gratitude process uh that allows me to be addressed at peace I'm bling blocking now there are some that use different time blocks I do find that I blocked it out by a level of alertness or engagement so I'll go from half hour to maybe an hour to maybe an hour and a half single tasking I focus on each task one at a time until it's completed there are different productivity tools as we cover and also I automate as much as I can to be able to get things done sooner and delegate whatever I can I do take short breaks in between after I've gone through my mind mapping and accumulating uh the process of the challenge or problem that I'm reflecting on then I go into meditated State and that is a short break for me to be able to get into that uh through a coaching step and I do review and adjust at the end of the week and at the end of the month and so let's continue with some other areas which might be establishing a more productive uh morning remember the most effective morning routine is the one that aligns with your personal preferences so play around with the as I said wake up early hydrate uh with a glass of water I always drink water and I also drink carbonated water it helps me give a little differentiator to the water I've heard that using warm water or room temperature water is best and so uh I alternate between that and cold water I exercise or meditate after I go through my morning routine so it's the last thing that I do in strength training and running and pool workout I do review my goals for the day I did it at the beginning of my morning ritual and then I go through that again to see what updates have been done in terms of emails and and Tim I plan my day the day before and I reconfirm it now and I continuously do relearning and uh learning I have two times one in the morning which is a summary of a book goes very quickly from 10 to 15 to 20 minutes that is read to me and in the evening when I have a chance to go into a deeper dive of a book I do avoid as many distractions as possible like being able to stay single focused eliminating multitasks but there are some times to be able to do that uh and I think that's a judgment call practicing gratitude as I said I write it down three gratitude moments that I have on my notepad so I can reflect on it throughout to day and um so there's multiple times to prepare for the day the prior evening first time working waking up and right after my workout routine consistency that's the key every workday now on weekends I do some work but it's different I allow myself the ability to bypass and only do it if I really want to um common morning routines that other leaders are doing this and waking up early apparently Tim Cook Wick's up around 3:45 in the morning Howard schles Starbucks founder about 4:30 Jeff Bezos 6:30 a Richard Branson 5: am and they each uh exercise differently Barack Obama when he was the President worked out for 45 minute six days a week Richard Branson liked swimming biking running Oprah Winfrey runs the treadmill Jeff basil works out daily as well meditation Oprah Winfrey meditates with the Gratitude Journal Bill Gates this morning meditation Tony Robins is unique and unusual and an interesting role of model for me because he does it in 10 minutes and he visualizes meditates while he's walking Ariana Huffington takes time to breathe deeply in planning the day Bill Gates makes the plan PL for the day before Ken chanol the American Express CEO writes on three things to accomplish three things to accomplish Ela musk segments his day into F minute blocks which is quite interesting an experience I haven't had but something that I'm going to pursue and uh test that out Jeff Bezos ensures that each day has clearly defined goals when do you read and learn now this is interesting to me that uh Warren Buffett spends 80% of his time his daytime read financial data and journals that's quite a bit uh Bill Gates uh starts today with Wall Street Journal New York Times Economist offer Winfrey reads inspirational books Jeff basil reads personal development and fiction books so it's interesting to know what some of these leaders are doing the exercise component is really quite interesting interesting to boost not just the productivity but also the mental sharpness and uh that is something that I find provides a lot more energy A lot more Focus whether it's running or biking or swimming I like strength training and running and swimming stress is Stress Management is controlled and um uh certainly that allows you to have a much more productivity setting a positive example as well if you're with a team to be able to promote wellness and be able to let them know that you also work out consistency and routine I do it consistent every workday is a workout day on weekends I'll do different routines that are more cardiovascular Health and Longevity are the benefits of this it's uh certainly postpones or avoids or eliminates chronic disease es and enhances longevity which is something that I Stu to and many other leaders too enhance creativity and problem solving that's something that physically when you fatigue the body throughout the day by running and working and uh at the end of the day the body's ready to rest and the subconscious is ready for the creativity and therefore the first first thing and most important thing according to Brian Johnson in his day is the sleep and that allows you to not only get better sleep but also maintain high levels of productivity throughout the workday and also be able to of course solve the problem or challenge that you're having so in summary exercise is a Cornerstone for leaders so how often should you do it well consider this each exercise session about an hour and sometimes it could be less it varies depending on how it's stud what I do is work out strength training different parts of the body with machines to fatigue and then I rest before I go to the free waste and then I rest before I do squats and I do this uh five times a week but certainly three to five times a week is absolutely a great way to set up a rhythm and a motion total exercise time well it's been noted that over six month period with 52 hours of exercise which is about three hours per week allows you to be able to improve your cognitive performance your problem solving skills and processing speed what types of exercise I think varying it I do get exhausted after strength training uh where I'm breathing a little bit deeper a little bit uh faster but certainly aerobic exercises biking running swimming the intensity I like high performance High interval training high performance intensity for all of those routines so uh I'll leave it up to you so obtaining four hours for your business prioritize it schedule it put it in your calendar optimize your morning routine streamline the morning wake up earlier minimize the social media create a dedicated workspace I have a bench and a chair that I go to it's dedicated for my morning separate than my workday desk and I embrace the power of batching so that I can group different areas to do that especially when I'm doing problem solving and challenge solving and I keep myself accountable I have a app that's my accountability partner and certainly when I join some of my peer sessions with team members I'll mention what I've done and one of the things that we do jointly is be able to share what challenge or problem we solved overnight when I say solved I think is been able to outline how it could be solved because solving it means taking the action so what is the motivation having clear objectives Define your why why would you want to do this well it's very clear to me in my life that the best cognitive moment in my day is when I first wake up and I wake up refreshed I had a good full night uh night sleep 7 to nine hours because I went to bed earlier and that prior night I create my to-do list I review what needs to be done the next day and I prioritize and I use different techniques pomor time blocking and I eliminate time wasters I create a positive engaging environment as well occasionally I'd use music and soundscapes and uh the lighting I don't turn lights on but the temperatur even and comfortable and uh my inspiration is of course the environment that I'm in and I feel my body I start with hydration and I put that at the top because uh it's uh easier to drink water and then later on have a healthy breakfast so uh I'll move that to a lower part uh because I'm not hungry Ry at the first part of the morning so it U it makes sense to be hydrated take short breaks and then of course have a healthy breakfast and embrace the power of the mindset positive self-talk visualizing and celebrating small winds to have and going forward some of the effective strategies again the pomidor technique time blocking eliminating time wasters fueling the body in the mind and be able get started faster uh now from an artificial standpoint artificial intelligence standpoint it's important to note that that's a tool that could also assist this to tap into the learning that it has to be able to use it for adaptive learning to help prioritize and do the task management and resource optimization and being able to prepare you so I uh I like doing those things so let's summarize recommendations start early plan ahead no distractions measure progress what of the adjustments adjust to be flexible if necessary strategy overview that is prioritizes CEO and U one of the theory of constraints recognize that uh time is the most valuable resarch dedic a specific amount of time daily what is the philosophical framework the mindset cultivate a proactive mindset a cognitive mindset and if you can consider doing brain stimulation there are some devices some that I use to be able to stimulate the brain uh while I'm doing other tasks commitment commit yourself as a CEO to have the accountability for yourself practical implementation time management and delegation strategist perspective ensure your 4our work aligns with your business overall strategy now that means You' probably be putting in 12-h hour days four hours for your own business development marketing and then your regular 80 hours what I find is that I'm at my Peak for the first four hours and then the rest of the day I am being reactive rather than proactive theorist insights continuous learning book ends the read or listen in the morning read or listening in the evening philosopher's view it's having balance and uh and I alternate so that I can flow get into a state of flow while I'm doing this mental preparation it's a consistent routine that I do uh journaling meditation and exercise uh stakeholder communication communicate the commitment with your team and or your stakeholders performance enhancement Energy Management maintain a high level performance of energy level I don't get hungry or fatigued um throughout this perod even after I work out because I do take some Rust breaks leadership development this is a role model not exercise I'm role modeling to you so that you could role model to others and touch others people's lives business development of course is the reason for doing this this 4our slot is to grow your business expand it the Partnerships and collaborations you start out early because everybody else is still asleep the environment support the optimizing of your workspace I have a separate chair for doing the calendar use that rigorously technology integration use as many tools as you can and experiment I prefer mind map as my go-to tool to capture all informations I do have notes I do have calendars I do have my only focus for having tracking of activities and of course um there's other tools that I'm starting to be aware of metrics and anal analytics to be able to keep track of your metrics and continuously improve what is the feedback how can I be better how can you be better resource allocation prioritize the tasks make sure that the most important get done first skill development invest in your personal growth with new skill which allows you to expand the neuro neuropathy that you have and of course emotional intelligence this allows you to have a much calmer focused uh creative day and with uh Innovation now that you've had three to four hours to flush out the thinking the problem the strategy that you have then you can implement and the networking is relationship building being able to be with other professionals and uh discuss uh the challenges and directions and of course strategic planning on a daily a weekly a monthly an annual basis so that's the summary of how to really have a 4our empowered moment of the day so that you can of course be able to show up and be creative and not just double your business a book I'm reading is called 10x your business in the same amount of time that it would take you to do 2x Rocky with peers on the man join us in our community at peers onth and join any of our free events join our community and of course um find out more about some of these updates that we have
Channel: Rocky Romero
Views: 4
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Keywords: Rocky, Romero
Id: LoHi9w9a3fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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