Demo Lesson to Improve Comprehension and Tracking | Roadmapping

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one of the biggest challenges that students face is being able to comprehend any form of a text and then answering some type of questions they may be literal questions they might be inferential questions or they might be using the reading passage to comprise some form of a written response so a text dependent analysis or a constructed response in this video I have a special guest with me and we are going to be showing you a very simple strategy that you can Implement inside of your classroom called Road [Music] mapping so what is Road mapping Road mapping is essentially taking the idea of summarizing and being able to articulate what is happening within a text within short phrases and we're keeping these very very short and Road mapping allows students to be able to track their thinking and what is happening within the text and then it gives them gives them this really beautiful map of what's Happening that allows them to go back and to reference their paper a little more easily so I'm going to show you uh and so is Blaine Blain can you wave to the camera say hi hello so Blaine is my son and he is going to be uh participating in this activity with me and I'm going to show you how I would teach this to my students so he has never experienced Road mapping he has no idea what it is and I'm going to show you the process of how I would introduce this how I would model this for them and then how I would have him do some form of practice what's beautiful about Road mapping is that you can teach this very very early on within the school year and you can continuously revamp and come back to this strategy over and over and over again because it's going to assist them in anything it can be literature it can be informational it might be for test taking strategies or it can be something to help them with their research process whatever it might be this is a really simple strategy and the effect size when we're looking at Hades effect sizes is very very high and so what that means is basically when students are summarizing and they're able to articulate what's happening in the text in their own words it's actually going to increase the opportunities of learning for them so we're going to see more growth when they have this ability to be able to summarize as they move along okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to introduce this to Blaine so I am going to now kind of turn into teacher mode and he is going to hear what road mapping is for the very first time and then I'm going to offer some form of modeling up here all right here we go you ready yeah all right so I'm going to introduce a brand new strategy to you today it's called Road mapping have you ever been on a road trip like in the car for a really long period of time yeah you have okay perfect so when you get into the car and you go on these really really long road trips typically you might stop at some other really cool places along the way because it's a really long road trip right nobody can really sit in the car for an extended period of time and so what happens is everybody piles into the car so we're going to use our family so you're in the car Ian's in the car Dad is in the car I'm in the car and we're driving along but as we're driving along to get to our destination let's say we want to go to the Grand Canyon so as we're driving to get all the way to the Grand Canyon all of a sudden dad sees a huge sign and the sign says golf Museum world greatest golf memorabilia and he loves Golf and so you know what he's going to end up saying he's going to be like wait we got to stop we have to stop at this cool golf Museum and so we exit we get off of the road we we head over to the golf Museum as soon as we get out to the golf Museum I take out my phone and I'm like hey get over there next to the sign let's all take a picture together and then what do we do take a picture right and now I have a picture of us at this golf Museum so after we're done we all pile back into the car and we start driving remember we're heading to the where are we going the grand Canyon so we're all driving and then all of a sudden Ian sees that there is like this Godzilla Museum okay he's like Mom there's these Godzilla museums we have to stop like this is so cool and so bla is like I'm totally here for that like we we definitely need to stop mom please can we please stop and so guess what we're like okay come on we have to stop and so we all head off to the exit and as soon as we get to this Museum what do we do we come together in front of the sign and we take a picture picture and then afterwards we all head back into the car so again we're all driving towards the Grand Canyon Grand Canyon and as we're getting to the Grand Canyon all of a sudden I see that there is this Cookie Shop a cookie shop I have never seen in the world and I'm you know me I love cookies and so I have to stop and get a cookie like I have a sweet tooth I love cookies so what do we do we stop and then while we're at this Cookie Shop we're like okay let's take a picture guys so we all have our big huge face cookies and then we take a picture picture and then we jump right back into the car and we're heading to the Grand Canyon Grand Canyon and on our way to the Grand Canyon Blaine sees that there is this high quality racetrack where he gets to ride these cool race cars and he's like Mom please can I stop here I really really want to see this and then because we all LED Blan we were like fine let's stop so we stop we exit get off we stop at this RAC track and then while we're there mom takes a picture picture and then once we're done we all jump back into the car and we finally were driving to the Grand Canyon and finally after so much time we make it to the Grand Canyon so we're out at the Grand Canyon and we take a picture picture and then we head back home and while we're back home um Hy comes over and she's like oh my gosh how was your trip how did it go and we're like oh we took a lot of pictures let me show you what we did do you remember the first place that we stopped at that dad really wanted to stop at golf mum okay and then all of a sudden we jump back in and Ian cesa Godzilla music and then we get back in the car and then mom finds a cookie store and then we get back in the car and then Blame finda A rre and we get back in the car and then finally we make it to the Grand Canyon and you told me everything we did because each time we had a what a picture a picture and so when we read texts we have to almost make a picture and create these little pictures as we go and we're reading so that we can remember what is happening in these texts so I'm going to show you what this looks like okay and we're going to road map this the whole time so the story itself is called L Mill girls and actually it's an informational text and we're starting with an informational text here um because informational tends to be a little bit easier organized so when you're first doing this with your students use an informational text because the paragraphs are nice and neat as you start to go through and introduce fictional text and there's like lots of dialogue and there's like one or two lines for each of these paragraphs it starts to get a little finicky and so you have to really explicitly model for students what to do but when you're first introducing the strategy focus on just using that informational piece so the informational text is called LOL Mill girls can you say that with me lol Mill girls and this is going to be a text um that you're going to read about the L mil girls and the jobs that they did a very long time ago okay so what you're going to do is I want you to follow along as I read it and as I read this I'm going to stop at certain words and I want you to say the words with me or for me rather okay so let's try this out and I'm going to give you an example so I'm going to read for many years perfect cloth was made using simple tools and people's homes but in the early 1800s a man named Francis kabot LOL opened the first textile mills that brought together all the machines needed to turn raw cotton into GL the girl the Mills required a lot of workers to keep the machines running but there were not enough Boys and Men available so they recruited Young woman from farms in the area these women soon became known as the LOL Mill girls so when I'm doing my road mapping I'm really looking for some of these paragraphs because paragraphs are a great place for you to kind of stop and think about what's happening but here's a trick when we road map we want to do things in like two or I'm sorry three to five words how many three to no more than five words so you really have to think hard about what's happening who or what is h who's who or what is in this paragraph and then what's the action that's happening that I can place over here off to the side okay so this is my first stop and I'm going to move this real quick let me do that here so I'm going to write stop number one this is my first picture and I'm going to model for you what this this looks like so in this paragraph we know that people used to make a lot of their clothing at home but then in the 1800s this guy named Francis was like wait a second I'm going to bring like all these machines together and we're going to do it in this big Factory but did they have men and boys to do this no who do they have to hire woman a lot of women so I think what I'm going to try to say here is that women were making cloth what do you think women were making cloth because that hits on the fact that the women in the 1800s they're making cloth in this Factory and it's it's women it's not men and boys right so that's what I'm going to write down I'm going to write women making cloth and what I want you to do is I want you to pick up your pencil and I want you to do the same thing kind of off to the side here for yours so you're going to have to write kind of small or you can turn your paper around so that you can write it off to the side so women making cloth and as you're writing that I just want you to listen so I know that it's about women making cloth in this very first paragraph and I want to identify what are some of those key details that I know support this well it happened in the let's see what is it called the 1800 the 1800s oh sorry so I'm going to just circle the 1800s um I know that it was this guy I don't know if he's really that important I'm just going to leave him off for right now but they were turning raw cotton into cloth right they were women from farms and they were known as the low Mill girls okay what do you notice about how much I'm underlining is it a lot no and they're really focused do all of these things support this yeah yeah so this is my first road map women making cloth okay now we're going to go to this next section and I'm going to read this one out loud with you okay um I'm just going to read it out loud for you the log mil girls ran the Looms and other machines in the factories even though they were paid only half of a man's salary women flocked to these jobs do you know what the word flocked means like went to yeah they when you're flocking it is like a lot of people think of like birds I want you to in your head picture a lot of birds together and all those birds are like swarming to one location can you imagine that that's what flocked is so it's a lot lot of something that are going to one specific place so all these women are flocking it was a bunch of them all at the same time so women flock to these jobs some of them HED to help their families back home financially others wanted the opportunity to live on their own okay so this is my second road map what do you think this is about who are we still talking about the lone Mill girls we're still talking about the lone Mill girls but what do they talk a lot lot about here so I'm going to kind of show you some things I see the word paid I see the word salary I see the word financially um so what do you think all of this is about like how much they make it maybe was about how much they make but is it all about that though no maybe it's just about them making money right because when you make money can you do certain things with your money so I can help my family and when I'm making money I can make certain amounts of money like it kind of changes depend on the the jobs that I do so here I might just say making money I want you to write that down on yours as well remember how many words are we trying to keep this off to the side three two three to five words so now what I want you to do is underline the pieces or Circle them whatever you want that you think best fit and support making money and I want to see what you come up with what are those pieces that you feel like best support I use one of these it's up to you you can choose whatever you want it gave you some cool tools there than about this right here do you think that that might be important what do you think do you think that's important yeah just says how much they make yeah why do you think they were only getting paid half think about it because they think they're less important H what time frame are we looking at 1800s yeah did women have a ton of rights in the 1800s nope no they didn't so I think that's going to be a really important thing half of a man's salary but they also wanted to what help their families help their families and in order to do that they wanted to help them how financially financially and a lot of people just want it to be on their own and in order to be on your own can you do that without money no no so what do you have to have money you have to have money and you have to have a job that's important so I want you to think really quick where are we in our road map what has happened so far tell me right now give me the two things that have happened so far um they they were trying to make claw oh the woman were making claw okay what was the next thing and then they were talking about how much they make women making money right they're just making money perfect so that's our road map that's kind of the sequence that we've done so far so now I want us to go to the next page so now we have this next page and what I'm going to do is I'm going to read this next paragraph with you but this time I'm going to have you think about three to five words that really focus in and we'll talk about it before I let you do that by yourself okay so reading this with me and I'm going to stop at certain words and I want you to chime in cool okay they worked long hours under difficult conditions there was little sunlight coming through the tiny windows from 500 a.m. to 700 p.m. the machines churned out smoke and terrible noise even during the summer the factory when o were kept closed to preserve the thread and the women were surrounded by sweltering heat heat what do you think that word sweltering means in incredibly hot incredibly hot I want you to take a no breathing don't breathe just suck it in feel better yeah okay okay so it's incredibly hot here so I want you to think about it let's figure out what are some of those key words that we can see in here well they're talking about they not being a lot of what sunlight okay what else are they talking about um how long they work they were working really long hours what else what about the machines did they mention like noisy and yeah lots of smoke lots of noise do you feel like you would enjoy that no it wouldn't be very fun to be working in a place that had a lot of smoke and noise and on top of that it was really what heat hot okay so I want you to think about everything we just mentioned here what are maybe three to five words that you can use to describe this paragraph hot hot I don't want you to use those I want you to think about their working oh the place that they were working in um reread that first sentence for me they worked long hours under difficult conditions what does that mean conditions like high and cold huh hot and cold lots of things right like where they were working how it felt what it was like do you think that everything else fits under that word yeah okay so what do you think how tiny windows and barely any like comes up in so I want you to think about that word conditions because I think that's an important word here what conditions are they in where are they is it their home conditions no they're work conditions they're work conditions do you think this entire paragraph fits the work conditions yeah so what can we put for our road map over here off to the side um condition work yeah you can do it that way as well I'm just going to write work conditions but you can write conditions of work that's fine as on top of that remember three to five words we want to try to keep it as short as possible so what are some of the details that we can underline to support that work conditions I want you to highlight or underline those what are some of those details okay perfect so I saw you do little sunlight uh they turned out smoke you did terrible noise uh and then I think you did sweltering heat as well yeah any other ones um you could do I think that's good yeah yeah I think good besides for the how long they were absolutely okay so let's look at the next paragraph together now this time what I want you to do is I want you to read the paragraph and then we're going to talk about it afterwards okay so now you're going to read that paragraph quietly to yourself and then I'm going to read it up here to myself I want you to take a deep breath and then drink more take a deep breath and then drink deep breath keep going as far as much as you can okay so what are some of the things that you notice what were some of the things that they talked about they were talking about how like they can't leave the house okay what else and they had that what what do they call them stretch rules yeah what else did you learn about in this paragraph everyone uh no one was allowed to leave past 10 okay what else um five or six woman might be cramped in what one bedroom could you imagine your bedroom with five and six people living in it and then I want you to look at the first two sentences what are some of the key pieces that you see there um 20 to 30 women would live together in one house wow we have four people living together five if you count Walter and in these houses they had how many they had 20 to 30 20 to 30 people what else did you notice look at that first sentence they live year round they live there year round so did they live at home when they worked there no they did not so what do you think all of this is about three to five words three to five words I want you to think of those words first and count the words as you say it I have three what did you come up with h terrible workplace but is it about their workplace kind of up above was their workplace this wasn't where they worked this was where they went Liv live okay terrible house condition okay was it do you know if they thought it was terrible well it sounds terrible it does sound terrible but that's your opinion so I want you to think of it this way if you look up here here they say the word terrible right so it's easy to kind of say that here they don't really mention that they don't say terrible but it is about their what life kind of it's about where they lived it's about where they lived so if we look at every single one of these details it's where they lived so my next road map is what where where they they live where they Liv so an opportunity while students are writing and they're taking notes because you want them to engage in this process is as the teacher you would be walking around and making sure that you're checking their work and that they're writing the things down correctly so making sure that you're spending that time and while I have Blaine who is engaging with me and we're having a conversation when you have a classroom of 20 to 25 students it's really hard to hear what they all want to say as far as their phrases so an easy way to kind of Remedy this and to build in that active engagement is to provide them with a a dry race board and so every student after they thought about their three to five words that they want to create for their road map they would write it down and you could be walking around providing feedback right then and there and then they would hold it up and you can allow students to be able to share what's beautiful about this is that this is not the only answer so students can reward things and you can write down other options for them as well so they can hear a lot of different perspectives so Blain here's what I want you to do now let's let's kind of do a little road trip again first stop what was it about it was about dad want to go to no I'm talking about the low Mill girls so first stop on the low Mill girls what did we what what was the stop what happened in that first part of that text can I look mhm um woman making cloth okay so that was all about them making cloth because they opened a what a cloth Factory okay and this was around win again 1800 perfect so the second paragraph our second stop was what um um was making their money yeah and what was really significant about them making money because it was for them yeah did they make a lot of it no absolutely not all right stop three where are we at what happened in stop three what was it telling us about there were conditions oh man and they were what um like uncomfortable they were not great were they all right fourth stop where are we at so what happened where they lived it was all about where they lived was it great crammed lots of people man that's hard okay so now we're going to do this next stop and so I want you to do the same thing we're going to read this next paragraph I want you to read it quietly and then we're going to come back and discuss it together for I'm done okay now I want you to think for a minute thinking really hard for a minute three to five words bla three to five words so be thinking what was the author trying to tell me about here think about that for a second it was about like some girls going to L so you're being really specific I want you to think big and Broad so let me give you an example in this first one over here they talk about the work conditions here they talk about where they live what do they talk about here how long they would work then or is it about with them working or what they would do in their free time Bingo buddy boom that was that awkward let me f boom so in this one how do we want to word it think about it you just said it let's put it in three to five words I can do it in three free time ooh you did it okay free time so you could do free time what they did in their free [Music] time so what do we know about their free time what are some of the things that we can highlight math huh math okay why would they want to do math problems during their free time I don't know what else songs right and where did they get these songs and poems from um the workers yeah but who it was from a what a magazine a magazine who printed the magazine uh who printed that magazine look at the beginning of that sentence the mil com yeah exactly what else do you think that's really important I'm trying to look for the math it's up here buddy got it what else do you think is really important reading okay they did some reading do you know what I found really important the city library yeah they could do that too but you know what down here at the bottom read that sentence but many of them had a hard time staying awake for these activities there a three 13h hour work they worked 13 hours do you think they did a lot of free stuff free time stuff no probably not okay let's do the next one same idea I want you to read it independently and then we're going to talk about it last one look okay so thinking really clear there are some big things that happened here the woman went on strike he went on strike but it wasn't all about them it was about them trying to do what though we talked about this at the very beginning of this paper that women didn't have a lot of what cloth Freedom wait no rights yeah Freedom do you think they were trying to fight for more yeah so what do we think we could do with this one three to five words um woman get right okay I like it you could have also said fighting for rights o I was I'm saying frighting apparently so fighting for fight rights fighting for rights and that's key because the sales started to go down and what did they try to do um like they try to like say hey we're not going to pay you as much because we're not selling as much which is kind of messed up and then they went on what right strike but then they were able to lower the number of work hours yep and what else um they reduced it by 1 hour per day right mhm so now what I want us to do is I want us to do a road map ready I want you to tell me what is this text about let's start with number one no the whole thing number one what do we got number one's about Z making cloth okay two making money three work conditions four where they lived deep breath five free time yeah what they did in their free time and then what was the last one women get rights women getting more rights did they have have all the rights no they were still in pretty bad conditions but it was a lot what better it was a lot better so now at this point um this is the road mapping activity and so what you could do is model for students how to utilize their new road map to be able to answer questions and so you could present them with questions and tell them like where would you be able to locate the answers to these so that allows them to go back and say let me look at my road map and see where I can find this answer now for this video we're not going to go through this because it's m mainly about helping to teach and introduce this idea of what road mapping is and how it can support students in their learning process hopefully you were able to get a little bit better uh insight into this and also seeing how Blaine somebody who has never seen this process at all was able to start working through it was he perfect does he still have areas to grow in absolutely but it's an introduction I'm not expecting Mastery in the very beginning but you can already see his ability and his confidence level of understanding what the text is about so hopefully you've enjoyed this video Blain thank you so much for joining me on this did you did you enjoy this thank you for doing this with me buddy I love you that was a terrible high five let's try that again look at the elbow uh thank you guys so much for tuning into this video let me know if you would like to see bla back for another episode where we can model some different strategies for you be sure to hit that like button subscribe if you are somebody new to this Channel and I will catch you all very soon bye say bye bye bye right there byebye bye good job
Channel: Bridging Literacy
Views: 2,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher tips, The Lettered Classroom, classroom decor, first year teacher, classroom setup, classroom organization, a day in the life of a teacher, elementary teacher, middle school teacher, education, how to be a teacher, how to teach, new teacher, teacher youtuber, teacher vlog, weekly teacher vlog, classroom ideas, elementary teacher, classroom inspirations, teacher organization, upper elementary teacher, teacher life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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