Game-Changing Spell Combos in D&D 5e

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I guess I'll just cast Fireball again who are you I'm your in power gamer and I'm here to teach you some cool combos okay cool but can you get off my shoulder I really don't feel like editing all that yeah sorry and with the power of laziness and no legs I can now fly anyways you see that idiot over there yeah what what about him yeah he just cast web and that is a great combo to use with Fireball yeah well I was about to cast Fireball and then you showed up oh it you mean I wasted all this effort editing for nothing it seems like it well welcome to five overpowered spell combos for D and D fifth edition before we begin quick call out that some of these combos do require two casters for concentration purposes so no Angry comments about it okay I normally get like five a video and now that I've properly set the expectations let's take them and throw them out the window because this first combo you can fall off by yourself this combo is something I call the thunderous sphere and it's the combination of flaming sphere and booming blade booming blade envelops your weapon with a thunderous energy on a hit you deal your weapon damage and if that creature moves more than 5T until the end of your next turn then they take an extra d8 of Thunder damage the damage also scales based on your total level capping out at a maximum of 78 additional damage flaming sphere on the other hand deals 2d6 fire damage to any creature that ends their turn within 5 ft of it you can also just slam it in enemies to De the damage but it's not necessary for the combo aspect of it the combo works out like this booming blade deals damage if a creature moves more than 5 fet flaming sphere deals damage if a creature doesn't move more than 5T you see where I'm going with this if a creature moves it takes damage if a creature doesn't move it takes damage there is no way a creature can get out of this without taking some form of damage so if you want some easy guaranteed damage then consider pulling out the thunderous Sphere for your next encounter the next combo for today is the spellcaster worst nightmare that I call the grasping silence and it's the combination of big B's hand and silence big B's hand creates a large Arcane hand that you can use for one of four different purposes either either a clenched fist a forceful hand a grasping hand or an interposing hand for this combo however we're looking specifically at the grasping hand silence on the other hand that's a joke you should laugh silence creates a 20ft radius sphere that no sound can be created within or pass through this means that any spell with a verbal component cannot be cast within that sphere and at this point you probably understand the concept of this combo you have the big be's hand grapple the spell Caster then cast silence on top of that area not only can they not cast a spell with a verbal component but since they're grappled they will likely have a difficult time casting any spell that requires a material or somea of component as well and to clarify while silence is a very powerful and potent part of this combo the real power of it comes from Big B's hand spellcasters aren't exactly known for having a high strength score or a dexterity score for that matter and it just so happens that grapple checks are contested Athletics or acrobatics checks against the hand's insane strength of 26 this means that big B's hand has a plus eight for any contested grapple check against a spellcaster who will likely only have a plus two at Max not only is it unlikely for that Caster to ever break out of the grapple but you can also use your bonus action when you're grappling a Target to deal 2d6 crushing damage to the Enemy being grappled so with that in mind this combo is incredibly powerful taking out a single spellcasting enemy so if you ever decide to go up against the likes of vcno with his baby little noodle arms then make sure you have the grasping silence in your back pocket in case you need it for the third combo in today's list we go back to one able to be used by yourself that I call the fearful Frost combining the Spells Ray of Frost with fear Ray of frost is a cantrip that's Often overshadowed by other cantrips like Fireball or eldr blast just because it deals slightly less damage but that's a shame because it has a really unique feature cre that no other can trip has whenever you hit a creature with a ray of frost it decreases their movement speed until the start of your next turn by 10 feet and while the damage from Ray Frost is still a nice bonus the effect we really want from it is the movement speed reduction fear on the other hand for is creatures in a 30t cone to make a wisdom saving throw or become feared but if they remain feared on their turn then they must take the dash action to run away from you and the dash action effectively doubles their movement speed so keep that mind so first you cast fear on one enemy or multiple enemies and force them to run away from you as fast as they can then on your next turn or whenever they save that fear effect you then cast Ray of frost on them reducing their movement speed by 10 making it incredibly difficult for them to get back to you now there are details about how the fear effect can break or drop but as long as they fail their initial saving throw then this combo will definitely work if you consistently use Ray of frost once they're far enough away you could realistically keep enemies far enough away where they could never get a melee attack as long as you continually move backwards it is worth mentioning there are other spells like Raya Frost that reduce movement speed but I thought the canp was nice because it's something you can pull off on your own but if you want to get really spicy you can drop difficult terrain somewhere between you and the enemy and then there's really no chance they're ever getting back to you so while it's not the most impressive combo on today's list it's still incredibly impactful at dealing with one or multiple enemies depending upon what spell you combo it with and now we'll move on to the fourth combo on today's list that I call the Gloom blade which combines these spells Shadow Blade and darkness Shadow Blade creates a sword of solidified Shadow dealing 28 psychic damage on a hit but the special part of Shadow Blade is that if you make an attack against an enemy in dim light or Darkness then you make that attack with advantage and this combos perfectly with the spell Darkness because it creates Darkness specifically a 15t radius sphere of magical Darkness any creature in darkness is affected by the blind condition which gives them disadvantage on any attack and any attack against them also has Advantage now this combo can get a little bit tricky so bear with me for a second a creature in darkness is affected by the blinded condition which means any attack against them has advantage and any attack that they make is with disadvantage but Shadow Blade has a melee range which means you would have to get up close and personal with those enemies in the darkness meaning you would be in the darkness meaning your attacks would also be at disadvantage and this is the confusing part so let me explain you first get Advantage for attacking a blinded Target then you get disadvantage for being in darkness while you're making an attack so it would be equaled out but then you get Advantage for the Shadow Blade attack and you'd have Advantage again so the long and short of this is even though you are in darkness if you make that attack with Shadow Blade you're going to have Advantage if we're being honest this combo can be pretty difficult to pull off and might not necessarily be worth it if you have a party that you're working around that can't see magical Darkness but if you combine this with eldren ifications that can see in magical Darkness or anything that allows you to see in general then this combo can be super powerful so if you can make any of that happen for you or the rest of your party then it's fantastic because it not only gives you advantage on your attacks but also gives them disadvantage on the attacks they make and let's not forget that Shadow Blade does deal psychic damage which is one of the least resistant damage types in all of fifth edition so for all of you players with your tragic backstories the Gloom blade combo is definitely the perfect one to embrace your inner Edge Lord and for the final combo for today we have one that I called the Kil which combines these spells wall of fire and Wall of stone I think this pretty much speaks for itself but let me just go over it wall of fire creates a wall of fire that is 60 ft long dealing 5 to8 fire damage to any creature within 10 ft of it the wall can also become a ringed wall with a diameter of 20 ft meaning that any area within that ringed wall is going to be taking damage wall of Stone Works similar to wall of fire only rather than dealing damage it creates 10 10t panels of stone wall each of these panels is an object with 15 AC and 180 total hit points with that in mind the combo is very simple you just stack wall of stone on top of wall of fire simply Inc case your enemies within the wall of stone and then within that area you cast wall of fire continually dealing 58 fire damage to anyone stuck within that stone wall if we create a 10t by 10t box of stone walls we only need five to complete the four walls in the ceiling meaning you could double up the panels to double the HP to 360 total HP per wall this means that whichever poor sabs found themselves stuck within that wall of stone have 360 hit points to chew through before they get out but the best part of this combo is that wall of Fire doesn't require sight to cast so you can just pop it where you need it to be in any order you see fit it is however worth mentioning that if you try to enclose enemies within a wall of stone they do get a reaction to attempt to move out of it but it does require a deck Save which they could definitely fail if you use this on a group of enemies it's pretty likely that at least some of them will fail meaning you're going to get a lot of bang for your buck with this combo honestly between wall of St and Wall of fire they're both individually great spells but when you put them together they're just kind of bananas and that does it for five super powerful combos for D and D fifth edition if you are interested in some spell combos I've created I have a whole playlist I've Linked In the description below for you to check out also if you have a favorite combo that I haven't mentioned leave a comment below and let me know I read every comment almost always reply and who knows I might feature your comment in the next video thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed and I will see you on Friday [Music]
Channel: This Crits!
Views: 1,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dnd, Dungeons and Dragons, Roleplaying, Tabletop, Critical Role, DM, dungeon master, Pathfinder, 5e, fifth edition, 5th edition, dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, game, rpg, d&d, guide, review, dice, dungeons and dragons for beginners, dnd storytime, dnd stories, d&d 5th edition, Beholder, dungeon master tips, dnd 5e, role playing game, matt mercer, matthew mercer, vox machina, game master, crit role, mighty nein, One D&D, One Dnd, D&D one, Dnd One, critical role
Id: nTysaw2yuJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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