Gale's Thoughts on Sharing with Halsin | Baldur's Gate 3

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I never quite realized how bur I was until I met you the threat of the Shadow cuss the politics of the Grove I was forgetting who I was but you lifted the fog thank you you're too modest my wager you don't even know how extraordinary you truly are but I do I have lived a very long time I have taken many lovers my heart does not stir lightly but it does now I want more than to fight at your side or sit around the campfire with you I want to lay with you under the stars and feel your skin against mine I think you feel the same way once the power of the Shadow curse was broken the connection was undeniable we both felt it but tell me I'm wrong and the matter can rest I do not wish to sour our friendship but I have to know if it can be something more you have bonded with Gail Body and Soul his scent lingers on your skin if there is to be anything between us it must be with his consent and perhaps someday his participation some treat treat their relationships like a Walled Garden tidy tamed cut off from the world that is their right but it is not for me I do as nature does and let my heart run wild desire flourishes wherever it finds purchase take your time I'll be waiting yes my love what like a child I'm not sure I consider myself father material plus our current lifestyle isn't exactly what I'd call settled share you're not a loaf of bread to be divvied up at supper time I thought what we had meant something to you call me selfish or oldfashioned but I cannot agree to that either we dedicate ourselves to one another all this ends here very well let's let's not speak of this again given my condition I'm not sure it's wise for me to invite undue stress upon myself never a dull moment I received a dispatch from the My Chosen successor Franchesca has proven to be a I was all too eager to surrender my respon forgive forgive me the shadow curse occupied me so entirely and for did you find time to speak with your partner a potentially delicate topic I understand I cannot blame them it is understandable why someone would want to keep you all to themselves even if it is not my way I understand and I still cherish our relationship still I could not have forgiven myself had I not taken the plunge better to have tried and failed in either case I will remain by your side for whatever you need of me until the very end [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reagan Saunders
Views: 892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vhmDhM43c1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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