Gale GOD Ending (Patch #5) | Baldur's Gate 3

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I hoped I'd see you here I imagine this must be quite a shock whatever you're feeling do not be afraid still me just an improved [Music] version I told you I would didn't I I imagine you're wondering how all this came to be the finer points of divine Ascension are Beyond mortal comprehension I'm afraid but I can provide a rudimentary sequence of events first I retrieved the crown of carsus and reforged it using a series of precise and highly complex nether incantations then I used it as you know the orb within me was the half formed caride Weaver magic left incomplete by cares' self-destruction I finished it using the crown of carus I turned it into a new form of magic fused with my being driven by my purpose and then I put it to work as expected mistra was unwilling to hand over the Reigns of the weaves so I've claimed dominion over another area which I've passing familiarity [Music] ambition I offer them nothing I Inspire them to seize their Destinies for themselves great as the heights I've reached thus far may be I've not forgotten my humble origins in fact they're Central to my Doctrine those drawn to the gallerian creeder nearly seek my guidance as the impressive all powerful being I've become ambition is about Beginnings it's not just about the heights but the lows that preceded them I was nothing drifting dust moat of a wizard abandoned by my goddess my Powers lost my reputation destroyed and look at me now I'm their proof proof their hopes are not Barren wastes but the lomy soil in which their future achievements would flourish proof that with ambition Anything is [Music] Possible [Music] I am the god of ambition not of the consequences of ambition nor am I the Arbiter of good or evil for that matter at best those concerned with the consequences of their actions might consult with savus God of divination though these days I doubted see them coming I am ambition incarnate as indistinguishable from that most potent sensation as mistra herself is from the weave and word is spreading there are already several shrines in my honor scattered across the outer reaches of F and rumors of a very prominent Temple under construction in arm this is only the [Music] beginning I see you won't be claiming the domain of patience in the heavens all in good time my love for now mortality has one more night of enjoyment in store ah the material plane I'd almost forgotten what it's like you're finding it hard to stay away from me perfectly understandable Divine Essence has a rather magnetic quality where Mortals are concerned resist for now enjoy the night and I promise we'll be together soon enough
Channel: TeeceyCray
Views: 132,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p5FNRc5WWjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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