Galaxy S23 Ultra - Change These Settings Immediately

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everybody welcome back to Jimmy's promo and today we're going to take a look at all of the settings that you should change immediately the moment you get yourself one of the Samsung Galaxy s23 devices now today's video is very beefy there's a lot of content a lot of details so I will be placing time stamps below the video inside the description so this way you can simply easily just scroll along or take a look at all the different chapters below this video if you would like to skip ahead or take a look at everything that we talk about and today's video is sponsored by anchor but more about them in a couple minutes now the first setting that we're going to change is going to be dealing with inside of the display settings now there's multiple of them in here inside display that I like to change when you think about it it's always easier on the eyes it saves a little bit of battery life when you switch it to dark mode also same thing here you're getting the top of the line device the top of the line smartphone on the market today why would you want to have something that's a medium option when it comes down to screen resolution might as well boost it up all the way and screen timeout for me I like to have it right around two minutes just because especially with shooting videos it would time out as I'm talking and showing some stuff off and also too I set the phone down for a second walk away come back it's still there for me to use the battery life on this thing is fantastic so it's not really going to hurt the phone too much putting it over into two minutes so when you first get the Galaxy s23 Device this is actually one of the first options that's actually in the setup menu and it's actually very cool that it's there now and it gives you the option to choose light versus dark now I always choose dark because this is a AMOLED display everything that you see is black those LEDs that is literally black is just turned off it is not Illuminating a color or Illuminating the display so when you think about it because this is light everything is being illuminated taking up more battery to illuminate this entire surface area of the screen when you put it over in the dark all these areas that you can now see that is illuminated by a different color those LEDs are actually turned on so it's taking less battery and not to mention it's just easier on the eyes when you do have it inside of dark mode code now the other thing is adaptive brightness so I turn this one on because sometimes you go inside of rooms it'll actually bring some of the brightness down a little bit if you go outside it'll actually bring it up so this way you don't have to manually do it the next thing is to make sure that your motion smoothness is on adaptive so this way you can have the screen refresh rate go all the way up to 120 hertz now you got to remember some people sometimes complain about Android phones on Twitter you just want to make sure that if you put this in adaptive when you're scrolling through especially applications like that where all you do is just endlessly scroll you want to have it as smooth as possible so you want to have it on adaptive not on standard because on standard you're bringing your screen refresh rate down to 60 hertz so now the next thing that we're gonna do and play with is going to be the iComfort Shield when it comes to this one you can turn it on but I usually go with custom you can try adaptive if you want to but I like custom because in this way I'd be able to actually set the schedule so normally what I do is I like to have this one start right around maybe 10 o'clock or 11 o'clock because I shoot videos at night 10 o'clock would be way too early it changes the color of my screen on the camera so I usually do 11 o'clock at night and it ends at 7am so this way before I'm going to bed if I'm looking at my phone at least it is with that Comfort shield and you can change the temperature of how intense you want it to be and then they also have enhanced Comfort which is brand new on the Galaxy s23 devices you can adjust the color tones in contrast of the display for more comfortable viewing so I'm going to turn that one on as well this is brand new for me so I haven't tested this yet so I'm going to play with it here the next thing is going to be right here for the screen resolution again you have the best smartphone in the market today why would you want to have something that's bringing yourself down to that little you know uh fruit company type of quality screen you might as well go all the way with that Samsung quality screen that that that wqhd plus you want to have the best resolution again you're running Snapdragon 8gen it's made an enhanced for Galaxy device this is you have a 5 000 milliamp hour battery in this thing you're going to be perfectly fine with the screen resolution at wqhd plus and now on to the sponsor of today's video which is Anchor and as you know inside the box of the Galaxy s23 series there is no charging brick you do have the charging cable so it's a type c to type c charging cable that allows you to charge your Samsung s23 at either a 25 or 45 Watts now Anker has a option for you for either one and also at two different price points so you can take a look at anchor 313 which supports super fast charging 2.0 at 45 Watts or anchor 312 which supports super fast charging at 25 watts now taking a look at the outlet situation you'll be able to see with the 313 the smaller version It's 45 Watts it does take up the smallest space and it's just as large as that bottom square of the outlet the 312 is slightly larger but you'll be able to notice that even with that light being a little bit larger you'll be able to still plug pretty much anything in on that top Outlet this is going to give you most of the important details of these anchor Chargers so it supports Samsung fast charging 2.0 at 45 Watts this right here is powered by Gan technology so the Gan technology allows for higher Energy Efficiency upgraded heat dissipation as well as reduced size and then with the multi-protect this one is going to protect you from over voltage protection also the current regulation so it's going to look at exactly what you are plugging in and how much output it's able to give to that device and then also has the over temperature protection and then this one as I showed you from before is very small it has a foldable design it's kind of like that little switchblade swipe down and it's going to be 30 percent smaller compared to the original non-foldable 45 watt Chargers so if you are looking for a powerful charger for your new Samsung Galaxy s23 Ultra s23 Plus or the s23 these anchor Ace Chargers will definitely meet your needs and as we scroll on down we're going to talk about that screen timeout which we've talked about from before I mean everybody knows two minutes is always better than 30 seconds can I get a heck yeah anyways two minutes for me is better just because I always set my phone down I got a toddler I might have to go do something grab something grab some milk do whatever I come on back to my device it's still going to be on for me to use exactly right where I was from before now you also want to play with your Edge panels as well so one of the edge panels that I use a ton is going to be the smart select so smart select allows me to have this little square right here where I can highlight text and I can extract text from it you can also create gifs right away and you can also pin so if there's something on the screen that you would like to pin to your screen just a small portion of whatever app or whatever you want to view you can put it on your screen and then you can take it off later but I mostly use it for that smart select option right there there's a bunch of applications that's here you can turn all of these on really it starts off with really only one if you use your clipboard a lot this is one that you should also take a look at as well that is one that I do a ton it might be a little bit quicker than typing in or checking a little icon in your keyboard and there's also more you can get from the Galaxy store so originally out of the box there's only one I usually keep it right around three and those are the three that I use for the handle you can go through and you can change your transparency you can change the color so if you wanted to you know completely look different you you can do that if you want to I mean my transparency again if we bring It Low this is where you can really tell the difference of the colors so I usually have my transparency High I know exactly where it is and you can move it pretty much whenever you want to if not you can lock it you can even change the position to the left hand side if you don't want it to the right and you can change the size and you can change the width so if you want it to be larger thicker there's your options and then you can also have the option down here for vibrate when handle is touch so this is kind of how I like to have mine just sitting right here it doesn't have to be totally big it's going to be thin I don't need it to take up too much space of my viewing area you know I'm just so used to having it being there that I know what to do with it and then navigation bar so again this is one of those things that I always have to change right away I am really not great with these buttons on the bottom when I was at the unpacked event playing with these devices at the beginning I kept trying to swipe over and it would never do anything making me look dumb uh when I just had to hit the back button here so if you haven't acclimated over into swipe gestures I would highly suggest just playing with this one because it is very easy to use just swipe up you go to your home screen you you know swipe left or you know swipe or write whatever on the edge of the screen for you to go back so if you ever want to go back you just simply do that or you can just swipe up and and go home but swiping gestures is super easy to use so now that you've got your display looking right on the very top up over here you want to make sure you get your sound looking right as well too so up on the very top in these little quick little settings what you want to look for is going to be your Dolby sound or Dolby Atmos and if you don't see it sitting up here which I actually don't then this is a really good time for you to actually go through and you can edit all of your buttons so some of these things you may use some of them you may not use so if you want to take like a screenshot you can even bring this one down here so this way you can just use one tap button to do the screenshot you have your sound notifications NFC you have sync so you'd be able to go through some of these bring them on down extra dim is one that I also like to use especially at night if I want my screen to go down just a little bit more and then Dolby Atmos should be somewhere there it is so now you'll be able to bring this in and don't forget not only are you able to just bring these things down but you can can also move them over into the next screen so some of these ones that you always change all the time keep it in the front page right here but let's say there's one of these that you don't use as often you can just bring it right over here and then you can move some of those over to the other side so you know maybe your extra dim this is one of those that you might change a couple times a day you can move it to your front page and you just basically hit on done so now that you've kind of fixed some of these little buttons this is where you'd want to press and hold on Dolby Atmos you want to make sure you turn this thing on and then you can select it as Auto so this way it can automatically optimize for whatever you're listening to you put it over into movies music or voice so I usually keep it on auto but you want to make sure you have Dolby Atmos turned on so then this way you'd be able to have you know again the best sounding quality now this was the next screen I was going to head into which is the sound quality and effects now where sound quality and effects is is once you go inside of settings you go inside the sounds and vibrations and then you scroll down to where it says sound quality and effect so inside of here this is where you can turn on for Adobe Atmos equalizer a lot of times I like to switch over into rock and you'll see a pretty big difference especially if you're connected through Bluetooth even if you're just watching it from your phone itself you'll be able to tell different so basically for sound turn on Dolby Atmos and you can change your your equalizer over into rock and you can try some of the other ones but I found the best you know option right here is going to be the rock option now that you took a look at your display and also the sound and now we're gonna head over and we're going to make sure that our phone is running well you know when it comes down to Auto optimizations some battery things like things like that so when you go inside of your settings you want to go to battery and device care now with inside of battery and device care you want to go right here where it says Auto optimization just turn this one on basically when you're sleeping or at two in the morning three in the morning it's gonna do a restart for you automatically so this way you wouldn't have to do that because a lot of times people would have this one turned off and they just leave their phone on for weeks on end and then they start noticing that their phone is getting slower it's because you didn't turn it off it's just like a laptop you never keep a laptop on day after day after day after day especially week after week after week without turning it off giving it a rest start or anything like that so Auto optimization make sure you turn that one on and then on the same screen you just want to hit on battery and then with inside a battery this is where you can scroll down and you can take a look at more battery settings and in here I think this one was automatically turned on but you have this performance profile you know this performance profile is brand new when it comes down to the Galaxy s23 series or maybe even brand new to 5.1 but you can actually switch it over into light so or you know automatically out of the box it'll be standard which provides the recommended balance between processing speed battery life and cooling efficiency or you can just have it as light it prioritizes battery life and cooling efficiency over the processing speed so if you own a Samsung phone and you're not really a big gamer you know maybe you play those light games like you know tune blast or Sudoku or something very easy you can simply just put on light because if you're somebody just using your phone for phone calls text messages you know chat services using it for Twitter Instagram YouTube things like that you're gonna be perfectly fine on with light you don't need to have that crazy you know balance of going into the processing power to do something that you're not gaming so you can actually put your performance profile to light and save a little bit more battery life when it comes down to your phone and for the rest of these settings right here you know there's a lot going on you have show battery percentage again that's a personal preference if you want it on or off showing the charging information fast charging maybe you feel it's maybe more healthy for your phone to not fast charge you can turn it off if you want to but fast charging you know I have mine turned on Fast wireless charging go through here you can change a few things um you know mostly I would just you know you can keep that one on too and you can even protect your battery so it's a way that you can extend the lifespan of your battery without going to the full charge life cycle you just go up to 85 percent and then unplug it and then go on with your day but more likely to be the safest thing especially if you're out driving in snow or whatever you might as well have your phone go all the way up to 100 so yeah there's a lot of stuff in here the biggest stuff really is going to be going you know this performance profile and then also to you with inside of this past screen in right here turning on that auto optimization now this next one is one to make sure that your phone is safe you know it's secure you'd be able to find it if anything ever happens to it when you go through the main startup screens you'll have where you put in your gmails and your Samsung account make sure you do have a Samsung account and you if you don't know if you put it in just go inside your settings right here you can see accounts and backup go inside of your accounts and you can manage your accounts on the very top so once you click here then you want to make sure that you tap on the Samsung account or you add in a Samsung account so the reason why you want to go inside of your Samsung account is let's say you go inside of my profile down here you can do stuff in terms of your profile information you can manage your family you can see your devices all the devices that I'm logged into at least and then the most important thing is going to be down here where it says find my mobile this is important if you lose your phone so this is where you'd be able to have this remote unlock option and you want to type in your pin and password and stuff like that so I haven't set all those up just yet but I will be soon so if you turn on remote unlock it's a way that maybe if you left your phone at home somebody needs to get into it and they don't know your password or whatever the case you can actually remotely unlock it by going into this website right here and when you log in with your Samsung account you're able to take a look at everything you can remotely unlock it for someone to get into it and you can also make sure you turn this one on here too which is send last location so the last location that it ever was even before the battery died at least you would know exactly where it was at its last moment and then you also have this option here too offline finding locate your phone even if it's offline and help others find their devices as well so this will allow your phone to be found by other Galaxy devices even when it's not connected to a network it will also allow your phone to be used to scan for lost devices that may be nearby you also find your wearable devices such as watches earbuds smart tags and others if offline finding is on for your device and it was the last device they connected to now next up is going to be one that I use really like to see when I swipe down once and that is my display line sometimes you go to a room and you need to change it really quick rather than having to swipe down twice to actually see it you can see this little you know brightness line maybe you want to have it right away when you swipe down once so all you want to do is when you swipe down you just want to hit on the very top and you go to Quick panel layout and with inside of the quick panel layout here's your brightness control and right here you can just have show always so basically now when I swipe down once you can still see it there if I swipe down twice it's still there this just is one of those things that is kind of helpful to see you know anytime you go inside of a room that is completely different or changed when it comes down to brightness especially if your adaptive brightness is turned off next up is going to be the side key settings so sometimes when you press and hold on this what you know they call a side key most of us would call the power button so basically what you can do is if you swipe down twice you hit on this little power button here and then this is where you go to side key settings now with this one you have a double press so if you double press it it's going to open up the camera it's been that way for several years but here's that press and hold which is what we're used to for the power off menu so now basically when you press and hold on your side key it's going to put you inside of that power off menu now if you want to keep it the other way all you would have to do to turn off your phone because some people State how do you turn off your phone if this is set up you know to uh you know do whatever like if it opens up applications all you got to do is just swipe down twice that is your power menu that's it then you can either power it off restart it or again you can go inside of all these different things so you can we can wake up Bixby you can even switch it over into waking up Google if you wanted to I usually like to keep mine as the power off menu now next up is going to be some of the customization side of things this is where it kind of comes into your preference but this is where you go anywhere on a screen that's empty you press and hold you go inside of wallpaper and style this is where you can turn on color palette so if you want your phone to kind of match whatever you know wallpaper that you are using if you want to change kind of how your phone is looking you can go through and you can get it all changed up so you can turn on your uh you know color palette right here you also have basic color so if you want to have some basic colors or basic you know Duos kind of working together you can do that this is just a color palette based off of your wallpaper that you're currently using and let's just say that you hit on apply I wouldn't do that with the app icons app icons you know exactly what they look like by the back of your hand if you change it then you're going to have a little problem finding what application you're really looking for and also to change wallpapers one of the things I always love to use is dynamic lock screen Dynamic lock screen is also how I get all of my wallpapers that I used to always share with everybody so with this one some of the fun ones is going to be life art and special so I'm just going to go inside of this one right here I'm going to go to download I'm going to go inside the special and you can choose up to five different categories so if you're somebody who loves dogs or you love cats or pretty much all animals or you love food or desserts you can choose any of those ones and every single time that your screen turns off and then it turns back on a new wallpaper will be shown on your lock screen now next up again is going to be inside the same menu and this is where you want to go inside of settings so again go anywhere on a home screen that's empty with no application press and hold go inside of settings and then this is where you would like to change probably your home screen grid now currently there's not many applications that would fit here now in my other devices I have multiple folders and applications sitting everywhere I like to have as much space as possible so I always go to that largest grid again you're trying to maybe consolidate and use less home screens to find your application so I do the five by six and then all you know all you really have to do is just bring these down here now you have a full another you know application or folder that you can put right there this one you can just you know swipe on down and then you can also do the exact same thing when it comes down over into you know your app screen grid so with app screen grid you know I'm gonna go five by six and now it's actually taking up two different screens it used to be one but now it's two but I'm going to show you a trick that you can fix that now we're going to go back inside of settings you have the the folder so you can do a four by four so now when you open up a folder it's going to be a four by four instead of the smaller version of three by four so some of these applications will be slightly smaller but you're going to fit more on this screen now after you've done that you have more real estate now you got to kind of fix this app tray when it comes down to the app tray they're not in alphabetical order and you might want to clean them up a bit so first off let's clean up the pages when you clean up the pages you can see that they're actually all going to be on on this one page it's right there like it fixed it it's it's all cleaned up it's in one spot rather than two but you're still not in alphabetical order so now you can just sort it put in alphabetical order and now you're good to go and you can find all your applications and folders way easier so when you open this thing up this looks much better than what it did out of the box now next up I always like to play with my little Google search bar widget here so if you tap on the G and then on the very top you're going to go and you can click on settings with inside of settings this is where you go inside of that search widget and then this is where you can customize your Search widget so you can change how you want your G to look if you wanted to be the full word of Google or if you wanted to have the letter G you hit on back now with this one right here you can choose how you want it to kind of look with that whole bar do you want it to be you know more circular you want it to be more rectangular you can kind of change that again I'm going to hit on back and then this one you can change how you kind of want it to be shown when it comes down to the bar if you want to be a black bar white bar if you want to be kind of gray because you have the the multi-color G or if you wanted to you can fully change you know the color of it so if you want I can go like maybe this color and I could change the saturation so I can bring this on down maybe put it right there and then I can head on back I'm gonna head on back one more time because I'm done with the color and then this one is going to be kind of dealing with the transparency so you want it to be you know fully solid or do you want it to be see-through so I'm going to put it right here I'm going to head on back and then when you have it looking the way that you want it to look you can just basically just hit on Save and now the next time you go back home this is what your Google search bar looks like again I don't want this one to be the whole screen so I'm going to place it right around this size because I'm going to have more folders sitting right up here and that's all you got to do and then simply just tap on that little button right there to get your weather widget to look you know for your local location now we're going to go inside of the camera so when it comes down to the camera there's a few things that I always like to make sure of so when it comes down over into this option here for selfies if you have this one turned on you might want to turn this one off now this is just a pet peeve of mine but when it comes down to saving selfies as previewed when you preview yourself on the selfie camera if you were wearing a brand or if you're at a location with a name it will be reversed so when you look at people with selfies and like the word Nike or Adidas is spelled backwards or they're at a location a monument and the monument is spelled backwards it's because they had this one turned on just have this one turn off so if you're wearing a Nike shirt Adidas shirt it's going to read right and nobody's going to really look at it anytime I see something spelled backwards I look at it and it just kind of annoys me but that's just my own little option there so that's going to be dealing with the camera options inside of here the next one's going to be dealing with how do you want your ratio to be and also the resolution so on the Galaxy s23 Device you'll be able to switch it up over into the 50 megapixel and 200 megapixel now just remember when you switch it over inside of those higher resolutions some of those small options will be taken away and also too some of these shutter buttons will be a little bit slower when it comes to the higher resolution because it has to process more now if you're somebody who loves you know let's say Instagram or photography more than likely you're going to choose one of these two options if you're just an everyday normal user and you're taking everyday normal photos a 3x4 is perfectly fine I'm somebody who does love 9x16 because I'm not you know an Instagram person who's always on it always posting trying to get you know recognition or trying to get people to look at me I like the 9x16 because that is just kind of how my phone is is basically ratio to the same thing with the video now if you're big into Instagram definitely go with that 3x4 also with me if I'm taking a picture with this phone and I put us three by four it messes up my thumbnails when it comes onto YouTube because they have to be 9x16. so again that's my own personal preference um I do like to have 9x16 but just remember if you want to have higher resolution choose those options over there even though you're buying a phone with 50 megapixel and 200 megapixel you're not going to get it with these two options that are sitting right here you have to move it over into those now same thing when it comes to video when it comes on to video you'd be able to switch it right over here if you want it to be 9x16 one by one or full so 9x16 again same thing as a TV so I'm going to keep it there for the resolution out of the box I think it's sitting right around here either full HDs 60 or 30 but if you want to have better resolution you can go over to that Ultra HD or 8K now personally for me if I know I want to shoot something in 8k I'll switch it to 8K at that moment usually I have it as Ultra HD 60 frames per second just because it looks really good it's high resolution and it's not going to be that full 8K taking up all of my storage on this phone even though I do have 512 gigs of internal storage and then now that we're still inside the camera I do want to talk about over here inside of the more options you want to make sure that you download expert raw now when I got the phone out of the box expert wow was sitting here with a little download button and you want to get it downloaded for some reason if you don't see expert raw sitting over here go inside of the Galaxy Store and download expert raw so you have all these really cool options over here such as multi exposures as well as astrophotography and all the other cool amazing things that you can manually do if you want to take some Pro shots and then since we're talking about downloading an application for the camera we're talking about expert raw the other thing that you also want to download from the Galaxy store will be camera assistant because camera assistant when you download it from the Galaxy store will automatically come inside of your your camera settings and you're going to have a bunch more settings that you can use inside of your camera I've already covered this one extensively in several past videos on my my channel here so I'm not going to dive deep since this is already a long big video so next up we're going to talk about a few things that are set up inside of Samsung Labs so Samsung Labs is going to be inside of the advanced features now inside of advanced features you just click on labs and a couple things that you might want to turn on is going to be swipe for split screen and swipe for pop-up view sometimes you're using an application and you want it to you know kind of come down into a smaller pop-up view you'd be able to swipe it on down or you can do swipe for split screens the swipe for split screen basically means you use two fingers on the bottom swipe up and then now you can have two applications running at the same time so it's actually really cool to turn these two on here inside of labs and then right below that one we're going to talk about motions and Gestures so the only one that I really want to show you that you can turn on is going to be lift awake everything else was pretty much already turned on you can do this option here too which is keep screen on while viewing so it's going to notice the front-facing camera will notice that your eyes are still open still looking at the display and you can actually keep the screen on that whole time if you want to but everything else is turned on except for this one lift to wake is pretty nice it'll turn on the phone when you pick up your phone more likely if you're picking up your phone you're probably going to want to try to look at something and then next up will be screenshots and screen recorder so the cool thing with this one now is you can change where you want your screenshots to be stored at same thing with your screen recording so I do a lot of screenshots and also a lot of screen recordings and they always go inside of your internal storage inside of DCIM and then screenshots at an internal storage DCIM screen recordings now here's the thing that right there just makes sense uh out of the box it's it's going to a right location but if you want to you can change it and even the format you can put it as PNG instead of jpeg now if you want to change where they go all you have to do is you can go inside of like internal storage you can create a whole new folder right here if you want to but most things are usually inside of DCIM this is anything that's happening usually with your camera so anything you take with your photo anything from expert raw clipped images and then here's those two options here your screenshots and Screen recordings so this is where you can add in you know folders which it's actually already still sitting here with screenshots and Screen recordings you can even make an additional folder inside of this one if you want to but there's really no reason now next up is going to be some settings when it comes down to the S Pen so when it comes down to the S Pen you know you can turn on or off air actions and then within air actions you can learn pretty much everything that you were able to do you can even change what happens when you press and hold on the S Pen button so you can choose what you want it to do there's a lot of fun things this one right now is set to camera so if you press and hold you can open up camera if you want it to go inside of something else you can so if there is a particular application you always use your S Pen for and you use it every single day multiple times then you'd be able to maybe just open up that application by doing the press and hold and and you can also choose air actions for individual applications so if you want to look at your camera you can change or you can at least take a look at what all these gestures do so that's always fun to play with if you've never played with air if the with the air actions before the other thing is going to be Air Command and so Air Command this is where you would probably want to go through you can change how you want it to look do you want it to be more compact when you take the S Pen out where it just shows the the app icon or do you want to be standard where it shows the app icon and the name of the application the other thing is right here too shortcuts so now this is where you're able to take any of these off or add more in so if you don't really see yourself doing much of the AR doodle or the translate you'd be able to take those ones off if you want to the notes you might as well keep their smart select you might as well keep there now coloring is actually pretty fun especially if you have a kid or if you just get bored you just want to color there's a lot of really cool things you do there and also too again this is just going to be if you open up the S Pen side of things like if you pull the S Pen out this little Air Command will pop up um any of these other applications you can put any app you want over on the side just by dragging it over and placing it in that last little spot and more S Pen settings over here so you can even allow for multiple s pens you can keep the S Pen connected warn if the S Pen is Left Behind make sure you have this one turned on because if you leave the S Pen on a table and you have your phone and you walk away you will get a notification a beep and a vibrate letting you know that you left your S Pen behind and here is again the sounds and vibrations that we just got done talking about so make sure these three are turned on when it comes down to the S Pen settings now this next one is really cool it's a widget this is one that's new on the Galaxy s23 it's basically new I hope so with 5.1 and it's going to be a brand new widget that's for your battery so with this one anything that you have connected and also the phone itself will you will you will be known you know what the battery percentage is so basically I've already done several videos on this already too so here's my phone uh here is my left Bud the right bud and the case and also too it'll show you your S Pen and also your watch so you can see everything and you have two different versions of the widget you can have just the circles letting you know what's going on or you can have the bigger one that'll actually tell you exactly what it is you know literally written out and all you got to do is press and hold place it on your screen and then now you know exactly uh where your battery life is at with everything if you have multiple things connected you can actually make it bigger and then you can show more things that are being connected so you know if you're going to go that big you might as well just have like the names one that I showed you the other option but this is showing your battery life this would be your watch this would be probably my S Pen or this would be the earbuds the case and then the S Pen so it kind of depends on how you want it to be set up because you can actually go inside of the settings and you can change the devices to show and in whatever order you want it to go and that was everything I just got in talking about everything that it shows I've already shown off in past videos here on this channel so we're almost done there's a couple things left I want to show you so this one's going to be me taking off some of my animations I know a lot of people love the animations on Samsung phones they always ask what the new animations look like they always bother me stating that I should just keep my animations there but I would rather just have my phone go quicker I don't need animations to go from screen to screen screen it's just I don't need it so how you're able to turn this one on is you just want to go inside of about phone and then inside of about phone you want to go to software information and then with software information you want to tap on the build number seven times so now developer mode has been turned on so you go back twice underneath here is the developer options and so now I'm just going to scroll down to where I see all of those animations because I don't need to have them there I mean it's cool to have things you know slow down and show me animations but again I don't need to have it and you just see how much quicker these windows popped up versus what it was before it's like the window animation scale I put down to 0.5 transition animation scale 0.5 animator duration 0.5 a long time ago if you put these down to zero you're actually cause issues I mean you'll and you wouldn't really have some of these little bouncing stuff and some of these might go away see how it's done announcing all those animations will be put away there would be a little bit of issues I don't know if it is the same anymore but I just always now put it as 0.5 instead of zero and then lastly it's going to be your pen your face recognition things like that you can do this one at the very beginning again it's not based on what is most important you know in terms of how I have them ordered it's just I'm showing a lot of things that I always like to change and move around so this one you just want to go inside of security and privacy now inside of security and privacy you can see here there's a lot of suggestions for me to do I have no lock screen I don't have my accounts up just yet I do have find my mobile um but yeah so here we go we're gonna go inside of the lock screen so for the lock screen we're going to go inside of fingerprints so we're going to go in and hit on this one when you add in a fingerprint or a face recognition you always want to make sure that you have a pen password or pattern it's just because if you're wearing gloves you can go in another way or if you're wearing glasses Sunglasses again go another way I like to use pin even though password is more secure so I'm going to go with pin and also what's really nice is you can have this option here here confirm pin without tapping OK I actually if you want it to go in right away you can select this but if you have it deselected then some people might think that there's more numbers than just four because four is the minimum so if they put in four numbers that they think it is and it doesn't go through then maybe they think that there's actually more numbers so you can select this option here too you know confirm pin without tapping okay this is one of those options you can choose so I'm going to go through I got to type it in again and then now that you have your PIN put in there now you just want to register your fingerprint now what I do is I usually unlock my phone with my thumb but instead of setting up two profiles where there's now twice as many images for it to go through I use my one fingerprint profile with both of my thumbs to go in it's just as secure and it goes in much quicker again they have to have your thumb to get in and then there's several different ways that you can hold the phone so I usually have it set down I have it sitting like this I also have it sitting like that so you got to think about how you're holding the phone you might be sliding the phone across the you know the table so I kind of have it sitting there have it sitting there then I also hold on to it because sometimes when you unlock your phone you're holding onto the phone you know I'm also going to go upside down because I might hand off the phone and I forgot to unlock it so there we go my fingerprint is added in there I'm going to hit on done and that's pretty much about it here's that remote unlock that we talked about from before remote unlock was with inside of your Samsung account settings so now you can turn it on up here you can change the name of it so if you do have different profiles maybe the right thumb left thumb you can actually change the name of them if you want to you just simply tap on it you can change the name of it or maybe you have yours and then maybe your spouse has one so you can have your name and then spouse name right there so we have fingerprint unlock turned on fingerprint always on so this way it'll scan for fingerprint even when the screen is turned off if you actually turn this one off you'll save a little bit of battery life because it's not always waiting for a fingerprint get there but in order you know in order for you to get into your phone with this turned off you have to have the screen on so you have to hit the power button and then put your fingerprint in so always on it's fine uh show icon when screen is off on the always on display show animation when unlocking so you can actually go into it quicker without an animation again you can turn that one off if you want to so there we go we put in the fingerprint and we also put in a pin so now if you wanted to you can also put in your face recognition as well so let's say we go inside of the screen lock I'm going to type in my code now inside of here I have my pin I have my fingerprint but I don't have my face just yet so now we're just going to select this one put in your PIN again and then you put in your face uh you know for it to scan and now all you have to do is place your face in the circle and now once it's registered you'll be able to take a look at some of these settings here so stay on lock screen until swipe that's kind of dumb I mean that's what Apple has been doing you would like put in your your your finger you know your face recognition it would just it would unlock your phone but stay in the lock screen I think that's kind of worthless I feel like if you look at your phone you're trying to get into it so you might as well go right past it so if you have this one turned on it'll stay on the lock screen until swiped so I'm going to turn that one off I want to go directly into my phone right here you want to require your eyes open and you can also brighten the screen so I'm going to turn this one off this is one of those things I do turn off just because I might be trying to get into my phone it wants to use my face to unlock but it's like midnight in the room with the wife sleeping or about trying to sleep I don't want it to temporarily get brighter just to find my face so I do have it turned off and it usually does pretty good if it doesn't I just basically put my fingerprint and we're still good to go so that was really everything that I wanted to show you that you can change the moment you get your phone so we literally made everything better from the camera to the S Pen to your home screens to your application you know screens to your display to your sound to finding your phone if you lose it to getting into your phone with your face and fingerprint and this is everything that you would want to change the moment you get yourself the Samsung Galaxy s23 hopefully you guys appreciated this video if you did please give it a big thumbs up don't forget to hit subscribe subscribe at the very bottom left hand side and if you like this video the more than likely you'll also like this video and again big thank you to today's sponsor which is Anchor [Music] foreign
Channel: Jimmy is Promo
Views: 209,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Promo, How-to, Samsung, new features, update, features, Samsung update, samsung one ui 5, One UI 5.1, Samsung One UI 5.1, Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23, samsung S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23 Tips and Tricks, Galaxy S23 Ultra Tips and Tricks, Galaxy S23 Hidden features, samsung galaxy s23 settings, Galaxy S23 Ultra settings to change, s23 ultra tips, samsung s23 ultra tips and tricks, things to do when your bored at home
Id: u8aWxMxSn2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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