GALAXIES - 3 Hours of Scientific Space Discoveries Part 2/2

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and so without further ado let's actually leave our planet Earth and go for a little adventure to the third biggest galaxy in our local cluster now the most famous galaxy that is not Milky Way is Andromeda you've all probably heard about it you've all probably maybe even seen it in the skies it's very visible if you are in a location that has very dark skies and it's basically the largest object that we have in our dark skies and at the same time one of the farthest objects you can see I'm going to show you where it is located in space engine by basically leaving our galaxy the Milky Way pointing at Earth by doing the following so there's earth right there and now we're going to look for Andromeda and so if I just turn a little bit to the left here you'll notice that right there there is an object that seems to be galactic in shape and that's Andromeda but today we're going to be talking about the third large galaxies in our local group of galaxies that has about sixty various galaxies to begin with this object is right here and it's known as triangular it's kind of in the same direction as the Andromeda galaxy but it is significantly smaller so as a matter of fact if I actually use my binoculars in here so there is the Andromeda galaxy this is what it looks like and there is the Triangulum now what is so interesting about triangle four so it's it's not as well-known as a matter of fact if you're a gamer you might have actually only heard about it once and only appeared in one game I can think of in a game crisis that came out in 2007 the aliens were actually from this galaxy right here the Seth were from from Triangulum but that's the only reference I actually can think of to this galaxy and it's it's not it's not that where it doesn't think it's important it's actually just as important as Andromeda but for some reason it's not as popular anyway we're going to go to it right now and we're going to explore it in a little bit more detail starting with its so this is about 2.8 million light years away from us in other words the light from this galaxy takes about 2.8 million light years to reach us in terms of size it's about only maybe 40% of mass of the Milky Way and it only has about 40 billion stars compared to about 400 billion in our own galaxy its diameter from end to end is about 60,000 light years so this is about half of what our own Milky Way is and in terms of the actual visible mass versus dark matter about 20% is so-called bariatric matter so basically visible matter and the rest which is about 5 times 10 to the power of 10 masses of Sun is the invisible dark matter now what's interesting about this galaxy is that it is essentially a spiral galaxy similar to our own Milky Way and similar to the Andromeda galaxy which is right there and visible quite clearly from from Triangulum but unlike Milky Way this particular galaxy is classified as just spiral galaxy without an actual bar in the middle if I were to go back to the Milky Way and to look at it from I guess this angle here you could kind of see that there is actually this bar like structure in the middle that actually classifies our galaxy as a barred spiral galaxy whereas the triangle galaxy doesn't have that so it's it's called just spiral galaxy without the bar for it now you may notice that one of the main differences between the Milky Way and this is that it has a lot more of these bright spots everywhere as a matter of fact there's at least like 515 various really bright spots like this here and this there so in other words nebulae or supernovae or possible star formation regions that are really really prevalent in this particular galaxy interestingly just from observations and comparing this to Andromeda galaxy we know that in this particular galaxy there is like four times more stars that are being formed at any moment then in the Andromeda galaxy so even though this is actually smaller by mass it's a lot more active and producing more stars which is why it has these really bright spots everywhere that you can see it especially this one right here that's very very bright very visible and has actually quite a lot of interesting stuff in it and what's actually maybe visit this for a second just so we can see what it looks like in more detail and this is known as NGC 604 it's a very interesting looking nebula it you can kind of see there's a bit of a cube here in its shape and looks absolutely incredibly gorgeous now what's really interesting about this galaxy is that it was actually discovered a long time ago as a matter of fact the first person to discover it was an Italian astronomer by the name of Giovanni da da da and he discovered this sometime in mid 1600s then about 100 years later this was classified as a kind of a nebula by Charles Messier who was the French astronomer and is famous for the Messier catalog which is why this galaxy is no also known as m33 so if I were actually to if I click on the galaxy you'll see that it's going to be listed as m33 right here that's because it's the 33rd object that he listed in his catalog and sometimes this is also erroneously called the pinwheel galaxy although in reality pinwheel galaxy is actually something a little bit different it's the galaxy known as M 101 and it's located right around there so that's actually the pinwheel galaxy and this is the Triangulum galaxy and the name Triangulum actually comes from the constellation where you can discover this galaxy which is also known as triangle once again because this used to be known as a nebula before we identified this as a galaxy we actually thought that this was a nebula in the installation Triangulum now there's another really cool feature that we discovered about this galaxy and that's actually the interaction between Triangulum and the Andromeda galaxy we've discovered that they actually are connected to each other through various streams of hydrogen but also through a very thin pathway of stars that's kind of invisible in this game but it is there so there's actually a path of star that connects them which suggests that a long time ago maybe two or possibly even eight billion years ago and these two galaxies came really close together and they actually interacted with one another and this also means that in about two two maybe three billion years Triangulum will once again approach Andromeda and will either get absorbed into it or possibly which is very likely will actually get absorbed into the union of our own galaxy the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy because we know for a fact that Andromeda will one day collide with the Milky Way and will create what we sometimes call as milk dromeda and so maybe just maybe this galaxy right here known as the triangle galaxy will actually join the Union as well and so maybe just maybe we'll have to call them the milk draw gal illumine galaxy I don't know maybe you have a better name posted comments below but anyway so yes it's a pretty exciting galaxy a lot of new stars are formed here a lot of really cool things going on and this is actually the location will we have discovered some really cool things like for example they're one of the only objects listed in space engine is known as m33 x7 now this is actually a location for one of the most massive stars which is what we see right here but also a location for a very interesting binary system this is also known as a binary x-ray variable because and let me just maybe dim this a little bit so you can see it better because this is actually a binary object is a huge wolf racer very very massive star is going to explode one day and create a tremendously powerful supernova very bright very massive and will that will probably lead to creation of new stars but what's orbiting around it is even more interesting this right there is actually the biggest solar mass black hole discovered in other words it's the biggest small black hole of discovery it's about 16 masses of our own Sun and it orbits around this supermassive star known as m33 x7 and there is actually the black hole I'm going to slow down time just so you can actually see what it all looks like as it orbits around its companion the supermassive wolf-rayet star now if you don't know what wolf rayet stars are check out the video I made a few months ago about them and if you want to check out more black hole videos they're also available for you as well but anyway so this is actually a very unusual object and we don't really understand how they were formed because both of these are supermassive this is 16 times mass of Sun and this one is about 70 masses of the Sun and we think that they were created together but what probably happened was that this star must have had a humungous supernova and this will have an even bigger one so both of these stars will probably create some kind of a binary black hole at the ends but anyway so that's just one of the exciting things with this cover here and using all of these discoveries including this black hole in the supermassive star and the fact that there are so many new stars that are formed in triangle galaxies this actually allows us to study the universe itself because this is a nutshell of how things interact in the universe and how things are formed and because this galaxy is much smaller than Andromeda and a lot more active it's actually a really really good opportunity for astronomers to study how things in other galaxies are actually formed and how they interact because this is pretty close to us it's very very bright it's very visible and there's so much activity going on in but obviously we still have so many mysteries about this galaxy and we still haven't really discovered everything about it and there is still so much more to find for us by looking and studying this incredible spiral galaxy now we're actually going to go and find the supermassive black hole in the middle of this galaxy and I'm gonna try to do this manually but at the same time that's pretty much it I wanted to cover in this video and I wanted to kind of give you an idea of what we know and what we will discover so far and why this particular galaxy is definitely worth more time to study now I wonder if the supermassive black hole is going to be in this globular cluster or if it's going to be somewhere else now I'm gonna take a chance and jump into it and see if I can actually find it using my manual navigation skills here and hopefully one day maybe in the future we'll might be able to even visit it in real life now interestingly the only other thing we know about this galaxy is that it's approaching Andromeda galaxy and at the speed of about 200 kilometers per second while Andromeda galaxy is actually approaching us so what we're still are not sure about is what actually happens to Triangulum galaxy in the future there is several possibilities one of them is of course joining with Andromeda in the Milky Way but it's also kind of possible that this galaxy might might be actually thrown away out of the local cluster because of the interaction with the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy it's somewhat possible that it actually might disappear completely or not disappear completely but get thrown out into the outer clusters and possibly join some some other galaxies somewhere else now I'm very very close to discovering the supermassive black hole and I know it's going to uncover itself any second now because that's usually how this works in this game so we're gonna come really really close to the location where it proves it possibly is located and maybe accelerate time a little bit just to see if any of these stars here start acting a little bit unusual and look at that here you go there is that supermassive black hole with lots of what's the star is moving around it and this is how you can discover all of these supermassive black holes there now they kind of stopped moving because I made time into real time but if I were to accelerate time again you would see that they would be spinning around this invisible object somewhere in the middle and this is how you can locate where that supermassive black hole is and this is essentially how we locate it our own supermassive black hole Sagittarius a star and there you see that one object that's not moving anywhere that's gotta be that supermassive black hole and in this particular simulation it's listed as fifty thousand masses of our star the Sun and so let's approach it a little bit closer and take a look at it and then maybe leave the system fly away and go back home to our own planet Earth and so there you go there is that supermassive black hole of triangle and galaxies anyway let's return home take a look at triangle galaxies from the outside once again give it a last look enjoy its beauty and return to our planet Earth so few billion years in the future the Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy will actually most likely collide and when this happens there's a slight chance that instead of the two supermassive black holes at our center or basically in their center combining into one there is a chance that one of them will actually get kicked out of this system and let me actually see if I can do it right now we're gonna try to change its velocity just a little bit to make this so widely more realistic and see if we can actually make it happen and when this happens and actually it was able to recreate this in one of the previous simulations where I did it completely by accident it was actually a simulation where I used even Musk's Tesla and throw it into a black hole and it just so happens that it kicked out the black hole from the center and when the black hole got kicked out it actually took a few stars with it and created what's known as a hyper compact stellar system now obviously when the galaxies collide sometimes they actually combine each other's black holes and become one there's a chance that Milky Way and Andromeda will do the same but we've actually observed galaxies that have no black holes suggesting that two galaxies collided and the black hole basically ran away flew away and escaped and created its own system which we're going to try to do again far far far away so okay it's maybe not moving fast enough I need to give it a little bit more velocity just so it moves faster let's give it maybe 2,000 kilometers per second that should be enough now what actually makes this sort of object different from let's say globular clusters well for one the star is moving around the hyper compact stellar system ocean also known as HC SS is usually a type of a system where all the stars move really fast a globular cluster will have stars moving around it's really slow but here all of the stars move it like thousands or at least a few hundred kilometers per second the other thing that makes this a little bit different from a typical object is that it's very massive so a global cluster would not really be that massive but this which is not technically a hyper complex our system is ridiculously massive because of the black hole and the stars here only represent about maybe like one percent of the mass whereas the supermassive black hole is most of the mass and so from a distance it actually kind of looks like a very unusual very weird dwarf galaxy or a globular cluster where everything moves really fast and there seems to be a lot of ridiculous mass so there's actually a few of these we'll discover that we kind of suspect are they are these types of objects also simply based on the amount of energy produced by the supermassive black hole but we do think that this is kind of what may actually happen or there's a chance that it may happen to our solar system or not our sources and what our galaxy that is at the Milky Way so there's a slight chance that milky way black hole also known as Sagittarius a star which I believe this is actually I think this is ETA star might actually guts kicked out might get kicked out of the galaxy and end up becoming this which is HCS s an interesting even though it gets kicked out of the galaxy it still kind of remains in the same galactic cluster meaning that it will probably even become a satellite of its own previous galaxy and maybe at some point we'll escape further but it will still be a rotational e tied to other galaxies that might be in a neighborhood so like for example we can actually try to see if there's a small galaxy we can add so kind of like this I guess let's maybe make it binary and so you will still have this cluster also known as hyper complex stellar system kind of orbiting in this vicinity okay that actually unfortunately broke it apart that's not where I expected to do well anyway so let's see if we could maybe create another one using well no let's see let's use the same simulation so we're going to go with this situation here and take these supermassive black hole give it some velocity as it moves across the skies maybe 3,000 kilometers per second and I'll see if we can create it again and normally it's a little bit more difficult to create these because they are a little bit more unpredictable but they will do it okay something came out on the other side you can see the black show shot through the galaxies here and I think I made it again it might be in this vicinity let's just let's check it check it out oh there yeah there it is look at that beautiful I think I I think I succeeded yeah there it is there's a black hole and this is the new age CSS so the thing about the easiest particular objects is that we don't really know of actual examples just yet so this is still kind of theoretical we do have some suspicions about some of these objects being HTS SS but we haven't really discovered them but it's been estimated at nearby Fornax and Virgo galaxy clusters may contain hundreds or even thousands of these so they're actually suspected to be quite common they have been a lot of different clusters detected over the past few decades and it's possible that we actually misidentified some of the globular clusters and some of the dwarf galaxies which were in reality this thing so it's possible that we need to reclassify these a little bit because it's actually quite easy to find them quite easy to distinguish them by looking at them for a little bit longer than a few days and you can kind of see that the speed around these things will be much higher than the speed around at a typical globular cluster so it's really about the compactness and the velocity of stars here and also these will most likely produce a lot more flares and they'll produce a lot more energy because stars here will probably approach the black holes or the black hole in the middle a lot more often and so there will be a lot more outbursts of energy and most importantly a lot more different types of supernovae and the stars here would most likely be iron rich and very young and so if we actually investigate a lot of globular clusters we discovered we might find quite a few of these see as a subjects and if we actually find one of these objects in real life will most likely be able to then investigate and basically prove that first of all supermassive black holes may exist outside of the galaxies also they will help us predict gravitational waves a little bit more and not just predict but to analyze gravitational waves a little bit more and this would also imply that not all galaxies have a supermassive black holes in their center because someone that may have lost them over time we have a few suspicions about a few galaxies but we haven't really been able to prove it just yet if we discover these with binary black holes or other unusual types of formations inside this will help us understand how the universe evolved over time and obviously help us understand how our galaxy was born and how we were created as well hello wonderful person mrs. Anton and today we're going to be talking about galaxies and specifically the andromeda galaxy and the more recent study that seems to actually indicate that andromeda might actually be very very young even younger than our own earth let's talk about this and welcome to what the math so right now we're looking at the Milky Way galaxy this is our beautiful home and our planet Earth is somewhere over here but if we move at a distance of about 2.5 million light years away from our own system we'll reach another galaxy a very famous galaxy known as the Andromeda now in some of the previous videos I've talked about how one day our beautiful Milky Way and the Andromeda will most likely collide and create one super galaxy for which we don't really have a name yet but some people say just said : it's milk drama that might actually be appropriate but what we actually just recently discovered or not really discovered but one of the papers basically speculated about and makes a really really really strong point is that this beautiful galaxy is actually a lot younger than we thought as a matter of fact it seems to be only maybe two to three billion years old our earthly comparison is close to five billion years old in other words this right here is about 1.5 billion years younger now how and why and what did we discover well first of all this is actually paper by a joint French and Chinese researchers that used a lot of data and a lot of computers at Paris Observatory and so what they did here was Anna was close to about two million photos of Andromeda galaxies and use a supercomputer to simulate various collisions and try to basically explain a few unusual features in the Andromeda now we unfortunately don't really have all of those features and it's kind of difficult for them to be simulated in space engine but I'm gonna try to point them out to you first feature that they try to explain with these collisions was the fact that if you were to actually go into the center of an the Andromeda galaxy and if you were to look at various stars in this region you would actually discover quite a lot of relatively young stars that were approximately 2 billion years old and these stars with almost no exceptions seem to be moving erratically all over the place up and down left and right they basically kind of circulate pretty much hectically around the central region now if you were to do the same to our own Milky Way if you were to go back to the Milky Way which is somewhere over there and to basically look at the Milky Way galaxy you will discover that our relatively large and young stars move very orderly in a circular motion they don't move up and down almost rolled in other words they orbit the central region more orderly whereas in Andromeda they are all over the place this is one of the first hints suggesting that maybe just maybe there was some sort of a collision that created a very large dust cloud in the center that probably created all these young stars that we have there and just the fact that there was so much dust here to begin with to create all of these very young stars is actually a very clear indication that there might have been a collision very recently so this dust that suddenly accumulated this centered and created these youngsters must have come from somewhere there is another very unusual part of Andromeda to could never explain and for this I'm actually going to take us to Google and to basically this paper from December of 2015 that talks about the so called giant stream this is basically what you see right here this is various large constellations or a large almost globular cluster like formations that seem to be sticking out here and here in the halo of Andromeda and it actually has a few of these now what's interesting is if you actually look up giant stream on Google there is already a lot of speculation that these were formed from a collision of two galaxies and for this reason I'm going to take us to the YouTube channel by the observatory of Paris where they actually released these two amazing videos that I'm going to show you right here simulating the collision and how they were able to explain both the formation of these unusual streams and also other features of Andromeda galaxy so we actually have several passages here where Andromeda had these two two galaxies and let me actually just go back a little bit to show you what they are these two galaxies one of which was about four times smaller in mass than the other passing by each other about seven billion years ago from now and then four billion years later they came back and essentially merge together now this merger occurs at least two billion years ago and this is where the thick disk form that actually has both the halo and these unusual feature is known as streams and specifically here the giant stream is the one that were particularly interested in now notice how the simulation increased the Andromeda almost exactly as it is in real life this is the picture of real Andromeda this is the simulation if you actually look at the second video they made oh by the way this is the name of the actual paper and the credits of people who are responsible for making this but let's actually take a look at the second video that shows a little bit more detail about the actual merger which is very very very interesting so here after the actual merger occurred what you can kind of see is this is where that second title tail is created which leads to those streams that I mentioned and this is something that we couldn't really explain before we thought it was from a collision but we didn't realize it wasn't from a collision relatively recently and from two large galaxies because this was the question we were asking ourselves before did Andromeda form from a collision of smaller galaxies or was it one or two big collisions from larger galaxies and this particular paper that used the supercomputer to simulate all the stuff does explain a lot of the features that we see in Andromeda with the collisions of two relatively large galaxies one being about four times more massive than the other now here this is where the giant stream is formed and we actually are able to explain it using these simulations very very well and notice how pretty much every single part of Andromeda can be explained with this particular simulation and this is actually something that I was really really really surprised to to read in the paper well anyway so that's kind of what I wanted to talk about in this particular video and in essence I just wanted to basically explore the idea of Andromeda most likely being a relatively young galaxy and when it actually collides with the Milky Way galaxy in about 2.5 billion years from now it will create a much larger galaxy but interest NUI in comparison to the Milky Way Andromeda seems to be a relatively young creation and it will actually be only about the age of our planet Earth's current age of planet Earth so basically about five billion years when it disappears and merges with the Milky Way so there is the Milky Way our beautiful galaxy that's also known as the spiral galaxy and here we can kind of see the beautiful arms of the spiral galaxy we can see the center as well now this is actually something that doesn't really happen very often as a matter of fact very very few galaxies in our universe have these the only other one that's kind of close to us is of course the Andromeda galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy is right here at a distance of about two and a half million light-years from us now these unusual galaxies are actually a relatively old as a matter of fact there are some of the oldest galaxies in our universe but how they formed and why they have this peculiar shape is still a mystery because the majority of galaxies are usually like this one they have this type of shape in other words they are what's known as an elliptical galaxy this particularly logical galaxy also known as m1 110 or NGC 205 is the partner dwarf galaxy orbiting around Andromeda so most of the galaxies actually usually look like this and as a matter of fact all of the early galaxies have this shape these spiral galaxy galaxies are very very very common pretty much everywhere as a matter of fact the biggest galaxies in our universe and I can't believe I used the word galaxy like a hundred times already anyway the biggest biggest galaxies in our universe is this one right here I see one one zero one I've talked about it in our previous videos this one is tremendous for huge and is it you see it also has the same shape so what is it that actually creates those very unusual spiral galaxies well we still kind of don't really know but we think that the spiral galaxies are actually formed through the collision and essentially the combination of many many many of these beautiful creations now this one here has trillions and trillions of stars on the inside so if I actually try to fly through it you'll see how tremendously populated it becomes in a few seconds there there it goes you can kind of see stars already appearing and if you actually are in the middle of this galaxy probably wouldn't even you seedy outside that's how populated it is and be very very difficult for us to see through all of these stars around us and all of the gas around us as well but today we're actually briefly talking about the evolution of galaxies and we're going to try to create this in universe sandbox and so what we're going to do in universe sandbox is we're going to try to place a bunch of these so-called elliptical galaxies and then have them interact and then see what happens because according to science the oldest galaxies we've discovered also known as a 1 6 8 9 B 11 is actually one of these spiral galaxies that was formed in such way and so using the Hubble telescope the scientists from Australia in Swinburne University we're looking at various objects are very very rare for a distance of about 11 billion light years away from us and I discovered this tiny object right there this object is known as a 1689 b11 and it was discovered in November of 2017 this object is essentially a galaxy pretty much looks like our own but the only difference is that this picture that we saw is about 11 billion years old in other words this seems to be the oldest spiral galaxy that we've discovered so far because of course that by the time the light traveled to our planet Earth its it was already about 11 billion years old now this is interesting because we didn't realize these galaxies were formed so quickly after the creation of the universe so in other words about 2 billion years later we already had galaxies that looked like our own now today we still don't completely understand how these are formed as a matter of fact the best theories we have about the creation of galaxies kind of look like this basically they all start with a logical galaxies of which I have many many examples and then some of them become the spiral galaxies and some of them become different types of spiral galaxies and all of them seem to have relatively similar shapes but they kind of end up with there is this now this is according to Edwin Hubble back in the days and we still haven't really changed this theory very much and is kind of what we believe still happens to most galaxies so the way that this one was formed that was essentially as follows and so what we're going to do now is we're going to take a couple of galaxies I'll just take these ones because they do kind of look elliptical and place them relatively close to one another and then see what actually happens will they form something that looks spiral like or will they form something completely different now this is obviously not a very accurate simulation but the thing is if you place more than two galaxies in universe and box unfortunately things actually become very very hectic so we all need to do this really slowly first let's start by accelerating time making sure that time runs a lot faster than it was before maybe even several million years per second and and then we're going to see how or what we can create using these two relatively al optical looking galaxies so if everything goes right we'll have something a little bit more flat than this and if not then we won't and as you can see the speed of about several million years per second things start moving around galaxies seem to be joining together but we might need to wait a while before and they actually come close enough together for for us to see any effector now first thing you may have noticed here is that the two supermassive black holes at the center of each of the galaxies have not actually collided and one of the reasons for that is because they're not really flying directly toward each other as a matter of fact the material around them and the dark matter around them does influence their trajectory so when several galaxies come together their supermassive black holes might end up actually being inside of the central region but not combined with the actual black hole in the middle on the other hand because they start orbiting around one another now they're going to be creating quite a lot of disturbances in in the central region but also in the on the outskirts and this is kind of similar to how binary stars usually have trouble keeping some of the objects in orbits and so for planet to orbit a binary star it needs to either be very close to the central star or it needs to be kind of on the region that's very far away from from both stars now in this case it seems that these two supermassive black holes are very very close to each other and so they're going to be creating some very interesting effect here one of these effects is probably going to create occasional gaps in in the central region but also on the outskirts these gaps will be basically formed because these two black holes are circling around one another and are creating a berry Center that's going to be moving around and disturbing orbits of other stars so some stars might actually escape this galaxy now and end up somewhere else and some stars might end up coming closer and closer so in other words this will reshape the shapes of these galaxies from elliptical to more-or-less something that looks more spiral because it's sort of like imagine I can mix her going in circles and creating these unusual patterns and eventually for reasons I'm going to be discussed in one of the future videos these galaxies also start forming arms the spiral arms that make this beautiful shape that you see right here or right here or right here so these final arms are formed through another a kind of action that's kind of common in many things that you even see in real life for example if you look down a drainer of running water but what's interesting here is that even after a few minutes of running the simulation or I guess in game time 1.3 billion years you can kind of see that a lot of the material first still escapes this galaxy but second of all it's actually it becomes more stretched this way it becomes more flattened even after a little bit and this implies that this galaxy is actually going to start acquiring a kind of a inclination that's going to be well related to those two supermassive black holes or orbiting around one another so their orbit which you can kind of see right there is going to create the inclination for this galaxy and so eventually pretty much everything is going to be along this line right now it's going to take a while of course but with time it will it will get there so what we're going to do is wait a little bit longer just to see what kind of shape this actually acquires at the end but as you can see creating a spiral galaxy that looks like a spiral galaxy is quite a challenge it's a matter of fact this is maybe the tenth simulation that I run in this game and I'm still yet to acquire something that actually looks like this or like this it's very difficult and it does seem to require quite a lot of luck so let's just wait a little bit and see what happens and right now I've waited almost two billion years this is basically the time you would've taken that other galaxy to be created and as you can see my looks nothing like it mine looks nothing like a spiral galaxy and so that implies that the fact that the galaxy AE 1689 b11 became a spiral galaxy means that you got really really really lucky and that kind of shows because it's the first one we've seen that so old and has a spiral shape you can obviously try this yourself if you don't have Universal Box the link for this game is in the description below and see if you can create something spiral looking and if you do poster screenshots we can all check it out it is very difficult it is very challenging and it does require a lot of patience and probably very powerful computer so even with maybe hundreds of simulations you'll probably get lucky maybe once and even then it will very unlikely to look like a real spiral galaxy like this with arms and everything so creating this does require a lot of luck a lot of patience and obviously a lot of persistence so the fact that our galaxy is this shape makes us very lucky yet again so pretty much every major simulation that I've used often has one problem and the problem is that it's very very difficult for us to imagine motions of galaxies as a matter of fact I cannot think of a single simulation or a single video game even where galactic motion is presented at all we're often presented with this this is what we usually imagine when we think of a galaxy now because of these spiral arms that we see in the Milky Way we can kind of also imagine that it's actually spinning and this is really as far as it goes with most video games and simulations and sighted scientific articles we don't really realize and never even think about or mostly never think about that this and also all those other galactic spots that you see in a background are actually in constant motion and are always always always moving somewhere now one day maybe space engine will have this capability of simulating the motion of all of these galaxies you see around us but for now we're stuck with a still image almost like a pause button of a video game here or I guess or a video here if I actually accelerate time nothing really changes nothing moves at all which is very unfortunate but there is a new study and this study actually takes into account pictures that were taken for many many years and also analysis of pictures from other studies that try to estimate based on a red shirt and based on radial velocities where all of these galaxies are actually headed and as a matter of fact in this particular study and in the simulation on bot to show you you can explore to some extent at least where the Milky Way will be headed where it's going to end up and how our nearby galactic neighbourhood might actually look like now I'm just going to zoom out of here for a second just to show you that this right here is what we know what is known as our galactic neighborhood so the closest galaxies to us are right here in this cluster and the most well-known neighbor to us is andromeda at a distance of about 2.5 million light years right there so this is the Milky Way that's the Andromeda and this is our neighborhood there's about 56 galaxies here most of them small only Andromeda the Milky Way and another galaxy known as Triangulum which is right there a little bit off away from Andromeda these are the biggest galaxies that we know of the rest are relatively small also known as dwarf galaxies so if we were to actually imagine this as a motion this is what it would look like and this is based on the study and the analysis by an astronomer and the lead author for the study known as edia from university of maryland and i believe this particular simulation was actually made by daniel palma read from university of paris Saclay in france and this is essentially what it looks like I can actually rewind this a little bit and press the play button you'll see that things start moving around now every single ball that you see in front of you is a galaxy specifically these are galaxies that we've already mapped and are nearby next to us except for one ball the biggest ball here right there the red ball is the main attractor in this area and this is actually Virgo cluster this is where we had it and this is what about 600 trillion times the mass of the Sun and it's about 50 million light years away from us right now but we are headed this way and we are located right there were this little yellow spot right there that's that's us right here and this is the Andromeda galaxy now you'll notice that Andromeda and the Milky Way are actually slowly approaching each other as well and in the next few billion years they're actually going to collide and turn into one galaxy and then they're going to advance here and join Virgo cluster and become part of a much much bigger cluster as well and actually at the moment as of today we're still a little bit outside of the capture point from the Virgo cluster but in the next few billion years we're going to approach Virgo cluster close enough that is going to capture us and the motion of our galaxy will actually change but I guess what's interesting about this particular simulation that you can totally just manipulate and move around oh and by the way the link for this is in description below the interesting thing here is that it really gives you a perspective of how all of the galaxies are actually moving and they're moving around and you can see that some of them are moving in the same direction some are moving in a different direction and some of them are kind of just doing their own thing and this is how we define galactic clusters nowadays when galaxies are moving toward a similar direction we define it as a local cluster when big clusters move in the same direction we define it as a super cluster and in one of the previous videos I've talked about the biggest super cluster of discovery and also our own super cluster known as Laniakea and this is kind of what Lenny Kaye looks like if you were to look at it the Milky Way is right there and our cluster is right there as well and this is represented with something like hundreds of thousands of different galaxies and all of this is of course in motion and these lines denote the motion and direction of that motion in other words if you were to zoom in right here and then zoom in here a little bit more you would actually see something that looks like this now what is really interesting here is that if you were to actually look at all of them over time they're all moving towards something in our in our local area and this something is known as the Great Attractor it's something that's super super massive but we don't really know what it is so eventually once we join the Virgo cluster which is in red we're going to kind of all head toward a certain direction now as you can see this is actually before the Andromeda and the Milky Way collide so this is maybe about two billion year period and okay maybe a little bit more and eventually in the next two billion years all of these galaxies will actually form a relatively large cluster we're probably going to be referring to as virgo cluster 4 still around and so just to give you the perspective of this again so imagine all of those galaxies you see here moving around and now we're going to return to space engine and kind of try to position things this way so this is the Milky Way that right here is Andromeda and they're basically currently moving in this direction over there and somewhere over here they're going to collide into a single object it may be a little bit farther away somewhere over there so in other words everything is currently moving in this way and if you look at it again in this simulation you'll see that it's kind of headed toward Virgo supercluster which is in in that in that direction right there so in other words we're had at somewhere over here somewhere in this direction so in other words all of these little spots are actually moving somewhere but because things are so so big in the universe and because our galaxy is gigantic and other galaxies are even larger it's hard for us as humans to imagine this motion it's hard for us to even realize that this is constantly moving somewhere at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second well that's kind of all I wanted to show you in this video and specifically I just want you to understand that these things I'm moving that way and one day some of these galaxies will actually combine with each other and become even larger and maybe just maybe our own Milky Way because it's going to be so massive when it combines with the Andromeda galaxy we'll reach a point where it's going to be extremely large as well so I'm posting the link for this in the description do play around with this check it out and maybe even consider reading this paper because it does show you some really really cool facts about the motion of different galaxies and also if you want to actually know the names of these galaxies in this particular simulation the page I posted also has a picture and or an image that shows you the names of the nearby galaxies our own Milky Way right there in yellow the Andromeda m31 is in red and Virgo is the big on the right side and other galaxies that are marked here as well now we're going to be using Universal Vox Square to try to recreate this particular galaxy and to compare it to the galaxies that we were kind of more familiar with like for example this right here is a somewhat inaccurate but I guess relatively okay representation of the Milky Way with Sagittarius a star in the middle the galaxy we're going to be talking about is known as dragonfly 44 and it's actually also known as the dark twin of our own galaxy because it has a very similar mass to our the Milky Way approximately one trillion Suns in total but here's the thing about 99.9 percent of that galaxy is made up entirely of dark matter in other words you really wouldn't be able to see it it would kind of look something like this and there you go maybe a little bit more I keep kind of erasing these Milky Way particles here just so that you gives you an idea of what this particular galaxy might actually look like there's actually a picture of it on screen right now it is practically invisible and the only way the scientists discovered that it was made up of like 99.9 percent dark matter is because they measured the velocity of stars orbiting around that galaxy and realized that those stars were moving a little bit too fast so the mass of that galaxy has to be very similar to the Milky Way because as you may know dark matter is actually what's holding our galaxies together so here let me just demonstrate this to you let's place the Andromeda galaxy right here in the middle and you'll see that those red spots that you see on the screen are actually the dark matter so if I were to accelerate time you'll see that things start moving around the galaxies kind of keeps for the most part together and the dark matter is essentially glued and all into one however if I go under power here and I erase all the dark matter things will just start falling apart it's a matter of fact everything just flies apart so Dark Matter is essential but we still have no idea what it's made out of all of the four major experiments up to 2016 failed to discover the Dark Matter particle so we don't really know what it is we just know that it exists so let's actually try to recreate dragon 44 using universe sandbox and we're going to do this from scratch scratch by doing the following we're going to place our first galaxies here and it's good to have Dark Matter right there but we're actually going to erase this for it completely we're going to just take this whole thing and erase it it just make it disappear and then place another one right where the first one was and do it again and we're going to do this a few times basically adding a huge amount of dark matter and erasing the huge amount of visible matter I think this is kind of enough and what we're going to do now is make a lot of this visible matter just disappear by manually erasing it and what I'm essentially trying to do here is just leave a trace of the visible matter and basically manually erasing the extra visible matter leaving just a tiny tiny trace so here the galaxy known as dragon 44 has something like over a hundred times less stars in it than our own Milky Way so this is exactly what I'm doing by essentially removing all these highly visible stars and basically leaving behind just a tiny tiny amount of them that will give this galaxy a very very dim appearance all right so let's see how this goes this is definitely still a little bit too much but let's just to let this run and see if we can stabilize this galaxy making it look somewhat realistic and so here we go with matter and dark matter stars interacting and for the most part this galaxy is going to be kind of stuck altogether because of the dark matter particles keeping it all in one place and look at that it's looking more and more realistic still little bit too bright but definitely not as bright as it used to be possibly at least 20 times more dim in a reality though this should be at least hundred times dimmer than our own galaxy the Milky Way and just to give you a comparison I'm going to place another galaxy next to adjust you can see what the actual galaxy looked like originally but for now let's just make it stabilize itself and create the replica of dragonfly 44 that I just renamed right there it's the black hole in the middle of it alright so as it stabilizes itself let's actually maybe talk a little bit more about why this is kind of an interesting finding and how this was also also discovered so these scientists who discovered this particular galaxy actually knew about this long time ago but they decided to measure the motion of the stars for about 34 hours they they measured the motions of stars and realized that these stars were moving way too fast and for these stars to actually maintain their orbit for them to move that fast there's got to be so much more matter than was actually visually observed and when they realized that they didn't see any matter in the vicinity of this galaxy the kind of concluded that it must be the dark matter that's holding it all together that's essentially how we also explain why in our galaxy stars move a little bit faster than they should as well on top of that discovering such a galaxy creates a bit of a question how was this ever formed how did this such a galaxy come to exist this obviously has no answer yet because we don't really know what dark matter is and obviously we don't really know enough about creation of galaxies to answer this question but nevertheless this is essentially a pretty cool representation of what dragonfly 44 looks like now let me just give you a comparison of what the real mass here as 85 looked like before and I'm going to place it just next to it I guess right there so it still maybe a little bit too bright I guess but a lot dimmer than was originally and so this is what it used to be like and this is what it is now so maybe I should have erased a few more of the actual stars to for it to to be a little bit more realistic now let's actually just erase it for a second because what I want to do next is I want to actually remove all of this Dark Matter always sort of in one press of a button and see what actually happens to dragonfly 44 if it has no dark matter holding together and as you can imagine it's not going to last very long so let's look at the years here we're going at about three million years per seconds and suddenly all the Dark Matter disappear it and look what happens the entire galaxy within a few million years flies apart and leaves the supermassive black hole all by itself well maybe just a few stars around it so essentially without the massive massive amounts of dark matter that you saw there is absolutely no way this galaxy could actually hold itself together and that's dragonfly 44 the galaxy that we officially confirmed and I guess rediscovered back in August of 2016 a pretty cool discovery and definitely puts a lot of new mystery and opens a lot of new questions for the idea of dark matter what it is and what it is not maybe one day we'll discover but definitely not yet and not today anyway thank you so much for watching hopefully you learned something about our galaxy our universe and about a dragonfly 44 as well from this video and if you did don't forget to subscribe don't forget to share this video with someone who enjoys learning through video games and someone who actually wants to learn cool things about space sciences and other things as well now let's actually go ahead and place a few more galaxies just for fun and let's see how they interact together with the most massive being m32 that we're going to place right here and let's see what happens if we once again erase all the dark matter and let them spin around without any left let's see if any of them actually survive so if we move this fast we're not going to get to those galaxies very fast because we're going to distance of several million light years so we need to accelerate in space engine and we need to go far far away the first place we're going to is actually a galaxy by the name of Whirlpool Galaxy also more officially known as Messier 51 because this was the fifty first object discovered by the infamous astronomer French astronomer monsieur he classified these objects as nebulae he basically thought these were objects that were relatively close to our own Sun but in reality they were much much farther away so let's actually cheat a little bit and go to M 51 slightly faster and so here we go this is the wild bull galaxy as it appears in space engine but to make it more beautiful let's actually increase the luminosity a little bit just so you can see what it may look like if you were to look at this in a telescope and so here we go this is the M 51 also known as NGC 5 194 it's a very very active galaxy with lots and lots of stars being made and also lots of lots of stars being destroyed as well the bright spots that you see are basically the so called stellar nurseries where stars are being actually created and in the last 17 years or so we've detected at least three very bright supernova meaning that at least three stars were destroyed and created more material now this is a very common type of a galaxy this is also known as a spiral galaxy similar to of course Milky Way and this galaxy because it's so similar to ours allows us to study these spiral galaxies in a lot of detail and actually teaches us about our own galaxy as well there's about 77% of all galaxies that are in this type of a galaxy and there are very very common but this one is very close and very bright so we can study it's very very well anyway let's go to the next one and this one has slightly different more gentle name the sunflower galaxy also known as m63 also named by Messier this is the 63rd object and this here looks slightly more unusual you can probably guess that it's called sunflower galaxy because of the unusual spots that you can kind of see in some locations and these are actually due to really tight spirals inside the arms of this galaxy that create these really unusual sunflower patterns the brilliant glow actually is generated by these newly formed very very bright very powerful blue-white giant stars and they're basically creating these unusual patterns that you can kind of see now let's come from the other side just so you can see it a little bit better this is the sunflower galaxy anyway next one has an ominous name the black eye galaxy more officially known as m64 more officially known as the evil eye galaxy you can probably guess why the ancients were kind of scared of this because it looks like something is staring at them so this particular galaxy has lots and lots of space dust right here in the middle that very likely is there because of a collision with another galaxy and basically the absorption of another galaxy in other words this galaxy swallowed another galaxy completely and the center here actually rotates in the opposite direction which also implies that something was slowed by this galaxy and something that was spinning in the opposite direction so this is probably one of the most evil looking galaxies that we've we're going to visit here and we're going to talk about this galaxy in more detail in one of the future videos anyway let's go to something a little bit less evil looking maybe something a little bit more unusual we're going to go to a galaxy known as the sombrero galaxy and that's right this is probably the largest the most massive Mexican hats in the universe this galaxy right here I'd usually name sombrero galaxy because of the way that it looks from from the side where we're looking at basically it kind of looks like a big Mexican hat maybe a little bit more so if I change the luminosity a little bit and maybe this is what the scientists usually see and what they refer to as the sombrero galaxy now this is a very very massive galaxy up to 800 billion masses of the Sun probably the most massive Mexican hat in the universe but kidding aside though it is a very very massive place with most mass obviously being dark matter but nevertheless quite a lot of mass being various stars of various types and if you were to come from the top here this is what it would look like so very interesting looking ring galaxy also known as NGC four five nine four and speaking of unusual Mexican objects the next galaxy on the list is actually named cigar galaxy and cigar galaxy also known as m82 or Messier 82 doesn't really look like a cigar at all at first at least now I'm going to try to make it look cigar shaped or at least show you the appearance of what seems like a cigar by repositioning myself to location where you would see it maybe a little bit better so it sort of is how we see it from Earth this is actually what it does look like from Earth Earth being completely behind us right now and even though it's kind of hard to see the actual cigar it does look like us something or someone is puffing some smoke here now this particular galaxy also known as m82 is actually let me just point at it again a place with very very high star birth rate basically a lot of stars are being actively created here at all times up to ten times more than in our galaxy the Milky Way and because of this this is the kind of a shape and the kind of brightness that it creates making it look very very unusual and giving it this very unusual irregular shape with a lot of dust right here making this galaxy have slightly different colors it's actually a little bit more red here then it's then it currently appears in space engine so this this is probably one of the more unusual irregular galaxies who are going to visit in this video this is probably one of the more unusual places in nearby galactic space to us as well and this is what it looks like on the inside welcome to the cigar smoke alright let's go to the next Galaxy this one it might be familiar to you because it's it's actually appeared quite a lot in my previous videos as well a galaxy by the name of ARP 188 more commonly known as the tadpole galaxy you're going to see whites go to @po in a second here it is here's the beauty look at how beautiful this galaxy is now this long tail is what gives this galaxy its name and this long tail was probably created because of another galaxy it passed by nearby and kind of stretch this tail making it really look like a tadpole from a distance with a head and a tail now tadpole galaxy is very well known to the astronomers and it's actually very very beautiful if you can find it in the telescope and as you can see it has another tail sticking out here and what makes it really really beautiful is of course the fact that this tail stretches for like three hundred thousand light years so this beautiful protrusion is very very very very long imagine is if our galaxy that's about the same size as this would have this long stretching tail moving behind it and we can actually go inside of it and check it out as well just to give you an idea what it feels like inside this beautiful tail and we might want to enable some stars here just because we want to see these stars as well so there you are inside the tadpole galaxy stale this is what the center looks like and the last galaxy on the list not surprisingly it's our own galaxy the Milky Way because it does have a very unusual name as well and actually for a reason now we don't really see our own galaxy because obviously we are inside of it but space engine allows us to see our galaxy from the outside and we get to actually experience what it might look like if I were to go outside of it now we know that or we used to think at least our galaxy had to spiral arms to massive spiral arms but then in 2013 we discover that there is actually at least four arms there's four arms here that we now are almost conference are all massive areas of star creation star formation and one of such regions where our earth is located this region right here is known as the Orion's arm this is essentially one of the stellar formation regions with one of the more commonly known here is known as Orion's belt and Orion Nebula all of these are areas where a lot of stars are being formed including very likely at some point our own star the Sun and long time ago when ancient Greeks looked at the skies they actually saw something that reminded them of spilled milk and they named that particular region of space the Milky Way this is actually what it may look like in space engine so here is that Milky Way that the Greeks saw and they named that and then what time we'll name the entire galaxy the Milky Way and as a matter of fact the word galaxy itself has the word galactose in it galactose is also milk so all of the galaxies are technically dairy or have dairy names in them and that's because back then Greeks thought it looked kind of milk like and every good adventure starts on our planet Earth so we're going to start from here and let's actually talk about what Andromeda used to be known as so as a matter of fact if I look into the sky right there I'll see that you can kind of see the Andromeda as a matter of fact this is one of the few objects you can easily see with a naked eye in a dark enough location without using any binoculars without using anything really and to be honest this is actually the farthest object you can see with your naked eyes so if you were to look in the night sky this right here is the only object you can see without a telescope that's about 2.5 million light years away ridiculously far and let's actually try zooming in here using the telescopic function in the game just to see what it would look like if you were to use binoculars or a telescope to look at this and so this is essentially what these scientists back in early 19th and 20th century saw when they looked at Andromeda and it used to be known as and Robbin a nebula so they actually said that this is just another nebula or possibly a star that's being formed with planetary objects orbiting around it that was part of our Milky Way galaxy this actually was a common knowledge until about 1923 this is when things really changed a person by the name of Hubble who has a telescope named after him discovered that one of these stars in this beautiful galaxy was something known as a Cepheid variable I've actually talked about this concept previously and you can check out the video on the channel but let's actually just talk about what this meant for Hubble discovering a Cepheid variable in Andromeda meant that he could now look at it and try to estimate its distance because separate variables allow you to basically use the star variability period or basically changes in luminosity and in comparison to the actual luminosity that you see to try to estimate the actual distance to the subject and what he's discovered was mind-blowing he discovered that this distance was in millions of light years this is actually the first time they discovered an object that was so far away and anyway so let's actually go to Andromeda galaxy and let's take a look at it and try to find that elusive supermassive black hole at its center so we're going to accelerate toward it at several thousand light years per second and we're going to go outside of our own galaxy and basically visit the Andromeda so some of the more interesting things about it is that first of all this galaxy is about twice as massive as the Milky Way its total mass and it's number of stars is at least twice as big so there's about a trillion stars in the Indian dromeda with only about 400 billion stars in the Milky Way it's also about twice as big it's about two hundred twenty-five thousand two light years across but in every other sense as you'll see in a second it's actually very similar to the Milky Way as a matter of fact it looks almost identical so it it's a spiral galaxy and it's a barred spiral galaxy meaning that it has a bar going through the middle of it which you'll see in a second as soon as I come close enough to it and we're going to turn our view around a little bit just so you can see the bar that's somewhere right here-ish I think it's somewhere right here it's kind of hard to see it here it's a little bit more visible on our own Milky Way and interestingly just like the Milky Way this galaxy has companion galaxies around us so there's actually two that are right here this one is known as m10 and this one here is known as m32 and these two galaxies is actually experienced a bit of a booming from the Andromeda because what billions of years ago when it when it came close enough it took a bite out of them it took a huge chunk out of them and combined it into itself and because of this this galaxy it doesn't really have very straight spiral arms its spiral arms are kind of Wiggly because these two galaxies actually disturbed Andromeda galaxies when they were close enough to it but there are actually 24 companion galaxies around the Andromeda and you can kind of see some of them orbiting around there there are smaller companions our own Milky Way has about 16 whereas this one has 25 and there's actually an another large galaxy in the vicinity known as the Triangulum galaxy and all three Triangulum a Milky Way and Andromeda form what's known as the local cluster in total there is actually about 54 galaxies in our local galactic cluster and there's the triangle right there but we're going to be mostly focusing on Andromeda and let's actually go into the center and try to look for that supermassive black hole I may actually have to disable some of the magnitude here mostly because it's a little bit too bright so let's uh let's go and look for some kind of a cluster of stars maybe right here and try to see if this might contain the supermassive black hole in in the middle of the sea Alex you know the interesting thing about the center or the central region of this galaxy is that it doesn't just have one very bright core but it seems to contain too and after years of study the scientists discovered that will be one of those cores one of those very bright objects is the supermassive black hole that's about 25 times more massive than the supermassive black hole in the center of our own galaxy known as Sagittarius a star so this one here is about hundred million masses of the Sun and I'm going to try to look for it by doing the following we're actually going to maybe cheat a little bit we're going to select Andromeda and basically look at this arrow right here and go toward the direction where it's pointing so it says it's this way I think it's possibly in this globular cluster right there in front of us it's got to be inside of that thing so we're going to go and find that hundred million masses of Sun supermassive black hole that doesn't actually have a name and just known as the Andromeda supermassive black hole and one day this is actually all going to be become part of our own galaxy as well because you may have watched the video where I talked about the collision between the Andromeda and the Milky Way in about 4.5 billion years the Andromeda galaxy is actually going to collide with our own Milky Way and combined into it creating very very large elliptical galaxies that we might actually refer to as the Milky Amida because they're going to become part of one and it's going to become the most massive the largest possible galaxy in our local cluster all right so the arrow is telling me that it's right here and I think it's this bright super bright object right in the middle so just to check we're going to accelerate time and if we see stars orbiting around this super bright object right there that's gotta be the supermassive black hole so let's go closer to it let's check it out and maybe take a look at these stars as well but yes the Andromeda galaxy is actually moving toward our own Milky Way at a speed of about 140 kilometers per second and obviously it's going to accelerate when it's come when it comes closer but right now it's moving toward us very very very very fast and so just as I mentioned before this particular central region has two very bright nuclei so this is the first one this is the actual black hole known as m31 central black hole because m31 is the other name for the Andromeda galaxy and I think I'm not sure if this is actually correct I don't think this is a correct mass here because it's technically a hundred million masses of our own Sun but the actual central region has two of these very interesting bright regions so one of them one core is right here and in reality there is actually another core somewhere right here formed by all of these thousands of stars orbiting around the black hole and as they orbit around the black hole some of the stars remain here in the apogee or the farthest distance of the black hole and create this very very bright object so if you actually look at this with a telescope what it looks like is a very bright object here and a very bright region here so this is why Andromeda is known as a dual nucleus galaxy it has two very bright nuclei in the middle and so let's actually go a little bit closer to the east super massive black hole in the middle of Andromeda slow down time a little bit just so it looks it would have been nicer and maybe just going on the inside as well we're going to go inside of it and make the Andromeda galaxy and the internal universe disappear behind us and so here we go boom it's all gone anyway so that's really all I wanted to say this video I just wanted to teach you a little bit about the Andromeda galaxy about its properties about its history and the importance of the discovery of this really beautiful Cepheid variable star known as the one in the Andromeda galaxy that basically change the understanding of the universe before Edwin Hubble discovered the one we thought that everything all the stars in our night sky are basically part of the Milky Way but he realized and he discovered and he showed that that was not true that there were other galaxies out there and that the universe was actually a very very large place and I guess before we finish this video let's actually return back home and take a look at all of this as it looks from Earth just to remind ourselves how far away this actually is how how much of a distance we actually had to travel to get here and of course remind us of the fact that not only is this actually far but the light we see coming from the Andromeda galaxy is actually 2.5 million years old so everything that we see today is basically the history of Andromeda that's basically started way way before humanity even existed so this is actually how impressive all of this is and let's zoom in onto the central region here and maybe see if we can discover that globular cluster that we just came from where we saw the supermassive black hole and I think maybe it's this one right here with the bright region in the middle being the supermassive black hole so first let me start by showing you the the picture so right here you're looking at various types of so-called ring galaxies now these are essentially galaxies that seem to have a ring around them and these are very very massive usually and the current speculation is that a lot of these galaxies have very young blue and white stars forming on the outskirts and make it as kind of a beautiful ring and essentially this is what creates this kind of an effect and nothing seems to be happening in the center either because there's a lot of really old dark stars or because everything for some reason moved to the outskirts now the the actual most prominent theory right now is that the ring galaxies are essentially formed in a way that well basically in this way let me just show you instead of trying to talk about it basically you have two galaxies that collide and one of them is smaller than the other when a small galaxy passes through the bigger galaxies in the center you'll get like an empty space on the outskirts you got a bunch of stars that's the current most prevalent theory explaining these this particular beautiful ring galaxies but some other astronomers think that maybe it's just formed because there's a very large accretion disk on the outskirts of these really massive galaxies that essentially starts producing these new stars that then obviously create so much lightens is such a beautiful ring so two theories one is that it's a collision of two galaxies one small one big and two is that maybe it's because of this cushion disc that is there for some reason and this is actually the galaxy that this person sent me this is the cartwheel galaxy a very beautiful very well known galaxy that has this really cool look it actually that's kind of look like a cartwheel and apparently it's a lot more massive than we thought what you see here is actually it's not showing you the the dark side of this galaxy it doesn't show you the darker stars and specifically the black holes a binary systems basically there's a lot of binary black hole systems that surround this galaxy and we can see them in the x-ray and the actually show up on this particular picture because this is the x-ray imaging and you can kind of see that there's quite a lot of these really massive beautiful objects now why are we talking about this well because in one of the previous videos when I was talking about dark matter and this is what we've talked about we've taken a look at the galaxies if they actually had dark matter in them specifically this is a pretty good example so here is a typical galaxy actually maybe not this particular simulation let's actually use this right here this is a little bit better because it's already accelerated as well I'm going to pause it for a second we're going to zoom out and so here we have these two galaxies that are kind of spinning around each other and we're going to maybe decrease this a little bit and they're held together by the red dots which are sort of the representations of dark matter this is essentially the theory behind dark matter right now is that this is how the galaxies are kept together but then what I did was I wanted to do into power here and press the magical button that removes the dark matter and see what happens they actually turn into ring galaxies are you kind of detecting where I'm going with this let me try this again I'm going to go into this zoom in on this lonely galaxy right here in the middle it kind of looks galactic enough and we're going to basically well first let's accelerate this and we're going to remove the Dark Matter and you'll notice that it actually will once again turn into a ring galaxy which is absolutely fascinating now the fact that he saw this before I think a lot of scientists dead it's pretty amazing I don't know if this is actually what's happening this is totally a speculation on my part I've never read a paper a single paper that try to explain it this way so maybe you're right about now I can maybe pause this or decelerate is a little bit and so what we have here is we have the central part that sort of does obviously have a lot of stars or between the central supermassive black hole you can kind of see them if I just made a little bit more and this is because they actually they're not moving fast enough to escape this part but then these stars are moving fast enough and before they were being held by by the dark matter and now there's no more no more dark matter and so it actually kind of sort of from a certain angle would if you squint your eyes totally looks like a ring galaxy or possibly a cartwheel galaxy like this is totally a cartwheel this is not a cartwheel I don't know what a cartwheel way it is but anyway so I think I thought that was an absolutely amazing observation on his part and I actually wanted to ask you guys what do you guys think does this actually make sense I'm totally going to tweet this to some of the more famous astronomers out there that actually do know a little bit more about Dark Matter than me and maybe they will have an answer for us because I honestly think that this person is kind of on the right track maybe just maybe this is actually how these unusual galaxies are formed maybe it has something to do with Dark Matter either somehow disappearing or somehow losing its potency or possibly maybe it something else is going on there maybe there's just some kind of effect we haven't really observed yet or haven't really studied yet but anyway so galactic merger in universe and box looks absolutely incredible especially if you have VR you could actually check this out because it it just blows your mind this is such a beautiful event now I'm going to actually demonstrate a few more simulations and one of them is made by NASA that looks really really really cool and I really wanted to show it to you because it's something that you don't see very often and the event that you see right here is essentially the formation of large galaxies similar to the Milky Way so what you're observing is a simulation of small galaxies and I guess some big galaxies kind of interacting and absorbing each other's mass and essentially creating a bigger and larger galaxy that will eventually become spiral similar to the Milky Way now this is a simulation by NASA and you can actually find it in the link in description below but you kind of see that it looks pretty cool it looks really awesome everything is spinning really fast and it shows us that galaxies seem to be created from smaller less massive galaxies and basically emerge into large things that look like our Milky Way that's kind of what we think happens but then something else occurred in 2017 we actually saw this right here this this was taken by a telescope in in Antarctica and this is a picture of two very massive galaxies one here and another one here merging together but on top of that they're actually inside a very very very very large dark matter halo the size of which we haven't really seen before so there's two problems here one is of course the dark matter but that's another story because we don't really know why so much dark matter is present in this location but the other one is the two galaxies themselves first of all this is like observing to very large Milky Way and Andromeda like galaxies colliding early on in the creation of the universe maybe about 700 million years after the universe was created we didn't really think that these galaxies existed like them we actually were under impression that only smaller galaxies similar to the ones you see here were around so the we didn't think that such massive galaxies even existed so that's kind of already a redefinition of our understanding because that means that's early on in the creation of the universe there already were these really massive galaxies that collided with each other interacted with other galaxies and absorb them and then basically became more and more massive so this is what is going to happen here we're going to have a very large and massive super galaxy now the other interesting fact is that well first of all this would explain why we actually did find some tremendously huge and massive galaxies out there that just defy explanation like for example the biggest galaxy in our university of discovery so far known as IC one one zero one about what you have talked about maybe about a year ago is so massive and so large that it's just there's no explanation for how it was formed and so having found these two merging galaxies we can now kind of possibly predict or understand at least what actually possibly happened so maybe this is the beginning of that supermassive galaxy I see one one zero one because now that it's actually more massive than other galaxies around it it will be able to absorb more and more mass grow exponentially and become tremendously big but unfortunately in this simulation that was started just now I think it's good for the supermassive galaxies that we wanted to create doesn't look as supermassive or as big as I said I hoped it would but I guess if you actually put more and more galaxies here which we can do right now to basically try to simulate the situation and as you can see it's suddenly slowed down because I have so much dark matter everywhere so let's try this again let's remove the dark matter and try to run this at any kind of speed and you'll see that even in this particular simulation it's very likely that we're going to create a large supermassive spiral galaxy it's going to be really hard I I've heard so many simulations where I tried to combine galaxies together and I think maybe in one out of a hundred there was something that resembled a spiral galaxy so they're kind of hard to create and so we're gonna wait a little bit and see what happens here but chances are we're not gonna create anything as spectacular as you saw before but before actually going I wanted to tell you about the paper where I found all of this and this is also in the description below this is the paper known as galaxies grow with a massive halo in the first billion years of cosmic history the paper is actually kind of interesting to read so if you are into this kind of stuff check it out the link is in description below and the NASA simulation is from the goddard media studios which basically has a lot of really really awesome videos that simulates various galactic formations and galactic collisions and it's quite a lot of them you can check out there's also some other really awesome videos on this site but these are the ones that apply to this topic right now but anyway so going back to our formation of galaxies as you can see nothing really changed here and it's probably going to kind of be in this form for a very long time and I believe these other galaxies are actually moving away now because there's nothing to hold them together these ones are also floating apart so our supermassive galaxies creation didn't really succeed yet again I mean it is super massive and it is kind of blobby looking I guess in this case you would call it an elliptical galaxy no not yet but it doesn't look as I wanted to look it doesn't have the spirals now in comparison the most supermassive galaxies we've discovered so far I see one one zero one is about this big in comparison they're actually even bigger I believe it's at least a hundred times bigger in size to our own Milky Way so it's a galaxy that is elliptical it's kind it's made up of smaller galaxies and contains so much mass that it's just it's unbelievable it's hard to kind of describe and just to show you an example if you've never seen this galaxy before this is kind of what it looks like compared to the other galaxies in this is in space engine so you can see these tiny galaxies desks next to it kind of a little tremendously tiny so this is I see one one zero one and here right next to it forward to zoom into this particular galaxy you would see that it is tiny income so there is I see 1 1 0 1 in front of it and I've actually talked about this giant uneven ER recreated in universe and works in one of the previous videos so do check it out on a channel so anyway so that kind of is the end of the video I wanted to show you the new mystery of the formation of the galaxies we still don't really get how exactly these giants form we don't really get where and how most of the dark matter came from and how it influenced the formation of the galaxies but most importantly we just realized that this formation of galaxies that we thought was kind of the standard doesn't seem to be the standard it looks like there are galaxies out there that have been formed in some other way is way way faster than we expected them to form and it looks like we need to redefine our understanding of the universe yet again well anyway this is what our supermassive mass looks like now doesn't it look like anything galactic I guess later is a galaxy that contains about ten other galaxies so first of all let's establish some basics as we're escaping from a beautiful earth and as we're moving across our own galaxy relatively fast faster than the speed of light so so yeah nothing in the universe can actually move faster than speed of light this is something that Einstein has established in his general theory of relativity a long time ago and most of his theory is actually absolutely correct so nothing no matter no object can move at a speed faster than speed of light even though we're currently doing so in space engine but that doesn't include space itself universe itself can actually expand faster than the speed of light in other words as I move away farther and farther than from Earth we actually know that space itself expands outwards space moves away from us and it moves away faster and faster the farther you are from Earth the farther you are from the center of observation the faster space moves away from you now it's not as fast as you can see right now it's this is mostly just a simulation but if I were to go to a location approximately 1 mega parsec away or 1 million parsec away which is something like 3 million light years away from us at that location the space itself moves away from us approximately 70 kilometers per second in other words let's actually just simulate this by selecting earth and moving into a location about 73 million light years away from from our earth so somewhere around here we're going to just stop stop completely so here's our earth somewhere over there we're going to zoom into it and just just to see our galaxy from home one more time there's there's the Milky Way maybe not the best view from from this particular location but we can actually pan around just so you can see it a little bit better earth is so worried a bit all right there and this particular location even if we're is basically stopped completely we're actually moving away from Earth approximately 70 kilometers per second and that's because of the so called Hubble's law this is a law that was discovered by the scientist by the name Hubble approximately a hundred years ago and he was able to prove it he was able to show that the farther away you are from the centre of observation the faster things move away and so this of course implies that the farther away we move from the centre of observation the faster space expands away from that location so that also means that if we were to go to location approximately four thousand three hundred megaparsecs away from from here basically what we would call the edge of the universe at that location light would actually or not just light but everything would actually recede from us at approximately the speed of light and so let's actually let's go to right now so this this is going to be approximately thirteen ish billion light years away from our earth that is right there in the center so right now this is just one billion and let's go to 13 billion so we're going to basically reach this edge of the universe and things there will be expanding a lot faster and so we're almost there and here we go so somewhere around around here maybe maybe a little bit farther I guess space engine doesn't simulate this super accurately but right around so somewhere around right here this is where if you were to stop completely you would be receding from Earth at approximately the speed of light even if you are completely stopped now because our universe is expanding in every direction from us this means that this kind of forms a sphere around our location and this is what we would call the Hubble sphere and know this doesn't actually violate Einstein's theory at all because space itself can expand as fast as it wants to as a matter of fact there was actually time a long time ago when as a matter of fact there was actually time a long time ago once space expanded so fast that we have a name for it it's called inflation it basically instantly expanded to a tremendous large size but since then it actually stopped but it is still expanding and it is still actually even accelerating and increasing its expansion speeds and our only explanation for it so far is that there is something called dark energy that's causing it to accelerate anyway this is another topic of course because right now we're just talking about these galaxies right here in this vicinity that are at a distance of about 4.3 billion parsecs away from us that seem to be actually moving away from us at and the speed of light now what would be actually able to see galaxies that are slightly farther away so like for example this galaxy right here and this is a galaxy that's very bright is actually beyond the Hubble sphere it's beyond their so-called visible location visible light locations so in other words this is moving away from us faster than speed of light so the light that's coming off it may actually never reach us because it's actually moving away you know it's faster the speed of light but we actually do see them and we see them with time because as it so happens the Hubble sphere itself expands with time as well and at some point the Hubble sphere will become larger and when it becomes larger the light that will escape those galaxies that are moving away faster than speed of light from us will enter the Hubble sphere and eventually reach our planet Earth and eventually we'll be able to see it now there's actually a really good explanation of this on a very tysonis channel he made a video about it back in 2013 but what I wanted to talk about in this video is actually just the kind of a visualization and kind of an explanation for a lot of this other stuff using space engine so we know that many of these galaxies like for example this galaxy right here is emitting the light toward us right now so let's actually maybe come closer to it so we can see it in a little bit more detail and here here it is this beautiful procedurally generated galaxy with a funny name so this galaxy is outside of our Hubble sphere in other words the galaxy itself will never actually be inside the Hubble sphere and it's currently moving away from us at a speed that's faster than speed of light but the light that escaped at billions of years ago will eventually enter the Hubble sphere and we'll eventually be able to see what this galaxy looked like billions and billions of years ago so this is actually very very unusual because a lot of the light that we see today from about 5 billion years ago and and Beyond was actually emitted by objects that used to be passed our Hubble sphere so this at some point will also be visible to us even though it currently we cannot see it and all of this light when it reaches us is going to be extremely a redshift it's going to be very very redshift that we might not actually even be able to see it very well because it's essentially going to be not this color roll it's going to be very very very very red shifted and appear almost in infrared and also this brings me to my next explanation about some of the galaxies that are right at the Hubble sphere itself so there is actually a location right here some more in this region approximately thirteen point eight to 14 billion years light-years away from us where a galaxy in the particular region will actually slowly kind of disappear from from the visual light it will all become so redshifted that will it will start appearing in infrared and not in visible light and so if you were to stare at us at a certain location like for example maybe this galaxy right there if we can maybe see it a little bit better so here's a random galaxy that I kind of select before to kind of skip stare at it over and over and over at some point because it's moving away from us it would actually slowly fade away into the infrared so what we need to use infrared telescopes to actually see it which is actually very unusual and this is one of the reasons why our night sky is actually so dark technically if all the stars in the universe who are still in the visible region of space our night sky would be extremely bright but over time many many stars actually faded away past the Hubble sphere and actually past the so called particle horizon this is actually the limit of where we can see things even today in this particle horizon expense to a diameter of about 93 billion light years across the universe so it's approximately 46 billion light years away from us that we can actually see objects still so for me to really reach the visible limit of the universe I have to go really really far away so I'm gonna show you how far away it is so in space engine at about 24 billion light years this is where the observable universe kind of ends but if we move to approximately 45 billion light years from us this is technically the limit of the particle horizon this is the limit of where we can still kind of detect things from and these things are essentially extremely red shifted they're they're barely even visible to us at all and unfortunately in space engine it's kind of hard to simulate this but let's just reach that location right now and so somewhere around here in this complete darkness is essentially the limit of us seen things even though it's kind of invisible at this point in space engine in real life we can still kind of detect certain things from from this location because the emitted lights so so many billions of years ago and because their light has entered our Hubble sphere long time ago so now we're going to go back to our earth I'm going to zoom back to it fly to the entire visible universe and I guess invisible universe and appreciate how far away things really are in space and here we go we're coming closer and closer to Earth zooming past trillions and trillions of galaxies and now we're back to earth so let's actually start by escaping our own planet Earth and of course our solar system just so you can actually see where this closed galaxy is located and you will actually be surprised how close it is and so as we actually start moving through the galaxy here you'll notice that we're about to escape it and you'll basically get to see the Milky Way from a distance so there is the central region of the Milky Way our planet Earth is somewhere over here and we're actually not going very far the way to for us to find one of these galaxies one of the closest galaxies to us is to actually increase the magnification here and you'll start actually seeing a lot of new things you'll actually start seeing a lot of globular clusters and I'm going to slice through some of them just to kind of explain to you some of the new findings so in the last few years we've used something called 2mass which was a kind of an infrared analysis to discover quite a lot of things that were previously invisible to us this was an infrared analysis that discovered all of these globular clusters you see right here and right here and right there and many of them actually formed something known as mono Souris ring now monoceros ring is a kind of a well studied subject it's basically a ring that we're going to recreate in one of the future videos that forms a very interesting pattern around our galaxy making our galaxy a lot larger than we previously thought as a matter of fact in 2015 which is only a year ago for me we discovered that our galaxy is not actually this small it's about this big it's about almost like it twice the size meaning that our earth is actually somewhere in the middle of the galaxy as opposed to being in about 2/3 away from the center and what we've also discovered is that this monoceros ring actually is formed by possibly a destruction over another galaxy or possibly by some kind of a very interesting interaction of matter inside the galaxy that we still haven't really been able to explain but what is interesting is that during that too much study we'll also discover it I really really interesting very very small but relatively close galaxies that you see right there it's literally hugging our own galaxy and this particular object is known as cm a dwarf also known as Canis Major dwarf galaxies or Canis Major over density now the reason why it's actually known as over density is because we're not 100% sure that this is actually galaxies just yet we've recently discovered it we're still studying it but we kind of are going to assume that it is actually galaxies because it sort of does look like a dwarf galaxy and because it sort of behaves like one now what we know for sure is that this particular galaxy is slowly being absorbed into the Milky Way and basically it's going to disappear at some point and in the last billion or so years it already lost quite a lot of its mass and quite a lot of those globular clusters that you saw a few minutes ago are actually used to be at least part of it but today we know that it's kind of there it's very very close to our own galaxy and it's actually not very far away from the solar system that we live in in either it's only about seven thousand light years away so it's actually closer to our solar system then to the centre of the Milky Way so earth is actually right here and this right here is cm a dwarf and the central region is right there so it's only about seven thousand light-years away which is actually not very far earth is closer to this galaxy notice to our central black hole now previously there was actually another galaxy that we thought was much closer to us and I'm going to show it to you in a second it's going to appear somewhere right there there it is we actually thought that this was the closest neighboring galaxy known as Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxies also known as sag D SPH this was basically a galaxy and consisted of four or I guess it still is a galaxy that consists of four globular clusters and in this case we were actually discovered this back in 1994 but we now know that it's very likely to be not the closest one so this particular dwarf galaxy is about ten thousand light-years in diameter and it's about seventy thousand light-years away from from Earth and this galaxy will to at some point be very likely absorbed absorbed by the Milky Way and basically disappear completely and become part of our own galactic spiral disk but we're not talking about that galaxy we're actually talking about this right there so let's zoom in to see I'm a dwarf and briefly discuss what's inside and what we know about it so it's actually hidden from us by all the galactic dust and galactic clouds so you will never be able to see this with a regular telescope but using infrared telescope we can definitely actually see not only the actual galaxy but a war of its parts as well now we're going to actually go into the middle and see if we can discover the central black hole because I would like to actually see if we can maybe find it although considering the fact that this is actually a very large galaxy consisting of about the billion stars it might be kind of challenging now this particular galaxy is classified as the irregular galaxy and it's about 25,000 light years away from our solar system but over 42,000 white years away from the galactic center it's somewhat elliptical in shape and and this galaxy is located in the region known as Canis Majoris which is also sometimes known as the dog and here we're actually possibly approaching the center of this particular galaxy because I think maybe in size this globular cluster there might be a black hole now so let's go inside of this and try to find the central black hole while we talk a little bit more about what this galaxy is all about so the fact that this galaxy exists and the fact that we know that Milky Way is absorbing it slowly kind of gives us a proof or I guess shows us that many different galaxies do grow by absorbing their neighbors specifically smaller galaxies and this one here is about 1% of total mass of the Milky Way and it's actually going to be absorbed in the next a few billion years completely it's going to disappear and become part of the Milky Way now my guess is that the central black hole might be somewhere in here so we're going to inch our way to the center and try to discover and see if it's actually here and while we're approaching this black hole which is hopefully somewhere here let me just also mention that not everyone believes that this is an actual galaxy there's actually quite a lot of researchers that think that maybe just maybe this is just a part of the halo of the Milky Way maybe these are just stars that are there in a kind of a globular constellation as well that basically make it look like an actual galaxy but in reality it might be just a natural formation now I was feeling this right there it might be the actual black hole because I'm getting really really close to it so maybe this is actually it so let's get a little bit closer and take a look at it and maybe even go inside and there we go look at that so you can actually see the orbits of all of these stars orbiting around what seems to be a central very very bright region which can only be one thing it can only be a black hole there's a bit of a slowdown there because I think the game was loading all of these stars and we can actually decrease the magnitude now because we don't need to see so many stars as you can see if you increase the magnet you almost see all of the stars that this galaxy has whereas if you decrease it it becomes more manageable to to go through the simulation without your computer basically crashing and so here we go we're approaching the relatively small supermassive black hole and I guess that's a funny play on words small supermassive it's small compared to other supermassive black holes but it's definitely still a supermassive black hole that you're going to see any second now because we're definitely getting closer and closer to it and I don't really know the exact size of this black hole but there it comes very very bright accretion disk and we're going to stop right in front of it so that you can actually see it and there it is so let's actually slow down time here so you can see their cushion that's orbiting a little bit slower than it was orbiting before and we're going to approach the center here it is this is what it looks like inside the CM a dwarf galaxy and this is what it's like on the actual event horizon of this particular black hole not that we'll ever be able to get here because this would be scientifically impossible or very very improbable anyway so that's basically the center of this galaxy we're going to escape it now take a look at it again from a distance but I also wanted to mention that we now also know that a lot of the other globular cluster that we're aware of previously might have actually come from this particular galaxy and all of them are available in space as you know like for example if I were to find an object known as NGC 1851 that's located right there about 17,000 light-years away from us and I'm going to try to make it a little bit more bright so you can see it this object may have actually come from here it may have actually come from this particular galaxy one essentially the Milky Way disrupted the Galactic formation here and that part kind of got separated from the rest of the galaxy so all of these globular clusters may have actually originally come from the CM a dwarf dwarf galaxy so that's what we know about it so far all this is still a bit of a speculation but it's basically the closest explanation we have to how these globular clusters and end up so far away from our own galaxy the Milky Way and that's of course the CM a dwarf it does take a while to load mostly because I'm actually using an add-on to try to recreate this galaxy because originally this galaxy is not in space engine and you can actually find this mod and download it yourself from the forum board of space engine now before we finish this video I actually I'm going to go back to earth and show you where exactly as this galaxy is located so let's return to Earth and look behind us and actually discover where you can maybe possibly see this galaxy if you were to actually have a very powerful infrared telescope and you really really really wanted to find it so here is our own solar system here is our beautiful planet Earth and now we're going to turn around look into the area of where Orion's belt is we're going to increase the magnitude and wait for the galaxies to pop into view and there this is Orion's belt that's where you would find the beautiful cm a dwarf irregular galaxy that's about 25,000 light-years away or about 7,000 per kilo per sec away from us so a streamer software and scan our sky is looking for difference a new phenomenon to discover and one such a phenomenon happened to be this very large extremely cold dark matter galaxies known as crater - but what's really interesting about it is that it's actually part of our subgroup of galaxies close to us and as a matter of fact it's one of the few galaxies orbiting the Milky Way but what's even more surprising is that it's actually relatively large and very very massive so anyway let's let's go to universe and walk so here's our own Milky Way galaxy our Sun is somewhere over there it's kind of sticking out and this is a galaxy that's pretty well known to us obviously but it's at the same time still has a lot of mysteries but what we've discovered is that there's about 57 smaller galaxies that are within about 1.4 million light-years away from the Milky Way and we've discovered quite a lot of them orbiting around our galaxy there's actually some very well known ones like for example Large Magellanic Cloud and small Magellanic Clouds and these don't actually a little bit around our galaxy they're moving a little bit too fast and then there are some that actually do orbit like for example for example Sagittarius dwarf elliptical galaxy about which I've talked about you know in the previous videos is in orbit but then came the discovery of crater - thing about creator - is that it is massive in comparison to some of these other dwarf galaxies and the other thing about it is that it's actually pretty close so I mean let me show you how close we're talking about okay in galactic terms is close in human terms still kind of far now to represent the creator because it's full of dark matter we're actually just going to use a black hole and specifically we're going to use it here is a star a black hole because the total mass of created two is about 4.4 millions of Suns and the mass of Sagittarius a star is about 4.3 millions of stars so it's kind of almost exactly the same so here we're going to go to a distance of approximately 380,000 light-years away from Earth and basically from our own galaxy and that's approximately somewhere over here ish so somewhere over here ish I'm gonna place that area say and we're gonna rename it to crater 2 and now we're gonna add a few stars to it because it does have stars it is a galaxy but there aren't that many as a matter of fact what it has around it moves really really really really fast and the actual black hole in the middle is probably not very large either but it does have a lot of really really unusual properties or I guess not unusual properties but the property is that basically defined this as a dark matter galaxy so let's just place some stars here just so that we can actually give it some Galactic like appearance and this is going to be our miniature model of crater 2 so what we have discovered about it having founded by completely by accident is that you know being so close to us have been so dark it's very very likely that it's it's been there forever we just haven't seen it and it's been in this region for forever as well but we just we're not looking for the right thing and specifically here we weren't really looking for the Galactic or rotational interactions which is how we were able to accidentally find this galaxy and and the mass of this galaxy is or makes it one of the most massive satellite galaxies to the Milky Way it's more massive than the small Magellanic Cloud basically it's somewhere between the large and small Magellanic Clouds in total mass but it's almost invisible it's very very direct it will be impossible to see it with with a you know home telescope you need a specialized telescope to see it but if you were to look at it from Earth if you were to actually look at this galaxy from Earth its size would be almost double of the moon that's how big it is so it's a pretty large galaxy but just completely dark because of its contents which is essentially just mostly dark matter and we've actually found at least in the last decade or so quite a lot of these dwarf satellite galaxies making total 57 now and some of them includes very small very dark very chemically enriched but also mostly dark matter dominated galaxies and some of these are actually just like this they're basically a few starters a lot of dark matter and a lot of mystery in there we don't really know exactly what else is going on and how they were formed but we know that these galaxies were partially responsible for the creation of our own Milky Way and all of their gas kind of get captured by the Milky Way as well but because this galaxy is so massive and also because it's so large as a matter of fact it's radius well this is not a good representation that we store a radius its radius is about [Music] 4,000 ish light-years so it's actually somewhere around here in size this is how big it is so I'm gonna actually just enable orbits for a second just so you can see how big it is that this red circle represents the actual size of this galaxy in relation to the Milky Way so it's it's pretty vague it's it would definitely be very visibly for us a lot brighter and contained a lot more stars but instead it's very dark because of course it's just dark matter but which we still don't really know much we just know that it exists and so this all of these parameters make it fourth largest satellite of the Milky Way and also one of the most massive now because of all of this it also is the most extremely low density galaxies that we found in the neighborhood it basically has very very very very very few stars it's barely there's very any stars at all and the stars that are here probably have complete darkness in their night skies there's probably not a lot of things in between if you were to look the dark skies basically would just see the other galaxies you'll see the Milky Way but you wouldn't really see it many stars because there aren't really that may need to begin with and the reason we know that it's basically all dark matter or mostly dark matter is because the star that we've discovered on the outskirts of this galaxy move way way way faster than they should something is definitely keep them to keeping them together and these stars that are basically orbiting somewhere in here and there and there and there all of these stars move really fast and some of the outlier stars move at speeds of like four kilometers per second which is way way faster than they should be moving based on the total mass of this galaxy so unfortunately that's actually all we know about creator - we know its size we know that it's there we know that it's mostly dark matter and we know that it's very large and very massive compared to some of the other similar galaxies nearby in terms of anything else we're still going to be studying quite a lot and trying to discover more about this unusual dwarf galaxy and maybe even discover some unusual new parameters about the dark matter because of this galaxy in any way so that's all I wanted to talk about in this video and hopefully you learned something from it and if you did don't forget to subscribe share this video someone who enjoys watching space videos and come back tomorrow to learn something else as you can see now that I've disabled the orbital parameters this galaxy is barely even visible it's just a tiny little dot in the middle of other dots and that's essentially how it really is and that's what we haven't seen it until 2016 so creating a galaxy is actually not a very easy business as a matter of fact even today we don't really know exactly how the galaxies were created early on because we don't really see any creation of any galaxies anywhere in the universe using telescopes so as a matter of fact all of our theories so far are based on observation of galaxies that have already been created and using computer simulations similar to what I'm using here and so far all the theories that exist are not particularly accurate in predicting the way our universe looks right right now but one of the more prominent theories is the so called bottom-up theory where basically the weight predicts the creation of the galaxies is that a long time ago there were these clumps of matter very similar to what I have right here basically a matter that compacted itself into a large chunk that kind of started to accumulate on an orbit around a central point which in this case is as a central supermassive black hole and as they started to orbit around it they started to accumulate into larger and larger chunks and created stars and basically galaxies as we know today this theory is not perfect and it doesn't like a lot of accuracy and doesn't really predict the rotation speed of the galaxies or their size very precisely but it's one of these theories that scientists still kind of follow and try to basically prove but nevertheless we're going to actually try to use one of these theories to kind of create a completely new galaxy from scratch and I'm going to also demonstrate and show to you how you can do it yourself so let's say I create a new simulation here and we're going to start by placing some kind of a black hole a very large black hole and in this case I believe it's it's a black hole that has 1 million masses of the Sun right in the center and let's actually name this galaxy something cool like for example and I'm going to name it Anton's galaxy because well I couldn't really come up with a better name for the lack of energy of thinking and creativity on my part anyway so moving on what we're going to do now is we're going to place two types of clumps or clump matter around this black hole the first one is going to be in form of brown or specifically basically large planets or I guess you can call them almost stars that the large enough to look like a planet but behave more like an unborn star so in this case I'm going to be using a brown dwarf by the name of 2m 1207 this is one of the ones we found in the last few years and it's a type m8 red dwarf that's only about 26 masses of Jupiter is going to represent a clump of hydrogen so basically this is hydrogen has been collected into one large chunk we're going to place quite a lot of them around this system with a black hole in the middle and there you go this basically like something like over a hundred of them here now they will start colliding at some point and they will start a creating matter and eventually even creating stars but to accelerate this process and also to make this a little bit less clunky let's just remove this as well ROM button here we go to make this a little bit sort of more realistic and make this a little bit quicker we're also going to place a ring of matter just to make this even more interesting and realistic and I'm going to choose Saturn ring right here let's change the mass so here I'm going to place about 2500 particles that are going to be total mass of about 100 Suns we're going to keep the texture by default it's going to basically be kind of almost invisible and they want to think I'm going to change is the distance here and let's place it at a distance from about 0.3 astronomical is to about 1.2 circle units around this black hole in the shape of Taurus so let's add one and let's actually maybe add one more in the shape of the ring as well just to make the collisions happen a little bit quicker and so here is our Anton galaxy or Anton's galaxy that's completely brand-new this is basically a baby galaxy it's an undeveloped galaxy it's completely devoid of any stars it just manor orbiting around it now what we're going to do is just wait we're going to accelerate time here and wait for things to happen and if the theories are somewhat correct stars will start to appear relatively soon and it actually really kind of looks cool to me it looks like basically an undeveloped solar system that has a black hole a supermassive black hole in the middle now the game might start slowing down here because as you see in a few seconds there will also be a bunch of smaller fragments created from all of the collisions and possibly from approaching the black hole too close as it will actually shred things but for now there is really nothing happening it's just matter orbiting very peacefully for about 4.6 days and some time has passed and there you go you just notice that all of the fragments have disappeared because the first star has been created and changed the luminosity of this particular area so now we have our first baby star let's actually name it that let's call it Anton baby star there is a first beautiful tiny star you can kind of see it's right there and we're going to just wait for more - oh there you go second star we're going to happen we're going to see four more to happen four more to be created four more stars to occur and so now let's just see the magic or against the science happen in front of our eyes so this is a completely newly born galaxy and it's going to be essentially developing itself it's going to be creating more and more stars and in this case we refer to these galaxies as blue type because you'll notice that after a few possibly months of game time all of these stars here will become blue and the galaxies will become completely blue as the galaxy evolves and as it dies down and the stars are no longer created and less and less stars being developed it changes color to red and it's also known as the red type of a galaxy for now it does look kind of reddish because there's only three stars now but it will change the color so I'm going to kind of stop talking for now and you observe the magic or the science I can call it as magic it's really not magic its science and as more and more collisions occur and as more and more stars are born you'll notice that some of them have even become a little bit bigger than their partners than their neighbors like this one here it's quite large already and what this will eventually lead to is very large blue stars and also supernovae so we might even witness a supernova some time soon because some of these stars will collide and some of them will reach very very high masses and will basically live out their lives to the point where they'll explode and create even more dust even more matter and of course new materials and new things like iron silicon nickel and so on and so forth so elements that do not yet exist in this system right now look at that something just happens it says it's an oval remnant I think this star actually approached the black hole a little bit too close and fell apart into little fragments but yeah there will be a lot of new materials created here and there will be a lot of really new cool things and there's our first supernova and look at that the galaxy has suddenly become blue it's lit up instantly and this supernova basically changed everything it I think it added a lot of materials and a lot of mass to all of the other stars and also warmed up some of the things and has basically mixed up things and added new elements to the galaxy that used to be made up entirely out of hydrogen maybe some helium now however it has a lot of metals and a lot of other cool things so let's keep rolling this simulation and see what happens after basically a few months of game time but right now this is what we would call a blue type galaxy a galaxy with blue stars or white stars very bright very hot stars that are going to go supernova and create a lot of material and as you can see my game is kind of slowing down because there is so much stuff happening here it's not even funny and the second supernova occurred because two other star is probably collided and rich they're super critical mass although technically this would be called a red luminous Nova but in this situation it might actually have been a supernova as well now just to make this run a little bit faster I think I'm going to actually get rid of these two supernovae I'm going to delete them and I'm also going to erase oh there were three supernovae I didn't even know that actually there were even four and I'm also going to erase all the fragments and particles that have been created from all these collisions and just like that as soon as I removed all of the particles I think another supernova occurred well that's that's cool anyway so let's keep writing this I would like to actually see how this develops with time and what actually happens to this galaxy later on so right now it's definitely what you would call a living galaxy all the stars are still young new things have been created new materials are being created as well there's a lot of mixing going on a lot of things are being turned from hydrogen and helium to heavy metals heavier materials and all of the new elements are basically being created both inside the stars and through supernovae that you just saw some stars are still red but as they grow in size they will become blue and white and create more supernovae so right now the galaxy is super super active a lot of supernovae are happening a lot of stars are being created quite a lot of mass is still orbiting around a black hole and a lot of it hasn't really combined yet and this is essentially what you would call an adolescent galaxy basically it's a teenager it's a very active teenager that is spewed out a lot of tantrums in forms of supernova but then there will be adulthood and eventually this galaxy might even reach something that you would call death okay well we're not really talking about the death that like it's this thing right here doesn't really have life and yes it's not really going to die in the same sense that one day all of the people on earth will die but it does have something akin to existence so galaxies can be divided into really two types the blue cloud and the red sequence blue cloud refers to something I've covered in the previous video where I've created a new galaxy that became very bright very very very blue and had a lot of stars that are being created a red sequence however would be something similar to what you see right here so this is a major galaxy that contains nothing but red dwarfs that are still alive and whites a Dwarfs that are basically stars that used to be like our Sun and lived out their life and became really really tiny but very dense pieces of matter and in the middle you have the supermassive black hole and these types of galaxies are basically in a sense dead because no new stars are being created and because these galaxies one day it will become very dim very dark and possibly completely disappear now we don't really call them that though and we don't call it as dying but we call this quenching so this galaxy quenching is essentially the kind of a period in galaxy's life when no more new stars have been created and where all the stars are basically kind of slowly living out their lives and all of this one day will disappear but galaxies are unlike life on our planet can actually resurrect and start producing stars again now let's talk a little bit more about all of this by creating a few galaxies and just talking in general about the idea of galaxy quenching or I guess galaxy death and the idea of resurrecting galaxies by various means so first let's actually talk about how this whole quenching thing happens now one of the most common ways for quenching to occur is well when a bigger galaxy or a more active galaxy like for example this one right here interacts with a smaller or less active galaxy and essentially neutralizes is hydrogen there is a several ways of doing that one of them is by actually and let me see if I can actually recreate that here essentially suck it out all of the hydrogen from the other galaxies I'm gonna see if we can create this effect by basically making this particular black hole ridiculously massive and essentially making all of the hydrogen kind of suck into this other galaxy okay that's not exactly what I was trying to create this is a little bit more extreme but you get the idea so when the hydrogen from the other galaxies disappears the older or the smaller galaxies will not be able to produce anymore stars the other thing that can happen is a galaxy that has a nucleus that basically has these two super super super active jets that propel a lot of energy toward these two locations and if by some chance there is another galaxies located right here right in the middle of this jet okay that totally missed the actual spot where I was aiming but what I'm trying to do here is place it right here right in a jet so if this galaxy is right in a jet the actual jet will neutralize a lot of nitrogen and once again prevents the star formation and this by itself actually has a name this is actually known as galactic strangulation basically what a galaxy strangles the other galaxy preventing it from forming new stars and it happens quite a lot in our universe and it's actually been observed many many times so there's basically two mechanism one is through these really really highly radioactive and very very highly energetic Jets or any other means that basically make hydrogen unable to combine and create new stars and the other through cycling of the hydrogen into the black hole or into some kind of a supermassive a very highly gravitational body inside another galaxy but for a typical galaxy that you see right here basically this is a miniature version of a typical galaxy where stars can be very very different and have quite a variety of life in front of them anything from blue stars that will go supernova really really to read worse that will live for trillions of years strangulation may not occur but they'll still one day of reach the so-called red sequence and essentially quench themselves they're basically die including our own Milky Way and including our neighbor the Andromeda right now they're in so-called green stage basically they're not really dead yet but they are slowly reaching the stage where no new stars will be made maybe in a few billion years but until that occurs they will obviously be creating some stars now for a galaxy to be quenched basically it has to have no more hydrogen left to produce new stars and all of the supernovae that may actually occur in this particular galaxy would have to be not powerful enough or I guess not dense enough to produce anymore new stars or maybe all of them have to have already initiated and no supernova capable stars should have been left in that particular galaxy so essentially what I'm doing right now is I'm quenching or killing the galaxy I've just created I'm making all of the blue and white stars go supernova I'm essentially getting rid of any way for this galaxy to create the new stars and after a few billion years this is what's going to be left a galaxy filled with nothing but white dwarfs and red dwarfs basically stars like our Sun that lived out their life and stars that will slowly live out their lives for trillions of years there's also going to be a lot of black holes a lot of neutron stars in there but a lot of them will not be as visible so for the most part this galaxy will be relatively dim and relatively hard to see but something else can actually happen to resurrect this galaxy and that something else usually is a collision between two galaxies when Andromeda and Milky Way collide they might be almost red sequence they might be almost dead however the collision that you're about to see here will actually initiate two things first a lot of the leftover gas from both galaxies might mix up and creates a lot of a lot of energy as it sort of creates friction a lot of particle collisions and this by itself might actually initiate another stage that will create but you're basica resurrects the two galaxies and create another temporarily blue cloud stage where many new stars will be made from the gas that has just mixed up right here now no stars will collide but the gas will actually clump together and possibly create a lot of a lot of new stars and at the end of this collision will actually end up with an elliptical galaxy very likely known as milk dromeda because that's the only name who came up with it we came up with so far and that's the name because that's the only name we've came up with so far for this unusual coalition that will occur something like 4.5 billion years from now but of course until that happens both galaxies both Andromeda and the Milky Way will essentially use up all of their stellar gas or interstellar gas that is and create all the possible new stars that they currently are capable of creating and once that's done both of them will very very likely end up as red sequence galaxies that will essentially look very dim have no new star formation and for the most part we'll slowly dim away into non-existence and if you are okay with waiting a few more billion and trillions of years you'll eventually reach a stage where pretty much all the galaxies will look very very similar to each other at some point all of them will be barely visible as you can see right here there's maybe a few white worse but for the most part this entire galaxy consists of mostly black dwarfs black holes and possibly a few neutron stars here and there it is very very dim it is almost impossible to see and this is asked when stoever galaxies as you can kind of imagine so what you see in front is a recreation that I made previously what I was trying to play around with the idea of galactic tides or the effects of the central black hole and the central region of our galaxy on various object in our solar system but we're actually going to recreate this from scratch and I'm going to talk more about the details and why we're actually doing this but before I was tarot this let's actually briefly define what tidal force or a galactic tide actual represents so any kind of a tide is essentially a tidal force experienced by any object like for example right here there's earth right here that's actually is experiencing tidal forces from the east center from the galactic center that's right there we are familiar with tides on earth we see them anywhere there is water and usually those tides are caused by either the moon or the orbit of the moon around the earth and so in this case the moon is right there and because it's right there it's actually pulling on earth so the water level right here is going to be raised compared to water level on the other side and we also get the same tidal effects from the Sun as well so because earth is actually orbiting around the Sun the side that's the closest to us and also his experience in tidal effects as well but they're actually very very minuscule but because our Sun is orbiting around the galactic center it's also experiencing tidal effects from that so as the Sun actually orbits around the galactic center if you go about to see in a second so there's a uterus a star as it orbits around this region it's also experiencing galactic tides from essentially for the center of the galaxy and these tidal effects are very very small but they can actually affect objects in our solar system as a matter of fact if you were to compare the Galactic forests from the Sun from the moon and from the galactic center the galactic center forces are very very very miniscule and so if the tidal forces from the moon would raise the water level on earth by about 10 meters then the tidal forces from the Sun would raises by about five meters whereas the tidal forces from the galactic center would only raise it by a tiny tiny number of about 1 picometer which is actually smaller than the size of an atom so the actual forces aren't quite as significant but the thing is when it comes to objects on the outskirts of our solar system like for example things like comets that I just added right there or things like asteroids and the Kuiper belt these objects actually might get quite a lot of influence from the tidal effect let's actually see if we can maybe simulate this a little bit because they're actually far enough away from the Sun to be affected by any kind of perturbations and also over time over millions and billions of years even these tiny effects of tidal forces might actually influence various objects in in our solar system and so specifically a lot of scientists they believe that the tidal forces from Sagittarius a star and from the central galactic region might actually have caused a lot of different comet collisions an asteroid collisions in the past and they may also have created up to 90% of all comets that we have today and so as you can see even with just a little bit of time these various asteroids have already started to change their orbital paths a little bit even with just a little bit of the gravitational effects from the central black hole but what I want to do here is actually find out if there is any significant effects from tidal forces that can possibly even influence our solar system in other ways so let's actually create a new simulation with Sagittarius a star in the middle and possibly a few other smaller black holes just kind of orbiting around it sort of just to represent the galactic center we're going to place them in a completely random order they're going to just orbit everywhere just to add a little bit of effect to the gravitational forces here and so now what we're going to do is we're going to place a few Suns with Earth's orbit in a random and I'm going to try to investigate two things to potential hypotheses been kind of unanswered still and hypothesis number one is actually going to try to answer a simple question could have the effects that we observed in orbits of objects like Eris and Sedna have been caused by the Galactic tide and not Planet nine that is still being searched by the scientists could it has been done by something else in other words as you can see here this is the Planet nine simulation the current hypothesis is that those really extreme orbits of various hyper about objects has been caused by the hypothetical Planet nine the other question we're going to try to answer is in regards to some asteroids that we've discovered in our solar system that have a very peculiar orbit as well I'm specifically talking about orbit that is retrograde and very very very highly inclined sort of like this and the third question we're going to try to answer is in regards to our own solar system or just actual planets in our solar system that all seem to have a bit of an inclination so if you were to actually look at all of the major planets here they all seem to have just a little bit of inclination specifically here's this like 3.44 venus 2.54 saturn and even 1.3 degrees for jupiter so this inclination has never been explained the only explanation that we had so far is that maybe just maybe Planet 9 has actually caused that as well and maybe there is something that's causing the actual orbital plane to slightly inclined in comparison to other objects but it's also possible that this could have been also caused by the Galactic tides so for example Venus has three point four degrees and mercury has seven degrees and it's not really explained yet at least scientifically and we only have speculations we're going to find out if it's possible to actually create this kind of inclination using a simulation with a central galaxy and basically a miniature solar system so let's do it again I'm going to place a bunch of Suns here they're all going to have relatively similar parameters first Sun is going to be in circular orbit second Sun is going to be in circular orbit as well third circle is going to get a little bit of an inclination because we want this to be just a little bit different more a little bit more realistic because our actual Sun is not perfectly in a circular orbit around the galaxy's center then we're going to place another Sun with us slight inclination as well and basically we're now going to place Earth's orbit in around them and we're going to kind of investigate various galactica tidal effects on these earth so we're going to place earth and completely perfectly circular orbit around the first Sun completely perfectly circular orbit around the second son and the other son's as well now the distance here is a little bit different but we're just going to keep it relatively similar for now so let's actually name them as well and the first son is going to be known as the circular son this son right here is also circular but we're actually going to maybe give the earth that orbits around it a little bit of initial inclination just so it has some just some inclination and we'll see how it actually changes later on and we're going to name the son inclined earth the third son will get a slightly eccentric earth we'll see how that changes with time as well and we're going to name this eccentric and the last son will get a bit of everything and so it's going to be both eccentric and inclined and actually I think I'm going to add one more Sun and this is just going to be another circular orbit son and this time we're going to place earth in a more realistic serve orbit basically it's going to be orbiting sort of perpendicularly at about 90 degree inclination right here so kind of like this this is what it's going to be doing and now that I've actually set up all five of them I'm going to kind of see what happens after a few orbits around the central black hole now I think a lot of them are smoking mostly because the relatively close to the Sun but I think with time they should stop smoking and start basically orbiting now the reason I wanted to actually change the parameters for all of these different objects is because I wanted to take a look at various graphs here so we're going to actually accelerate time a little bit so that the actual planets are orbiting around the Sun which I think they're doing right now let me just double check if they're actually orbiting yeah I think they are and as they orbit around the Sun they should start getting various changes in their parameters here so maybe not all of them will have a stable orbit I think actually this one here just flew away but one of these other objects are going to stay in orbit around the parent star I think this one is definitely orbiting so is this one so it is that one and this one as well but I'm guessing it's it's because I place the Earth's a little bit too far away maybe I should place them a little bit closer so that we actually have a slightly better visible orbit and let's try this again so this time they actually have their parameters reset and they're a little bit closer to the Sun and about 10 million kilometers so as you can see this one here was supposed to have only inclination and what I wanted to actually do is to look at the graphs here and how they actually change as the sun's orbit around the central galactic region or sense a black hole but if I were to actually click on inclination here and set it up as a separate graph and also click on eccentricity you would see that both of them would start kind of going up and down a lot as these stars orbit around the galactic center the Galactic tides will actually start influencing both the inclination and the eccentricity of every single earth that we've created and it will be more visible with certain stars because like if a star has a very high eccentricity to begin with and it actually comes closer to the galactic center it will obviously have higher galactic tide effects and so these effects right here are actually the galactic tide effects of your observing so you can see that this a particular earth that's actually orbiting the inclination star was supposed to only have high inclination but in reality even though it actually has increased its inclination it's also increased its eccentricities about almost 1% now and is it going to stop not stop but continuing doing this for quite a while let's actually take a look at other graphs as well so this was the inclination earth let's take a look at the circular earth and I think the circular earth lost its earth again oh that's not good let's replace it again we need to try to make a stable system here we're just going to place it a little bit closer and so here we go so this was a circular earth the second ago and this is going to be its inclination graph and that's the eccentricity graph and as you can see that right away even though it was a circular earth with circular orbital parameters basically it was in play and it was completely circular almost right away it acquires a bit of eccentricity and a bit of inclination and it will start going up and down quite a lot and with time this will change quite dramatically now you may ask yourself so you know how many orbits has our Sun actually done around the galactic center and the answer to that is well approximately 25 one orbit takes just over 200 million years and and our Sun is about 4.6 billion years old so it sits somewhere more than 20 possibly less than 30 and so within those orbits it's experience quite it's experience a lot of galactic tides ups and downs from various parts of the galactic center and from various interactions with other stars and because of that it obviously had some of the eccentricities and some of the inclinations changed in within itself within other objects of our solar system so for example Venus and Mercury have a high inclination and it was possibly done by the Galactic I tides not by the so-called tide at 9:00 but you know what for now it's just a speculation so we don't really know we're gonna leave this for now we're gonna check out some other ones and I believe actually many of them have lost their earths because they were in a really nice stable orbit and as you can see even the the earth that was placed perpendicularly starts changing its eccentricity and inclination quite dramatically and quite periodically as well so the Galactic effects will basically affect every single object in our solar system no matter how far away from the Sun it is included of course the Sun itself and so here the eccentricity is slowly increasing and the inclination keeps going up and down but I guess more down than up and let's actually maybe investigate the other Suns as well and here this one is the eccentricity Sun this is the one that had high eccentricity already and the eccentricity here has increased even more the inclination is also increasing and actually very very very fast so no matter how you place these Earth's no matter how you place the Suns the Galactic tides have a very very very big effects and the last earth I'm going to take a look at is the earth that already had a bit of eccentricity and a little bit of inclination and I just wanted to kind of see what the actual patterns will emerge here with time so here we go orbiting around the galactic center and as you can see as we orbit around it there's going to be a bit of a repetitive pattern now it's not really predictable it's kind of actually hard to project mostly because there's other interactions with these black holes and other stars in the system but with time you'll see that the inclination will kind of return to its original value then possibly drop down possible increase so there's always going to be some kind of an effect on this planet here and so we're just going to wait a little bit and make it orbit around the Sun just to kind of see what kind of a pattern emerges here so this is probably the most realistic representation of our Sun except of course that the actual earth should be orbited more particularly but we're just going to let it run for a little bit just to see what kind of a eccentricity and what kind of an inclination pattern emerges now so there's the galactic center in the middle there's a lot of craziness going on but as you can see this is essentially the inclination curve so it started at about 8 degrees it slowly increased over time up to about 15 degrees after one orbit and now it's at around 18 degrees and it keeps increasing now whereas inclination sorry eccentricity keeps going up and down periodically so eccentricity is not changing too much but the inclination definitely is changing which is really a kind of an important finding here because this suggests two things one is that galactic tides could actually have caused our the the planets in our solar system to change their inclination quite dramatically so maybe that's why Mercury's inclination is about 7 degrees to is that possibly the asteroids that would have like for example the two asteroids I've talked about in one of the previous videos that have a very unique inclination and very unique orbital path may have actually been created because of this as well maybe they were influenced by the Galactic tides and the inclination was increased to about 110 degrees because of that and three is that maybe the effects were observing from various dwarf planets like for example Eris and Sedna are actually not quite at 9 but are actually caused by ad galactic tides as well now all this will be discovered in the future when we do a little bit more research but for now for now this is actually what I wanted to talk about in this video I wanted to show you how strong the galactic tides are and how much they might be actually causing in our solar system including of course various potential collisions that could have actually wiped out the dinosaurs as well so the asteroid that hit our planet 65 million years ago may have actually being redirected to our planet by nothing else but a galactic tide
Channel: Anton Petrov
Views: 452,813
Rating: 4.5125928 out of 5
Keywords: anton petrov, science, technology, astrophysics, astronomy, universe, whatdamath, what da math, amateur astronomy, steven universe, space engine, universe sandbox 2, galaxy, galaxies, galactic video, galactic videos, videos about galaxies, video about a galaxy, andromeda, milky way, unusual galaxy, biggest galaxy, smallest galaxy, weird galaxy, what is a galaxy, new discoveries, space discoveries, galaxy discovery
Id: 4h39Pyw11F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 27sec (9747 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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