Galactus Anatomy Explored - How A Humanoid Transformed Into A Massive Planet-Sized Chaos Monster?

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come creatures they dare steal from Galactus for that I will destroy their Planet Galacticus is a pretty big deal in the Marvel Universe for starters he devours planets to survive yeah you heard that right his ever unsatiated hunger forces him to look for planets with sentient life so that he could consume them but he doesn't do this out of malice instead there's a larger purpose behind his actions we'll get to that in a bit furthermore he has got almost Limitless god-like powers that are so immense that they can't even be measured even Thanos with The Infinity Gauntlet against Galactus is like a mere mortal against Thanos with The Infinity Gauntlet Galactus can pretty much do whatever he wants with this cosmic energy and has even been able to fight and defeat powerful beings like the mad celestials and Odin in this video we will explore the various aspects of the anatomy of this crazy god-like entity so brace yourselves for we are about to begin a cosmic ride before we go into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us just by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you let's begin how was Galactus created from a cosmic egg well to understand the basic physiology of Galactus it is imminent that I take you through his history how he was created and how exactly did he become the sole survivor of an event that destroyed the sixth Multiverse so before all of this transpired Galactus belonged to the planet called te which was the previous incarnation of Earth 616 or the prime Earth if you will and naturally the residents of ta were humanoid in physiology born as gallon to attack and superhero named Taya he never really received the maternal love that a child deserves because of taya's many responsibilities nevertheless gallon was taken care of by a technologically advanced crib the interesting thing about that was that the planet was a paradise-like planet whose denizens had achieved immeasurable greatness in the fields of science and art however the sixth Multiverse was dying at the time gallon was born in a matter of a few days the Multiverse would collapse under its own abysmal weight now a lot of things that happen in the Marvel Universe are based on mythology from various parts of the world likewise like all the universes in the Multiverse gallons Universe was a cosmic egg the cosmic egg is an ancient concept found in various creation myths it represents the origin of the universe often depicted as an egg-shaped container from which the universe emerges and it generally symbolizes creation the birth of the universe and the potential for new life and growth so how does a cosmic egg function well this Primal sphere of compact dense and disorganized primordial matter undergoes a big bang creating a universe of stars and planets that expands over billions of years until a Tipping Point called the crunch is achieved after which the universe condenses over billions of years to plunge towards a central point where it collapses and forms a new cosmic egg by the time gallon reached maturity and became a space Explorer ta was the last planet with life on it but the Big Crunch was destined to destroy ta as well gallon left his planet to explore the far reaches of space as a means to save his Planet but eventually everyone died until gallon and his small team of space bearers remained gallon asked his team to follow him on a path to seek the final answer that lay outside all space and time this Cosmic knowledge this Galactic Utopia lay inside the cosmic eggs very center and the Tans flew their ship straight into it while everyone else perished gallon found that the sentience of the universe was speaking to him the cosmic being tells him though we both must die we need not die without an heir come surrender yourself to my fiery Embrace and let us become as one let our death throws serve as the birth pangs for a new form of life so that's how Gellen merged with the sixth Infinities embodiment the sentience of the cosmos when the universe was about to end this merger created a new entity Galactus the Devourer of Worlds who would survive the renewal of the Multiverse after the cycle of renewal the seventh Cosmos emerged giving birth to two new embodiment Eternal and Infinity on the other hand Galactus ended up in the seventh Universe known as Earth 616. you would reveals Galactus I have found Galactus looks like a human but is that his real form so people often think of Galactus as a god-level evil entity that devours planets however in comics Galactus is known and is portrayed as a crucial component of the universe rather than a malicious entity according to the comics Galactus consumes worlds because they serve as fuel for the next Universe rather than out of malice however this raises many questions about galactus's appearance many wonder why a cosmic God essential to the balance of reality would resemble a human in purple armor and that's a fair question to ask you'd be surprised to know that this appearance is merely a representation and not an accurate depiction of what Galactus truly looks like in Fantastic Four number 262 writer John Byron put all the confusion to rest by offering an explanation for why Galactus a cosmic entity has a humanoid appearance the issue revolves around read richers being put on trial by the Shia Empire for once saving galactus's life during the trial Galactus appears and it is revealed that each alien race perceives him differently this emphasizes his otherworldly nature and god-like status and it completely makes sense I mean humans see him as a humanoid figure While others see him as something else entirely he has no one form and looks humanoid to humans because the artist draw him that way later in the comic Galactus appears before the tribunal of cosmic beings to defend Reed Richards who Galactus considers something of a friend Galactus claims he is part of a larger plan in the universe and summons eternity the embodiment of all existence to prove his point eternity supports galactuses claim and reveals some of galactus's Secrets the Revelation is enough to convince everyone that Reed is innocent and the Fantastic Four are allowed to go free thank you 3. galactus's body is made of energy bones organs and blood so when Gallant hatched from the cosmic egg he transformed into Galactus a being made entirely of pure energy known as the power Cosmic the energy is insanely powerful and nobody really knows much about it except that it can't be tamed by even the strongest beings in the Marvel Universe Galactus doesn't have control over the power Cosmic he is the power Cosmic himself he can even give parts of his energy to others which is like him giving a piece of his own body to them Galactus does have a physical form but it's just a container for his insane power he's Gotta Wear a blue and purple suit of armor to limit how much power he unleashes but get this the armor isn't meant to protect him it's there to protect everything else from his destructive force Galactus might be a baddie but he's actually pretty heroic for making an armor that stops his power from Wrecking the universe it just shows that Galactus is one of the most powerful characters in the universe if that armor ever breaks the universe could get swallowed up by galactus's Insane power but that's not all in the Donnie Cates run of Thor the Asgardian becomes a cosmic god king and battles Galactus in the second issue Thor throws his mjolnor at Galactus which suffers two of galactus's fingers furthermore you could see the blood and bones that galactuses his body comprises of in the same issue Thor also injures galactuses his leg using the mighty Hammer later in Issue 6 of the series we see that Thor manages to kill Galactus in the panel one can see that Galactus as his body is hit by Thor King's Powers the armor of Galactus leaves his body revealing the inner skeletal structure to sum up it seems that Galactus as his body is made up of the energies of over a hundred thousand devoured worlds but it is also made up of basic human-like physiology and as far as his appearance is concerned it keeps changing with the beholder having said that his true form was revealed in the comic titled Galactus the Devourer after the Shia and Earth's Mightiest destroy his physical body his true form is revealed to be Ascension star object of great power and it will take all your strength four why is Galactus always hungry the Devourer of Worlds is notorious for his propensity to consume planets he traverses the fast expanse of the universe in search of celestial bodies that can satiate his insatiable appetite and provide sustenance for his life force however the planets he seeks must possess a special attribute the presence of life or the potential for sentient life to thrive in the future I mean he doesn't waste his time on dead rocks like Jupiter or Saturn but no matter however much he eats he is always hungry for Life Energy which is what keeps him going and you can always find him complaining about needing to eat Galactus has put a lot of effort into creating helpers called Heralds who search the universe for good eatable planets the Silver Surfer is one of these Heralds and he's famous for bringing Galactus to Earth in a classic comic story to Aid him in his quest Galactus has expended considerable energy creating and empowering Heralds to scour the cosmos for suitable planets the Silver Surfer is one of these Heralds and he's famous for bringing Galactus to to Earth in the classic story arc explained between the pages of issues 48-50 of the Fantastic Four Comics since then Galactus has remained a formidable menace to the Marvel universe as his insatiable hunger compels him to consume entire worlds to sustain his life force in fact in Galactus the Devourer story arc he became addicted to the life force of sentient beings instead of their planets Galactus got so addicted to consuming the life forces of sentient beings that he stopped destroying the planets they lived on but this only made him more desperate for his next fix he even created a new Herald redshift to help him find more life forces to consume Galactus came back to Earth but this time a group of superheroes fought him off while the Silver Surfer battled redshift despite this setback the Silver Surfer agreed to help Galactus again and took him to the Shia Empire hoping they could stop him the XI are teamed up with other races and Earth superheroes to take on Galactus in a massive battle can't he heal himself and bring the dead back to life Galactus is known for being able to fix himself up up and recover from some serious damage even though he's been beat up a few times he hardly ever gets completely taken down for good probably the most prominent example of this was seen during the annihilation event during a nihilus's quest to take over the universe Galactus was attacked by two powerful pro-emial Gods named tenebrouse and Aegis for those of you who do not know annihilus is basically an interdimensional insectoid conqueror and Tyrant this left Galactus badly hurt so much so that Thanos then captured Galactus along with the Silver Surfer and used them as weapons and annihilus's War Galactus was even used as a cosmic weapon capable of destroying whole planets annihilus's ultimate plan was to use Galactus to destroy all life forms in the universe making him the only one left however moon dragon Drax and the Silver Surfer freed Galactus and he Unleashed a massive blast that wiped out most of the annihilation wave and stopped the war this even vaporized a watcher and forced the remaining warring parties to form a truce in Annihilation Galactus was hooked up to a machine by an nihilus and Thanos that drained his power leaving him weak and almost lifeless but once he was freed he bounced back from the brink of death with an amazing ability to heal himself in fact he died even during the addiction event which led to the creation of a bigger horror named abraxis but that is a story for another time furthermore Once Upon a Time Galactus used his abilities to bring his Soul Back to Life by giving it a new body clearly his god-like powers are the result of the power Cosmic which gives him quite a few other abilities including but not limited to abilities like matter manipulation and teleportation [Music] how tall is Galactus well Galactus devours planets so he's gotta be big Mighty damn big but just how much before I answer that I'd like to mention here that this dude can change his size at will and the smallest he's been is the size of an Asgardian Giant in this size he stands at an awesome aspiring height of at least 28 feet or 8.5 meters that's taller than a two-story building and dwarfing even the likes of Hulk or Thor in comparison I mean he was able to hold Thanos in his palm to put it in perspective imagine standing next to an NBA basketball hoop Galactus would Tower over it with ease but that's just phase one Galactus can change his size to equal the heights of sky scrapers and sometimes his height could even be the length of an entire country and yet he is not big enough to devour planets right well in a few Comics he has been depicted as holding huge planets in his palm and at other times a planet is almost half the size of his head since Galactus is largely humanoid we can get a vague idea of how tall he could be for this we'd use Jupiter as an example whose diameter is around 140 000 kilometers now an average person is generally seven and a half heads tall including the head if his head is double the size of a planet that stupider one hit means two Jupiters and seven and a half heads means 15 Jupiters so the diameter of 15 Jupiters would be 2.1 million kilometers to put this in perspective if one kilometer 2.1 million seconds would be over 24 days when Galactus grows to such immense sizes his mere presence can cause gravitational disturbances and other catastrophic events making him a force to be reckoned with and with his insatiable hunger for planets he can bring entire civilizations to their knees with just the flick of his finger he can eat Celestial beings Galactus isn't just a planet eater he's a living entity eater he can consume anything that's alive in the universe even stuff you'd think was off limits in one tale seven Elders of the universe tried to off him to start an new Big Bang and they thought they'd survive the end of the universe and become galactite with crazy Cosmic Powers but luckily galactus's ex-herald the Silver Surfer along with the Fantastic Four Franklin Richards and his current Herald Nova messed up their machinations and saved the day and anyway Galactus wasn't about to go quietly so he chomped five of them down but that gave him a tummy ache so he spit them back out and restored them to life he probably could have dealt with the discomfort if he wanted to but oh well that just goes to show that he's capable of eating a Celestial or any other Cosmic being that tries to stand in his way can Galactus reproduce okay so we have heard a lot about Galactus in the comics right but did you know this ever hungry Planet monster has a daughter named galacta and get this she's got no Mom apparently Galactus can give birth to another Cosmic Powerhouse without needing a partner well she's Galactus as his teenage daughter she just showed up in the second issue of Marvel assistant size spectacular at first glance she shows like a regular human girl named galai living on Earth but don't be fooled she's got Cosmic Powers just like her dad the only difference is that while Galactus is all about the endless hunger and raging impulses but galacta tries to control her impulses and channel her hunger towards doing good in the universe she's also not shy about criticizing her father and has some serious daddy issues unlike him galacta has a love for all creatures and wants to help them not wipe them out she's even used her powers to cure human diseases caused by alien pathogens but even though she's got all this power she's come to appreciate human culture and wants to live among us it's a risky move since she could be a danger to us but she's doing her best to control her hunger and use her powers for good as far as her powers are concerned Galactic can affect the universe itself like father like daughter I guess she can suck out someone's powers and use them to her Advantage for example she once thought about extracting Wolverine's healing factor and using it for herself she even thinks Celestial technology is kind of shoddy so to sum it up galacta has all the power of her dear old single father but she's just not a copycat she's creative and can use her abilities in unique ways if she wanted to she could be one of the most powerful beings in Marvel it's really disheartening that galacta only made two comic appearances with a single one just expanding on the original story in the digital first series and print One Shot galacta daughter of Galactus in the story galacta discovers a parasite inside her body that's making her constantly hungry she goes to the Fantastic Four for help but ends up stealing the ultimate nullifier the only thing that Galactus himself fears naturally Galactus shows up and reveals that galacta is actually pregnant not infected but the question is how unfortunately it was never explained and it's a shame that we haven't seen more of galacta as she's a fun addition to Marvel Universe a young optimistic version of Galactus could be used in so many ways but right now we're missing out on all the possibilities the Marvel Universe will be a little less weird until she comes back he has an enormous tentacled eyeball before I get into this have you heard about Marvel's mangaverse well brace yourself if you haven't so it was a comic book series from Marvel that gave Marvel characters and stories a Japanese manga twist with its Inception in 2002 it features characters like Spider-Man the X-Men the Avengers and the Fantastic Four but drawn in a manga inspired art style I mean in one of those story arcs Wolverine was a samurai warrior the response was mixed but Marvel's mangaverse was something very cool so coming back to the star of this video even Galactus was a part of the manga verse and naturally Galactus was given the trademark manga anatomy with tentacles and all that unlike his traditional humanoid form this interpretation of Galactus takes the form of a living planet with a massive tentacled eyeball in this universe Galactus consumes an entire worlds by swallowing them whole in contrast to training their life force the scale of his Anatomy raises questions about how he is capable of ingesting entire planets with his massive eye but I guess Marvel wanted to leave much of it to the reader's imagination what happened when Galactus used the Infinity Stones so we know that Galactus has been the Devourer of Worlds and all that right but the fact remains that this dude doesn't destroy civilizations out of malice or ill will he only wants to survive and more importantly his survival is important for the creation of new life and new universes but somewhere along the line he has always felt sorry about the way he destroys billions of life in a flick so in Thanos number four Thanos found out that Galactus wanted to stop being the Devourer of Worlds and instead use the Infinity Stones to end his hunger Thanos wasn't totally against this idea but he sensed that someone was messing with galactus's plan he tried to warn him but Galactus didn't listen and ended up unleashing a scary monster called hunger Thanos managed to defeat hunger with the Soul Stone and sent the stones far away away Galactus wanted to do good but he didn't realize the danger of using the stones Thanos made sure he knew that there's always a price to pay for using them can Galactus be killed although Galactus is the big bad monster and almost nothing can stop him there is one thing that he truly fears it is called the ultimate nullifier the ultimate nullifier is the most dangerous weapon in the universe or at least that was the case until The Infinity Gauntlet made its appearance whoever wields it can completely erase anything they want even breaking the law of conservation of mass but if the person using it isn't strong enough but Nola fire can end up destroying them instead it all depends on the user's Focus knowledge and mindset the weapon has this remarkable ability to modify reality based on the user's will with a simple thought the user could potentially reshape the entire universe removing entities such as Galactus from existence it is not constrained by time where the actions of a single Universe within the Multiverse when Galactus threatened Earth's future Johnny Storm got the ultimate nullifier from galactus's home on ta under the guidance of uatu The Watcher this small metallic device was the only thing in the universe that could scare Galactus himself the Fantastic Four wanted it as a last resort against Galactus if he tried to destroy Earth when Galactus did show up to Chow Down on Earth Reed Richards threatened to use the ultimate nullifier Galactus knew he couldn't mess with the nullifier and withdrew saving Earth from certain destruction however later Galactus got hold of vanilla fire and he keeps it in his world ship sometimes he brings it on his Starship instead but here are the other ways of killing Galactus for instance if someone continuously destroys planets before Galactus can devour them he would go crazy out of hunger and ultimately starve to death furthermore he is somewhat vulnerable to a few forms of magic so that's that so that was Galactus for you although one may see him as evil we believe he's beyond the concepts of evil and good the sheer magnitude of power that he houses within himself is enough to destroy way more worlds than he already has but thankfully Galactus doesn't like to overeat having said that his regular appetite has been a universal Menace we are not really sure if we'll ever get to see this guy in movies and even if we do it would be interesting to see how exactly Marvel brings him to life on a screen with that said please leave your suggestions questions and Corrections in the comments section below and we would be happy to check them out if you liked our content don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to us if you haven't already have a good one and be safe thanks everyone object of great power and it will take all your strength [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 839,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: icptYqCmxeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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