Gabriele Kuby: The Global Sexual Revolution

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[Music] welcome to Socrates in the city so thrilled to see so many of you here tonight thank you for coming many of you have come from foreign countries our speaker Gabriele Kuby has come all the way from Germany and I'm curious as I stand here is there any one of you here who has flown here to be here tonight would you raise your hand from Germany from keep them up keep them up that's unbelievable I'll skits I seen it it's really it's terrific to see so many of you here at the Yale Club I'm just curious I have to ask these questions up front how many of you know about Socrates in the city from my radio program principally so very very few very few that's I'm always curious how people know about things I want to first of all thank the Kings College the Kings College has been involved in putting these events together I used to do more to put these events together and I hated it so much I farmed it out to some people and then they farmed it out to the Kings College but I want to say to the Kings College thank you honestly for putting this together we've never done an event at the Yale Club before and the simple reason for that is I hate the Yale Club I as you know I graduated from Yale and just a lot of bad memories and I try to avoid this club but the price point was right so we had to do it but I just wanna apologize because I hate this place actually I don't really really and truly hate it the real word would be despise and there's a dick listen to me there's a difference words matter look it up but but some good things in my life have happened in this club I'm not kidding in 1996 I married my first wife Suzanne Metaxas our reception was here in that club and honey so far so good 21 years ago unbelievable and we had our first brunch breakfast in this room and I remember criticizing it at the time it wasn't what we were looking for wasn't what we'd paid for was it and we said we said we will never go to the Yale Club again 21 years ago I made that vow in my heart and all my Christian friends say Eric you got to let it go you got to let it go and so tonight I'm prepared to begin to let it go so I just want to thank you for making that possible by being here tonight at the Yale Club but we really did have our wedding reception down on the second floor it just seems like yesterday Susanna has had no work done look at that beautiful face look at that she said no she said no work done that I know of and I look and I look at and I look at the bills believe me I checked nothing she's done it-it's see it's good genes she can't take credits good genes but but that's 21 years ago and we really did have our first breakfast brunch right in this room so it's kind of wonderful to be here if either of us seems fatigued it's because as I think I mentioned we've been married for 21 years so I just want to say no that's not why we're fatigued because we literally just got back from Israel which what we had a wonderful wonderful time we had the privilege of meeting Prime Minister Netanyahu not the Prime Minister Netanyahu but they were there several that they have and one one of them this guy in fact it was took my breath away he was the tiniest guy super tiny but he looked a lot like man Yahoo and I'm cameras you can't even tell because the cameras you know they changed but we did get to meet him and we enjoyed that didn't we honey should I move on I think I better move on now but we really had a wonderful time there and I have to say you hear people say this over and over but when the plane landed and we got on the bus to go from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem I never ever expected to be emotionally moved the way I was I genuinely got choked up just thinking this is where Jesus walked now it's the most trite observation anyone could make in a place like Jerusalem right and yet it really it just choked me up and I have to say the experience of being there where he was I actually think it drew me closer to him for good which is a good thing it's a good reason to go to Israel but it was it was it was that powerful but anyway if I look fatigued it's because I'm still on jetlag having to some jetlag here okay the subject of tonight's conversation now you all know many of you know this the point of Socrates in the city is to talk about things that people typically don't talk about right we live in a culture that is uncomfortable talking about the real the big questions the things that everybody is really thinking about you know where do I go when I die is there a god what does it mean to be a human being is it wrong to have sex with a cow that kind of stuff that you like you haven't thought of that come on the big questions those big nasty questions that people never mention in polite society in fact even I didn't just mention that because we're gonna edit that out but the point is that people avoid really substantive questions and I think that's fundamentally unhealthy and the reason we started Socrates in the city in the year 2000 that used to sound like the future right in the year 2000 when we're all wearing silver jumpsuits back in the year 2000 we started this with the idea that Socrates famously said the unexamined life is not worth living right and to examine our lives to think about the big questions there's something fundamentally healthy especially in a place like New York where people are going after the brass ring they don't want to say the wrong thing at a cocktail party well I think that that can be really unhealthy and so we wanted to provide a forum where people can ask the big questions the deep questions and some of them get uncomfortable so what are we talking about tonight well what we're talking about tonight some of you have noticed I think that there's some things going on in the culture that are a little bit odd or different and you're kind of wondering what's going on it didn't start then but one of the markers in our culture was when one of my childhood heroes this incredible athlete Bruce Jenner said that he was actually a woman and don't laugh my goodness don't laugh I'm very uncomfortable the thought that you would even think about laughing at that well isn't this the point right like you think should I laugh is he joking it we live in a culture where that actually happened what bothers me is not that it happened but the perception that if you even think to question it something's wrong with you right that to me is unhealthy and I think that most of us when you talk about what is the elephant in the room it's not that but it's the fact that you are told how to respond to that and if you don't respond that way something's wrong with you that to me is the end of a free culture of a free society and we have to speak up against it and we have to do what we can civilly but boldly to ask the questions that many people aren't asking so so when Bruce Jenner decided he's a woman you were told instantly to say oh that's a good thing and any Lee bovitz made him look great on the cover of Vanity Fair which is insane but you're told that you have to think that and I thought to myself well maybe some people think that but maybe some people don't think that and if you don't think that maybe there's a reason you don't think that but we don't dare go there so a lot of strange things keep happening and we're told just to keep moving like two days ago or a day ago a high school student a boy who believes he's a girl won the state wrestling championship as a girl now I think you know boys tend to be able to better better wrestlers than girls not always but I want to offend any muscular girl wrestlers in the room because you're I know you're here but but the point is that when you read that you knew at some point in the future that joke would happen right that somebody would say yeah even though I'm a dude I'm gonna wrestle as a girl and I'm gonna win and I'm gonna win all-state and that literally happened two days ago and you're told that's the way it is now and you can't think something's something's going on is this a good thing for young women we're not supposed to ask that question last night I was at wall burgers with two friends getting a a burger and on the TV I saw some Olympic coverage and there were three people one of whom was a former figure skater Johnny Weir who was wearing some kind of a crescent-shaped diamond tiara and a white blouse that I'm pretty sure he borrowed from Sandra Day O'Connor I shouldn't say that could have been Ruth Bader Ginsburg but it was uh it was one of those things the strangest thing is not that a man is wearing that on TV but that no one is allowed to say that's the weirdest freakin thing I've ever seen on the Olympics you're not allowed to say that even though most people are actually thinking that so it strikes me as odd that you're being told how to think in it it scares me a little bit there's a phenomenon going on and this listen this is across the board it applies to me I remember early in my marriage with Suzanne we were kissing and a picture of Ed Asner flitted through my mind really quickly and I have to be honest with you it was quick but I saw what I saw and and ever since then I have wondered and you can't help wondering maybe secretly I would be happier in a relationship with Ed Asner I don't know or another hairy broad back man from the 70s maybe it doesn't have to be at Assen or maybe it was just he was just a type of something that I'm longing for anyway this stuff it goes on and on and on I know my friend rich Egan is here if he hasn't run out of the room rich called me up this morning this is the kind of stuff just that happens and that's what I want to talk about rich called me up this money asked me about the dress code only my friends asked me where is it what's the dress code like hey I'm kind of busy I'm trying to prepare insulting remarks tonight about you and you're calling me up and you're bugging me and so he calls me what's the dress code and at that point he paused and he said that he was feeling particularly frilly and feminine and did I mind if he wore the lace Teddy I bought him two summers ago in Antibes yeah and and that's when I knew that we're going through something as a culture when my friend Richie Egan felt comfortable to ask me that question this morning rich I hope you're not wearing it I told you not to but it's your decision but the point is that we live in this new world and I think that one way of labeling whatever it is that we're going through is to call it a global sexual revolution right revolutions sometimes are good sometimes bad there's two sides there's good points there's bad points that's a fact right there's good points and bad points to change but there is a book called the global sexual revolution by our guest tonight Gabrielle Kuby now I cannot remember how I discovered Gabrielle Kuby but when I did it was one of those revelations where you think oh my goodness how have I lived without knowing who this person is and what she writes about she is an extraordinary writer and thinker she identifies publicly as a woman I that's all I can say I'm under the impression she's from Germany unless that's all an act as well I don't know and she flew all the way from Germany to be here and we are so grateful to have her here now she's done so many things these introductions off times the Socrates and city I don't know quite what to say I realized that I really want to say Gabrielle this is the Socrates in the city audience Socrates in the city audience this is Gabrielle Kuby and that's the introduction is that you so now you know each other okay really the point of the introduction is just to prove how smart and amazing the guest is and in her case it's it's so easy I I laughed like a fog when I read this that that she is the niece of Vanner Heisenberg doesn't that just make you feel stupid have you heard of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle some of you going like yeah that's like when you're not sure if the three-minute if the three-minute egg should be two minutes or three minutes or what her she's the niece of someone who literally invented quantum physics good reason to hate him and our speaker because I didn't do well in AP Physics but he really invent he got the Nobel Prize in 1932 for inventing quantum mechanics let me say it again doesn't that make you feel unbelievably stupid what would have your relatives invented like maybe a different way to cook squirrel or something like that so that's that's the level of intelligence we're dealing with tonight and I'm embarrassed I'm not up to it but Gabrielle she's in that tradition if that's not bad enough she's also the niece of the economist EF Schumacher and four contrasting a person you might keep in mind that I am the niece of literally no one so it's very very embarrassing without further ado the author of the global sexual revolution Socrates in the city please welcome Gabrielle creepy first of all Gabrielle I apologize for everything that you've said they want it will never happen again where do we begin we you're not gonna help me are you she's not obvious they want to talk to you about this amazing book with this brave thesis it's extraordinary I want to find out a little bit about you because your story is interesting and ultimately the question is how do you come to a place in life where you write a book as amazing as this book which we'll be discussing tonight what is your journey as it were it's easy to answer because there was a search from true for truth all my life and Edith Stein the Jewish lady who died in Auschwitz and converted to Catholicism she said if you look for truth you will find God and so there was this search for truth actually all my life and at some point I had to look at the society and say well sexuality is a serious issue and started in a researcher to put know you were you you were a sociologist are you no longer academically a sociologist or not I didn't mention your father your father was an extraordinary and important and famous journalist can you say word about him his influence on your life well he was a left-wing writer and journalist we are very glad in our family that he was against the Nazis from the very beginning in every German family there were different it split the families in high most of the families had a conflicts about this my father was against it he was a left-wing journalist and when I was a student and studied studying us started studying sociology in West Berlin when I said my name which is still Kuby everybody knew him and important about my father are two things for myself I moved into this left-wing student movement as the daughter of my father not obedient but as the admiring daughter of my father so I was not a rebellious bourgeois child which rebelled against the bourgeois society but I kind of followed my father and the second element important he stood up against the mainstream which then was conservative add in our politics your house in Bavaria and so on and I was proud that he stood up against the main so he was brave so he was brave and in this way he was an example the contents have changed but he was an example for me yes so he was a journalist did you think when you were in the university that you also would follow in his footsteps and become a writer and a journalist yes in a way writing is quite a few people have written books in and my family so writing was a gift and for me too and yes I actually did think so and I became baptized when I was 8 years of age coming to my mother was tears saying mommy will I get into heaven and I'm not baptized so that was an important point in my childhood that management is to me earlier that your father was an atheist that's sad Gnostic he didn't never fought against the church I'm thankful for that ok but your mother was furious believer she was a believer but also not within the church but she was a believer yes she was a Christian and what do you think led you at age 8 to worry about whether you'll get into heaven maybe I heard it at school who you will not get into heaven if you're on a Baptist and I wanted to get into heaven I still do and not alone and not alone so then a big jump to the student movement which actually was in in Berlin and was on the street at that famous demonstration which was the match which medic blew it all up when vino owners or a student was shot by a policeman this is 68 this is 67 this summer term of 67 and I was had somehow been elected into this student representative organ so I was kind of running along with the left-wing movement and at that's demonstration Wenonah sock was shot and the story was a criminal policeman had shot in defense of himself years later something like five years ago I could read in the papers that this person who had shot him was a Stasi agent of East Germany which was really really really shocked yeah for those who don't know that's the secret police of it was all staged yeah but you were in I was embedded in Berlin but I left it after after this term I left I left this whole movement and and left Berlin but that was really shocking that this whole left-wing movement actually was financed and under the sort of initiated by the communists from East East Germany and it was not an autonomous movement of course there was Berkeley and there's all this excitement it's coming from Berkeley but the the the the initiation was and and the whole strategy was from east from the Communists of East I don't want to get off on a rabbit trail but it's fascinating that you say that because today a lot of movements are financed by outsiders you hear about George Soros and others maybe we can talk about that but it's an extraordinary thing because it makes us feel very naive when you realize that what looks like a spontaneous uprising of the people is in fact a for by elitist with money exactly as soon as you touched an issue like this a board comes up and it's on it is Phil's Tod what is it fash we're all steel it's always better in German first real ones purely good it sounds better it sounds more strong okay that's it so so as soon as you have think about it what is happening behind the scenes you're not allowed to think about it because somebody will say conspiracies right theory and then you have to stop thinking okay you have to stop putting pieces well which brings us to this book when you read a book whose title is the global sexual revolution and I don't remember the subtitle what is the subtitle its traction of freedom in the name of freedom destruction of freedom in the name of freedom it sounds like a conspiracy theory it says I try to avoid this as best I could no no I don't think it is a conspiracy theory but you can imagine how people would say this is just someone who has a point of view who's upset about the way things are and they they make it sound like something bigger than it is they make it sound as though it's not organic but it's something that has been planned and that people are planning even now and which is in fact what you say in your book but you I'm sure you have many critics who dismiss you as a crackpot who just believes that in fact there are powers arrayed who are making this happen and they would argue no no this is just a natural evolution of modern society okay actually which at the moment is I realize it's quite astonishing I didn't really get much criticism for the book I get very much criticism if I appear in talk shows or whatever I have demonstrations outside the hole you know like here 250 pelant the street demonstrating I have there were people demonstrating here well I'm glad they're probably from Harvard they're just jealous just jealous yeah okay but I didn't really get that much criticism for the book or very little when did you come out in 2012 and now it is in the teens translation I can't quite keep a translation yes Wow I just recently received it in Chinese letters which was quite funny yeah it's always it's always very humbling when you can't read your own book well so what is the path that led you from being kind of a left-wing journalist to where you are now an advocate for this okay well I left West Berlin with this feeling something is wrong about it and then in 73 quite a long time ago I went left the university altogether I went travelling it was the the fashion at the time with a little dope in your pocket and the movement a little dope in your pocket really a little dope in your pocket okay so of course you know the 70s many of us lived through the 70s oh exactly traveling yeah yes and in 73 I came to cut a kiss which is a very beautiful town a little village at the Mediterranean in Spain and there I saw a sunset and all of a sudden the whole God was back into my life God exists that was the experience sunset in Spain exactly and I stopped my traveling I my whole life sort of turned around and I said well I've experienced something how how do I go from here and I found a place how to go on so my search for God started in 73 and I won't tell you all that but but from then onwards it was searched series and conscious search for God which took me 20 years on that in 77 I'm married civilly without any big without catechesis really without a vision of what marriage really is which looking back at this that so many of us do not really have not been told to what it's all about have not been told what marriage is about what sexuality is about how it fits together and and the next generation even less so so we were not told we have three beautiful children and our our marriage after eighteen years got into a crisis and we both decided to separate after 20 years of search for God that's not a really very inspiring outcome something I must have been searching on the wrong path and I was actually in your age as a terrorism psychology the church was just a no-go in this Melua too much of an establishment entity wow the church I mean if the Catholic Church especially its sexist it's against women it's doesn't ordain weird yeah it does not in women it's a Liberty how can you have celibacy in this time and so on and you can't smoke weed exactly what kind of a church is that and they're abusing and they and sexual abuse everybody is you know it's the scandal for four years in the papers the same the terrible terrible sexual abuse within the church which is there's no excuse and it's absolutely terrible and I'm so glad it's now up in the open but who cares about what is happening in our society the sexual abuse all around in the midst of our societies for everywhere and it just goes on and there's no no movement that says then as a cleansing is really needed now something I of course would say that the me to movement is a part of this kind of a cleansing it's so false and it's I was just gonna say that yeah but if you if you walk around with hardly any clothes on your on your body and then a man sort of gets interested it's not really surprising yeah so I've never tried that but I'll take your word for it sister well so but you at what point did you say it was when you when you found God that it began in 73 but it you really became a Christian in 93 is that right no no even later in 1996 well I just go to this point my husband had moved out total despair on my side on his probably - and I'm sure on his - and a young lady living living the opposite house of the street came to my door rang the doorbell and said pray and she brought me a little Catholic snow but a novena is it's a nine-day prayer because the mother of Jesus prayed with the disciples for nine days until the Holy Spirit came down so Catholics pray novenas when they're in trouble and she brought me this novena and I was in trouble and I did prayed at my meditation place a Buddha statue things from a red Indian Vision Quest some avatar from Hindu or you know you find quite a few things when you search for 20 years and here I'm sitting praying this novena and at the end of this nabina it was completely clear I would become a Catholic no doubt and it was within my own family the absolutely no go anything I could have become but not a Catholic so it was clear I would become a Catholic and then a totally new journey began and and how did I come to write the book yeah was also at what point roughly are we talking about you said the late 90s this was 19 I was received in the church at 97 97 right okay and that is a big leap for somebody from your background to say I am a Christian and not just a Christian but a Christian of the Catholic variety you're from Bavaria so in some ways it's not so strange because there are many many Catholics in the southern part of Germany and it's culturally a little bit more acceptable but what took you from that decision to working in the field in which you've been working now okay I got an assignment to write a book as a complete fresh woman in the Catholic world right about apparitions of Mary oh how interesting this is happening hadn't heard about it before and I proposed two battles man had been translating books for over 20 years I proposed them I wrote two pages I would like to write a book and I actually got the assignment I got then I was in financial trouble and I got an advance for a whole year which kept me going for a whole year quite miraculous because I wasn't an author at the time so I wrote my Andros battles man for like the biggest publishing and in Germany so I wrote this first book and it's actually my the diary of my conversion that book was come was successful was it was that book in fact about apparitions of Mary or it became the diary of York and that was the initial assignment but it became a diary of my conversion it's called my path to marry the power of living face my path to marry the power here Evan I know you're an average and please forgive me yeah we don't believe Mary even existed we believe we believe that Jesus came out of the brow of Zeus hearth and parthenogenetic Leigh that's the way and that's what the King James says and we believe it so but but what is the title of your book in German my big Somali ID cuff clip ending clouds see it always sounds better and it does I think it's a mother yeah okay well so at that point obviously you have gotten very serious about your faith you've become public you've written a book write about your faith right and then well and then at then I began to be invited to give talks and that witness about the soul journey and then I realized what is going on in our society as a sociologist I am interested what is going on around me so I began to realize the sexuality is really the issue of our time and the abuse of sexuality is destroying people it's destroying families it's tying the whole of societies and I became aware of this and then a book was put in my hand beginning of 2000 it's been English anthropologist he's called j-b Unwin and he wrote a book called sex and culture published by Oxford University Press in 1936 JD Unwin that's it yeah you and w audience yeah and 600 pages serious study he wanted to find out whether the thesis of Sigmund Freud's that culture arises through the sublimation of the sexual drive was true and what he found out was and he said if I had known what I would find out I would have had started on this what he found out was high culture can only exist with strict moral strict sexual morals which is monogamy and virginity before marriage only when a society is able to keep to that but is difficult then you have high culture and as soon as the society lets go of it the culture drops down and he says something like as leaves the stage of history within three generations so this book obviously struck you and did something to you to your intellectual development so what was your response after reading this book I looked around and says well apparently it's true and then I became I started to look what is happening in our society and my first book on these issues was for young people it's called icebox or liba of Dodge to break out of a prison our spoke to breaking out to love and the subtitle was for young people who want to have a future because it was became obvious to me that this hookup culture as a call it in American this wild sexual early sexual lifestyle into which young people were actually pushed by the sexual education which had already started in the 70s but really ruined their future mmm and so I had I'm a mother of three children and I had this strong motivation I want to tell them something else I want to tell them wake up look at your life is in front of you my life was not in front of me anymore there were many mistakes your life is in front of you you have all studies show that young people have a yearning for love and a yearning to have a family of their own and if this is what you want what did you what do you do with your sexuality now to achieve your own aims so that was really the the my own motivation to say something to young people I also developed a curve we can cause for young people to to to give them a possibility to attain their own aims and then yeah and I wrote then I began to understand this whole issue of gender that there's an ideology upon us but really goes to the root of human existence and I wrote my first book on on gender ideology called the gender revolution relativism in extra action in 2006 relativism in action exactly I mean how can there can't be more relativism than to two relative even the fact whether you you're a woman to me a man yeah no well did I get something what I was saying no it's what I was saying in my opening comments what I find interesting is that the level of cultural pressure now enforced by the state which is to an American the most horrifying thing when the state begins to enforce a worldview exactly which is it's the Constitution prohibits us in America from establishing a religion but in effect you have a de facto secular religion of view of all ultimate things the human person sexuality and on and on and on that's that's now being enforced by the state but the cultural pressures extraordinary so when you say what you said in a vacuum to think about our futures and to think about how we look at sexuality as affecting children anybody would say oh that's great I'd like to know but we live in a culture where to even begin to think about that publicly is an extraordinarily brave thing only within the church at this point I would argue do you have people making these cases we have here in the United States Ryan Anderson has just written a book and when Hal when Mary becomes Sally there are a number of people but but the attack and and what bothers me I suppose and and I think it's why genuinely I do resent Yale as university is that the very places where we ought to freely be able to examine the big questions we are no longer encouraged to do that so what happened to you when you decided to begin thinking as an academic as a free thinker about these things what what did you encounter it wasn't really an issue for me I just said well this is what is what I see happening is really dangerous for all of us I have to write about it that wasn't a conflict I didn't have to overcome fear I just I wouldn't think that you would because you strike me as as a brave woman but the question is that when you did these things what what was the response were were these things that you wrote received well by people or I mean it just strikes me that anyone who writes on these things know is demonized yeah yes I mean they were not received well I have lots of stories like I could say what is always most painful is when people close to you who know who should know better and you know they're know better when they exclude you so when you excluded from Christian media for instance yeah things like this that you're too hard to handle yes because well it's it's a it's a totalitarian dynamic it's like it's true what you say but our work is so important that we rather not be contaminated sort of by your reputation it's it's okay what you say but we don't want you to have you who don't want to have you in our right familiar with this dynamic in my own life exactly fortunately and I think it is listen we understand that human nature is fallen and we are never surprised when people do things like murder God incarnate this is what people do we are sinners and we're fallen but it reminds me since you're German and I'm half German and have written about Bonhoeffer it reminds me of the same chilling effect that you see in some totalitarian cultures and especially in Germany in the early part of the Nazi movement in other words even when there was still an opportunity to speak up people didn't speak up because they said the price to speak up I could lose my job my neighbor will look at me funny I will be quiet and some sociologists some German sociologist not you came up with the term the the spiral of silence that's Noah and the father of the Democratic Institute Elisabeth Norman Norman she wrote a book the sparrow of Saturn no no but I worked in her Institute of [Laughter] the the you can't make us feel more stupid than being related to Heisenberg so I shouldn't even bring it up you you but this issue the spiral of silence this is the issue that struck me even when I was writing my book on Bonhoeffer I thought it's really creepy when you see in a totally free society in the West not just in Europe but I've seen it in America obviously more this chilling effect that you must think this if you don't think this be careful don't joke about this and I thought what am I in Stalin's Russia or am I in Germany in 1934 I can't joke about this or this or this that to me is deeply disturbing which is why I'm so excited that you have have been out speaking about this well we have the term political political correctness for that yeah and people adapt to political correctness much earlier than it is really necessary where you were just be saying and some inner mechanisms seems to work when you always find out am I still in agreement with my environment do they still like me and this seems to be very deep and as soon as our sensor says oh this is going to have be a break get you into conflict we withdraw and because the easy easy path yeah and I think this is really one of the elements why we have gotten as far as we are which is just amazing where we have come to with this her transgender movement which broke loose as soon as we had the the same-sex marriage was legalized in 2015 in June immediately on the day after both the bathrobe battle started yeah okay so when you say global sexual revolution you do imply that there are some people working very hard at pushing this who are those people and why are they pushing this and what are they pushing why is a difficult question but you can see there are pushing it and the the aims and the demands of the 68 movement we use this word 68 as a symbol for the sole student rebellion which was cultural Marxism radical feminism and sexual so-called liberation this is now the strategy of the United Nations I've had a tour around the United Nations today I was really interested to see see the building and and the sites where all this is happening and of the European Union and of the big foundations Rockefeller Bill Gates of the global NGOs International Planned Parenthood of the the corporations Google Facebook YouTube they are all unified in this in these issues they are all unified in the in the LGBT issues LGBT iq+ Plaza wherever this may take us to and this is amazing and I only described that they are unified and why are they unified what's going on behind it conspiracy do not think about it and actually I don't think I think it's like anything else I mean if you think about what was going on in Germany in the 30s and people have to forgive me for for drawing that parallel I draw it advisedly for a couple of reasons only because I think it's so dramatic and because I'm quite familiar with it but the idea that some people I mean we know that gurbles was pushing was pushing hard because he believed in National Socialist doctrine but your average German falls along a continuum in other words some other people may be loved Hitler and loved what was happening other people they saw some things they liked some things they didn't all lay down to someone like your father who bravely spoke against the Nazis obviously Dietrich von Hildebrand another very very heroic figure and born offer there were there were people speaking against it but there's a continuum in every culture and in our culture it's the same there are people that say I don't want to die on that hill I don't want to get an argument it's not worth it but in a sense that's what allows us to drift as we have been drifting at some point you have to stop and and and and take a measure of where you are and when I'm able up to stand up here at this podium and say yesterday a high school boy who claims to be a girl won the state championship in wrestling wrestling as a girl that at any other point in her history that would be a goofball joke a stupid joke it would be a comedy sketch but it literally happened two days ago and there's so many things like this happening so the question is what kind of people would would allow this it's one thing to read it but then you think what about the coaches what about the parents what about the other parents whose daughters are being wrestled by a guy claiming to be a woman you wonder about that culture in other words is no one speaking up in that culture that to me is actually the real issue right now is that those people are not speaking up right I mean now we have the so transgender tsunami upon us we're doctors school teachers school directors the heads of Education of Ministers they all say you have to affirm a 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 year old child in if they have so-called gender dysphoria you have to affirm them in their gender dysphoria and give them puberty blocking hormones and this is happening even against the will of their parents and all these people agree to it these hormones have not been tested what you know is they're very risky they bring on they have cancer and blood clots and sterility for the rest of the life and they are sending children who are not allowed to drive and you are not allowed to do quite a few other things but I call in the shop they are sending children into gender trans transitioning in our culture and at a time where you know that the suicide rate of people after transitioning is 20 times higher than average what is happening 20 times yes yes after training okay you know for Thea and then people see how but but pro transgender advocates of course would say what gay activists have said they would say that it's the cultural pressure yeah it's the cultural milieu that makes these people feel uncomfortable which is why we need to enforce a kind of public thinking that if you are allowed to express doubts about these things you're one of the people causing these suicides that's it that's the narrative and that's the propaganda and it's can be it's like with homosexuality the Netherlands was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage 25 years ago 21 years I'm not quite sure there is no discrimination and the suicide rates of of gay youth stresses high yeah and you have and there's a big study of by Paul McHugh and a co-author which says this is not according to science it is put out well who said it's not according to science Paul McHugh who was the John Hopkins psychiatrist and it's it's not it's in Atlantis journals published and it's it is he says all these narratives are not according to science and it does seem to me that that's the question right in other words weak even if it were according to science we haven't had the research or the time to determine whether it's according to science in other words there's been this this just rush to move these things along and again it reminds me when ideology takes over things like science where do you first look I the first thing I do is look at the Third Reich and and you can see the same thing in China you can see that there are totalitarian societies where they don't believe in freedom of inquiry they don't believe in truth they believe in the ideology of the state and they're willing to enforce it and it strikes me as I hear you and I look at your book that's what is happening but again the question is why when you spoke I thought be careful because you're in New York and that's the New York human rights law yeah and if somebody feels discriminated maybe there's somebody in the audience who feels discriminated you can take you to court right and you have to face something like two hundred thousand dollars fine right this is New York right in there and it is not and and what is that is law and I just in Spain now there the parliament has has the Equality law on the table which is already in place in several of the of the Southwest states of Spain the whole principle of what is in you if I accuse you that you have done something wrong to me and you take me to court the the judge first says I'm innocent and and this is turned around I have to prove that's in Spain well that's the human rights law in New York also I I have to prove that I did not discriminate you you don't have to prove that I decided that that I discriminately I have to prove that I did not discriminate you which is difficult yeah because discrimination what you feel about your gender expression so it's just according to your feeling well isn't this do you know about your feeling this gets to the intellectual roots of all of these things right it's this sort of romantic idea yeah that feelings are everything the feelings define us so if I feel like a woman I am a woman if I feel offended I am and have been harmed I mean that's why I wasn't the actual yeah I wouldn't call it a romantic idea what call it just madness well there's no question there's no question that it's that it's madness don't applaud madness don't applaud madness we're against it but but the point is that I would I would agree of course that it's madness but I'm saying that you you try to think of the intellectual roots how do you get to a place in a culture no there's what are the values that people have that allow you to drift along these lines and I and I do think that when you talk about feelings you could say the same thing about marriage okay once marriage was defined as feelings once you said well I'm not happy in my marriage with Suzanne so maybe it's not even a real marriage because if I'm not in love every moment that once you define marriage no longer as a legal contract that's something that we have done in a public but but but as feelings and then the government says we're going to now create laws so that if you feel that you want to get out no-fault divorce you get out everything's fine in other words feelings have trumped everything else and the whole concept of rest in science aware of Western science yes the whole idea of rationality and research and hypotheses and this is being trumped by ideology in our time which is do you strike me as a especially lonely voice on this are there others out there speaking about this as you I think you think I mean that yes I mean the since the last three years to my observation there's really opposition growing against this gender ideology them in Germany they're many many books out and in in the United States it is really getting into the public awareness that something is very wrong but the power the people are in power yeah you know like the the Jordyn Peterson from Canada yeah he did just one step of resistance he said I am not agreeing and I will not use artificial terms in in language languages sacred to me and I will just not do that and so they threatened him to throw him out of his office University then he had a YouTube channel they threatened him to close it down and he said what I had done wrong I followed the rules and then there was now he has 350 thousand followers yeah well so how do you see this proceeding because to my mind the the the difficulty always comes down to culture in other words if you have a culture of people who do not have sufficient courage and who do not understand the principles of a free society then you can go in any direction and the only reason Germany drifted the way it did under the Nazis was because there weren't enough people to do so they had the power but but they chose not to use it and every day it became more difficult and I see that how exactly in America it's the spiral of silence every day in America it becomes more difficult to bring this if 10 years ago Bruce Jenner had decided he was a woman and it would it would it would still be so hard for people to swallow that people would joke about it or whatever but by not saying anything we've gotten to a point where you you don't dare say anything because now the price is is huge to executive bring it out and the price will go up of course so that you know that that hits every one of us the price will go up if you haven't spoken out so far will we speak out tomorrow will we speak out when it's really getting dangerous and it is getting dangerous for many people by now if you are in a position in the media or wherever it can become really exist an existential threat and you might lose your business yeah and we have many cases where this is already happening yeah yeah so it is getting tough so so what are our options in a free culture at this point where where can where can we go do you see any positive outcome do you see enough of a background I think that some the pendulum is beginning to swing back whether it will succeed in swinging back I'm not sure at all because there's so much money and powers on the other side and but there is we still are in a phase where we can speak up where we can publish books where we can actually raise our voice and maybe the whole transgender thing is now so radical and so mad and so evil sacrificing children to worship idols is a costly thing because idols want blood and they're getting blood in our society they're getting the blood of 50 million unborn children the Idol of sex yeah we need abortion because we have this wild sexuality and now they're getting to the children and to do transitioning with children is again sending them over on a suicidal course and I think many people are beginning to realize that something really really evil is happening and it can happen to your children it can happen in the schools where your children are and it will happen and so you have to rise if you have some responsibility for the next generation whatever costs you and there's one which we see from from you have you have done researcher and bond if I written about him a very beautiful book two days ago we said celebrated we had the memory of the of the decapitation of Hanson's official that was just arisen 75 years ago so it's worth it and how proud we are that we have these people within a whole people of thinkers and poets which allowed not sysm to come along but there's some yeah and we need every every single voice and every person every person in this room how will you what will you do in your environment what will you do in your family what will you do in your schools are you going to speak up or are you going to say no this is more important I can't risk it and so on that's wrong that I mean that's ultimately the question and I know that there are many people in this room that face us on a daily basis you have children in schools in Manhattan my daughter went to Marymount here ostensibly a Catholic school but the kind of political correctness that even in that school that she shared with me the only good news is that my daughter is strong-willed enough and hard-headed enough to see how ridiculous it is but I thought about the other girls in the situation I thought how extraordinary that even in an ostensibly Catholic environment they're peddling ideas which are not only false ideas but they can't even begin to be reconciled with a with Catholic doctrine you know and and so if you're facing that in New York in the schools it's it is a high price to pay if your kids are being indoctrinated to speak up to the headmistress or to a teacher or something like that but I really do think that if we don't do that of course we only have ourselves to blame well I really think we need men and this movement and men physical men yeah torment I I've always been a physical man I'm not aware of any other kind yeah because feminism has weakened men tremendously and in Germany there it's mostly women who are on the front of this battle yeah women who go to the school and say well my daughter or my son and so on we need men to protect their families and to protect their children and to stand there with that man power and say no yes say no with me no and this is what I really needed this is what we are missing oh why I served a 30 degree oh yeah I certainly agree and I've even written about it I think that part of what hap has happened since the 60s is this redefinition of everything so that in other words every every movement has has good reasons for coming into being right so if if men are abusive or in in any sense then there's a backlash but the problem with the backlash is that then male strength is defined always as negative in other words instead of the chivalry idea of chivalry that male strength is in order to help and protect women male strength is something that's disdained utterly as something that needs to be wiped out because it's dangerous we need to get rid of male strength and women need to be empowered I mean that's the ultimate cliche of our generation is that the empowerment of women everyone says it as though is it's inevitably a good thing or something at any time I hear any cliche I bristle because it makes me know that people aren't thinking when you use cliches it's kind of proof that people aren't thinking they're coasting on these cultural ideas without really thinking about it but it's interesting that you say that we need men yes when you have the breakdown of the family and I mean it all of this the breakdown of marriages and families it does reduce men and it pushes them out and so when you talk about this as a revolution you liken it to you you say really it's the new Marxism talk about that for a moment it's not a really revolution in the classical sense revolutions have arisen because there was mass suffering on some level and the masses it comes from below and goes up a turns over the power structure of a society because there's true exploitation suffering and and feeling in the masses something needs to be turned over and corrected but it's happening now where are the masses of people say we need same-sex marriage where are all these masses would say we need trans jett transitioning we need to have a choice watch we are worthy it's absolutely induced as a top-down revolution it comes from the top and goes downwards and it permeates down to the kindergartens you wanted you said talk about Marxism Marxism used to be and had this the truth in it was there was severe exploitation of the proletariat of the workers that was the the where they could sort of hold on and say this must be changed and it was terrible it had to be changed then in the sixty-eight movement Marxism was picked up but the students soon realized were whereas the polity atom rather proletarians the Berliners when these demonstrations went on their open their window windows and said go to the other side of the wall yeah because there never were materially materially so well off as at the time right so the people who really wanted to change society which is the very big influences the Frankfurt School of Philosophy adano hakama Makua they have all belonged to that there were in their heart communists the their Institute of so child fortune was founded in Moscow they edited the Marx and Lenin two meters of Marx and Lenin so they were really wanted to add turned society around according to socialist communist ideas and of course they've been infiltrated the Academy very much so and but they couldn't do it with the proletarians they realized we need a new subject of revolution and that was the minorities and there was Mike who's ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo put out this poison which sort of got into the ears of my generation if you liberate your sexuality you will create paradise on earth sexuality is liberated people are addicted by the millions to pornography families broke down paradise paradise hasn't arrived and we are not learning from it we are not saying there's something utterly and totally wrong we are going in the wrong direction we must change our ways it's not really happening I think we're beginning to see as you were saying earlier that we know when you when you have a when you have a high school boy beating the girls in wrestling and declared state champion I think most Americans they may not have a pulpit a bully pulpit a place to speak from in the media but the plays most Americans realize this is ridiculous something has gone too far yes and I think you can say the same thing along many lines that that when we have come to a point of you know carving up the culture into these interest groups and things I do think that we are seeing something of a backlash in other words I think that there are people that I realized I agree this isn't going very well I I think the me to movement to be honest is at least a healthy sign I think it's already gone too far or maybe in the wrong direction but the point is that I think it's healthy when people say this kind of behavior is unacceptable we cannot have people so sexualized that they can grope whomever they like with no consequences at least we're beginning to deal with some of the bad fruit of the sexual revolution and I also think porn addiction and those kinds of things we're beginning to talk about that right I think that a backlash is beginning yes the powers on the other side but nature and and rationality science and God are on our side and I think there's something else as he happening which seems to me new I have during these last year's been invited all over the world not all over the world but to the faraway countries and wherever I come I see there are true disciples of Jesus Christ driving the opposition and I I meet them everywhere that's the joy of this work which is at the moment going on yeah the draw of the work meeting people who are Syria but Jesus Christ and there are really disciples and something has hit them in their heart and they have to work for it they have to work for what the human being is really about and this is also happening and I think God is actually at the same we see all this destruction but there's something also happening of people really being called in the deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ in all denominations I I'm happy to agree I oh I also think that what happens at some point when you hear of young people being given drugs because in their naivete they believe that they are a different gender or sex and they say these things I think that when the culture begins to see these things people begin to speak up in other words I think that it as you were saying earlier it goes so far that you say wait a minute we're seeing patterns here I even see the same thing in the in the gay community that when you know you think if you really love some young person who's struggling with his sexuality you want to tell him the truth you want to tell him that what everyone is saying may not be right for you it may harm you yeah we're not allowed on some level to say this and I think that that's part of where it takes courage is that if you really care about young people you must speak up because God will hold us accountable that's I say it as a Christian God will hold me accountable if I don't speak up because though I don't want to I don't want to get in an argument what about that young man who needs someone to tell him there may be another path for you to tell us to tell a smoker that it's dangerous as far as health if he smokes is not discriminating to tell a gay person your life has risks which are big your life expectancy will be reduced but to 10 or 20 years you should know that and then make your choice but we are not even allowed to say it even if we quote studies we we are it's discrimination like I've just an experience I search in need has a certain television channel that didn't interview with me what is the church teaching on homosexuality it was on their website for a few years and they just a few weeks ago they got a message from YouTube if you don't take this down we will close down your whole channel on YouTube I'm sitting there and completely you know how does YouTube have a right to do that well it worries me is that these large corporations whether it's YouTube or Twitter or Google or on and on that they have extraordinary power and I worry that people in the corporate world are unwilling to speak up that they think of corporate world is that the most gutless part of the culture at this point that if people in corporate America would speak up everything would change but they they've been addicted to them it's about the bottom line and you don't make waves and that that to me is really scary when somebody like YouTube can do that Dennis Prager has had all kinds of his youtubes censored YouTube videos censored and I thought this is true madness because if you watch them they're wonderful and but but we're talking about cultural power right now I mean ultimately this is this is what we're talking about right right it's it's and they're they're creating really totalitarian laws like this equality law in Spain like the the Equality law in Canada it is just unbelievable if a family has a child that has gender dysphoria and the parents do not agree transitioning the state can come and take the child out of the family things like this I know I assume that's not yet the case in the United States it's not yet in the United States but what about the bathroom battle well that's kind of funny I think that there's something in the United States where we still have you know there's something about our national character which i think has gone away in Europe sadly but we still have enough people here willing to fight on some of these issues not on all of them but on some of this because I think when the state says we're gonna come in and take your - I mean this happened in Germany with the the homeschooling exactly I mean that's going to happen here as well and you start thinking well what are our foundational principles don't parents have rights over their children I mean I have the right to teach my daughter stupid things I have the right to teach her 2+2 equals 5 as her parent it's wrong but parents do have rights and parents will get some stuff wrong the idea that these mandarins these elites can determine what is right and wrong and then step in this is why if people in the West and especially in America don't understand our foundational principles and how self-government is supposed to work it goes away it goes away I mean parents usually usually love their children the state can't love your children and the state is getting hold of our children put pulling them into a collective daycare tiny little children and for mating the new gender sexualized gender person Huxley put it honestly into a sea or a new world it's all there in his in his dystopia and this is happening and I think we just have to rise and with many people are beginning to rise well one of the reasons as I said earlier that we do Socrates in the city is because I want people to have a safe place to discuss things that aren't being discussed I mean shame on the mainstream media for not talking about this all day long because this is one of the most central issues of our time it's affecting our kids if it doesn't affect anybody else so we ought to be talking about it but we're not I used to be in talk shows until my book was published in 2012 since then never an invitation to talk show ah Howard workset and if I'd known you'd written this book I never would have asked you to be here at Sauk City but it's too if the damage is done we paid for the room the hors d'oeuvres were passed and we're stuck we're all gonna go to jail people no Gabrielle I just want to say that it only takes a few people to speak up because when someone speaks up you see this in the story of Bonhoeffer when someone speaks up it galvanizes other people to speak up it's the precise opposite of the idea of the the spiral of silence the spiral of silence is that if you don't speak up you subtly encourage other people to shut up yes which encourages other people to shut up and it gets darker and darker and darker but if you speak up as you have done gloriously in so many venues you encourage others who never even knew it was possible to speak up or who never even knew that there was so much information on this side which they knew they knew instinctively something was going on but they didn't have the information they didn't have the vocabulary of terms so again it's part of why we do what we do here and why I'm so glad you can send it to be here I'm afraid we're out of time folks let me say that our next event is March 20th the great Gregg Thornbury is going to be talking about his new book coming out but those of you who are watching at home or those of you who know that we put these things out on our website on videos please please please share these videos I'm begging you to share these videos point people to this on Facebook and on Twitter because unless we do that these conversations stay here and it goes nowhere and life trundles on in ugly directions so Gabrielle from the bottom of my heart a warm the Socrates in the city thank you for being here [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: socratesinthecity
Views: 32,166
Rating: 4.865922 out of 5
Keywords: EricMetaxasSocrates, Socrates in the City, Gabriele Kuby, Sexual Revolution, Freedom, Metaxas, Kuby, Germany
Id: 6vVX4etuLEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 41sec (4541 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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