Gabor Harsanyi ‘The Master Of Silence’

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hello and welcome again to conscious TV I'm Ian McNay and my desk my guest today is GABA Hosseini hello gebel Hey and Gabor is a master of silence I think it's a wonderful title and we're going to find out how he became a master of silence he has really quite a story to tell he's lived quite a life and been through many things and I'm going to get a feel of that and also obviously a feel of where he is these days so Gabor you were living in Hungary when there was a 1950 1956 uprising when the Russian tanks came in that must be very hard for you yes most of most of my childhood was spent in a upheaval type of situation I remember when I was really really young like three years old and there was was just flowers and plants next to our house I used to walk and be a total peace and then after that a lot of trouble started all kinds of trouble the 1956 revolution came and then my father was part of that uprising so we were pushed back and forth and back and forth all kinds of emotions came up all kinds of emotions other type of emotions came and then of course the Revolution was beaten down and so my father was taken in and out of jail for a few years after 1956 so that was really dramatic and emotionally shaking it was an emotional shake-up and how do you remember the piece you found when you were with the plants it's not in memory it's in I may say it's not in my mental memory it's in some kind of an other memory there was this nurturing wonderful feeling that I felt at home between the plants and the and very early I was wondering what am I doing here like why are all these people so weird hmm so that you didn't fit in some handle I didn't fit in at all okay and then when you got a little older you decided you didn't want to stay in Hungary yes well I was I I went when I was in Hungary I was dreaming of going to America and what America represented at the time was freedom and I didn't know that what I was after his inner freedom that was that that concept was not even available to me I guess I just wanted a I wanted the chain to be looser or I wanted that chain to be made out of gold let's say so I was really desperately going for freedom freedom freedom as to what it represented to me at the time is being able to travel have enough money do what you want kind of thing so that's when I escaped I spent six months in a refugee camp in Italy were you on your own when you escaped away with some friends I was with another person yeah then basically two of us attempted to escape but it must have been hard to leave your family yes yes it was very it was extremely hard there was something inside me that yanked me out if I may use that expression yes yeah it was some kind of a power that helped me to make it it was not much planning it just happened so the desire the vision actually happened of getting out and being free so practically you had to go through Yugoslavia yeah then you mentioned you and Italy so you were walking basically are you yes and Yugoslavia was then although it was a team in power still communist country is feel communist at a time it was easier to cross to yoga from Yugoslavia to Italy and then let's say from Hungary to Austria yes so I decided to take that route and I arrived from I escaped from Co pair which is in Yugoslavia to Italy that side Co 3 s 3 s there and I was that dangerous that yes Jose it was very dangerous yeah it was very dangerous they were actually I mean they were actually shooting and dogs were running after us and stuff like that well very a very dramatic again yes even to remember it is kind of weird you know but you would determine to my kids I was determined to make it I was running running running running yeah and I walked like I don't know 60 kilometers from the border to Trieste and then I registered with the police for two days I didn't know what to do so I lived in a telephone booth they didn't know what to do I was 18 lots of lots of testosterone what lots of fear also didn't know what's going to happen are they gonna ship me back to Hungary are they gonna accept me what what's going to happen so after a couple of days I went to the police and they took me into the refugee camp where I spent six months and of course now in Europe we have so many references this is 2016 we're making this program we're serving refugees coming into Europe so in a way you were experiencing them similar situations to what the refugees are experiencing now yes and certainly my escape and my troubles are really nothing in comparison to the people that what's happening to these people right now I didn't have a child to carry or I was I was on my own I was 18 and also I was there was very few refugees okay so he tally didn't have to deal with 10,000 of them yeah a day so I was extremely fortunate to escape at that time and I was a refugee at that time I was I was I was well treated and they didn't have the current refugee 9 problems that they have now yeah so then you were able to get from Italy to Canada yes and yeah I guess you flew there and somehow that was financed and yes yes yeah yeah I flew to Canada I landed and basically I I ran out of the plane and I said okay here I come I'm ambitious what do I have to do to become successful success meant financial success yes I didn't care really what I have to do within reason and so extremely a reasonably quickly I became very successful financially because that's really all I wanted totally believing that that's what's going to give me that freedom that I was looking for yeah but how did you do that because here you come in your refugee presumably your English wasn't that good you get to a foreign country and pretty quickly become a multimillionaire yes your name took was 30 years yeah so how do you actually do that I'm intrigued how you can how you can do that in a foreign country so quickly I would call that the creative stupidity I was not educated enough to know what won't work I quickly learned the English I worked for a British company for a couple of years gas stetner at the time yeah I was the only a immigrant kid so you can imagine how many jokes they made on me made with me and things like that I took I went to university I took electronics engineering but I never got a job I immediately went into real estate ah and I bought and sold and I bought and sold land I bought and sold land at the time that other people didn't because the interest rates were so high so I had no idea why I can succeed if there is a secret to that success it was I didn't know I can't you had nothing to lose in a way nothing to lose I didn't know what accounting mentor I used to think net worth was perhaps lady stockings or something like that and so the the initial success was really raw trial and not thinking much about it okay so you got this success your multi-millionaire in the notes that you gave me it was saying you got married to a beautiful woman you had three children yes everything life seemed wonderful yes life was wonderful great success lots of money parties the best cards etc etc just just how I imagined success to be success meaning freedom and yes there was some freedom within reason but when you make parties and you have thousands of friends there was really more mainly acquaintances the true friends didn't exist at the time I didn't know who who or who isn't my friend and so I used to go home every night and I used to drink two bottle of wine just to calm my nerves and to be able to go to sleep and something was missing even though I was successful something was really missing I did not I not yet gotten what I was looking for okay which was freedom but I have interpreted freedom as financial success yes so did you have at that point did you have a feeling of what might lead to real freedom or were you were you just in this this position that you realize what you done wasn't going to work or what working yeah knowing something was missing didn't quite know what the solution is but I turned to so-called spirituality and I have seen a videotape at the time of RAM 'te okay and I have and as soon as I saw it I thought okay this is exactly what I want to know it was again such a power in me such a desire to go and learn that that's what I want to know that's kind of what's missing that's the direction I need to go so I shifted directions and the universe was very helpful and kind to me shifting directions I at the same time I lost all my money all my friends so the difference this is the 1992 39 TCR it was in 97 I don't remember the year but your financial crunch in 1998 tonight that's right yeah yeah and because it but also you had studied some martial arts at new karate kung-fu Kiev's yes kickboxing so you had some idea of kind of how you could at least have energy in the body or generate that kind of spiritual energy through the body I guess I now at the time I didn't know that in my martial arts training they taught me something very basic okay that was extremely useful later on but since I knew it in the martial arts context I did not know that that's going to be the key ingredient later on yes for being in the body or having the inner peace okay that came much later okay and of course I did a lot of martial arts because again I wanted freedom and I wanted to protect myself I was a very sensitive soul quote/unquote so I wanted to protect myself as martial arts lots of money better lawyers etc so you saw that time the martial arts is part of the outer success in a way of attracting the artistic yes other success and protection yes okay so you mentioned you mentioned that you pulled by rent and I think at that time just double checking here and in my notes that you had to leave your family for that yes it wasn't that a big a big wasn't that difficult to leave your family and your children the hardest thing to do in my entire life was that escaping from Hungary and doing all the other things even depression was not nearly as hard as death something again yanked me out and placed me to the west coast of United States I started to live in a forest were quietly and every moment every day there was this mental emotional challenge about my family I should be with my family I should be with my family so that was the hardest decision ever to me so you wanted like to say no to civilization somehow because I'm living in what we actually need to living in the forest you were living in a hut or something you weren't actually living in the open in the highway no I actually built a log small log cabin oh you thought of the trees that was there and I was totally self-sufficient with my own electricity and had my own garden and had food storage stuff like that so I turned from so-called Seefeld the civilization to think to a whole different direction at least that's what I thought but you were very resourceful to do that on your own to build your own place in the oyster yeah I yeah I had lots of help in a community like that there's lots of help available I met the most interesting wonderful people who were very different who were who were very supportive to have that kind of lifestyle so what did you feel was changing in you at that time I in in retrospect what was changing is I I substituted one ego need money to another ego Nate I am now spiritual I said goodbye to civilization and I am now a better person slightly better than you because I am now spiritual and I'm going in this direction so I didn't know that at the time but in retrospect that's really what it was now I'm collecting data and information instead of collecting data about how to make more money I was collecting information with respect to spirituality different type of meditation different different type of knowledge unseen the chakras and on and on and on so in a way something your core wasn't actually changing or wasn't challenged at that point and yeah what has shifted is a a different a different kind of a different type of ego developed I still had the male ego and I had all those wonderful experiences with hrunta all those meditations and breathing exercises that made you feel so good so I was absolutely sure that I'm on the right track now hmm before I used to feel good about my success oh I got this done now I'd felt oh when is the next seminar when is the next retreat so for a while it felt so good powerful I what I didn't know is that I was still in the duality swing okay so something felt so good but then then it goes away again something felt so good hope this must be the right track because I now have a Kundalini experience I am crying and laughing at the same time that must be it the amazing euphoria that followed some of the exercises were amazing for days and so I was absolutely sure that that's it that's that's the right track it's there's no right or wrong track I'm just saying that that path is not the way to awakening because you still in the duality swing but at the time you fell because you had the highs as you said you and the right the right path so how did the questioning start to take effect how did you how did you start to realize that you probably or possibly went on the right the right path I I didn't question it and I didn't know that I was on the right path or on the wrong path it was I had an experience of business something was missing I had an experience of spirituality which I know it's a different it means different things to different people and I was not aware that there is anything else there is this direction and there is that direction and something was definitely missing I started to have depression I started to be interested in other things now other teachers other meditation techniques also I started to build a condominium building with a friend in Porto Wiarton Mexico so I got involved with a construction project in Mexico I am if you are unprepared I don't recommend it to anyone so things started to change I made moves again not knowing where I'm going or what it something was still missing so you mentioned depression what form did the Depression take it started it lasted about 12 years all together in is La Vie a long time the depression is I had to function while I was depressed hardly anyone ever noticed but it was a feeling of I get up in the morning and I don't want to live I sometimes I bicycle to the beach the most beautiful area one of the most beautiful areas of the world I should be happy right let's just talk perhaps I should drive under the bus perhaps I mean all those weird thoughts so the questioning of my own existence came into effect with the depression looking at it from from my eyes now the existential shake-up was necessary for me to even consider awakening it's an existential shake-up and depression is a very good existential shake-up you don't want to exist so now we're getting close to existence so I think that's how the universe guided me to the existential question but did you see why acid the depression of the time no I thought that that's just - it is I try to get help here and there and everywhere it helped very temporarily it was helpful one of the one of the things I did is I was fortunate enough to spend 3 and a half months with an Indian tribe in the Amazonian Ecuador I took a trip to Ecuador and someone introduced me to a to a shaman of a tribe and although he didn't speak Spanish or English but I he gave me permission to stay with them by the time I was doing construction in Mexico I had depression so I was under a lot of stress plus depression something was that something was pulling me there to be there my first impression was amazing that I woke up first morning scratching like crazy because of the bugs and I was not used to do environment that the people were just sitting there just sitting I was the only one with all my spiritual experience and knowledge that was pretending to be sitting I was sitting but inside my mind was going when am I going to learn something where is this going when I'm when am I going to be initiated whew so I can tell my friend who I was initiated and after a week or so the shaman took pity on me and made me some ayahuasca tea and I took that twice a week for three weeks and that helped me calm down totally I still couldn't be just like I still couldn't just be like the rest of them just said I still had anticipation they were actually sitting with no anticipation no expectation nothing I still had some expectation of the future I wonder what's next I want her I wonder what knowledge am I going to be somebody's going to impart to me and so that was I finally I was able to relax and stay with them and be there I could actually be there other than think of something else and the major major major realization for me was that in spite of all my knowledge about spirituality and many many meditation techniques many many things I didn't know anything they knew something that I didn't I didn't know what it was or how it was I thought it was some kind of a coincidence but that left a major question in my heart called okay I tried this I tried that there is these people who know nothing and I know everything and how come they can just sit and I can't so the bottom line was they were happy and you weren't happy basically we can call it that way just they were able to just be yeah in the meantime of course I'm having my existential shake-up with the depression so knowing that I don't know was very helpful I was I I was like giving up on life basically the depression lasted so long it took a toll on my body and my relationship and everything and one day I was walking on the beach to sit down and I remember the martial arts tactic that I learned when I was in high twenties when I received the so-called black belt my teacher taught me how to be in the body because if we were demonstrating things to the public for example you can hold your arm out and if you're inside the arm they will not be able to bend your arm but will be very hard there is those martial arts demonstrations that they were doing and so I remembered how to do that and it was easy because I learned how to do it and so I said okay let me try that jesus also said the kingdom of God is within and seek you first the kingdom of God and all else shall be added unto you okay I tried all those things so why not look inside really I actually know how school okay no no and and the mind says no no no no hold on you you you gotta try that too because that's more exciting oh no I'm gonna try this going inside no no no you you must cry first let's go back to Rama and learn such-and-such you go to that level and when you go that level then you try no no no I have okay ah Jesus said that you know sweet hand so let's go with you my god is within yeah we tense I didn't know what the hell is waiting what's with hen which in what and so in my desperation and my existential shake up in the midst of existential shake up could be in close to existence I go look inside and looking inside is not a visionary thing where if you okay I'm imagining looking side it's a feeling it's a sensing of the inner bodies nurturing there is a nurturing intelligence feeling within the body that runs the body and we have access to that so oops I look inside and all of a sudden the waves from the ocean were different mainly in what I was hearing the hearing shifted and I could hear the waves differently so my ego right away sir oh look at that look look at how it works calm down it's okay let's just look inside it wasn't difficult to stay because I had such an extension shake up that for me it wasn't difficult to just stay there peacefully at that instant I realized what it means to be inside it was instant it wasn't gradual amazing amount of I don't know what to call it euphoria pleasure of oh okay now I know what it means to be inside all along it was right in front of me I even knew how to do it it was right in front of me it's simple oh no no no no I I don't want to do this I I want to do that that's more exciting but that we sometimes have to exhaust examples on the outside just the way it is isn't it exactly it was all exhausted all these other trials went bankrupt in my it didn't work but the whole of society is building this up for us and that's that's kind of our level of what we aim for it it's right it takes a very courageous being or a desperate being to really say this is all not going to work yeah I have to end that here it's very rare right it's a it was a very fortunate unfortunate thing the desperation were so big so high my existential shakeup that one little look one little touch I call it the touch was enough to have this instant of realization of simplicity that's available to me and to everyone else and what happens is the depression when you did that good question the the depression that I felt at that time was instantly gone there was an instant shift it was instantly gone it has tried to come back it has taken a mental form it had it had its memory now after 12 years look at that this is how you are a leader leader so it like every other mental memory for try to come back try to come back try to come back but now I was very aware of the simplicity of the OneTouch paying attention just one small paying attention and that small effort of paying attention takes care of a hundred depression instantly you step out of the duality swing and it's no longer in my reality so it has tried to come back and has actually trained me to go deeper and deeper and deeper into present because occasionally try to come back really hard and when something really hard happens in in our life in duality we just have to go in but just a little deeper it's just it just a little deeper so depression actually was a catalyst for you to get even deeper inside yourself absolutely yes it's sort of there's a gift that somehow it was a huge gift to me yeah initially it has made me try to look inside and secondarily only tried to come back it it helped me to go deeper and deeper and deeper realization realizing the same thing deeper and deeper and deeper there is no deeper but it's just an expression no no I understand that yes yeah and I guess there's so many things in so many areas of life like include myself in this maybe that something goes what you think is wrong or is difficult a challenge if you like and of course that in a way is the as I said the catalyst that's the thing that is unsettling and without that you wouldn't explore we wouldn't end up going deep for inside because exactly what me the motivation wouldn't be there exactly and people that have fairly normal balanced lives often don't find this pearl that you file what what's really a weird I don't know what word to use that the opportunities are available to everyone consistently all throughout our lives one doesn't have to be depressed to get there that was my path it's it's just your personal path is your personal path the realization is instant but and the opportunities are consistently there for us to do so to have this self realization because life brings us situations and the immediate response of the untrained mind let's call it that way is to go and fix this whatever this is situation comes I go fix it which is a normal way to attend a problem the other way to do it if someone chooses is different this something came into my reality the universe got with lot smarter than we put this in front of me so why don't I just embrace this and be with it it'll actually help me embody that situation not end body in body high and in body when that whatever it is is in my body now it's so close to me that I can shift I have the ability to shift it so this something which came into my reality became a catalyst for me and in turn almost always the situation also shifts so a human situation could be used that way and that way life whatever Life brings us is a consistent seminar custom-made seminar for because life knows a lot more lot better what sort of situation do I need to deal with how did this its realization how does this how did it change how you saw reality it's the way I used to see reality is the way we all see reality now I see the exact same reality as is except from a different context the mind which has been running running running the mind our mind has not been given the proper nurturing in the proper context within which it can operate properly so when you say the mind hasn't been given the proper nurturing explain that more what you mean by that very hard we call it the mind that our our attention have been hijacked by institutional fear and all kinds of all kinds of things and the speed of society everything think of this think of that think of that think of that and my head no no no don't pay attention here it's over there it's over I tell you exactly what to fear today well the television television whatever so we are we we are inundated with all that information yeah our mind our ability to function properly stole hijacked even the synchronization between vision and sound has been hijacked they tell us what sound goes with what vision so all this god-given ability have been totally hijacked so simple touching simply a simple inner attention gets my mind and you my everyone's mind to get aligned with the body the body was here in the mind was here now it's just simply lines up the body why is it good to line up with the body well the body already has the innate intelligence it's like a mini universe really it's a smaller fractal of the large universe out there so why not use that intelligence in many many spiritual circles the body is a no-no oh no I'm not the body I I got to do astral traveling and I got to step out somehow and I know I'm not this I'm all that it's a half-truth statement yes it's true but here is the door so you knock on the door by paying attention using using the words of Jesus knock on the door paying attention the door opens and instantly I feel one with everyone now back to your original question how did horrid it affect my outlook on life I think you were asking now the mind can function properly instead of instead of functioning in a hijacked fashion what does that mean the mind can function properly it means that my capability of paying attention and all the information that I have learned so far all the information that I made that template of in life which is important how to build a bridge how to play tennis how to do this how to do that how to all the education I've had created this a bunch of information and put that put to get put them together in the template or in a format or in a thoughts dream problem is if the mind is hijacked is just going to cool like a loose cannon boom bang bang all about this how about this how about that how about that's all that wonderful information is just about useless if the mind runs like an idiot okay in a lunatic asylum yes you know however if it's placed on its foundation where it's supposed to be and it is also nurtured naturally the way it should be now the mind is at home first III bowels because it's used to operating by itself no no move first it rebounds but then in time it settles into this new foundation and now the proper use of mind is that I can think of whatever I want to think of it's like walking into a library calm and I can pick out any book before that I walked into the same library and the books were attacking yes the mind becomes the set becomes there the mind becomes your servant rather than your master somehow yeah we can we can call it that yes yes and the mind is happy doing that because it was its it wasn't quite happy being hijacked except it's got used to it you talk about I just wanted to mention something I've got these these notes from you gave me all came from your at your wife's book your final and actual realizations appear on their own rather as subtle and the uninvented happening beyond the senses and very difficult to describe so I was interesting when you say this final and actual realizations appear on their own now of course we're into into an intern area where we don't have the words and so we're tempting to use words how I handle it is usually I use a metaphor and then we drop it and that I use an explanation and we drop it but initially for everyone it's instant because we are going beyond time we cannot accumulate things and go in time and to end hope to be eventually beyond time so it's instant so that's if we want to call it final we can it's nothing it's really fine no it's instant so when the mind gets incorporated was to word when the mind gets used to operating in this new context in this environment there is revived retrained and retrained when the mind gets retrained it starts with the original instant realization the mind start to get retrained and there is little final little refined realizations in between the initial the initial excitement the initial honeymoon is kind of starts to be over oh my God look at that so refinement starts happening the practical end of it starts to at all okay I can incorporate that too in this piece oh that too I can incorporate in that piece and that too I can incorporate into that piece so those are the final touches that are not describable until there's nothing final but because it keeps on happening that there is a total relaxation into this possibility into this context knowing that the mind works just fine nothing that I have ever learned is lost I don't have any ability I have lost except when I'm walking that I'm doing anything the mind is not talking to me there's no conflict within me that's a wonderful thing you say there's no conflict in you great and so many of us write the human world we have with this there - conflict but we have only conflict which of course contributes they are too complex that's why we live in this the world that's why the world reason the world the way it is I call it the open air lunatic asylum yeah it's a you know anyway there we go about we've got about ten minutes left so I want to really use that time as effective as we can to find out more about your work and how I know you you do you do seminars and you that you do private sessions so you free people from thought addiction this is just some notes I made you protect you protect something from from their mind or you help them to protect themselves from their mind or learn how to do that and you they help people go from a habitual thinking state to an unthinking state and they speak an act from a being state instead right so just I know you've covered it a little bit but just talk more about on a practical level how that can manifest in people that they go from this thinking of a habitual thinking to an unthinking state the the first thing I do when I say I do it's a figure of speech is the first the first few prerequisites to awakening is that a person understands that the way they have used their mind before in a cumulative state accumulating information with cumulating something to get somewhere the way we use the mind so far it's perfectly correct to use the mind that way to say build a bridge or something like that once they understand that a totally different approach is has to be accepted and necessary even to try even to to to actually go through this what I call the eye of the needle so once a person has a sufficient understanding it okay I know I don't know how this works but I will not be able to understand it and if I understand it I will misunderstand it all the truths that I have known to be true or maybe half-truths may be hundred percent truth but I cannot base my listening entirely upon those assumptions that I have assumed in the past there is like a million assumptions out there about spirituality which is somehow connected to awakening so the first prerequisite is to understand that that kind of cumulative approach and assumptions are not going to work once that's understood then and at the same time we start like a personal sessions or even in group where where a very simple thing happens I just I'm just sitting there being and people are looking inside people are guided to look inside all you have to do is touch for a second don't expectation so if I say you're looking at me but be aware of your hand okay that's it no expectation and then look at me be aware of your butt touching the chair and then I keep on talking keep on talking and then all of a sudden the person gets how simple this is that this simplicity when the mind slows down and eventually stops is the it what I mean by it is that that is the beginning of awakening now we can begin the awakening process my whole explanation prior to that was coming to the simple womb and so that you can please accept the simplicity right the Indians in the Amazon didn't need to learn didn't lead to unlearn all these things they just were sitting there right so then then it comes the neck the next problem usually problem the next challenge for me is that everyone miss understands that this they think that this nice feeling is like meditation oh it's just like a meditation technique I know I you know I did that before you know so the mind from memory says okay this is this and that meditation technique and starts comparing immediately so we are there nothing else is needed if if you can stay there I'm not even needed but they can stay there because the mind will start coming at it always just like meditation no it's not meditation meditation has a beginning and an end this is a feeling sensing of existence this is a sensing of your being when you're being recognizes its own being you will not need me and I don't want to call this meditation simply because this is not in time as soon as we enter this being state if I can call it a state it's no longer in time that expression we can also take further but we don't want to at this point because it's really absolute time but that's another discussion now we're if you're staying here well actually the mind start relearning to operate that oh there is this being there is dis context there is this nurturing foundation that I can use but but the mind you'll come up with all kinds of comparisons and I've experienced this hundreds of time from my students consistently the mind has an amazing ability to come up to try to complicate this to try to compare it put it away in their memory so it can access it later and because this feeling right now this sensation right now is not going to be the same five minutes from now and you can't recall it yeah so what I do do I do is nothing the more nothing I do the better I'm really providing the space I just sit there within which if they wish they can stay longer and longer and longer that looks like the beginning of an awakening exactly that's the beginning so unless someone start looking inside their awakening has not started yet okay I want to ask you one more thing before we finish what's it like for you being a master of silence well I wish I didn't have to be called anything to operate in this dimension we have to be called something and so a friend of mine called me in Hungarian chant mesh tire which means master of silence and it's kind of stuck to operate as such my life is not any different than anybody else's my life is exactly the same I no longer get excited about the profit or idea as much as before or I'm my my response to things are very different but I see the world as is I don't see things and people and situations through the old BIOS I used to see through and the normal mind looks at the world and says okay what filter do I bring in to look through Ian's McNay British friendly nice guy you know I mean there isn't there is a filter of looking while now I just look at the way it is it's not like my world is paying way into the way it is if I see anger it's anger it's not like I don't see anger it's not like I see the world in pink glasses at all yeah just the way it is but coming from this nurturing foundation looking out from this nurtured foundation even the so-called ugliness quote unquote is ugly still ugly miss behavior is still misbehavior but there is no judgment or reaction at all yeah there's not even no judgment it's the love and if I happen to be close to reaction to something I just go just a little bit deeper that's the case I think that's where you've been going right from the start a little bit deeper in your journey and right and I guess the journey is ongoing yes it's ongoing this way yeah okay I think that's a great place to finish the ongoing journey this way history yeah I'm gonna actually show you its book your wife's book because it has a lot about your story this book the blunt that the blind leading the blonde on the road to freedom confessions of us recovering spiritual junkie is written by new returned who are actually interviewing next but the reason I'm showing it now is that it also has Gables story in there and some conversations between us and Gables so you might like to define this book if you were if you were pulled towards Gabor's journey and intrigued by what he had to say thank you very much gutter for coming along to conscious TV coming all the way from Budapest special that's very much appreciated and thank you everyone out there for for watching conscience TV and I hope we see you again soon goodbye you hi this is Gabor Gabor Hasani I'm I'm doing a short guided meditation for conscious TV and I am gonna my attempt is to guide you and guide you to stay in the present moment actually we usually call something like this meditation but I don't like to call it meditation I would call it rather the repro portioning of attention normally our attention goes out and stays out and that's how we live our life that's the expectations of others society etc by Reap reporting our attention we keep some of the attention outside and some inside there is a consistent if there is a consistent attention inside and the attention is reap rapport shinned from inner and outer then the mind tends to will and will have a tendency to line up with the body and when the mind and the body is in alignment then you're in the present moment this present moment is not a small piece of time stolen away from time it's it it's out of duality this is something that's your birthright that is something very natural to every person and it's beyond time or I could also say it's an absolute time if you just sitting comfortably somewhere just keep looking at me and just relax nothing major will happen no expectation and just for a moment feel the feel the chair under you but keep looking at me and fill the chair keep looking at me and feel your foot what I mean by feeling your foot is that you are aware that your foot is there you don't have to look down to see if it's there you're feeling your foot and you're feeling the vitality in it you make it shine for those of you who are more would be more comfortable and closing your eyes please do so I'll keep looking at me if your eyes is eyes is open and feel your hands be aware of your hands feel the vitality feel it shine feel the intensity the aliveness in your hand and we'll do the same thing with your chest now be aware of your chest focus on your chest make it shine every breath you take will increase the intensity of this shine will increase the aliveness of your body hundreds and hundred fold every breath you take to increase the intensity fill your shoulders be aware of them feel the vitality make it shine feel your thighs feel your knees feel the vitality make it shine fill your stomach make it shine every breath you take connect your so-called inner body and increases the intensity of this inner focus the intensity of this inner aliveness if you if your eyes are are closed slowly open your eyes but before opening your eyes make a decision that you're going to keep some of that attention within of course if you didn't close your eyes then you didn't close your eyes so we are keeping some of the attention within this is what we mean by the kingdom of God is within this is the simplicity of it this is your birthright this is the beginning of awakening beginning of spiritual learning we are now beyond time or I could say in absolute time keep looking and feeling inside there's no expectations we're not expecting anything to happen one very important thing this is not a meditation your mind you will tend to tell you this is the same as a meditation it's always now it's always now it's always now a meditation is in time has a beginning and an end this is the reporting of your attention I don't know what to call it I will probably call it a repro portioning if I must call it something the less I try to call it something the better just be with me this is the so called knocking on the door that Jesus talks about and if you if your hearing has shifted a little bit then the door is opening this is the you that's already within you I didn't invent this I didn't do anything to you pumps I'm simply sitting here looking at you what's in me is in you and in every living thing from this peaceful nurturing perspective it's not possible to have any harmful thoughts towards any one or anything just keep being with me no expectation remember to keep some of your attention inside any body part will do for most people the awareness of your hands from inside is the simplest but you might find it for you is the foot or the chest it doesn't really matter one touch just one touch within is worth thousands of thousands of thousands of hours of doing something without it almost seems like you're willing to open the door to God paying attention this way so now God the universe can be with you now your mind and my mind can operate from a different context this is a contextual shift you will not lose your memory you will not use your ability you're not going to be irresponsible it's a perfectly functional space stay here with me what I'm saying is not as important as your inner attention you have to if you want focus with ten no one can do it for you but it's easy if you look with ten you try to go with n it's very very easy why should your birthright be hard or why should your birthright take twenty thirty forty years to deserve by accumulating good deeds it's used now you can operate from this space it's very functional this is your being this is how we were when we were children it's not complex it's not mine it's not yours by doing this you are not going to be a superior person neither an inferior one of course life is going to be so much easier challenges will come but you will know how to approach them do this simple thing of reap rapport shinning as frequently as you can during the day while you're doing anything else standing line in the store is a great way to practice washing dishes washing your car walking talking try this is a listening skill someone has a tendency to talk too much just focus within just be and you will see magic happening in your relationships it's yours you can only have it now you can't have this in the future now and now put this on put this tape on as frequently as possible practice it and most importantly practice it in your everyday life don't allocate some time to practice whenever you think of it whenever it gets to you now-now-now we proportion we proportion we proportion I wish for you to be able to maintain this natural state that I cannot call a state with a little bit of attention and intention you will be able to maintain this god bless you and hold the love to you and to use you hello and welcome to conscious TV I'm Ian McNay and today we have a small panel with two people we're going to talk about freeing oneself from thought addiction which has both been important in their own journey it's something they both they're both in their own way to each and practice and I just thought it would be interesting for conscious TV to put to put them both together and and see what happens basically so gabble Hasani and Martin Wilson and let's start briefly by just talking about how you got to where you are as we've interviewed you both unconscious TVs so if people want to find the full stories you need to they look on conscious TV itself or YouTube and track them down but GABA for you there's a big realization when you're in Ecuador and you was staying with a fairly primitive tribe of Indians just just explain what happened there yeah I have my motivation to go there was to study more more of spirituality more something perhaps be initiated by shaman so I can call myself initiated or something it felt right to be there it was not comfortable physically because I was not used to the environment mosquitoes the bugs etc but for me the one of the biggest self-realization point came came about because I was there specifically that I used to wake up in the morning and and with full of anticipation I'm gonna learn something more perhaps a shaman will do something today etc everyone else was just being able to they were just sitting calmly and quietly and I was the only one who were busy inside thinking anticipating I wonder what is going to happen today and so I was able to calm down after six portions of ayahuasca that they made for me and that's quite a powerful her business it's very powerful it's not something that you can get hooked on simple because the first 40 minutes of it is horrible I mean you're throwing up your nausea and on and on and on but something happened within me that I was able to actually be with them and I stayed with them for quite a while however the biggest realization for me was that in spite of all my acquired accumulated spiritual knowledge which I had lots at the time I wasn't able to just be still at that time didn't know what the solution is or where it is or how I just knew that whatever I have cumulated so far it's not where it is so that was my main learning from that experience and then you went on my thing to I think it was Mexico to the beach right where you realized that just talk about how he's discovered going in with so important of the body at that time many things were going on at the same time one of which was I had to a sizeable depression there for 12 years which is a lot father is really ongoingly including the time when I was with the Indians yeah fortunately so the the bad news was that I all the time I was thinking about how am I going to kill myself I woke up in the morning and I did not want to exist in retrospect I realized the benefit of that depression that when you wake up every morning questioning your own existence you're much closer to the existential shift that may or may not take place so in my in my total desperation one day I was just sitting on the beach and I remembered a very a simple technique that I learned in my 20s when I was in martial arts that how to how to look inside and that that tactic was used by martial artists to demonstrate special powers quote unquote stuff like that stuff like the master is sitting and the people try to move him and they can't or or strongman try to bend someone's arm and they can't because you present in your body stuff like that and prior to that I've I mean so that that tactic was came back to me on the beach and in my absolute desperation I finally attempted to look inside it was a very significant event simple because prior to that I was looking at looking at looking at looking looking looking looking acquiring acquiring accumulating more perhaps the next meditation perhaps the next book perhaps the next era people have to next something perhaps taking this to Indians perhaps another initiation on and on and on so I thought okay my Hapkido master showed me how to look inside which was quite easy especially when you're in when you are you twenties and by the way another master could Jesus said that the kingdom of God is with him so how about if that with hen is the same as that with him why not never considered it and I simply looked inside because I was by that time I was so beaten up that there was there was no other way to there was no other path or my other path looking outside we were already bankrupt looked inside and almost instantly the waves of the ocean as they were coming in it's a big bale in the ocean started to sense I sensed them differently I heard them differently I saw them differently and my first order hopes did that simple that tactic the technique was in front of me all through these years I never attempted it even though it's clearly in the Bible that the kingdom of God is within why not try I did not try until in my reality all the other paths out there went bankrupt who is the ultimate desperation ultimate absolute screw yeah let's all I look inside and what I'm what I'm what I'm trying to say to listeners is that you do not have to wait that long through for your ultimate desperation yes it's okay fine thank you so Martin with you you practice many different methods of experiment really because you wanted to find out what whether your wife Maria what what she was doing was real or not and then you stumbled across something or came across something that helped you to stop uncontrolled thoughts or control uncontrolled thoughts so just tell us a little bit about the method and then and then how that affected things for you and how that progressed yeah well after looking at many many different methods that that didn't work for me I came across one that I'll be honest I laughed out when I saw it and it was an I can't even tell where it came from but it was called the fishtank technique which was and if it feels easier you can close your eyes to do it but this is a technique where you picture yourself in a room standing in front of a fish tank so any uncontrolled thoughts that come in you would take them out drop them into the fish tank and just observe and so you don't actually try and make sense of the thoughts that are going in you don't try and you know destroy them or get rid of them you just put them in and observe and then while you're observing you just ask yourself the question what will my next thought be and it's amazing how you you become aware as soon as you're aware of your thoughts they stop they dissolve on their own they go away and of course I laughed at this technique I found hilarious that anyone would actually practice this until I tried it and found some silence and when I found that silence you know and you've got a bear in mind that I was doing this to try and disprove what my wife had been telling me I wanted to disprove that any of this stuff was real so of course when I got some evidence that it was real I was quite knocked back you know I didn't really want to hear that so I had to try it again and again and again and those periods of silence just got longer and longer and longer until I found the very thing that I was trying to disprove so and you kept with it over a long period of time many months yeah many months and then in the end you felt you had control over your thoughts insofar as you weren't getting the uncontrolled negative thoughts yeah I think the way I'd explained that I know when people say that they they meditate and I mean then they might have a really busy nine-to-five job than my children at home and and they'd all those things and then they meditate for half an hour a week and expect that to counteract all of their other problems and and from my own experience I think mindfulness is a habit you know I think it's a habit that you need to replace with uncontrolled thoughts you know you need to get rid of the uncontrolled thoughts and bring mindfulness in it's just it's a changing of habits and of course meditating for half an hour a day with such a busy life is not going to do that it's not change of habit that's a hobby okay so let's look at where you kind of agree and maybe even disagree on this but we go but with you Gable when you as you describe you you started to go to found your own kingdom of God within and that managed to slow your thought process down didn't it so just talk more about how that develops after that yeah I found that I find it by paying attention within all of a sudden the hearing shifts and mind slows down and I am if I stay here long enough it anchors me into this now the kind of now that is not not stolen away from time it's not a small portion stolen from time it's it's beyond that and I find that to be a perfectly natural state and what I found is that people who get there eventually will have to go there anyway to anchor it you know like you we will arrive and then we throw down anchors in the harbor you know and so that that was my way of going there what I find is that Martin's presence is exactly the same I mean we met yesterday and there's an instant recognition however we got that there is that instant recognition of just being and I'm by the way I'm totally amazed at the contrarian approach that's taken in in trading the stock market or even many markets there is a there's a type of people who call the contrarians yeah people go this way you go that way and but I have never heard of an approach the contrarian approach in spiritual awakening and you went to disprove the existence with right yep so instead of going out to learn more you went out to disprove more yeah almost in a sense like instead of covering up you uncovered you try to uncover uncover uncover amazing I have never met anyone who got there that way and I'm delighted I think the way I talk about that is I find that the more you want and need enlightenment or awareness or mindfulness I think the more you want to need the further away it gets I think it becomes an obsession and you push it away and of course I was going completely opposite direction and it and it crept up on me so you know I think I can sort of it explained it that way and it fascinates me that obviously my first step was to quiet in the mind before I moved into the heart center whereas you sort of came into the heart center to quiet in the mind so it's so we just sort of swapped steps very slightly there but but as you said yesterday when we met there was that instant recognition of wow there's someone that's experienced the same things in the same way yeah and I say you know the being recognizes another being always it's out in in everyone it's more difficult to recognize the being with someone who who is consistently covered covering it up still there but when someone is not covering it up it's very simple yeah and eventually I believe that all societies and all peoples will end up in this common denominator and this this kind of space where the internal conflict is gone and therefore the alter conflict will be gone and we will be able to attend our jobs and our politics and running the countries from this perspective which is so simple and so attainable actually but you see the point to make is and I understand what you're saying is if you look to too much out there feel for your freedom or self-realization whatever we call it then that's that's probably going to fail but on the other hand you found something by default almost but once you've found it work you committed and you stuck with it yeah month after month after month yeah and you were saying you were doing it virtually all your working day yeah and Gabe or with you when you found that the key was within and the key was in the body you also you describe how you would walk up and down the beach and you you just feel your feet on the sand and the sound of the wind and the waves sounded different and you stayed with that and so far that you you because of your depression yeah there was the incentive you had this very bad depression for 12 years you you stay with what you'd found in terms of a way of freeing yourself from the depression and finding something out to be much bigger than you which you came to realize so there is a dilemma here which I think's an interesting dilemma on the one hand yes too much seeking can get you nowhere it appears on the other hand once you find something that works it's no good just saying I've found it and then thinking blah or bells start ringing and everything is over that is when it seems the hard work begins yeah and you make the commitment to not get knocked off and you stay with it and I think as well people tend to look outwards for it and that's what I think the wanton need makes you look outwards when you actually stop wanting and needing you look inwards that's where the answers are found would you agree with that yeah yeah absolutely when do we our story sounded perhaps there is sort of conjured contradictions in it but there really isn't in a sense I was in a swing trying to get somewhere he went on a swing trying to disprove it he was it was pushing the swing on one end that I was pushing it the other end yeah and something something detained both of us when we something with him both of us recognized that space where they in the middle swing which stops for a moment and something inside your heart and perhaps my heart is oh oh what's that yeah so and once the recognition happens we have to stay with it yes there is a there's an inner motivation to stay with it and work with it it's not very hard actually well for all the people it is because they have all the demands of their life especially younger people with family young kids and everything else and and then it is hard because they've got to earn a living and look after children and and there's all the pressures of society which expects you to certain things with and what you're doing is the journey within it's very much against the way society is going so I can be hard yeah yeah and it is you know like it is both talked more about this I think we we we had dinner last night we all agreed that it's this is a disease around modern time is the addiction to thoughts and to this and this out there to try and find happiness and freedom but it's this this constant bombardment and now you see one of my pet hates is you know in London the streets will walk down with their mobile phones on Facebook whether they're doing on there it's like it's not no-one is just hardly what is walking around just filling their feet on the ground and feeling the wind and maybe Oxford Street but they saw they would have win there sometimes everyone's bombarding themselves in their minds and it seems that you two guys in very different ways found a way to stay with what was happening in here and just observe yeah not my wife has got fantastic phrase for that and she calls it mind masturbation yes especially when you see people on their phones and things like that and that's exactly what they're doing they're just feeding their their egos and their minds with with more and more information and and again I think from from both experiences I would have to say that they you know all of those layers that you put on all of that information you put on at some point you'd need to let go of that and of course the more you put on the more there is to let go of so the way the way societies go in you tend to assume that with technology and phones that they'd be putting more layers on it would be more difficult to let go of and yet of course we're led to believe that more and more people are waking up so that there's a contradiction there I think is actually both happening at the same time yeah in my in my opinion of course we have we have the problems and we are used to resolving our problems with more information more concepts more templates and then we have the computers and iPhones etc and and young people don't even talk to each other actually that much knowledge talk to each other like tests and there is a problem and there is always a solution and especially in high tech okay there is some problems let's bring in another application now let's let's bring in Windows 10 operating system that will resolve the problem of Windows 8 so everyone has a problem in thinking ok the windows tile 10 will actually resolve my problem so then that resolved the problem there with another application and the mind tends to work the same way oh okay that that will be that would be okay it's what we what we don't realize is that we have this wonderful hardware and we have this superb operating system Windows 10 and better yet you're operating it like ms-dos you know early 80s or something you know you have to look up what code to type in and stuff like that before Windows and so but so the the actual solution is is is to activate the window stand within yourself the hardware is not going to give it to us more information is not going to give it to us we have God knows we have plenty but the the best the most updated operating system could be touched and activated very easily so just imagine working with the most updated operating system plus it's called plus there is like a million benefits that we can't describe so what we're talking about is extremely functional it will resolve the problems quicker more efficiently and you won't even have to buy the next operating system because it's already there it's preloaded but we don't rise is preloaded right so part of the deal it was included this is my great brain it's amazing our society at and looking and I've been guilty of this as well as you're always looking outwards for the next gadget the next phone that you know the big house the big car and you always think that that next thing is what's going to bring your happiness and no one seems to be looking that that happiness is actually inside that's you're looking in the wrong direction it's on the inside but it's how do you get that across to especially the younger generation how do you get that across to people that live in a material world with the next gadget and the next car and you know I don't know maybe that we've got a business proposition there for enlightenment yeah I've been sure someone's done it absolutely yeah absolutely so yeah in in spite of all the rumors out that it's not possible with just somewhere there for somebody for some mysterious person I am always coming from the perspective that yes is possible and if someone has a spark in their life someone says okay I'm willing I am actually willing really it's actually possible to experience it and quote unquote prolonged to experience long enough until the person can practice that himself or herself and by practice I don't mean the normal practice and then then the being will recognize itself so where I'm coming from is from yet yes is possible and no you don't have to go through all these terrible things like I did you can actually very easily activate that superb operating system and your life can be better without buying another computer another iPhone so it's learn about I'm coming from the perspective that is learnable I have had quite a few people actually try to learn it if they can overcome the big obstacles within them which is always too simple I'm not going to bother they're always just like meditation if it can overcome those few obstacles in advance and he actually willing to just be there it's it's not even that hard I couldn't say that 10 10 20 years ago I 10 20 years ago it was much harder so would you say why canning is a learned behavior something that can be learned i I would say yes and I'm saying it's a learned behavior in in it's a learned behavior under a different context on the top of a different context once there is this contextual shift then there is a learned behavior so it's like learning how to swim differently you have to go into the water yeah so first we go into the water is a contextual shift and now let's let's get a habit coin okay guys we need to finish I think thank you both of you thank you I do a quick plug for see if you had a book I could give it a plug man and go yeah you have like not yet anyway I will write enlightenment the keys the consciousness experience and written by Martin Wilson thank you again thank you for watching conscious TV and I'm sure we see you again soon good bye you
Channel: conscioustv
Views: 32,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gabor Harsanyi, non-duality, Spirituality, Self enquiry, Awakening, Awareness, Truth, Seeking
Id: RsVBapY8jC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 43sec (5683 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2016
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