GA4 Ecommerce Tracking // How to implement ecommerce tracking with Google Tag Manager for GA4

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Hey there, I'm Benjamin from  Loves Data. In this video,   I'm going to show you how to set up ecommerce  tracking in GA4 (or Google Analytics 4)   properties. The way you configure ecommerce  tracking will depend on how Google Analytics   is implemented on your website. For example, if  you're using Google Tag Manager, then you can   use a GA4 event tag to capture details from  the data layer. Or if you're using gtag.js,   then you will need to modify the tracking  code. Let's jump in and look at these options!   Before we get started, I want to mention  ecommerce tracking for hosted platforms   and plugins. If you're using a hosted ecommerce  platform, like Shopify, or you're using a   WordPress plugin for Google Analytics, you might  have to wait until they support ecommerce tracking   for GA4 properties. For example, the built-in  Google Analytics integration available in Shopify   doesn't currently support GA4 properties. In some  cases, you might be able to connect your existing   standard (Universal Analytics) property to your  GA4 property to report on ecommerce transactions.   If your platform or plugin adds the gtag.js  version of the tracking code to your website,   then you can connect the two properties, so that  data automatically flows into your GA4 reports.   Okay, we're going to start by looking at a custom  implementation, so let's head to my demo site...   My demo website uses Google Tag Manager to track  transactions, pageviews, and other actions. So   let's start by purchasing a product on my  demo site. I'm going to select a product...   Add it to my shopping cart...  And make a purchase...   We're now on the confirmation page,  so let's view the source code...   We can see the custom data layer that includes  the details for our transaction. This is using   the ecommerce schema for Universal Analytics  properties which is also compatible with GA4.   The schema for GA4 properties is slightly  different. Since the current recommendation   is still to run a GA4 property in parallel to  a Universal Analytics property, I recommend   using the same schema that we can see here. So  the ecommerce schema for Universal Analytics.   We can then configure Google Tag Manager to send  the details for each transaction to our Universal   Analytics property and our GA4 property. If you're  only using a GA4 property, then you can continue   to follow these steps, or you can implement a  custom data layer that uses the ecommerce schema   for GA4. Just remember that the GA4 schema  isn't compatible with Universal Analytics.   Okay, now let's head to Google Tag Manager... We  can see there is already a standard (Universal   Analytics) tag, so start by having a quick  look at this tag. Let's select the tag...   And the tag configuration... And let's  select the information icon next to the   Google Analytics settings variable... This shows  us that all of the ecommerce transaction details   are being automatically found in the data layer  and sent to Universal Analytics. So it's really   easy to send transactions to Univeral Analytics.  Okay, let's close the variable... And the tag...   We can also see there is a GA4 configuration  tag. This tag will automatically send pageviews   to our GA4 property, but to send ecommerce  transactions requires custom configuration.   To send ecommerce transactions we will need  to add a new tag. So let's create a new tag...   Let's name the tag 'GA4 Ecommerce Transaction'...   And let's select 'GA4 Event' as the tag  type... Now we can select our existing GA4 tag   as the 'Configuration Tag'... And we're going  to enter 'purchase' as the event name...   Now we need to select 'Event Parameters'...   And we're going to enter 'items'...  This is the pre-defined parameter name   used to report on the product people purchase  in GA4. Now we need to create a new variable...   Let's name the variable 'Ecommerce Products'...   And let's select 'Data Layer Variable' as the  type... For the 'data layer variable name' we need   to enter 'ecommerce', 'dot', 'purchase', 'dot',  'products'... And then we can save the variable...   Now we can repeat these steps to add the  other information from our transactions...   We can add the transaction ID... And we're going   to enter 'ecommerce', 'dot', 'purchase', 'dot',  'actionField', 'dot', 'id' for the variable...   Affiliation...   And we're going to enter 'ecommerce',  'dot', 'purchase', 'dot', 'actionField',   'dot', 'affiliation' for the variable...   Revenue... And we're going to enter 'ecommerce',   'dot', 'purchase', 'dot', 'actionField',  'dot', 'revenue' for the variable... Tax...   And we're going to   enter 'ecommerce', 'dot', 'purchase', 'dot',  'actionField', 'dot', 'tax' for the variable...   And shipping...   And we're going to enter 'ecommerce', 'dot',   'purchase', 'dot', 'actionField',  'dot', 'shipping' for the variable...   Now we need to create a trigger so that the tag  only fires when a purchase occurs on our website.   So let's create a new trigger... Let's  name the trigger 'Ecommerce Purchase'...   And let's select 'Custom  Event' as the trigger type...   Now let's enter 'purchase' as the event  name... And let's select 'Some Custom   Events'... Select 'Event'... And  'Equals'... And enter 'purchase'...   This will mean our trigger only  fires when a purchase occurs.   Now let's save the trigger...  And let's preview our changes...   We can now complete another transaction...   And we can check to see that the  tag has fired in Tag Assistant...   We can select the purchase  event... And select the tag...   We can then choose 'Values' to check that the  values have been sent to Google Analytics...   And we can also head to Google  Analytics... And open the DebugView...   This lets us check that the details are  being correctly passed to Google Analytics...   So that's how we can use our existing data layer  to capture ecommerce details for our GA4 property!   Okay, but what if we're not using Google Tag  Manager and we're using the gtag.js tracking code   instead? Well, in this case, we need to modify  the tracking code when a transaction takes place.   Let's head to the back-end of my course  platform to see how this works...   Now we could of course use Google Tag Manager  and a custom data layer as we've already covered,   but I also want to show you how to modify the  gtag.js tracking code to track transactions.   So here we can add code to the page  people see after they've made a purchase.   I've already added the standard gtag.js tracking  code... Now we can head to Google Developers...   And grab the example ecommerce tracking  code... Now I can adjust the code...   And enter the liquid markup variables that will  populate the transaction details into our code...   The way you do this will depend  on the platform you're using,   so I recommend checking out the  documentation for your platform   and even contacting support for your platform to  get help setting up the tracking code correctly.   I also want to highlight, that if you're using  a plugin, like Monster Insights for WordPress,   then you'll need to continue using Universal  Analytics since it's not yet compatible with   GA4. If the plugin you are using adds the  gtag.js tracking code, then you do have the   option of using your existing Universal Analytics  property to send data to GA4. I've covered this   briefly in another one of my GA4 videos and I've  included a link to it in the description below.   So that's how you can track ecommerce transactions  into GA4 properties. Remember, the method you   use to track transactions will depend on how  Google Analytics is implemented on your website.   If you're using Google Tag Manager, then you  will also need to implement a data layer to   make transaction details available to your tags.  And if you're already tracking transactions into   a standard (Universal Analytics) property, then  you can adjust your implementation to also send   the details to your GA4 property. Are you tracking  transactions into GA4? I'd love to know! Let me   know in the comments below. And if you found this  video helpful please subscribe, share it with your   friends, and hit the like button so I know to  make more videos like this. See you next time!
Channel: Loves Data
Views: 37,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GA4 Ecommerce Tracking, Google Analytics 4 Ecommerce Tracking, GA4, Google Analytics 4, Ecommerce Tracking, ga4 ecommerce tracking, google analytics ecommerce tracking, google analytics ecommerce tracking setup, google analytics enhanced ecommerce tracking, google analytics ecommerce tracking code, google analytics ecommerce tracking shopify, google analytics ecommerce tracking setup shopify, google analytics ecommerce tracking with google tag manager (part 2)
Id: 2mNZQV7wFFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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