Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking with Google Tag Manager (Part 1)

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In this video series, I'm going to explain to you how you can install enhanced eCommerce transaction tracking onto your purchase pages. All the more coming up. This video is brought to you by our premium membership MeasureMasters. If you truly want to master the art of analytics and data, then become a member today and get access to over 70 hours of premium video content, exclusive tools and mingle with other fellow MeasureMasters in our community. And if you ever get stuck, I'm there for you to answer your questions and support you along the way to measure mastery. Join today and become a MeasureMaster. Hey there measuregeeks, Julian here. Back with another video for you. Today, we want to talk about eCommerce tracking. A topic that I have avoided over the years to actually put on the channel because it's so much more complex than what you think about as there are many different platforms out there like Shopify or magento. And for every platform, it's differently installed. So I always tend to stay away from it as a bred a lot of questions. I have a whole video series inside of our membership site measuremasters. But today, I want to take a little attempt at solving this issue for you the eCommerce tracking as we're going to install, and I'm going to show you how to install enhanced eCommerce transaction tracking onto your purchase pages. This is just a tiny bit of the enhanced eCommerce tracking feature set of Google Analytics. But I wanted to show it so you know how this process would go along. Because we need to install an extensive data layer. And then we can transfer that information on to Google Analytics, and also to our Facebook Pixel or our Google Ads conversion tracking. Now, as I mentioned at the beginning, this is more complex than it seems. And therefore I wanted to take my time and I've split this up into three parts. In this first part, we're going to cover what we actually going to install and what we need to prepare in order for us to go the next step, which is setting up the data layer, which we're going to do in this second video. And then in the third video, we are actually going to set up our tags. So we can take that sweet information that we have now in the data layer and forward it on to our tools to Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and Google Ads conversion tracking. Now, as I said, we got lots to cover. Let's dive in. All right, welcome back to our demo shop. On this demo shop, we want to install Google Analytics eCommerce tracking today. So just to demonstrate what this would look like, I'm going to go through a quick order here. And once I get to the thank you page, we can see that we have several tags firing here. At the heart of all of this is our Google Analytics event enhanced eCommerce that sends our data over to Google Analytics. This is done in form of an event. So in Google Analytics, under the real time reporting, we should be able to see our event information that just came in. Here we go, our transaction information and this sends with it data from our data layer that we have implemented. So what products were bought, transaction ID and so on. We also have an extension available for our Chrome browser. So if you go into the developer tools, you should be able to see what data got sent over. The extension is called the GTMGA debugger which you can install onto your browser. We're going to reload this here. And here we have a tab called enhanced eCommerce that you can click and this is where it was sent to and all the information that was sent over with our order. Later on, we should be able to see this inside of Google Analytics under our conversion reports, here under eCommerce. And then we should have our sales performance, for example filled with the information that we have retrieved from our data layer. Additionally, as you might have seen, I also fire a Facebook purchase event and a conversion purchase event to Google Ads. But that's something we're going to set up in the end. So how will this implementation go down? At the heart of all of this is a special kind of data layer. This is an enhanced eCommerce tracking data layer that we need to implement onto our page. This is not something that we presumably be able to do ourselves unless we use a plugin, or it's already pre installed. But I'm going to show you a way to write specification for your developer to get this implemented correctly. Once this is there will be able to configure our tags, we're going to go through this step by step, but also going to give you a container download in the description below. So you can install this easily to your Google Tag Manager container. Last but not least, we should be able to see our data in Google Analytics, Facebook and Google ads and have our tracking correctly set up. Now what do you need in order for this implementation to work? First of all, you would need to have Google Tag Manager installed, which we obviously have here already. If you're not sure, if Google tag manager has installed correctly, go went to your Google Tag Manager account and click on the Preview button to see if on your page then your preview mode pops up. This is an indication that Google Tag Manager is correctly installed. Then on the Google Analytics side, we also need to prepare something in the admin section. You will need to go under the view that you send the data to under the eCommerce settings here and enable eCommerce and also enable enhanced eCommerce reporting. Save this and we have our Google Analytics prepared to receive that data. Last but not least, you probably want to figure out a way that you can do test conversions easily on the shop that you're working on. Either offline on your local machine. Or if this is a live site, you might want to get a coupon code setup or test credit card because we will be working with this order receive page, which obviously only can get to want to go through the whole checkout flow. So this will not be a one time thing. So best is to get something set up that you can do this more often in order to see if your data is coming through correctly. Now with this in place, let's get started setting up our data layer in the next lesson. All right, this is it with the first part of this three part video series. If you haven't yet, then maybe subscribe as the video is not yet out, but maybe you can already find it here. So follow along in the next video and I'll see you over there.
Channel: MeasureSchool
Views: 104,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JavaScript, julianjuenemann, jjanalytics, tracking, measure, data, gtmtraining12, internet marketing, digital analytics, analytics, Marketing, Google Tag Manager, ecommerce tracking, ecommerce tracking installation, Purchase Pages, enhanced ecommerce tracking installation, enhanced ecommerce, enhanced ecommerce tracking, eCommerce Tracking Installation in Purchase Pages, GTM ecommerce tracking
Id: xgLGWvhOyHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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