G Suite Cold Email Marketing Full System Step by Step Tutorial | Send Bulk cold emails with G Suite.

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hi everyone how are you in this awesome  tutorial we are going to see how you can use   Gmail or g-suit for a full email marketing  setup so stay tuned and follow up with me   okay friends welcome again before we start please  don't forget to subscribe to my channel now to get   every new update almost every day so what we have  today today in this tutorial I will go with you   in a step-by-step tutorial to show you how you can  build you own email marketing system using Google   Gmail or g-suite to make things simple you know and  I talk about this a lot of times when you wanna   run an email marketing campaign mainly you have  two choices you have two methods you can go and   select one of the email marketing systems online  like MailChimp, Aweber, GetResponse or whatever or   whatever service you would you pay monthly fees to  these services and you launch your email marketing   campaigns and you can manage your campaigns manage  everything send emails using those services now   the second choice is to build your own email  marketing system or setup so what we will need   is two things we need a service to send email  which is the SMTP service or any service like   AWS SES simple email service or a Gmail account or  maybe mailgun any SMTP service you can refer to   my description you'll find a lot of videos  about these and you need an email marketing   application like MailWizz, mailster, SendBlaster  or whatever application that you are going to use   to send emails using this email service so we need  to set up two things we need the email service and   we need the email application in our video here  in this tutorial the email service will be Gmail   or g-suite so you hear me saying Gmail or g-suite  you know Gmail is the normal mail account from   Google everyone has a Gmail account so what about  g-suite I think you heard about before but in case   just for beginners g-suite is a type of paid mail  account from Google allows you to get a business   email like maybe your name@yourwebsite.com  like my email is admin or support@heducate.com so this is a business email this allows you  to get a business email of course not free you   can see on the screen now we have three packages  but we need only the basic package because we are   not going to use any more features with only the  sending feature or the mail account which costs you   around six dollars per month now you may be asking  what I don't go with the normal Gmail account and   send with my Gmail account here we have mainly two  reasons the first one if you want a psychological   reason when you send someone an email with a  business address it somehow has more trust and   more reputation take it yourself if you receive  an email from someone with a business email it   looks like more credible or it's more trustable  like anyone sending from a normal gmail account   or from Yahoo or Outlook and so on so this is the  first reason to be more professional to go with   a business address the second reason is simply  because of sending limits so in a gmail account   you can send only around 500 emails per day while  in a g-suit account you can reach up to 8,000 or   10,000 emails per day which is really perfect if  you want to run a small business email marketing campaigns   and by the way you can even use multiple accounts  so you can get around three, four, or five accounts   and you can multiply this number by five times so we can send fifty thousand emails per day but   of course it's not that simple you need to follow  up carefully and you wanna warm up the account to   reach this number so now let's start together and  see how we can configure a g-suite account how we   can set SPF DKIM everything how we can configure  the email marketing application and connect with   g-suite and how we can launch our first test email  marketing campaign so stay tuned and follow up   with me let's go to my PC okay friends so the  first step is to create a g-suite account you   can see here this is the pricing I will go with the  $6 basic suite very simple and by the way you can   see we have 14 days trial period if you want  to test g-suite but in a trial period you will   get only around 2000 emails I think per day so  anyway now let's get started with a six dollar   user and set up our g-suite account now if you  already have a g-suite account or you know how   to set up this you can simply skip this you'll  find the description below all the time spans   all the curriculum of this tutorial anyway now  let's set a business name I will say free Academy   as an example because my domain here what I will  be using is called free-academy.com because any   business name you want it's up to you I will say  now just me and you can set the country and click   on next very simple let's enter my contact info and my current email address click on next it says do   you have a domain or you want to get one here  in my case I have already a domain on GoDaddy   you can set up and use any domain registrar or  you can simply get a domain from Google domains   anyway now I have a domain so I click on yes I can  I will enter my domain name here free-academy.com   and click on next it will confirm this click on  next do you want to share ideas you will receive   some emails anyway now no thanks let's enter a  username let's say as an example admin or if you   want you can name it as mail@your domain and  enter your password everything is so simple here   just a step-by-step wizard okay verify and agree  okay you can see this my flexible plan it gives me   automatically 10% discount okay click on next  just review this you can enter the address here   anything ok enter the postal code and you enter  your payment method you see it's super simple and   here we are your g-suite account has been created  let's continue to setup we can see now this is   the setup of your g-suite account it says the  business account is fine you need to add some   people and verify your domain let's click on start  here if you want to add more accounts you can add   them here now I need only my account that I added  in the set up so I say I add all user emails   and click on next that's it now you need to verify  your domain let's click on verify and it will   automatically detect my registrar it's in GoDaddy  and you say authorize and now Google automatically   will contact GoDaddy and verify the domain let's  wait a little bit ok very nice you can see the   verification and the emails setup completed if  you go now to your domain you will see that Google   automatically added some records to your DNS like MX  records for the mail server the SPF record and   so on don't worry now about them just continue we  verified our domain click on next and here we are   it tells you pick the right plan ok let's choose  this one the $6 per user per month and awesome you   can see here we are in the admin Google panel and  here you can manage your business or your g-suite   package now if you go to your account and go to  Gmail you can see we are logged and with free-academy   mail this is your account which is mail@free-academy.com managed by Gmail or Google very   nice so this is the first step this is how you  can setup your g-suite account if you have any   difficulties if you face any problem just comment below I will be with you any time okay friends   so now we set up our g-suite account the first  thing we need to do now is to ensure that SPF   DKIM and DMARC records are set up correctly  and everything is working fine what are these   records I don't want to mother your head now with  technical stuff but just in a general concept I   talk about this a lot and my courses you can check  my Academy in the description and my other videos anyway   now SPF stands for Sender Policy Framework which  is a record you add to your domain DNS zone which   ensures that only you can send through your  domain so if there is any spammer or hacker   wants to send an email using your name this will  be marked as spam automatically so as an example   let's say you want to send an email and send and  put the from address as admin@google.com this is obviously not allowed you are using the Google  domain to send emails so this SPF record will   allow you to set your own security so no one can  use your domain then the DKIM recode is used to   sign the emails so it ensures that your email  sent from one address to another is secured   on the way and it will be signed with something  called a signature anyway it will secure this   message and prevent anyone from corrupting and  editing this message on the way any hackers or so   on and the DMARC is simply a record which is used  for monitoring or for notifications so if anything   wrong in DKIM or SPF so the DMARC record will stop  the message or only send an alert or certain email   that you can configure I don't want now to go  in details just know that these records are very   important to reach up to a 100% delivery and to the  inbox when using your g-suite account or any other   mail server as I explained in my courses and videos now  let's go and do some tests and check if everything   is working and configure these records if there's  anything wrong okay friends so the first thing I   will do is to test if SPF and DKIM are enabled let's  open a new tab and go to this website appmaildev.com/en/dkim/   we can see here  we can do a DKIM test so simply click on Next Step and then it will give you a certain test  email address let's copy it and go to my inbox   and compose a new message enter the To title here  the email the test email that's a testing for DKIM  anything you want test message anything click  on send now okay message sent let's go now to this   again and now wait for the email to be received  you can see the email has been received now you   can see now SPF passed DKIM past DMARC none  very nice so DKIM and SPF are enabled in our   server so everything is done by Gmail or g-suite  automatically when you configure your domain you   can see it adds some records and so on also you  can do other thing is compose a message and send   to any email let's say to my email address say  test test and click on send now let's open my   Gmail account and you can see here I got a message  in the inbox let's open it click on this small   arrow here and you can see that it will show you  signed by this domain here so it's signed by this   means that DKIM is enabled so signing is enabled  very nice now SPF DKIM is working by default in   g-suite and this is awesome you don't need to  do anything we still have the DMARC record   let's go to an application or a website called  MX toolbox DMARC let's open this this website   allows you to test if the DMARC is enabled or not  let's copy the domain where is my domain here we   are copy it here DMARC look up and it shows you  that there is no DNS record for the DMARC now   to setup DMARC it's super simple I will open a  notepad just to show you how DMARC record looks   like so this is the DMARC record simply in the mail To  here add your email or whatever email you want to   send alerts to let's say for example mail@free-academy.com  and in the same way for the second   email copy this and go to our DNS record here  let's add a new text values and the text value   just paste this value from the notepad I will keep  also this value to download and use automatically   and then the host field just say _DMARC  click on save and now DMARC is setup very simple   now just wait maybe couple of minutes for the  DNS migrations to complete and go here to test   again let's DMARC look up again and very nice  we can see it's setup here is my DMARC record   so now we set up SPF, DKIM, DMARC and everything  is awesome ok friends so now we finished our first   part of our email marketing system which is the  sending service which is g-suite in our case so   now we need to implement the second part which is  the email marketing application now we have a lot   of options you can use desktop applications like  SendBlaster Turbo Mailer whatever you can use online   applications like MailWizz, Mailster, Interspire whatever email marketing application you want or   you're familiar with in our case here I will be  using the Mailster Wordpress plugin because it's   somehow powerful application it can be built in  your Wordpress website so we don't need to get   other hosting and so on I will be using Mailster to configure g-suite but also I want to mention   that there's a small chrome extension called GMass  which allows you to implement a small email   marketing system within your Gmail account but  I will show you a small demonstration about GMass   before configuring Mailster and by the  way if you are not familiar with Mailsterand   how to install and configure I have a full video  about this here on my channel you can find the   link in the description below also so don't  worry about anything you'll find the videos   in description below let's now go back to my PC  and setup Mailster with our g-suite account okay   friends before I go to configure Mailster with  my g-suite account I just wanna show you the GMass   extension we can go here to GMass extension and  go to chrome store and you'll find this GMass   powerful mail merge for Gmail here i added it  before we can just click on this button to add   it and you'll find that your Gmail account now  have more features like these two red buttons   here you can see more folders if you click on the  compose now you will see this red button we can   now add up to 40 accounts 100 accounts if you get  the paid version of this extension and now you can   send if you want email marketing campaigns from  within your Gmail account you can use this if you   want but I prefer using a dedicated application like  Mailster or MailWizz because I'm more comfortable   with and has a lot more features anyway you can  see you can just run a campaign here and send and   setup Auto follow-ups you can see the reports the  scheduled campaigns and so on you can test this if   you want it's also good to start with anyway now  let's go back to our scenario as you can see I am   my Wordpress website and I have Mailster already  installed as I told you if you don't know how to   install Mailster and how to configure just check  my video in the description and install Mailster on   your WordPress website so now just go to settings  here and in the settings page go to that delivery   section click on delivery and go down you can see  we can select Gmail click on Gmail and just enter   your account its mail@free-academy.com and  enter the password very simple and now click on   Save Changes now let's go up here to the general  section again and you can see you can set the from   name the from email and reply to I will say here  free Academy as an example and set here the your   email free-academy.com and the reply to address  and save changes now let's go to the delivery section   again and try to send a test email click on send  test whatever email you want this is my email and   very nice message sent let's go to my inbox and  you can see in the inbox directly I have this test   email from free academy this is my account this  is my domain and everything is awesome so now   we configured our application and connected  it with our g-suite account here you need to   take care of an important point you can see here's  something called number of mails sent by default   Mailster will think you're using a traditional  Gmail account it will set the limit to 500 per   24 hours later on when you finish warming up your  account we'll talk about this in a little bit you   can send this to around 8,000 or 10,000 because  you have this open limit in a g-suite account   here we have something called bouncing I talked  about bouncing and how to configure in Mailster   and in MailWizz in other lectures please check  them in the description below I don't want now   to bother your head with a lot of features and ideas I want to  concentrate on the main idea so that we setup   the delivery we are ready to start using our  email marketing system okay friends so we are   almost done we create our own email marketing setup  with g-suite and Mailster as I told you you can   use other mailing application you are not obliged  with Mailster so anyway now what is the next step   now don't ever start sending thousands of emails  directly you need to do something called warming   up your account this means you need to gradually  send emails like the first day 50 emails the   second day 100 emails third day 200 emails and so  on and you need to do some tips to walk up this   g-suite account I have a full lecture about five  minutes talking about warming up g-suite so to get   the best results and don't be blocked so please  refer to this lecture you'll find it in the description   below before you start sending any email this would  ensure the best delivery it will ensure not to   be blocked and to have the best email marketing  set up with g-suite also I wanna tell you a very   important point don't ever spam with this setup  you will be blocked automatically I have also a   full lecture about avoiding spam and how to reach  the inbox you can find also in the description   below please check them before you launch your  email marketing campaigns now I will finish this   lecture by going to my setup and launching a  small test email marketing campaign so keep up   with me and let's go to my PC ok friends so simply  let's create a test campaign click on new campaign   here and let's name it test whatever you want test  campaign g-suite whatever you want subject Hey from   g-suite and this is the template here it's at a  small intro hey from g-suite anything here just   there's a small template for my test campaign and  I will select this test email list which contains   my email and what's nice about Mailster it has here a spam  score we can test the spam score of this template   before sending it so to avoid being marked as spam  very nice it says great your campaign is ready to   send click send this campaign and click on save  very simple now this campaign will be launched   using our g-suite account you can see here all  the analytics this receivers operates clicks and   subscribes bounces and everything else so really  amazed Mailster is a very powerful application if you   want to use inside your WordPress website you  can see now one email was sent so the campaign   has ended let's go to my account and awesome you  can see from free academy in the inbox I have this   message hey from g-suite and this is the template  you can see here I opened the email let's go here   and refresh and awesome you can see one open the  email so it's 100% opens just for   demonstration now so this is how we can set up  and run your first campaign using g-suite and Mailster   as I told you don't run any email marketing  campaign with this setup before you watch my two   videos about avoiding spam and about warming up  you g-suite account it's very important so you can   be successful with this setup so please watch them  and then you can start your own email marketing   campaigns with this awesome setup if you have any  questions you need any help I will be any time to   help you just comment below in the description and I'll  be with you any time don't forget subscribe to my   channel hit that red button now to get every new  update almost every day thank you for following if   you liked the video don't forget subscribe to  our channel to like the video and to press on   the bell for notifications you can also view our  other lectures thank you and seen in other videos
Channel: H-EDUCATE
Views: 67,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: g suite, gsuite, G suite Cold Email Marketing, gsuite email marketing, g suite setup, email marketing g suite, gsuite send limits, email marketing, email marketing tutorial, cold email, Cold Email Marketing, cold emailing new clients, how to send cold emails, cold email tutorial, how to cold email clients, lead generation, cold email to get clients, digital marketing, cold email step by step tutorial, get clients with email, cold email training, alex berman, h-educate
Id: nYh6Y82lgzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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