FX30: Sony's Newest Most Affordable Cine Camera

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there's a new camera from Sony oh now it's so Pro with my top handle shall we talk about it let's do that so today we're talking about the brand new camera which I'm recording on right now from Sony the fx30 this is a super 35 mirrorless camera and it's kind of an exciting moment I think for a lot of filmmakers who couldn't afford the other Sony cameras because this is a very affordable considering if you're comparing it to like the fx9 or Venice it's an affordable way into the cinema line has the same color science all the way up to the Venice so you can get feature film quality images out of this camera but let's jump into the specs and I'm going to talk about my first thoughts having used it here by the way I don't live here I I wish I did I'm down here in Texas with musicbed working on some fun stuff for our Academy the art of documentary but let's talk cameras so what is inside this camera that's what you should really care most what the sensor is the difference with this sensor compared to the fx3 and the fx6 is it's still dual base but it's 820 500. now you may feel a bit disappointed but we're kind of getting spoiled with the 12 800 that comes in the fx3 and the fx6 the good thing about the Dual base in this camera is that Sony claims there is no noise difference between 800 and 2500 and in the few shoots that we did already I didn't notice a difference it's almost like you're kind of taking a stop of ND off when you switch between those two isos but the low light performance in this was still beautiful next like I mentioned it's a super 35 sensor so it's not full frame you have that traditional super 35 look which means that your full frame lenses like I'm on right now this is a 16 mil normally when you see my videos the 16 mil and the full frame is really big so you'll have to get aps-c lenses if you want to match up the focal lengths but for me I'm going to stick to my full frame lenses and just get wider ones now the body is when I picked it up I thought it was exactly the fx3 body but it's actually a bit smaller a bit lighter it uses a few more affordable components on the body's chassis so that's how this one is able to make this so cost effective and when it comes to cost what I'm being told is the body is around 1700 us and then if you add in the XLR top handle it's around 2100 this might be a lot of money for some but when you think about it that is so cheap to get into this Cinema line Sony has kind of a road map from the fx30 all the way up to the Venice this could be a b camera on a film that's shooting on the Venice it will entirely match it shoots 422 10 bit up to like I believe 200 megabits I'm not in too much of a stack guy but this camera does come fully loaded we'll definitely be using it as a b camera on our feature films no problem there now when it comes to stabilization Sony's added in this new active mode which is like a step above their standard stabilization it crops in a bit on the sensor but as you can see these shots are following Lewis around the house it's pretty stable it starts getting closer to that gimbal territory it didn't always take out all my footsteps but that's because those are footsteps and they won't always shake a camera unless you have some sort of mechanical stabilization but seeing it use the five axis internal stabilization it's pretty awesome for walking and moving shots if you throw that on with a wide lens it's like I said it starts to really feel like a gimbal few other quick features Sony added a 16-bit raw I got a it's a weird resolution 4672 by 2600 that's a lot 16 bit raw it goes to the atomos family of recorders over HDMI I just I'm gonna sound like an old person here but to get anywhere near that 10 years ago when I was coming out of film School you would have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars but now with the competition between all of these camera companies you're getting cameras like the fx30 that are Cinema grade quality like Netflix will likely approve this in my opinion to be able to use for Productions it's really quite impressive what's coming out of these tiny little camera bodies in terms of focus these are specs that I'm never too obsessed about because I often will go to manual focus but it does have 496 points of autofocus if that means anything for you it uses both the phase and the contrast system so that in low light it will still grab eyes it'll track everything from animals to birds birds or animals but humans eye tracking when we're in the low gym there which was fairly low light it was impressive how it was able to track Lewis when he was running and doing his basketball plays by the way thanks to my friend Brady he's a really cool cinematographer from Utah he was helping shoot a bunch of this you can go check out his channel he was loving the fx30 he felt like it was identical to his fx3 so if you have any sort of Sony camera right now there's no learning curve oh and one really cool thing with the autofocus is when you switch between manual and auto Sony's added this smooth transition so I don't know if you've ever done that before we flick it over to Auto and it sometimes grabs on something and ruins your shot if you're like me where you're constantly turning the autofocus on and off because you're wanting to really control exactly where focus is going or you want to leave focus and have someone walk into it when you switch back over to Auto it's not going to do that crazy jump and take the viewer out of the scene it's going to slowly transition to what needs to be in Focus as well there is breathing compensation for the lenses there's 14 stops of latitude in the camera which is one less than the fx3 the fx6 and I believe the fx9 you won't really notice that the 14 stops is still fantastic but maybe it's something considering if you're looking between this and the fx6 you can see these beautiful shots with the pool there's great dynamic range coming out of this camera so what are my thoughts as a director and cinematographer you know we own the fx3 fx6 fx9 we've shot multiple feature films on them in short films on the Sony cine line I'm not sponsored by Sony this is kind of the camera system we've chose to use the documentary team but I love this fx30 I'm not typically a fan of super 35 but the price point and the weight and the size of the camera is very enticing if I can get the right lenses I could see us using it quite often as a b camera and when I say the right lenses is I need a couple wider lenses for when I'm Vlogging like right now like this is a 16 mil full frame so I'll probably go get some sort of 12 mil equivalency so that I can get a wider frame vlogging is something I do for maybe 30 minutes a month the most important thing is when we're shooting our films and this is great for a second camera angle on an interview that's when you often want to be punched in will definitely set throw a 50 mil on it and so we can still get that shallow depth of field there's other times where you want to stick a camera in a car and you're a 45 degree angle and you need both people in Focus super 35 sensor is great for that because even when you're wide open the depth of field isn't as shallow so you're able to get more in frame but what excites me probably most about using this camera is just how clean the image is and how when I bump between isos there is no noise introduced you know when you go to 12 800 truthfully on the fx3 and the fx6 it's so clean but if you don't pump enough light into those images as I say the Shadows start talking there's a bit of chatter there's a little bit of noise in those the image that I've seen so far is pure it's buttery smooth I Can't Believe It's Not bothered and so to know that we have this extra camera that we can pull out for some of those low light shots that we don't need the 12 800 ISO could be very helpful for when we're shooting our documentaries so what are my final thoughts on this well I know a lot of people because we've been giving away a lot of fx3s on this channel between art of documentary and some other competitions I know a lot of people complain of how expensive the fx3 was you know it's nearly five thousand dollars Canadian around 4 000 U.S so this camera the fact that Sony's doing such an affordable entry into their Cinema line is exciting it's going to mean more people are going to be able to get that high quality image for their films of course the full frame doesn't bother you this might be the camera that you want if you like that super 35 or maybe you already have aps-c cropped lenses that might be something you want so there you have it I'm gonna go do the most vlogger YouTube thing I hate YouTube sometimes I'm Gonna Fly the Drone while I sit in the pool so I can show off this amazing house again thank you music bed for letting us crash in this mansion and also thank you Sony for letting me try out this FX 30. it's a fun little camera and we're definitely going to be bringing it out onto a lot of our shoots see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Mark Bone
Views: 159,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sony fx30, sony, sony cine line, sony fx30 review, sony fx30 vs fx3, canon, mirrorless camera, Canon RP, fx30 vs R6, canon RP vs Fx30, super 35, s35, mark bone sony, mark bone lut, gerald undone, matti haapoja, peter mckinnon, fx9, fx6 mkII, fx9 mkii, brady basette, newest most affordable cine, cheap cinema camera, sony cheap camera, fx30 cheap, fx30 price, how much is the fx30
Id: sjHeVCIsf7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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