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what is going on adventure Nation we've had a few people asking us about what's going on down here in Mexico so we know there are probably more people that are wondering that as well so we thought we'd do a quick video and talk about [Music] that what we'll do is we'll put a title up with one of the questions and then we'll answer that question so okay first question we're going to answer is what is going on with the property in Mexico and I think that's a question for me that's a question for you cuz Lena is finalizing the plans on the casino and the BEDA so she can talk about that we are literally F final stages with the architect and just to get all the plants out and we now have the electrical Hydraulics and we have all that kind of stuff so I'm just kind to like really going through them very carefully just to make sure every single little detail is right but we're about dm with that and right now meeting with some Builders to see uh if we can do something quick we're not talking about the be house but like the BGA not the storage room basically the storage area quick so I think that's about it so let's tell us of the property yeah and just uh some people are wondering about building prices and stuff down here and building isn't much cheaper in Los Barillas than it is in a lot of the United States I guess depending where part of the world or the US you're from because I know there some areas maybe it's extremely expensive and other ones it's not but for Mexico standards it's very expensive to build here because part of it is that we live almost like in an island I think Paul has mened that before because everything has to be fery in or truck in and most likely it's fairy in not too many trucks really coming south right we're a thousand miles south of s Diego on a really thin narrow road so most goods and ser well not services but most Goods come across from the mainland on a ferry or come in off of a boat off the ocean so so right now for something basic we're talking basic basic uh like the bodega for example they're charging 100 square foot and for houses are like 125 and up like that's the very minimum and I would say probably even closer to two 200 yeah everybody I think right now that I have talked to you theying the 150 right now like and that's just with Basics that's Basics yeah if you want to go highend stuff and like Stone counter and stuff like that he just goes higher and higher and higher yeah and one of one of the reasons is again there's just so many US citizens that live in this area of the country and Baja specifically it just drives prices of all goods and service not just houses just like groceries and everything when we purchased a lot I asked how much was a square foot from people that were building at the time and from Architects that actually I met and I talked to and real uh real estate agents too and they were between 60 and the very high end 100 that was the very high end and now it's like that's your very very base price point right and I remember how surprised your mom was when she first moved here the difference in pricing from where she was in War I was Mexico to here how much more expensive and that's literally right across the board and that's everything it's not only the houses but just cost of goods groceries are more expensive buying a car here is more expensive everything here is more expensive because of that yeah everything the next question are you moving to Mexico and we don't really plan to live here full-time no I don't think that's the goal ever and ever to live here fulltime we've been full-time now here yeah we've been here since November 2022 year and a half going to two years at this point well first year we knew it was going to happen we were coming all this way down we wanted to be here a summer and see what's going on and it's like but the goal is not to stay here the goal is to go up North for summer spend uh Summer's traveling not even up north even if we want to go somewhere else in the world go and travel on the summer and then come down here in the winter so that's our future goal but we we're not even there yet it it's a really fun winter spot especially for me with the with the kiting so it it's a great winter spot but there are certain things that we miss from the United States especially luren you seem to miss more than even I do I know it's like I I love the life in both worlds like I really do so when I have too much of one or the other I crave the other one right it's like we've been here already for so long and not only in Mexico but small toown Mexico that if you really want something from a Home Depot or you want to go specialty shopping you have to drive an hour an hour and a half to get to it in a big city obviously that doesn't happen if we were in Big City Mexico probably I would not feel this way but I think I'm this point I'm craving more hustle and bustle and every expert that you talk to I'm here they're going to tell you the same thing they lack or they miss accessibility to shopping needs from Home Depo Lowe's to I don't know a hardware stores or even uh clothing and bed sheets and stuff like that I I will admit that like just your uh mom Lor's mom needs this little roller closer on her screen door and I've looked well you know everywhere that I know of anyway and I can't find it down here and yet I know I can go online and I was looking earlier and I can find that easily online or I could walk into many many stores in the US and be able to find that in the US and down here Home Depot doesn't have it uh Walmart doesn't have it of course there's no such thing as as targets or any of that kind of stuff there there is some of that stuff where those little things that you know you could just go spend a few minutes in a in a store in the US and find you just can't find it down here and I think when we get to that point that it's like a part- time and part-time we're going to have the best of both worlds I think I'll be good with that yeah all right so I guess what goes along with that question would be are you going back to the United States and yes what do you think Aussie are we going back aie you want to answer this one the shorter answer is yes we've been uh discussing where we want to wind up in the US and if we want to um put Roots down somewhere that has been a big conversation lately it's been a conversation for long but we want to start having something up north somewhere that it's nice in the summertime that's the thing it's nice here down here in the winter time so we need more like a summer home but where is that summer home there's so many cool places so many uh so I don't know our criteria is very I don't know outdoorsy cool but not too busy but busy enough he's just kind and and we still like to travel so you know if we settle down there the summer we just stay there for the summer or do we you know do we travel for the summer like we talked about earlier and then travel down here in the winter we have all these different things so we'd love to hear from you guys in the comments yeah it's like do you have a favorite Summer Spot that you like to go or you live in one of those places that has it doll right you can just do outdoorsy stuff and you can you have the shopping and you have all these things it's like let us know it's like I think we'd like to be we love being near water we know that but of course we love hiking too we love hiking so we like the whole Mountain thing we like being near the water cuz we like the whole boating and kaying and does have to be like we Tahoe right Tahoe was a great spot but something like that that n as har is Tahoe or the cause of living a Tahoe so we were talking about that the other day where else in the US we will have a summer home so if you have any ideas suggestions to us know yes that would be that would be amazing and please keep politics out of that just just a place where you like to go we don't want to we don't care about the politics in that area yeah we don't care about like not this tap because he's this because of that we're not worried about that stuff so just a good spot that you feel has uh yeah some really cool aspects some cool things to do in the summer so that would that would be amazing all right the next question we get what are you doing with the channel moving forward that's a question for you that is a question with me and I and I've got I keep looking down here because I I have my cheater notes because if I don't have cheater notes I will go on for days and you guys know that so I I've got some cheater notes here so if we're traveling I obviously we're going to shoot that that video I I love doing it still I still love shooting and sharing some of those spots if we have any fun thing going on here we'll share that as well I just haven't felt like we've had too much stuff going on of course we've popped a few extra videos out here lately so we have had some of that stuff we have focused on the property and doing little things here and a lot of those things are little things so he's things that we can show you like oh my god look like the before and after how you look yeah yeah it's like oh we're driving a steak in the ground cuz we want to see where this is going to go or stuff and and to pick the camera up just for that Split Second to do that sort of thing just is isn't fun for me and I don't think it would be fun for you guys so uh we don't worry about that there goes aie knocking the camera down all right is the camera good we're good what we've been getting asked a lot now he's just going to tear the place of part in the background to like you're not going to record people are going to hear me roar behave buddy so I've been getting asked a lot in the last couple years and I don't know what it is a lot of it is just you know rving has become so popular in the last uh least two three four years been super since Co got really really popular I've had a lot of people asking me about solar it's literally the first question I get is like you know I want to upgrade my batteries I want to upgrade my inverter or uh I want to do this I want to do that how do I do that and do you recommend solar what do you recommend for solar and I get those questions a lot so moving forward while we're here and while we're stationary it actually makes it easier for me to do that stuff when we're stationary once I start traveling then I won't be able to think about getting all of this stuff on video so I'm going to start doing a series on RV electrical system upgrades and specifically really RV solar because all of that stuff is interconnected though it's going to be partial electrical we'll do some basic stuff for those of you who are maybe just getting into rving and you want to know the basics of RV electrical up to some of the more advanced stuff like you know how much solar and I see the question is can solar run R rvac number one question the number one question and we'll get to that in another video because it's really annoying to me and we'll get to that in upcoming video but I'm going to do a whole entire series on all of that that's what we're going to do on the Channel all right and what kind of goes along with that but is kind of a separate question on its own is what would you be interested in seeing while we're still down here and that's the thing it's like we don't have it's we live in a small town so it's not like there is that much thing to show just sitting here watching the huge amounts of traffic go by here in those Barillas unless it's over and over again but we still go to the cities close to us and we still do things Leisure things we go to the beaches we go snor we go to this close to city and we go to restaurants so are you interested in seeing stuff like that we can show you or do you want to see something about like where we shop where we go to the uh hardware store or what we do in a daily basis are you interested in other things of live down here so if that's the case you can always let us know and we will get ideas of like what is that you guys want to know about us or down here we talked about doing some stuff on all-inclusive hotels or some hotels that would be kind of fun actually I know fun yeah so we could do something like that maybe just about you know local beaches uh some of the local Beach spots and you know snorkeling is always always fun but uh and we do show some of that in our videos but yeah just what would you guys like to see while we're while we're still more like touris thing or more like daily life what you're interested on another question we've got because we've mentioned it in a few videos is what is going on with Aussie poor little little Aussie so it was probably going on a year ago now right it was literally not joking literally Mother's Day of last year of 203 so it has been a little bit over a year ago but Aussie went out and he loves going out on the property and just looking around walking around chasing everything that he can chase and there is this one guy he was not coming back he wasn't coming back and all a sudden I hear a noise and I open the door and he's literally dragging himself with the two front paws like dragging the back tail so that point we grabbed him and took him rush him to the vet we initially thought that he maybe got bit by a scorpion or a snake or something yeah and he was like awful because it was Mother's Day everybody's celebrating everybody's out so one of the two vets here is like check him out actually came out from the his party check him out gave him some medication because he had high fever and everything couldn't find any bites or anything and then we went to the more bigger hospital here Dr rle this and this happened at like 8:00 at like I think even later probably yeah 91 something like that you know well I think the eem emergencies are always late at night and always on holidays or always on weekends and stuff like that it just goes that way so anyway the next day we took it to the big hospital they took x-rays thinking they was a dislocated back maybe it wasn't that now they did a lab test uh to see it parasites uh well the next day after that they they suggest we get a CT scan yeah we got and got him a city skin that actually I have a picture of that because they there's no Pet City skins here in Cabo so they have to literally sneak them once like hours of hours people hours that they go and get City SCS they the little pets and put them into yeah into a person's people Clinic yeah clinic and then put them and they do their C cans but there was no blockage on the on the arteries or veins that is what they thought might have been to so it's like there was nothing so the only thing that they could come up with is was some neurological problem but we don't know what because that's also like a symptom of something but we don't know what caused it they did a lot of lap test they did a lot of things they did blood tests and nothing nothing nothing came up he's like and the only thing that he was not done that told us that he will have help but there's nothing around here it was an MRI it's like just to see everything but since then he has recovered he can walk he can semi run stuff like that but one leg his right back leg is yeah he has not recovered 100% yeah he like that back leg he has like a 20% movement I was say 20 30% is like he literally has learned to live with how to spin it and support a little bit of weight but not use it at all so that has been but that has been pretty much 6 months he was able to be okay walking and everything and now he's going up the stairs down the stairs he chases Birds but he doesn't use that leg he only supports his weight a little bit in the leg but he doesn't use that leg so that's what has happened po poor little dude we we thought maybe he had a stroke and that I mean that's still I guess a possibility uh we just don't know it just started to get into the point where it was going to be crazy amounts of money to keep doing more tests and more tests and more test and more test and more test traveling at that point was traveling because it was the MRI that's what they told me was the one next step up basically for them to know what was going on everywhere it was just there is not around so he was travel with him with that and he was very weak back then to do that so they even told me not to do that he's like because he couldn't handle it but he's good now he's having a good life heav medicated oh yeah he now has a monthly shot a monthly a paint shot that he gets because he also has pain that's the one thing if you I don't you saw him uh un pelling him it's like once in a while it's like it's because he has pain and he feels relieved from the pain from that so we don't really know what's going on we're trying just to manage what he has and he has adapted to his life how it is and uh that's I think that's animals a whole they used that right he like and he's kind of getting a check up once a month when he gets his pain meds once a month he's getting more medical than I I am it's true it's true he has better Medical but uh because of the whole leg that he cannot use also his whole back and everything has a little bit yeah he's got a weird hitch in it shifted like his colum and everything now he has like a little hump and everything so yeah he walks kind of crooked and stuff so kind of sad but he's he's doing all right he seems still chasing birds and lizards though chasing birds and lizards and he still seems to be happy he love you know every now and then he'll run run around in the RV the best he can uh the one thing that he does sometime he trips but the one thing he does now that he didn't do before is I sleep on the part on the side of the bed that's facing the front so he used to come in and just jump and he would almost be able to jump over me but now he kind of jumps partway and just grabs into whatever's there himself up which happens to be my leg most of the time so in the middle of the night I'm uh waking up with some expletives that then wakes Lori up and she's like what's going on what's going on and I'm like and that I look down and my leg's bleeding it's a it's a mess now he doesn't do it to me all the time we've kind of trained him now to try to go around the front the front of the bed and climb up extra step we put extra steps up yeah and other man where he can go in between before going on the bed but he still sometimes refuses to use it yeah and then if he doesn't gouge me then sometimes he jumps up and gouges Lor's feet cuz she knows I'm going to yell at him yeah I don't yeah some of us he like we just take it don't worry about it yeah yeah no but also he doesn't have too much control of his clothes now no yeah he just yeah there's something there's something he does he never used to claw us like he would sit beside us and just put his hand on you but now when he puts his hand on you his claws are out and just digs them into you like I'm full of scratch everywhere now yeah it's really really kind of uh kind of interesting to say the least but yeah that's the that's the deal with Aussie yeah so but word on pay management he's good he's happy camper he's 11 years old so he's not like super old but he's not a young man anymore so we're doing our best and he's doing his best too he's having a good life he's still going out and walking and doing his thing mhm yep was was this update that's it that's uh that's all we've got for this one we just wanted to do a little quick update with you guys and just let you know what's what's going on and kind of keep you guys in the loop we know uh some of you guys are just always curious on what's happening in on and around our lives and we like sharing so sometimes over sharing yeah and I guess yeah sometimes we don't like sharing just depends on what's going on in our life at the time but we want to thank everyone for your continued support it is absolutely amazing that even after all this time we started this inid early was when the the stupid video started where I had the the calendar up behind me unreal yeah the unrealistic expectation calendar we are now at where's my pen day one it's Saturday July 2nd we now have 63 days left before we move into the RV so Lorraine and I have some stuff we have to get done today so come along for the ride I have no idea how we're going to do this we could do a segment on that unreal expectations and then I could do the whole calendar thing again that was one of the things he still has a l of those yeah Kevin Kevin used to love watching me cross things off because I wasn't getting anything done so maybe we could do that again I could have done that with the with the building of the of the house and the property and all that I could have done the unreal expectations of that so many of you guys have been there since the very very beginning and we truly appreciate your support and for those of you guys who have just come on in the last little while we appreciate your support as well we've had a lot of people that I I had posted about Paul and lara.com Amazon and uh starting your shopping there to to help support the channel and that has been absolutely amazing you guys are incredible so we really really appreciate you guys doing that sort of thing what else that's it no I was just looking on the camera I like you know you've been too long in Mexico and you have a Mexican blanket now on your couch yeah we've got Mexican blankets we've got Mexican blankets on this chair on the outside chairs we've got those we've got them everywhere they're really really great it's more easy put in the washer and then get it out you just can't not be in the picture Kenya look I know he's today he's like I'm getting in the picture whether you like it or not [Music]
Channel: TME - Life With Paul & Lorena
Views: 3,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motorhome, motorhome living, rv, rv parks, camper, class a motorhomes, rv world, travel trailers, rv supplies, keep your daydream, less junk more journey, nomadic fanatic, rv travel, travel, united states travel, adventure travel, rv camping, rv lifestyle, baja mexico, ozzy osbourne
Id: J3OxNgdT7hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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