FUTURE Motor Has ARRIVED!? - Dark Matter Raxial

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Koenigsegg is a highly Innovative hypercar maker which has built some intriguing upgrades over the years this has included the air core hollow wheel the rocket catalytic converter and even a variable geometry Turbo System their latest reveal is the Dark Matter motor which does not quite solve the biggest riddle of the universe but rather enables two motor designs into one Ultra powerful 600 kilowatt 800 horsepower 80 pound motor how did they obtain these extreme numbers and is this even real with no pun intended the majority of electric cars utilize radial flux Motors and this type of magnetic flux is perpendicular to the axis of rotation a stator is outfitted with electromagnetic coils which alternate in polarity and this rotor interacts with this alternating magnetic field thus it can rotate and produce torque it's a very simple yet effective motor design lamination stocks can be manufactured quickly and this type of motor can be produced at at a relatively low cost however there are a couple of emerging motor designs for higher end performance and more specifically these motor designs have been known for some time but are more tricky to manufacture one of them is the actual motor and this can generate a magnetic flux parallel to the axis of rotation in theory this is a more efficient design but very high magnetic forces are between the rotor and stator so maintaining a uniform air gap is very important but this also can be tricky the coil windings are also located between the stator and rotor so this motor can be very difficult to cool down so there are different variations when it comes to the radial and axial flux motor even this simple kit which I bought several years ago demonstrates the actual flux topology design but one thing you will notice right away is that there are higher tolerances when it comes to the actual motor because there's stronger magnetic fluxes involved and this also means that the manufacturing techniques have not yet evolved to the point where it makes this motor cost effective but now that's starting to change as a result we are starting to see several companies which are pursuing to build the axial flux motor yasa is definitely one of the Pioneers when it comes to this and they have a yokeless variant which can produce around 10 kilowatts per kilogram with speeds up to 9000 RPM this is a great example of a radio machine it's about 400 newton meters it's about 50 kilograms it's got maybe 25 30 kilograms of of iron in it now I'll compare that to an axial flux machine here's a motor of similar sort of thought uh you can see it's similaration diameter but you'll notice very quickly it's only about a sixth of the length so huge space saving about four times the torque density tree axial has also pursued a similar jokeless design which lowers iron Mass along with a more concentrated winding so the question is as well what is yolklis and why is this a big deal it basically means that the stator is made of individual teeth that are not connected to any back iron magnets are then placed on the top and bottom of the rotor which interacts with the flux created by each individual segment and this means that it weighs less and it can produce more torque but more importantly it's easier to fabricate the windings and I think that's why many companies are going towards the yolklas axial flux design but the more fascinating fact is that these motors have a low profile so they can be scalable and used in anything from scooters to a high perform garments hypercar the Koenigsegg Dark Matter motor is a hybrid between the radial and axial supposedly they have increased the rotor diameter against the bulk of the stator to accept extra flux that is an official statement from the company and admittedly vague and many are questioning well why would you want to take a radio Flex motor and incorporate this into a superior type of volumetric design and the answer to this is I think this is all coming down to how the coil is shaped and I honestly think that this coil is more u-shaped and wraps around the rotor they also utilized a all carbon fiber design which would be lighter than laminated steel plates but this also means larger windings and more magnets furthermore the stator is a six phase with the two separate three-phase Acy names so this means it can handle higher amperage and increase torque but it would also need a very capable inverter at around 1000 amps ultimately I am speculating that the dark matter is completely custom eyes and this is not something that you would see at an assembly line for Toyota but since cost is not an issue this would essentially be a very excellent variant for a hyper car but I think we are just starting to see the beginning of hybrid motor designs with additive manufacturing you can create custom profiles without secondary Machining or joining furthermore there are new machines like the 6K microwave plasma which can print Alloys to the nanometer accuracy and this is something that has really caught my attention because it is a continuous flow with instant deposition with control something that was not really available just within the last couple of years we have also seen the emergence of algorithmic engineering which is starting to take the rain by designing complex engines like the hypergonic different thrust levels heat dissipation and geometries can all be tested in simulation before being transferred over to prototyping and I think that's where we are going to head in the future with high-end Motors linear Labs has already given us a glimpse of a complex 3D het motor which is basically a four rotor with Toyota flux and if you can utilize more magnetic flux this means the motor is more efficient in the far future we could eventually have a room temperature superconductive motor but if we can design this in simulation first and then actually prototype it with new manufacturing techniques then you can have something really Innovative which may even surpass the Koenigsegg Dark Matter motor but more importantly I would like to know what you think about all this so please leave a comment like the video If you enjoyed it and also make sure to subscribe to my channel
Channel: Tech Planet
Views: 158,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new motor, types of motors, axial motor, electric motors, electric cars, hypercars, strangest motors, weird motors, biggest motors, hypercar motor, koenigsegg, strange engines
Id: qsdP2MWo6CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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