Fusion 360 - Visualisation | Multi-Body Approach

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In the series of visualisation videos so far,  we have covered the ideas of big picturing   and the surface patchwork approach. Today, we  will take a look at the multi-body approach. Here we have quite an interesting design for a  tank or a vessel. Thank you to Josh for sending   this design to me. When trying to reverse engineer a model, the  first step is always to pose the question:   Can we start with a basic overall shape and  cut it down to this final shape? In this case,   the answer is quite clearly no. Next, let's consider the surface   patchwork approach. Can we build this by  building a patchwork of surfaces? Let's try   to identify the main faces. There are 3 types  of faces here. We have a cylindrical face here.   Straddling across the cylindrical  face are 3 conical faces.   And lastly, we have lofted faces capping both  ends. We can definitely build surfaces and   trim the excess. But in this case, the  trimming can be quite complicated. It would actually be easier to apply a multi-body  approach. Basically, we will be creating separate   solid bodies in the form of a cylinder and a  cone and applying Boolean operations between them.   Lastly, we will cap both  ends with solid lofts. Before we start, let's identify planes of  symmetry. There is a plane of symmetry along   the right plane. At the same time, recognize  also that there are 3 identical segments.   We shall build the center segment,  create a copy on one side,   make the loft and finally mirror everything  across the right plane. There is also a plane   of symmetry along the front plane. However, making  use of that would actually complicate the workflow   as that would require us to build half a cylinder  and half a cone. So we would not be using that.  Start with a sketch on the  right plane. Create a circle   and extrude into a cylinder symmetrically.   Next, we are going to create a profile for  revolving the cone. Start a sketch on the   front plane. This will be a right angle  triangle with its corner at the origin.   Go to create, revolve. Select  the profile and the axis.   For operation, set to new body.   We have 2 separate bodies overlapping  each other. Comparing to the final model,   we can see a hint of how the cylindrical  face can join to the conical face. From here,   we need to make use of boolean operations to allow  these 2 bodies to interact with each other.   By far the most powerful Boolean command we have  is the boundary fill command. However, this can be   tricky to use as cell selection is not exactly  user friendly. Go to create, boundary fill.   Select the cylinder and the cone as tools. The  boundary fill command computes the interacting   volumes between the 2 bodies and offers up  cells for selection. To help in our selection,   let's change the environment to dark sky.  This will allow us to more easily see the   cells being highlighted. Click on the select  box and start selecting the required cells.   For operation, set to new body. We  shall check the remove tools option.   This will remove all the remaining  unused volumes from this interaction.   Let's check the browser. In one fell swoop,   the command has joined the required  volumes and removed the excess.  An alternative to the boundary fill command is the split body  command, which I will be explaining here. It is   more tedious and requires a good understanding  of how the command works. The geometry involved   can be quite tricky to visualise. If you are not  interested in this method, feel free to use   the timestamps to skip to the next chapter. Let's roll back to the point where we had the   cylinder and the cone as separate bodies. First,  let's try to remove the excess cylindrical volume   that is on top of the cone. We can use  the cone as a cutting tool in this case.   Go to modify, split body. Select the cylinder  as the body to split. For splitting tool,   click on the select box. When it comes to tool  selection, we can select either a face or the   whole body. In this case, we need to select  the conical face. If we select the whole body,   the flat base of the cone would also be employed  as a cutting tool, which we do not want.   If we hover over the conical face, notice  that it turns a slightly paler shade.   If we hover over an edge, the  whole body gets highlighted.   So make sure you hover over the  surface before you click.  Be sure to uncheck the extend splitting  tool option to prevent this error.   Once you confirm, you can see  that a new body has been formed.   This is the portion of the body that  has been split out from the cylinder.   Let's right click and remove this body. Let's compare this to the final model. We   need to remove this portion of the cone that  is outside the boundaries of the cylinder.   This time, we are going to flip the roles around.  The cylinder will serve as the cutting tool.   Start the split body command again. Select the  cone as the body to split. For splitting tool,   click on the select box. Selecting this face will  not be sufficient in cutting out the required   portion. We need to select the whole body. Hover  the cursor over an edge of the cylinder and notice   how the whole body gets highlighted. Click at this  point to select the body. Looking at the browser,   you can see that 2 new bodies have been  created from the splitting of the cone.   We shall remove the unwanted body.  Go to modify, combine and combine all  the bodies into 1 single solid.  Create a sketch on the front plane.   Use this sketch line to split  out the tip of the cone.  We shall create a copy of the body on the left  side. This can be done with the pattern command or the   move/copy command. Let's use the pattern command.  Go to create, pattern, rectangular pattern.   For type, select bodies and select the existing  body. For direction, select the x-axis.   Adjust the quantity and spacing.  For the lofted end, we shall use  this face as the starting profile.   For the ending profile, let's create an  offset plane. Start a sketch on this plane   and draw a circle tangent  to the existing cylinder.  Go to create, loft. Select the  starting and end profiles.   For the tangency options, set both as connected.   Combine both these bodies. And mirror the body across the right plane.   As long as you set the operation  to join, any overlapping region   would be merged into the final body.
Channel: Fusion 360 School
Views: 2,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 multi-body modeling, fusion 360 boundary fill, fusion 360 split body, fusion 360 intersect, fusion 360 combine, fusion 360 boolean, fusion 360 multibody
Id: SV_S64Nx0aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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