Fusion 360 - Understanding the Intersect Operation Option

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[Music] hi guys Kevin from mechanical vanish calm and in this video we're going to look at something called the intersect command most of the commands inside a fusion under the create menu all have this option to them so whether it be extrude or revolve or sweep or loft etc you're probably going to find the intersect option in the list of options of the command and so I don't see people using this a lot and it can be helpful in certain situations so I thought I'd give you an example of maybe where you can use this command to help you understand what this command actually does so what we're gonna do is we're going to remodel this part and if I look at this from from the top view you can see it's just kind of a rectangular shape with a rounded end and if we look at it from the front view we have a couple you know just kind of a little cut so I could I could draw this using the line command and then come and add some Phillips to the top or I could create a thick extrusion and draw a sketch that cuts it I could draw a sketch that represents what I want to get rid of on the top and draw another sketch that gets rid of what I want to represent on the bottom but instead I'm gonna draw this a little bit different using the intersect command so let's go ahead and see how we would do that I'm started a new design and now I want to sketch a line I'm gonna put it up on the top plane and I'm not gonna be really careful where I draw here I'm just gonna kind of draw out my shape so that should be pretty good sweep my arc around come back I'll tie into that point and come back to the beginning so there we go that's that's what my initial shape is gonna look like I want the midpoint of this line to be tied to the origin so I'm going to use a coincident constraint and notice when I scrub my mouse across this line it doesn't find anything however if I hold the shift button down now it'll find the midpoint so I'm going to choose that midpoint let me try that again hold the shift button down grab the midpoint and the origin point and their moves that line so the midpoint of that line is tied to the origin I'm going to give this a dimension of 2.5 this way so 2.5 and I want the overall length of this to be 10 inches so to do that I'm gonna click on the first line and if I click on this arc it's not likely going to try and go to the center line so before I place the second dimension to right click and choose pick a circle arc tangent now that allows me to grab that outside point drag down and place it and I want this to mention to be 10 inches we'll just kind of drag that back a little bit and there's what my initial shape is going to look like I'm gonna stop the sketch go to the create menu and choose extrude grab my region and I want to extrude this up at 2.5 inches so there's my there's my initial shape on this part I'm gonna create a secondary sketch to cut out the second shape so from this sketch menu I want to do a line again and this time I want to sketch on that line and you can see that that that plane that I want to sketch on is hidden and so a couple ways I could do this I could turn the body folder off that allows me to easily get to that plane or I can approximate where my mouse would be over that plane left-click and hold until I see that menu then I stop left clicking I can scroll through my different options and you can see the EXCI plane is the one that I want I'm gonna go ahead and choose that and then I want to see what the inside of this looks like so I'm gonna slice this I want to draw at the origin I'm gonna come from this point and we kind of draw it drag up and across and I'm gonna stop right there I need to project in some geometry now so from the sketch menu I'm going to choose project include project when I grab this whole chunk right there I don't want that to be real geometry I want to be construction so I'm gonna click on it once and choose construction and now I can go ahead and finish up my drawing some say that I want this point and this point to be vertical to each other and I want the dimension from this law to this line to be point 375 and we can add some more dimensions here so I'm gonna give a dimension here of say Oh let's go with three inches let's try three inches and let's let's offset this first so I don't want to draw the same shape over again instead this time I'm going to offset it so from the sketch menu I'm gonna choose the offset and I want to offset this shape I'm just gonna kind of drag that up and the offset position is going to be point three seven five so it's gonna offset everything about this sketch in one shot go ahead and choose okay now I want to do D for dimension and I'm gonna choose this line right here and I'm gonna set that equal if it'll let me it might not let me change this for right now so let's give that one more shot okay it looks like it's gonna be difficult so we're just gonna add a dimension down here and we're gonna call this three inches as well so everything is now to fly and wheat we don't see the golden region that we need yet we see one gold regions but it's not the right one so we're gonna draw a line from here to here and we're gonna draw a line from there to there now that sets up the shape I need I can see that whole region right there is golden if I want to I can click on this line and also make it a construction line and now I only have one valid profile going through there so with that I'm gonna go ahead and stop the sketch and now we can see the intersect command and how that works from the create menu I'm gonna choose extrude and I'm gonna grab that region again I can either shut off the bodies folder to grab that or I can left-click and hold until I cycle through so now that that menu pops up I love I stop left clicking and I can grab that entire profile right there I want this to do a symmetric extrude so it goes both ways but when I pull this you see the initial thing that it wants to do is to cut the operation type is cut I want to use the join I'm sorry I want to use the intersect option so when I go ahead and choose intersect the only geometry it's gonna keep is where the the original body that I created in this new badi are going to intersect is that so saying give me for my final result so it doesn't really matter how far through I pull this it's only gonna give me the result where the two bodies intersect each other so I can go ahead and choose okay and there you can see that I have that shape now with couple fill it's so you go to the modify menu and choose fill it and I'll grab that edge in that edge and let's just call this a point five fill it click OK and let's fill at the top side so we're gonna again do you modify and fill it grab on this edge in this edge and we're gonna add three eighths of an inch to that so I'm going to say 0.875 go ahead and click OK and there's kind of how we can create that shape by drawing two different sketches that overlap each other and extruding the second sketch profile using the intersect option to just give us the resultant leftover bodies where they where they intersect each other so hopefully that gives you an idea of how the intersect command works and remember there's many other commands where you'll where you'll find the intersect so if I wanted to go to create and revolve you can see there's an intersect there let's hit cancel create loft go ahead and look down here there's an intersect so all these create options are going to have an intersect command in them if you have any questions please leave them in the comments below and if you found this video useful I would love it if you'd subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: Mechanical Advantage
Views: 38,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion 360, Intersect
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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