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hi guys so for this video we're going to talk about how we're going to do 2d cnc milling so when you have a job that you want to do and it may be too thick for a laser to do you want to do it in more like a plywood kind of thing then a cnc is is what you need to do that job and most often we run the jobs on the 2d we don't really need more access than that so a small example that i have here today is that i made this small dressing shirt rack here and in the bottom i made this plate there has this particular pattern in it and of course this is a perfect example for for a job that you would run on a cnc mill it would just take forever to do it by hand but it's a it's an easy job for for cnc so what we're going to do here first of all is that we're going to have to go into the manufacturing workspace so this is a video about how to do the milling and not how to do the actual designs we're not going to go into that okay so here we are in the manufacturing workspace the first thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to hide some of all this stuff so actually both have a top shelf and a bottom shelf here so first thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to hide all these pipes so if i press on one of them and i type v that's going to hide the bodies and components so i have a few bodies here and i'm also going to hide these feet and then i also have some small spacers in here that i'm going to hide away and for now we're also going to hide all the things here in the top i'm just going to highlight those type b so now the only thing that i have in my workspace is this one sheet here this is what i'm going to go for the cnc mill to do okay so what we're going to do here is we have to set up job the first thing that i recommend you to do is that we have to figure out how the setup is going to work so the first thing we need to do is click setup and that is going to start out highlighting your model and because we hide everything it's going to only select this one part as being the selection and the work area and shown by the stock around it here if yours is bigger then it might be because of your model it's not like collect um selected correctly so if i just unselect this you might see that it's trying to stock in the whole cabinet or the whole rack so what i'm then going to do is i'm just going to click on this model here and i'm going to click on the model that i want to work on so like this the next thing i want to do is i want to take care of this work coordinate system and that's where this start point for the cnc mill is going to be and how the orientation is supposed to be so that's going to be specific to each machine where i work and we we have a cnc mill and we put it on our website how the xy and c is going to be so if i go to fablab like this under here we have the tabs for machines and all the way here in the bottom we have something called the cnc milling large this is the machine that we're going to operate so we put in the picture here that this is being the x direction and this is being the y and upwards being c direction and we usually put the star point here in the end so that's also where how i want my my start point on inside of fusion to be another thing while you are here that you also might want to do is down here for fusion 360 there is that we you should use the tools that we have available so you can download our tool library here so if you press this button it will direct you over to a google drive and you should be able to download it up here in the corner and that should give you a file that you that you could save it for okay so how do we correct this work coordinate system what we start by doing is that we can do this orientation in model orientation or we can press this one and we can either choose a z-axis and an x-axis or c on a y-axis or some other stuff here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to choose the c in the y-direction so what i can do then is i can so start by highlighting the z-axis here and that is already going upwards just as i want it actually so i don't have necessarily to actually give that a direction but what i can do is i can select either a face there is normal to or perpendicular to the z-axis so i can press this top face here and that's going to give me the way i can also press this axis right here apparent and axis there is parallel to the axis and i can even use my models so in here we have an axis there is also going to be parallel to the c axis so it might be flipped like here because i chose an axis and it's just going to flip it it's not a big deal i can press either on this arrow right here and that is going to flip it or i can press over here on the c flip flip c axis so the next thing i'm going to do is i want i want it actually this to be the y axis i'm just going to let's like that one so how i want this to be orientated is that i want the start point to be up here and i want it to have x in this direction and y in this direction so i'm just going to press the y axis and i'm going to press this one here and that should flip it so that my y is now perpendicular parallel to that axis but again if we go in here into the place i want the c the y axis to be pointing in this direction so i have to flip it so again i'm just going to press on this arrow and now you see that i have y x and c in all these configurations and now i just want to put it the start point here up in the corner and how i'm going to do that is i'm just going to press this one stop point and that's going to give me um different points on the stock here so i get some points so i can press for example this one and i want to make sure that it's on the top one up here because when i'm going to go in with my cnc mill i'm going to touch off on the top face and that's going to be our stop point so the next thing that i want to do is i just want to take care that there is no additional stock so underneath this tab right here called stock there is this thing here offset mode and i can put this to no additional stock first of all i'm just going to show you what it is so if i just choose to go to a face there is directly on the side you can see here that it puts a little bit of stock on the top side and i don't really want that the same thing goes for the sides that it puts an additional stock on the out here that's usually what we need to do for middle work especially because we want to face off sides or something we don't really need to do that in wood as much so i i just recommend you to do no additional stock mode so that's just gonna put the this is the dimensions that you need to cut so i i'll need to have this piece it's i can see here that it is 1200 millimeters in this direction here and it's a 12 millimeter thick plate and it's going to take up 540 millimeters in this direction so that's all i'm going to do here i'm just going to press ok so now i have the setup done now i have to create the tool path that is going to tell the machine how to operate so this pattern right here has a lot of these internal holes and i don't want to select every single one of them i just want to make sure that it actually does cut the inside of all of this before it cuts the outside it's it's very important that it doesn't cut out the outside first so the way i'm going to do that is we have a lot of different toolpaths to use from but you can use the contour mode under 3d here so if i tap this button here i get my menu and then i have to start selecting a tool that i gotta use this is where it's important that you had downloaded the tool library that we had so right here i have what's called the raptor machine this is the tool library that you just downloaded and in here we have different tool selections when you want to import a tool library you have to right click on local and then press import and then you just have to tell it where the location is so for me it was under downloads and here is my tool i wrapped tool library i'm not going to open it because i already have it so raptor and tools there is most often in the machine that we use most of the time is this three millimeter here with the new tool library here we also can we also added in cutting data so you can actually select software right off the bat here and that's going to have a lot of the different parameters built into the tool so you don't have to do as much fiddling around i'm just going to select that and in a minute i'm going to show you if you don't have oh i'm just going to do it now actually so if you don't have the tool library looking like that you could go up here under your name and then oops and go under preferences and down here in the bottom there is this preview features and under manufacturing right here there is this thing called tool library right now it's a preview feature i recommend you to turn it on just because it will improve how your selection is going to be but yeah in short future this is not going to be here anymore because it's going to be default inside of fusion okay so contour that's what we already did selection tool raptor machine and this three millimeter and softwood you can also do the presets right here so you can choose either the default preset or the softwood so it is programmed so that if you used at um the software it's going to have the correct feed rate so the important features that you have right here is that we are spinning our spindle at 24 000 rpms and the cutting feed rate where we're using is 1600 millimeters a minute that's because the step over so you're gonna see what it's called a step over is how deep the tool is cutting at each path that's uh it's you have to figure out the correct feed rate compared to how deep you're able to cut okay so the next tab up here is called geometry and what you have to do here is we have to select where the tool should cut inside so if i choose this outer perimeter right here it's going to default to selection and have a chain by machine boundary so what i what i'm telling the machine right here is that you can only work inside this area right here so you're not allowed to work outside of that and because it's not allowed to go outside of that it also is not going to cut out the outside perimeter of all of this the next thing i want to do is i want to go under tabs this tab up here called heights and on the bottom height i just recommend you when you have a through cut like this that you put it to negative one millimeter and that's just making sure that in case that the material is maybe 12.2 millimeters thick or the or the whole bed of the machine isn't level then we actually cut an additional millimeter below just to make sure that we get a cut that is going all the way through so the next thing here is heights we're not going to do anything in here because we already have the tool library done but the important the important parameter in here is that there is a maximum step over height that's called at eight millimeters we might come back and change this um but i will show you in a minute what it's for the next thing is called linking what i recommend you to do here is to turn off lead-in and lead out and put the ramp style to plunge so if i hover over this you can see some of the different things where plunge being second one here where we just go straight into the material where a helix is the one on the bottom right where it's like going in a spiral going into the material really slowly which you need to do good for good chip evacuation in metal but it's not necessary for soft materials like wood so plunge is uh is just what i recommend you people to do then i'm going to do okay so this is going to generate a tool path and it can take a minute for it to process just because it's going to calculate everything in here and figure out how to run it and then it's going to give you a preview of how the how the tool is going to move so there we go all the blue lines is where the bottom of the tool is going to be so right now i have these blue lines in here and each line rip represents how deep it's going to cut so it's going to cut in three passes all of these so it's going to go around on this blue line and another blue line and the last blue line in the bottom and then we have all the yellow connections that's where it's going to go up and over and into a new hole so i actually want a 12 millimeter plywood sheet to be cut in two cuts so i want it to go down six millimeters or maybe seven actually seven millimeters down and then do six and a half it's going to do a 12 millimeter cut so half of that will be six but i added another millimeter in the bottom so if i put this to six and a half it's going to go halfway through and then it's going to do the additional half so i'm just going to correct that by right clicking on contours and clicking edit and then here on the passes i should put this to 6.5 millimeters and i also need to turn off this flat area detection um if i leave it on you can see that it's going to have still going to have these three levels in here just a second so you see it still has three different levels and i don't really know why i just figured out if i turn it off and it's going to remove it so if someone finds out why please tell me in the comments below so now you can see it's doing it in two steps that's how i want it it's going to go 6.5 millimeter down and do the rest of the cut okay so now i have everything cut out i just want to make sure that it also is going to go into these holes i have here and making sure that it's also going to do those two steps it is so that is perfect so right now we need we have cut everything inside now we need to cut the outside so for cutting out the outside i recommend you to use what is called a 2d contour instead you can also click here and find it as a 2d contour the difference between the 3d tool pads over here is that you have to tell fusion where to work inside and with 2d you have to tell it exactly where to cut so if i'm going to choose 2d contours it already pre-selected the tool that i used before so that's good i want to use the same tool under presets i'm going to use softwood again i'm going to go under geometry and here you have to select a contour and it's very important to know that you select the bottom of your contours that you want to cut out and the reason for this is under the next tab in here on the bottom height it select the bottom height as selected contours so that's why i selected the bottom one and this one is going to be negative one millimeter again just to make sure that i cut all the way through and passes now the thing that we before called step down is called multiple depths it's the same thing so i'm just gonna put this again to 6.5 millimeters and and have the rest of the settings looking like this linking should all already be like it doesn't have the helix style and again i might be tempted to turn off lead-ins and lead outs and pressing okay so you see again i get these two lines going around showing me how it's going to do now the amazing part about fusion is that i can simulate how all of this is going to cut in real life so if i go under this one up here and i first of all i click on setup that means that i want to simulate everything there is inside the setup i press the simulate button i can press stop so that's going to put a box around so i can actually see where it's going to cut and then i can press play so now you can see in here how it is going to cut out the different parts you can see that it cuts out first and then it goes deeper and it cuts out the second and it goes up and over and cuts the next part so if you want to speed the process up you have the speed control right here so this is the speed control i can speed it up so it's going really fast i can slow it down so it's going rather slow and down here in the bottom i have what's called the timeline so that's showing me where the tool is right now and you can see right here that this tool here is going to stop this command right here and then it's going to do the other command so just like this one up here this determines the order so it's going to start doing this one and it's going to then jump to the next one and finish that part out so if i for example close this and i just drag the 2d contour above the outside contour and i simulate this once again you can see how it's going to start out cutting out the outside perimeter and and then after that going to do the inside and that's not what we want because cutting out the cutting out the outside like this will make sure that the the sheet in here is loose and it will wriggle around so it's not going to be precise anymore so we don't want it to do that so it's just a good way of error detection if there is something you can also see it's also going to tell you if you are doing a too deep pocket of course if our tool has to stick out here so this is the amount of stick out there is on the tool usually it's of course going to be how people are adding in the tool but most often this is the amount of stick out that we have that people put in as default like it cannot there can still be errors but fusion is also going to give you an error if you are crashing the tool into the material like if you're sticking in so deep that the tool head up here is going to crack into the material it's going to give you errors like that so this is just a simple way of doing the 2d contour here okay so now if i wanted to do the top one as well because i also had the top shelf i can right click on this one and show all bodies and show all components that's going to give me all my things back and i also want to cut out this part up here but this one is just a 2d contour around the whole place here so what i can do then is i can for example duplicate this setup right here so if i click duplicate it's going to give me a new setup down here first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to activate it open it and i still have this these two contours first thing is the setup i can right click on setup i choose a new model so if i click that and i click this one up here you can see that it automatically change it automatically did all of that and put the the start point at the right place and the y and x axis and again no additional stock so i can just press ok it's going to give me errors because it cannot figure out how to do these cuts up here because i haven't selected the correct contours we just talked about that we only need 2d contour moving around the outside so i can just click on on the 3d contour and press backspace or delete and then i have this one if i right click and i press edit and i do geometry you can see if i zoom out that it still has this down here selected because i of course duplicated it i'm just going to click on the x then here clicking on the bottom again pressing ok it's going to generate the tool path and clicking setup oops and then clicking simulate i can see that it does the exact same it does the same thing here so it works okay good last thing you need to do when you are going to run a job is that you of course need to export the code that is actually going to be run by the machine so what we're going to do there is we're going to click on the setup and we're going to right click and then click post process and then over here under post processor we're going to have to choose this one mark 3 mill so if i click on this one and i just press m if i was under another one i can just click m and then i'll get to this place and i press this one the default is often that this one is checked i want just the uncheck it because we don't have to see the actual code and do any modifications to it then i press ok and that's going to give me that you if a place you want to save it so i can just save it i can give it a new name here and i'm just going to save it on the desktop if i want to export the other one i can right click on this one as well and click post process i can maybe call it 1002 and you can see if i press ok it's just going to default to that name again and save it and now i have the two g-code files that is going to be loaded into the machine we're going to do a tutorial on how to import g-code into mark 3 mill in another video that's all i have to for you guys today see you later
Channel: Daniel Davidsen
Views: 4,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hAJ4uGx9_SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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