Fusion # 199 - LeoN (Bowser) vs Jakal (Wolf) - Losers Final

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three oh I mean see yeah if you're the to you got to Pat yourself in the back 1 2 3 perfectly 1 2 three you did it congratulations you did your job you did it well uh yeah this is basically like the final three of a regional right here this is this is just a tri straight Regional that you're watching before you so absolutely privileged to be seeing it happen just at a random local but it's no random local it's Fusion 199 and here we go straight in to game one yeah and what a statement to start off with the fancy comments wow look at that does not give any care about your Tom just want to go ahead for the shield grab interesting usage out that front Leon going to go ahead and does not care about the mix of the Jackal trying to go for and all of a sudden that's what I really expect from this matchup is just like all of a sudden you have wolf with a huge combo sequence and then Leon just kind of crawls it backwards and all of a sudden it's even that that's what's scary about this match up this is why a lot of wolf players uh see this as losing and really dislike it yeah Bowser is one of those characters that can just sneak up on you like this and I think that's the fourth upbe in a row we've seen now it's caught Jackal every time but you mix it up once with the four tilt and that's all you need to take the stop Jackal going to have to answer it back quick here or this could flip away fast yep and what a nightmare it's the Bowser having this lead and as well as having so much rage to work with don't make the same mistake twice Jackal this time go for the bare finisher but able to to make it safely back onto the stage heaviest character in the game for a damn good reason stay alive at 165 and all of a sudden if you're Jackal you're actually really worried now yeah you haven't gotten this St you've thrown out a lot of your kill moves so those are starting to stale and 185 on the Bowser that is Max rage any bad thing could kill you there but you've snuffed the Beast a back throw the consistent killer if you can't fall back on anything else 63% isn't too bad to make up but you got to play pretty nicely you got to dance around some big moves here and Jackal dancing around nicely right now mm real good thing about Bowser at least is that the tech are a little slow so Jackal you got the reaction time you can catch and exactly what's going to be happening but all of a sudden looking real scary yeah Crossing At The Shield could care less with that command grab and now threatening with a two frame no instead both in scrambling on the recovery game reset back into the neutral the center stage as Jackal connecting all the hits this is really crucial right now you need to take a stock fast yeah back airs here but not finding The Sweet Spot not going to send as far what can you do with this ledge pressure how can you get the pressure here that forward smash going to go wide probably was supposed to be a forward tilt somehow not going to get punished by any of it and is able to extend it very nice slide there great sliding forward til and now having disadvantage day that down tilt actually hit from behind that's insane but big size means you have the big bones to deal with and deal the big damage as well Leon great usage of the jab knowing that the spot Del is going to happen covers it all look at this ledge trap Jackal gets finally grab though yep flying slam frame six command grab you can do it in the air it's it's just good on paper it's just good in practice and right now it's trying to be a momentum shifter for Leon but Jackal with these down smashes catching everything every time yeah been great spacing as well but no we've all seen it happen before I sweat bullets thinking about this Jackal all of a sudden it just took one Mis interaction by inches in order to put yourself in this bad situation but instead it's going to be a tech red out there Jackal with a perfectly placed down smash such a good down smash there I I talked about it very briefly but since we got a little bit of downtime between games here why is Jackal going for all of these down smashes and the simple answer is Bowser's Tech rolls suck they are the worst in the game you go nowhere them and that includes the Teek in place as well so Jackal pretty confidently able to pull out this down smash every time you can sometimes catch Bowser if he rolls away you will always catch him if he rolls behind and as you just saw to end off that game you can catch him Tekken in place too so it's a really good move to throw out stood there oh no oh no no you want to be you oh my goodness Leo just stood still jabbing three times in a row and finally Jackal able to capitalize off of that fully with an insane lead to start with so now this is where you're most comfortable like especially it's a heavy character you're like wow I have a whole stock lead that's fresh now all of a sudden I just need to go ahead and just play like just don't lose just make sure that I don't take all these hits and play with the confidence yeah I mean that's a really bad way to start things off Leon kind of looking like it's not going to game if I'm being honest is going to be able to secure a second stock here for Jackal but flying slam I mean hey we said it could happen before and it could happen again and that app Smash is a pretty good way to get it happening and I like how uh looks like Jacko learned the the lesson instead delaying the up after the double jump to not cut off that momentum and O that's real scary yeah you have to be so careful here by Leon cuz a a fair into a down Air at this point anything will do just wonders as Leon is just struggling to do anything that huge mistake on stock number one leading to this huge momentum shift yeah kind of scrambling for options and answers here Jackal is in pretty domineering control of this game it might be one of those situations where you maybe cut your losses and start looking at the next game seeing if you can rally back but Leon is still trying to fight while there's life left in him 124% it's not a lot to work with but as long as you're still playing the game you have a chance to fire back what can you do yeah in the spacing here Leon just unable to get anything looking for a grab how many times as Jackal make sure to keep it real nice and safe these bears are connecting left and right as Leon cannot get away fire breath attacking on some damage on there but for for Jackal that's jump change does not care about that one just wants to make sure to play this safe and knowing that eventually Leon has to fall eventually I said that oo good up smash okay it's a war of attrition any good thing kills here I'm pretty sure back throw from Wolf at Edge should also kill here but this is a Max rage Bowser and Bowser can kind of kill you crazy sometimes couple good interactions a couple good hits neon could pull off this reverse three stock if Jackal isn't careful no never mind that's the back throw right there uh uh kill the hype kill the hype y Jack set up not repeating what happened last time we going to goad and keep it nice and clean no Mr commentator I will not be losing this one good day to the large Turtle yeah that was a really good up smash though I got to call that one out but like look at this di thought it was going to get thrown forward yeah yeah definitely was not expecting that definitely could have died a little further away but good the eye mixup that's why it exists you know oh my goodness but now Leon saying shaking saying like well it's fine those things happen a wow a trip after that down till connecting for a huge string of damage but jacko's doing so well playing around Leon Leon still as a statue timing the S he can't get it on there but instead was able to continue this Advantage State Leon what the hell was you know what you got the th smash punish just take it just take it I'm not happy about that I don't know what the interaction is there but here Leon you're happy about that one able to slip away and even PR real fast yeah oh my God that you're so good Jackal come on all these clips and nowhere to put him what are you doing here buddy how are you so good and look at this I just love how well Jackal just playing around Leon's range like we talked about how fast the up is we talked about how good the grab game to be able to get down there but Jackal knows what Leon is going for now this is I don't want to say an entirely different set than their first interaction tonight but a much different one if nothing else Jackal is playing so confidently so carefully surviving that flying slam really yeah okay it was really close I it was just perfect di uh to avoid it out the platform which I think is why able to survive on there but Jacko once again pull out out on there and we have to see what Leon can do once you think that you have Leon at the end of the ropes that's where Leon gets activated that's where the robbery occurs a little bit of a trade there but look at that the percentages got evened up so quickly yeah that's Bowser for you sometimes a couple good interactions everything just comes flying back into place a fantastic tech there cannot believe he was ready for that 158 on the Bowser Max rage has been activated but you can see these NES coming out it's hard to get back but he makes in the oh my God no way mashing on the tech Jackal goes down and remember we said earlier it's one you get when you count Leon out where it strikes but even up on there Leon's got to win and take this final stock if you want to survive as Jackle Stroke of Luck knowing that you don't have to continue with all this rage runs directly into the whirling Fortress but instead both recing back neutral I like how Leon's playing like the neutral is just like I'm going stand here and just see if you make a mistake and it's been working out on there but at the same time jackal catching all these jumps there oh great Tech on there knowing that the grab was going to come on there so T throw as we Zoom right back into this game yeah Leon on the back foot but not by too much has made up so much ground over the course of these stocks and that flying slam going to bring it back to about even only one or two interactions and this wolf is going to be sent to the Stars Jackal got to close it quick if you don't want the threat of reversal breathing down your neck yeah and Leon has been consistently doing neutral get up so if Jackal is able to kind of keep the awareness up on there potentially just kind of snipe it on their huge mistake though with that dare here it comes Jackal holding on to Center this time it's going to be a jump away it's a last stock last H situation that's a lot of rage to work with a missed grab though so Jackal sliding forward till it's going to secure the three 0 oh man it's just like the last set too because much like that last set you see the 2 and you go oh that was an easy win for Leon you see the 3 here you're going to be going oh that was an easy win for Jackal but no that was a tight tight set oh my goodness and now all of a sudden I mean definitely Jackal just looked back at the previous set and realized all the mistakes like it was actually insane seeing the difference in like the pace of the game in like the timing and as well as the facing yeah like yeah that's what I was talking about Leon just stood still and jabbed three times in a row this was this was probably the worst play of of the set um being real yeah of the day maybe not exactly the not exactly the Highlight that you're going to be putting in your reels but uh you know what it just happens sometimes like that it's the GU neutral standing there hitting all these buttons but great read on that one yeah Leon just showed a lot of signs of life but Jackal was just on a different level like the spacing was actually insane how many times was Leon just trying to get like a grab a jab and that connected so many times in the last set but this set it was just like barely any of these hits were Landing look at this just standing still going for grabs I'm not sure what you were doing but Jackle just so much with it it's so so disappointing that Ty didn't hit oh that would have been the Twitter clip of the Year oh it really would have been but look at this just playing Just dancing around the range and as well as knowing that Leon loves going for the um the spot Dodge so just keeps holding out the jab seeing if it'll just kind of connect on there but this was a huge play right here going to go ahead and this could have been a disaster yeah I mean it was it was just mashing on the tech and threw out a spot Dodge or air Dodge sorry that really was the momentum shift that Leon needed and that's why it got so close at the end there just unfortunate but that's how it works sometimes yep and then this uh oh this was so good playing around the spacing once again knowing that Leon just wants to land it out there drifted way too close to that ledge and the surprise for the sliding for to that's the first time Jackal actually went for it and Leon was not expecting an able to connect and we'll be moving on into Grand finals against syrup yeah
Channel: Collision Gaming Series
Views: 6,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CollisionSmash, Ultimate, Tristate, Tournament, Smash Ultimate, NJIT, McClassic, Game Fuel, Esports, Gaming, Game, Games, Competition, Characters, Smash, SSBU, Smash Bros, Combos, NJ, PA, NY, CT, Philly, Philadelphia, Commentary, Tristate Smash, NJ Smash, North Jersey, Central Jersey, South Jersey, Nintendo, Regional, Majors, Locals, Action
Id: kmYV47dXtiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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