Further frustration with the Chinese 3M Copy

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hello so I've got this mask out again and I've actually bought some proper free mp3 filters for it so we can actually test it so as you can see that be free ah now before I get on there's some people for some reason think it's amusing when you say P free it sounds like you'll say P free mmm yeah well unless you living under a rock you realize that when you actually pronounce words and numbers they actually don't sound exactly like a letter so what you want me to say Papa number after 2 for P free it's literally pronounced P free that's how it's pronounced free and P it's funny isn't it anyway let's get on with this so as you remember I said that this mask itself looks ok but it came with really dodgy filters and obviously so now what I'm gonna do is actually try to put some proper 3m filters on it and see if the masks any good now some people did actually tell me ways I could try and pressurize the mouse so what I'm going to do is attempt that with these filters so let's get them out so as you can see these are just typical particulate level free filters I thought I'd try these rubbing my plastic case filters now an interesting thing is that people did show me how you're meant to pressure check using the plastic case filters I did try and do that not filming it I can get work properly anyway with my other free and mask I know definitely works properly so I said normally the free air masks the only good way of doing it is just to do a negative pressure check so let's try and get these on and as usual free M filters are really fiddly to perform now I hope that's on properly promised you see this bit spins around on here when you're actually trying to do it so it's not the greatest thing in the world to try and fit these filters I think that one's fitted properly now I need to do that with the straps of the mask out of the way which again isn't as easy as it would look so okay I think that's both of them on with these it won't matter which way around the writing's facing as long as it's facing that way because um I'm sure if you're really obsessive compulsive about it you could have you know the writing the exact same way around on both filters I don't care because it will do its job so let's put it on and see if we can do some sort of pressure check of it now so do that like that although this is the one of the weird thing wasn't it there yep to my nose there we go I might need to adjust the strap tightness a bit I'm not sure which is done weirdly through the front on this mask okay that looks about ready to roll yeah I think this mask does pressurize but I said you can't really test it properly a free eye mask it's a bit of a design flaw and yes I did watch the video and I've trusted it and as I was saying with my other proper free air mask it still was a bit silly so these are annoying hell they're kind of just always in the way there I tuck them around like that yes I can't so I'm pretty sure the mask is working but I said the issue is you can't properly pressure check these I'm pretty sure it is working because if I block the Excel valve you breathe out obviously it doesn't seem to do it so yeah this mask is fairly comfortable now I'm trying to think is there any way I can actually do a test of this is only particulate filters on and what I'm going to do is if you remember from the other video where I did the test using the brute deodorant with the particulate filters to prove the most aerosols are actually organic vapor not particulate the brick was the only one where part of the smell was hidden by tepee free filter so I'm just going to do a spray of it into the air and then what I'll do you see how much of it I can smell and then when I break the see you'll see if I can smell additional smells it's not that scientific but you know it's better than nothing so at the moment I can just about smell it all right let's break the seal yeah it smells stronger so now said that is not scientific at all you can't really test particulate filters properly because I said if I was to get help the organic vapor my banana royal ice amyl acetate the issue of this is that I can smell that straight through the filters for the simple reason that these filters are not designed to block this so you know don't start saying people use this on particular filters like some people suggest because you can't actually test particulate filters that way so obviously particulate filters block particles not paper so I don't want to keep going over that but that's sort of an important point for this video and I'm also aware that when I try and do the pressure check like that it looks a bit like Edward Munch's the scream now there is one way I might actually be able to pressure check that so I want to test this now so let's try and take these filters off see if they come off easily that's it's duty of them this is what I hate with the little freer mosques is the masks turn to much when you actually try new life and the filters so ok I've got that off now so one y'all see if I can do is find two plastic things that I can use to block each side now more I could probably use some sort of duct tape or something but you know that's not too scientific so I wonder can I use no they wouldn't work right I'll be back in a minute so I've got an idea of what I could use for hold I have two plastic measuring cups now my idea is can I get them on both sides over the sort of bayonet thing I'm not sure still can I actually get those completely tight onto there because I reckon they're slightly too big to the point where they sort of go on to the other bit so it's just trying I mean it's definitely trying to pressurize isn't it but there's still air flow coming into the mouth you know again this test doesn't seem to work of it so I really don't know how I can actually pressure check this mask because it seems that no matter what I do there will always be airflow maybe I will just get some tape and stick over there just to check it out see if that makes a difference right I really don't know what to think now because as you can see I stuck tape over the holes on both sides and I can still breathe so I have my do any airs coming in it's not coming in through the exhale valve maybe it's coming through the side to the mask so that's tight in the mask some more still coming in I can't really buy bread II can't work it out as you can see doesn't seem to be doing much because it's let's pull the tape off so the air comes in through somewhere else now there are these rubber valves around here you know it's making me feel like headed for a hyperventilating but clearly air leaks into this mask from somewhere around the side and I can't work out where it is is it here well I see also I really don't know so you know I can't answer why this mask doesn't ever seem to pressurize properly now would it still work I don't know I wouldn't really want to trust it considering all this but without organic vapor filters I can't really do a proper pressure check so you know it's quite annoying it seems no matter what I do of the straps on this mask I can never seem to you know get it to pressurize so this has been another pointless video cuz all its been as me you know whether they put those filters so again this is kind of an appointment City oh I'm sorry that this mask I don't know if it's working or not and I'm not buying free I'm organic vapor filters just to test it so can I put those on when I've got the mask on take the bloody thing off again yeah because I can't what I can't work out as if air does leak into this mask where I'm have on where is it doing it because you know looking at the assembly for the mask there's um nowhere in theory it could be leaking in so I'm really confused by this where is it leaking in if it's leaking very odd I said without buying organic vapor filters there's no real way of testing it so yeah I'm afraid again this mask is very inconclusive on my video I mean I'm not super impressed by the fact that you know when I've got it on I can't really pressure check it that's a bit worrying isn't it but again I said there's no way I can actually know I do any other filters gone so isn't that brilliant right managed to find this it rolled along the floor and picks up cobweb so let's just pop this one onto the other side again must have apologies for this video cos it's pretty inclusive isn't it this mask is nothing but a disappointment really you sort of try and demonstrate it on a video and to find out how all of this is coming off that's great that's another thing going wrong with this I just push that back on like that yeah seems to be back on yeah it's not a great clip-on thing no let's just try for the sake of being OCD putting these filters on both the right way up look there we go Wow it says free em both ways up with the writing oh wait no that one's definitely not on the angle I thought it was the point is it oh it's because it says free I'm on both ends less confusing I have done it I need to booklet Faison oh look at that the amount hours of amusement you can get one of these filters so I want the booklet facing up on both sides doing okay filter selling like they got a rip every time I do it be even then you still can't really get it exactly even because it's not even printed directly on the same place on each filter so sorry to disappoint you if you have obsessive compulsive disorder let's just try one more time in case that gods smile and I'm I'm able to pressure check it but I said I think what I'm just gonna simply have to do with this filter reserve this mask is just wait till I'm around dust that's not very harmful just irritating then try it on with these proper free um filters and see if I have any luck so that's what I'm gonna have to do so I mean I guess it is pressure checking but I don't really know definitely seems to negative pressure check alright so I guess it is fine it's just a bit you know not great so you've got these long bits I guess you can tuck down there but they're just irritating except yeah it's just annoying all these little bits on this Moss about sort of get in the way so there you go Charlie I need to loosen that now it's uncomfortably tight that Chinese free em copy Mouse is it any good I don't really know well like I said I can't test it because they always give you those crap Chinese filters that never work but I mean what is it seems right but I mean it would offer you definitely better protection than when those crap normal dust masks but I personally would probably just spend the 10 pounds more and over an actual 3m one because I trust it more and if you're really interested because people have been asking me this there are other companies that do like RD 40 health face masks I think Scott did one but I mean I know Scott doesn't exist anymore but they're owned by free em but they might still make some of the Scott range um so yeah what I might end up doing is if I see one of those for a sensible price buy one of the Scott original kind of Rd forty masks and test that because I'm liking pressure check it properly and I can also answer is it really heavy having a loud e-40 filter kind of weighing down the front of the mask like that but yeah there you go this mask still mm-hmm okay so quick update this isn't conclusive what I just quickly did was throw a load of lint from a tumble dryer filter into the bin shook that around that didn't make me cough or anything so that was a good sign and the other thing I did was get some washing powder and kept putting my head near the washing powder basket thing and just pouring it down because it's quite a fine powder and you can normally smell it and I could barely smell it although I think some of that is organic vapor anyway so that's good sign but the good news is if you look on the inside of the mask there's no dusty stuff inside makes me think that the particulate filters have actually caught stuff so the mask is pressurizing properly again I dunno how much I trust this but for nuisance dust this would definitely be fine I'd still even for nuisance dust always wanna pee free filter not a p1 filter but I said I think if you're dealing with just irritating dust this thing would be fine but for more serious use I definitely consider buying a proper free em mask and I said for really serious things I would always go in a full face mask and use and combination are the 40 filter rather than using a whole face mask anyway personally but that's just my opinion you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 18,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, Further frustration with the Chinese 3M Copy, Chinese respirator, Chinese gas mask, spray paint mask, 3M 6000, half face mask, half face respirator
Id: vNnBKgJavuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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