2023 Shop Update

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That's a Strong Hold cabinet in the background there. They're made here on Louisville Kentucky and I co-op'd there. Kinda cool seeing one of the cabinets we make out in the wild. Those cabinets are skookum as frig.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/20cstrothman 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2023 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/N5tp4nts 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2023 🗫︎ replies

Was waiting for a new vid.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/yummi_1 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2023 🗫︎ replies
[Music] thank you welcome back Doc's tools I'm Tom hey quick update for all the fans and supporters out there first off uh let me thank all the folks that reached out to me and to check on my well-being and see how I was doing and if everything was okay I really appreciate that um and um you know I didn't get to answer all of you guys and uh I've been kind of uh occupied like a one-handed paper hanger uh between my personal life my work life and my YouTube life um it's uh it's been an exciting year and everything's good so no worries there and just natural things that are happening and uh but I just want to let you guys know I'm back on the video game and uh I'll be shooting some videos uh content will be a little different as I uh put the shop back together and and do some of the work that needs to happen to get the place fully functional so uh anyway I thought I'd show you guys around a little bit show you some of the things I've been working on in the shop and um and then I got a couple of new tools that uh that I've been using as part of this activities that I really like I think I'll share that with you and we'll just kind of have a a little quickie session here and then uh hopefully get back to uh regular programming so uh let's check out the the new shop and the new layout and it's coming together and I'm pretty happy with it so far so let's check it out and uh and thanks once again for all your support and uh you know all the internet love that you guys uh provide so uh okay let's check it out okay so what you're looking at now is this uh first corner here um this is kind of a Welding and Fabrication uh my Big Welding cables here welding machine um two inch belt sander six inch belt sander all the grinding and the braiding stuff is kind of on this corner of the shop and it keeps it away as far away as I can make it from the more Precision equipment that's on the other side of the shop so I've done a lot of work in this area in the last couple of days actually uh I've been on winter break which is uh for us is about a two-week break around Christmas time that gives give you a chance to recharge and do some stuff so I've had some solid time to work in the shop which is great so anyway that's this corner here um it's kind of coming together no insulation yet but I got the full plan I found an insulation broker where I can get the insulation for a reasonable price instead of an exorbitant price but uh anyway so that's in progress too all right so there's an overlapping view of the same area so the shops divided into kind of four stalls so to speak uh the way the uh the the support structure for the shop is and um so did a lot of work here um you know uh you know clamp storage right you know there's a there's a day right there burned uh screwing around with that right and uh and just I'm here by myself right so shoving some of this stuff around uh that's pretty heavy is uh gets kind of interesting and uh when you wake up in the morning you know how old you are so anyway this is a um you know some of the progress in this in this particular corner and we're going to go over and look at uh what I'm calling the the hardware store so okay so moving on so we got the uh the saw and the uh the beginnings of the material area here so these saws are where they're going to be uh marble saw the vertical Band Saw and the material rack here stuff comes out goes in the side goes in the saw um there's room around these to work um you know just I don't know for those folks that have laid out a shop and then place the equipment and kind of understand that process right um sometimes you know you're really talking about an inch or two difference in the placement of equipment right this is why I generally don't use CAD to do uh building layouts or equipment layouts right other than kind of in general terms and uh so when you're putting that equipment in and you're placing it per the layout and whatnot I mean some of that you have to because of uh utilities and things like that but for smaller equipment like what we're talking about in here um you know an inch or two one way or the other really makes a difference to the flow right for example there's a space behind these that I can actually go through there which is important you can push a broom through there you know that's kind of my rule is behind machines you need a at least 24 inches or 30 inches so you can push your broom through it right that kind of stuff and just to be able to sneak through there and get to the other side and then scoot back and not have to come out and go all the way around I mean these are like minor things but uh um it's important to it's the difference between being kind of efficient and being real efficient so uh anyway I'm just I'm just talking here so uh take whatever you want from that but let's take a look at the uh material storage and what I'm calling the hardware store over here so ice at this point but this corner really took a lot of work and um so here's the Dilemma uh that you're dealing with so you have all this furniture right you know shelving units and drawers and cabinets and bins and things like that that worked in another shop right and now you're moving it into a new space that has completely different dimensions and a different layout right so none of my furniture matches right it's just a collection of Craigslist finds and uh you know getting a text from somebody hey they're tearing apart a lab you want some some drawer units or whatever yeah I'll be right there so that's how I've gotten all my stuff over the years but making all that fit together in a new space is can be tricky to get the flow as I mentioned a minute ago and anyway I had a kind of a a Jinga moment a couple of days ago where uh uh you know I tried something and it was pink pink and a bunch of pieces kind of dropped into place and I was like really happy with the layout and you know it's hard to show all this but I've got material in the front okay these are all tools that don't fit in drawers where the darn and um and um so you know these the ends of these uh shelf units are good places to to hang things like that and so I got materials kind of here and then in the back is you know uh Plumbing um electrical stuff um you know glues and adhesives nails and screws and and coat hangers and you know all that kind of household stuff right you know that you uh that you collect uh doing this kind of work so that's all kind of back in the back then um and then so all the kind of cabinets and shelf units kind of fit together which was really pleasing to me so uh um if you were walking by outside you would have heard me uh hip hooting and hollering uh to uh because I was so pleased with the layout so anyway maybe we'll uh I'll see if I get the camera back in there and get a get a better idea what's going on okay so here's here's kind of the front section uh of material this happens to be uh Plastics and aluminum and this is you know you've probably seen this in my shop before I don't know maybe maybe I didn't show it I don't remember but this is kind of what I call my bin system right so my theory is if you can't put your hand on it rapidly um you might as well not even have it okay so your smaller uh blocks and pieces and and bits and stuff you need to be able to put your hands on those pretty quickly to be efficient in the shop right so you segregate them by type and size and shape and whatnot and then um you know one of the one of the keys to the system is you don't let the bins get too full like this one's too full right now and this one's a little bit too full so what I would do and I have the space now is to segregate this a little further right so this is only stuff up to say inch and a half and then the uh the chubs and the bigger pieces end up in a different bin right so as you get more stuff and you collect more stuff you continue to segregate and divide uh in some logical way that allows you to put your hands on the piece that you need as quickly as possible right so that's kind of the theory behind the system and it's dynamic in that you filter and expand and uh and reconfigure but you need to plan for you know a little extra shelf space to be able to do that because you're always there's always materials coming in and cut-offs and you know different bits and pieces and uh they kind of appear in your life all right let's look at the other side okay this is the steel side here uh so we got Steels different shapes different sizes um and the heaviest stuff is down at the bottom right although you might want to have the heaviest stuff kind of in this area so you don't have to bend and pick it up but because I have so much I wanted to put it down low instead of a pie that's just me but you can do anything you want and then these little guys actually worked out pretty good for me is these are the smallest pieces right so let me uh give you some examples so that there's all kinds of little brass pieces right and you know I don't want to throw any of those away because uh um like I said if you can put your hand on exactly the right piece right uh relatively quickly and you have space to store it right um you know you're you're avoiding cuts it just it just makes you more efficient and uh let's uh here's a here's a you know plastic right and uh you know normally I probably wouldn't save something like this but uh I got the space right um and you know so why not right hey it's already got a hole through it so that's you know I don't know that's 10 minutes into a job right there just picking it up being able to put my hand on the right thing so anyway that's kind of the point I'm trying to make hopefully hopefully it's coming across the little uh drawer guide screwed up on it I gotta fix it so okay here's another Corner that I've spent a bit of time on and um um this is uh Milling drill press and then Associated tooling here um the space and right in front of the camera uh this is where my 10 double E's go in here which I haven't picked up yet so uh that'll be a separate video that's going to happen in the next month or two uh that'll get drug up here I bought a truck um I bought a full-size truck so I had a little Toyota Tacoma that I've been driving for years and it's just not appropriate for towing trailers in fact they won't even rent they won't even hook up a trailer the kind of trailer that I want to use to retrieve equipment uh to a truck like that you need at least a three-quarter ton truck so I got a full-size truck um and so now I can hook onto any trailer that I want you know all these there's all these bits and pieces that tie in right the truck was a big one because um you know when I go to buy a gigantic load of insulation to work on the shop right um am I gonna haul that in the Toyota Tacoma right or pay to have it delivered not really I want to be able to manage that stuff myself right and uh so just hauling materials right so you know there's been things going on in the background that are what I would call key pieces to the puzzle and uh this this whole puzzle of reinstating my shop right so uh um so anyway I did a bunch of work in this corner so pretty happy with the layout uh the positioning and the room around the equipment uh we'll see once that 10 double e lands in here um and uh you know how that changes that Dynamic I might end up scooting this around a little bit I haven't leveled this yet um and um so the 10 double e may cause there may be a little Chain Reaction I guess is what I'm saying so and then the yam is behind us the lathe that you guys are are familiar with uh and uh let's see what else uh let's go let's go look at the uh um EDM Corner because I have EDM now so so this is the uh um or FANUC excuse me um Alpha zero B wire EDM uh I bought this from a lady that lives about 45 minutes away from uh where my shop is now and anyway uh Stan from barzi industrial he helped me move the thing I prepped it for the move and um I built a skid to go underneath it to support the thing so I didn't have to separate the CNC cabinet from the uh from the machine itself which was a big deal so anyway he had his big truck and we rented a trailer slid the thing onto the trailer got it over to here and I got the trailer returned uh two minutes before they closed the gate so Stan thanks a lot for your help I really appreciate that and uh that was a a fun day let's just put it that way so so anyway it's here I've been cleaning it um the machine was filthy if you follow me on Instagram I showed some of the filters that came out of the uh the filtration the water treatment cart they were just absolutely plugged with crud and uh so there's some hoses that are being replaced uh cleaning inside the Tank new gaskets for the tank there's a whole bunch of stuff going on so I have I'll probably start filming some of that work since you guys like watching that kind of stuff um you know part of this is some of this I just felt like working on it and not filming it and uh and I don't know about you but you know watching somebody push hoses on and tighten hose clamps is kind of a boring video to me so I didn't want to impinge on you guys's attention spans uh with that kind of stuff so uh here I am blathering away about it so it's almost almost as bad so this is the the high pressure pump uh this is the CNC cabinet here in uh um working on reconnecting uh wiring I just want to show you uh this is uh this is some wiring that I had to uh that I had to separate and this one goes to the uh the pump enclosure which is this right here but FANUC uh um look at this the the wire loom is is created in such a way that uh um it makes it really easy to remove it and really easy to put it back on so all the wires are numbered uh the way that it's uh tie wrapped uh it just naturally kind of orients itself right so this is true throughout the whole machine so it's really nicely done and these are ring terminals now and for the now from a security standpoint ring terminals are superior to Fork terminals or Spade terminal not Spade fork in that you know the screw has to fully fall out for the it to break contact right and not just loosen up now when you're taking it apart and put it back together it means you're going to take the screws all the way out so it's a little more work but it's from a security standpoint it's it's better so so there's that um and like I said it's true throughout the machine and then back here is the uh uh the filtration unit uh this this supplies deionized water and filtered water uh to the machine so uh you get nice clean water um you know 10 Micron clean or five Micron clean water whatever whatever filters you happen to put in there and the and the the system needs to be flushed a couple of times so I'm probably going to burn through a couple of filters when I first fire it up um just you know because there's some crud in the lines and uh you know it'll end up in those in those filters this is a chiller unit uh so that it maintains uh temperature controlled water um and yeah so there's a lot of kind of peripheral equipment with this particular machine here so so in this shot you can kind of see the uh the Makino it faces the the main High Bay in the shop and then you you can kind of see in relation to the welding area then the hardware store area over there I'm going to climb up on the ladder and I get you kind of an aerial shot uh that um and do a pan handheld pan I hate handheld shots in general but uh I think it's worth it so you guys kind of get the lay of the land here at the new place all right so forgive my my handheld shot here just give you kind of a lay of the land here start over in this corner we've got the yam acre Mill closing drill press there's the FANUC wire EDM Makino CNC mill so uh my electrical panel pretty proud of that stuff um this is going to be kind of forming and fabricating in this area kind of sheet metal bending forming punching uh shearing I got a little stomp here over there um there's the old Health hammer so there's welding okay got my Ameri braid two inch belt sander my Tom Ox tool six inch belt sander Miller Synchro wave Taft piers Brown and sharp do all vertical bandsaw the decals hiding back in there and then marble saw material rack there's my pry bar rack I got these uh pallet rack these small pallet racks at Costco they were on sale they're actually pretty nice and they fit in this smaller space or this lower Headroom space I should say so there's the material area there you yeah that's actually a pretty good shot there you get the idea so how it's laid out I got a couple of aisles going in and then to the right there's a couple of aisles going back into the the into bin land I haven't figured out where this table is going to go yet that's um one that I used to sit at quite a bit and it's got a lot of little tools on it and whatnot and I have not found the the hole where that's going to fit and here's the uh front door that's the main door roll-up door and uh chain hoist and all that there's a bunch of crates today it emptied out so I made some Mega progress Arbor press and big Anvil down there so we're back anyway that's uh and then it goes up up up up up up so it's 20 feet to the peak in here something like that and uh you get kind of an idea of the layout so it's kind of four quadrants and you know we got uh Northwest Northeast and then Southeast and Southwest over there so that's kind of how we've divided it up when we we did the electrical so that's about it for uh you know just kind of a general update and I got some problems to solve uh still uh the installation is a big deal because uh uh as the temperature changes outside um I'm getting some some flash rusting on some bits and pieces which is concerning to me and uh you have so much uh steel items uh that can be basically ruined by rust so uh but as I see it I'm going around with some prevented rust preventative stuff and uh chasing after it so that's that um I I got some because of the heavy winds and whatnot a lot of the there's foam blocks that fit in the corrugations of the roofing and whatnot and those are blown out over the years and so I got a small mice problem in here and uh I discovered it opening a couple of drawers where you're like hey it looks like somebody made a house in here and so I've discovered a couple of those so I got a little mouse problem um what's the other thing um I got some Plumbing work to do so there's a lot of work left to do and um I'm gonna I'm gonna try to share some of it that's interesting I'm not going to share the boring stuff and uh and frankly I just get it done quicker when I'm not filming you know the filming overhead on you know watching me tighten hose clamps is uh too much let's put it that way but anyway I just wanted to you know let you guys know I'm okay and uh you know like I said I appreciate you guys reaching out to me and um if I didn't respond uh if you send me an email or a text or something I didn't respond I'll just apologize at this point and um but uh I'm back I'm healthy I'm okay and uh let's get back on the video horse and and uh hey maybe even make a batch of Meatloaf what do you think of that okay so thanks for watching and uh we'll see you uh shortly okay [Music] thank you
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 46,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machine work, Toolmaking, Mechanical design
Id: LTa1JM0fGf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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