Furniture Makeovers ~ Thrift Store Finds ~ Thrift Store Makeovers ~ Repurposed Furniture

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[Music] in today's video I'll be working on a few small pieces of furniture redoing them and these pieces all come from thrift stores in fact a few of them were even marked down from the original price so that's always a good thing and I'm halfway tempted to try to spray paint on the outside with my paint sprayer that I normally use during the summer months uh but we are having quite the foggy and dreary Ohio weather you guys wouldn't believe I think for the past 2 weeks at least we have not seen the sunshine I'm so ready for some sunshine uh but that's just the way it is here in Ohio I don't want to complain I realize you know we can't do anything about the weather anyway and we have lots to be thankful for with the upcoming you know spring and summer season but um it is kind of depressing honestly so setting behind me here are the pieces of furniture and I'll bring you in closer but uh you can tell it would be so much easier to spray paint them versus you know brush with some of the little Corners that I have to get into so join me as I work on these fun projects and enjoy I've always wanted to make a terrarium on a stand and I think this end table would be the perfect piece for it I like the base of it I think it would be fitting for something like this I'm out here in the shop just cutting pieces of wood uh seeing what I can kind of fit together to create a house shape to put on top of this stand and honestly I don't really know what I'm doing at this point but sometimes if I just start uh in this case kind of from the bottom up uh things will you know fall [Music] [Music] [Music] together [Music] [Music] I don't think I'll add Glass to this stand unless I change my mind but it's just going to make things heavier and sometimes it's a hassle to kind of figure out a way you know how to add it that it looks [Music] [Music] [Music] right as you can see I'm already putting this new laser engraver to work here for my project and I am cutting a fancy little carving for my [Music] terrarium [Music] cutting angles is definitely not my favorite thing to do when it comes to working with wood I didn't get a video of all this but I basically just held my wood up to the structure kind of eye Bal it to see what would look right made some marks and cut [Music] them so guys you wouldn't believe the weather change we have the very next day from when I started at filming beautiful and sunny upper 40s it just feels like spring out here and I'm actually going to be able to spray paint out here on the driveway can't [Music] wait so this little end table looks rough enough that I really don't have to sand anything like I feel the the paint is going to stick to it so I'm basically just cleaning [Music] it [Music] even though the temperature is almost 50° it's a bit chilly With the Wind so I think I'll go ahead and carry the pieces inside to dry I know they will dry quicker this [Music] way I'm going to use shrink wrap to cover the wooden Dow that I use for the kind of the handle part of my terrarium and I don't want to paint it for now and if it doesn't look right I can always paint it white but going to see how it looks just natural I'm going to add a pretty piece of wallpaper or contact paper to the top here and I'm removing this piece probably going to flip it around being that the bottom side is smoother than the top um I think my paper will stick [Music] better [Music] when I saw this piece in the thrift store I was instantly drawn to it for some reason it reminded me of something my grandma would have had um just I don't know was it the shade or the sheen of the paint had kind of a glossy you know dark brown paint on it and with the chipped you know edges and then even the the hardware on it the wheels I don't know I just had a nostalgic feeling when I saw it and I've course like the wallpaper that was inside of the drawer I'm definitely going to keep that but the plan I have for this piece is possibly use it for coffee table for our living room right now we still have that rather large wooden chest and I like the look of it I had redone it last fall and but I feel it's rather large for the space like our living room is pretty narrow and I'm trying a technique here that I've done before but not recently I'm going to use Vaseline to kind of wipe and you know spread some over the edges and just in various spots that you'd think a place would or a piece would naturally wear and what this does is it actually repels the paint that I'm about to apply thus making it easier than to you know rub that paint off and just give it a chippy look so we'll see how it turns out and the green color I'm using is a shade called lyan moss and I've used it before it's one of my favorite green colors and I'm not sure what I have it year round in the living room but I think especially for the spring and summer season it would look uh really good in there with just a pop of you know Spring Green [Music] [Music] [Music] I really like how this piece is turning out so if you want a chippy look like this try the Vaseline method it's really [Music] easy [Music] I have some drawer pools that we had picked up in a garage sale last year I'm going to use these I think they look kind of primitive and fitting to this [Music] piece I really like to see wood underneath a decoration piece so I'm going to use this cutting board and we do still have a few of these available on the Etsy shop if you're looking for something like this for yourself I'm always attracted to little stools or and tables like this and this one caught my eye of course I don't really care for the reddish color of it but we can fix [Music] that I'm going to see what the color looks like underneath the stain and depending on what color it is I might just leave it natural but as I'm standing here I see it's more of that reddish wood I don't really want that so I'll just go ahead and paint it along with the base [Music] part [Music] once again I'm going to use my new laser cutter to engrave a design into this top I had made a video earlier this week showing you guys some of the basic things that this machine can do um absolutely love it uh this is the second machine that we have from xtool and I do have links Down Below in the description box if you want to check them out but if you're at all thinking of investing in something like this whether it be for you know a small business or even just for a hobby you won't be disappointed I've been so impressed with this [Music] company [Music] [Music] these projects were so much fun to work on I hope you guys enjoyed it as well even after years of you know doing this sort of thing I'm always blowing away how you can just buy something in a thrift store for a really good price you know bring it home and just make it all pretty it's so much fun before ending here I wanted to give a shout out to some of our spring products yes spring is on the way in fact today we have the sun shining again and I just can't get enough of it you know here in Ohio we have a lot of gray days during the winter time so um I always appreciate when the sun shines but anyway speaking of spring we have some amazing spring products on the Etsy shop I don't have anything new to show you but I'll just go ahead and throw some pictures on here uh just reminding you in case you're looking for a new spring decoration for your home as you can see lots of wooden decor and we have these beautiful eggs with the words on them very fitting for the Easter season of course we also have some really pretty pillow covers and we do have some spring candles and soap coming soon and I also have a line of St Patrick's Day Decor that I will share in next week's video I'm pretty excited about that we also have this Peter Cottontail poster that has been popular plant hanger we have a few bird houses left over flowers and we are stocked on the lavender body butter it's so much fun for me to come up with product that will be put in people's homes to just you know bring cheer into a room or make something beautiful and all of these spring products will be in a separate section on the Etsy Shop labeled spring Decor that way it's easier if you're shopping for the spring season to see what all we have all in one place so as always I hope your day is going great thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music] bye
Channel: White Cottage Company
Views: 139,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: painted furniture, upcycled furniture, repurposed furniture, furniture makeover, thrift store furniture makeovers, thrift store finds, thrift store furniture, before and after furniture, repurposed thrift store finds, white cottage company, mary yoder, diy terrarium, diy furniture, laser engraved furniture
Id: U-9mXqirdV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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