Funny Vines September 2021 (Part 2) TBT Clean Vine

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oh she's stealing oh my god oh come and get it y'all come again yeah no problem where my boyfriend is boyfriend I look like tell them you need a new tire too he took two hours to respond well I'm gonna take three hours to respond how about that one okay okay I'm gonna respond bro you can't get any girl's number okay I get 20 times more girls than you 20 times zero zero Bud all right everybody get out your textbook is that a shoulder laughs your kid is getting salt on the table it's fine no it's not Daddy I got two balls I used to have balls what happened I married your mom all set for today do you have your project in my bag I checked but what if you didn't see there it is I got it did you really see it and that's how you do number five but what about oh this is easy Phil you had a question nah mm-hmm shut the [ __ ] Jacob run get away from my dog I don't I'm sorry what's wrong with you oh I just got this really bad cold it's Monday shut up seriously every Monday no I am so mean you guys are the spider right there I'm kidding I'm kidding look right there [Music] hey hi hi Ryan would you kiss Brandon for 20 grand no right here puppy puppy that's cool Rudy looks like a Spanish Harry Potter in those classes I love you man I'm a horrible friend what girls do with their feet when they're on the phone oh my God I know right it's just what happens when a bee comes into the van this happens fine I love this girl so freaking much you just don't understand she remind me of my ex how we used to like talk in there excuse me you guys got the time I just wanted the time I am appalled and flabbergasted by your blatant disregard for this classroom's attire you should say remove hat it's way easier [Music] baby all you do is order of operation Miss Smith Miss Smith excuse me I have a PhD and I have to p e e where am I covered how what in the world any questions before free time yeah didn't you say there was gonna be a pop quiz today what was that Thomas I didn't say nothing I didn't say anything here you go thank you have a nice day oh you're going somewhere yeah Mr Williams you gave me the chance the check doesn't dismiss you I do yo what is that that don't taste like an apple this is pissing me off but you filming me joke time knock knock there it's your best friends Stewie Griffin and he's always going to be there for you foreign [Music] sober nice kitty drunk me kitty hey buddy update your phone just remind me later okay okay see you same time tomorrow oh Sorry my phone's blowing up how it always does but GameStop get Grand Theft Auto 5 10 5. all right I'm not stupid we have B not five kids you could be whatever I want to be a brick wall oh Jimmy you can't yes I can you said whatever okay whatever it's like I'm talking to a brick wall hurry up now go get it hold my hood all right I got your fighter what if I told you you could meet Johns and why should I care anyway [Music] that's your new car is nice what the [ __ ] hey yo dad can I have company yeah y'all go upstairs and play in your room all right come on hi oh no wait wait I want to talk about you [Music] hey could you tell us me that where are you going well my friends and I are gonna go rob a bank you can't tonight I need you to babysit your sister you never let me do anything okay honey out the door I love you bye I said I love you I know I said I love you I love you too yes Lord [Music] the man shell fish picking their beautiful Maiden call it's starting now what you listening to [Music] foreign look I just want to talk to Ronald McDonald oh my God time to pick up some sweet gals Excuse Me Miss would you care for some hanky panky in the back of my Nissan Sentra fighter I haven't seen our owner in hours me neither if we rip up his couch he'll probably come home just a trip of his couch now just right now you ever thought about shaving that thing you thought about why your dad left you sorry check this out that's sick that is so cute I've had fun get off me hey what are you doing don't do that why I'm cooking don't run it ladies why do our girls fan their eyes before they cry foreign boom oh is that a mini dinosaur you dumb that's the promoted Dragon true yo that kid owes us money you owe us some money I could have taken the stairs but I didn't [Laughter] [Music] know the Spanish word of the day is wheelchair there's only one donut left so wheelchair you're so cute you're cute no you're cute that's perfect hey babe you up yet oh hey baby I woke up like 10 minutes ago and where the [ __ ] is my good morning text s hey I accidentally got your mail again so here you brought me my mail yeah do you want to go on a date no I haven't me that's great honey yeah uh I never got your homework I graduated two years ago turning your damn assignment oh my God he's dying call 9-1-1 what's the number really what's the number Jason what's up next one bro okay now I don't know my girlfriend [Music] are you kidding Jerome can you stop walking the street life you want me to stand here you want me to go right here what do you want me to do I need the remote no that is a fork what the what here we go oh this cow what's the devil who wants to go to the water park well I need to say for college I can't wait to go to college happy birthday that's cool I'm gonna call you back so I'm about 50 English 25 Scottish 15 Irish Native American 1.8 Spanish so what are you I'm Cuban go to your room what nothing you're wrong oh I brought you in this world and I'll take you out take me out there I will how's your fettuccine really good dad I love this place shout out to my sisters man I swear they're the best never mind they ugly because their hair is a mess dude how did your dad make all of his money ugh dad do the voice instead of turning up you need to be learning up get your grades lit textbook textbooks and skills chill hey pass me my friend hey what's your name oh I took your nose I got you knows hour it's mine oh man let me tell you about this chicken it's fresh never Frozen try broasted chicken call everybody bad child Daddy's remote bad child no fridge no jumping on the bed no no no no no no sir do you know I'll put you over no sir right Dad I don't know who that is you speak up but do you know why I pulled your dad put your hand down ew whose phone is this Abraham Lincoln's oh I got a text from George Washington batch look what you made me do you want my body you want my curve what's my best and some of this come on you got it come on sorry I'm late ladies my number one turned into a number two what it was funny come here the cloud just said [Music] what story time the lad decided to do The Honorable thing and share his treat with mother oh my name is Amanda do I have anything on my teeth like right here like I don't know like I mean shot I was trying to flip you're taking a walk can you help me with my bucks give me a chips okay foreign no we'll pay for a picture if you had the chance to change your fate so class what is seven square I think it's 49 but I'm not sure the answer is 49. hey I know that oh Jesse Joey Gabby Melissa hey knock knock who's there yes okay class is almost over she forgot to collect the homework Miss Jenkins almost forgot good girl are animals even allowed in the school I feel great ah 10 more minutes I am so alone no guy likes me dude that's not true that guy from chemistry totally likes you oh my God I know but ill you text me you say hello I reply hello then you don't reply why what did I do okay okay okay girls have fun at the party not too much cake okay okay girls have fun at the party no drinking shopping here give me a kiss ew you're so gross I'll buy this purse oh you so sexy who's that let me see he loves you yes [Music] the shoe section is over here wow [Music] can you hold my glasses real quick show [Laughter] so people always say expect the unexpected and I don't really think that's what I'm gonna be late for lacrosse hey nice 09 Camry my dad's an attorney I'll sue you oh yeah hello what do you want what do you mean okay class tell me your substitute today why is he laughing so instead of adding sugar you just add Splenda and it makes it a much hey girl are you a cell phone cause I want to put you on silent babe you hang up first no you hang up first all right can I help you can I talk to you about Jesus no I'm good thanks no Jesus your Gardener He's suing you why do cats always land on their feet because they're flexible why is that I don't know think about it I don't know come on hey man your mom's calling you hey pick that up for me I don't like answering people's phones but hey what up yo I'm not gay this is potassium it's good no no no no no no no man you're gonna apologize just shoot [Applause] oh that makes sense how guys watch football go go go go go come on oh girls watch football he's so hot man I'm hungry hey I'm not fat man hey can you have something in the closet yeah what is it um OMG obsessed like stop can I be you you're literally perv oh my god there she is okay just wait wait what do I say I'm so nervous right now keep going all right it's Friday now it's time to turn up the AC it's hotter than hell in here global warming I had fun should I stay the night hell yeah you're on my controller crushing it all right I got cash I got Jolly what have you got what's up the dogs excuse me you guys have this in small I'm sorry but we have all types nobody's gonna make funny for being chubby or short this is high school they're gonna make fun of your list stop are you sure you want the thug life yeah [Applause] big red [Music] Cami dude I just hit your dog with my motorcycle what psych oh I hit him with my truck hey bro I'm tired I got bro [Music] so what are we having for dinner Chinese again Hannah it's funny I see you here every time oh my God little Isabel is getting so big hey Jenna hi Chris if you enter yes or no yeah to any of these questions guess who I got art with Stacy no Matt no who my teacher attention Target shoppers my mommy is hot and ready to try she is single and ready hey Timmy bud what are you doing in the corner over here I peed on the ground Isn't that cool what the hell boy you better tell me how you got the G on the test before I beat you oh I guess I'll let him sleep can I have some napkins sir this is McDonald's we don't sell napkins my bad can I have some mcnapkins of course oh my God my name's Elroy Miss couchy sleep up to 8am just lay your ass down here if you could pick one thing to do before you die what would it be Steven probably murder someone okay Steven gets an a today for participation ready go let me two three four five six seven sheep be like ah you're rap so lame I'm headed to the Hall of Fame [ __ ] I don't even spit raps all it takes is three claps now honey there's nothing under your bed you've got nothing to be afraid something moved hi will you say goodnight to me go save yourself There You Go videos you and your homeboys want to go fishing for babes Louis did you clean your room yes Dad I cleaned it last night are you talking back to me you you asked me a question how do you want me I'm dumb you're so dumb your hair's weird do you even know how strong I am [Music] so dude guys [Laughter] I'm Rick mcvick the realtor today's home comes with a cuckoo clock put that kid in a basket on our pool what's up you know you're just like you're say it [Music] babe what are you doing I'm breastfeeding oh he's stealing he's stealing that's mine Chad oh my God qualities I like in a girl pretty hair no glasses and she can't have a shirt on Jay okay can you hand me a water sure babe I said hand it that was that was very dangerous Jacob and Bella Edward Bella Bella Jacob Edward Jacob listen I had a great time [Music] bye guys can I just pet you please why not come on stop maybe he's one of those talented homeless people sir can you sing Oh my God okay no he's not we need to go right so for the perfect selfie you have to let the light strike your face and then smile got it yep you guys want some pizza you mean Pizza yeah Pizza no pizza pizza
Channel: CooL Vines
Views: 396,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny Vines, Vine, Vines, best vines, new vines, september vines, tbt vines, clean vines, vines September 2021
Id: T7gFlDv7UGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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