Funny Vines January 2019 (Part 2) TBT Vine compilation

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I like that one hey there gonna spar there bro you're not gonna fit - I can fit that spot watch the magic boy don't do it sir you can't go in there I don't think I've introduced you to my friend George if you think $1 is gonna change come on in working my life away I wish I could just stop and go on a cruise I got powerful golden you're a powerful woman no I just like your baby sister she's gonna sleep in this just like that eat it I don't you donut you're a cop you gotta eat doughnuts now O'Malley you must be stuffed really this song is called mom I got my girlfriend pregnant now we're moving to Mexico and starting a family the surprise milk milk milk yo Christian will yo not much you whoa shooting star well I am a comet not a star I'm sorry it's fine it happens all the time I just need everyone to shut up okay okay Ted the house on fire stop football games on but Dad the house their game is so eastern United States have what they're calling a snowpocalypse they're a which is you know pretty crazy because in Canada we just call that Tuesday [Music] [Music] hey Doc I was like you doing don't worry sir we took care of him you did what we took care of him you killed my son no this I made a mistake but I can't turn back reach for my hand don't give up on me [Music] noise no iPad iPad minis no Netflix no put it back well I'm watching it put the [ __ ] hey Dad could we play baseball dad Susie something please no no here I come excuse me do you know how to get to the highway from here okay where is it okay you have no idea what I'm saying do you okay so you go do this to me suggest drinking Pepsi yeah you go be drinking is it that's what I appreciate what does this say oh damn he is falling hey girl story time he was very handsome and all the ladies that looked at him fell in love the guy that was walking him was okay boy you tryna know if you gotta use the bathroom suit of gum for class you're late just friends you don't have a past but let's not go away there's no eating in my room I miss you I do Oh jackass hey door Pete that guy's oh it's Dave what do you guys want chicken nuggets how many Dillon chicken nuggets or what hey Austin do you make when I'm home alone I like to make it my own songs and dances yeah why are you always on your phone why you was on my nerves true my bad hey son how was school I'm damn lucky why not just anarchy you know you're not British right shut up daddy oh yeah are you asleep hey kid you want some candy we have candy no we don't have any candy he's gonna be disappointed he finds out we don't have any candy what's the news what tell me I just stubbed my toe I'm a dead wife this means it's 90 degrees how can it be 90 degrees it's winter know the angle because of global warming Oh God I told you to knock him around here fool what oh that's it you did it mom mommy bad yeah do you have any blue waffles we used to but your mom stopped working hey guys if you ever feeling down or moody just be sure to smile like my dog Charlie I am 5 foot 2 2 inches and 3/4 I will destroy you mom I hate you stop or what you're grounded y'all it's just a game dude who cares you guys want Starbucks yeah I just moved here Mike oh that's what's up yeah where are you from Oh around the corner excuse me no hey boy bro what's the craziest thing you've ever done I mean there's one time I ate some raccoon booty what about you drove what I wearing a seat hey buddies oh well you know oh yeah am i annoying you ever think that Oh mommy look I'm a chameleon [Applause] little corner Quan sure crazy soccer ball right you guys remember what we did before break okay guys remember this okay this oh it's Mike the guy with a normal haircut always got to be different make me some cereal who are you he said no I didn't say nothing what did you say who are you people I got a pulse on my exam see these Buddha's rubbish cream when I was asked was getting applause blows blows blows blows blow I can't find it would you look at my happiness yeah once you do that thing that I pay you to do there's only warning me you say you Sammy's well I smack you into the middle of next week that's all my mama [Music] sound that you know he kind of cheated on me but it's cool yeah I swear to god I'm doing just fine I hate when they blow the middle finger on television like we don't know what's behind there Wow you got me fooled what is it a giraffe or something you know exactly what you did it I'm never gonna forgive you for this last time on a supernatural day Sam no I'm supernatural single Bell single Bell single it's not that fun I'll probably just go gay hey I like your car Thanks hey you wanna grab some food I'm Beth no that's all right I'm not hungry okay we're good get out the car now I can't why you're standing in front of the door this man might hit so big that alright drink here's the plan did I get it okay can I have your number for that order I'm Ryan what's your name don't talk to me before my morning coffee I don't know you this is a public bus I said don't you talk to me Thomas aunt Patty's here tell her I'm not here was she right yes can you believe the only way that someone would kiss me is if they're drowning and I have to do CPR it took mouth-to-mouth out of CPR god damn it so you go Sarah make sure you do all of it there's a little surprise at the end finish you see what does it say oh wow isn't that cool I love your card it's the best oh my god so good welcome to dating advice with Gabby Justin what's your question how do you tell if a girl likes you she doesn't [Music] okay drop the funky money you're a passive-aggressive looks like I just hit your mom with Tabasco rum guzzling pirate you become a man don't right away you just have to swim across the pool with the shark in it I thought I'd answer your question oh when it's the daily doubles so two sharks she's got the money man okay is there a problem no problem yeah that's what I thought speak up I couldn't hear you [ __ ] hey Dad hey since I'm old since I'm older now what I know baby baby wait mom no next align my mom just went the next alone I can't pay for this do beavers build a dam mommy send me up now I can spin any shape sign triangles arrows parallelograms trapezoids sign I can spin it okay Chris why do you hate me never said that why would you think that we never hang out see you hate me my face do you know why I pulled you over we're black Thank You Ted Cruz okay today there are many reasons to be concerned about our nation's direct [Music] can't escape us it's your body for McDonald's why cuz you're loving it now cuz its fat and greasy you won't put - you mean pasta yeah how you feel when nobody texts you all day having a frog's hi my name is Paul I am new to the single scene I'm looking for a discreet relationship that what are you doing see this man he's a Magic Man he's gonna touch this hot fire oh man he's a Magic Man well I had a really great time we have the gas station together Oh UN don't leave me we're gonna do so many things let's break why are you always up in my chest can you take a sip of your dr. pepper but it tastes like salt story time the two were models and they loved to strut their stuff I know I know love you too mom ready nobody knows no but well you pointment for what Oh hurry you're gonna be late you need help man oh my gosh and we ran out of butter oh no we better find some more what do you want agree what are you in the mood for chicken no pizza no ice cream you texted Bobby you didn't touch me back he's a freak yo guess what happened on Monday you got that girl's number yeah we found the guy who stole his Jordans nice a snow bank I'd like to make a deposit please that's hilarious hey you're Gabby I know you o'cool from vine our YouTube tinder did you swipe right no Christian yes mother excuse me watch the tone in your voice attitude it's special someone nor do the chocolate special listen man that's clearly an alien oh come on dude yeah hey what's your name boy honey go play with that kid over there mom buddy's weird I don't care do it hey was she did text back I don't even care I never even liked her I just I wish to speak with her sir you are a rude sir you yes not to him what's your name me yes you I am me he's me what [Music] if I had a dollar for every time a guy said he wanted to be in a relationship with me oh my god it's like Inc I would be I would be homeless I got his tickets to the Opera oh nice I gotta states - sup brah what's up bro not much brought us up at you hey keep an eye on just a sec does this work are you kidding me my phone just died anybody got a charger yeah we need this for our new place I bet I have this but this just completely replace you complete me don't forget we're getting sushi tomorrow let's take a selfie [Laughter] you mean popsicle popsicle hey no shut up change your shirt change your pants I'm gonna get the grilled chicken sandwich and I'll have the double cheeseburger yeah we'll get two grilled chicken sandwiches you're welcome what is he doing he's beginning to believe you know I just love nature for ultra dry lips please apply a chapstick to milf hey so I just find out about Isis did you eat my last pop-tart yeah are you guys rappers actually I'm a doctor oh my god relationship goals did you see a cute couple no relationship goals batman's of superheroes a lot of money I know in real life he's super weak even his name sense get out this is my card you get out you failed wait a minute hey son I'm home it took me 25 years though yeah I heard you was rich now so I came back home to get my cut yes sorry I'm late traffic was what are you doing quick question what's your return policy on best friends I don't like anything today I'm not feeling go don't ever let anyone else ruin your life cuz it's your life so you should ruin it Steve we need a name the deadline is today a teacher I wasn't here what was the home where an end world peace did you not do it I know that printer yeah you know that feeling when you finish all your homework because I do yeah what are you miss Mexico you're killing it you know wipe away I'm sick you have to work at air apostle for a month no please you'll be wearing a graphic tee and a puka shell necklace I just want to go to jail I didn't hit you with my car your car happened to get in my way and I was like Brian don't stop here I gotta go but I like you hey mommy you're my mom like I'm adopted I'm no no no no no no yes hey I need my red shoes tonight I'm sick I'll give them to you next week who's driving right now okay really I don't have any mail for you today and I with them in the attics and don't come back until you do honey can you be quiet I'm just trying to do something alright you don't you don't have to be so humble no but seriously like I'm not that good at it all right well you're the only one who knows CPR and he's dying are you Hector punch in your face to blood comes out you're such nice weather alright son it's time for bed no oh I've kidney damage it's because of that phone if you get off that phone drink some water cool how long do you sleep last night like six hours straight hours gay I don't know means y'all got pizza Pete mutt money is nasty no mom mom mom can give me the cookies Brennan are you seeing this dude stop talking throw that my way how have we done this before yup this song [Music] Oh all right guys garrotted a smile three to Christian it may be ready to go out looks like poop man feels like poop man like poop ma'am well I didn't step in it theory means excuse me did you have a question then no talking when I'm talking that's the homework this way I didn't forget if you can hear me clap once ma'am we found her son dead with a sandwich next to him I know we're doing all we can't believe is lunch see you for a few days oh this is the part one will should care I got a question why is there 7 billion people in this world and I'm still single I love organic food everything I eat is farm-to-table cage-free eggs i with it Clif Bar [Music]
Channel: CooL Vines
Views: 1,545,589
Rating: 4.8638635 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Vines, Vine, Vines, Vine compilation, best vines, new vines, vines 2019, vines january 2019, january vines, tbt vines
Id: wFExbeuhcUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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