Funny stories from Eldridge Fox, Herman Harper, and Jake Hess

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yeah here's a couple of guys that did a lot more laughing than talking during the recording session but now they have two classic stories to tell you Eldridge Fox of the Kingsmen talks about Jim Hamill and a very harrowing experience that he had in front of a very small crowd and Herman Harper has a very revealing story to tell you I have a small matter suddenly go we were seen that we're seeing one that in Greenville Tennessee one of our ladies with y'all but not one of our big days probably 40 50 people airlin Thursday night and ha helps in that so Hamill grabbed his chance know is when I was singing it he just it just just consumed and we all thought it had a hard day everyone was ages ago you know and they came running out and we grabbed him and they was help him off the stage and I really thought he was praying like a ring that went over NASA guy was having office I said what did he say sit had 30,000 Waycross and I'm gonna die here with 27 [Laughter] we were booked in Greenville South Carolina and we got in there's probably no Saturday morning probably one or two o'clock so we just pull the bus up pry the hotel all of us continue sleeping on the bus about eight o'clock in the morning we started getting up and of course we all congregated up in the front of the bus and while somebody would go in check us in the will and I got discovered and we were right up in the the wail of the bus there and all sudden the door flew open and Willie and I found ourselves out on the street with nothing but shorts on I mean nothing and then the bus cranks up and bus starts moving well Willie grabs hold the mirror and he's holding on there's only one mural that's a to go it's illegal about half block and they stop let him watch band and then from that hotel and there's a laundry truck back to a wall down there and so I go down and get into longer trucks just know what the guy that's gonna come out anytime you know then and there I'm gonna be sitting in there with nothing but mushroom raincoat rock is raining cold over the door goes eh and what I was going second but the guys they stay calm and they stay go and they had gone to the police department they were looking for hope his brother Jack Jack Lester Lester Kazon police but they won't have him come out and arrest me indecent exposure so I'll wait in the waiting knowing that the guy's gonna come anytime you know and get his laundry truck and then I see the bus come I said I'm gonna let him where I I'm gonna let him think that gone some way so I let him circle e block a couple of times you know and then I run out you know later let me but they couldn't find Jack he wasn't on duty he'd have been on duty I've been in jail when you hit that big bass drum somewhere somebody told me about they was in doing a real real oh wait a minute that was a modern Louisiana - not that particular saying that but JD was singing sleeping the deep something where you hit that real low note oh waited for you JD to get back just to just as he I can see them through the cone just as he start hit that low note I hit that lady won't open said put her song for solo he's put her song so he introduced me I'm saying solo and when I got about halfway through the song if God didn't care lady comes out there with a two-book he walked over out the side and I just get got to the end of the song and so he was just gonna bless me how the village for that tuber and I said if God didn't care and he come home ride on he's just most perfect home [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: herecalico
Views: 44,787
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Id: Me2GRlU53-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2013
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