Funny stories by Les Beasley, and Wendy Bagwell Comedy Classics

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there are a lot of embarrassing moments in gospel music and coming up for our last two stories on comedy classics and characters mr. les Beasley of the Florida boys tells a story about one of his good friends Herman Harper when he tried to sing How Great Thou art in a key that's not very befitting to bass singers and windy bag wall shares with you his most embarrassing story her mother the first novel war huh we had a deal made up where the top ten songs were gonna be sung by individuals and how great thou art was nominated that year and Herman was gonna do how great the heart we all had cordless mics you remember that first level water cannons we threw it together the best we could and our orchestra was a float Henry slaughter and seven organs through the head with his wig and he got my wig he got Herman's song along here so Harlan started I said Oh Lord my God when I am to Lourdes know me had already feeling for he said learn things my not on tape when the snake thing got hot yeah all at once all at once people want the interviews and boil old Marvin Norcross is sending me around to television stations shoot nobody ever want to talk to me before then and and and that we were doing I don't know where the hotel or motel against cult is but it wrapped around kind of like this table is and in the middle was a big block garden and the swimming pool and all the people that the singing was down there and groups is down and everybody was around pools during the day radio station called me and said we'd like to get an interview and I said well I said you know we're in a bus I don't know how I get hold on on all so we'll send our best interviewer we sent Patti I know that says I our best interviewer will come to you what room are you in I said 1:13 whatever I was in and they say listen I say all right well I was really feeling important being happy all the one summer Gigi Lena Jan was down and half there with all them people on the fans and all down over the poo all at once somebody knocked on the door and opened the door and I stood a girl is wear miniskirts were popular there stood a girl with Ali stone that I have ever seen in my life not only did she have on a miniskirt everything she had on was meeting it just nothing hearted and black mininet uh-huh and she had umhum or Wallen sac a little Bollinger tape recorders look like overnight bags that's what she had in her hand she knocked on my door and I open that door and looking out beside her everybody down in that garden was looking at actually stood with that wall inset tape-record look like overnight bag and she said I'm Pat Devon I see you setting me off she said that look I just stood there like a idiot I don't know what to do Geraldine was walking across it and and it's a fact healty said journey was walking across the the Thames and she took his stamp and just froze right there I fainted still live on the girl come on but anyway she said well can I come in I want to get an interview I said yes that'll be fine I said do you think it would be probably more comfortable down in the guard she said oh no it's too hot here gonna get hot in here so so she come in and sit down she said how you done for she mooned Undertaker said hey like my my new dress I thought to myself what you don't somebody see that there's a longest time I ever spent anywhere in my life you know how the my girls are well they aboveboard you ain't no foolishness going on there and I'm sitting in there I know what everybody out there has got to be thinking and I'm sitting in that and she's interviewing she's interviewing and she keeps on and she said she said how long have y'all been in and I told her she said well I know as gospel music people go she she said that staying long - how long you plan on being in it I thought probably thirty more minutes well fairly oh but when she finally said I'm going honestly thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord get this woman out of here and let me try to get down there and on you I couldn't go down there and tell everybody out there there's this lady that wasn't no night bag that was a wall inside tape recorder he walked out the door and she took a pauletta get about five steps and I said hey man you miss design miss Devine for bringing unwanted sight tape recorder and recording me well that's it some of the funny stories
Channel: herecalico
Views: 35,368
Rating: 4.8736844 out of 5
Id: AWgnT4j6a0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2013
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