Funny and Adorable N x Uzi Comic Dub Compilation 31 (Murder Drones Comic Dub)

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[Music] of all people you chose a murder drone and stupid [Music] too oh come on you chose [Music] dad butterf fly yeah that's right you know I think I'm going to have a good day for once hey and did you get fat or [Music] something okay we're [Music] robots I know [Music] murder drones but it's fundamental paper education [Music] where do I get TNT um I don't know but I can make you a pie bomb what a pipe bomb all right if you say so finally at home no way I feel my [Music] screws huh what's this that is a letter who would leave this here huh and why would they leave this here hm let's [Music] see dear Uzi I'll wait for you at the frozen lake signed n ah thanks the robot God it's from n aw this is so cute it is better to go out with him [Music] later an an an are you here hey where the hell are [Music] you stupid n I think that he left or maybe the letter wasn't even real [Music] Uzi we are sending the first rat to the Moon boys no no I'm already [Music] falling come on fly fly [Music] fly you you can do it [Music] a Uzi Dorman you cannot date a murder drone since I'm your admin I can do pretty interesting things with you you [Music] know hey n n n look where you're [Music] going he's talking about doors she is smitten he is talking about dogs she is smitten huh and why would you say [Music] that a this is so embarrassing can I please stop being possessed [Music] [Music] [Applause] I simply like male female romances where the woman is completely pharaoh and the guy is just a little too into [Music] it um and you don't have to hold me so tightly [Music]
Channel: Jolibe Arts
Views: 23,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z0qXYiH6iHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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