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in 2019 we reacted to some of the funniest animations in the world today I decided to compile all of these animations into one video and make the ultimate compilation of funny animations for you so make sure you drop a like let's see if we can hit 20 likes on this video and while you're at it leave a comment in the comment section below telling me your favorite color today we're checking out some of the funniest animations in the world this one is called jungle jail this guy he's a little bit scared over there are you kidding me okay this is a this is it in tension oh oh this is a very scary jail the guard oh great white ever going oh there you go Eddie's already a to jail everybody is everybody goes to bed no it doesn't really like it that much in jungle jail oh you can't even sleep opt out you can never sleep open up it up the gates everybody open up the gates whoo ah good morning beautiful oh oh no oh no they're toying around with him focus he's the new guy of course look at it run look at him right away okay oh no new Sun showers those are the showers ready to the showers [Music] oh this is mad this is bad for him this is really bad so a few days later he's at lunch he just needs to find his lunch table oh no they took all his food very very nice nope nothing he has nothing left oh wait Lowe's behind him though oh my goodness he dropped he dropped it the thing from him this is bad this is really really bad oh you puts all his stuff down oh no he just lifts him up like that he goes bowling this is crazy that guy's like the Hulk is a strain of his like the hold alright alright gay boy oh no what is he gonna do oh it's a bug it's a bug Oh No oh he's here minor bugs he just passed out are you joking the biggest guy just passed out how did you do that pink but the NA no it was because of the bug and now they're all like oh my goodness no you're look at him walk around over here he's doing is comfortable that guy's working out and when he's there even he's scared everybody's terrified now open he doesn't see the bug cleared no bug oh he's good he's gotta get him he's so gonna get him right over there [Music] he got him nice no way he's now his head oh but not as he sad for that guy oh is that good in his cell oh just two oh he's taking care of his stuff very nice very nice he's running the prison but he went from being the soft guy to being the mean guy oh no the green is gonna get to him this is bad this is really bad Oh on to the next one oh no oh oh oh and look at his dad's moose look at this guys that opened up no use also pause guys come on he's bad he's turned evil he's turned so evil wait they're making their babies that you are you kidding me oh no look at this buggy Oh No the bug just kissed him he's got crazy oh no this is really really bad does he break through the wall jumping through the walls right now oh no oh no it's this how they're gonna escape prison the entire prison is collapsing 0:07 he's actually escaping prison are you joking he was able to do this all along whoa what is happening over here what is this how is he gonna get down there go this guy's a little bit crazy oh wait this was guys this was just his alarm clock he's crazy look at this dude he's driving around oh oh no oh he just fell in love with this lady oh she needs a hero hey matey what's up sure I was wondering if you'd like to a kid right toasters only grills one side could you come it fits in for me oh boy goodbye miss matey bye Nikki Wendy baby babe so cute you are so sensitive about a date with a sensitive man the mighty alright so this guy he seems to be a single grain of sand sounded like I love you I'd bring you all the desert to your feet Oh is he an electric man now oh no oh he's he's an electric man right now he's kicking you out from under hunter oh boy everything is going slow motion but when he lets go everything goes back to normal whoa this interesting do not try this at home this is now electricity orcs oh snap it turns into Sonic look at this dude cool everything is slow-motion you can just walk around and just have a good time you know Oh somebody over there oh hey look wow what is he gonna do oh no oh no he's evil he's evil No what's it doing to her Oh doh she needs a hero hero all right so he's drying out his superhero costume what is he what is his name gonna be is it gonna be the flashes they come and they be Sonic is it gonna be key the rock what is it gonna be he's making a suit [Music] electroshock is his name welcome an electroshock oh it's hard to swallow things in slow motion let's go electroshock Oh thought he was predicting the city but there's though the city all he's gonna do is come on electro shop he slides over the car he runs across the street and he grabs all the things on the hamburger very nice come on don't forget the fries buddy [Music] electroshock always there for you oh snap horribly wrong electroshock you should have turned it down before you're here always here maybe how's it gonna get down oh he's just runs down there's a guy robbing him oh this is bad this is electroshock isn't that strong okay it puts him in the garbage nope careful Oh electroshock I've never I'm never gonna make it oh oh no who's that running by electro shop Wow excuse me Hey hey can I visit the video shop what are you do come on nice electro shop what are you doing I can do it show her what you're made of electroshock you dirty old men what's the electro shop gonna do the superhero oh he's helping he's upping its person the car is on fire oh no electric shock you literally destroyed his building and killed the guys that kept me tell the cats up there electro chefs don't do it superhero electro shop you're literally the war superhero your entire town your entire city is not gonna make it electro shop it's not gonna make me you've destroyed the entire city a blue storm turns the city Oh electro shop he tried but it didn't work he threw its costume out look it was a puck all along hey buddy just read the down hey look it's electro dump Shh here he comes oh no electro shop how could you how and then a little kitty kitty is about the crossroad it's green orange red [Music] No [Music] come on shop zealotry shook okay he just stopped the goddamn truck with his forehead oh my goodness buck are you alright don't know if that's good I'll buy a truck one year later oh well she's not really happy he just goes electroshock alright I'm pretty sure this lady she's she's working at a food court which means that she has a few samples one per person so she has his little chicken chicken samples I guess she needs to start giving it to people is she gonna eat one herself oh hey she's like hey sir would you like some he's like ma'am okay wait that's a competition cherry chicken they're right next to each other and we have bistro de Poulet oh no wait everybody wants to eat chicken but oh the little girls like and we want busy girls on a leash give me one piece of chicken please just one per person Oh No she scared her away oh the bus has arrived help wanted I'm looking for you if you don't do your job I'm gonna fire you [Music] would you like some chicken Oh No turns out it's the other girl no no no sup have one of ours please welcome a chicken no she's dropping everything on the ground but meanwhile the other guy needs juggling yeah it's all he's good at his job she's not really that good at her job you know he's he's working hard he's working hard to get these free samples out there so she's angry she's mad she's gonna come with a plan come up come up with no Oh anyone oh wait that's a break she's looking at it she's not hahahaha my evil plan oh she touches it off the brake nice she's uh thank you very much bye-bye oh don't worry was on the brake and now all that you can fell over well you see that happens why would you do that she sold me and now she can go and sell her chicken to everybody Oh nope just kidding' all of her chicken also fell on the ground it's a lot of chicken going to waste I mean the dog is like it the boss is not happy with this you've only just been IIT you're really bad at your job so the Sun shines some more later today there's a sign that says Help Wanted has she been fired I think she's been fired no oh no she's she hasn't been fired yet but they're definitely looking to replace her all right so he got his sunscreen his his sunglasses and everything on he's ready to go but she's really hot in the Sun over and she's helping people he's helping people out too he's a great salesman he's like oh here you go did this seeker know did she just pass out I think she just passed out but he's he's helping her out he's so nice is this turning into a love story a [ __ ] love story were they chicken in the him to get together so now she gets a sticker oh he's so kind you should probably also take her to the hospital after something like this or at least call like a doctor and ask for some advice she's oh no I need to run inside oh I think she has a crush on him look at look at her face she's a little bit of a mess no put the sticker back on put it back on me crazy yeah but put a sticker back on also don't wipe your makeup makeup off like that that's impressive too by the way you know I usually need some wipes and wipe my makeup off all right what's she gonna do she's gonna go no makeup but she's gonna put his sticker on Bistrot to pull a she's back she's back for her job and now she's not gonna be so mean about it instead she's gonna be really happy and be super nice to everyone look at this everybody or would you like something it still says Help Wanted which is like you know what I don't care about that I'm just gonna be super nice and super polite nobody shows up oh wait there's the kid again that takes like a million pieces of chicken every day oh no the kid doesn't care so free samples oh she's gotta get a table per carat she's gonna do magic tricks there oh wait she's doing origami she's doing some beautiful origami over here guys look at this what oh no no actually that's not origami that's kind of origami I guess she building what oh wow look at this thing he's like whoa look at that girl that's amazing and then she's saying wow I need to get one of those from the chicken sample stand you're just selling chicken to the same girl I don't know if you know we did even silly she's just eating all the great samples they keep taking oh oh now everybody's coming over and all the samples are gone yeah and the girls steal their even chicken Oh mr. boss happy is the boss happy come on boss please be happy oh he's disappointed no I thought this was gonna be the happy ending but it's not not yet but he's like hey don't worry about it here's a smiley face and it still says Help Wanted Oh performance reviews wait so many people have been fired and it's just Nancy now no Nancy don't do it it's the manager the manager is mean wait he puts a smile he's like wait a second you're gonna become the manager now no way she just got a promotion no she's the manager of the place yeah look how happy she is she's the manager of Bistro du Poulet but meanwhile oh did they put them out of business no they put them out of business you need to hire him sorry you need to hire him we could be her who knows you need to hire him come on man do it you're the manager now you can do it you can so do it wait wait wait let me offer you a job no no no no no no wait offer him a job what are you doing he's so sad wait she couldn't make him manager did no come on what's she gonna do what's the plan here okay oh there you go she just changed to manager outfit wait that was a quick outfit change by the way it's like hey would you like a piece of this is that I'm okay say come on open it up open it up help wanted oh this is a funny awesome cute story and you can use it that old his old mask yeah he's a gay let's go he has a job again no this is so cute yeah look at this guy he's cleaning all of his buttons on his spaceship oh it's an alien guys this is what aliens look like okay oh he cleaned it up and now he's making Ebert Wow he is like one of the cleanest spaceships in the world Oh No Code Red Code Red we're crashing into planet Earth we're crashing we're crashing oh no quickly press the button quickly bris about that whoa what is he doing is it cleaning stuff up right now listen alien spacecraft you should stop trying to clean everything all right well the aliens landed on planet Earth and there's a few beautiful sheep over here oh no oh no his spaceships gonna get so dirty it's gonna get so dirty oh he's like Oh what is that is he recharging the power there's gonna be sheep poop all over your shoes okay see oh he's downloading the sheep nope no you cannot use the Sheep I don't know you can I use that you cannot use this you cannot what is he looking for you cannot use this boy either up he just read into an alien that's a beautiful toy hey that's him that's his fan dear friends oh no he touched him he touched him what is it what is that thing though oh no oh no he's afraid because he's so dirty what's a little boy gonna do oh it's beeping it's beeping you what is it what is it beeping for the shed is that where is he looking for fuel for his spacecraft wicked look at his chicken walks oh no don't little kids give it back to the alien ok belongs to the alien get it okay chicken apparently worked great as fuel No do you just grab the new peeper Oh chicken eggs Oh eggs Ward nope listen just let the chicken lay the egg don't do it don't do it no that's the whole chicken leg that's not a chicken leg guys what is this beep anything Oh No oh snap it's a it's a gun okay that's bad no no no it's an anti-gravity gun oh it's a black hole gun it compresses him oh no that's not how chicken laying no no no oh boy that was a big shot oh no you turn it into a big chicken I mean that's one way of making the egg much bigger that's a really big chicken by the way that's probably the biggest chicken I've ever seen in my life oh yeah you better you better hide that gun from him over there oh no oh no the chickens on his feet oh oh no oh no quickly give it back to him the chicken is rolling guys this is very very dangerous Oh No the chicken it disappeared he's missing his family he needs help oh it just needs a chicken that's all he needs but the little the little kid knows look there's a chicken there's multiple chicken and you put the chicken down and you've got a prop and he laid an egg yay look at him he's so happy today and now you can use that name or oh there you go or storage more eggs more chicken more eggs oh yes here's all the fuel sales he needs wait give it to me Oh what is he gonna use it gonna carry it oh now he's okay he's okay he's got this this is a it's a very heavy thing little kid you should have given it to the bigger guy he puts the fuel cell in the chicken feels selcas alien spaceship they they do run on them hey you know yay oh no but the kid is sad he said that his friend has to go no oh he's gonna keep something to him what's in the gift opens it up does he like it wait oh and he's gonna give that gun to him Oh boys that's so nice you gave it to him and now he can use it for cool stuff hey I saw the chicken for hauling in the background you probably fix that up yet and he does back into spacecraft bye bye alien bye bye kids oh hey that she would feel very member whoa such a fast spacecraft that's so cool oh yeah it's a weapon he's got it what is he gonna use though ever not I wonder oh hey gave him some little sheep [Music] oh no we have a little popper over there and we have a little little cat too in popper has an idea that cat just wouldn't stop sleeping so the popper is like hey you know what is he really making coffee for the cat he sounds like a terrible terrible idea no he's like a little pussycat why don't you have some coffee and a pussycat is awake sup strangers you know please the kids do that and then walks over it's coffee it the doggie says sure the pussycat thing okay awesome coffee this is not good no now they can finally play together the puppy thinks this is a great idea but puppy you don't know the side effects of coffee you'll see them kicking fairly shortly okay because even playing on the piano koalas outside you know just having a good time Oh more coffee is that kept busy can't drink some more don't sleep all day just drink some more of this oh no oh no the cats getting a little bit grumpy or coffee no oh no oh no the cut is starting to lose it oh no that's gone satanic this is bad alright so he's sleeping in the safe area right there wide away drink it Wow no I don't want to drink the coffee I'm gonna kill our owner if you don't drink it oh but there's no more oh no Chad the cat wanted more that's what the cat wanted oh no the cat wants more coffee because she's really addicted but meanwhile the quality's still sleeping outside low there did you get share your wise words of wisdom with me give me some love those cocoa leaves no the cat is the god is crazy oh no koala I gave you my no is so scary wait what's a cat drinking oh the cat just fall asleep no the cats drowning this is bad this is really bad get the cat at least out of the bowl and the owner comes back after like three days the entire place is a mess and they're both asleep oh well let's check out this animation watermelon this is a story about a delicious watermelon who doesn't like watermelon I love myself some good ol watermelon your belly oh no if you eat the seeds one's gonna grow in your belly don't eat the seeds no no he ate the seeds he ate the seeds he's gonna turn into watermelon no it's already leaves coming out of him there's already leaves coming up no no he's turning into a watermelon he's turning into a watermelon this is bad this is really bad oh no guys don't ever eat the seeds of a watermelon don't worry this can never happen to you don't know he's turning into a watermelon boy you know my nickname used to be watermelon does that had a big forehead but I never was green like this guy look he's a watermelon the teachers are getting mad at him too for eating the seeds oh no wait that's watermelon that's watermelon juice that's not blood I thought it was blood but it's watermelon juice he's fine no no his eyes just turned into seeds and his mouth is completely watermelon no but it's part of him he is a watermelon boy now he is turned into the watermelon boy look it's fine no need for that run grab Jimmy or whatever your name was watermelon boy oh snap he's turning into a watermelon now fully his body is yep there you know he's a watermelon he's pregnant of watermelon babies run run Oh roll roll watermelon boy look at him he's watermelon boy yay he's such a beautiful watermelon and he slides down and he can make all these cool tricks now this is so cool we oh no oh boy this is that you just shattered he's a broken water militant people are eating him are you kidding me okay okay I can laugh you just kidding out laughs let's see we kiss insane hilarious animation all right so wait what is that who's that Oh somebody's sleeping in there hello there is that a bunny no way that's a bunny that's the biggest bunny I've ever seen in my life look look at this guy that's a big buddy I don't know he's like as big as a bear where are you gonna go bunny what's the plan well do you just scratches himself a little bit looks around and oh wait some flowers nice mmm they smell delicious oh good flowers wait I saw somebody up there no oh wait it's a butterfly whoa look at this butterfly it's so beautiful that's a beautiful of the paint I just got killed please somebody just drop an apple on the butterfly well the bunny doesn't care too much he'll just eat the apple and let her butterfly it's a beautiful butterfly see I knew it somebody in there he killed the butterfly it's another beautiful one oh look at him follow the butterfly follow the butterfly oh but these guys they don't like him hey don't like him would wear guinea pig and in this pearl pearl first squirrel nope the flat did a butterfly just wouldn't behind him it's Carl its girls there too and that brat looking thing where did the butterfly go is right behind you is everybody trying to catch the butterfly is that what they're all trying to do this girl is a means girl the bunny is that the big bunny he's a nice guy look at this guy these guys they're all they're all gonna be attacking the buddy hey Doc throw an apple at his head you can't do that oh you just snapped his finger don't throw another one no don't just threw Nate or net him could you do that Oh ate buddy doesn't really care that bite oh this girl sees something oh he sees the butterfly he's about to crash it oh then the bunny just opted out the buddy sees it don't are you kidding me what this girl is crazy are you kidding me wait doubt it gonna pull off the wings of the butterfly are you joking up these guys are cruel oh no don't do it No run bunny run bread height oh my goodness bunny what's your plan what are you gonna do bunny hey yourself some quibble Cup merchandise links in the description oh no the bunny runs away he's gonna do something else oh it pulls a vine down it's gonna set up a trap he's gonna set up a trap he pulls this he pulls that oh yes he makes us spear whoa whoa flips that entire thing nice that's a nice arrow that's a really nice arrow there buddy I didn't think you would be able to do that oh that's beautiful way it's a jumpy robes keeping her up thinner up there up okay he's building some more stuff that's a beautiful tripwire you can hide it okay put some camouflage there and now now when they follow you when these three guys follow you bunny you're ready bow and arrow chick I love that bunny okay he sees these guys these guys know that they're there that that the bunny is in there they're following him wait the bunny is in the tree right now it's his bow and arrow ready and you're gonna shoot nope he shoots at the top you choose one of them Divine's stop they can't smell something oh it's a really big log on its way oh boy that one's out one of them is gone two more to go two more beautiful oh my goodness that got close that was really really oh oh oh wait never mind is still good he's still good oh now you have this guy there what's his plan walk there well and stand right over there yep perfect oh it's a catapult bye-bye all right two down one more to go nice this last guy the evil evil evil guy hello there burnt why is he why did he look at him and just laugh this smile okay because he knocked him out okay he got up here's the high ground he has to high ground this squirrel what's your plan are you gonna fly yeah it's a flying flip and squirrel you know flying squirrels are a thing you know crazy that sounds he's gonna attack no right behind you no bunny right behind you the Apple it's falling its falling and a flying squirrel oh it hits something the spikes go up a lot of the spikes go up the flying squirrels still flying but he knew the bunny knew the bunny new girl you've been tricked up and it's a bush oh that's a lot of spikes down there nice okay I mean he didn't die so that's good but wait it was the bunny holding mistake what's the plan here bunny and now it's a beautiful time it's a beautiful place to be after these evil guys have been eradicated oh and the butterflies are returning but now the butterflies they can live their lives because the squirrel this girl is a kite that's amazing look at this girl flying over there that was this super cool video I want to go and check out another really cool video with you sucky this one right over here which is super awesome pretty dope or this one right over here and just click on it you'll see over there flick it now quickly
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 3,723,302
Rating: 4.8904147 out of 5
Keywords: funny, moments, comedy, challenge, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, funny videos, funniest, animation, animations, animation 2019, funny animation, funniest animation, funniest animations, funny animations, funnist animation 2019, funniest animations 2019, animation compilation, animation compilation 2019, funniest animation compilation 2019
Id: RM1yOujPpgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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