25 BEST Ways to STEAL BIKES in GTA 5 RP!

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cops welcome back to the top 25 ways to steal bikes in gta 5. you know i'm the greatest bike thief in the world so that's why i put together a movie out of the best moments of me stealing bikes let's see if we can hit 10 000 likes on this video also let me know which one is your favorite and let's do this and i have found a billionaire bike take a look at this thing we're gonna steal it because apparently you can fly around with it you can do a few really crazy things with it this is awesome isn't it buddy oh wait wait this is his bike hey hey hey no no no no no come on oh my goodness give me the bike back gups holy smokes the and biker it fly into the sky well let's see if we can follow it i don't know where it went though hello actually lost it already well let's continue and see if we can find some other bikes and maybe we can steal the flying bike at one point in time this is the rich area meaning that this is often where i find really nice vehicles what is that what is that driving over there oh my goodness okay oh boy okay this is a special buy cops this is a pretty nice one and let's see if we can steal it uh hello buddy excuse me i have a question oh my goodness this is a flipping minigun uh do you think it's possible for me to take a little uh run of your flipping bodies back here oh no okay he's driving off this is what i thought this is what i thought was gonna happen it's time to chase him down cubs that's a billionaire bike that 100 is a billionaire flipping bike oh my goodness where are you motorcycle get back here i'm just gonna go and flip remember i need to oh he didn't get him are you kidding me he's still on the bike he's still the flipping bike buddy get back over here i'm gonna ram you up your bike oh no he's going off-road he's gonna trap himself and he's sick and now buddy where are you oh no oh no oh no we're going off-road this is crazy and crap no i missed it yes yes yes yes yes no no get back over here come on buddy come on buddy come on buddy you're not gonna make it out alive yes we shot him shot it we shot him he's almost done he's almost gone time for some heavy machinery where are you i see he got some mini guns but so do i we got him we flip it got him all right well i gotta leave my car here anyways since all the tires have been destroyed but uh this seems to be our first billionaire bike holy smokes this looks really cool this is a really nice bike it has spikes on the side it chops wheels it even has a shield on the back look at that that's a really nice shield there you go really really nice and it comes with a mini gun look at this wow here's the meeting i'm sorry i'm sorry i wasn't supposed to shoot anyone i'm just practicing my uh my aim this thing is so flipping cool cops i know for a fact wait a second what is that that's another billionaire bike this is cool that thing looks really flipping cool all right well let's uh let's follow it nice and slowly we're not gonna i'm not gonna try to attack it that bike looks way too nice to be destroyed he's driving he's driving really that's a really cool bike i really want that bike i'm going to feel like batman it's also orange it's also flipping over it comes i think i lost him he's not there he's not there which means yep no he's right over here okay all right he's leaving his bike here i think he's part of the motorbike gang i'm just gonna park my bike around the corner this is a secret parking lot no one knows about parking it right over here i'm gonna pick you up baby don't worry about it i'm collecting rare super bites so uh we're good we're good i don't know if you see it but uh there's a few bikers at the entrance right now they're hey bikers yeah the bike is still there if i'm gonna go walk in there they're definitely gonna know something's off so let's do this nice and stealthy hmm the billionaire motorcycle all right well they they got some pretty bad security in this place i could just literally just run around here i'm gonna climb on this ladder yep run around this part still good we're still good we're still good i'm gonna jump on the roof all right the bikers are right there where's the motorcycle though oh it's right here all right cops listen up this is what we're gonna do i'm just gonna jump down we're gonna grab the motorcycle and we're gonna get out of here all right and let's steal it oh my oh hey there buddy i'm sorry oh my goodness okay as we taste him we taste him let's get out of here let's get out of here he's gonna shoot he's gonna shoot no no no no no no oh my goodness the motorbikers are shooting at a suit well uh we got out of there this thing looks insane this thing looks so flippy cool this is like the batman motorcycle from the dark knight rises take a look at this whoa we can even do wheelies with this heck yes this is awesome where would i go if i had a flying bike like that i mean i would personally definitely like fly to the beach every now and then let's go and check out the beach all right this is where the beach is at cops i'm gonna park my bike in this nice safe and secure spot buddy we'll come back for you we're looking for a flying chrome billionaire bike um excuse me hello sir no he's on the phone uh hello ma'am have you by any john cena crazy cool motorcycle over here no you have it okay that's fine don't worry about it that is good oh my goodness what's that that a quad bike what the heck is that what is oh wait the bicycle is definitely that's not a motorcycle what is this oh my goodness he's just going in circles on the beach i told you i was gonna find one at the beach this is where i would go without a motorcycle right well i uh i hope he's coming back at one point oh what is that is that a hoverbite oh my goodness hello hey hey wait a second hello oh wow ma'am oh oh my goodness i sorry oh you're a little bit older too listen you look wonderful this is a really cool motorcycle um it looks really really awesome can it fly into the sky too or does it stay on the ground can you do wheelies in it that thing looks really cool oh oh my goodness okay well clearly you don't know how to operate a bike like that i personally am a bike a professional i don't know if you know but i've a good track record on these bicycles listen up i'll bet you for a hundred bucks that i can make this thing fly all right yes yes let me get here let me give it a shot let me give it a shot all right okay listen up take a look at this are you ready for this okay i'm just gonna i'm just gonna loop around and then uh i'll show you i'll show you all right don't worry about it side side oh my goodness okay well we made it fly a little bit but psych i am definitely out of here this is my motorcycle right now oh my goodness this thing is insane cup this is like a floating bike can it fly wow oh it can fly it can actually fly holy smokes okay well uh i was not expecting this thing to actually be able to fly what's that oh my goodness what's that it's a flying grandma it's a grandma using back for revenge oh boy this is horrible this is terrible cup oh my goodness the grandma's coming back for revenge listen up grandma you're not gonna make it out like did she what just happened over there what the heck i think she crashed okay well now we're good we're good we're good we're good oh my goodness that scared me where would you store like these crazy cool bikes on top of a mountain let's go on top of a mountain let's uh climb one of these mountains maybe the observatory which is there like right over there observatory we're on our way why are there so many u.s flags usa usa you would say what is that what the heck is that bite is that the former president no way on the flipping billionaire bike all right cops this is going to be epic this is going to be insane i got to just hide this bicycle i'll come back for you buddy don't worry about it yeah this is the perfect hiding spot no one's going to find it here why is there a white house here all of a sudden and their president just drove in on a crazy bike well cops you know what we're gonna do we're gonna break into this white house and we're gonna steal that bicycle from the president hey we're just uh taking pictures gotta be undercover else's secret service is gonna know oh wow yeah i am hello everyone i'm from the netherlands i'm here on a nice little holiday uh just having a very good time uh america number one netherlands number two that is gonna be great cops it's gonna be great holy smokes this is sad looks so epic right let's go i just hit myself but i think we're good wow this looks awesome this looks so nice oh no oh no oh no i'm sorry mr president old president you're not the real prisoner anymore you're a former president i'm getting out of here and i stole your billionaire bike all right i flip and stole it there's so many flipping security checkpoints over here and that's my bike oh my goodness they must have founded it they've discovered they discovered me go go go go go pass the security checkpoints there's so much security oh no it's the old president and a flipping helicopter get out of here holy smokes what the heck oh boy okay let's go let's go i'm gonna take a detour i'm gonna take a little flipping detour we gotta get down the mountain we gotta get away from this guy there's no way in fighting him i mean i have a plan to fight him but uh it's gotta be tough where the heck is he oh snap he's still trying to shoot at us he's way above us though he is way above us oh no oh no he's right there is that the old former president chasing us down are you flipping hitting me go go go go go he's still there all right i got a plan i got a plan i got a plan is that a tunnel can i go through this tunnel i can go through this tunnel i hope he doesn't fit no he fits he fits right together keep on driving cubs are we gonna lose this guy he's just crazy he's following us he's not gonna let go one place things don't like going he's on top of mountains so let's go until he's about it i can't even talk anymore let's get on top of the mountain let's get out of here oh well um we're making it onto the mountain i still have not found the flying chrome billionaires by which is uh hidden somewhere on the map i really don't know where to look for it but um i kind of was also hoping to find it over here i mean this is the highest point in the map so if i would have that bike i would definitely be flying around all the time oh cops the city looks so nice and peaceful from here it's just annoying that there's so many like flipping planes flying around here or something what the heck has happened over here what is that is that that's a fly billionaire's bike why there's so many broken persons here you kidding me um hey buddy nice bike you got over there um thank you just want to say you're the best oh no we're good don't worry about it no don't worry about that let me just don't worry about that no no we're good okay there we go all right cops we got the billionaire flight but one day against this thing are you kidding me what is this oh my goodness this thing is awesome it's the fire element let me go grab it here whoa i just need aliens can drive that what do you mean holy and aliens can drive it this doesn't make any sense here listen you can have this one because you like me are from earth so you can you can drive this wait okay all right i mean i'll take the earth elemental bike any day thank you so much sir goodbye fellow human cops we just got the earth elemental bite this thing looks so flippy cool and it's time for an upright wall we just turned into an alien which means we could go and get the fire elemental fight now hey you alien yo oh is that my homeboy philly d yeah i'm from mars man i'm an alien from mars i remember back in mars we met at the bar right yeah i'm here for a fire elemental bike you think you can help me out yeah come on over come on over listen i remember you back in the mars days because the clubs all the time remember it was sick exactly so you got a fire elemental bike oh well it's right here you see it so oh snap right there can i how sick is this i mean the bike looks so flippy cool can i uh maybe pissed it see if it works i mean i wish i could let you but it's broken man it's broken look at that okay i mean it really does look broken so you're gonna repair it where are you gonna repair it well i'm gonna be repairing it in my secret repair area you know oh okay that's so cool so you got a different bike for me then yeah hey yeah come on bye come on bye whoa there it is what kind of bike is that is that the water elemental bike yeah it is holy smokes can i uh maybe borrow it you know what just for you sure thing buddy oh my goodness thank you so much sir get up that's i'm gonna borrow you right now thank you so much i mean i'll see you on mars bye bye bye wow all right cops we just stole our second elemental bike it stopped for nothing wow cops we just got an upgrade then holy smokes let's see if we can find the fire element to bite somewhere in this area i see a bunch of different things here i think it would be best for us cups if i uh if i jump out over here so let me just jump out i'm still an alien by the way so don't get scared because the aliens are they're beautiful all right let's aim for that bit right over there that's where i would keep the repairs i i think i saw the truck driving somewhere up here so uh let me just land on top of this bit right over here oh nice lightning very smooth whoa there's a flipping ufo up here are you kidding me oh snap cops i see a guard whoa it's a flipping fire element the bike right over there you kidding me let's follow it just gonna sneak sneak sneak sneak sneak keep on moving up keep on moving up keep on moving up all right we're getting closer there's a flipping security guard right over there we got to take this one step at a time cops don't have any weapons all right we do blend it perfectly with this also these humans are these aliens because they look like humans but not only aliens were allowed over here they're probably shapeshifters let's keep on moving up let's keep on moving up where the heck did the fire mental bike going somewhere in this area it drove somewhere into this direction probably standing oh it's probably right there next to that super strong security guard over there move up move up move up move up fire elemental bike you're gonna be ours let's see where is it i mean i can hear a bike oh it's right there next to the security guard uh sir i'm an alien i need to uh to take this bike yes thank you very much all right guys we saw the electrical elemental block heck yes three elemental bites stolen it's time for an upright wow we just got off my futuristic tank hello alien hello if it isn't my boy bully d alien listen up i got your gift dude man you've been giving me gifts i just got this crazy cool tank i love it man come here give me an alien high five alien high five oh guys thank you oh yeah um i gotta i got a favorite to ask you man this tank is all yours but oh this is beautiful the fire bike man the fire elemental of course of course so you're offering this as a gift yeah yeah i think i got to give you a gift back you know whatever oh my goodness you gotta give me the firefight yeah i'll give you a bag yay so where can we go for the fire bike this way somewhere up here or something oh my goodness the bike is so flipping nice where is it going can you show me yeah yeah let's go up that's the following you're gonna show me this is so cool that fire elemental bike is still flipping awesome i heard they can go set on fire and stuff that's like super cool yeah it does fire things and stuff that is so awesome yeah all right man so you like bikes you like i love making things yeah avatar the last airbender yes i love avatar i like the stuff where he air bends and stuff that's so cool that is so really you like it as well yes i love it i love it oh my goodness there's so many ufos over here i have the perfect gift for you you got the perfect gift for me yeah let's go check it out i just want to say alien buddy i've been waiting for this moment for so long bob i've been waiting so much for this bob um i'm super excited and i want to thank you as my alien friend i thought i was going to steal these bikes from you but now you're giving them to me no need to steal we're brothers yeah we're brothers so there's an alien oh what's that that's your gift wait wait i do you just flew that one in i was expecting the fire bike no you said you like avatar and stuff you said you're like bending air this is the air bike i mean it looks awesome bob you're the best thank you so much for this elemental air bike man this is actually live all right well cops we just got the flipping elemental air bike i think this thing is super awesome too but that means we stole another bike and that's time for another upgrade wow we just turned back into human and we got a gravity gun let's go and take that fireman by force because this guy doesn't want to give it to me i mean i did give him a tank so uh i just gotta get rid of the tank real quick all right kelps i think the bike is somewhere up there this tank we're good no one's inside of it just gonna make my way up here there's a bunch of security there though the bike is somewhere in this area let's see if we can flip it find it oh snap cops i totally forgot humans are not allowed in there only human just flip and shot him okay keep on moving up keep on moving up anyone else wants to fight huh no no no buddy i just gotta shoot down the pool there yes ah we just fell down holy smokes an alien ufo just showed up are you gonna tell me the bike is parked on top of the flipping ufo what the heck are we gonna get there there's actually flipping people up there oh snap okay well it's being protected by a flipping force field gotta take out the aliens man come on gotta get a nice shot there we go all right one more alien down move up move up move up move up move up move up okay i see a staircase up there cup we're gonna use this staircase to get on top of the ufo let's hope that the bike is parked somewhere up here go go go go go oh snap what the heck where did you just come for buddy no no no no no buddy i'm so sorry but you destroyed this no just move out of the way there we go that's where you get son don't try to mess with me okay get on the staircase what the heck just keep on climbing up up up up up up up up we gotta jump on top of the ufo any second now any second now oh step there's another gala right over here bye bye alien bye and let's jump well i don't know what just happened there wait a second it's right there they're flipping by no you what the heck are you doing there buddy this is my fire elemental bike right now that's a billion dollar bike go go go go go go go go let's take a look stop stop right there stop right there uh no no no you must be wearing a suit to get in this is a billionaire's meeting okay you're not a billionaire get out of here all right i'll go get a suit don't worry about it buddy what the heck ups you know what you know what the security guard's not looking i'm just gonna take this bike instead helps we just got the 100 000 bike let's get it upgraded wow we just got a billionaire's disguise all right cops these we have the billionaire disguise we're definitely going to be able to get in hello security guard hello sir oh i love the bow tie oh thank you so much well i'm definitely a billionaire so i can enter now right wow obviously look at this nice bite sir where's that bike going well it's heading into the uh car sale lot oh my goodness so um can you show me the way to that bike specifically i might actually buy it i'm a billionaire after all oh yeah of course you just have to have your uh car with you wait my car yeah it's the car sale luck can i not just wait here no no no you have to put your car up for auction oh yes oh my god let me just go and grab it for you real quick i'll be right back sir i'll be right back where the heck are we gonna find the car cubs this is just silly why do we need a car to sell on an auction to get what the heck that's a really nice bike over there holy is that another billy there maybe he maybe we can take his bike hello billionaire hello fellow billionaire hi that's a really nice bike you got over there buddy thank you what's your name my name is yaroon my name is cop mr billionaire yes you ruined call me your roon oh mr euron do you make me think i can go on a little uh test drive i mean test on your bike yeah you do look like a billionaire let me ask you a question all right i'll just get on the bike the question money do you have oh seven billion haha very nice i'll bring it back tomorrow okay sir i trust you mr billionaire all right bye we saw our flipping second bye two billionaire bites stolen let's get it up wow we just got a car is an upgrade this is perfect let's go get the bike we just stole a one million dollar bike now it's time to steal the one billion dollar bike and we have a car uh which we can put up for auction this is perfect we're just gonna go right past the security guard over here hello mr security guard hello sir lovely can wait stop hold on one second i need to inspect you can go ahead and expect inspect my car sir this is i want to put this car up for auction and donate all the money to charity yeah it's a lovely car come on by thank you thank you all right so where would you like me to park the car you could just park in this spot over here okay and i would like to auction this off for uh at least ten dollars ten dollars yes good starting spot okay there's a back up sir further up i i really need to i don't need to get this bike how do i get on that bike sir oh my god okay okay sorry sir just move out of the way please i'm a little bit in a rush uh you know i'm a billionaire where did that bike go oh i don't know the chrome one i want to get the chrome one uh no the chrome one let me just call it up real quick oh you're calling it up [Laughter] oh there it is wait where is it oh oh this one i mean yeah can i can i go take it for a spin too yes but uh obviously we need a family member as a deposit like a wife or a child what do you mean what do i need i'll just all right all right okay that that's fine sir can i not just i can't steal it cops all right okay don't worry i'll just go and get my wife then we can maybe just ask her to pretend to be our wife hello excuse me my lady would you like to uh potentially uh be my be my wife hey back up that's my daughter oh i'm i'm sorry sir i'm sorry my name is jenkins jenkins all right leroy jenkins what wait is that your bike sir yes that's my bike obviously all right well sir uh i i'm just gonna walk away okay i'm not looking for any fight good you know what i am looking for a fight no no no no no face me you really want to fight me okay okay all right let's go let's go say your security card by the way oh my goodness security guard what the heck what they get out of your security guard dude that's that's what's up guys okay anyways let's take this guy's bike let's get flipping out here wait a second this is a flipping 10 million dollar flight we just got the 10 million dollar bike let's get it up bro wow wow we just got a girlfriend isn't up great this is perfect all right wifey this is gonna be perfect i'm just gonna leave you as a deposit and then i'm gonna take that billion dollar bike oh there he is the security guard hello security guard oh hello mr cup hey i i missed your wife so um i was just wondering if i could do a little test drive on the uh on the bike well of course we'll take her as a deposit uh however there is a small issue with the bike what's the issue it's the last billionaire he crashed it and so it's under repairs right now because it's under repairs we kind of can't let anyone without an access card get to it i and i don't sir i don't but okay i'll i'll i'll get back i'll come back soon and my wifey distracted you hey you single you got a husband oh uh i see you like it that way why don't we do this back here come here okay cops well let's go and sneak up in this place we're only allowed to be here if we have access but the billionaire bike should be up here and obviously it's our goal to try and steal it moving up here i hope there's no security security hello anyone there well security just showed up okay we gotta be really careful here cops we're gonna stay right behind these guys this is going wonderful just sneak up nice and slowly i think yep they're going to the right direction why who's that lady taking pictures well we can definitely just pretend to know where hey we're taking pictures with you sweetie right we also have access just like you the security guards are moving up i'm pretty sure they'll lead us right to where the billion-dollar car is being stored i mean that's what they're checking up here right okay let's move up let's move up let's move up just keep on moving all right cletus let's check out the billion dollar bike we need to make sure it's being protected properly you're going towards it oh snap okay no they haven't seen us move up move up move up move up move up there's a pretty pretty bad security card there's a security guard right over there what the heck even more security the closer we get to the flipping bike let's move up let's move up if he turns around if this guy turns around we're doomed holy smokes cops we cannot get caught we can't jump down either that's not gonna be a healthy little landing over there wait a second that's no way that's a 100 million dollar bike right there let me get a little bit closer see if i can hear what they're saying it's a good thing this billion dollar bike is kept in this impenetrable room this entire place is one giant vault it only has one tiny weak spot this spot right here but good thing nobody knows how to destroy it except for me it's a single c4 that's all you need we need to go get the c4 first let's see if we can take that 100 million dollar bike but i don't think security's moving so i'm just gonna have to go up hey guys how are you doing hey nice i'm just picking up this bike uh can i see your house oh snapcop's all right well we got the 100 million dollar bike there we go we just stole another bike let's get it up wow wow we just got this weapon upgrade let's go and blow up the door and let's steal the billion dollar buy this is a 500 bike we started with and now i'm ready to take the billion dollar bike i'm sorry guys everyone get out of my way of my flippy way boom adios guys oh snap we're being flipping shot at where the heck are they shooting us from we gotta move we gotta move up on the staircase wait wait wait wait wait security guard i'm super sorry but uh i'm gonna have to take this bike all right i'm gonna compare it to my really terrible pipe let's go up on the stairs this body armor is really protecting us well the police just arrived okay this is really bad they definitely caught the cops on me holy smokes i mean i did steal a 100 million dollar bike after all what then there's so many police officers over here this is insanity we gotta keep on moving let's go billion dollar bike where the heck were you again it was this direction every member oh snap no way oh no there's a flipping helicopter take it out they got the next one too there we go helicopters are out this is where the lady was taking the picture and that's the security guard right there they're trying to protect it they're flipping trying to protect it okay well we gotta move up another helicopter gotta take you out too buddy i'm super sorry what the heck are they using oh no they're shooting rpgs at us let's keep on moving let's keep on moving people running array over there more helicopters arriving okay one helicopter down okay now i can there we go oh snap they just accidentally shot each other please guys i'm super sorry no the police got up the stairs too go go go we gotta move up we gotta move up we're almost there we're almost at the billion dollar bike let's go cops all we gotta do holy smokes is take out this guy show yourself buddy and you're gone oh snap no we just ran out of ammo take him out with the gun yes all right i'm pretty sure we're here at cops all we have to do was one c4 on the door to open it up in three two one them wow we just got in oh and here it is the billion dollar bike let's go steal it cops we got it this facility is where they're making all of these bikes oh my goodness that's a super futuristic bike that's flipping flying okay guys let's go mate back up back up back up i need to get in i need to get in no sir you're not a scientist back up crazy all right okay i forgot my scientist outfit i swear let's see if we can find a way to maybe get some glasses or something wow take a look at this bike this way it looks so cool let's take this one too wow and there we go cops the first super futuristic bite stolen let's get get an upgrade whoa nice glasses yes hello there yeah of course this is the glasses i'm here to study quantum physics and string theory please yeah come on in i'll have a good string oh it's right there it's red flip it there yo yo yo yo you know where that light's going well of course of course it's going to the high clearance area the high flipping clearance i'm just about to go there myself uh we're doing experiments on the bike okay so this high clearance area they got that really cool bike there where did we go left there yeah i'm walking there right now i don't know why you're following me no but i need to go to the high clearance area too sir so why what are you doing there i i am also a scientist as you can see i've decided in all honesty you probably look better without the glasses i mean i look much better with glasses i'm just saying okay don't make it personal [Music] you're working on the bike what do you mean yes of course i'm working in the right can we just can we start running please oh we can start running but why would you be working on the bike i'm working on the bike because um i am a scientist brought in from the netherlands that needs to be testing on it i'm going to upgrade it i'm going to make it even way stronger is it this way because that's my job they brought me in from the netherlands to do the exact same thing hold on hold on are you lying to me where are your high clearance where's your high clearance what do you mean high clearance you have to have a high clearance pass to get here you're wearing the wrong shoes oh yeah no i knew that i'm just gonna grab them from my uh from my car do you maybe have a ride for me there or something yes i can give you this bike over here oh wow okay i mean i'll take that all right see you in a bit buddy uh let me just take this bike early oh heck yes guys that is two super futuristic bikes snow line let's go and get an upgrade well we just got the badge and we got the shoes let's see if what's right there it's right there the super futuristic bike the flying flipping bike that they look so flippy cool let's go and chase off the rain hello sir oh hey there i remember you yeah i got my shoes and i got my badge of course uh yeah yeah come on oh no the door is closing uh my name is cop my name's dr doctorson dr doctorson i'm not actually a doctor that's fine so this is a scientific uh facility huh this is where we design stuff i like to make sea monkeys do you like sea monkeys i love sea monkeys what the heck [Music] yeah yeah yeah let's be friends so can you show me around the facility maybe where the bites are firstly you need to know where the bathroom is all right i personally just use these boxes when i really need to go because nobody looks inside no no no no i'm good i'm good i'm good yeah you need to go to the bathroom no no no no no no no no no no no no no that's why they're no no no no just just keep on moving please okay i i just need that really cool futuristic bite we just saw yes since that's a really cool one we're working on that one together i think they made a little mistake yeah well it's okay i always like to have another person because i'm bad with my hands sometimes right okay sometimes when i'm wiping my bum i accidentally forget to use the toilet paper okay and you're a scientist well i'm a doctor because my first name is doctor and my surname is [Music] are we there yet no it's it's down here come on let's just around the corner okay okay yeah come on come on i just i'm just here for the bike man this way this facility holy smokes yeah this is the box it's right over here i mean i can i think it's my friend [Music] what is that guy why is he oh boy okay yeah do you maybe have a different bike i don't think i want to get on that bike with that guy right there look at the other holy smokes okay you got a different where is it right over here where is it where is it holy smokes okay i mean i'll definitely take this one buddy uh thank you so much all right that's a super cute full difference whoa cops we just saw our third super futuristic bike it is time for an upgrade wow we just tried to do a girl well let's go towards that checker knot and maybe use a bit of our girl powers to seduce him distract him and take the bike from him oh the door is opening for us let's see if we can find that flipping scientist that was somewhere around this area oh oh no is he is he in one of the flipping boxes oh oh hey i don't know oh you're really pretty i wasn't doing anything i wasn't pooping in the box sir that's okay i'm looking for a strong man that can help me that's me i'm starving are you the strong man that can help you oh yeah yeah you get it what do you want up with well i'm uh as you can see i am the boss here and um i am looking for a very nice bike i know the nice bike i'll show you the nice bike oh you can help me with a nice bike yeah but then i want something from you what do you want from me i want you to go on a date with me a minecraft date oh you want to play minecraft with me i love minecraft oh yeah well what level are you i have uh all the wars so i'm like level 30. do you have any diamond doors because i got 36 diamonds yes i do i have a lot of diamond ores juggy how are you doing judy wow look at how strong you are juggie guys i got a crazy idea for you okay follow me for a second check this out guys okay gentlemen here's what we're gonna do let's play hide and seek but if i find you you get a kiss all right everyone's hiding i'm not looking okay buddy you gotta hide i'm hiding okay yeah just stay hidden i'm gonna count down ten nine eight in the bike oh cops eight seven what the heck okay anyways i'm just gonna take this bike and said what the flip three two one i'm coming for you the fourth super futuristic bike has been so long let's go and get an upgrade wow we just upgraded we got armor and an rpg let's go and take out that flipping juggernaut and let's go and steal the futuristic buy we're back in the facility got my rpg ready just in case nope nope the juggernaut does not seem to be here maybe around the corner nope also not here where the heck did they put this bike they must have hidden it even deeper in this base i mean i know this scientific facility i've been here quite a few times the juggernaut could be anywhere over here gotta be careful gotta be careful nobody wow why you look so different what do you mean i look so different uh you're a little bit more masculine but i still want my kiss you owe me a kiss okay okay i'll give you your kiss but yeah only if you show me where the super cool bike is okay let's go all right wait did it was that easy so uh never had a kiss before that's fine that's fine i'll give i'll give you a kiss if you can give me the bike buddy are you a man or a woman what was your name again does it matter doctor doctorson no it's 2021 exactly yes all right let's keep on going i like your shirt thank you yeah i did a little uh outfit change um because it's getting pretty sweaty i was watching oh uh okay are we almost there yet yeah yeah yeah it's down this corridor it's just around the corner yeah oh snap it actually is around the corners yeah wait that's the flipping door two things i want my kiss now okay give me my keys i gave you okay here's another one okay number two be careful for the juggernaut okay i'll be careful dr drson take care all right welcome there's a flipping joke somewhere over here let's open the door [ __ ] up snap think we got him i stopped falling into the water now let's go and get the blankets right over here heck yes we did it this is batman's mansion oh oh i was batman holy smokes this peppermint on this motorbike these are so cool cops okay let's go across the road oh be careful be careful ah we gotta cross the road hello hey we're here for batman please stop here for batman birthday party yes that's what we're here for there's no way you're invited to this you're really not a superhero please leave okay relax tough we're done flipping super we need to be superhero to enter and we need batman invite what the heck how the heck are we gonna get that wait is sick hey captain america listen up i saw someone that needs your help all the way there look the track it just fell over that was a flippy coincidence okay quickly go grab a flipping bike let's go get it upgrade first place one superhero bike done time for an upgrade wow we just got an upgrade wait is that a superhero disguise we just turned into penguin man hello iron man my name is penguin man of course oh man i love you come on come on in i'm playing win man my super powers is um fighting polar bears yeah yeah you're my favorite come on come on go right down there all right what a cake batman loves his cakes yes of course of course all right cops whoa this is batman's match and it looks so flippant is that batman that's flipping batman over there oh snap cops batman's house is so flipping awesome penguin man what kind of stupid disguise is that now let's see where did batman go i see the carrot door opening and closing what the heck okay well uh enough time to explore later that's gonna be fine uh but let's go let's steal this thing is that iron man again yo baby man what's going on guy hey iron man is that batman in there oh there he is oh there he is i'm just here to uh you know go and surprise batman with a little surprise oh a little surprise well i can't let you through i'm sorry you uh you have long shoes on wait a second what do you mean i mean i gotta go i gotta go here man [Music] shoes off and those are clearly too tight on get what are your shoes what i need to get rid of my shoes this is stupid what are you shooting what the heck okay you'll go get rid of my shoes iron men well cops i guess i'm just gonna have to figure a way out to uh not have juice oh penguin oh penguin hey penguin come here come here look look you like me penguin i don't know if this is a good idea because we're following the whole penguin coming up look at my bike there's a really nice you want to ride my bike yeah hulk's bike that was the easiest steal ever well two bites now we got the hulk by two tarpon upgrades okay top yep they're gone my shoes are gone all right this is perfect all right now that we don't have any shoes we should be able to proceed further in the batman party mansion over here and then we're gonna take batman's beautiful superhero bike hello iron man oh penguin dude hey iron man uh listen up got rid of my shoes man oh very nice come on in wait really yeah oh you just don't want me to wear any shoes in the house yeah no shoes in the house oh you should have just told me that you're i thought it was like some dress code super heroes used where are we going where are you going oh i'm just following you man i thought we were going to batman oh yeah but you got your present right oh yes you got his birthday no no yeah i called you i said it again can i not give you the present later no batman told me said only guy's gonna give him presents all right all right no worries man uh i'll just go ahead and get this prison real quick it's uh yeah i remember i left it in my car yeah i'm just gonna grab the president iron man i'll be right back buddy don't worry about it no oh you forgot a present as well oh hey superman yeah no i forgot my person too buddy this batman guy won't let me out without a present i want to hate this guy wait you hate batman every time he's such a diva every time he's and went yes i want that i'm just like come on shut up batman okay yeah i mean that really sucks so what do you say are you like a penguin or something what are you you you waddle yo listen penguin dude i'm smelling some crime happening in china i gotta go i gotta go but listen my bike's right there i can't take my bike with me can you can you just watch it for me okay i'll watch it i want you how long will you be 28 minutes all right okay bye see you in a bit okay cops let's go and take us flip a superhero bike the bike is right over here it's gonna be our snow superman's bike yo thanks bang with dude turns out i have to go grab some chinese reincarnated dinosaur or something i think that's fine i fixed it thanks for looking after my bike 28 minutes yeah 28 minutes in my time oh okay so uh superman you want to hear more about global warming yeah tell me some more about global warming maybe you should try to fix that i should try and fix global warming save humanity man yeah you pretty much have to uh stop the planet from heating up okay you gotta be quicker wait it's happening already i gotta go stop going stop global warming superman stop level warming wow okay casper that's gonna keep him busy for quite a while i don't know why that thing just blew up but we got super mess flipping bike right now see you in 700 years bye bye cubs we just stole this third bike this is epic time for an upgrade wow whoa okay well our upgrade is a baseball that's batman's present let's see where was batman again he wasn't over there he was somewhere up here if i am correct oh yeah pasta's explosion superman is still not back he's still trying to solve global warming hi hello iron man hey iron man yeah so uh i got that i got the baseball here he loves baseball i also got him a baseball no way what are the odds well hey batman can i can i now go and give him the present is that yeah you can go give him a present all right lovely thank you so much iron man uh i'll give him the baseball first okay you can go second penguin yeah well yeah i gotta give it to him i'm sorry i'm like i'm on bad times with him i gotta it's gonna look bad man really yeah yeah i'm penguin penguin guy come on man no i got come on i gotta give it to him first okay but where the flip did he go well he's in here but you need a sidekick to get in okay you can't be my sidekick you can't be my sidekick i'm iron man dude my bike only fits one person have you seen it i mean i've not seen your bike want to show me yeah sure let's go i really want to be your sidekick you know we can't beat my sidekick but i'll show you my bag it's really cool okay what kind of bike is it did you make it yourself yeah i made it myself out of iron here it is what that's such a cool bite okay well uh iron man can i take it for a spin no stay away from my bike you're getting creepy okay well i really want to take it for a spin iron man i can't let you take it first i really want to there we go cubs we took him out now we can steal iron man's fight and then we can give batman his flip in prison yes four superhero bites no live let's go get it upgrade wow we just got an upgrade to flipping monkey on a bike quickly get out of the back let's go monkey cops we gotta infiltrate the police is chasing after us he was very stupid to try and take out iron man what the heck there's so many go go go monkey we gotta invade we gotta invade quickly there's a lot of them they're all following us come on take him out take him out all right monkey monkey monkey how do you know where to go monkey get off the flipping bike already yeah you're flipping minigun out or whatever you're using these helicopters they gotta go man they gotta go oh snap what lucky you have a flipping laser gun what the heck monkey you're crazy my monkey sidekick penguin and monkey let's go penguin man and monkey man all right monkey listen up follow me this way somewhere over here that's where batman's at let's keep on moving the bat bike is somewhere over here monkey man monkey man where did you go where the flipping inflicted monkey bank go oh i guess uh it's just me on my own now he's probably eating some bananas somewhere a monkey man where are you monkey man monkey man i'm inside this place is crazy it's batman's bike over here wait is it gonna be that easy well i guess this is ours now hey i'm batman guess what i have what do you have i mean i got your bike no you got monkey men batman don't point the gun at monkey man get away from the bike oh i shoot the monkey all right relax i'll get away from the bike i'll get away from the mud oh boy okay you got shot i'm so sorry it wasn't supposed to go like that monkey men we got the flipping blocks we're gonna steal billionaire bikes oh the bikes look so cool so right over here cups there's a billionaire's meet and greets stand i'm just gonna follow these guys and see what kind of i see some nice bites over there this is where all the billionaires are meeting up this is the perfect place to steal bikes from whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wow wow that guy's driving so flippy bus oh no oh boy look at that guy did he just fall off hello excuse me sir excellent excuse me sir you just got into an accident because you were speeding you literally have a little bump on your head i'm sorry buddy but uh i'm gonna have to confiscate your bike no no no no no no no you're driving way too fast it doesn't give you stick that's 700 million dollars he thinks we're a real police officer i didn't really give him a ticket when he reads it it just says you're a loser we're actually gonna hide it at the police station instead i'm gonna hide it right over here since we're a fake cop we're gonna have to go back to steal the next bike but uh this time we have to do it a little bit different i'm gonna have to steal bikes in different ways as a fake police officer but the nice thing is these guys really do believe that i'm a cop and i kind of look like one right i just got that hat from a convenience store and then the rest is not even police outfits hello how are you guys doing um i'm a police officer here can you please take me to your bike i've had a little uh report here that um some situations were happening and i'm here to just investigate oh the green one i see sir uh do you mind if i go and check the vehicle for a second and just to make sure that this is not a stolen vehicle just taking a look here with my flashlight oh yeah that license plate that's a little one uh let me just uh start it for a second okay okay all right yeah no that's good that's good sir um i'm just gonna have a little phone call with my supervisor and just uh double check everything but i think it's gonna be fine okay very much right now we're gonna pretend to be calling with our supervisor did you run the license plate oh no it's a stolen bye all right well then we're gonna have to confiscate it i have a report that this is a stolen bike which yeah it unfortunately means that i'm gonna have to take it in and fuzzy buddy listen i'm just following orders from my supervisor if there are any problems and there probably are a few problems here they should just come to the police station pick it up at the police station all right that's not a problem i'm going to have to take this one like i'm super sorry don't worry about it sir you can uh you can talk to my supervisor if there is a problem okay you literally just uh talked to my supervisor just said he's at the police station the one in downtown see you there okay that's the second motorcycle stolen we got three more to steal we gotta do them in different ways i think they're catching on to us like number two oh yeah time to go back in and figure out what we can do this time i'm gonna be walking around with my pistol hello i'm a police officer oh i have an idea i have an idea but you're not gonna like this one excuse me sir i'm gonna have to do this for youtube yep just okay there we go we have a murder excuse me sir excuse me please stand back from the murder okay everyone against the wall right now against the wall i don't know what is happening with that guy's jacket get against this wall right now someone has been murdered i was here and i saw it happening it happened someone with short brown hair wearing a suit did it i'm gonna have to interview you guys please turn around all right here's the problem the suspect's last words before he died were the man has no t-shirt i think it's a dead giveaway buddy you got a hole in your body you're gonna be flipping all of your body no i'm not a murderer no no i'm not out of here bursting in the black suit please move to the side you got your hands up already you've been acting very sus if you could please wait here for a second then i'm just going to get my little no no no no no put the flipping gun away what the heck are you doing are you stupid i'm going to get my tow truck i'm a police officer hulk it out with everyone okay but i'm going to have to go with your car why are you running away oh well hello there this is the official police tow truck if you could please grab your bike for me then we can proceed with uh with all these uh these these crazy little things okay sir really i can't if you're just murdering random people like that that's really simple oh it's a nice orange one thank you for cooperating by the way i mean you did pull a gun on me but after that you had a gun on me by the way okay i don't think that works let me grab a different vehicle all right mr billionaire thank you so much for cooperating can you please show me your bicycle i mean i just love the orange that just looks wonderful all right we're just gonna have to place your bicycle on there uh please i'll do it i'll do it sir don't worry about it yep no i got this oh perfect all right well we got the motorcycle on there sir and that just looks wonderful and now um please get in the car right next to me oh this works great that's beautiful well we're gonna have to take this one to the police station now um all right sir well i'm gonna have to ask you to get out of the car here because uh yes thank you very much we're gonna be taking the motorcycle to a safe and secure location okay thank you very much all right you can uh please please go to the police station we'll take the bike to a safe and secure location oh my goodness cops i had no idea how to use this thing that a flipping bike is falling off you this is just the silliest way of stealing a bike ever but it did work we got our third bike two more to go oh baby we got it heck yes how to call up a friend this is my friend blue who uh actually i'm shaking his very own youtube channel today so go and check it out link is in the description uh blue there's a twist to your youtube channel right there is there is i am actually a v tuber guys that means that you will not be able to see my face okay and that sounds pretty interesting and everyone can check it out link is in the description i think you posted your first video today are you gonna steal more videos oh my god let's just steal some more bikes all right all right listen listen up here's the plan i never told you the plan we got these swat cars we're gonna bust in here and we're gonna pretend that there is a police raid and and we need to arrest everyone yeah well we're just gonna just follow my lead follow me lee blue oh okay all right let's go let's go let's go please everyone get on the ground get out of the ground get on the floor get on the floor get on the floor get on the floor what the heck are you doing here buddy get on the floor get out of the way what is going on here come on get on all right buddy listen up listen up there's a police raid here we heard we need to seize all illegal uh stuff so there's bikes there's that things like that okay listen up we're gonna take them all buddy where did that gun just come from hey go get him get him get him get him drink he's running get him get it get him get it get him just take him out take him out take him out be a hero all right b arrow push up push up push up what the heck this where's my backup where i'm leaving right oh well okay uh blue is dead i'm just gonna take a bike and get out of here i think we've got i think they know that we are fake police officers i'll say wrong go check out blue link is in the description we got one more bite to steal we did a really cool video on blue's channel so go and click it check it out but just know that he's a youtuber which is like a virtual youtuber which is pretty much the future of youtube it's super cool go check it out and let's try to seal the last bike how are we gonna do this time to steal the last bike the fifth bike that really cool bike that we saw at the start i think it's gonna be easy so far all the bikes uh they were in the match for me there wasn't even a challenge for me oh snap are you joking there's so many more people here now what the heck is that oh snap that's a real police officer oh snap that's a real police officer their car has been flipped they're in fit there's so many police officers here this is tough cubs okay i have a plan i have a plan i'm gonna try to blend in and steal the lost bike which is standing right over there do you see that red thing that's the lost bike real police officers actually showed up and the fbi is here don't worry i'm in full control the situation she's looking at the bike okay here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna run to her i'm gonna hit her on the head we're gonna grab the bike we're gonna get out of here then we got all five bites we've collected stolen all of them damn okay one police officer down let's get out of here oh snap oh we got a mini gun out here we gotta meet a guy get heck out of here police officer oh step all right take him out take him out how do we fly this thing can we fly this thing wow all right cubs well we did it whoa check out that pie that was so cool is that elon musk on the bike no flipping way holy smokes all right cop let me see if i can get in that i'm just gonna see if i can just walk in and take the front door uh hello sir can i enter please i have no sir you are not a billionaire i've never heard your name who are you i'm bubble cup i'm a billionaire you don't even look like a billionaire you're dressed in slacks all right wait no need to roast me buddy get out of here no need to roast me man you even have a job how the heck are we gonna get past this guy we need to go and pretend to be a billionaire or something is that a billionaire who's just parked his bike over here hey buddy it seems that you got a flat tire oh my goodness all right well we stole our first flipping billionaire bike that's a really cool bike up our first billionaire bike has been stolen wow we just got an upgrade are you kidding me we gotta maybe this is gonna convince the guard that we're a billionaire all right there he is we stole one billionaire bites so far i hope he didn't see it let's get into the meet now because i know for a fact that there's a lot more bikes over there uh hello security guard i am a billionaire oh i like guitar you definitely dress like a billionaire uh what is your name uh my name is uh equivalent cup i'm a billionaire look up yes sure come on in all right thank you so much sir thank you so much cops it flippy worked it was the tie i told you it was that time all right let's continue and oh i see a bite there let's go let's see what the heck what kind of bite is that that's the flamini bus bite let's go let's go let's go let's go holy smokes where's this guy driving and who are these people i'm gonna steal elon musk's bike it should be around the corner i already can see something over there is that's where he is oh close up hello hey how are you doing i'm doing good hey um i just wanted to uh go to over there um you don't have a vehicle do i need a vehicle to get in here of course this is the garage would you be here without a vehicle i mean sure okay i'll go get a vehicle that's not a problem let me just go and kill the bike around the corner and then maybe uh maybe we can just use that to drive past the guy it should be right or hello miss hello it should be right around the corner where are you standing there earlier how dare you all over the place uh that's my brother okay well i i just came here uh to to get some money out of the atm um but someone was actually trying to get into that room if you look at that look at that she was trying to get in there without a vehicle this girl yeah do you want me to remove her from the premises sir of course i mean she's a kid she's a criminal yes sir all right okay cups this is perfect let me just steal this bike because if he sees us on this bike he knows that we stole it i'm just gonna drive by what's happening what the heck oh my goodness that's secure the guy's crazy anyways cops we just stole our second billionaire bike this one is super super cool two bikes collected time to upgrade whoa we just got an upgrade and we just unlocked this crazy cool rolls royce this is awesome and also perfect because now we can easily drive into the garage where we saw elon musk's billionaire bike we already have two billionaire bikes let's go get the elon musk one too let's flip and do this we're back at the billionaires meet and greet house right over here i think we could just take a little shortcut now i think we unlocked the shortcut and they could just drive in here oh hello there oh hey what's up hello um hey oh no no it's illuminati hey buddy um i am i'm just here because uh i need to go that way remember this was my car of course very nice can you please take care of my car can you park it in like a nice valley i am a bodyguard but sure of course anything for you sir all right thank you so much buddy thank you what's your name actually my name is greg all right greg thank you so much greg you're literally the best what the heck is greg do it greg are you okay i actually don't have a driver's license okay i apologize my apologies greg that's fine that's fine all right i'm just gonna proceed into the garden oh boy oh darius dear elon musk how are we doing hello greg how are you doing greg my name is not greg wait what's your name egg wait my brother's name is greg oh all right okay i'm here because uh i'm looking to uh have a meeting with elon musk he's right over there of course can i do it and never meet you of course just show me your uh pass my pass yeah the past i don't i don't have a pass i think i forgot it somewhere that's fine go grab it and uh all right oh you're in the meeting i'll go and grab it then this place is so flipping big how are we gonna get a keep card pass or whatever i don't see any billionaires around maybe someone's at the pool or something ooh there are people at the pool or maybe we can steal another bike but don't know if there is any other bike so what do you think of this uh bike that's not a bike that's an art piece wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's a really cool one that actually wow yeah that's what i'm employed for this is i have to protect this bike at all costs at all costs at all costs listen up we're gonna need to create a distraction what'd you say don't worry about it not talking to you just hunting myself okay we need to create a distraction all right now my car let me just place this right over here then we just go back hey hey yo what up girl cup buddy i i think i saw something really suspicious in the garage i just want to just oh oh my goodness oh go check it out go check it out all right because this is the perfect time this is the perfect time for us to all right let me just drive off with this bike holy smokes this is tough welcome so we managed to steal the third billionaire bike let me uh put this in my safe house number three and let me just upgrade wow we just got an upgrade we just got the key card this is perfect all right let's hope that we can go and take that elon musk flipping bite already all right we're back in the place i think i can just walk up the stairs now i mean i don't see oh nope there is hey security guard hello are you okay i'm sad why are you sad my brother egg got fired because someone stole it he was fired because someone stole the bike that's crazy well i have no idea who stole that bike but anyways i do have uh um you know pass and hey that's healing musk right over there is it okay if i just uh pass let me let me see the pause yeah yeah you get checked it's right on my chest okay okay all right thank you yeah i'm gonna go right no no no no why this elon must keep on driving away wait whoa whoa whoa there's like excuse me sir hello what are you doing here wait i sorry you guys are just all the same people oh we got greg we got egg we got i don't even know what the last guy was called what is your name plague richard what are you talking about wait you're richard what nick are those your brothers no wait what okay well anyways i gotta pass can i not get on the roof here well listen listen this is a bodyguard area where you need a bodyguard but i am free for the time being so let's take a look so why do we need a bodyguard on the roof does this have anything to do with like snipers and stuff it definitely does so if a sniper does shoot you must have a bodyguard to take the bullet forward oh okay so anyways what's in this room well that's highly private i can't go in there no no no i can't let you in there you need your own bodyguard actually i swear that's where elon musk is that is where elon musk is wait don't listen to me give me my in my conversations so wait wait wait a second what is this what is this that was the last person to try to get him without a bodyguard wait why does this look like me with green hair is he a time traveler let's just all ask questions don't ask questions so no one can steal this bike you said no one can steal this bike what happens if i would be to get on this bike well you see what happens to the man right here did you do that if that's the case buddy that's fine all right all right back come on here's my bike i'm gonna take this bike with me there you go that's what you get that was flipping easy all right cubs i'm gonna get the next bike let's steal another bill in their bike this thing looks so cool this thing is insane just look at this thing is this from like star wars or something like that this is epic wow wow billionaire bike number four stolen wow we just got an upgrade hey is that what's your name i am your buddy god well okay if you're my bodyguard then i'm going to call you i'm going to call you title very nice so tittles you're my personal bodyguard right so okay i think i'm going to need it i made some enemies right next door at the billionaire's meet and we're going to go in there right now we're going to steal elon musk's bike so hold up the car is ready please get him please get in oh my goodness they're after us okay you drive you drive okay go go go go go all right we gotta get to the millionaire's beat billy there's me diabetes in it the wrong way around security guard just go go go it's right over there they almost got us tittles you you will protect me no matter what right yeah i will take a block okay okay do you want me to take a boat for you say yes yes you say yes yes please all right get in here on the left on the left there's a secret entrance show yes okay okay okay close the door close the door chill chill chill all right toodles get your weapon out get your weapon out show you what's up okay we can shoot through the glass this is wonderful said would you like a coffee or a hot tea well no no no no no no i'm gonna get it okay okay just just help me take out these police officers and shoot it throughout the class all right follow me titles follow me i'm following sir we gotta make her way up we gotta make her way up this is where elon musk is hiding hey i don't see anyone here are you closer i also don't see anyone here the helicopter shoot out the helicopter it's right in the sky tittles till i'll stick him out take him out helicopter downstairs helicopter down there's more there's more helicopters okay take him out take him out i got him don't worry about it i carry a mini gun with you yeah yeah how did i get this i think i got this from an upgrade anyways we're looking right now we got to go up here now we got to go up here all right tittles go up go up go up so elon must park somewhere around over here i've no idea where though oh snap that's another police officer take him out area breach sir i think they're in this room tittles i'm going to need you to enter this room sir i'm breaching the area go go go go oh my goodness wait what the heck elon did you just kill dinos helen what the heck wait where did that shotgun come from anyways cops we got the bike i have no idea i'm gonna get it out this is jilly's house i'm about to break it wow hero oh hey come and help me out it's going great fantastic you're looking wonderful i'm in front of jilly's house because i'm gonna steal his motorbike come help me out okay help me out but right before that can i use your bike real quick well no you can use my bike after that just let me help me steal jilly's bike and you can drive on my bike okay okay okay that sounds good just just come here come here let's go let's steal his bike let's steal his bike all right this is his house you have a weapon oh my god give any weapons with you okay wait wait hey that's silly spike right there oh my god all right i'm chasing this down down follow me follow me quick oh my god are you fast did he drive down he drove down didn't he yeah i think he's right here i'm catching up with him don't worry about it i'm hitting him okay i'm in him i'm here this is flipping jelly's bike why is he on jail he's my goodness you guys are so quick oh no okay okay oh my goodness he just jumped up the hill whoa oh boy oh boy are you skipping the camera i just got oh my god go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go guys we gotta be fine climbing oh boy oh boy okay i'm going to shoot him i'm going to shoot him i'm trying to dirty i'm trying to shoot him i think i injured him oh boy he's got oh it's i think he's slowing down he's floating there in a second jump off your bike mr and red if that's jelly i see him i see him that's nice okay it's traffic get out your bike get up your flipping bike and show yourself you're playing why are you on jellies wait oh my god look at this mic and shoulders that's not jilly's bike what that's logo oh that's slow coming listen up slogan men where is jelly we need this body you're on a green bike yeah where is he shooting in the air shooting the air here where is he crazy all right i just got sent his gps locations oh my god oh whoop that was just in time get on your bike let's go to this gps location oh by the way i must say your bike is really shiny thank you you can drive on it once we find jelly spike okay okay which seems to be on this the this new location we're driving to right now yes let's go let's go hero listen up this is the location slogan man gave us this has to be jaylee's farm or something like that he has to be there take a nice little turn all right okay let's go right behind you you're going to help me out right you're going to help me out you got me covered no matter what okay i got you okay okay get off your bike just park the bike you just run in front for a second we'll just go that way okay i'm definitely not using okay i might be using you as bait a little bit careful careful careful don't don't move too fast don't move too fast oh okay okay we need to move we need to move from cover because yes i swear the location is somewhere over here is that the farm i think i see the farm i see the farm it's on the right it's on the right oh it's there oh my god i see that careful careful careful get through the silence get to the silos oh no is that a guard is that a security guard is that a security guard i see a security guard running around over here quick listen up we're gonna have to oh my goodness oh he's getting in the garden okay try try sniping him if you can okay let me snipe him you think he doesn't remember my skills are really bad go go go shoot him shoot him oh my god oh you just kill the guard okay okay that's good that's good i'm taking it there's a guy around the corner there we go don't worry i got it brainer your guards have nothing on it slogan man gave us your location now listen up he's snitched yes where can we find jelly we're looking for is the data oh he pulled out a gun oh my god i'm sorry he pulled out a gun he was aiming at me but i think he wait he just dropped something wait crainer dropped some keys with an address attached to it just drop some keys muddy banks six two five all right he has the bike let's go to muddy bank 625 that's definitely where he's got the bike stored let's go let's just be sure there's no guards anymore okay would you mind if i drive your bike let's say you can drive by once we find jaylee's bike i've already told you what all right we can do that once we get jellies by hero that's the address right over there muddy hills five six seven five five i already forgot the address but i know it's here i know it's here somewhere over here i believe in you wait wait wait wait wait get your whipping out just in case we see someone trying to drive away because i have a suspicious feeling that that's about to happen any second here i gotta heal it there's a bike as soon as possible and let's take him out oh my goodness where is he going where is liberty flip is this guy where he happened don't worry i got this i almost got him i oh no what do you mean there's another guy here oh my god that blue guy's shooting at us oh my goodness the blue guy i see him oh my god i'll take him out take him out take him out oh no he's distracting us he's totally distracting us get him catch up with him wait that's kayla's that's flippy kayla taylor's how dare you get on the ground kayla's get your weapon out get your weapon i gotta get my laser pistol okay okay okay i'm gonna i'm gonna take him out don't worry about it miss it stop moving right now buddy stop flipping moving kayla stop with the information stop it don't do it i'm gonna shoot the car i'm just gonna blow the car i'm gonna yeah exactly there we go that's where you get kayla's you're under arrest where the jelly go we saw him right where did he go he's filming his last video and leaving the country oh no hero he's filming his last flipping video but that means he must be at preston's house because prison is a flipping recording studio quickly let's go let's go let's go let me just kill this guy go and kill him i'm gonna you should take his bike for sure i mean i might take his bike that was a pretty fast bike hero meet a real really good friend of mine preston uh he lives right on the corner over here yeah i'll show you his house just just get off the bike for a second just hop the fence this is normal this is how i usually hey breastfeed oh my god he just went in the pool coming up for a second hey buddy i'm sorry for pointing that at you i got a little question i heard that jilly was here recording videos i was just wondering where's she where's he at dawg he just finished filming and he's heading towards the airport his flight leaves in five minutes oh my goodness hero we gotta be quick gotta stop him he loves traveling with his motorbike jump on your bike right now we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go let's go let's go okay i'll grab the orange one no no i'm grabbing the orange one you get the blue one follow me follow me we gotta go as fast as possible buddy oh okay boy we're all the way in the hills we're all the way in the flip it out so quick this is a race against the clock there's a wrap here we're gonna take the round wow we only have three minutes left in the airport oh boy he's really flipping far away three minutes taking a ride turn over here and then taking a left right over here seven seconds that's like more than ten seconds i know i know but that's not enough less than four minutes go go go go go go go go go okay wait you're still chasing me pull away lee and hit the gas as hard as you can yes the airport is around the corner and i'll be gone left is 30 flippin go go go go go go go we got to be fast we got to be quick we got to be super super super duper quick well i'm not going to okay i'm just going to go i just can't communicate okay just go i'll be right there okay okay okay okay i'm at the airport i'm looking for him right now okay okay slice should be taking off any second now where are they where the flip is chili's oh it's right there it's right there i see helicopter and it's holding chips it's flipping oh my god the cargo pop i've never yeah i'm trying to shoot the bike down i'm trying to shoot the bike down okay now help me out okay oh my god fell down the bike is right over here oh my god finally we finally did it i've no idea where jilly went i think we shot him down but i am super happy i finally got jealous bye there it is holy smokes that bike looks so cool well i didn't manage to sneak into the military base just don't want to get caught while i sneak over to it hello soldier hello hello soldier sir where are you going i'm i just i was sent over here by the top man for a super secret mission i am the top man yes perfect well then i think i'm here uh you called for backup to protect your spike i didn't call for any backup this is the general's bike right don't move any closer don't move any closer no no no no no no okay no not high-ranking enough to get into here what do you mean this is the general's bike you need to be a commander to get in here i want to become a commander do you want to become a commander yes so i can well you need to prove yourself to me okay how show me i'll i'll prove myself i need that right mission let's go well really go on a mission get in touch sir really you need to take me on this mission oh my goodness is this going to be dangerous listen to me we have to take out big nozzle he's located here that's why he's a cult leader now listen to me put a silencer on your gun here take this okay okay okay i'll grab a silencer sir i put on a silencer on my gun is this a stealth mission wait this is the shuttle mission there you are what do we do i just need the bike man is this how i get it yes listen to me you need to oh they're here there they are there they are okay take them out take them out move up moving up yes yes yes i'm following you don't get spotted okay i won't get spotted you're going to take down as minimal amount of people as possible see someone on the roof shut someone on the roof this is actually my first stealth mission i uh i didn't know this is how you uh grew in the ranks this is how you do it you're so cool sir sir where are you attack called attack oh snap that's here fitness white thickness x big bespoke guys taking them all out too many people okay i think we got him okay okay i surrender please brian oh here he is right here he's right here beating that's why you are under arrest and you're coming with us good job all right don't move no no no no no that's why it's not worth it move it's not it is buddy it is not it's definitely not put the gun away with the gun down right now that's sergeant general thank you soldier i will take you to the general right now you deserve it yes allah can get the bike yes let's go back let's get the buy now listen to me what a mission yes oh sorry soldier that was brilliant i'm actually i think i'm gonna recommend you to the general himself no i'm gonna get the bite general what just happened where did the scene just come from it came just falling from the sky what is that sound is that a that's a floppy cargo pop someone just murdered him okay let's go flippy jesus dark above his behind all of this you can't be serious i need that flipping bike man this guy is trying to get away you're not getting away from me sir that rose fastest bike is mine and you just ruined it so if i turn you in and tell everyone that you killed my friend then i shall definitely be promoted because that's literally how it works okay i'm gonna catch you buddy through the water where the heck is he going maybe we go up on the mountain right over here oh yes it's a nice little jump just gotta keep on driving just gotta go all the way through here oh blah right up there let's see oh snap still going is he landing over there oh it seems that he's going towards the flipping desert airport oh this is perfect let's sneak up on him see who it is and then we strike arrest him and we will turn him in it's perfect right over here let's see who's inside wait cups there's someone in the helicopter who's that what the heck who is this guy right you know what just gonna approach him it is i stop evil man the most evil man in the world i'm full of evil and i'm a super villain you can't stop me for a rest stop stop stop you'll never touch that we'll never catch evil man he's getting away hey i'm perfectly positioned this is gonna be great let's take this car and chase this man down let's go let's go let's go holy smokes this is world's evils most crazy man i'm gonna catch him then we're gonna return him back to the army general and then they're gonna promote me so that i can drive world's fastest bike and steal it obviously because that's what i'm gonna be doing whoa cops chasing him down this evil man he's using his superpowers to teleport all over the map this guy he'll never catch me holy smokes is he throwing bumps out of his window think he is oh step he actually is out oh boy okay this is bad this is really bad just avoid all of these things holy smokes where is he going though this is dangerous this is what i'm going to do you'll never catch me no evil man i gotta catch you back keep on moving oh i'm gonna drive on the other side of the road yep no that's for sure oh no strong bombs over there too where'd he go oh he took the left guard over here okay take the left turn take left turn people man will never die don't get i'll get you the evil man i'm gonna get you where is this guy going holy smokes is this his base no way no flipping way what the exist what is there a temple like this evil man is crazy he just ran indoors let's take this one step at a time gotta get my weapons out and i gotta take out all of his flipper security guards no you're not gonna do this buddy okay move up move up move up let's check out this place go go go go go go go helps well this place is nuts we need to get in here and capture evil man oh there he is evil man no you'll never catch me i'm too evil no you're not too evil man just just come with me already evil man is too evil listen i need that i need the flipping bike okay you don't understand evil man you don't you'll never get the bike i don't care about your bike check this out this guy's a flipping japanese guarded over here go go go go go evil man just surrender evil man where's this coming from i'll never surrender gotta go inside what is this this place looks crazy this is the most sin place i've ever seen evil men surrender right now oh this is insane so evil man is somewhere in here but there's clones all over the place how do i know if it's really him who's the real evil man you can't know am i the real evil man i don't know what check out my mixtape evil man i'm not gonna check out your mixtape evil man you get wrong that's why i'm evil nobody wants to listen to my mix head you're under arrest evil men i gotta bring you to the army i refuse you can't just refuse okay because i don't know how it works well what happens if i refuse because i'm gonna have to take you by force all right well guess what you're not gonna get me yes i will evil man i will you'll never find me what do you mean i'll never find you yeah i'm completely hidden from the human eye i mean i can literally hear you i know you're somewhere here no i mean yeah yeah you can hear me but you can't see me and that's what's important you'll never catch me yes i will but yes there we go stop moving put the flipping sword down you're coming with me you're under arrest evil man ah i see that you need all this high-tech security to take me down stop talking you're you i literally got you buddy i'm gonna turn you in the world's biggest villain no no you're not i literally catch them it was pretty easy i'm gonna get this exactly finally guessing no i nearly had you you didn't nearly have me yeah it was even really i don't think you even shot one bullet general general general this man killed the commander here take him no i didn't he killed the commander i'm a soldier i've been i've been here for a long time i saw you earlier i've never seen you here you killed him how do we know you didn't kill him because you're literally wearing a super villain outfit what do you mean just shoot him already i'm an innocent man only i just promised took me hostage in men i am i'm a good man i'm a good man you know what you know what holy smokes this bike is so insanely fast it's right there that's the super most expensive bike i've ever seen in my life let's go check it out stop stop sir i need to get past yes i know but it's a costume party in there you're not in costume okay okay i'll go and get my costume real quick yeah i forgot that one don't worry about it i'll be back first i'm just going to be jumping on my bike thank you so much wow comes we just saw someone's bike which means that it's time for an upgrade uh yup yup now we we're wearing our costume right now oh it's right there cops super nice bike i see it right there hey sir i'm wearing a costume can i enter right now oh yeah i love it come on in let's go let's go cool so uh are you a security guard here no no no i'm just a billionaire all right can we go after the bike it's that way wow sir this house looks so flipping nice is this your first time here no i've been here before i'm friends with the owner he doesn't like me that much why not why does he not like you yeah i married his daughter okay is this his daughter this is his daughter okay hi daughter hey hey denise yeah she's a she is so tell me about it so where was that the most expensive bike in the world going like i'm that's what i'm here it's going down over here but we're not allowed in there sorry what do you mean we're not alone we don't have the vip post do you have a vip pass why can't we go there there's literally no security over it okay uh you know what uh i'm just gonna use this bike uh i'll bring it back in a bit okay easy man we'll see you soon bye two super expensive bikes have been stolen it's time for an upgrade wow we just got a silenced pistol stealth mission time cops we're here at the back entrance of the billionaire's mansion i don't see any security guards oh snap there's a flipper security guard over there okay i can't get the safe to get to safety one security guard might take him out okay one security guard down he barely begins to be able to pull out his rifle but we took him out before that okay time to move up move up move up move up just gotta go right over here i'm gonna get onto this area to see if there's any more security guards any security guards in the area okay there's quite a lot of security guards take a look at that guy i don't know if i want to take him out just one security guard down any more left where the heck was that bike again it was somewhere in the front of the house oh stop oh i see another security guard right there we gotta take this guy out too just move up and bang there he got us another security guard now let's jump into the water another security guard damn what the heck that guy just flipping appeared out of nowhere all right i'm gonna take him out oh snap no he's moving he's on the move he's on the move one shot there you go clean let's get over the fence let's jump into this push what oh snap oh snap that's the door we gotta go for but uh there's a security guard right next to it oh snap and there's security guards indoors too let's just take this slowly everyone seems to be guarding this house all right we're gonna climb up here let's move a little bit closer and let's wait right over here until someone leaves the house hey this is a genius plan cops check this out just waiting for someone to leave the house there you go he's leaving the house and bam there you go okay we got him we got him all right time to move up time to move up open the door is there anyone here i saw a security guard in here so i know someone is hiding here in the kitchen maybe he's in the kitchen nope no one's in the kitchen maybe in the living room no no one in the living room all right i think we're clear no idea where this guard is nope don't see him don't see him at all all right right over here cops this should be oh my goodness that scared me so much all right let's go outside that's a oh that's a really nice bike over there oh oh snap holy smokes okay you know what a juggernaut is protecting the world's most expensive fight i should have known a flipping [ __ ] of knowing you know what let me just state this by whoa this bike looks so cool dude i'm just gonna take this bike instead of edge just to drive off with this bike holy smokes uh we need some heavy machinery to take out that juggernaut the third insanely expensive fight stolen let's go and get an upgrade wow we just gotta flip it rpg this is perfect there he is cops the juggernaut he's just flipping protecting this thing and he's too close if i mean i gotta flip an rpg but if i shoot him i'm also gonna destroy the bike we somehow have to lure this guy away maybe we can just uh maybe we can just talk him out of it hello juggernaut hey there oh hello uh what are what are you protecting here buddy oh this really cool mike oh man what would happen if i jump on it i'd have to shoot you oh there's times yeah that is that that sucks do you ever pee oh whoa whoa whoa whoa i paid my suit okay well um that's cool okay thank you i know enough bye bye-bye all right cops so this guy is definitely not gonna move at all you somehow have to cause some kind of distraction you know what i have an idea just gonna be pouring this right over here and then check this out check this out we put some sticky bombs right at the end over here it's gonna cause a massive explosion that should definitely lure him out yo yo yo juggernaut help check it out there's a fire over here check it out check this out there's a flipping fire check it out oh my goodness what the heck just happened over there cops we got him let's get the flipping bike wait a second this is a different bike what the heck house oh snap the chicken under cedar go super cool bites have been stolen and it's time for an upgrade whoa we just gotta flip it up great we got this super cool bike all right cops let's go and steal that final flipping bike already it is the world's most expensive bike that has ever been created there's also still a juggernaut protecting it somewhere over here with all these smokes he's right over there hey check or not hey hey you are chugging on hey i remember you hey are you gonna move from there are you gonna be moving from there you're not i have to protect this bike at all you're gonna protect the pipe i didn't think so you're full didn't think so oh snap oh my goodness are you bulletproof holy smokes are you sure you're bulletproof you don't have any weak spots i'm gonna shoot you no you're not you can't no you're not no no i'll take you i'll take you down buddy i'm gonna find your weap spot at one point what the heck what the heck how do you not have any weak spots what the heck is this i mean juggernauts surely do have weak spots just give me the flipping bite already wait you sure you don't have any weak spots are you sure about that not really it is getting pretty hot in here isn't it yeah a little bit wait what the why are you not being set on fire holy smokes you know what i'm gonna try something different buddy i don't think you'll survive this one [Music] yep there you go all right well that's nice this is the tax collector get back over here buddy that bike is mine you billionaire come on buddy huh huh you can't catch up with me because i'm gonna be catching up with you okay that's a pretty flippy fast bike that's a pretty fast bike you got over there buddy i mean it is the most expensive bike after all i'm gonna have to take some shortcuts to take you out get back don't never catch me yes i will yes i flipping will i'm right behind you does it matter who i am i'm the tax collector well buddy you're about to pay some oh almost got you almost got you get right back here yes we flipping got him cops and we also got rolls most expensive bike this thing looks flippin insane holy smoke that's the one let's go get it back up back up that guy i need to stay awake i need to get this is an invite only party for billionaires i forgot my invite sir let me just go and grab my invite cops i don't have a flipping name fight how the heck are we gonna get inside holy smokes what kind of bike is this let's steal this one instead whoa cops are first billionaires bike has been stolen let's get enough grace wow we look super rich right now this is gonna be perfect we're right over here hello excuse me bodyguard so whoa nice necklace dude thank you thank you oh you must be filthy rich come on in all right all right well we're at the billionaires meat cups this is flipping amazing check out that bike that bike is so cool let's go get it hello welcome to my party oh this is your party i could have done this fight we're ready to go we're gonna worry about that i'll show you oh my name is mr billions because i'm worth millions but you're not that funny you're not that funny oh well i don't like you that much if you don't find me funny and maybe we should leave yeah there we go oh all right anyways so you're going to show me that crazy billion dollar bike is that yours let's get some clothes i got all the bikes in this establishment oh that's so cool where did it go was it is it park right yes yes of course it's around here oh okay i i really need that bike i mean i've been just so excited for that holy smokes right there first you need to you know show me your sacrifice what do you mean sacrifice oh you know exactly what i mean by sacrifice i need a woman or a child oh okay uh yeah no i forgot that one in my trunk let me just go and grab it guys you know i'm just going to grab my sacrifice where the heck did we end up coming anyways i saw a really nice fight over here i'm just going to steal this one first and then let's uh see if we can get that billion dollar bite whoa this looks so awesome we just got our second billionaire bike it is time for it upgrade wow we just gotta flip and child okay this is perfect hey billionaire oh hello hey i i brought my sacrifice it's right here yes this is your son yes yes this is so cute what's his name his name is um cop junior hi cop junior oh i don't want to speak to you come on let's go let's go okay you can go with him you can come with me come junior come here i'm gonna get the bike right after this right uh yes well i'll let you see it okay i want to get the bike man i want to get the bike good luck up junior all right well come to you and i uh he's having fun back there you and i let's go to the next area yes wait wait wait where did the bike go oh it should be around here okay oh there it is it's a billion dollar bike so i can i can get it soon oh of course let's just walk out holy [ __ ] folks i mean that bike looks so flipping cool i really want to get it i mean it's like the coolest thing i've ever seen in my life yes it is very cool um i do have a question for you though all right what's your question buddy well you know of course that we are a bit of a cult over here so what okay well obviously with the sacrifices and everything yeah so you did bring your cult hood didn't you my culture what do you mean you're out no i'm good you can't no no no no no no no no you can't get to this area without the cult outfit what secret what what do you mean no one's wearing the color out of it no no inside inside inside okay i mean no i'll just go and grab a cold outfit then okay and then i might let you have the bike all right oh okay i'm just gonna grab it there real quick i'll be right back what the heck is this place i mean there's bikes everywhere so i'm just gonna steal this one now whoa kels we just saw our third billionaire's bike it is time for enough price [Music] we just got the flipping cold outfit this is perfect let's go get the bike it's right there very nice yo yo the fight went inside yes well it's time to do some cult things okay can i go inside too yes let's go i'm part of the group now by the way how do you get the stains out of your jacket mine's got a bit of uh blood on it what the heck i i don't know man okay let's go inside yay let's go this place is insane and the bike is right there where is it going it's going down to our cult area oh my goodness i i'm i mean i'm just speechless this place looks crazy i really want that bike man i'm that's what i'm here for you know yes i know that's what you're here for and so if you want the bike you must pass the test i mean i will pass the test are you willing to do anything i'm willing to do anything for that fight that's literally what i do all the time i do anything are you running anything i will do anything for that bite so give me the test man give me the test where is it oh you're about to see it it's down i mean we're all we're at the end of this hallway it must be right here right well stop okay you must take that let's take this oh my goodness a flipping knife are you kidding me okay okay thank you for the knife by the way so what do you want me to do with this i'm about to show you are you sure you're ready for this i'm ready one more chance to back out now i want the billion dollar budget say anything say it say that you want me i'll do anything all right wait there okay i'm here i'm ready i mean how about i'm here you must sacrifice my child really no shoes no no no no sacrifice you'll get them you know what i don't need that bike it's not worth it it's not worth it buddy adios i'm flipping out of here man what the heck comes through this place i'm just gonna take this bike and get the flip on here whoa whoa cops we just stole this billion dollar bite also we're at blue and blue it's time for the upright whoa gloves we just got flipping weapons all right we're back here let's go and save that flipping child pretty sure he's still steady step out get that out of here buddy what the heck holy smokes where did that thing just come from he just ran right in here are you kidding me this place is like a maze okay well let's continue to the end where the flipping child should be at hey just keep on going keep on focus around every corner where the heck is it are you kidding me are you kidding me i saw him right there wow you're flipping crazy okay you know what oh buddy boom this what are you subscribed are you so strong it must have beat all the flippy sacrifices oh boy evil demon okay you know this is crazy man you're crazy you're too close he's too close to catching my rpg we gotta move up to the kid man the kid is somewhere over there oh boy kid we're gonna come and rescue you we're on our way buddy we're on our flip away go go go you know what i'm just gonna start running i'm just gonna oh he's right there buddy buddy buddy get right back here i gotta flip in our beaches all right we're almost there the child is chilling right over there which means the bike should be here hey no get away from the child get away from him get away from him no you evil demon you evil demon get back go away from the job oh my goodness that did quite a flippy well anyways little kid you're safe now little kid where's the bike dad the bike's here it's the bike's here where is it where is he where is he it's right here dad it's right here oh snap yes we got the flipping block phillips we just sold a billion dollar block yes anyways thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it drop a like and check out one of these videos on the screen right now bye bye
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 1,295,479
Rating: 4.8324013 out of 5
Keywords: funny, moments, comedy, challenge, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, funny videos, KOP, kwebbelkops, kweb, gta 5, minecraft, rp, roleplay, gaming, game, kid, child friendly, gta v, gta 5 roleplay, gta 5 rp, gta online, gta v rp, gta rp, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mods, gta v roleplay, gta v online, gta 5 online, gta 5 roleplay funny moments, gta 5 rp live, gta 5 rp funny moments, gta 5 rp server, gta 5 online gameplay, gta 5 online money, gta v rp live, gta rp funny moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 8sec (6128 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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