Funniest Animals News Bloopers

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well this weekend is all about alpacas farms across the country will be celebrating national alpaca farm days foster five's claims burke joins us live from windy hill farm in fairborn where she celebrating already look at those that's great guys this is thrilling oh my gosh sorry it touched me another quote it's time to put the gun in your morning you're watching the koam morning news on fox 14. it's gonna stay dry through the weekend what in the world is that i hope he didn't pull that off the building well can what's the name again hector okay that literally almost bit me oh my goodness and good morning i'm heather lake we're at farm camp if you haven't heard of it well the sd humane society is putting on a brand new summer camp and we're going to tell you what he's flying away i don't want to hurt him organizers of the production tell me one of the challenges is keeping the animals under control as well as keeping camels separate from the horses oh give me a kiss oh that was definitely a fishy kiss but i definitely loved it thank you so much so i'm gonna send things back to you in the studio what llamas alpacas what do you got out there hey he's just got me he scared me wrestling we've got some horses out here it is so much fun this morning teachers are interested they can connect with you or do you already have a set group of schools or teachers that you're working with we're currently at omaha benson omaha north and we have a program that we do zavidaya we're having a serious conversation about stem here hanging out with the cows they're looking pretty good and chowing down grabbing breakfast there it's it's staring at me so hopefully i don't make it mad head it on the head see if that works there we go anyways we have some cloud cover here this morning and i'm at one of the ow owls and i'm at one of the regions zoos where they're doing that annual stock take of animals that's right carmen they say they're still behind on the bridge going over the north saskatchewan river they do say now that they are not trending toward a december 2020 completion date for the whole valley line they won't say when they now say they'll be complete only that they'll be a few months late okay three two one and today three of wwe's biggest star is meeting with some of the forever [Laughter] and find out why lenny the lully llama is looking for love [Music] yes i got a kiss good morning cotty as well we are live on the mornington peninsula i'm with ralph's little mates here at the moment and as you can see uh they're a little bit distressed that he's going missing uh very serious situation though police have found three people have arrested three people overnight two have since been released but they have charged one man over ralph's disappearance he's one of our barn buddies and so if you're not able to have a horse um at your home then you can sponsor somebody like twister and it's a really cool program you get a um plush version of twister to take home and then you also have the opportunity to come out here and visit your buddy that was awesome i guess penelope is not a big fan of twitter but i like twister and i like phenomenal so not that one uh yeah let's put this let's let's put this baby one on me all right let's do this one more time gonna hit gonna hit oh look at the head not the head girl you don't put the head in front of a reporter's face no that's just too much all right let's do that okay all right let's just do it all right there we go all right there you have it you're scared because it senses you're scared okay everything's good okay see just breathe the bitter cold temperatures can make it dangerous for animals like holy cow make sure that they prepare to make sure oh no those in other livestock are safe when the cold winter hits next weekend what's what's this one's name max okay safe when the cold hits next week tests are finally begun on the illegal dump in harrison county i'm gregor okay ready is it rolling tests have finally begun on the illegal dump in harrison county i'm greg garlock and i have okay tess i finally okay get off tests have finally begun on the illegal dump in harrison county i'm greg garlock and i'll have that story okay ready this way buds come here three two one abandoned during a tropical storm someone oh my god this way here we go okay come on good boy good boy you're a good boy abandoned during a tropical storm someone left this little guy scared and wet might be okay ready let's go this way come here buds come here i think he likes the cows too ready here we go here we go buds what's this um we need you to make your show your adorable face hi three two one you're a puppy he's about a six to seven month old schnauzer mixed puppy he sees himself in the camera now so he's very excited about that he's almost full grown he's a wonderful dog he can see himself in the air yes he's barking because he can see himself and sometimes it's right okay live tv he just doesn't like seeing his own picture on tv if you need to wake up this morning okay there goes uh there goes wayne right by you man we're all up i cannot handle this man i can run a marathon right now i am so awake no more coffee is needed for today we are good my goodness that's when we're going to see a 60 coverage there as we get into oh my gosh well wayne's on top of it downward facing dog dead bug pigeon cat cow plenty of yoga poses are named after animals how about horse all right in india yoga downward forward is actually being used to heal horses in a video you've really got to see to believe on youtube the yoga master positions the horse [Laughter] it is strange it is strange video doing a handstand on the horse at one point at one point whether or not this is good for the horse is unclear if i see the rancher down the street and doing this to the horses i'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt that they've never seen janet saint james lose it on the air is awesome now that is living right all right that is a very unique show there um what about tickets are they pretty easy to get right now and how long will the show be in town well let's see if i can pop out here well there's about two thousand seats so right now the the performance goes until mid-may uh but depending on the demand depending on the demand guys uh we we could uh we could see the show oh look at that so it's really it's the i'm looking into your eyes you're very beautiful you're not painting tell me everything i'm i'm the horse whisperer i i have a question for you just you guys could check out you ask them why they're going to be i can't hear you oh now you can't hear us at all are you guys there how about now okay well listen 2 000 seats available you got a month to check out the show if not longer come come check it out yeah you're a little occupied we'll let you go now thanks jeff she was left in a box a donation box rather it's just not this looks like they hit like was this the same cat from the other day it looks like the animal the other day usually it was a hitler cat this was left in a donation box in fresno california now she has a new lease on life as a charlie chaplin cat maybe salvation army worker rescued her and took her to a shelter but what's really special about her is her mustache because of her unique fur pattern many are calling her mustache kitty after a few days of medical care she will be up for adoption i can't handle it charlie chaplin because that one at least has well at least that one has more of the curvature like yeah but the other one the other day did have this straight spot there all right right now the pandas researchers found out we're a lot more interested in playing eating and sleeping rather than mating in 2002 the population of the panda in the wild was barely 1500 then they're hungry they're nibbling on my leg now thanks to fertility ow ow ow it's my leg in the year 2002 the panda population in the wild was barely 1500 they were headed towards extinction now thanks to conservation and fertility treatments okay just don't bite just don't fight in 2002 the population of the panda in the wild was barely 1500. japan as it turned out were a lot more interested in plane and eating rather than mating okay this is rebel this is rebel we're really close friends look oh he's gonna he loves me and i love him too i know i'm really afraid of that but no we'll get down to business here i'm going to come over here talk to stephanie tell me about some of the things people can see if they come to animal town if you come to animal town you can see any animal that is showcased here at the indiana state fair just like rebel the llama but for an exciting experience you can go backstage and you get to party with the animals for just ten dollars you get to walk all the animals feed them and learn how to care for all the animals that we show here on the fairgrounds just like rebel there are a lot of other um event i'm just so distracted i'm sorry you just gotta let them look why what would what would make you distracted there jimmy you have no idea he loves you demi oh i don't know i don't know i love the name too i was honestly i was afraid of it's rebel rebel that's right rebel has a crush i believe yeah yes look at look i have a crush too the funniest part was the handler had no idea what was going on all right look at that i was afraid of him at first it's a match made in heaven uh-huh oh look at the stare down come on he looks he looks right into your eyes it's very it's very sweet or terrifying okay okay all right well i'll send it back to you guys oh you like that let's just see what happens here good stuff demi thanks jimmy thank you welcome back i'm joined by jackie from fawz atlanta this is birdie bernie's a handful bernie's very very happy a very very happy dog is this just for us or is this normal this is normal he will greet you like this every single day imagine waking up to this go home to this we just had about 20 volunteers come to pause this morning and he greeted every single person with smiles and his tail wags he is just a happy boy a very happy dog hold on bertie hold on okay i see a little bit of a beagle i mean maybe a little i don't know what do you think beagle and maybe rat because he's a little smaller there you go there you go all right he's only about three years old so just three thousand okay but he just i mean he is the welcome committee and mr friendly so we adore him he loves to run around but he actually does calm down i know it doesn't seem that way this is very exciting this morning so okay okay show me your smile i think they've seen a whole lot of birdie this morning but it's been said okay hey bernie i want you to look at a picture look over here picture it's rutabaga do you remember rutabaga look over there she was adopted and she still has two other uh friends that are still at the shelter from that hoarding case so they would love to have a home as well so please stop by and meet them quince and kale they are just fantastic dogs got it and i suspect that uh the welcoming committee will be bertie unless he's been adopted unless he's topped it already okay birdie give him that give him that smile give him that smile there it is right there oh there it is all right
Channel: News Be Funny
Views: 688,191
Rating: 4.9112949 out of 5
Keywords: funniest animals news bloopers, news bloopers 2020, news bloopers, bloopers, funny, comedy, outtakes, laugh, tv, humor, 2020, Blooper (TV Genre), News (Topic), News (Broadcast genre), Live television (Topic), Television comedy (Television genre), Comedy (TV Genre), Television (Topic), news broadcasting (TV Genre)
Id: 1J54K8hd4dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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