Funnel Review Live: Let's Improve This Funnel's Conversions!

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everybody john here from unbeatable tech let's see how many ways we can improve this funnel i'm about to show you in about 30 minutes all right this video is going to be awesome because we're gonna do a live funnel review there's one of our students in our main school who is getting excited to launch her first facebook ad campaign to a funnel that has been converting and she's made over a thousand dollars in sales on it and when i heard her email that she was really excited to start running ads i asked her to hey share with me the url for your landing page that you're trying to drive traffic to and let me just give it a once over and so she did and as i looked at it i love the offer i love what we see here we're going to break down this funnel kind of look at it with a fresh set of eyes and try to find as many helpful ways of improving victoria's conversions okay this video is perfect for you if you are launching your first funnel your fifth funnel whatever the case might be because there's always value in seeing somebody who does this as well who is not you looking through a funnel what is going on through my mind is somebody external somebody who's seen a lot of these things where's the clarity where's the room for improvement all that good stuff we're gonna show you here in this video okay before we dive in there will be a link down below where i'm starting to accept applications if you'd like to have your funnel reviewed it's review all right um so before we dive into it let's just take a look at this page here what is the offer what are we dealing with and by the way if you see any awesome feedback for victoria i'm gonna share this video with her of course i wonder if she might even be here live with us but i'm going to be collecting all this feedback and sending it back to her just as a nice way to say thank you and um so if you see any feedback as we're going through of course keep it kind keep it civil all of that good stuff but if there's any way you can help victoria out i would love to see her get an extremely profitable and successful launch of her facebook campaign to this page here okay now to be clear we are not gonna be diving into facebook we're not going looking at her ads or anything like that taking it one step at a time we're gonna dive into the opt-in page and the one-time offer page and take a look at what we're doing from the design elements and if time permits we might go ahead and do a little redesign or kind of show how we could implement some of the feedback that we'll be coming up with on this live stream okay hope you're excited let me know down in the comments down below if everything's coming through loud and clear and let's take a look at this page all right let's always start with the offer what are we actually getting here it's a natural dying mini guide not dying like kick in the bucket but finding a way to change colors of things so victoria is big on natural dye which is cool this is great because i know nothing about natural dye i don't think i've ever used dye in my life so maybe food coloring i think that would count so what we have here is a bunch of different examples of her work of what she can do it's nicely branded now okay all right so we're going to just take it all in before we start going through and looking at feedback here all right cool dee says i'm loud and clear fantastic i'm super excited for this one guys and then we have a next page what happens here okay we've got a whole oh we've gone into a oh boy there's a lot going on here great we're going to be able to help victoria out a lot here is victoria she is awesome super super cool and when we do opt-in let's go ahead and opt in and i'll just use a little created email address let's go ahead and check it out wait okay great this is clearly a one-time offer nice and uh in front there your freebie's on its way but before you go check out this one-time offer at 68 off okay i like that that's super cool natural dyeing guide what i just sign up for okay so natural dying mini guide is free and then a natural dyeing guide i guess regular size guide is premium all right so we can go through here and we'll get into the specifics of each page i'm just getting a high level overview here and i'd love i would love to hear your feedback as we're going through be sure to put that in the live chat if you're here with us live or in the comments afterwards as well okay la creative mama la creative mama natural dyeing method eight steps you need to follow need to follow to create bright and lasting color every time for silk wool cotton inland okay good to clarify that i'm sure it's very different all right fibers and dies materials and equipment very cool plus you get the bonuses i love bonuses natural dyeing master class for 17 workbook to record your experimentation oh that's smart uh you know i do the same thing for a b testing you record your experiment what worked what didn't work and learn for it good three bonuses some testimonials a buy button what is this a little plus button all right that should go frequently ask questions very cool and then if we click on it we go into the purchase the checkout page here for seventeen dollars if i go to buy now awesome okay oh and then you that's interesting you click off the side of the checkout form where in sendai right here it'll actually take you over to the home page don't like that but that's probably a limitation of sendai there all right so that's what we have going on right now i'd love to hear what your thoughts are um what i think we should do the best way to approach this is let's go page by page and just start showing out ideas options my feedback from somebody who does not know this that's often times where you're going to get the best feedback because if you are the guru sometimes if you're on you think about the alphabet as progress like a letter a is the absolute beginner letter z is the best in the world if you're somewhere in like letter m n o like you're midway in the alphabet over there and you're trying to sell to people who are at letter a or letter b like they're just in beginners oftentimes you forget how to relate to people who are before you like people who have not reached the levels you've reached and so having somebody who does not who's not at that level who's not at letter m and op um and all that it's really good to have them look over your copy your sales copy does it make sense and i will be providing that feedback authentically because i have no idea about natural dyes all right let's take a look at the homepage and we'll just be working top to bottom and i'll be circling the screen as we're going through to provide feedback and victoria i think will be able to take this and take some action on it okay first thing i see is i love that the logo this is okay having a logo at the top of the page but i would most certainly want to remove the menu having a menu especially we have to consider the different uh mentality here of paid traffic versus organic traffic if you're sending somebody from facebook organically over to your blog post or over to an opt-in page it's kind of okay if they're bouncing around to other uh you know portions of your website because you found them organically which means they're somehow connected to you which means they're somehow a bit interested in your topic and they might be able to go browse and find what they want however we're doing direct response copy here so that means we're sending people directly to a goal there's a input and an output input is ads output is leads and customers and sales and all that good stuff so distraction is very very damaging in this scenario i would want to there will be a theme on this review as i've kind of gone through here i realize the theme is going to be reduce distractions to increase conversions and so that's going to be what we're going to focus on here with victoria i would definitely remove this uh it looks like let's see what theme you're using here i might normally i can tell just by clicking on a few things i think this might be the astra theme it might be cadence i'm not entirely sure from this but most of them will have the ability for you to remove the menu there i would do that first and foremost all right natural dyeing free mini guide not bad not bad it's a good headline it doesn't grip me so much natural dyeing free mini guide that's what you're getting the feature is a mini guide and the outcome is you're going to learn how to do natural dying but what is the benefit and or what is the pain like those types of emotions um you have to be somewhat careful especially in the world of facebook and and paid ads around using too much negative um connotation in your headlines but you can certainly juice up on the positive side so you know what an idea is get 13 recipes on how you can save time and create beautiful colors for your kids or something like i don't exactly know what you're using this colorful dye for it looks like it's for yarn and all that so cool clothes so craft one-of-a-kind unique colors for your clothes so you can stand out amongst the crowd get started for free with this 100 free mini guide point being just saying hey free mini guide if they're not already in that world which is likely who you're going to be attracting with ads people who are not already there but might have some ancillary interests like there are maybe they're stay-at-home moms maybe they're homesteaders there's something that's keeping them interested or somehow they're in your targeted audience but you really got to break down why why do i want this that's what it is why do i want it and you can do that in the tagline but i really want to make sure that's up in the headline like in the big text at the top you want to make that crystal clear and then you can reinforce the benefits in the sub headline here i do like easy eight step process to create bright colors from natural dyes that will last forever all right honestly this should be up top if if you don't rewrite the headline that little tag line there is a significantly better um um not saying the first one is bad but that bottom portion there is fire it's great that's very good um it hits all the right buttons oh and i've got jonathan here from wp tonic good to see you buddy been a while i've been uh i've been in hiding i'm coming back out and chatting some more with everybody i'm loving it i love this lay flat image looks great i wouldn't wouldn't change anything there that looks awesome and then first name and email address i am of the opinion that if i'm not going to use the information i don't want to ask for the information um over time i have gotten away from requesting names in my opt-in forms purely for the reason that i tend not to use them in my marketing what i found is when i did collect first names or first name and last name or any additional information on my opt-in forms and if i reviewed my list and i looked through the people i would see a lot of gibberish on the first name field so then i think about this okay if i if i'm getting let's say 10 of the people don't put in their first name or maybe they put in a very long name or something like that what's going to happen what's the outcome of me collecting that information if i send a broadcast to my whole list and i include hello first name as like one of those insertable short codes or personalization fields it's gonna miss ten percent of people ten percent of people are going to quickly see this is a robot sending this out because nobody would send out a gibberish name to them okay so the benefit of personalization is it feels good like to see oh hi john and then you start your email with that that's that's nice very formal but if if ten percent of the people are already getting i'm throwing out these numbers here right but if a few people are getting gibberish i would just remove it entirely but again personal strategy review your list make sure if you want that information there i love having a testimonial right after the headline that's super good another thing we can take a look at is down here at the bottom why do you why do you hide this don't hide this i don't i don't know many of these things i know this one because it's ours but i don't know many of these brands but your audience will so i would bring this up right here having a testimonial is great and then i'd probably say you know as featured in something like that bring that up like right now they're getting the benefit at the top they're seeing there's some social proof already now they want to see if you have any sort of authority to teach this and nothing better than a list of logos and brands and recognitions to show that all right getting started yes you heard right you can produce the most amazing break this is great i had no idea you can create bright colors from flowers and veggies i might i might sign up i did sign up for this i'll i'll read it all right so now i'm curious here going with the theme of reducing uh distraction one thing i'll let's jump out of order here is get rid of this you have no business trying to make money on ads on your landing page the the sole purpose of this page is to get leads and then be able to sell your own products last thing you want to do is have people people think i want to go traveling right now go to hilton by clicking on that ad yeah you might have gotten a penny from me clicking on that ad but you just maybe spent a dollar losing me from from a facebook ad for perspective so certainly remove ads anywhere on your landing page there are some very really well-known and really good marketers who sell courses and when i was just taking a look at what they had to offer went to their checkout page ads were popping up on their checkout page all over the place and these guys are awesome like they do everything great except for that like you got to help them with their funnel because you want to make sure you keep things super clear super focused especially when you're getting closer to the sale right all right so if i click on this okay super good that you have all these you know ultimate guides to natural dying but i'm going to pose a question here i'm gonna challenge you right now i showed up from facebook right always think about the customer journey for a free natural dyeing mini guide which is a mini guide like it's already kind of diminutive because your one-time offer is a bigger guide if i scroll down and in order to get this mini guide i need to put my name and email address in okay not bad but then if two scrolls down to the page i see an ultimate guide that i can click off of for free without having to give you anything why would i opt in for the free mini guide and this is this is very valuable right here that this is a great thing and you can maybe even just send traffic to this page and not even have a landing page but again i wouldn't have so many ads on on a website i'm trying to pay for traffic and by the way none of this is like negative like this is all like thinking from it from a different perspective oftentimes bloggers come into things thinking that okay i just want to get traffic because i can make money from ads i can get people on here and affiliate marketing is a good thing all these strategies but then like things start to change when you switch from kind of a classic blogger mentality to a bit more of a marketer's mentality of like okay i'm trying to identify my ideal target and i'm going to try to funnel them through a customer journey to result in a sale a testimonial whatever the goal is of that funnel so this is one where oftentimes you know as a blogger you want to interlink as much as possible you want to show all of your great stuff embedded in all your other great stuff except for landing pages i would i think these images are great but i would not link off of this page um a beginner's guide to dies and also like you're creating a little bit of confusion here because i've got an ultimate guide for free here i've got a beginner's guide for free here i'm losing motivation to give you my email address to get a mini guide yeah and i think that's pretty clear as we're going through here beginner's got all these things are awesome like i think all these images would be great and and as we scroll through i've got a couple ideas what we can do with those images uh to help you and not not hurt your conversions and then we come down here to a blog roll okay so we can see if she's very active this is super cool avocado die my goodness so it's clear she's putting out a ton of value and a ton of content but this does not belong on a page for for opt-in conversions what you could do is you could do a illustrated benefit list and what that means is you could say instead of having such a long headline here say something like look at what is made possible through natural dyeing and you could maybe have one of those alternating where you have let me get my things here you have this image here and then maybe a few benefits of this so you could show you know um easy you could show for cheap or free all these benefits and then you can scroll down a little bit further and you can have another image down here with a few more benefits keep it very concise very easy to see and either remove links entirely from these images or you could link them as an anchor link to come right back up to your opt-in page because again on this page if the goal is to create a funnel that's going to generate predictable revenue you need to remove as many variables as possible every link that takes them away from that process is a variable that does not serve you so all these images if you're doing the the illustrated benefit list you can link back to the the guide here or you could put another guide maybe down here below the list where they can sign up and get get the thing again and for a page of this length for having as much value on this page i would want a second one of these embedded most likely what i would no what i would do is have an opt-in up here at the front perfect they click over if they're the right audience they don't need to see any more they're like free natural die mini guide awesome they're going to sign up right here but then there will be a significant portion of people who need a bit more convincing who is this lady what do i like do i really want to give her anything as you scroll down you start to get con converted you start to say yes i do want this slap another one you can just copy and paste if it looks like you're using the gutenberg editor you can just duplicate that block and bring it down here to get another signup form down below all right i think that's another thing i would want to have but underneath the benefit statement so um i might need to draw well anyways what i want to have here is just a little blurb about who you are and how you came to do this not a full origin story not a not a full 1700 word blog post about how you got here but just enough you've got a little bit of authority by having your features here but i want a little bit more um to say who you are you know victoria you're you're clearly okay with putting your picture on the website which is great that's a great conversion and trust builder and just show a little bit hey i'm a i don't know mom of two been homesteading for 17 years and i've developed and i've helped over 5000 i don't know how big your email list is but i've helped over 5 000 moms just like you get started and grow with natural dyeing something like that would help and that should be towards the bottom of the page because that's going to be one of the last things that people will need to convert is okay i see what it is sounds cool i see some people trust her that's great i see that she has some authority in other areas cool i see the benefits and features of the thing awesome but who is this person and do i do i trust her does she have one of those likable faces or whatever the case might be in conversions is super helpful oh zachary is giving some love here don't know why thousands of people are missing this webinar i know right where are they so i'm glad you're enjoying it and hope it helps but this will be evergreen all right i'm gonna take a little pause here and read another comment i agree jonathan if you're gonna spend thousands of dollars on paid traffic campaigns it's so important to have a second opinion from an expert like me oh i appreciate that have him look over your campaign that's why we're doing this oh and here's a good idea scary good marketing says possible name for the guide the naturalist's guide to bright and long-lasting dyes i like that that's very good you're scary good at that scary good marketing awesome all right so that's enough i think on that page what we can do depending on how long this goes if we have some time i'd be happy to design an example to kind of give you an idea sometimes if you look at the pages already built it's hard to see some other ideas and might be able to pop one up in the future so let's go ahead and come over to your one-time offer which is not here here you go oto all right wait okay first thing i would probably do is and this is personal preference i know a lot of people will have the first word on the page wait i'm not as much of a fan of it personally i like saying you know awesome job or you're great thank you so much something kind and be like your freebies on its way to your inbox but and then you can kind of stop them in their tracks but it can take five to seven minutes to arrive which normally is not true but hey sometimes it can happen so i'm okay to put it on your on your page but before you go be sure to read all this everything on this page because it can help you increase your results um i do like that you have a one-time offer at 68 off so this is good i would just maybe change how you transition into that um but it's a small thing right this is super nice i know they can be kind of overplayed or some people aren't a huge fan of them but i still like those digital mock-ups you can go to something like or um or canva and glorify has really implemented a really nice um digital mock-up feature recently but when i see this here you are there you go when i i see this it doesn't reach out as a guide and and you know especially since before you had this which already shows the guide um and that was to convert somebody with just an email address you're gonna need a little bit more uh to show them how interesting and how you know flourishing your digital product is you know show if there's any computer components show a little computer with an image of it it could be the same image but i would like to see it packaged up as a digital product because that can help people understand and set their expectations for the perceived value of the product and as we'll see further on down this page there are a lot of components in here that would fit nicely in a mockup and because they've already seen this if they see on the next page a whole lot more they're gonna be much more likely to read through because they're are already obviously interested in getting the free guide so if they see a whole lot more you'll definitely increase your conversion rates above the fold right like so very right here where this image is i want to see an image of the full product okay how to dye fabric and yarn using natural dyes in eight easy steps that's super nice it's super good um i'm gonna harp back on so what like this is how you get the thing but why do i care about that and because you have it right here in bold so i would probably change this around to say quickly learn in eight or let's say these eight easy steps will help you achieve bright and long-lasting colors from natural dyes tested over you know how many years or whatever the case might be some impactful thing there uh i would i would stick away from like all your good stuff is like hidden like how to do this oh i like it eight easy steps that that belongs up the front i like bright and long-lasting colors from natural dyes works every time these are all great things don't hide them behind a whole bunch of words put them up front and get people excited and you know copywriting tenant is that every like the headlines jobs get people to read the sub headline the sub headlines jobs get them to read the first body copy or the you know they hear images like you're always trying to just work them through the page work them through the process so a lot of um care has to be gone to make sure that not only is what you're saying correct but it's interesting it's curiosity invoking and it actually adds value all right kind of scrolling through here this is great specific dyes specific process equals bright beautiful bright and lasting color now another little could go either way if you have figured out some sort of a specific process right like ooh specific process you've got an opportunity here to brand this i don't i mean you could say the the lock creative method or you could have some acronym of let's say you need to rinse rinse hang and dry you can do like the rrh method or r3 method or something like that you can find a way to make it curiosity invoking because when i see specific dyes and specific process i'm like there's an opportunity there to really captivate people and create an open loop where if you describe something in like the marketing language like the r3 method or r3 die something like that they're going to want to know what that is whereas if you just say a specific process you're like okay it's a tutorial so there might be something there okay i like i like this image but i was expecting when i saw this image to hear a little bit about you about like the introduction of the author so i would probably in the beginning i want to make this page about the product and the offer and the benefits of that and then a little bit later on is to reinforce that page and reinforce the um the authority you have for that offer with uh with you and a little bit of about me blurb so that this image might work a little bit further on down oh and here it is this is awesome this looks really really good this is better than i expected um i probably wouldn't have it so far down i'm just i'm kind of getting my the lay of the land here this page something to test like my gut feel which is not worth a whole lot because everyone's tactics is going to be different based on the audience and and what works best for them and the only way to learn that is through conversion rate optimization and experimentation but my gut feel is that that box shot image would do better up here than this image would because also you can use that image three times four times on your page depending on how long it is you're gonna have almost like a good song it'll have verses where there's unique content but there's always a refrain there's always that chorus that you come back to and what i like to use which i mean i'm giving a lot away for free in this video here but why not we're just on a roll is i like to use the value stack as the refrain of a sales page so you'll like show this thing like okay the natural dying guide again i think i think we can can make that name maybe a little bit sexier find something ultimate beginner's guide to dying fabric like you're closer here so we got to find a way to brand this a little bit um but i would have that then i would say here's what you're going to get with eight to ten little check marks of all the different goodies and optionally you can see you ha you have the check marks here you have the bullet points optionally you can choose to embed the value the value of that component and then you can say total value is this i'm offering a discount of 68 you your price today only is this click down below to buy that would be a good refrain that you could use and then in between the reframes you're putting verses in you're putting in unique content your backstory um the the the guide of what's in the product kind of walking through it uh so that that's a way to do this i would certainly have a buy button somewhere here there needs to be a buy button here and i would probably space out the um i'm kind of confused what the difference is here you've got two different lay flats just like a a screen height away so there's something different here guide will teach you this frequently ask questions plus you get all these bonuses okay i'm a little bit confused as to the difference between these uh these here and and confu confusion is is is not good you wanna you wanna make sure people know what they're getting and so maybe there should be a header here to show what the difference is between this or maybe like here's a peek inside the guide something like that but i see you're reusing some components between the lay flat images and that is uh the late the sales page song thank you susie she's sitting over there writing an article trolling me on my live stream orchestrating consistent sales i see she's got her copywriting hat on there very valuable feature all right let's keep on let's wrap this thing up here i like the bonuses i think you're using just the default editor so it can be a little bit tricky but i want to squeeze some of that content in i i find that that's using a good portion of your horizontal screen real estate and it's fine on mobile which a good portion of your audience is likely on mobile but i find that just from a design perspective i'd probably want to squeeze those in a little bit and we'll try to squeeze we'll try to show an example in a second i love the testimonials here nice that you highlight it like that get your guide now amazing launchpad that's awesome so i would ask the question if if this is an amazing launch price offer that is very good captive captivating copy like if it's true if you're just launching this i would i would show this as a launch price i would show that way way higher up on the page um because people that's going to build in an additional level of fomo because they know okay one time offer but if this is a product that's been selling for years and there's it's not that scarce but if it's a one-time offer on a launch deal that's like a double trouble in a good way that can really help i don't know what that plus button is doing there that's probably just a little little thing needs to be removed faqs is great last thing i would probably say on this page is if they're down to this point that they're reading the faq they're super interested i would not make them have to re-navigate up to find the buy button i would make sure that i have one final refrain to use the sales page song i would have one last um section block where it restates the product it shows the lay flat shows a benefit shows the value shows the price and the buy button i would have that down to the bottom make make sure that's there uh and aside from that i mean we definitely gave a lot of ideas a lot of feedback on this but it's super nicely done clicking over here naturals okay everything still lines up okay sendal we started with sundial as well a long time ago uh which is great um just throwing it out there you might cons i'm not a big fan of like if some people just happen to click off inadvertently i don't know that's a setting you can undo but i'm not a big fan that it's going to redirect them off the checkout process and like in general the paypal is just very i lose trust when i feel like i'm going off to some generic payment processor so you might look into not necessary but you might look into embedding that checkout form on your sales page on your one-time offer page where we have here and maybe having it here and maybe having the different buttons could link back could anchor link to that uh checkout form couple ideas not necessary um without good measurement you won't really know if it's helping or hurting you but it's something to keep in mind here all right cool so i hope that was helpful guys um i think that victoria is a total rock star um and i think i know where she got this sales page from this looks rather familiar to some of our teaching here um oh my gosh what what type of music are balloons afraid of i'm guessing pop music silly goose all right so i hope this is helpful uh let me check one thing here while i don't i'm not sharing my screen okay well there's something weird going on i'll need to take a look at here all right so it's working but there's something weird going on my website right now which you know naturally so if that was fun if you like that if you like the idea about getting a funnel reviewed for free i do have a page set up on my website funnel review you can check that out pay no attention to the pink logo there i have to figure out what's going on here and i have some little instructions here on getting your funnel reviewed i'll need to check one little thing here of course right before going live i had an issue with my website so fun stuff that is life we live in but by the end of the next hour this will be up where you can request show me your sales page your funnel happy to do these they're fun for me i think you can tell i had a good time doing this and i think that it can be helpful to a lot of people to get this type of feedback and with that so yeah norden you can certainly come to funnel review and i'm happy to walk through it um once that form is it's still there and if you want to just go ahead and send me an email at support and i can put that in the queue there are bonus points if you leave me a nice testimonial video testimonials extra bonus points you can get moved up to the top of the line but i'd like to do one of these per week i think they're they're good content i think that's good value and it's nothing for me to prepare which is great as well so that is where we're at uh our online generation says love you guys thank you so much love you as well appreciate you being here and if there's any questions you guys have feel free to put them in the chat i'm gonna do one quick thing here while waiting to see a couple of questions that they come up and just kind of making a little bit of a plug i do like even if you choose not to use this tool i think that the inspiration you can get from using uh an already nicely built out page builder like thrive architect can be helpful so let's just take one look at as i saw your product i was like this could be a good fit what take a look here at the product focused page and what i wanna let's see if it's going to be happy okay i think it's happy definitely something weird with the colors right now good times all right well some of the some things are looking a little bit wonky but pay attention to like the flow of the page how they flow through this so quick headline of what the product is a little bit of a tagline and an image of the product itself straight to testimonials straight to benefits not features but benefits what you get out of it showing all the individual products and components who is this for that's a really good section that we didn't even talk about in our review is who could use this product who is it built for who is it designed for who is it not for can all be helpful conversion tactics um calls to action buttons to go to your buy button more testimonials faqs and get the outcome today so notice how like we mentioned our review as well having a faq section is absolutely important and vital but if you answer their question correctly you want to reward them by making it easy for them to find the buy button so make sure there's a section underneath that all right i definitely have a couple things to take a look at in tech land so i hope this is helpful if you also want to get my personal take on how the write funnel blueprint should be put together what makes sense what doesn't let's see if this page is working here you can check out um a page i need to take a look at so blueprint is my freebie but i've got a little bit of tech stuff i got to figure out here so i'm going to hop off the live here and very very nice thank you zacky loving the new name unbeatable tech seriously unbeatable appreciate that appreciate all of you thank you for joining me here live and i will see you in the next one take care
Channel: Unbeatable Tech
Views: 513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W4v4bYmJ3cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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