Best Video Hosting in 2021: Goodbye Expensive Video Hosts!

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so over the last 48 hours i have moved hundreds literally hundreds of videos away from our old online learning platform into a new one thrive cart learn and i'm enjoying the experience and over and over i keep hearing in facebook groups questions about hosting their files because most people are expecting their online course platform to host files in this video i want to walk you through my experience and give you a full walkthrough of and explain to you why i think is the absolute no-brainer solution when it comes to hosting all your files outside of your website so we're talking about your pdf downloads we're talking about your videos we're talking about any big file that's important to you that you want to use for your premium products and services i'll give you a full walkthrough here in this video all right and if you're launching your online course and you want more videos like this be sure to subscribe and like and do all that fun stuff and let me know down in the comments below where are you hosting your online courses and where are you hosting your media like your videos right now i'm curious to know so i can do more research and provide you guys more value all right let's go ahead and dive in we're going to show you today this is a platform that i am so impressed with and if you don't know what cdn is because i'll be using some technical terms i'll try to uh you know explain them as i'm going through but a cdn is a content delivery network this is how youtube and everything that delivers a bunch of content gets it to you reliably so the way it works is they have pops points of presence they basically computers all around the world a whole network of computers and wherever you log in to watch the course from it's going to serve you that content from the nearest possible location all right so that's how this all works it's not just for videos it's not just for files it can do anything and it actually gives you some recommendations as you're working through setting up the right way all right really the reason why this is special compared to anything else out there is certainly their pricing so let's go ahead and just take a look at this because you may be familiar with vimeo with wistio searchy there's a lot of different video hosts out there but the the rub is always in like is it going to make sense for you to use and this is insane this is orders of magnitudes cheaper than what we're accustomed to using all right so when it comes to video you're going to be using the volume network and this is incredibly just incredibly uh affordable so the way it works and let's just assume you're doing less than 500 terabytes and what this means is how much of your video people are watching if people are watching a gigabyte of a video and they watch it all the way to the end that's going to spend a gig in your bandwidth here right and so it shows you it's less than a pennies half a penny per gigabyte of viewing your content so this isn't one of those you spend a monthly bill and whether you have nobody on your course or you have thousands of people on your course you're spaying you're paying the same monthly bill this is actually a very fair pricing per usage so that's how they can keep it affordable it's really really well done and if this doesn't make sense to you let's go ahead and take a look at some of the options down here i think they have an estimate tool here and we'll all i'll show you my real account as well with what we are currently paying it is uh it's laughable it's fantastic so estimating your monthly bill if you are using 300 gigs of data which that's a pretty good amount of video content being watched you're gonna be paying a dollar 75 per month for that uh for that amount of content being used that's insane right so it's great from a both a pricing side but also from actual quality of delivery i'll show you both some of our courses and how quickly the players load as well as um you know the back end and all the options and the privacy protection as everything you really should want or need all built into this one platform all right let's go ahead and i'll log into my account here and when you come in it'll give you a few different places to go uh the two places i check out is the storage this is where i keep my files and the stream which is where i keep my videos all right i'll go ahead and show you how both of these work if you're having an online course with some downloads we can go ahead and start out with the storage section i'll click over here and you can set things up like file folders like you would on your computer so let's go ahead and do one together here i'll add a storage zone and let's just call this one freedom by number which is one of our brands and then when it comes to setting up where these files are actually stored as i mentioned this is a cdn so there's a network of computers but they they do have a central main storage this is like where you upload your file to originally and then it can be moved across the world as you want it to they default to europe which is falconstein i believe that's the headquarters of the company so falconstein is where our first file is going to go but then from there you can do what's called geo replication this basically says it's going to put your files here but then it's going to share them over to different locations and so here you can choose us new york us west los angeles i'm on the east coast so i'll do a us east and this is going to add two pennies per gigabyte in your storage uh if so i'm not gonna worry about that right two pennies is not gonna break the bank and i do like the idea of having that redundancy in the content being in two different locations uh it also is gonna be better for my students or any of my customers since we are a us-based operation i wanna make sure the files are being served very quickly to us customers so i'll say add that storage zone and the button will hop along the screen there all right and there we go now we have that a folder that we can continue to like you on any computer add a directory inside of it so we might call this one freebies add that guy maybe add another one here for course attachments and now if i want to i can just add some files by clicking into where i want to go and drag a file in there let me go ahead and find a file that we can play with together all right so i've found a pdf we can use as an example i'll drag this over and just drop it in and it'll upload the file just like that and now if you wanted to share this inside of your course if you're using something like a thrive cart learn all you have to do is right click on it and you can copy that url and it's going to warn me that i need to add a pull zone so let's do that right now i'll click add a pull zone and then let's go ahead and set up um fbn i think that'll work and you get to choose how you want the files to be sent okay now this is where the the two parts of the pricing there's the storage pricing and that's what we set up the first time and now this is the kind of the transmission pricing how much you want to pay for like basically the quality of the service of the streaming of getting it to your customers right so there's two different tiers the standard tier and the high volume tier so standard tier is going to be on stuff that you want to get there fast you don't want to wait at all this would be for you know if you have like a a website cdn where you deliver maybe your images and your static files from a cdn and then all your text and all your blog post stuff from your wordpress website that's what you want to use in this case because i'm not planning on using a ton of bandwidth for my pdf files let's go ahead and use standard that is uh ten dollars per terabyte and high volume is five dollars per terabyte so you're gonna pay double um but first of all ten dollars per terabyte that doesn't even make sense so let's take a look at this how it really is here it is 10 or it's one penny per gigabyte so you figure if if you have a pretty big pdf it might be two megabytes 10 megabytes maybe um it would be hundreds of those thousands of those probably before you can get to a few dollars in um and price there so certainly nothing to be worried about i'm going to go ahead and turn off these additional areas and just deliver it to uh you know have a pull zone from europe in north america for one penny per gig and i'll say add pull zone oh i need to add more stuff fbn documents and i'll add the pull zone and there we go you're almost there and now it's going to ask me if i want to integrate this so for example if i wanted to send all my wordpress files um and use this as a cdn that's an option i'm not going to do that here this is a bit more on just delivering files to your online course but this can also be a fantastic cdn to speed up your entire website and get better page speed scores but that's the topic for another video alright so i'll skip over this we are good don't need any of that yet skip that and here we go so now let's go back to our storage and let me show you how we can take that file we just made and add it to our course so people can download it i'll go to course attachments and i'll copy the url and let's go ahead and go into thrivecart as an example service just to show you how it looks once they're added in okay so i'm here inside of a thrive cart uh course i'm just gonna go and click on edit on one of my lessons and let's just tell them download your file below and i'll add a button right here that'll say download now okay and now the link to that button i'm going to come over here and just paste in and that's going to give me the pdf uh directly linked there and let's take a look at how that appears okay so we're here on the front end how the students would experience it i'll click on the download now button and it'll just quickly pull up you know no loading at all perfectly fine uh the pdf that they can download and do with what they please alright so that's on the file delivery side let's also talk about probably what you're more interested in the video posting and some of the features there okay we're gonna come back here into um into bunny and let's go into stream and similarly let's create a new uh video library here so i'll click on new video library because i want to i want you to see the setup process as well and we're going to call this freedom by number and now similarly we get to choose how much we want to pay basically how much redundancy we want here and what's kind of nice is they actually will highlight the areas you're using i'm going to go ahead and do the same thing where i'll have us east and the original falcon sign i don't think there's gonna be too much of a problem if i don't include the la um but as i look at this it's the difference between three cents per gig and five sets per gig i'm gonna go ahead and splurge and let's go ahead and pay five cents per gig and have a better experience for our users i think that's just kind isn't it so we'll go and add the video library here all right and now i can come into this video library that was built and now that we're here inside of our media gallery it's super easy to add our first video so what we're going to do here is we're going to add a video in and then we'll start to customize the player show you how quickly it encodes and all that good stuff let's go ahead and dive in here we'll go to upload videos and i'll give you a little drag and dropper and i'll take a small video now just because i i don't want to take too much time here this video is 30 megabytes so you can see how quickly it's uploading and then it's going to process right here as soon as it's done processing we'll be able to embed embedded into our course so while that's doing its thing and processing let's take a look at some of the player options here so underneath the player options you have your primary player control or color so let's go ahead and find a brand color we can use here for this player so we're here just going to grab a little hex code from a website we're currently building out and then we'll pop back into the library and just paste that in and there we go slight change there but it's different and then you can also this is pretty cool you can add your own css rules your own customization code to make the player look however you want to that's a bit above my pay grade and i don't really care for that but that's a great option they include there and what you are probably interested in here is all the player controls so play pause a big button or a small button settings volume picture and picture that's really cool captions showing the current time the duration of the video a button to go 10 seconds backwards 10 seconds forwards their progress bar and the full screen that's a lot of good options there so we'll go ahead and keep all those on i'll probably turn some off over time but let's see what they all look like next is the advertising tag so vast tag url i don't know what that is but it looks like it's a way for you to monetize your own videos instead of you know people are always used to using youtube as the monetization platform for videos looks like this is maybe an alternative where it's your own host your own video content pretty interesting not really my goal and if you're doing this for an online course probably not your goal either underneath the encoding side this is pretty interesting so keep original files this is going to be kind of additional redundancy if you upload a file for example we're encoding a file right now the file itself is not really going to be used to be served to our audience they're going to use all these transcoded optimized fancy stuff media files that are created inside the bunny platform so if you want to save a penny every year maybe you can uncheck this and not keep the original files but i'll go ahead and keep them if my bill gets above five dollars a month maybe i'll consider turning that off but i think that just makes sense oh this is pretty cool enable early play if enabled compatible videos would be allowed to play from the original file before the transcoding has been finished this will publicly expose the original video files i say that's cool because one of the challenges i've had is i'll upload videos and it takes a while for them to encode so i can't use them yet that actually might speed it up for me so if you are in a huge rush and you want to get your video up and ready to go that was a pretty useful feature and then enable mp4 fallback um let's see this will slightly increase the encoding time and storage to provide compatibility for older devices do not support hls streaming that's an interesting one it allows you to not play their privacy like you know hls is there's the privacy standard for videos these days and that's how bunny is using it i would think that i would not want md4 fallbacks that might put your videos at risk of people being able to find the mp4 video but i've tried and i can't find it so i think it's okay as it is here i'm not really an expert on all these i'm just a guy who's using the platform so i could be wrong on some of this and then you get to choose the different options of what video files and formats people need to use i have personally heard some of our students say they wish there were lower video qualities available because they're in areas that had low bandwidth so maybe we'll keep 360 480 720 and well let's do 360 then 720 and 480. i feel like if they're in low res just go all low res and then if you're in hd you're good there and then upload watermark this is a pretty cool feature let me go ahead and find a watermark for you here all right so just find a little um blue watermark there and when we upload it where is it here i think it's over here there you are you can actually see a little graphic of a video player and you can place your watermark wherever you wanted to go this is really fun okay let's leave that on and test it out i don't have this turned on yet but that's a pretty cool feature where even if somebody does take your stuff it has your brand on it so they at least know where the source was if that's any consolation all right cool stuff let's move on to the pricing side and we see here we're on the high volume tier i would keep that there i would not want to pay double for video i don't think it's necessary all right security this is the one that's be interesting for most people media cage basic drm smart clear key based drm system dynamically encrypts your video files to protect against unwanted downloads of your content if enabled your videos will only be playable through the embed view mp4 fallback and early play options will be disabled it's interesting i think that's what we want so i'm going to go ahead and click that and turn that on and uh you know part of this is me learning along as well i don't have all the answers here leave a comment down below if you see anything that i'm setting up incorrectly hey let's help each other out all right moving on enable direct play enables video playback in the browser using the direct video url anyone with the url neither watched the video i don't think i want that yeah i don't want that turn that off i won't i basically i want this to only be embeddable and viewable through the embed that's the highest level of protection i think you can get and then this is pretty cool as well um where you can specify certain urls certain domains where the videos won't be playable outside that domain so if somebody grabs the if somebody grabs the you know javascript for the embed code and tries to embed it on their own website and play it off as their own video it won't work that's pretty cool i'm not going to mess with that right now if i feel the need to do that we might but i don't think that's really necessary right now and then embed view token all right all kinds of stuff that gets techier and techier the further you scroll down i think we're good there storage you can see what the storage options are and one thing to take note of here is once enabled replication zones cannot be removed so if you check them all and you decide you're gonna you know go hog wild and replicate all over the place you can't un replicate you have to create a new media library a new video library and go from there all right i think that's enough of the settings let's go ahead and take a look at our video that's up here and we can click in here and see all the different settings you see our branding colors are set up nicely you can choose very much like youtube you can choose very much like youtube where the thumbnail is so if you want the thumbnail to be here or here it'll update it dynamically right there very very nice if you have captions from some other software you can add captions in uh just by uploading the files say hey this is gonna be an english caption and you select the file i've already done that on a video or two to test the functionality it works perfectly well and then you got the id all this good stuff but we want here is the embed code so i want this view responsive definitely but i don't like auto play videos i'm not a huge fan of them so i'll turn that off and i'm not entirely sure what preload is i imagine that means that it's going to load the video before you hit the play button and i don't want to do that because hey we are paying for the bandwidth and if they're not going to watch the video i don't want to load it so i'll take that code and copy it we'll come over to thrive cart and let's go back into the same lesson we were editing before we added the file in and now you can either add a video block or just html block it does the same thing and i'll paste it in and let's blow this up to full full size and i'll publish this lesson all right and let's take a look at it on the front end so now the video loads up just about instantly no worries at all and it plays fantastic i can come over here and change the play speed and it goes faster full screen is there everything you'd want you know speed up go back speed up and then if i had captions enabled i would be able to see those captions and here you go you can also change all the qualities right there so you know the big challenge you have with things like youtube videos is being able to right click and download the video i'm right clicking nothing happens if i try to you know if i were to try to get that video it would be really tricky i would have to just put it on play and screen record it which is not many people are going to go through that hassle and you know i'm not going to worry about the people who do so that is a pretty fantastic system there so let me give you some real world kind of statistics of where we are at and kind of show you how this pricing all works i'm going to go to the billing section here and literally in the month of october we have earned a grand total of 11 cents of our bill with it's phenomenal and you can see where the cost comes from and how much bandwidth you're using so there's really no reason not to use the software it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg it's easy to use once you get it set up now it's just dragging and dropping videos and embedding wherever you want and they're secure so i hope this is helpful if you enjoyed this and you want to give bunny a try um just go ahead and use the link that's down below i think it's my referral link but as you can see the the service is so cheap there's not much profit in it for me i just honestly think this is a better option than vimeo and wistia and some of those other options that are out there so if this is helpful please let me know by leaving a like and leaving a comment on what you enjoy about the bunny platform or what course platform you're really enjoying right now i'd love to hear uh we love launching courses and just doing that stuff it's kind of our jam so hope this video is helpful and i'll see you in the next one take care
Channel: Unbeatable Tech
Views: 2,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best flag hoisting video, best free video hosting, best free video hosting platforms, best video hosting, best video hosting for business, best video hosting for learndash, best video hosting for online courses, best video hosting for seo, best video hosting free, best video hosting platforms, best video hosting platforms for business, best video hosting platforms for online courses, best video hosting server, best video hosting site, best video hosting software
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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