Funeral Service of Horace Leonard "Jimmy" Capps

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please rise so [Music] so so [Music] so so oh [Music] yes [Music] today we gather together to celebrate the homegoing of horus letters we're going to spend the next little while remembering jimmy and how he touched all of our hearts in the 83 years he walked this earth every single person who's here today was blessed by jimmy in some way or another whether he was your loving spouse your dear father your gending your friend your neighbor you're here today because you were blessed by nobody calves psalm 128 says blessed is everyone who fears the lord who walks in his ways if you knew jimmy you knew that he knew the lord and you knew that he followed god's path for his life jimmy was blessed by god so that he could be a blessing to so many others could you please pray with them dear heavenly father the god who sees all we thank you for the life of jimmy capps and while it is painful to gather for this reason it's in the midst of this pain that we give great thanks because you lord have gifted us of the friendship and the love of our daily department and as we hold this service today we remember all of those good times that we were able to spend with jim we recount all the blessings we've received through his life we thank you lord we truly thank you for all the wonderful ways you've used brother jenny in the life of every person here today we celebrate a life of love we celebrate a life integrity and grace we celebrate a life that was a legacy for those he leaves behind the lord we pray that this not be a day of mourning it would be a day of celebration for life that touched us all we celebrate the memories of jimmy that we will always have so please lord bless this gathering today as we commit this time of remembrance to you which in jesus name and prayer amen [Music] i gotta be honest with you i never knew his real name always knew him as growing up as mr capps because if i called him anything else mr young would talk to me if i called him anything regarding jimmy i think about jimmy and i think about i cannot help but think about my father as well on the stories that they had and the times that they shared i think about the time that jimmy came to a shop one day and got an old pick cooker that out on the back of the building there needed some work done and uh needed to find somebody that could do it and turn it into something good and jimmy certainly being a good mechanic and a very talented individual that he was came to the rescue for sure i just hear from my heart [Music] dilenda of 40 years as a spouse to kathy and lisa and michael know that it doesn't matter how old you are when your father passes away it's the first time you ever do anything on the face of this earth for the first time without their presence our prayers for this community of faith are certainly with you and i want to share with you just a few things from the 23rd song thinking about his life being a hard worker wanting to provide and others those are the two things that come to mind when i think of him the lord is my shepherd i shall not want and family you know today he wants for absolutely nothing in the presence of his holy creator he doesn't want for health or wealth or anything we think about how important it was for his children to attend worship service even in his moments that he could not do to work or other reasons and even those times where he was down on his front porch and make sure that those women walked into those doors and stopped behind any other buildings or anything else to make sure even though sometimes when he was pulling out of that driveway even though he had his left blinker on was heading up toward virginia instead of turning right and coming back down here to make sure you had attended he restored my soul he leadeth me in the path of righteousness i think about how jimmy had to get used to a lot of things in his household how he got used to differently painted kitchens and rooms [Music] and how he had to the story goes that he would have to make sure he turned the light on in his bedroom before he went to bed because we won't name names here but people may change around the furniture in the bedroom and i have to just think that there was a conference dude that jimmy didn't get on the light and he walked in there and laid down where there was an event previously the day before and i think about that because and how he passed that along because he certainly shared with us how he would go into the buildings behind the home and he would rearrange things or leave things where it necessarily hadn't found them to begin with but in sitting and listening to that [Applause] i thought about what we do today in celebration of his life god has moved him from upon this physical earth into his presence family i hope you do know that you have not lost a spouse a father grandfather a great-grandfather a friend or you know where he is and we are grateful that his deeds do follow him moving a few verses down there prepares the table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over i think about all the individuals and there have to be countless who ate of the goods that came out of jimmy's gardens over the years and you better not have ever told him that you wanted just a little corner because if you asked for any there was a good potential you were going to come home one day and on your front porch or side steps it was going to be a garbage bag not with a little bitty white garbage bags want another big black trash bag and it would be filled with corn and all i could think about was my goodness as hot as it was and all that it took he passed it along to all of those who picked corn in that field with him but he was always about others it was important for those who grew up in his house to know what discipline was and he understood that that was so important because there would be one day where he would no longer be here but you would be and you would continue to share the words of wisdom and love that he shared with you because he cared for you he wanted the very best for you he is quite possibly the envy of many in our area and how his corner always looks i hope he left the secrets to us and i know that he is the only man i have ever heard of that took canning supplies with him when he went to camp for the month the he loved to work but i don't think that is always the case i think he enjoyed it because of how he could share the work that god allowed him to do with his hands with someone he really loved that meant a lot to him he was not much fun to sit around but my goodness how we know how much he loved this family and we all today will always remember his face and a great big smile that for me went year to either that love shown on his face for the love of this community his god both of whom have his church and the will of the fire park surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever jimmy's cup truly did overrun where we are looking at it today abortion of those individuals whose life he touched it may be the quietest of ways the kindest of gentleness gestures and i have to tell you that to all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren as we celebrate him reuniting with a son a grandson three sisters and five brothers today we are grateful for the promise kept to him by the shepherd and i have to leave you with this when you ever hear of fried potato biscuits [Music] thank you jimmy because it's the only time i've ever heard of and as i think of this garden how he planted those seeds every year hope faith that the good lord will take care of him so that he can be and share the blessings i have to think that as many times as he said on the face of this earth that table that has been prepared for him today in the presence of god almighty jimmy's words probably echoed something like this where's the face dear the beloved member of this community and one we will not forget then we will always change [Music] from the [Music] and i'm i want to show is [Music] heaven many places [Music] oh [Music] the lord [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] thank you john it was amazing how music just speaks to a different part of our soul level we appreciate that so i'm just going to thank you your remarks as well i got to learn jimmy's name because of the corn drop-off uh we've gotten back from the beach and there was a garbage bag full of corn in our garage and um listen i said where are you drinking this came from that must have been and uh i don't even know if we joined the church by the end we were still visiting and so i said well let's call him and thank him well this is 21 years ago you looked in a phone book back then and there wasn't jimmy capps [Music] jimmy [Applause] [Music] some of you here obviously have known jimmy longer than i have in the 20 plus years that that i've gotten to know him i really have gotten known well as a sunday school teacher um in here and he and linda would sit at the same spot and uh i used to think that maybe they just got here five minutes early for sunday's folks they were always sitting back there and one day out here 15 minutes early and they were already sitting there there was one day i had to come early for some reason i think maybe even i had to go grab something and they were here at 9 30 so i mean that's what they start with 10 but they always at the same spot because they were here but anybody will get that seat you know some people say that someone wise and said some people come to our lives and go quickly and some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts and we're never the same i think that describes jimmy well as he was someone who absolutely would affect your life in a positive way leaving footprints on your on your heart but i think the years i spent knowing jimmy i think i think there's five words all over again with the letter down and i won't talk about jimmy this morning the first is fun jimmy liked to have fun he enjoyed having fun we already talked about his smile and how incredible it was but his fun was a little bit different from our thumb you know to take the camper to the lake and then canned green beans and stuffed up corn and i mean not my idea from it that was his idea of fun he he enjoyed having fun he loved to take a car trip but uh don't get him up gps or anything like that you're going to break out the map you're going to have to read that man you said you can read them out today because you need showing her how to read it read them out they love to take a car trip they like to go places together he even had fun at work so much fun that he had to have three retirements the first students didn't take so he kept going back matter of fact he went back to work after his heart surgery they were concerned about it there so he called him a golf cart they'd use the golf cart so he didn't have to walk this far but he loved he had fun in the things that he would do and he also had a little bit of fun with people enjoyed messing with you a little bit the girls would come in from going out on the weekend and if he said nothing called me and come in and say all right where you been and they learned pretty early on to go ahead and tell them everything they do because not only did they know where they had been they knew who they had been with and how long they had been there so there was just absolutely no music even now any single detail in fact he sometimes knew more than the girl's name because one time andy came in after she had told him everything and she said i told him everything he said well why did she please play him she said what say yeah your license plate they ran any license plate or not they said i don't know nothing about that i don't know nothing that they didn't know so he enjoyed messing with you and go to work enjoyed fun went late enjoyed celebrating birthdays there was nothing for the family to go to middleburg or the chubb lake restaurant to get a mistake and to go and celebrate together and have a good time and that smile he's always quick with a smile and just a beautiful laugh a laugh that came from a deep part of his soul and so you knew that he enjoyed having fun secondly jimmy jimmy had friends he made friends easily and he was a good friend to have so many of you been on the receiving end of that friendship whether it was something he helped you do whether it was corn that he dropped off with you he was a friend who likes to help out when i built my workshop i mentioned that i was going to be able to do myself by myself except wiring it he says we can do that don't you worry so he can walk around the workshop he told me how many hour boxes i needed how many feet of fire he said you won't do the work but i will tell you what you can do and he did help me he was a good friend he even figured out how he was going to get the trench from the house over to my garage i had a tractor and he had a hole behind mule plow and when you hook and fill the hell you'll play outfit tractor you dig a trench in about 10 seconds so we were able to figure that out together like you said it made good use of something that maybe wasn't quite so useful he was a friend to me he was a friend to so many of you he was a friend of jesus the bible says a friend of jesus sticks closer than a brother you guys are here today because he was a friend of you not out of obligation you're here because he was a treasured friend the third thing jimmy embodied family we know that he came from a big family himself one of ten linda had a big family here together as well and jimmy defined the way families were there and all the conversations that i ever had with jimmy never heard the word steph used one time not one time it was his family they were his kids his friends his great-grand grandkids he was in game he was to everybody and that's the way he treated family lisa said one of the greatest gifts that he ever gave her was taking her in as a daughter and she learned very quickly that she could count with him and talk to him about anything and everything because she took her in his nerves and when he needed to step in after jeff's fascinated raised his three grandkids as they were didn't hesitate to do that you know this fellowship that he had with family was across all the generations even down to the great grandkids you liam couldn't stand the seed you're not feeling well matter of fact the answer to most of liam's problems weren't feeling well was a popeye and so you don't know what apocalypse you can ask the family but he figured he [Music] for family that he had through all of those generations fourth thing that jimmy had is faith in his final days and one of the last conversations that i had with jimmy a couple weeks before him in the hospital he shared with me said you know what i'm not afraid of dying but i know where i'm going i'm just not in any kind of hurry to get there anytime soon i believe if all of us would agree we would think he left us far too soon we would think that he did the fact of the matter is he knew because his faith in jesus christ his final destination was on earth that was in heaven in john 14 1-6 jesus is talking to his disciples and he's trying to prepare them because he's getting ready to believe them they're going to be without him he says then let not your heart be troubled you believe in god but also in me i apologize for any matters you were not so i would have told you i got to prepare a place for you if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you myself that where i am there you may be also and where i go you know and the way you know thomas said to him lord we do not know where you're going so how can we know the way jesus said to them i am the way for no one comes to the father except for me jimmy knew jesus a savior and lord he also knew that that's where he would be for eternity jimmy knew the way the only way and that was through jesus the way the truth took along and june you could take out that big old man and he might be able to figure out 14 different ways to get where they were going matter of fact i heard it somehow i'd like to take the road less traffic on some of those values and some of you took different routes to get here today the fact of the matter is there is only one way to heaven and that is through our lord and savior jesus christ jimmy's faith allowed him to pass from this world to eternity in heaven to be with those he loved that had gone on before him he wants all of you to be there as well let us challenge you today do you have the same confidence that jimmy had can you answer that question but you do know what lies next for you jimmy has his place in heaven his mansion prepared for him and finally jimmy knew what the future was jimmy knew that his kidneys weren't good he knew that his heart wasn't operating as efficiently as it should but you know it didn't keep him from looking to the future jimmy talked about porn imagine the fact as his corn got about a foot high he loved talking about more of my son william my son william he's uh he's grown lives in durham now but he said you tell william corn looks good this year he was already looking to the future of that corn he didn't spend time looking backwards or wishing things away and look to the future jimmy was looking forward to harvesting that corn sharing that corn enjoying them you know jimmy's life began on september 18 1937. then there's a dash until june 13 2021. the beginning date's important the index important but it's the dash in the middle that's the most important thing that dash is the time that is spent living the time that we spent here the time that jenny spent here living each day to its fullest he looked forward to the things that he wanted to accomplish here on earth and he knew what the future held for him once he left here the opportunity for all of us is to live now the opportunity for us is to have fun like jimmy did to be a friend as jimmy was to enjoy family as jimmy did and to strengthen your faith as well and all of these things will help you to also secure your future just be like jimmy and spend each day adding to that dash that we are currently living right now did you pray with them be racist father we thank you for our brother and how he was just a friend of so many and enjoyed the fun family his faith and we look to the future as well lord and we can all take those lessons from our brother lord is thankful that he has rest in your bosom today lord pray that you give this family the grace that they need to get through this difficult time of course in jesus name i know [Music] only you could know [Music] where no stranger the rainbow go to hell [Music] foreign i [Music] mountains [Music] love foreign [Music] the sun [Music] i want to share one more story before it closed i hope one day to have the wisdom of jimmy cats you know the smartest man in the bible of solomon one of the examples of his wisdom was that two women claimed that the baby was there as one of them [Music] [Music] the mother of the real child and running towards the spiritual to her to solve a new motherboard well jimmy never faced the situation as tough as that one of those mornings when he was on the porch watching mandy and erica come across the parking lot which were over to come to church they found a 20-dollar bill post office they were trying to decide whose it was whose family was trying to decide jimmy used the wisdom he says i'll put it so there wasn't any argument over who it was so that took care of that i don't know which one plus if we had just been quiet we could have split it he had that wisdom and i the wisdom that he had absolutely no question that we're going to miss our brother jimmy however it's nice to have these fond memories of him be able to gather together without worrying he is right now as johnny talked about earlier some people say we lost him and lost means that you misplaced them you don't know where it is you know you might lose your keys and you just find out that your jacket pocket forward kids may come to you and ask you something you haven't lost your mind they may have temporarily come back the fact of the matter is that none of those things are probably jimmy's not also matter of fact jenny has been found forever he has gone to be with his savior lord he has been found in heaven today because he believed god loved him so much that he sent his own son now for all his sins so that he too have eternal life he's not lost because the creator of the universe cared enough for jimmy to love him and forgive him all of us who have accepted christ as savior we've been found as well we also will get the opportunity to see jimmy again we'll get to see him renewed refreshed no longer hurting no longer failing because he will be glorified and i'm like jimmy i look forward to seeing him understanding her i follow i think those words are really good i look forward to seeing my brother just not getting hurt that's right first of all as we mourn the death of our brother jimmy and thank you for his life or we ask you to look upon each and every one of us here this morning with compassion you have promised throughout scripture that you are near the brokenhearted or close to those who are crushed in spirit or we ask you draw near to us all near to us lord help us to find comfort in your presence please lord you rest our troubled hearts replace our fear with faith help us to remember lord that you are the way the truth and the love help us follow you to know you and to find life in you through jesus christ our lord [Music] is [Music] my [Music] is [Music] just [Music] my way [Music] oh [Music] oh so you
Channel: Sossamon Funeral Home
Views: 13,115
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Id: e6FpUpK8ZvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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