Fun Yakuza/Like a Dragon Facts You DIDN'T Know

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did you know that I am Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armorage Museum in the UK and in this video I'm going to be looking at specifically three weapons from Yakuza kiwami 2 and the original Yakuza 2. so in kiwami 2 there's a segment where you have to raid a castle that is decorated in a way to make it feel a bit more historical complete with Samurai dudes that have Spears and Flintlock rifles or some ninjas and whatever else during this long battle there's a small section where you're in a room surrounded by a bunch of dudes with old rifles with a conveniently placed Gatling gun right in front of you like a dragon Asian players will notice that it is the exact same sort of guns that show up from time to time in that game whether or not it's the same model as well I'm not sure but it probably is however in the original Yakuza 2 despite all of the Aesthetics of everything in this Castle being the exact same as kiwami 2. the room with the Gatling gun instead has a Browning M2 a pretty historic machine gun that was quite notably used in World War II but why it's here in this much all the time piece of the castle is a bit odd maybe you could argue that it's used by the enemies of Japan is symbolic in how it's used here in the game but I highly doubt it but then a bit earlier in the game there's a flashback scene where kuzma is shooting some Korean dudes within this scene we have karawa in both the original and kiwami 2 versions just having an accurate revolver that Japanese cops have Kazama has a sort of Legally different 1911 and this Korean guy has a weird sort of Legally different Makarov or Makarov if you're a Cod fan this weird Makarov thingy is just the standard pistol that they tend to give NPCs in a lot of the yuksa games same with what kuzma and karawa all have however in the original rather than the Makarov it was a tt-33 or perhaps more likely a type 54 which is essentially a Chinese knockoff version of the Russian tt-33 kuzma on the other hand quite bizarrely just has a Luger a German pistol used in the world wars and it's a longer barreled carbine variant of it it is definitely something that you wouldn't expect to see in the hands of a ruthless Japanese Hitman if you'd like to take a dive into more of the guns represented in the Yakuza franchise you can check the pages of the different games on imfdb a website that I forgot existed while I was typing up this script until like halfway through unfortunately anyway I'd like to say that this is the Luger by the way which isn't to be confused with a similarly popular German World War pistol the Mauser which you might recognize if you're a Resident Evil 4 fan speaking of which Leon Kennedy in Japanese is voiced by toshiyuki morikoa who's very famous for characters like sephiroth Dante yoshikage Kira and easily his most famous role ever of all time tatsuo shinata did you know that in the beginning of shinata section in Yakuza 5 unlike the other characters or other games where you might start with a few thousand yen shinata starts with specifically 217 Yen you can't spend or earn any money during this first little tutorial bit of his section so for a while you will have 217 Yen on you this is rather cleverly shown in a cutscene when shinata empties his wallet and shows in his hand exactly 217 Yen which you can tell from the two 100 yen coins the 10 the 5 and the two ones in the dragon engine games so Yakuza 6 and onwards a fun little feature they added was the ability to smash various Enviro environmental objects like chairs signs and bikes as well as the ability to destroy big glass windows and some of the businesses that you can interact with but have you ever realize exactly which buildings you can and can't vandalize it isn't just a select few shops just randomly picked but instead it's all of the businesses that don't exist in real life so that's why things like Popo's smile burger or wild Jackson have breakable objects within them and can be broken into during combat a perfect example of this being the case is that all of the Dragon engine games before lost judgment had the fake default place of akashimaru however lost judgment then replaced all of the locations with the real brand of Yoshinoya so that means that the previously distractible chairs and windows are now completely indestructible furthermore you can't step inside the business when in combat and if an enemy is aggregate on you and you step inside they'll suddenly decide that they don't want to fight you anymore so I guess that means if you want a super easy way to know what businesses are real and what aren't try committing crimes and breaking shit here's another thing related to those real businesses although I will admit that this is just a completely random thing that I wanted to mention so I'll briefly discuss it in Yakuza 5 at the gendaco highball Tavern one of the drink options is a Coke highball a bit bizarre considering Coke is nowhere else in the game and that they have a big ass Pepsi sign in the game so I figured that maybe this was a mistranslation of quarter which is often what people in Japan just say when they're referring to Coke so I went and checked the Japanese version and no it's still Coke here too that's all there is to it there's just Coke here I don't know where else has Coke but yet another thing in Yakuza 5 that's a bit more common knowledge is that there's a cut scene in the game for when curio goes to fight a thousand heartless but before he does the cutscene shows that there are a bunch of people there that are on his side but they don't do anything within this crowd there are a few NPCs with some bizarre looking outfits one of these outfits is on a few NPCs being quite clearly kaitos from judgment and lost judgment but also one of them is just in Curious outfit which is a bit copy kaddish bro come on it does make me wonder though if they grabbed one of these guys to act as a placeholder model for Kato when they were making judgment and like the look so much that they kept the outfit on him but that is purely speculation but as we're all aware kaito's most iconic feature is is obviously his super cool and sexy shirt but did you know that Crispin Freeman the English voice actor for kaito in both of his games has a very similar shirt to the man he wore this shirt in a little behind the scenes video for judgment but the most important thing to take away from this fact is that he literally just wore this shirt on the day and the fact that he wore it when they recorded a behind the scenes thing was just a coincidence this man is truly kind of in real life and now the next few facts will actually be related to the English dubs of Yakuza like a dragon and lost you get your hands away from the dislike button did you know that Soma from Lost judgment originally had a different voice actor now typically during the casting process and early stages of many things actors will likely be swapped around here and there without any of us knowing at all but with Soma you can actually hear a short clip of his original actor in the announcement trailer for lost judgment this actor ended up getting replaced by Aya Bay from judgments actor Matt Young King firstly here's the current summer slap them around but you do need to keep them conscious enough to keep the fear alive then here's the original actor slap them around but you do need to keep them conscious you have to keep the fear alive I have no idea who the original actor was but I can definitely say that Matt Yan King was a way better choice on the topic of casting when looking for actors for lost judgment Greg Chun the voice of Yagami in judgment and lost judgment as well as number in like a dragon was asked a very simple question by the casting team hey Greg who is your voice over Nemesis and without hesitation Greg immediately responded with Todd Abercorn who as you may know voiced Kawana in Lost judgment if I run now who's gonna pay for tsukumo's window there ah for fuck's sake I'll just pay for it I'm not sure how much influence this answer from Greg affected the casting choice of Kawana but I dare say it got the ball rolling and before I move away from Lost judgment did you know that in the game files there exists an old logo for the game judgment in Japan was known as judge eyes however lost judgment had the same name in Japan as it did in the west this was more or less because the Japanese team just thought that it was a cooler name but the old logo mentioned was for judge Eyes Two it's nothing crazy being just the judgeized logo with her stylized 2 drawn on it and while it might be unlikely that judge eyes 2 was going to be what the game was actually called in Japan it's at least interesting to see that they left this logo in the files now then in Yakuza like a dragon there was quite an iconic sub story involving a foreigner asking for directions to a train station in Japanese he speaks fluent English while Ichiban responds in very confused Japanese however in English they both speak English which is definitely not as funny but at the very least the english team made a small request to have Ichiban recognize the irony by looking at the camera but anyway many people do know that but it shows that clearly the Japanese team actually read the English team's emails and so the english team were able to make some slight changes to some scenes to better fit the English dub one such example of this is during a scene towards the beginning of the game where Ichiban and arakawa walk and talk it's such an insanely minor difference so you may never notice it in your entire life but during this scene because George Takei is a bit of an old bloke he always talks much slower than the Japanese actor for arakawa kg Tang managed just fine but because of Georgia K's slower speech the english team had to ask the Japanese team for a few adjustments within the scene in total the scene is only like 10 seconds longer but sometimes when the camera cuts arakawa and Ichiban might be placed slightly further back in the road in English compared to Japanese or sometimes the camera might orbit slightly faster in the Japanese version than it does in the English now I want to show these differences off as much as possible and I'm not editing it yet so I'm just going to keep talking and we'll cut myself off once I've fully shown it in the edit which of course I don't know if it's happened yet or not because I'm not editing it yet so uh I yeah what'd you get up to on the weekend anything exciting this video will probably come out on Monday so hopefully you don't have a you know tough week ahead of you um yeah I mean I don't know what I'd be doing on the weekend that this comes out like I'm recording this in advance uh uh yeah uh yeah you know it's all right um anyway I'm not sure if there are any other instances of this happening considering it's all incredibly small but it really goes to show why there are times when speedruns of games where one dub might be faster than the other a quick little fun fact about the English dub of like a dragon again did you know that Brian Bloom who voices sawashiro was one of the writers for the campaigns for Modern Warfare 2019 and 2022 yep that yep now here's the final dub related fact that's not necessarily a fact and it's more of a funny little goofy thing it's to do with Ichiban and the common joke that the community makes that he has schizophrenia obviously this joke came from the premise of ichiban's gamer brain taking over whenever he gets into fights causing him to see the wacky enemies that the game has however there is an instance of him sounding a bit cooked which is exclusive to the English dub in Japan as you may know they'll say the phrase before they eat food now in English we don't really have anything similar besides maybe something along the lines of oh this looks good as I so the english team instead replaced this with casagar asking the party who's hungry to which they respond collectively with me pretty cute way to go about it makes you sort of think that Ichiban is bringing the food over to everyone from the counter you know however in the prologue of the game where Ichiban is all alone you can actually eat at a restaurant in Japanese Ichiban talking to himself before he eats is completely acceptable over there but in English well he's kind of talking to himself who's hungry now then over the many years of the franchise the series has encompassed the talents of many different composers these people have lots of fun facts about them but to tell you a random interesting thing did you know that one of the guys responsible for the song Snake Eater from Metal Gear Solid 3 norihiko hibino also composed various songs for yuccasa too you can learn stuff like that and many more little things in a long series I did so feel free to watch some of those videos you know after this one now before I end if you enjoyed this video please consider you know yeah you know you can click this just come just complete anyway I know a lot of you might be wondering what my sources were for a lot of the information presented in this video in all honesty I actually have one of the most reliable sources in the world he's an inside man within the Sega headquarters I'm sure many of you will all know and that's because masayoshi yokoyama himself acted as my source and he told me some more exclusive details for the upcoming like a dragon Gaiden he said that the game will feature both Kiryu and majima and the two of them will perform a six hour long gay set
Channel: SnowiestAngeman
Views: 66,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yakuza, Yakuza Series, Memes, Yakuza Memes, SnowiestAngeman, SnowiestAngeman Yakuza, Ryu Ga Gotoku, Analysis, Analytical, Yakuza OST, Funny, Yakuza 0, Kiwami, Yakuza Kiwami, Kiwami 2, Yakuza Kiwami 2, Yakuza 5, Yakuza 6, Yakuza 7, Yakuza Like a Dragon, Like a Dragon, Judgment, Judge Eyes, Lost Judgment, Ishin, Like a Dragon Ishin, Ishin!, Ishin! Kiwami, Yakuza Ishin, Facts, Unknown Facts, Trivia, Yakuza Facts, Yakuza Series Facts, Did You Know Gaming, DYKG, Did You Know Gaming Yakuza
Id: rJBmO3RjNFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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