Fun With Restaurants - Lehto's Law Ep. 5.13

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hello welcome once again to Latos law I'm Steve Leto today to talk about fun with restaurants fun with restaurants you'll notice I'm wearing a suit and tie just got at a court and I decided that whenever I walked by the studio and I'm wearing a suit a tie I should sit down and record something because I've noticed that they've been working on a t-shirts and Manchester United shirts for some odd reason so suits and ties once in a while to prove to you remind you that I am in fact aware back in 1981 though I was a disc jockey in Bad Axe Michigan 82 or 83 actually a couple years there and right around that time is when they introduced the McNuggets to America McDonald's did so if you were in Bad Axe Michigan in 1982 around 7:00 to midnight you'd hear me on the radio doing a show called the night light show on w le w and the guy who was on the air before me Keith Marshall good friend of mine Keith Marshall would occasionally hang out for a few minutes after his shift ended and we just hang out and talk in a studio while my shift started and occasionally he'd say hey Steve do you want some McDonald's and this is McDonald's and bad X there's still this today I believe and I said sure and I flip a couple bucks and he go to McDonald's and they had just introduced the McNugget the McNugget was introduced to America and about 82 or 83 it was introduced regionally and became a hit and then it became a nationwide phenomenon as you know and so I would often get McNuggets and a drink and so Keith would come back and flip my couple bucks so one night in particular I ate the McNuggets I drank my drank Keith left and I started feeling ill I mean I was I was poisoned no question and I know what I eat on a regular basis and back then I was I was not let's say I was on a budget and so there's no question the McNuggets were bad and the newsman Craig who might still be there by the way Craig walked in and he goes oh my god what's wrong with you I mean I looked that bad within a couple hours of eating the McNuggets I was turning colors I was having issues let's just say which are difficult when you're on the radio because you can't leave the studio for too long because when the song ends if you do got a talk or start another song and so as midnight approached Keith said to me excuse me Craig said to me goes you know something because you should probably call McDonald's and let them know that you got food poisoning just in case they have like a bad a chicken or something and I said you know I think you're right and it wasn't midnight it was it was earlier than that because they were open I actually remember pulling up the phone book looking at McDonald's for bad acts I'm calling a number and a guy answered the phone and said hi can I speak to the manager and the speaking and I said well I want to call it you know earlier tonight I got some McNuggets from there I ate them and I'm now violently ill and I think I got food poisoning and the guy goes so all these years later I remember his detailed response so now I'll grant you Peter Gabriel named an album so so it actually has meaning but in that context I didn't get it I said I got food poisoning from you and egos so and I said well I just thought you should know in case you got a bad batch of McNuggets or something and he goes okay now we know and he hung up on me so that's the manager of McDonald's and Bad Axe I will tell you right now I did not eat McDonald's for two or three years after that and I haven't I've literally avoided that McDonald's I beat out my friends because hey let's go mm no I refuse to go there but again that's a my normal thing the manager was having a bad day and I'm just hoping part of it was the fact that he just poisoned a whole bunch of people and I was merely one of them and he thought we were piling on or something but so that's that now there was a chain of restaurants and lately I've noticed a lot of restaurant chains been going under and I think Applebee's is the Applebee's still around if they go under anyways there's me Applebee's I know the store that I'm talked about is gone and by the way in the business there for restaurants is stores so I know this guys know people worked in the restaurant industry and I used to go to Applebee's it was down the road from my office when it first became an attorney so I'm talking about early 90s and I go to an Applebee's and I have lunch with some friends and my bill comes out to be $21 $21 and we're their lunch it's kind of busy impact and and this is there's a regular serve rice to see her all the time there and she's one of those people who's really really into the Flair as you know she had two buttons and the patches and the bells and whistles hanging off of her and I'd see row time I knew her you know I recognized her and so she came by she put the thing on my tea with the bill in it the little thing you know fold up he was sick stuff and the bill is $21 so I put two $20 bills in that and I've set it on the edge of the table continue talking my friends she ran by win with it picked it up and never came back never came back and now the bill was 21 dollars I gave her 40 so we're sitting around and my other friends they're bills I forgot how it worked out but somehow they got their bills picked up or something but he was weird it's just me waiting for my change on my $40 and finally I got to get back to work I've you know I've got business to run so I actually got up and I'm looking around and I walked the back of the restaurant kind of there's like a place where a lot of the traffic converges there's a phone and I think it's like the entrance to the kitchen and and I'm looking at and the woman's nowhere to be seen so finally a manager comes over and says you know can I help you and I said yeah whereas I give the name of the server I said yeah I gave her my money she owes me change and the shoes oh she's on a break right now it's like old can you find her it's like I can't wait till get my change you know so um the woman comes over and she goes yeah can I help you the server does and I said yeah I gave you $40 on a twenty one dollar bill and she goes oh I thought that was a tip yeah I'm giving you a $19 tip on a twenty one dollar bill hmm okay so she gave me the change back very very grudgingly and she's very very like kind of like I can't believe you're doing is taking his money back from me but the good news is they're out of business so here's the last story I've got for you and I realize this is gonna be a short podcast but I haven't added any bad experiences but this is one of the most amazing experiences I've mentioned before that it upsets me when people lie to my face I don't know why it upsets me if you want to sit there and tell me something crazy whatever I don't know why but it bothers me and I don't know it's because I feel insulted by someone who's lying in my face or if I think that I don't know so I was traveling in another state with friends and somebody suggested we go out to eat and you know there's oftentimes a road that's got a bunch of restaurants on it you drive down the road there's one there one you take your pick and there was I'm not gonna name the name of the restaurant are still in business the there's a restaurant it's a national chain sells Italian food they advertise a lot on television and there's one of those restaurants and my friends go hey let's eat there by the way it's not olive garden because I've eaten there before I've never had a bad experience as far as I know but it's been a while and my friend goes let's go to that Italian restaurant I said I've never been there before nice oh no it's great food great food so let's go there so we go over the place is kind of busy we get seated as four of us all get menus poking around and on the menu it says all of their stuff is fresh it's all fresh it's made on site it's fresh fresh fresh fresh now I've watched enough hell's kitchen's Kitchen Nightmares Bar rescues to know that many restaurants don't know what the word fresh means and there's a lot of hanky-panky going on with what you actually get in a restaurant but this is a national chain that advertises that everything is fresh made from scratch blah blah blah so I said I would like the lasagna as lasagna and they got a photograph of it it's beautiful it's you know it's lasagna you know Italian lasagna and so we all place our orders and the woman disappears she brings back some breadsticks probably and we probably got some drinks and sitting around and then finally the server comes by and she's got our food and she puts down food in front of all four of us and she was I'll be back in a minute to check on you and she leaves and now I look at the lasagna I have nothing to doubt about this lasagna just yet and some reason it strikes me that I should stick my fork into the middle of the lasagna and I don't know why I do this but I stick my fork in the middle lasagna it gets in about a sixteenth of an inch and it clunks against the frozen center like like that okay I'm not exaggerating it wasn't close it wasn't questionable if you'd said Steve if you stood up and put all of your two hundred plus pound frame against that fork what would have happened would it sink in further no I would have bent the fork okay there was a frozen center to the lasagna it was frozen solid I actually looked at it and I and I was kind of surprised by this and I turned to my table mates I said check this out and I take the fork like a joke and I go look it's frozen clunk clunk Klunk okay it's going in about a sixteenth of an inch and it's frozen solid so my friends are eating the waitresses that how is everything and I said well my lasagna is still frozen and she goes oh no no no we make it fresh and I said no no no honey I take the fork out and I'll do like this like that I go this lasagna was not cooked after it was frozen this lasagna was made it was frozen you microwaved it and you gave it to me and instead of being in the microwave for like eight minutes is only the microwave for like 80 seconds something like that and she goes oh no no no this is fresh we make everything fresh I go look I don't care what you're gonna tell me can you take it and bring me some appropriately cooked lasagna and she goes I'll go get you another piece of lasagna she goes this piece we gave you simply she's I don't know what happened she was but it's not frozen that's not what this is thinking to myself can you imagine if it's not frozen and the center is more solid than a piece of like tungsten carbide like what what what conditions at room temperature would lend themselves to the center of that lasagna being a harder than like industrial grade diamonds Wow seriously I could have bitten into that and lost every tooth in my mouth and fractured my jaw like it wasn't edible it wasn't food and by the way in case you're wondering the implied warranty of merchantability applies to food but I'm merely throwing it in be funny so she comes back with that with a plate and she puts it in front of she was there another piece for you it was the same piece it still had my fork marks in the top and I recognized the plate I said that's the same piece you had lasties no no no she's I got you a fresh piece without even I got fine I take the fork out go and same thing I go why is this one frozen then and she goes huh I don't know she was I saw the chef cut this piece himself and now here's the thing you're not allowed to punch strangers in public it turns out they've actually got rules against that and you're not supposed to express your anger and anything other than a civilized tone of voice and so I managed to restrain myself and I just said look this is the same piece of frozen lasagna you brought me last time you simply took it back the kitchen I don't know if you microwaved it again or not just no no we don't like we're anything I stopped lying to me I said you brought me back the same piece of lasagna it's got my fork marks on the top it's still frozen solid and I was my friends are laughing and do they think there's a funniest thing ever and I'm you know I understand I should think it's funny too I should laugh I can't laugh in these situations because if she had told me if she leaned over and said hey let me let me tell you a secret our menu says her stuff is fresh we bring it in in boxes it's frozen solid as a rock it takes a week to thaw then we microwave it and sell it to you inside it's fresh just don't tell anybody I would have had more respect for her I would have given her the $19 tip I didn't give the last waitress okay but no she's going no we don't microwave anything this dust made fresh I go explain to me how you make fresh lasagna and you cook it and from the oven to my table the center freezes solid she goes oh it's not frozen it's not frozen I'm poking it with the fork like what what is this what's what's wrong with this lasagna she goes I don't know would you like me to get you another piece I said you said you'd give me a piece last time and by the way I'm not speaking this loudly and I'm a little more animated now when I'm in public I actually am better behaved ask those who know me but this is what my inner child was doing okay I wanted to yell it I wanted to stand up and say attention everybody how many of you are enjoying your previously frozen food that's been fraudulently is fresh okay it's it's not it's Rosen this is frozen garbage they're feeding us she's like would you like another piece I said you understand that that's what you asked me last time and you brought me the same piece she was I don't know how that happened I'm like how many people are involved this transaction did you really go back in the kitchen and not watch what they did when you said give me another piece like how this this isn't that complicated you bring it back you bring me another piece or you bring it back you bring the same piece you brought me the same piece both times so now I say yes I'd like another piece again are you to bring me the same piece or a different she's I'll bring you different I said but you said that last time now meanwhile all my friends are done eating now they're just watching me come I'm the floorshow I'm entertaining them and she goes would you like me to go get you another piece I said no no no don't I said skip it skip it so she wanders off and a manager comes over and he goes how is everything going and I looked at him and I said did you talk to your waitress and he goes no why I said well I said she brought me a frozen piece of lasagna and when I asked her to send it back and microwave it a little bit longer she said oh we don't microwave food Tony because oh we don't I said so you're telling me right now if I got up and walked in your kitchen is not a microwave back there and the guy goes all our food is fresh I said is there a microwave back there all our food is fresh I said okay we you you can play that game I guess but here's the thing I go she took the frozen lasagna back there didn't do anything to it and brought it right back out to me frozen is frozen both times I said I could bend to the tines of my fork on it it was frozen okay and he goes okay what do you want me to do about it and think myself do they really not teach customer service to managers at restaurants anymore like seriously what do you want me to do but let me think now this is a restaurant I'm there as a customer Hey it's dinner time maybe now this is stretch maybe I would like to eat food do you guys by any chance have any food you can give me I'm willing to pay for it if you've got some food you can exchange for money with me perhaps we can transact some business and I can buy some food from you just as my other three friends did none of whom ordered the frozen lasagna and he said what what you know there's nothing I do for you I said apparently not and he's okay he goes well hot tell you what he's we won't charge you for the lasagna we won't charge you for the listen why would you charge me Phil zhonya I didn't get to eat the lasagna the lasagna was not edible you brought a frozen chunk of lasagna to my table and then you took it back twice why would I pay for that we won't charge you for that so that is the customer service and a favorite restaurant story of all time if you've got a restaurant story that you think is in the same league as any of the three I just told you and I'm sure some of you do please comment below on the video and if you're listening to this on the podcast feel free to one small jump over the YouTube thing just check me out my suit and also in comment under the video is a little easier here questions or comments is always firing my way either below the video or in the credits at the end of the video thanks a lot for checking us out talk to the bye bye
Channel: Steve Lehto
Views: 110,446
Rating: 4.7749715 out of 5
Keywords: Lemon Law, Michighan Lemon Law, Lemon Law Attorney, Lemon Law Lawyer
Id: PbxGN5Y58Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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