Fun with a Stanley #45 - 02 - Tongue & Groove

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hey everybody Chris Ali's you might know me better a mosquito today I'm going to be going over cutting target group family number 45 what I will be using is obviously my number 45 the tongue-and-groove iron and my quarter-inch file iron okay so these are the two irons that you're going to need the tongue and the groove this is the quarter-inch tongue and groove I'm they did make a iron with 3/16 gap in the middle here but that was technically considered an optional cutter I think one of the type studies I read says that was introduced around 1914 so just make sure whichever tongue iron you use you match that with the corresponding plowing iron in this case is quarter-inch just a quick note about the tongue iron this here is your depth stop the depth stops on the number 45 won't work with this iron because it's cutting on the edges and both depth stops only register on the edge so this is where you'll get your depth how you set it is you just take a screwdriver and loosen this screw and then you can slide this up and down however you like one thing to note though this distance here is not going to be your depth because the iron does not cut straight vertical when it's in the plane it's actually angled so the distance will be the distance from this edge to this bevel I usually leave it set all the way down just because that's my preference I don't think it really matters and for the purposes of demonstration but I'm just going to leave it there now here I'm going to show you how I set up for tongue and groove with my 45 I don't need the groove yet so I usually start with the tongue reason being because then I can set the depth for the groove based off of the tongue which I will show you later since I like to use the short rod so I don't catch the long rods on myself or my bench I will move this fence because it makes it rather difficult to insert the iron missus on then loosen up the screws for they hold this sliding body on move those apart flip the iron in one thing to note is that there is a minimum depth that you will have to have set because I'll show you here if I have the depth stop set depth adjustment set to shallow I can't get the iron in because it flares out here down at the bottom and so it can't go too high or you'll hit the main casting up here so just keep that in mind the first time I tried doing this I had the depth adjustments that way too shallow and I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get up there and later I felt like an idiot and that was lie alright so now that we have that set in there deep enough go ahead and tighten this down just a little just a little to hold it in but still be able to adjust the depth and then you want to slide this skate in and then I have it set so it right when it touches it I back it out just a hair and the reason I back it out just a little bit is so that way I don't have to worry about it hitting the iron when I'm trying to adjust the depth all right so now I'm just going to sight down here make sure I have my depth set well not too deep not to show it'll be similar to setting up for a groove in terms of depth of cut I usually prefer shallow because I'm really not taking off that much material and then depending on what kind of grain you end up with you might want to adjust that shallower or deeper now would be a good time if you have wax or oil or whatever you use to go ahead and do that now why you don't really need it on this cut but I often tend to get so I usually do it whenever I think about it another don't forget the fence I'm just using paraffin wax or candle I guess I haven't really experimented too much but seems to work for me and now you'll want to put the fence back on using these upper holes here so these two up here because we have to be able to clear this and get underneath it and you can go ahead and tighten these down until they just touch and then back them off because we will have to set that up later which I will show in a second all right so for setting the fence for cutting the tongue here's our scrap piece of wood here I have it marked out I just kind of drew that in with pencil so it'd be easier see and just kind of set the plane on top of it line it up as best you can slide the fence in and then just sort of wiggle it until you're happy if your alignment and then lock it in place all right I want you to set this up you can go ahead and type your test piece if you like which is what I did just in case and now get onto their work piece so similar to cutting the groove you're going to want to start at the far end just to make it a little bit easier and then just slowly work your way back one thing that you'll probably want to do just kind of good practice for your cutters is once you get to the end lift up on the heel so you'll drag back on the front part of the scape before you push again this will help reduce anywhere from pulling it over backwards on the bevel and as opposed to picking it up and starting over it'll just keep you in line and a whole lot faster as you can see I'm taking a very fine cut and I could probably set it a little bit deeper but on my test piece I was getting a little bit of tear out because I was kind of fighting the grain but it doesn't look like it's problem on this one so I'm sure I'm safe to set it a little bit deeper but in all honesty it doesn't really matter and I enjoy planing just like following the groove as here there is no more cutting noise that means that we've hit this depth stop here and now we're done time to move over to the groove all right here I switched it over to cutting a groove I haven't set it up yet but I didn't feel I needed to go over that it was like kind of covered that already in a previous video this is the point where if you haven't already back Store olds escape you'll probably want to because it will make this part a lot easier and I'm actually going to go ahead relax the fence a little bit just in case probably doesn't need it but it's not going to hurt me Annie so on this one you can go ahead and set it back for the lower two holes on the fence at this time for now the distance for that doesn't actually matter because what I'm going to do is go ahead and set that stuff and for setting the depth for the group what I do is I take this and I rest it on the very edge here my shoulder and then I loosen this and I just drop this depth gauge or depth stop all the way down until I hit the tongue right there and just when it starts to lift just a little bit feel it hip back it up just a touch tighten it down and then what you want to do move the fence out so it's not in your way set the plane body on it the tongue that is set the groove iron flower to be just up to the edge of the tongue ride the fence over tighten it down and you're good to go obviously it wouldn't be a bad idea to go over and cut a new practice piece and make a groove see if it fits well if not come back adjust so forth all right at this point once you've got the groove cutting in setup you can go ahead and cut through your test piece which I already did over here and I test fit it up against my workpiece and I was happy with that so I'm going to go forward with my actual workpiece here so just like in the previous video which I'm not really going to try and rehash you again start at the end and work your way back so now that we have our groove cut you can take your other work piece that you cut the tongue on our any test fit that it is important that you make sure to have the fence on the same side of the workpiece so I just kind of use these reference line so I would know which side I have the fence on to make sure I wouldn't accidentally screw up because although the tongue would fit as you can see here the alignment is definitely off on that side whereas on this side not perfectly flush but it is pretty close but now as you can see I have pushed this as far down as it will go and there is just the fingernails with gap a little bit less can't quite fit my fingernail in there but that's exactly what I was going for remember back when i said to set the depth stop on this till it just hit and then back it off just a hair well this is why because this is just kind of the way I prefer to do it is I'll throw this back in the vise now and I'll just cut the tongue down with a black plane till it's just perfectly flush and I just like to keep test-fitting along the way because it never hurts just about there and there you have it tongue and groove with the number 45
Channel: Mosquito aka Chris
Views: 34,175
Rating: 4.9180326 out of 5
Keywords: Tongue And Groove
Id: etHYJPxu8q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2013
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