Girl vs Grinch! Can Cindy Lou Who Save Christmas Again?

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Who's at the door? The Grinch?! Not again! What are you doing now? I'm gonna ruin Christmas of course! We already told you. You have to get past Cindy Lou Who first! And your point is? What, are you serious? Cindy Lou Who has already beaten you in two Christmas challenges! Yeah, two! I was just warming up before. This time I'm really ready. Are you sure you want another Christmas challenge? Oh, yeah! You must really like to lose. Oh, yeah? I'm not gonna lose. I'm gonna win! And when I win, I'm gonna ruin Christmas. No wait, you have to help me ruin Christmas! But I always win! Not this time. It's a deal Grinch! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Alright, Fun Squad! We need your help to save Christmas! And today's competition is Cindy Lou Who! Woohoo! Versus the G-G-Grinch! I'm the mean one! Ha ha ha ha! And who do you think is gonna win the competition today? Vote right here in the corner. I'm gonna win! I think the odds are looking pretty good for me. I'm gonna need my gloves can help me put them on? No! No? Fine, I'll do it myself. Ha ha ha! "Dipping Chocolate Fondue" Hey Cindy Lou, what's that smell? [Speaking together] Chocolate! Well Cindy, I don't like any of these things. The worms are okay. I'll keep a few worms. But I don't want strawberries or bananas. So I'm gonna use my own stuff. Is that okay? Yeah. Okay, thanks. Let's see. You're gonna do a strawberry. Alright, I'm gonna do... Good thing I always bring an extra bag of garbage. I'm gonna do a brussels sprout. What do you think about that? I guess everything tastes good with chocolate. Oh look at that. This is the perfect dessert. Look. Strawberries are shaped like little hearts. Alright instead of a marshmallow, I'm gonna do a piece of onion. It's a little baby onion haha! Hahaha! Little baby onion. Grinch, you're silly. Oh yeah. Look at that. Instead of a pineapple, I'm gonna do a pickle. Pickles. I got my little pickle here. Very pickly, pickly, pickly, pickly, pickly. You sure you don't want one? No. You sure? No. Are you sure you're sure? No. Alright. Broccoli! Broccoli? Gross! What are you talking about? I like chocolate, and I like you. Like me? Alright, what else do I have? What else can I do? Oooo! A little smokie. Ooo! Grinch, that looks yummy for you. Oh yeah. Hey, you know what a little mini hotdog does in the chocolate? A mini hot dog paddle. Hahahaha! Oh my gosh! You get it? Haha! It's a little, it's a little chocolate doggy paddle. Haha! Ha ha! Yeah, that's pretty funny. I feel like that was a fake laugh, Cindy Lou, and you were just laughing just to make me feel better. Ha ha ha. A lemon. Should I do a lemon? Chocolate-covered lemon. Oh yeah! Look at that. Cindy Lou, have you ever put chocolate on your bacon? Chocolate bacon. What could be better? And I gotta do a couple worms. Oh, be careful, Grinch! You don't want to get chocolate on your fur! Would you ever eat a real worm, Cindy Lou? No! Gross! Gross? You're probably right. Okay, Fun Squad, time to vote on the challenges so far! Who do you think is doing the better job? Cindy Lou Who? Mmm yummy! Or the Grinch? Now for the next challenge. Making eggnog! "Making Eggnog" I'm gonna build the better eggnog cup. No, me! No, you? Alright. Let's see. What you got to work with there? Oh, you're starting with the whipped cream? Oh, lucky you. Candy corn? Wrong holiday! Can you do it? Can you do it? Squeeze really hard. Squeeze really hard right here. Is that good? You sure? Okay. Well, good luck with yours. I don't like any of these ingredients, so as usual I brought my own special ingredients. Oh yuck. Alrighty, I got my pickles. Those are my favorite! Ooo! A brussels sprout! Ew! That's so gross! Oh! Tuna fish. Very good too! Eww! And what's eggnog without eggs? I'm gonna sprinkle some love. That's a lot of love right there. So I'm gonna start right there. I'll save it for later. Ooo! That's the stuff. Did you want these eggs for yours? No! Are you sure? No. Alright. Well, I'm gonna do some eggnog. You can't have an eggnog without eggnog. So I already put the egg. I guess this is the nog. What's a nog? You know what a nog is? No? No? Is this your noggin? Do do do do do. Oh! It was just a little bit. How about some pickles? No. No? Are you sure? They're delicioso. Ooo! Sure you don't want one? No. Hey, what's that over there? Oh, missed it. Look. If I put tuna fish in it, will that make you like it? No! Come on. Look at this. Oh yeah. Gotta get that tuna fish juice. That's the best part. Be sure to make enough for friends. To share with friends? I might have to take the rest home for Max. He loves tuna fish. Alrighty. Love is the secret ingredient. My secret ingredient is chewy gum eyeballs. Oo! It's winking at ya. Oh! Good in protein. Oh! Time for the taste test! I'm tasting Cindy's first! Mmm! This is the best eggnog in the world! Yummy! Oh! Now, moving on to the Grinch. Ew! Gross! That smells like tuna fish! What are you talking about? It's delicious! Give it a little slurpy slurp right there. Gross! No way I'd try that! Alright, Fun Squad, who do you think made the best eggnog? Grinch or Ciny Lou Who? Now, for the next challenge. Who can make the best holiday wreath? It's me. It's totally me. Meee. You not. Meee. Alright. Whatever. "Decorating Wreaths" I love Christmas! Hmm, let's see here. Ooo! Some bright colors. Oh look. It even matches! Grinch, why do you like garbage so much? Don't look at me like I'm doing it wrong. I love holiday crafts! Holiday crafts? This is my favorite! Your favorite? What do you like hanging on your front door? My front door? Uhhh... A cushion seat! Ha ha ha! You don't like that idea? It's round like a wreath. Oh look what I got here. Woohoo a sock! Grinch, come on. It's a holey sock. Oh that's smells lovely. You wanna smell it? You like it, don't you? Hahaha! No, I don't! Hahahaha! [Slow motion] Hahahaha! Alright, here we go. Lemon. I don't mean to be rude, but your wreath is a little messy. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Okay, Fun Squad, time to look at their wreaths! Look at this handsome wreath. Come on. It's good! Which one do you like, Fun Squad? Cindy Lou Who? Look at my wreath. It's the prettiest. Or the Grinch? Alright, Cindy Lou Who. This is the final challenge, and you're going down. No, you are! No, you are! You. You. You. You. You. You! This is it, Fun Squad. The final chance to determine whether or not the Grinch gets to ruin Christmas or not. Do you think Cindy Lou Who can win the gingerbread house making? "Gingerbread House Decorating" Ah! Cindy Lou Who beat me so bad last year with that giant gingerbread house! How you doing over there? I mean where did you get all of these supplies. Good thing I'm extra prepared this year. He he he! Oh my goodness, I think this is Cindy Lou's from last year! Needs a little work, but I can I can deal with that. Ha ha ha! With this I can ruin Christmas once and for all! He ha he ha he ha! Hey, Cindy Lou Who. I'll be right back. Hm, oh well. Oh! I'm gonna get a hernia. Ah! Almost there, almost there. Oh! Ah! Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. My little gingerbread house. Too bad for Cindy Lou Who. She threw her gingerbread house away. This year, it's mine. Hey, no peeking over there. Fine, Grinch. Keep your eyes on your own work. I won't peek at your gingerbread house, if you don't peek at my gingerbread house. I'm sure to win this time. She'll never see it coming. Shhh! No snitching the candy. Wait, what was that? You. Me what? Look, you wanna know what the best kind of kiss there is. A green kiss. For Max. Not for you. Gross! For this challenge, no peeking at my gingerbread house. You keep your eyes on your work, okay? Okay, if that's what you want, Grinch. Did you want some banana peel? No. No? Oh alright. And we need some banana peel roof right there. Ah, right there. That's the stuff. Right there. Let's see what else we got. Whoo, this will be perfect! Don't move. And let's see here. Mmm garlic. Hey, keep your eyes on your own work. I'll tell your teacher. Oh, yeah, that's nice. What's that, Cindy? You want some marshmallows? Okay. Here they come. Hey, no peeking! Keep your eyes on your own work! Just one more minute. I'm almost done. Okay, so am I. He he he he he!! I need some of that. Fine. There you go. Hahaha. Kale. Gross. Get it around this turnip here. This is even better than before. I can't wait to see Cindy Lou's face! Ha ha ha ha! Ah-oh look out below! It's snowing graham crackers. Oh, if Christmas was like this, maybe I would like it a little bit. Nah. I mean, who wouldn't like banana peels with turnips and kale and green frosting. Oh no, my house is too small. Hmm. I feel like this section here needs a little bit of a Grinch touch. He he he he he! I can't lose to the Grinch! I better hurry if I want to beat the Grinch. Well, that window is looking very lovely. This one needs some help. Oop! Ha ha ha! Oopsie! He he he he! He must've take my gingerbread house from last year! How about this pickle? Right there. That sneaky Grinch! And another pickle. Right here. Yeah, I like that lot. That's pretty good. I just can't let him ruin Christmas. Hmm I need to do something amazing. [Magical Christmas Music] Grinch, you did a pretty good job. This is a masterpiece! Oh Grinchie. Okay, Fun Squad, we need your help to save Christmas! This is the final vote. Who do you think won? The Grinch? Or Cindy Lou Who? Ooooh! Is this really happening again? What? Cindy, how did you do all this? I did this. I did this. I did that. And that. And I did it on this side. You have marshmallow hearts and kisses. I can't believe you did this to me again Cindy. Let's just face it Grinch. I'm the best. Grinch, was this my house from last year? Yes, and I thought if I had it this year I could beat you. Grinch, that was cheating. Cheating? Well, I just wanted to win so bad. Cheaters don't never prosper. Alright guys, you know how this works. Vote in the corner right here. Who won? Cindy Lou Who? Or the Grinch? Don't even bother. Just vote for Cindy. Wait. I have one more thing to give. I got you something special. Something for me? Is your trick? No? What is this gonna be? Oh! Is this for real? It's a little Grinchie. Oh Grinchie, it looks just like you. You got this for me? Yep. I picked it out special just for you. Oh! Ah! Something's happening to my heart. That's the Christmas spirit! It's still growing. When's it gonna stop? Cindy Lou, is this normal? I feel like singing and handing out sugar plums. And running to the top of Mount Crumpit as fast as I can just to yell Merry Christmas! It makes me warm and tingly inside. Well, guess what? I brought you a present too. You want to see what it is? Okay. I wrapped it myself. I'm so excited! What do you think? Do you love it? Oh Grinch, it's great. I know. Well, you're welcome. I knew you had a big heart. Merry Christmas Grinch. Why, thank you. Don't forget to like and subscribe, and if you want to see another Grinch video, click here down below. Little Grinch did. Click. click, click, click, click, click, click.
Channel: The Fun Squad
Views: 31,580,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids fun tv, girl vs grinch, rematch, save christmas, to save christmas, girl, vs, grinch, christmas, fun squad, merry christmas, cindy lou who, grinch movie, will she save christmas, kids, fun, videos for kids, family fun, children, family, funny kids, funny, funny grinch, family friendly, videos for children, games, toy, toys, #kidsfuntv, mr grinch, holiday, santa, santa claus, the grinch
Id: Jt5P-nVgscA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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