Fully Explaining the Entire Youth Academy System!

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are you looking to build a dominant team in FIFA one key to success of course is finding and developing talented young players in today's video we're sharing some tips on how you can find and cultivate that next generation of superstars for your team from using the right Scouts to training and developing your youth players I'll show you exactly how to build that formidable Squad that will dominate competitions for years to come so if you want to take your team to the next level stay tuned and let's get started there's three questions today that I'm going to try and answer the first one is what do the stars mean on your youth Scouts the second one is where should you be sending your Scouts and the third one is how do you get better players so let's start off with what the stars mean on your youth Scouts so every single Scout as I'm sure you've seen has two star ratings experience and judgment first of all we talk about experience which is about how many players will be scouted per month or per report and how effective the Scout is at finding youngsters that fit the type that you've requested the scouting report for I'm sure you've seen this before you can choose is like physically strong Winger defensively minded this is what this scout is looking for if the Scout has a 5 Star experience they have an 80 chance of finding the player you've sent them out to look for if they've only got one star experience then this is only 30 percent and it increases with every single star rating that they have in this field the other aspect of having a high experience Scout is that you'll get more players back for every single report for example if you've got a four and a five star Scout the four star Scout will on average bring back 60 players a year whereas a 5 Star Scout will bring back 72. if they have the same amount of judgment this means you get an extra 12 chances of finding a platinum player which is something I'll go into in just a second judgment is a bit different to experience because a one star Scout can still find the exact same players that a five-star Scout can just less of them depending on experience but with a five-star Scout you have way better odds of finding what is known as a platinum player every single Youth Academy player is separated into one of four squeeze bronze silver gold and platinum the amount of potential they have defines what category they're in for example a platinum player will probably have potential around 90 whereas someone whose bronze could be 60 to 70 potential so they're not going to be as good you want the scouts that give you the most Platinum Players per report and that's exactly what five-star judgment helps with they get about 10 of the players that they Scout will have Platinum potential which is quite a big deal when it comes to managing any team at any level you want as many of these in your Youth Academy as possible so I would say judgment is probably more important than experience it depends if you'd rather have more goes at less odds or less goes at more odds of getting one of these good players hopefully that made sense because I know it is a pretty complicated thing to understand basically the better the Judgment the better the players the better they experience the more players you'll get every single month but that's not the only thing to consider when it comes to FIFA career mode scouting there is also where you should be sending your scout because not every region is exactly the same for example on average Africa will provide a physically strong player with Platinum potential two percent of the time somewhere like Asia or Australia this is down to 0.1 which is a terrible odds of getting a player in this range however there are some very surprising odds when it comes to places you can scout on FIFA for example Asia is actually the best place to scout if you want a Winger all the other categories are basically the best if you Scout in Argentina or Brazil except if you want physically strong a playmaker or defensively minded Central Europe is the next best region and that's going to get you that defensively minded playmaker or physically strong player as well so basically I'll put on screen the exact best area to scout for every single kind right now technically gifted Argentina and Brazil Wingers Asia physically strong Africa Playmakers Central Europe goalkeeper Brazil Platinum attacker Brazil and defensive-minded Central Europe you can find every single player in every single region but this is just the region that has the best odds of finding someone with that Elite level potential so now we're about halfway through the video you know exactly how to find these good Youth Academy players now let's talk about how you can develop them into better players this is something I've covered in a couple of videos before so we'll try and keep it a little bit shorter but I have five tips to help you develop your youth players a little bit quicker the first one is making sure they're getting game time this is something that's a little bit different in real life in real life I'm sure you've seen your favorite team bring some young players on for the last 5-10 minutes of a match just to give them a bit of experience however in FIFA this doesn't really work as you would expect because if you give them a little bit of game time they'll get a low match rating and therefore they won't actually improve that fast the best way to do it is to loan them out in a league where they will be getting a nice high average rating or playing them for entire matches and making sure they're taking things like penalties making sure they're getting good chances and making sure they're actually good enough for the league that you're in from some of the tests I've done I don't think anything impacts development quite as fast as game time in the past they did used to be training when it was a bit more overpowered you used to be able to get goalkeepers from 60 overall to about 85 in a single season that kind of thing isn't on FIFA anymore so make sure they're playing as many matches as possible and getting as high of a rating as you can the next best thing to look at is morale High morale makes player improve more every single week even if they're not training or playing in games they get access to this base level of growth and morale does actually impact this and make them grow faster no matter how they're doing in other areas so having a high morale can come from things like a good contract for example if you've got them down as sporadic but they're playing in almost every game they're going to be really happy because they're getting way too much game time for their contract status which means they will improve a bit faster making sure their teams on good form and making sure that you're always if they ever do one of those conversation things make sure you answer them in the right way to increase their morale you should also have a look at player statuses and knowing what they mean for example if you've got a player whose potential to be special this means they've got between 91 and 98 potential this means you should definitely be focusing on players who have potential to be special rather than players who might have things like exciting prospects who despite having high potential are not quite as good as this player if you know which ones to focus on you can then actually balance the game time between these and maybe less high priority players this means you can improve more than one player at a time but make sure the potential to be special is the one you're giving the most attention to my final tip is around training and it's something I do on the first day of every single save that I start first thing I'll do is make a new team Sheet it doesn't matter what formation it is but make sure you can fit in as many players in the positions you want as possible and I put in all of my high Prospect players and I just call it something like the under 18 Squad you might have seen this in some of the career modes I've uploaded before where I have a team Sheet that's just full of players who are not in the first 11 and I made sure it's the active training team sheets at all times this means that they keep sharp so their sharpness does go up from training it means they're improving their stats from doing the training and it just means that they're always going to be ready if I do need them to join the squad I'm sure you've played with players that have zero sharpness before they're always a bit sluggish they're not as fast they're not as good on the ball and of course they don't get the stat boost that players with high sharpness do on FIFA this is quite an important part of the game so make sure you are rotating your squad this does also help you get the game time in make sure you keep these young players sharp so that if you do have a cup game you're interested in playing them in they can actually come in and perform well because then they'll get the higher match rating and then they'll improve faster and then they'll get higher Max ratings and so on and so forth it's kind of like a Snowball Effect you just have to make sure you treat them right for the first couple of years and then from then on they'll basically develop themselves just by being in your first team but if you've got any tips for how you like to develop your used players or where you like to scout leave them in the comments below thank you all for watching this far I'll see you soon cheers and goodbye
Channel: Geografifa
Views: 735,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Realistic FIFA Career Mode, FIFA 22, FIFA 22 Career Mode, FIFA 23 Career Mode, FIFA 23, how to keep fifa career realistic, realistic fifa career mode, realistic career mode fifa 23, realistic rules fifa 23, realism, how to make fifa fun, fun career mode, tips and tricks, career mode tips, career mode tips fifa 23, fifa 23 career mode tips, fifa tips, fifa youth academy, fifa judgement meaning, fifa experience meaning, how does youth academy work fifa 23, fifa 23 youth team
Id: QYpcv87RVWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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