Fully Engaged - CLC Tagum April 4, 2021

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[Music] come on you can do better than that this is a day of celebration the god that we are serving is alive he is alive hallelujah you may not take your seat to those that are watching us online salamat in you hang time i believe that this is a season of resurrection as jesus has resurrected from the dead i pray and declare that the resurrection power of jesus will come alive to your lives to your family to your relationship to your spirituality today if you are all excited today come on spam the comment declare i've got the resurrection power come on satanic at the count of three i want you to shout i've got the power one two three go we've got a power the resurrection power is available the resurrection power of jesus christ thank you jesus hallelujah are you all excited today so welcomes online thank you so much for spending your sunday with us and even for those people who are watching and celebrating with us joining us in the celebration of day of resurrection as we commemorate that this means a lot to us thank you so much for joining us and if you are watching us online now let us know either pilipinas or abroad we want to know where you are watching from so please comment where you are watching from nova scotia and my prayer and declaration that god is going to manifest his presence his power in a personal way i pray that this is not just an ordinary sunday to you but god is going to reveal himself and you will experience in a powerful way in a personal way today are you excited for the word of god this morning thank you jesus everybody say fully engaged that's our series the entire month of april and uh i believe nah nah this is not an accident why you you are able to come over here today for such a time as this and for such purpose saginaw thank you so much first time thank you so much for joining with us first time pods online viewers and followers thank you so much for joining with us this sunday first timers now thank you so much for for joining and having cabuntagon now let me start with with our context the entire text the entire month of april let me start in first in first korean chapter 15 verse 58 it says therefore my brothers and sisters stand firm let nothing move you always give yourself fully to the work of god because you know that the labor in the lord is not in vain may god are blessing upon the reading of his word today in our series fully engaged now we will start in the conclusion and that that must be the kind of life also that we need to live we have to start a new life where the lord jesus has ended that's the time that we need to start a new life as well now he says here therefore in other words therefore kind of a concluding word in other words whatever happened in the past does not matter anymore i mean now did the lord do some therefore now don't worry don't be sad in other words no matter how bad how dark how crazy it was it has no power at all and good thing is that that he encourages us he says my dear brother says stand firm not stand firm god is telling you to stand firm stand firm in his call stand firm in what he has done in your faith in what you believe in and let nothing move you for us to be fully engaged to the works of the lord and the we need to stand firm and let nothing move us not fear not let nothing move you tap your chest ignition let nothing move engaged and he says always give yourselves a fully everybody say fully apart definitely you will not able to experience the the vastness that the lord has prepared no gusto saginaw i impact because they are only partially or initially you know engaged to what the lord has been doing this time in 2020 one dappa fully engaged seguro first i believe the lord is telling you he's inviting you to get fully engaged with him now to the work of the lord because you know that your labor in the lord is not in vain praise god simply because jesus is alive praise god the entire world today a celebrity is celebrating the resurrection sunday and this is the one of the the biggest celebration of every bible believing christians not born again evangelical what is it hinges on the resurrection of jesus christ religious leaders who claim not that they are they are away only jesus declared who died and rose again spiritual leaders yes there are many people who follow them but praise god the god that we are serving is alive i mean but he is reason hallelujah everybody shout he is reason one two three go he is reset that's the god that we are serving pablo so first corinthians 15 he is alive he is resent i mean no praise god and what does it do to us now there's a passage in the bible that says we can engage fully to the works of the lord because he is reason fully engaged there is the power of resurrection and it is working it is alive it is available you've got the power now always remind yourself you've got the power in the inside nadine resurrection power there is a resurrection power praise god but but the lord breathed life over us so today i declare in the name of jesus that the resurrection power of christ will more powerfully in your life in jesus name whatever death situation that the devil has brought over your life god is going to cause life he's going to resurrect every dead dreams every dead opportunity every dead relationship god is going to breathe a new breath of life in jesus name because of his resurrection power working inside of us come on give praise to god whoa everybody say i've got the power always remind that always remind yourself that you've got the power the the power doesn't come from you it comes from the power of the resurrection of christ jesus first corinthians 15 55-57 no where oh death is your victory where oh death is your sting the seeing of that is sin the power of sin is a law but thanks be to god he gives us victory through our lord jesus christ amen because our victory doesn't come from our background from our backer it comes from the power of the resurrection of christ jesus so understand every time you commit mistakes every don't worry that resurrection power of christ is available for you the devil has tried his stuff his best to keep jesus from the grave but that no grave can contain no grave can stop the power of the resurrection of our lord jesus christ amen he is unstoppable jesus is unstoppable and i love and i'm proud that he is my god who's your god who's your god and he is alive he is alive let it sink down to the very heart of your very core of your hearts this morning that the god that we are serving is real he's tangible he's breathing he's breathing life he's got the power he's all powerful so this morning you might ask so what now so what does it do to us since jesus is risen what does it do to us what's in it for us oh i'm telling you you will get excited as i am because jesus is reason there is a radical transformation everybody say radical transformation radical transformation the people the believers the disciples the moment jesus was died in the cross and they got hiding they were in fear no they lock up themselves have you ever come to a point that because you are too afraid you're able to forget the promises of god given to you amen sometimes inaudible believers during the time when jesus died on the cross but praise god when jesus resurrected there was a radical transformation took place extraordinary strength boldness rise up in their hearts because of the resurrection power of christ started to do extraordinary things why is that simply because there is a resurrection power that is working available in the lives of every believer radical transformation because of the power of the resurrection of christ available working you ordinary people suddenly does or suddenly do extraordinary things because of the extraordinary god natural suddenly will become supernatural there is a radical transformation fully engaged in because of the resurrection power hallelujah from darkness into marvelous lights fully engaged to the works of the lord [Laughter] [Music] they started to do supernatural things peter was able to walk on water they were able to start to cast out demons extraordinary radical transformations oh the resurrection power of christ is working into him and guess what he became a messenger a powerful messenger to the lord he was fully engaged now the isa is an impact the importance of the power of the resurrection of christ because he is reason we've got a radical transformation now one day when when mary when those ladies came to that to the tomb of jesus they found an empty tomb now they found that the role that the sorry the stones have been rolled away from about [Music] not for jesus to come out but for us to come and and jesus reminded them know about the promises of the lord and suddenly they start to do extraordinary things that stone that meant to block the blessing of the lord because of the power of the resurrection it has been rolled away so that you and i can come and see the glory of the lord to come and see the experience have an extraordinary experience of our living king they were too distant and they got hiding in fear and they were blinded with doubts that's the condition of those ordinary people those disciples but because there was a power of resurrection there was a radical transformation took place into their hearts so this morning that the resurrection power of christ is available over your life he can start the radical transformation into your lives no matter how the expert has told you that it is irreversible beyond repair impossible [Applause] radical transformation but there was an increase of courage and faith increase of knowledge increase of experience of wisdom and it will result that increase of your finances increase the in other words there's a growth now increase among discipleship hallelujah there will be an increase of courage and faith that's what happened they were too afraid and doubtful their minds are clouded with doubts but because of the resurrection power of jesus this is the day of the resurrection of the lord and it is available for you and me [Music] on the third day there was the resurrection power of christ in john 20 verse 19 year 2019 2020 when the disciples were together with the lock with the doors locked for fear of the jewish leaders no we were hiding jesus came i love that the devil has tried to lock every doors of opportunity but because of the power of the resurrection of jesus christ jesus came today this morning jesus is going to come into your life and start to unlock things that the devil has shut down in the name of jesus i mean jesus woke up i'm telling you that's why jesus came they were hiding but jesus came jesus is never late he arrives just like on time when they were too fearful when they're too low when everything is decreasing jesus came and because of the power of resurrection everything has increased i mean lord i pray and declare for a manifest power of the resurrection power of jesus will bring increase in jesus name canine and check this out in verse 20 after he said this he showed them his hands inside the disciples were overjoyed when they saw the lord wow because they were too afraid they were too doubtful they were too fearful and the lord knows that they've they've gone to nothing that's why jesus came and showed forth his hands in other words jesus is showing his hands and to you today it is finished i have paid the price there's nothing to fear because i have overcome the world so this is not a time to be afraid anymore this is a time to laugh out loud 2019 2020 hallelujah 2021. the power of the resurrection of jesus will cause your life to increase in jesus name it brings significance not just a radical transformation not just an increase but significance god doesn't only want you to become successful but he wants you to live a life of significance and impact and influence unto others jesus has risen from the dead so that we can influence others as well it speaks of significance significance of his power no sir we were not going to go there but in luke 24 to 1-3 the stone cannot keep jesus inside the grave no it was turned rolled away and the tomb was empty because of the power there is power in the resurrection of jesus christ now i go home because of the death of jesus jesus was able to take back what the devil has stolen when when the lord has created human beings to rule over the face the birds the creatures that moves in the ground the moment we committed sin we yield to the devil we surrender our authority that the lord has given to us the bible and when when their faith rose up when their courage grew strong and they saw jesus right there jesus told them before he ascended to heaven all authority in heaven and earth is on me and in iangi therefore go and make disciples god wants us not just to become successful but to become significant live a life of significance again fully engaged in the work of god significance of power significance of his promise the reason why jesus showed forth because of the power of the resurrection significance and scripture was fulfilled the promise of god has been fulfilled he kept the promise so there is a significance not just a power but a promise and propagation of the word of god there's a propagation he said go and make disciples unto all the nations as we go have that understanding it's about the power of the resurrection of christ working in us the same power who caused jesus to rise from the dead is working is available made perfect in each and every one of us so live a life of significance because he was recent it doesn't only give us a radical transformation an increase of courage and faith and a life of significance but also an evidence of our faith everybody say evidence jesus appeared to the disciples in first corinthians 15 3-8 and in luke chapter 24 verse 36-43 jesus rose from the dead but the disciples doubts rise from their minds from their hands jesus rose from the dead but the disciples doubt rise from their heads now look they're full of evidence that's it speaks of evidence that he is god that jesus is god amen he is not just the lord he is god that's what he said but the god that we are serving is a live alert awake enthusiastic hallelujah it's all powerful the claim about jesus is so real that's truth right there i'm in puba now and then in other words while i was i was standing in this i was asking god i said lord in other words jesus is available in other words to all walks of life jesus sued himself he is available his power is not only for the few but for all who believes in him jesus is alive he is not dead so because jesus is alive come and give praise to the lord and lastly not just a radical life not just an increase significance and evidence but there's new life hallelujah the resurrection power of christ brings new life unto us the devil is under our feet in john 20 verse 30 to 31 sabarito jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples which are not recorded in this book but these are written that you may believe that jesus is the messiah the son of god and by and that by believing you may have life in his name you may have life by believing this morning believe that jesus is the messiah he's the one that saves he can save you from that mess from the discomfort from that frustration from the disappointment from the disapproval from the devastation from the trouble from the trial from the pain from the shame from those wounds jesus can save you even from yourself jesus can save you because he is alive the resurrection power of christ is available to each and every one of us and it will bring new life unto us this is my prayer today that the resurrection power of christ jesus will release life to your that's what jesus has brought unto us in romans chapter 8 verse 11 let me end you with this yes god raised jesus to life and since god's spirit of resurrection lives in you he will raise your dying body to life by the same spirit that breeds life into you there is a new breath of god breathing to the dying body to the dying relationship to the dying spirituality durga this morning if you are watching online today yes but today you are dying spiritually i'm telling you that there is a new breath of life because of the resurrection power of christ he is breathing a new life over you life in the name of jesus there is new life what kind of life are you running from run back to the lord because there is life there is life the resurrection power to conclude this tonight today the resurrection power of christ because he is risen it brings radical transformation an increase of courage and faith that will cause significance because of the evidence of who there's a new life for you and me a new life new life come on praise the lord and just like the disciples oh i can imagine when when doubting thomas is i was amazed how jesus responded to thomas he said you believe because you see but blessed are those who do not see yet believed in other words you may allow if you may allow me to paraphrase it [Music] makakita if that is you today if you're believing for a new breath of life for the resurrection power of christ to work into your life i want you to stand to your feet today come on just stand to your feet today and love the lord just love the lord today come on just love the lord love him love him love him raise up your hands once again to the lord and just worship him with all of your heart with all of your soul with all your strength a thousand praise to him thank you for winning the victory long come on [Music] so [Applause] today [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] you are the reason jesus is the recent king the power of the resurrection of christ is available for each and every one of us it will cause a radical transformation into your life so that your life will start to increase in faith and wisdom and courage in confidence and you will start to live a life of significance because of his power and his promises and that his word will keep propagating [Music] because of those evidences that bring new life into each and every one of us this morning if you want the resurrection power of christ be activated in your life all you need to do is just invite him to come to your heart this morning and i would like to challenge all of us let us get fully engaged to the lord to the works of the lord [Music] [Music] raise up your hands higher to god this morning say this word of prayer after me say lord jesus lord jesus thank you for your great love to me thank you for your great love to me thank you for dying on the cross for me thank you for dying on the cross this morning i open up my heart this morning i open up and i invite you and i invite you please come into my heart please be my lord and my personal savior be my lord and my personal savior guide my entire life guide my entire life please help me please help me walk with me so that i will be able so that i will be thank you lord jesus thank you for the gift of eternal life that i have received today that i have received in jesus name amen and amen come on put your hands together to the lord hallelujah if you have prayed a prayer for the very first time the bible says you become born again born again isn't a matter of religion it's a relationship that has been established between you and the lord that's why we can call him abba our father daddy god because he has become our father we become his children we've got a direct access 24 7 to the throne of god because we are the children of god for those people that are watching us online if this is your first time receiving christ into your life please send a private message or let us know let us hear from you bhutan woman igna i just received christ in my life somebody from our team of volunteers will message you will connect with you because we would love to walk and journey our spiritual life in you together you have a family you have just entered the kingdom of god to the family of god and spiritual family let clc christian life center tacom city be your spiritual family and this morning by the way this is the first sunday of the month of april and every first sunday of the month we always commemorate what the lord has done on the cross this is our communion sunday if we can put on the lights please we have some actors and leaders in areas near you today and to those that are watching us online you may also join with us as we have our communion prepare get your communion ready and give you bread and give you a grape juice and later we will partake it all together please follow the instructions of the asher's para worship to the lord and have your turn [Music] communion elements let's worship the lord by together strides we are here by his snail piers today [Music] the power of sin is broken jesus overcame it jesus [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] hallelujah oh [Music] [Music] [Music] now we have loving the power of sin is broken jesus overcame it [Music] jesus has [Music] has anyone been served this morning [Music] communion element you may raise your hand so that the ashes our ashes can come to you and give you some communion elements answers can you can i see some thumbs up if everyone has been sir just give me a thumbs up that's good that i may know [Music] let's hold together our our communion elements the bread that symbolizes the body of christ jesus and the grave jesus symbolizes his blood that was said on the cross of calvary for i received from the lord which i pass unto you the lord jesus on the night he was betrayed he took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said this is my blood my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me in the same way after supper he took the cup saying this cup is a new covenant of my blood do this whenever you drink it in remembrance of me for whenever you eat the bread and drink the cup this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes let us pray let's raise it together let's pray heavenly father thank you so much for your great love to us thank you for sending your son jesus christ on dying on the cross because of our sins lord jesus thank you for shedding your blood because it brings salvation and to entire human race thank you lord jesus because by your stripes we are healed that bruise that wounds the blood shed from the wound because of the beatings the chastisement lord it releases healing unto us so today lord i pray you'll bless this bread and this greek juice that symbolizes your body and blood as we receive this i thank you for healing us from any form of sickness and diseases and thank you lord because without the shedding of your blood there will be no remission of sins so today lord bless this as we partake in jesus name amen and amen come on let's eat the bread let's drink the richness [Music] let's worship him together hallelujah it all for me [Music] [Music] you are the reason hi this is christian life center tagum campus under the leadership of bishop hurley muntes we want you to know that you did not click this channel by accident if you are looking for a channel filled with life giving sermons we are here for you you might want to know the word of god and the bible more through the sermons given to us by our anointed senior pastor pastor jesser molina we upload links through our main channel and facebook page you may navigate through and find videos from our regeneration uplex that embodies the people in the marketplace both young professionals and young couples we have videos about teaching kids to love the bible and fun activities they may want to try with you at home as we said you are not here by accident so click the subscribe button and hit the notification bell for you to be notified immediately when we upload videos for you and be blessed directly through your device god bless [Music] you
Channel: Christian Life Center Tagum City
Views: 2,972
Rating: 4.9371729 out of 5
Id: 32Ea4wDtocI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 30sec (3450 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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