The 7 Words of Victory - Regeneration Upnext April 7 ,2021

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[Music] hallelujah you may now take your seat for those people that are watching us online it's a live karangagabi whatever you are expecting today i want you to spam the comments i'm ready i'm excited i'm going to get my portion whatever it is that you're believing today come on just declare it today god is listening god is seeing every declaration that you have declared today it's a unique moment up next while we are celebrating and remembering when jesus was crucified and died for all of us that's why we called it good friday because if he did not die for all of our scenes i don't know so if you may notice a moment this is a special for all of us this is our first time are you excited woohoo hallelujah are you ready for the word of god tonight no satanic online if you are ready type in chatbox [Music] so since this is our um the entire world is celebrating about the good friday no it's it's about the the death of jesus christ at the cross now for us it's a celebration as we remember simply because so tonight we'll be talking about jesus says seven words of victory seven words of victory before he died and it is so important and i understand the last words of a dying man is so important in the court so therefore it has to be uh of importance to us therefore the words of jesus when he when he was on the cross must mean a lot to us and not to be taken lightly we should not take it lightly but heartily now before jesus died he has spoken those words that that is that has much of importance important are we going to do it in the afternoon or in the evening but there was uh one one of our online followers natto who pm who messaged our facebook page secretion live center tagum city now city and even saturn region up next we see you we hear you and we care and we pray for you seven last words now tonight is the night because tonight we'll be talking about the seven words of victory excited now i want you to take to take not just take note but take heed into your heart because this is so important money and we will experience a resurrection we will rise above the tides in life now so are you ready tonight in uh luke chapter 23 now luke chapter 23 verse 34 and the sultan in jesus name then jesus said father forgive them for they do not know what they do that the first word of victory that jesus uttered was words of forgiveness everybody say forgiveness now forgiveness is so important why a dying man would give into his last words of words of forgiveness why jesus given it emphasis to forgive he was speaking he was talking to to his father our father in him and he was telling father forgive them for they do not know what they're doing now check this out who's them that needs forgiving you might ask abbas who decided who called a fort boldly crucify him crucify him those are the people but check this out those people who cried out crucify him were the ones that was with him seeing the miracles no they were they were once the people piled those people that were fed by jesus but there are people in our lives that need need for giving hello are you here not jesus given it emphasis to all of us i don't know i don't know how how hard you have fallen in life because of those people who hurt you yes you might hurt bad yes you may have bad experiences you were put into shame your integrity probably has fallen apart but jesus is telling us today to forgive them forgive them kravita was so heart melting overwhelming when jesus said father this is the guy who has no sin walay salah in this good friday i hope and i pray whatever pain you are in whatever difficulties troubles that you're in that you are able to find forgiveness right from the bottom of your heart because jesus has forgiven us we were part of the dem kin jesus was talking these are the people who says that they believe him they love him they follow him yet they keep on sinning [Applause] but every time we commit sin we are just as like as those who crucified christ at the cross so tonight friends i hope that you are able to find from the bottom with your heart forgiveness to those people that needs forgiving life is too wonderful life is too precious no parallel since jesus forgiveness forgives we ought to release forgiveness to others will you able to find from your heart forgiveness to others you might say it is it is easier said than done but hey it's not impossible it may not be that easy but it's not impossible now somebody says lewis smith to forgive is to set a person free and discover that the person was you sometimes we thought forgiveness is for others but hey forgiveness is for us than for others no that person that that person in prison is not others you all a while no listen to this we have been a slave to seeing a prisoner for a while but today we can receive our freedom and live a life that is forgiven amen since you have been forgiven do not hold others captives to their own sins because it won't change what happened at all but when we forgive them it will make a huge difference for our lives as a whole demons it may not change a thing to your now and then but surely it will do much greater thing to your future now as somebody said when you forgive you don't change the past you change the future each and every one of us deserves to be happy and have a wonderful a beaut beautiful future that's why we have to forgive them all i want us to declare today even for those that are watching us online declare i will forgive them all one two three go i will forgive them all because god has forgiven me from all of my sins come on palace wow the second uh last word of jesus he said assuredly i say to you today you will be with me in paradise that's in luke 23 verse 43. you know you know word of victory that's a word of invitation everybody say invitation invite me lord you know you know when we say invitation of course we are only thinking for the qualified hear the word invitation qualified but this invitation only jesus and this guy here he was there hanging also with the lord and then that invitation was just given right away you know so we understood it are you still there amen [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord in psalm 16 11 you will show me the way of life granting me the joy now granting me the joy of your presence the pleasures of living with you forever amen god's invitation may not mean to change much of your situation but the thief that was invited remained hanging on the tree but because of jesus invitation he has received a greater opportunity an opportunity a life with jesus through eternity would you receive the invitation of the lord karangavi would you accept also that you are such like that criminal parish invitation lord just repeat this prayer after me say lord jesus i receive your invitation thank you lord for accepting someone like me for inviting someone like me lord tonight i open up my heart come into my life be my lord and my personal savior i want to go with you in paradise thank you lord for that invitation i accept it in jesus name amen come on paulo thank you jesus not just a words not just words of forgiveness not just words of invitation but also words of restoration there is a restoration meant for each and every one of us yes you might think you might say oh it's too far i've been too far away from the lord the the mid the damage has been so huge your impossibility is god's speciality so why this the lord has forgiven us why is the lord has invited us not just for nothing but because he has a better thing in his mind that's why he wants us to be restored once again the third words that jesus released on the cross before he was dying before he has to die was the words of restoration in john chapter 19 verse 25 to 27 as he says now there stood by the cross of jesus his mother and his mother's sister mary the wife of cleopas and mary magdalene when jesus never saw his mother and the disciples whom he loved standing by he said to his mother woman behold your son in verse 27 he said to the disciple behold your mother and from that hour the disciple took her into his own home what does it entails us for a while something went wrong something ugly probably happened in the past that caused each and every one of your family members to scattered each other far from each other but tonight i want you to be reminded that one of the last words that jesus added while he was hanging dying on the cross is words of restoration yes you heard me right god wants to restore you god's mighty hand is going to reach you out his hand is never short his hand is capable his hand is so powerful he can reach you he will pick you up and restore what is rightfully yours so tonight believe with all of your heart this is the word that god has uttered has spoken over your life he will restore you he's going to bring restoration no matter how devil has tried to devastate it god is going to restore it for you life happens tears get shed hearts get broken but god restores hallelujah chuck's window says our god is a master of turning devastation into restoration so today believe with me let us declare i am restored one two three go i am restored if you believe in all of your heart only nato i want you to type in caps luck para intense i am restored you are restored as far as god is concerned you are restored restoration appeals to sacramento thank you lord you may have been broken but god will never just stare you like that amen restoring the lord he will be so willing to pick up the pieces together and he will give you the acceptance acceptance the end of the world [Applause] you know this is one of the pina cola words in in matthew 27 46 about three o'clock jesus called out with a loud voice my god my god why have you abandoned me have you tried abandoned abandon yet it's called rejection jesus was rejected to the highest level rejection lord i'm not maybe talking to all of you but i know we were talking to somebody here just right now you felt rejected [Laughter] [Music] they don't understand you they i'm hurting i'm broken i'm into pieces nobody gets whatever what i felt the money dealing a question mark exclamation mark [Music] so that you will never feel that no one understands you and then kasabu lord cause about the lord's a feeling it's a feeling [Music] [Music] [Music] accepted who you are he will never die for nothing and you you are not nothing you are somebody you are somebody for him you are so much worth of his blood that's why he will never even say that's why tonight would you lift up your hand one more time close your eyes oh god would you thank him tonight come on salamati godzilla but you lord thank you daddy god thank you for not being tired my [Music] thank you for accepting all my flaws thank you for accepting all my weakness thank you lord for loving someone like me come on thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] and then shout with all your might huh and now i am accepted one two three go i am accepted john 19 28 after this jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished that the scripture might be fulfilled said i thirst i thirst the fifth word that jesus was talking about is a word of love jesus loves you so much he thirsts he longs he desires because he loves you yes he loves you every single bit of your life every single cell in your body he loves you yes that includes your faults yes that includes your mistakes yes your feelings too oh yes your rejection your brokenness he loves you he thirsts he wants your attention he wants your entire being no matter how the world has tried to take off your eyes from jesus but he thirsts he thirsts [Music] i want you to understand that jesus thirsts for your love for your time for your effort he thirsts he longs he desires when was the last time that you have the desire to quench jesus thirsts well jesus said i am thirsty what are we going to do tonight [Music] will you tonight you quench jesus thirst tonight by responding to his love for us for you papa we in mubarak [Music] for a while after relationship work after work job after job because you yourself longs you're looking you're finding something that fulfills you but hey listen all you need is jesus it's not another relationship it's not another man it's not another woman it's another boyfriend it's not another girlfriend it's another job it's not another business it's in another car it's another shoes he said another papi it's another person but you need jesus tonight that's what you need that's what we need as jesus thirsts i hope and i pray tonight we are going to respond lord here i am god lord here i am let me quench your tears like david seeks the very face of the lord [Music] he was called a man after god's own heart because he knows how to seek god's face tonight my those who will will never be thrust again those who will quench the thirst of jesus will himself never be thirsty again [Music] you failed to respond to the love of god tonight [Music] love him because he cares love him because he loves us first while we were yet sinners jesus died for all of us think about that [Music] respond to his love tonight just allow his great love to feel our hearts our entire being i hope and i pray that all of us will be in the same page and says god [Music] my heart's desire is to quench your thirst lord i wanna put guinomo until because it's not about my things done to the lord but it's about my love for him because he thirsts he longs he thirsts for you and me tonight listen to this no one will ever ever love you more than jesus [Music] i saw would you please lift up your hands higher tonight even if you are watching online please for a while if you're driving pull over for a while if you're sitting just close your eyes for a while if if you can raise your hand if you may [Music] oh jesus lord tonight lord we hear you yes you are thirsty for our love and we say yes god tonight to love you bob [Music] lord here is our full attention here is a full time lord i love you so much come on just love him tonight love him tonight love him tonight lord i love him come on just whisper it i love you lord i love you lord jesus jesus i love you taka [Music] lord i love you thank you jesus tonight lord i also pray that you will quench the thirst of your people today [Music] feel us tonight and we say yes lord we will love you i love you with all of my heart at the count of three let's declare it one two three go i love you with all of my heart hallelujah come on give praise to god [Music] thank you now the second to the last word of victory in jesus when he said it is finished [Music] it's the words of triumph it is finished everybody shouted me it is finished it is finished [Music] it is finished [Music] but he has to undergo all the pain [Music] [Music] this 4 said it's written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of god therefore [Music] this is your triumph when you hold on the word of god second corinthians 2 14 now thanks be to god amen thanks be to god who always leads us in triumph in christ and through us diffuses the fragrance [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time i am victorious last time i am victorious the last words of the seven words of victory that jesus uttered since it is finished now we have come to the seventh word it's the words of hope yes now because jesus took the hardest blow that you and i can and will not ever take dina gita [Music] [Music] 23 and when jesus had cried out with a loud voice he said father into your hands i commit my spirit having said this he breathed his last while jesus was hanging on the cross at the last words that he uttered father into your hands i commit my spirit into your hands what does it mean to us jesus cried out listen to this jesus cried out with a loud voice so everyone may hear him that god's hand is mighty and powerful what our hands cannot do he can do when he said into your hands with a loud voice i hope tonight you hear you are hearing me out yes your troubles your problems your situation we yelled on you badly but tonight hear out the loud voice of god crying out unto you into the hands of god as jesus cried out loud into your hands further into your hands listen you have a father in heaven our abba our daddy god our papa god is listening to you he's watching carefully for us and there is hope when the world is telling it's beyond hope there is still hope there is still hope there is still hope for you for your marriage for your children for your future for your business for your job for your health for your finances for your family and yes for your very life there is hope don't place it in the hands of strangers don't place it in the hands of people because they are limited tonight places in the mighty hands of our living our loving daddy god because what man what a mortal man cannot do our daddy god can do he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or speak or imagine so tonight if that is you stand up to your feet declare before the lord there is hope in my life yes there is certainly a hope i was going to make it out pope is seeing light in spite of being surrounded by darkness you might be surrounded by darkness tonight but jesus is our blessed hope jesus is our hope not just the best but he is blessed at home during a storm who gives us the ability to look at things as they are and still be confident that something better is coming oh i'm telling you tonight something better is coming in your life what the enemy meant for evil god is going to turn it all for good so tonight place them in the hands of god today when our hands are tired our hearts are heavy we can always trust god and place everything into his mighty hands and see how he will move mightily into your lives so trust god by surrendering to him as jesus said father into your hands i commit my spirit so tonight in surrender whatever wins you down whatever that keeps you from whatever that binds you up whatever that is so heavy and weary in your spirit in your heart surrender and place it in the hands of god you are not meant to carry it you are meant to place it to the hands of god that troubles that problems that triumph that sickness it does that meant to break you [Music] but it simply means there's a breakthrough for you there's a breakthrough place it in the hands of god come on just lift up your hands higher tonight whatever it is place it into the hands of god as jesus said lord father into your hands i commit my spirit surrender your life to jesus tonight surrender it to him till [Music] he's all powerful please it all strength your marriage plays into the hands of god your health your relationship your family to the hands of god your future your kids [Music] [Music] is awaken me a fire full of life holy holy spirit we want more we were we [Music] now tonight [Music] make it all happen in your life [Music] the words that jesus declared the words of victory that jesus declared for you [Music] don't go home tonight that it is just all wasted because it's already done it's already done maybe some of you there now pay back i'll say mohanka since it happens absolutely [Music] [Music] you are already forgiven you are already invited you are already accepted you are loved you are victorious it's already done [Music] my pride come on lift up your hands to jesus lift up your hearts to your father [Music] to your [Music] one more time strip me oh god strip it all [Music] is let it rise a fire full of blood come on come on holy spirit [Music] is holy spirit holy spirit we were [Music] we want more come on ask the lord tonight we want more jesus we want more of you come on sing you one more time we want more of your presence we want more of your power we want more holy spirit [Music] holy spirit come and fill this place holy spirit [Music] as you lift up your hands continually to the lord you know what has personally striked me tonight before coming up the stage i was asking the lord lord mr lord happy luck lord you know what strike me tonight when he said i thirst new house lord [Music] [Music] foreign now tonight if jesus is thirsty thirsty for your concentration thirsty for your attentions thirsty for your focus thirsty for your undivided [Music] [Music] he is thirsty for that now as you are lifting up your hands would you make it a decision tonight [Music] nobody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go ahead just love him why don't we take it some more time [Music] available [Music] let's not depart this place tonight lord [Music] a worship herod [Music] his blood put [Music] upon let's satisfy him with our worship [Music] tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] a battle [Music] come on everybody [Music] is is is is is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah means one thousand times one thousand times i love you lord one thousand times i honor you lord one thousand times i praise you lord we sing hallelujah undivided and divided [Music] [Music] we sing hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah is [Music] you can do better than that so an alive god you can do better than oh jesus [Music] thank you father thank you lord for choosing to sacrifice that's why we are who we are today because somebody did the sacrifice [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] as high as you surrender and begin to shout your thanks to the lord make it louder [Music] good [Music] lord it will make a distinction tonight our holy week will never [Music] thank you for reminding us how powerful that week is [Music] [Music] thank you for transforming us god speak [Music] i release your blessing upon every family represented in this room and even in the online father god [Music] we love you we honor you we worship you and we bless your beautiful name we give back all the glory and honor to you our only wise king jesus we love you lord would we shout that name jesus one and three go jesus say order jesus last time jesus hallelujah amen amen [Music] foreign [Music] hi this is christian knife center tagum campus under the leadership of bishop hurley muntes we want you to know that you did not click this channel by accident if you are looking for a channel filled with life giving sermons we are here for you you might want to know the word of god and the bible more through the sermons given to us by our anointed senior pastor pastor jesser molina we upload links to our main channel and facebook page you may navigate through and find videos from our regeneration uplex that embodies the people in the marketplace both young professionals and young couples we have videos about teaching kids to love the bible and fun activities they may want to try with you at home as we said you are not here by accident so click the subscribe button and hit the notification bell for you to be notified immediately when we upload videos for you and be blessed directly through your device god bless you
Channel: Christian Life Center Tagum City
Views: 19,750
Rating: 4.9207921 out of 5
Id: EELWpVRvk74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 21sec (4401 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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