Fullstack React GraphQL TypeScript Tutorial
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Channel: Ben Awad
Views: 1,168,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I6ypD7qv3Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 839min 3sec (50343 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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Hi everyone, this is an intermediate tutorial I made that walks you through creating a backend and frontend (in React with Next.js) from scratch then shows you how to deploy the entire thing.
If you're just interested in the code, you can check it out here: https://github.com/benawad/lireddit
The talking head videos have been great, but man Iβve been wanting a coding video for a long time now. π
I wish it were broken up into separate videos to make troubleshooting easier... It's difficult to look at previous people's problems and solutions if they are all shoved into the a single video's comments.
Any chance you would be able to do some Angular tutorials in the future Ben?
Is TypeScript really important or we can live without it?
Frankly speaking, learning TypeScript to do ReactJs is kinda overkill?
If not, please convince me.
I want to build a similar project but instead of using PostgreSQL, I'll use Mongo, will this tutorial be useful for that?
I like that you're in here responding to people Ben. You're a blessing to the YouTube tutorial world btw. I followed your video on how to add sort to a table a few years ago, and a few months ago I used your socketio video to help me with a code challenge for a job interview. Thanks for being an awesome tutorialer!
FuckinΒ΄ love Ben Awad.