Fullmetal Alchemist Characters Acting Like Their MBTI Types for 8 minutes Straight

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what do you think of my flames now you bastard when will he learn it's bad enough that he's useless on rainy day i'll be rational we don't have the means to care for it you can't just go picking up any stray you see it's not any stray he called to me he's wet and hungry can't we keep him no wow now go put it back where you found it i hate you brother you're not even human come on al don't run think of the kitten i know i am i'm the only one who is you look just like but you're not who the hell are you lady i'm second lieutenant ross sir you've lost too much blood drop the act already you're not second lieutenant ross she has a mole under her left eye gather up your things all five of you are transferring to central with me and no objections understood i've got a problem sir see i just started dating this girl and i really like her dump her hello my stupid pupil i hear you've become one of the military's dogs [Music] [Music] look at you you've gotten so big it's really good to see it your skills are rusty you lost your mind did you forget the way he tore you apart in east city ooh sounds like the colonel scared a big bad scar and that surprise considering how useless you were against him that wasn't my fault it was writing that day was it raining when you got beat up and sent to the hospital you're still useless [Applause] i mean it's just that you know well there's always a chance my arm could get broken or even destroy are you planning on destroying it i've got your soul brother [Music] call me micro gun these are either the gates to glory or the entrance way to hell wait here lieutenant if anything happens to me then at least you'll have a chance of getting out alive no sir that was an order one that i cannot obey you're a stubborn one that's something you've always known sir all right will you stay here if i promise to come back yes happy hunting sir first i'd like to know who you people are and how you found out what's inside gluttony you're looking for an escape even now you don't give up do you you might stand a fair chance of getting away if you'd only abandoned the injured girl because she's just excess baggage at this point excess baggage i can see all those stars on your uniform you're the ruler here fear king bradley unless i'm mistaken a ruler's duty is to his people without them he is no king at all king bradley you're no true king not now or ever naive boy don't you understand that there are no true kings in this world growing old is truly terrifying isn't it you would know general before you became so afraid of your own mortality i'm sure long ago you had an earnest love for your country you you can't you were going to be one of the chosen ones you would have been one of us i don't need a new seat from you you're going to lose the one your moldy ass has clung to for too long right about now raven you all traitors but immortality was right before our eyes general you are among the weak who become the foundation for this country literally what's wrong i've still got a beautiful future and her name is gracia she's patiently waiting in central for the day i can come home all alone well how long before some jerk puts the moves on her no gracia would never do that to me she'd never have an affair like that but she is all alone hey hughes i got a little advice for you it happens in movies and novels all of the time the soldiers who never shut up about their girls back home no you're wrong greed it's not that easy they'll always be a part of you you can't just erase them from your soul they were the only part of you that you chose look at them can you not hear their souls crying out you abandoned them your real family you threw them away like trash fool if you turned your back on something you wanted you don't deserve to call yourself speaking of you owe me some money so how about you cough it up i found the round she remembered come on how much did i borrow 500 cents it was 520 cents don't con me i'm not conning you i'm just not a penny pincher like you are i'm sorry colonel i can't help but think of the last time we were here lieutenant as i recall you were crying over me shame i don't get to see that softer side of you more often the last thing i'm going to do is start crying for you now water makes them useless would you be so kind just to possibly move your foot please you are to address me as a general yes ma'am general how will you ever find a husband if you continue to that's enough of your sniveling you pansy i need to get away from you before i start to catch your cowardice but i did it i finally ran him down i know that but still but still you're about to do something reckless this will not help not your country or your friends this is pure hatred and i will not let it take you you're better i know you're better than that equivalent exchange i'll give half of my life to you if you give half of yours to me come on do you have to treat everything like alchemy the whole equivalent exchange thing is just nonsense what'd you say it's nonsense how about i just give you my whole life ah maybe not all of it 90 maybe 80 70. that's not enough but 85 yeah 85 is a good number what shut up
Channel: Lauren Rogers
Views: 15,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q3XIpLtM3vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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