Full Vegetable Garden Tour | Self Sufficient Me

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I just wanted to share this guys channel. Started watching it at the beginning of quarantine, and he really inspired me to tear the yard up and planting. He's really knowledgeable and has a great attitude.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/OldbookHands ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 20 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I love Markโ€™s channel so much! I only wish that I lived in a subtropical climate LOL

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/katieleehaw ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 21 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so you wanted a full vegetable garden tour of self-sufficient me did you you've got it [Music] g'day i'm mark from self-sufficient me and in this video i'm going to take you around like i said on a tour of our vegetable garden but i was thinking why not turn this into a short three-part tour series this video on the veggie garden walk around the next one walking around the whole property at all the fruit trees and then the third how it all ties in together the watering system the fruit trees the veggies the chickens the poultry and the whole area what we've got where and why we've got it there but for now we're talking veggies only let's get into it [Applause] [Music] i've been extra busy in our vegetable garden because we transitioned from summer into winter and if you follow my videos you'd know we're well through that transition now and most of the patches planted to grow into that cooler growing season we live in a subtropical climate so it's a fairly warm climate we can grow things all year round which is great but we can't grow the same things all year round so we just got to be careful what to plant and when because timing is one of those critical things that if you don't get right you can sort of run into trouble or run out of time or grow at the wrong time and don't get the most out of your crops anyway we'll go logical we'll just start from the front here and we'll go from one bed to the next until we get down to the end in this bed here we've got a pumpkin that's growing pumpkins are usually a spring crop but if we grow pumpkins through spring here the fruit gets hit by the fruit fly and that's the issue i want them to say the fruit fly dormant at this time of year i want the fruit to ripen before spring and before the fruit fly come back then we can pick them and they'll be beautiful yes these plants it gets a bit cold here through winter as well we can get down to even zero degrees celsius but it's worth risking it and even though pumpkins might grow or might thrive as much they still grow pretty well and you risk a frost that could kill the plants just like tomatoes it's still worth growing up this time of year because you don't have to then worry about them getting ruined by fruit flow or even indeed as the weather warms up they still get diseases next to the pumpkins i've got some american purple top suede we've just got some small ones coming up now just in here these two rows and i've got some black spanish radish that i haven't grown before and they've come up nicely here as well here i've got a whole bunch of rocket that we've just been picking in clumps i just sewed it in one big clump crowd growing it and that way we can just pick it in clumps and eat it on burgers and in salads oh it's absolutely fantastic and here is a rogue tomato that came up on its own and i'll leave it go got leaks in this next bed remember this used to be the okra bed i just done that video on how to grow a ton of okra and when i pulled the ball the plants out obviously some seeds fell and we've got okra coming up through winter they're no good they're not going to survive it's too cold for them that's why they're looking sick i've just been pulling them out and we're growing spinach baby spinach and leeks you got some mustard here this is japanese big red leaf mustard that'll get into quite a large plant amaranth that's just self-said leaving it go some fennel that's the standard fennel this is the bronze leaf fennel it's another beautiful type both very similar in taste on this side here of the fennel we've got some flat leaf parsley that's growing like a champion it grew all through summer but it but it now starts to flourish as we hit the cooler weather oh it's just fantastic self-seeded tomato you can see how huge it is this is rootstock tomato has the very small tomato berries and i let them come up every year always good as a backup crop because they're extremely hardy and when any uh when other tomatoes might fail they won't here i've got some cucumbers even though the weather's a little cold for them i plant them before the cool hits there you go you might pick a few of them and pickle them and eat them in salads a little mini trellis for them to climb over and on the other side we've got bok choy or pak choi i'm not sure what they are because we had the seeds and they weren't labeled correctly they were just labeled as cabbage so these might be a loose leaf or they might be like a wombok i think they're just a loose leaf but we'll see how they turn out you can see we've got a whole lot of them growing there here oh yeah here we go we've got another one of these that's self-seeded again i didn't put it there look at those beautiful tomatoes coming up next to these winged beans or winged peas i'm letting them go to seed it's the end of the season for them now they're dying back getting too cold let these go to seed and i'll grow them again in spring through summer really good tasting and on this side i've planted some broccoli remember in this bed here i had all that rosella here i've collected as much seed as i need from this rosella plant and i've replaced it with the broccoli and also i've sewed some squash in here so you'll have some big squash coming up soon and along here is some celerac you can eat the bulbs and also the leaves of the celeriac different to growing celery it's very similar but a little different because you can shave that nice big bulb and have it in soups and cooking especially through winter coming into the center here these are our old original beds these wooden ones the wooden sleepers you can see they're very dilapidated and i'll show you even more around the other side i'm going to change them to raised beds like these once i can get around to it but you know one bit at a time i've only just did this this last season but still we'll get enough out of them i mean they might be dilapidated but they're still growing good food in it got some eggplant here starting to flower looks pretty healthy even though the weather's fairly cool turmeric but yeah they need a fair bit of work most of this and the the kale is from last season except this tomato plants are self-seeder i think it's a tigerella so i left it come up as usual i like to keep our tomato plants if i can especially if they self seed because they're fairly happy under here i've started growing this for the first time a yam bean and you can see the tubers that this yambina's created and i'll probably grow this more now here they are poking out and they'll be more under the ground i'll dig them up and we can eat them they create a bean that's not edible but you can then replant that sow it again and grow more tubers to eat in this bed here i've sowed some potatoes and i'm doing a bit of a potato experiment at the moment this is a trench style i'll show you some others in a minute and they haven't come through yet but look at this skull angle it's actually out of control it's i need to move this gal angle see how it's breaking the garden bed the beds need changing anyway but it's just busting out and this is the thing about galangal it has grown so successfully we just don't need all this much so i'm going to transplant it out of the vegetable garden so that we can grow proper veggies in here and i'm going to put that gul angle out somewhere else around the property where we can just dig up the roots for it and not have it take over the vegetable patch but even in the shade of the skull angle you're still getting parsley flat leaf parsley growing really well so there's a good herb for a shady spot and there's a cardamom leaf this is another thing that was growing really small down the back of our property i'd put it down there in a bit of a swampy area just to see how it would go and i took a cutting of it a clump of it little clump and i bought it up here to the vegetable garden and it just took off really nice for flavouring rice it smells oh it smells so asian oh it's beautiful and it's lovely to crush up uh serve with rice or wrap fish in it and cook the fish and that flavor permeates through it but again it's too big for the veggie garden so i might put it in its own raised round bed or stick it around the property in its sort of own like and let it grow like a clump you know in a bush somewhere just like an ornamental plant but an edible ornamental so it doesn't take up all this room and shade out other crops on this side of the cardamom we've got yukon it's got these lovely orange flowers and the tubers are really nice and crispy and underneath is buck or pak choy that's self-seeded here's an artichoke it's in the same spot that we had last season it just regenerated and grew back again except it's got several pups through this winter it'll grow into quite a large plant and then it will die back again i've kept some of the seeds and i've sowed them and transplanted them over the other side of the garden over there and around this side i need to do quite a bit of weeding but this is the old egyptian spinach that's gone to seed again this is just something that is a great salad crop through the hot times through the warm months here when other salad crops can't be grown like lettuce or spinach and i just sprinkle the seeds back in the garden and i know that'll come up in summer when the weather warms up again and behind it here we've got some habanero chilies you can see i crush a lot of things in or squash them all in around the patch i love growing close together and trying to use every little piece i can of growing space and pack everything i can grow in for variety and i just think that it grows best when you pack them all in it's more natural and i think the plants help each other out and it helps to block out weeds when it's chock-a-blocker coming to our first sort of round cylinder bed this is garlic garlic isn't the easiest thing to grind the subtropics but i'm giving it a nice crack and on the other side we've got a larger type of garlic that's elephant garlic oregano mint coming back was dead all summer you wouldn't expect that there was anything in this bed but now within a matter of weeks it's starting to take over the whole bed again and it'll grow right through into spring and then through the middle of summer it'll die back to almost nothing again here we've got some collards i think we've got a how to grow a ton of collards video coming up soon this has been a huge success these collards in this raised bed and i just love growing them close together it's like a loose leaf lettuce except it's a cabbage and we've just been eating the heck out of it and in this little raised mini raised bed here we've got some thai basil this is a fantastic basil plant because it's long lived gives food for the bees through winter where a lot of other plants aren't flowering this one is but it flowers and it also has great leaves yeah the leaves aren't as plump as regular say italian basil but they still are very flavorful and good for all sorts of cooking whether it be mediterranean cooking or in asian cooking in here remember that how to grow a ton of onions video i did well that's this bed and i've taken the egyptian walking onion that was in the middle i've broken it up and i've split it around the sides because it was time to divide it up and i've put some shallots here around the middle one two three about six of them and they'll clump up and grow a bunch of slots in there slots a bunch of shallots in there and the egyptian walking onion they'll they should multiply and grow out and hang over the sides hopefully and that should be cool here i'm growing some potatoes i planted them the other day and i'll just be chopping that bed up as the potatoes start to come through but they haven't come through just yet or i don't think so no nothing this bed here i'm i've got some lettuce sewed in here and underneath i under planted the jerusalem artichoke from the how to grow a ton of jerusalem artichoke i was going to plant them in another bed this season but i thought you know what i'll give them another seasoning here i topped the bed up and gave it a little bit of extra fertilizer and we'll have the salads come through and then once the salad crop is finished we'll see the jerusalem artichoke take through just like i explained in the jerusalem artichoke video here we've got the remnants of our chili patch in this raised bed and i'm just planting a few lettuce because these chilies they will overwinter they won't grow very well but we'll still be able to harvest chilies they'll grow slowly different some different varieties of chilies in this bed just the the standard cayenne and there's a few others like the spaghetti one and another one here that i can't remember the name of what's it called the corolla stella which is sort of like a funny bullet type chili fairly warm i think it is fairly hot and i've even got a bit of chia here that i've transplanted from the from the potato bed though i had a few that self-seeded and i um transplant them in here because while the chilis are running a bit dormant i can then under plant with some salad crops and other things and i've sewed some salad seed in there as well this bed here is my tomato and pea trellis the peas haven't come through just yet hopefully they will come through i was using some old seeds so maybe they won't germinate if they don't germinate i'll transplant some more but this box trellis that i made the tomatoes i grow up the peas will also grow up on the inside and along the middle here i've saved some cauliflower you can't really see them very well tomatoes will grow up and over same with the peas on the inside that's how that's going to work here's the end of our turmeric see it's all dying back once it all finishes and dives back we'll use this as mulch in the garden and underneath we'll dig it up and plant it replant it either in here and use as much as we want and replant some more for next season make turmeric powder and all that or we can transplant it to somewhere else in the garden because i think we've had it in here for a few seasons and along here we've got a pumpkin vine that i've left go do what it wants there's only one pumpkin plant i think that i put there and you can see how out of control it's gone here's a nice sized pumpkin starting to grow there's a queensland blue and we've got more and more pumpkin coming through we've got four tomato plants here they're scorpio tomatoes really good disease resistance but i'm not growing them just because they're overflow from our other tomatoes because they were but i'm growing them for an experiment i'm not going to elaborate too much on it because it'll be a nice surprise for you guys but those four are in a really interesting experiment that i'm that i'm growing a tomato experiment and there are other experiments going here as well you might remember that i did my what happens when you bury kitchen scraps in the garden that was this area here and along that trench i've planted a tomato plant a coriander herb and several artichoke globe artichoke plants that i grew from seed along here and another one they're growing in that trench from memory i planted that into some egg shells and so i'm interested to see how it goes without fertilizer no fertilizer in there and we'll see how it grows in that trench and then there's some other experiments that i'm running with these other tomatoes that i've transplanted in and then we'll move on to the old gourd tunnel and the gourds surprising me i thought they'd be knocked off by the time winter got here i thought they'd be gone but not they're still producing we're not eating the bitter gourds much because the family doesn't like them i probably won't grow them again but anyway we've turned that other half as you probably know into the tomato trellis we've got the determinants on the side here they'll only grow a little bit bigger than that pulling them away on an angle so that it leaves space for the center crop of beetroot that we're growing all the way along here and on the other side is indeterminate tomatoes that i'm going to grow up and over hopefully they the beetroot will still get enough sun because as i'm growing these up i'm also pruning the bases of these long big tomato plants fingers crossed will get a whole big harvest of tomatoes and also a successful crop of beetroot as well but yeah yeah these gourds have surprised me although we're not eating them like i said we're eating the loofahs and also the passion fruits that are growing which is a whole heap we're saving some of the loofers the older loofers we're saving them to use as sponges heaps of them ton of passion fruits we've had the odd possum get in here and start eating them as you can see there but we've been doing an okay job getting ahead of them the kookaburras have arced up but i'll keep pushing through they're laughing at me now let's see if we can have a look at it they're up that tree you won't be able to see them but there's one that's flowing in there's a whole bunch of them there's another one there's a magpie probably trying to scare them off [Laughter] ah they're beautiful bear the kookaburras they keep the snakes down they eat the small snakes but you can't see them through here of course and they also tell me when there's a predator around like a large goanna around the chicken pen or anything like that so i love having kookaburras around and the magpies and just about all the birds really but anyway back to the garden so this is the other side of the gourd tunnel it's probably a better view because you're not looking back into the sun tomatoes gourds these are the loofers once they get about this size they get too stringy but when they're small they're like a zucchini here's a small one here you can see all these passion fruits but here's a here's about the size you don't want them bigger than that they're perfect perfect size really good to eat you only need one of them each and in these little small herb raised garden beds i've got some basil there that's a lemon basil it's getting overtaken just like this verbena is but oh boy i love this verbena grind it up and then use it as a sort of like a covering for meats like lamb and chicken maybe a little bit of chili with it all ground up nicely plastered all over whatever piece of meat flavor just goes all the way through it and it just creates a beautiful crust too this is the other side of the passion fruit trellis so see that's got its separate own trellis and then it's come up over the gourd tunnel pretty cool hay and i've just let it take over and fight with the gourd and they're both growing together quite nicely actually now that we're coming into winter the passion fruit vine is starting to die back and the fruit's starting to ripen and then before spring it's all been cut back and then it can rejuvenate again and start growing and then produce more fruit and we'll just get another season out of the passion fruit probably keep that going for a couple of years this side here is the end of our asparagus the asparagus that's gone to flower starting to die off there's a few weeds in there the weeds come up because the asparagus gets sparse as we're into winter the asparagus will put all the energy into the crowns in another month i'll cut this all back and it'll be all bare i'll rejuvenate the soil and then the asparagus will grow up through just like my ton of asparagus video that i made on this side i've got a raised garden bed with blueberries and they're going very well i really am excited about this experiment of growing several blueberry varieties in the one raised round garden bed like this i think it's going to be easier for for me to look after and they're going to cross-pollinate really easy and they're going to grow more fruit but that's the theory they're already starting to flower been readiness for this coming spring in another several months little bell type flowers and on the other side of the blueberries i'll first of all talk about the compost bays because you might be wondering i'm still working on getting these rejuvenated and repaired and redone the type of layout that i had or the concept was to lay down this matting over the top that water permeate through because it's porous but it didn't work that well so i'm going to redo these bays into something a bit better but i'll talk about that another time but i really do want to get these going because compost is a big thing for us and i'm sick of buying bagged compost and i want to make a whole lot in bulk that's okay but it doesn't make much those tumblers and a standard little pile doesn't make much i need my base system working again so i can get heaps of compost because we're always running out right in front of us here is another potato bed and this is a new raised garden bed that i've put together hopefully i can bring you how to grow a ton of potatoes video and show you my tricks and tips on it and back again to the other side of this asparagus we've got the ginger and all the ginger now that we're hit coming into winter is all dying back these are the ginger plants if i dig down you'd find ginger these eventually will all die off i'll let this die back dig it all up rejuvenate the bed especially when the asparagus has gone too i'll probably do them both at the same time and then in spring or probably by the end of spring the ginger will start coming up by about mid spring the asparagus will be re-growing this bed here is the old how to grow it remember i had a can't tell i'm telling you all these how to grow a tunnels because just in case you haven't seen them but i had to grow a ton of sweet potato and see this all cascading over here if you watch that video you'll see the end of that video i was replanting it back in and how i did that now you can see if you do go back and watch that video you'll realize how well it grew and took off if you if anyone was a skeptic of the way that i just threw all that vine back in and mulched it over well then you can see that it does work and the last or second last garden bed again more bok choy or pak choy whatever you want to call it so many people call it different names now and also chili's these are these ricotta chilies i'm growing for the first time because they're supposed to grow through our winters well let's hope they continue to do so they look look okay they look a bit pale leafed they might give them a bit of fertilizer more seedlings coming up here of these asian whatever it is that i sprinkled in there it's either a wombok or a bok choy or a pak choy we'll see as they get a bit older what they are and we've got other chilies here as well this is a big red i grew from seed and these are still cayenne's they look very healthy and finally here's that kangkong you would have seen some of that in some of my other videos i'm just letting this die back and flower and go to seed and this was in this self-watering bed here little experiment self-warning bed that i got from birdies that i was just testing out and that's pretty well about it except i did forget the two small herb beds here remember my how to grow a ton of basil that was the one that's closest to the gourd tunnel bed and you can see the basil is actually still growing strong and it's poked its head up here it must be seven foot tall even though this gordon passionfruit is trying to smother it out you can see how long it's grown up through there through there and still finding a way to get light and that's what i love about you know crowd growing or really trying to use every bit of space you'll find that the plants will find a way most of the time and fight each other and find some light so don't be scared to use every little bit of space you can and crowd things in a little closer than maybe what the book says because you'll be surprised at how well it could grow and the other vet bed here i've got some red back ginger this is a native ginger to australia grows a berry that's a nice edible berry and the roots edible as well and so i've just been growing this in this small raised bed and bed keeping it contained seeing how it goes it's growing looks like it's loving that spot seems to be very healthy and we'll see how that goes and there we have it i hope you enjoyed this tour of our vegetable garden if you did make sure you give it a big thumbs up because that's important and share the video around because when you do that i'll then understand that you like this type of video format and i'll do more of it perhaps what we could do is at different times of the year different seasons like this is more of the cross between summer into winter that type of thing and it coincides nicely like i said at the beginning with europe and some places in america the colder climates so it's probably fitting that i do them at those times but anyway we'll just see how it goes so remember thumbs up if you do like it thanks a lot for watching bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Self Sufficient Me
Views: 1,058,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Self-sufficiency, homesteading, food gardening, self sufficient me, walk around the garden, vegetable garden tour, growing vegetables, food garden tour
Id: 6qF4joZVR20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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