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Interiors on cars these days are dingy depressing and quite frankly boring places to be in this video we're going to be addressing that problem on my VW caddy which in the back we've been using for valeting for years now and it got a little bit out of hand but it doesn't look quite like this anymore and that's because in the last few videos we've spent time stripping out the back of the van and removing all of the old ply and a bunch of other stuff to make way for a new interior so in this video we're going to be transforming this empty shell of a bun into something much more bougie so let's crack on my game plan in this video is to make the van feel much more luxurious and comfortable than it does at the moment so the first stage of that is insulating it as best as possible but there's a few little bits we need to do before that foreign videos we have already stripped everything out of the back leaving a few final pieces to remove before we can start work on the caddy so the back of the van is now completely stripped and what we're going to be doing before we put a new ply is try and make it as comfortable and as usable as possible in there by insulating everything not only for sound but also for heat and to do that we've got these sheets of Dodo mat which is essentially a stick-on insulation which we're going to be putting all over the interior of the van on the floor on the ceiling on the walls on the outside underneath everywhere but before we can stick it on we need to clean everything thoroughly to make sure it's going to stick properly and then we can get almost sticking that on [Music] after a thorough clean down on the surfaces in the back of the van it was ready for the new insulation to be put in place you may have already noticed that there was some of this already in the van which we have removed but they only used a small amount whereas we're going to be covering every single surface that's worth covering phenomenal one down 84 more to go so we apply this by heating each sheet up to make sure the adhesive sticks properly and then massaging it into the Contours of the van [Music] with this is it stops metal panels vibrating and booming whilst you're driving along which is going to create a lot of road noise alongside that it's also going to help with heat retention in the van keeping it a lot warmer in the winter months foreign you may remember I also did this on my 350Z because of excessive exhaust and road noise coming from the boot and it actually really helped with that too [Music] [Applause] [Music] after a few hours of applying peace after peace and even some help from the dog we finally managed to get the job done [Music] foreign [Music] stuff anyway we've done all the floor The Arches the Second Skin kind of on the walls the ceiling everywhere we can including the doors at the back and I think chances of getting phone signaling here now are absolutely zero but hopefully it's gonna be much quieter and much more pleasant to be in I have got a new ply kit for the van so we don't have to put that old dirty horrible smelly plywood back in but I don't want to put it straight in straight away because I want to trim it all and make it look as good as it can before I fit it to the van the next job in the back of the van is the headlining and I was originally going to reuse what we've got here but instead I'm going to make it a little bit better by bringing the whole thing slightly forward to cover up all of these holes so to do that we've got to make a new one I've now decided that we're going to run the van without the bulkhead I felt it just made it a much nicer place to be and also gave more room in the cabin especially for the passenger so that means that the old headlining was going to look a bit ugly because there's quite a few cutouts for the bulkhead Relax The Flame so we traced out the old bulkhead onto a piece of plywood and made the changes where the needs to be made and started cutting it out once all the holes were drilled we could do a bit of cleanup and then a quick test fit to make sure that our work was good [Applause] eat where the bulkhead was we now have a much nicer clean looking Edge [Music] next up was the rest of the ply liner I actually bought a full kit for this but unfortunately it was all absolutely rubbish the panels were so far off size wise we literally needed to make a whole new kit out of the kit that had been sent out luckily all these panels were oversized so managed to save every piece we needed from the kit that was sent foreign s typically are carpet lined or you know done with something pretty durable which is good if you are using it as a Workman but I don't think I'm going to be exposed to be here so I want this to feel as push as possible so what I've bought is 11 meters of photway stretch Alcantara so hopefully this is going to give a real nice feeling and add that next level of luxury and also a little bit of sound doesn't impossibly to the back of the box okay [Music] I wanted to start with the headline on this because I've got something special planned for it so we lay it down on the fabric and then cut a piece to size then spray a liberal amount of contact adhesive over the fabric and the plywood and then just sticking it straight down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cloudy glasses [Applause] once I was happy that was stuck I could then start looking at the edges just stretching it over the edge slightly with a little bit of extra contact adhesive just to make sure those edges are stuck down properly how much better does that look the alcantower just gives a next level of luxury compared to you know plywood or you know normal carpet it looks 10 out of 10. I've just flipped it upside down to put pressure on the edges to make sure they stick properly but yeah I'm super super happy with that like I said at the start of the video I want to try and make this interior something special so I'm going to be doing something to this headliner which all the subscribers might have seen before I've lost the audio on this Clips here to excuse the voiceover but what we're doing is a Starlight headline the same as what we did on the 350Z or you may have also seen something quite similar to this in a Rolls-Royce too over to reveal the back of it and marking out a center spot on here then we can separate the headline into four pieces this makes the job a lot easier I found the easiest way of doing this is splitting it into sections so you can keep track of exactly where you are I know we've got 150 individual lights we need to fix this headliner so splits it down makes it easier to keep track of exactly where you are so I'm going to do 37 and a half dots on the back of each of these sections to make sure that I keep that nice and even across the whole headliner [Music] I then scatter a load of dots quite evenly across each quarter of the headliner that way I know that I've got good coverage and there's not going to be a spot that's missing lights that's quite obvious [Music] foreign drill bit I drill 10 holes at a time so it's quite easy then to keep track of exactly how many I've done because trust me once you've done 150 it's very easy to lose one or two [Music] once those holes are drilled you can start fitting some of the fibers so you thread these through and then use the hot glue gun just to stick down the back it doesn't matter how far through you poke it because you're going to cut it later [Applause] and once the first 10 are done it's just a case of repeating it another 14 times until all 150 holes are filled foreign [Music] [Applause] this is not a quick job and also it can be quite frustrating if it does go wrong which by putting Alcantara on the surface first definitely makes it harder as I did find out because I did snag the material quite badly as we'll see later in the video [Music] there is now 150 individual lights glued into the headline I haven't turned it over yet and I know it's not going to be perfect which I'm a little bit disappointed about because the drill seems to have snug some of the fabric and pulled it back through and I'll be honestly I don't know how bad it is yet I know there's one bit which pulled quite badly and I'm gonna need to do a budge on some of the material but I'm hoping the rest of it's gonna be okay but yeah let's turn it over and have a look [Music] all day they have to say to say today right next thing to do is to trim back all of the Loose Ends which obviously comes through when you push the fibers through once they're trimmed back we can then take a look at how it's going to look when it's turned on using nail clippers you just trim those fibers back just as close as you can to the headlines to give the cleanest finish possible and then you can plug it in and admire all your hard work yeah [Music] it's not looking too bad as soon as it's in the dark and the lights are coming off it you don't notice the damaged areas I'm not gonna lie I am beating myself up a little bit about where the fabric spawn and stuff I wouldn't say it's my finest work but it's definitely possible for now and if I do want to redo it in the future then I still can now it's time to trim the van and really transform it from a work van into something a bit more luxurious the first step to this is covering over any exposed holes on the body of the van the reason being for this is because once you stick fabric to this over time dirt will pass through those holes and you'll get dirty patches on the material there we have every hole in the back of the van taped up so now we can start looking at doing some trimming I thought it'd be the best idea to start with the biggest side which is the driver's side without the sliding door so I measured it I think it worked out to about 2.1 meters of material needed to do this side and then using a jump lead to clamp it in place at the top I could start sticking it down [Applause] the process is the same as how we did the headlining it's just using that contact adhesive spraying both the fabric and the surface is sticking it to and working your way around the whole thing stretching it into all the Contours of the van [Music] [Applause] definitely one of those jobs that would be easy with two people but with a bit of Ingenuity and a bit of practice I managed to get it done on my own but this Alcantara even though it is stretchy I think that is easier products to work with on the market but obviously if you want a nice finish like this material gives you I think this is definitely the best way to go [Music] foreign and lots of stretching I've pretty much got the driver's side in place now and I'm not gonna lie this time lapse makes it look very quick this probably took me about an hour and a half to two hours to get this side done [Music] the final thing to do is then to lose the edge on the door shut so I'll remove the seal from the door shut on the back and then get it as tight as I can to it and then refit the door shut and it's good to go on that side one side down one to go this side was definitely easier probably half because I'd practice on the other side but also because there was a lot less surface area to do because of the sliding door on both sides I did have to do a relief cut around the rear door kind of where the real Arch liner meets the body of the van at a right angle because it was just no way I was going to get a nice finish on this but you don't really see it it's not really a massive problem at all as I did on the back door I had to do the same on the sliding door so removing the seal and getting as tight to the edge as possible and then refitting the seal over the fabric the back of the van is looking a hell of a load better so I've already managed to trim the sides and up the top here not managed to fit the headline in yet and I've not managed to fit the side panel I feel a bit Duff really because I've actually managed to get this okay I kind of thought I wouldn't be able to get this looking as good as I have um but I have left the side paneling out here I'm not insulated it yet so what I've got to do unfortunately is actually cut out the sections where the standard ply would go and then fit the insulation and then also the panel because obviously it's quite baggy at the moment and I think we can tidy up a little bit still this felt so backwards doing it this way but I didn't think I'd be able to get As Nice a finish as I did manage to get just sticking it straight on so I thought having a panel which I could cut out and lose some creases in might be quite helpful and then re-trimming a panel and sticking it in place I thought this was the best way but apparently not anyway so I had to trim out some of the material which I'd just stuck down and then it was time to trim up the other panel and get that stuck in place with some insulation underneath before I trim up the new side paneling pieces I'm going to fit a bunch of these invisible trim clips which essentially go on before the panel is trimmed meaning that obviously they can't be seen once the panel's fitted so it looked a lot neater [Music] Clips are not the most funky in the world to work with essentially what you have to do is Twist them into place and they're not 100 reliable but I think when they work they do work well but it's just about making sure you get it right then it was exactly the same process as we used on the headline in sticking both sides the wood and also the fabric and then trimming it into place [Music] then using this thermal fleece I stuffed all the cavities I can get it into and then tried to fit the new trim panel well that's a stupid mistake I've trimmed it the wrong way around time for a sketchy redo once I'd peeled off all my hard work and turned all the trim clips around and then re-trimmed it I could then simply push that panel into place then exactly the same on the other side luckily this panel's a lot smaller and then we can start doing all the door panels [Music] the final piece was the top panel on the sliding door as we'd already put that insulation on there I wanted to cover that up and make it look as nice as possible so I just stuck some fabric directly to it and tucked it into the edges foreign for the panel that I've been waiting for the headlining all I had to do was fit those trim clips you can twist these in after the fabric has been fitted but it's definitely not as easy as that's what I was doing here but anyway once those were in it was then ready to be fitted to the van so the back of the van is now starting to look a bit more complete but the headlining needs to go in now and obviously earlier we managed to fit that Starlight headlining but now I need to wire that up and I want that to work off this Center light just here so when the doors open it comes on or when you turn that on then they're on all the time so I don't want them to be going you know non-stop luckily I've had lights wired to this before so I've got the wires exposed so all we do is now wiring the light for that and then I think took the module for it up there and then we can look at fitting at the Starlight headlining this was really simple all I had to do was splice off those two wires and then extend the wire in so I could took that module in that top corner so it's out of the way and not in the way of the headlining there is also a cavity above the headlining too so we had some of that thermal fleecing left over so using some contact adhesive I just stuck that into place to give that last final layer of insulation in the back of the van [Music] I don't remember [Music] once that was done it was then time for that final piece that Starlight headlining to go into place so with some help from Liam and Matt we pushed that into place using those invisible trim clips it definitely wasn't the easiest and we had to do some funky moves to try and get this to clip in it definitely did not want to play ball straight away [Music] after we'd fought with the headlining for a bit we managed to get some of the clips to go into place and slowly but surely they did start to go in [Music] some of them took a bit of force some of them took a bit of jiggling and some of them took a bit of repositioning but eventually we got to the point where it'd stay up on its own with it now [Music] after a bit more Brute Force to get some of those last clips into place we could then plug in the Starlight headline to see how it looks but the boys weren't so confident the headlining was gonna stale you can drive honestly one bit will come down and the weight of that bring the rest of it down can I believe it and honestly it working goodbye hey I've gotta remember the back of the van is looking undeniably better than when we started most definitely but there's one final piece that we need to do to finish off this interior for this video and that is getting down some carpet on the floor I've been to my local carpet shop and picked up this offcut which is gonna fit I did actually want black but this is all I had and as soon as it's something that I intend on replacing quite regularly it will definitely do the job to say my attempt sport I've never fit in a full carpet before in my life so I'm going to leave this to a pro and get this sorted in between this video and the next video but you get the idea and you wouldn't believe the difference that all of this has made the van is so much more sounded now and it feels so much more like a car than it does a van when you're driving it there's so much less road noise and it's just so much more pleasant to be in it's so cozy in fact I've managed to record the whole voice over for this video in the back of this van make sure you subscribe see you next time bye can you let me out now can you can you can I get it out help hi
Channel: Chris Slix
Views: 114,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Van, vw, volkswagon, caddy, transit, transporter, camper, show van, camper van, full build, timelapse
Id: 9qfxZRFrJYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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