Full-Time Fifth Wheel Tour (crazy master bathroom!)

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we've spent the past year traveling around the country in our alliance Avenue fifth wheel and although we loved it so much this year we really needed something that was going to work for full-time rving a few weeks ago we put out a video uh touring our alliance Avenue fifth wheel that was for sale and we dropped some hints in that video about what we might be buying next so I'm curious how many of you guessed right but now I'm going to reveal we got the 2023 Alliance Paradigm 382 RK so I know some people were guessing that some people were guessing other Paradigm floor plans I heard Brinkley I heard motorhomes but yeah we were very excited that we are now proud new owners of this Paradigm fifth wheel and in this video we're going to give you a full tour inside and outside of this fifth wheel kind of talk about why we ended up buying it but before we jump on the inside I do want to remind you guys if you haven't heard will and I now have our own email newsletter where we send out weekly updates and it's a more real-time update about what's going on way before it comes out on YouTube so actually our email newsletter subscribers were the first to know what fifth wheel we got so if you guys haven't joined that yet you can scan the QR code here I'll also put a link down in the description make sure you go and sign up for that will is writing them every week he does a great job it's just like a little peek into what's going on real time in our life so make sure you guys go and subscribe to that but now we're gonna jump and go do the inside tour of this new fifth wheel [Music] so like I said we got the 382 RK floor plan which is a fairly new floor plan for the alliance Paradigm I think it came out like last spring yeah around the rally yeah when we were at the lines probably last year we actually looked in it I told well I was like this might be my perfect fifth wheel we loved it the first time we saw it and we're still like super excited about it I'll start here so when you first come in it's kind of like a mid living room it has OS three couches and I really wanted that because we had two couches in our Avenue and sometimes when we had people over I felt like the lack of seating space a little bit especially because Tucker here likes to take a seat of his own so when we have guests I really wanted space for everybody to be able to sit down and be comfortable and so I'm really excited that we did three that we have three couches in here so over here this one is a tri-fold couch so it's a little bit smaller than the trifle we had in the Avenue just because it's in like the slide box here um but it's still enough for like Matt's already stayed on this once before and I like how the trifold is over here because when you put it out we don't lose like your walkway space over here we have a theater seat so perfect right across the TV to recline and then over here so normally this is a trifold also the this was the only thing we special requested on this I believe that Alliance usually doesn't do is we swapped out the tri-fold for theater seats now I don't think that's something that they'll normally do just because like it's a very like strict process and speaking of their build process on these we actually went up to the alliance Factory and filmed the entire build of this from start to finish so I believe that will be the next video that comes out and that was like really cool so we actually got to see this start from like chassis all the way to this finished RV but that was the one thing that they did differently and just because we really didn't need to try full sleeper sofas so I'd rather have more like recliner space and then finishing up in the living room we have our entertainment area with your TV fireplace I always love the fireplaces just to get because obviously we're so we're in Florida so you don't want to have it on but I like just haven't been else and then you have your radio system and then some storage up here where one thing I'll say that we're like dealing with is whenever you move to a new RV the storage is totally different and the last one you have to learn how to fit all of your stuff into like these you know new storage spaces so we're still kind of figuring that out and also trying to like declutter a little bit at the same time but I kind of use this to put like our board games our PlayStations here stuff like that so not it's not super deep storage but you know it's enough to like fit some games and stuff in and you also have some storage here above the trifold sofa one thing I will say is I wish that they had struts on these so I actually might see if we can add that in I don't know if it's possible to add after yeah for sure but yeah just because it's like if you're trying to load something it doesn't stand up on its own tons of Windows in here so lots of natural light coming over into the dining room area so you have your kind of a standard dinette two chairs now we do have two more chairs that are under the bed I'm thinking we're gonna probably get rid of those just because we're really gonna need it and to try to try to fit like four people in here it's kind of unrealistic so now we do have some ideas for like minor Renovations now I don't even want to call them Renovations because I'm like scarred from RV Renovations but just like minor changes we might we were thinking about maybe like flipping this so it's more of like a bar style so make sure you guys subscribe if you haven't already because we'll probably have a video coming out just showing some of those little changes that we make [Music] all right so I'm going to show you guys around the kitchen and the kitchen is definitely like another area where it's like in pictures and everything it looks so good but trying to fit all your dishes and your appliances and storage and everything into a different area has been a little bit of a challenge for us nice shelving right here and then these cabinets are all really nice and it's really like nice big deep storage in all of them all the way across and as you can see we haven't even filled it up all the way and then this like you can see goes all the way back and I think that's been like one of the only challenges it's like the Avenue was very sectioned right where these there's probably the same amount of storage but it's like really big and open and wide so stuff like moves around a little bit more microwave right here we're definitely gonna have to buy like more things to organize yeah yeah over here nice faucet and a huge singable sink which we love that storage underneath and again same thing with this it goes all the way down yeah all the way to that back corner yeah beautiful solid surface countertops and backsplash I really like that and again we haven't got everything together we'll probably do like the uh paper towels okay drawers here and all these drawers are reinforced which is really nice because as you put heavier stuff in and I'll show you where we have some heavier stuff and another one um it does make a big difference I think the waffle maker waffles oh and this is like one of the big you know upgrades and I'm so I'm so excited for this we're doing a lot more cooking now we haven't always been good about it but we enjoy cooking more at home and um so having the four burner Insignia residential style stove and oven is really really nice for us and nice big oven they're contested turkey approved oh also guys so on Tuesday um we're gonna be doing a full review of this on Matt's review of use towables so make sure you guys go check out that video because we'll we'll be doing like the three likes and dislikes and everything storage right there they're nice got our instant pot yeah instant pot and this is where like most of our cooking and prepping happens is right here we had a little issue with this blind so it's not going up all the way but I really like this back window because when you are cooking if you have a good view or whatever or just to let in some natural light yeah um over here we have our coffee set up and Fork a knife they did start doing this little Trash shoot truthfully we don't use it I've never liked the idea of a trash shoot because I just like a like I like our very closed yeah trash can I I don't want to go around that side honestly to take the trash right so one if you look at it like you can put a trash can in there but then I could totally see like you taking like the raw chicken packaging and putting it down there and then not falling in yeah so I actually put a little bit of double-sided tape on this because during transport it does like this will bounce off yeah and we just probably won't use that or we'll use like you can still use the outside yeah we'll probably use that for the power cord or something yeah yeah exactly that drawers here these are very big drawers and again this is where it's more important that they're reinforced because um like all of our spices this one's already getting a little heavier but this is a really heavy one because we got our pots and pans in here yeah so it's really nice having reinforcement and you can remove to I believe it takes the two bottom drawers out and put a dishwasher yeah which we talked about doing but then when we realized once we kind of got in and started setting stuff in place we were like you know we'd rather have the storage yeah um I think I forgot this I think I don't mind just like washing dishes right it's really not that that big of a deal or paper towel storage because the stuff that Jen can't get to storage here and then I love this newer cold 12 volt uh refrigerator here it just cools so well so much better than the old um two-way refrigerator is dead we had this in the um Avenue as well and loved it but speaking of 12 volt um we actually have a pretty good boondocking setup on this so make sure you guys stick around for the outside tour because we'll will kind of explain everything that we got on this exactly here's your freezer there yep these are incredible drawers huge Pantry here um what I'll say about this pantry is there's tons of storage and it's deep and at first I was like I don't I'm not gonna like that but so far it's not been bad because like you know you can still it's not so deep that you can't get to the back what's your thoughts on that now and yeah it hasn't been terrible I will say like the more you can like organize yourself get shelved or like these bins um just make it because it's like if I need to get back there I can take this whole bin out right to help you know get back there so the more you can like I think when you have big open storage in an RV is when you have to get more shelving and yeah and bins and stuff to organize everything so that's pretty much the kitchen and to be honest we like this area right it it works good this isn't why we bought it it's the front half of the fifth yeah that's what we love the most let's go check it out okay something that is totally new to us um compared to when we had the Avenues now we actually have a half bath so right when you come in the main door just a toilet and sink in here but this is really nice for just when we have guests honestly like when people are just in and out of the RV but also if Matt's staying with us or coffee staying with us it's just nice because a lot of times they don't they don't need to get to the bathroom and shower necessarily but they need to brush their teeth um and just use it and they don't you don't have to worry about them like trekking through the bedroom to use our bathroom um so this is like nice space and it gives us a little bit more storage too we have tons of liquified in here so make sure you get some liquified if you have it already and oh also we have the um prototype for the new uh liquefied lavender scent which I actually really like so yeah but this is a nice space and it's it's plenty of room for them to just like get ready for bed and go to the bathroom and stuff um also when you first come in you have kind of like a coat junk closet area here is where we have like the um like the breaker panel right now it has also something we learned is it has two it has a breaker panel for your Shore power and for in another one for your solar and another one for your generator and another one here your generator so you can kind of control that separately there is some storage up there not super easy to access so definitely for stuff you don't need that often here's where you have all of your controls this is actually exactly the same as how it looked in the Avenue with the controls and everything I always like that alliances the manual buttons because I hate the stupid touch screens that are like you have to hit so hard right and then here is it's meant to be more of like hanging coat closet we don't really have a need for that so right now this is like the Tucker's dog basket of stuff and but I think what I'm going to do is actually put in here um some stacking clear bins where you can like actually pull them out and then on top we can when we have like papers and stuff from the you know guys what I'm saying like every time you check into a campground you get all this paperwork and stuff and it's kind of nice just to have like a catch-all spot for stuff I also might put some um hooks for keys and I also go I already got some stuff to organize this so I got these cute little things that you can mount and then any like Rags or anything you just stick them in there and then they say on that's cool so yeah let me know if you guys are interested in like an RV organization video because I've been getting a lot more stuff especially as our needs have changed in this new RV so let me know if that's something you guys are interested in and then on this wall it's where we have our generator turn on this is our energy like management system and teletronics um and then this is our inverter where we can just monitor I don't know a lot about this stuff to be honest well basically the big thing with that is to monitor how many how much battery we have left yes as you can see we're hooked up to shore power right now you probably can't see on the camera but we have 300 amp hours yeah that's where all of that is and then over on this side so we have three ACS in this we have one in the kitchen one in the living room one in the bedroom so this is where your AC and heat controls are for your two out in the living area and then this is your light switch for your main lights out there okay coming up into the bedroom we have a pocket door kind of similar to what we had before we had a barn door before I actually like the pocket door because coming in here you have like an open wall we actually might be able to get something on the wall like picture artwork but this bedroom is super nice one thing that makes this bedroom bigger than what you typically get in a fifth wheel is that is double opposing slides so all right you have your slide here on your bed headboard but you also have a slide on this side and it's like not super deep at all but it's just like that little bit of extra space that makes like look at how much space I have at the foot of the bed you know a lot more space to get dressed it used to be tighter in the Avenue like the foot of the bed and just getting that extra like foot and a half really makes a difference in here also just because the fifth wheel is longer the bedroom's a little bit bigger this way so we have our dresser here but we also have a bench um where we can sit and put our shoes on and stuff honestly Tucker could even lay here if he wanted to and then I like that storage underneath this dresser is really cute I like the colors of it and it comes with the TV in the bedroom so it's not even an option it comes with the TV which is great you also get hidden storage so we don't have a lot here now but I always like that feature and these drawers are pretty similar to what we had before so we've gotten I've gotten really good at folding a certain way to maximize uh as you can see I think someone said something in the Avenue or a couple people asked yeah I've been showing at the rally just asking about how I fold the clothes so maybe if I do an RV organization video I can share that because I've learned how to fold them a certain way to really like maximize your drawer space and also make it easier to like go through your clothes over here on the bed three windows so lots of light natural light we actually keep those closed most of the time because like you're getting changed in your bedroom and stuff and then I also really like over there you have storage for a CPAP machine so there is an outlet in there uh we don't have a CPAP machine so it's kind of like open storage but we do have our internet kind of set up in there so it's out of the way and then underneath the bed here tons of storage so that's the two extra chairs I think we're gonna be getting rid of those like I said and then we'll have a little bit more space for stuff underneath here but we have a packed Jam diet right now right and then you have two night stands next to the bed with power and USB the most exciting part about this fifth wheel is in the very front and this like will said this is really why we bought this right so this is our big master bath I never thought I'd get a master bath and a fifth wheel I know this is like bathrooms we've had in our house before coming in here it's tons of space that's a room on it I can I could do a full 360. big vanity over here with a big sink if you guys have watched the channel you know one of my gripes is always that RV manufacturers put small sinks in bathrooms which I hate and a lot of times like you can't even wash your face in the Avenue the the in the Avenue the vanity is smaller so the sink has to be smaller and like you can brush your teeth and stuff but when you you know when you wash your face like it's running water everywhere yeah so I always had to go out to the kitchen sink well now I don't have to um nice big sink and one thing I like is other manufacturers that make this kind of floor plan A lot of times they'll still do two small sinks in here I know and truthfully we'll learn never at the sink at the same time so I much rather just have one big sink so you don't you can wash your face and stuff and also I think a lot of people requested that with the lines because then you have a lot of countertop space so if you're the type that likes to have like a lot of your you know toiletry products sitting on the counter there's plenty of room to do that it was taking forever in the morning because in our last one if Will was sitting on the toilet I couldn't go in the bathroom right if he was like sitting on the toilet in the morning doing his Facebook scroll like I couldn't even use the sink or anything so now it's like he can be going to the bathroom I could be showering like we're both using the bathroom space at the same time we have a medicine cabinet here you have two lights here and then two windows again I usually keep you know windows and bathrooms you know it's kind of like why would you have the window opening in the middle of nowhere also to an outlet on each side that's really just nice you know if you are using like your you know curling iron and stuff there's plenty of places to plug it in and then under here a lot of storage I love having these drawers and stuff to organize so this is Will's I tell Will this was his side because under here that's just like access to some of your right and electrical underneath the sink tons of storage that goes back hello Taco beer and then you also have girls on this side but you actually get three on the side I love that and as you can see this is actually that slide I was telling you about in the bedroom this this is the same slide so it's like this whole wall from here to the bedroom that goes out and we also have a whole big storage area here so this is tons of space and honestly I really need to go through and get rid of some of the stuff in here but we just kind of moved everything over quickly over here uh you have your toilet down here one I guess dislike I would say is I don't like how there's not really room to have a toilet paper holder because right if you mounted it here like you couldn't reach it and I think will would hit it with his back when he sat back so I kind of wish that they made this doorway a little bit smaller so you had room because it's a really big doorway but it's kind of like no reason for it to be that big I wish that they extended it and then you can put the toilet paper holder there I ended up buying this thing which is like a freestanding one so we kind of like pull it out when we're going to the bathroom and then we tuck it back in when we're done but it's nice because you can put extra toilet paper and flushable wipes which I don't think you should flush them yeah but still like if you wanted wipes something new that we get in this one is huge Encore shower quite a bit bigger than the shower now the shower we had in the Avenue I was actually like pretty happy with yeah especially for it being like a mid Pro fifth wheel but I love that this feels like a residential shower so you get like so nice yeah so nice like plenty of room to stand um yep you get this little Cedar Bench that folds down so if you need to sit on it we're honestly just having a place like if you're shaving your legs yeah leg up on and then when you don't need it it's out of the way you get a little like storage cubby up there for some of your products and they were really smart about what they what little cubby they got because it has little things where you can hook you know your back scrubber like right right now I did get these suction cup hooks that are super strong suction so I put these on the outside for our towels and it came with two more so I just put them in the shower for more more place to hang things and then also got a little more hook needs and we also got a little squeaky so I love the shower I really enjoyed it so far and then wrapping up on the inside we have a huge huge walk-in closet so I like you get the two mirrors on the front too right so this one closes with with um yeah yeah so you just if you want to open them both you just undo that and look how big this closet is well right this is a huge closet we definitely have more hanging storage than we used to I think and then behind all the hanging swords we'll hide all the hanging storage there's all these Cubbies where you can put stuff so it's like three sections of Cubbies so you go in the middle too place the put shoes and everything which I like just tons of space you have a cubby up here one thing I want to tell Lions to do is any any space like this like they always just need to have like a little lip a little lip so that it stings don't slide off when you're going down the road but the nice thing is all these Cubbies have a lip so you don't worry about that this is where we have our laundry hamper okay and then they also actually have a built-in laundry hamper we're just kind of using that for like towels and stuff and then I think like the grand star of of this new fifth wheel is we have a back of a washer and dryer yeah I don't think you've let this thing rest since we've had it you really have it like I've been doing just the fact that I can do laundry whenever I want I'm just like running them all the time yeah so we didn't have a washer dryer in our Avenue we actually could have added it it was prepped to do like a washer on one side of the closet and a dryer on the other side but honestly it was just like it would have taken up so much closet space so it wasn't worth it to us but you know just I've never been a fan of laundromats I just like hate lugging my stuff to the the laundromat you don't know what stuff people have had in the washer and dryer so it's always kind of like gross me out so I love that we have our own washer and dryer and it makes it super easy because you're not having like a huge laundry day right with the full amount of clothes like you could just do a small load every day when you're in the RV so this is the splend bead so this is the washer this is the dryer and we've just loved it so far honestly that's probably my favorite thing in this RV is the washer dryer so that kind of wraps up the inside and now we're gonna jump on the outside and was going to show you some of the features we have on the exterior all right we're back on the outside I'm gonna do the walk around with you guys um with all the outside features showing you everything that it has but before I do we told you guys we'd also let you know which truck we got to pull this Beast with you can probably see right there we got a 2021 GMC Sierra 3500 and we did go dually so that was a big debate Jen and I kept going back and forth on and both of us were just so unsure like do we really need a dually and like you walk around the campground and there's so many people who are truthfully probably overweight and you're like but they're doing it with a single rear wheel um we knew we needed a 3500 but when I just really dove into the numbers I was like all right we're gonna need the dually and truthfully we are so glad that we did eight drives so good so before we hit a 2015 GMC Sierra 2500 this actually drives better than that in my opinion yeah I feel like the turning radius is better and like I just want to stay on record right now anyone that feels overwhelmed by buying a dually I would you know obviously have to consider price and everything yeah but from a Safety Stand boy and a stability it is so worth it and it's really not that bad driving it especially when you're pulling the fifth wheel guys you got to think like you're already dealing with the width of the fifth wheel you're not sticking out anymore with the truck you're not and we've been we haven't really had much that much problem like getting in drive a lot of newer drive-throughs you're fine so like I think I really want to demystify dualies because it's really not that bad right there's only maybe been one drive through we couldn't get through and even that one you just walk in yeah we just walk in if it's in a parking spot you just have to take your time and be a little more careful yeah and if you have a bigger fifth wheel like this you know I would highly recommend the dueling yeah and if you blow a rear tire the nice thing is that you do have another one back there right next to it to help get you off the road that's one of my favorite aspects from a safety standpoint so and we're not gonna really dive into like a detailed tour of the track but we will be having a video out in like a week or two actually showing our whole Towing setup with the fifth wheel hitch and some other yeah things we have and that will be going a lot more into the truck in that video so just make sure you guys to you know stay tuned for that one yeah so we'll start up front we have a nice painted fiberglass front cap with the Curt rotoflex pin box they're still using that and um I will give you guys a little sneak peek we did do we stuck with the Curt fifth wheel hitch as well because we really liked that underneath here is one of my favorite we have a generator so this is something that truthfully I think was like first on our list like we want a generator yeah it's just so nice we're gonna be able to do a little more boondocking we're not like big boondocking people you know we want to do a field to do a couple nights here and there and be able to run the AC and whatnot honestly even just for like when we're doing back-to-back Drive days we're just the type I'd rather just drive have a long day of driving pull into a Walmart parking lot yeah Cracker Barrel which we have done the Cracker Barrel and then we did do the upgraded solar package which you can see there has three 100 amp hour batteries but there's your there's our hydraulic fluid because we do have hydraulic leveling now yes as Jen said it is hydraulic Auto leveling and it's six point now yeah it's so much more sturdy now we had four point in the Avenue yeah having six point now I'm like on Mid pros and full Pros you know it could be six point electrical yeah on Mid Pros but like the stability you get from like the extra two jobs I would like to compare that one time like six point electric versus six point hydraulic yeah you know how big is the difference yeah so here we have propane tank and you can upgrade them to 40 pound tanks it's so funny because this looks small in here but yeah you can't upgrade it this is 30 a 30 pound tank okay yep and we probably will upgrade them because the generator Works off of propane so if you're using the generator you do burn through propane but here is the storage and I think this was very nice and organized crap in here let's get ready for this video yeah there is so much storage under here now so to show you guys so our Avenue was almost like from here over yeah so we can usually we could fit like totes like in a line now we could actually these these black and yellow totes which you can get at Like Home Depot we can actually fit like them next to each other and then fit another one over there and you can honestly it's tall if you could stack some too um so we have tons of storage right here you do have speakers on the outside and then you have two power awnings which has been great and then and so even that this is that slide in the bedroom and bathroom yeah and as you can see it doesn't come out far so like even when you have your awnings out it's not impeding for me it's not yeah outdoor shower here watch his paws we're like the guys the ticket General said like you can spray these steps down if they get really yeah putting them in it is yeah you have a door here I like the safety rail a lot what do you think you like this bag I like that I think it's a mat that doesn't like it or were you not liking it i didn't I didn't like it I just said I didn't know if I would like it more than the extension yeah I kind of like it's just like sleek and I like how far it comes down almost to the first step so like but just having that like something to grip all you know all the way at the bottom of the steps is nice these are the leopard solid steps and it is four steps which are our Avenue only had three and we've definitely enjoyed having that extra step just makes it a little bit easier yeah and they're hydraulically hydraulic assistant oh yeah sure that will likes to tease me because sometimes when we first got this I kept forgetting so you know you can easily put it up without you know much effort and that's what will always does to scare me Matt you know you know one day you're gonna do that and it's gonna malfunction okay I'm just gonna freaking give you a confession all right I'm not gonna feel bad for you okay Alliance does full-time um they're I think all their units right now for full-time use and if they do use asdel which I really really like that so that if you do have a leak in your walls or something you won't get the delamination which really devalues and just kind of looks bad an option that you can get on this so we didn't is full body paint and they do have a new really good looking full body paint option which is especially an option all right I don't think it is actually they're considering it sorry yeah no but truthfully we didn't because it's so expensive yeah it's expensive yeah I mean it's beautiful but we just didn't want to put the money out right exactly one upgrade that we did do though is these axles so the they come standard with 7K axles and we upgraded them to AK axles and the reason we did that is because we are full timing and it's all ready we're going to be heavier this is a big trailer and then we already added stuff in like the washer and dryer the generator the solar we really wanted to increase that cargo carrying capacity keep it safe and just have a good foundation so AK axles and in doing that it did upgrade the tires to h-rated tires so again not only your axles but your tires can also handle the additional weight and they put uh Cooper tires when they upgrade them to the a Trader so we have a friend who's a fellow full-time reviewer yeah um the valdez's who are on Facebook and Instagram driven DaVinci yeah and he's actually an engineer and so we we get his advice a lot right especially like with safety and yeah and that was one upgrade that he did recommend um for like will said like some of the safety reasons that he said it was definitely worth spending the money for that right we didn't do hydraulic disc brakes um because I don't know if I'm allowed to say it or not but we have something else in the works it's not publicly released yet so I again I I probably can say it but I'm gonna hang tight yeah um but there were specifics around we ordered that on purpose so we're excited for that right here we got some power on the outside oh another option that we did not do is the Dual pane windows we like following the weather or I should say as much as we can we avoid winter camping or summer people or Florida during the winter people um so I just didn't feel like that was necessary for us we're not staying in extreme conditions right right on the back you can see that you got your window that's in your kitchen it is cut for a backup camera which we are gonna install that hopefully soon ladder to get up on the roof you guys know all the features the PVC roof 3ac all the max airplane solar all that good stuff um one thing that I like that Alliance does is you are able to tow with this rig toe behind it like to another trailer technically like I like that not because anybody should be doing it because I highly recommend that you don't I like how it's strong enough to do that yeah it just means you have a strong pitch exactly actually we might add a bike rack soon um for some e-bikes one one thing that truthfully just kind of sucks with any layout like this is that you do have two separate dump stations so you have one gray dump here and that's just for your kitchen sink and then all your others are up there so we ordered a split yeah like a y splitter why split so that um we can have both hooked up at the same time but right now we're just going back and forth it takes a while for the kitchen so we pretty much just have it connected to the other one because that's like your bathroom your shower stuff this is your the other side of the dump so you can see either gray and your black for your other tank um and then that's right you have another black dump in there yeah and it all comes down to this side so the black dump in there I assume is for the the master toilet I think so and the black tank dump here is for the half back toilet yep so two black things right two black tanks two gray tanks yeah you got your 50 amp power here 12 gallon DSA water heater which um we will swap this out I really like the um the uh instant tankless water heater but I will say this actually hasn't been bad to be honest yeah I mean like now having the 12 gallon we definitely get a good shower out of it yeah and we did upgrade we upgraded to the instant tankless one by um Carry On In The Avenue yeah and we we really like it so we will upgrade eventually but it had like Wilson it hasn't been terrible yeah harness right here and then underneath here is the other side of that storage and there's just tons of storage in here you have your energy inverter there is so here's all your controls right so you have your power outdoor shower your Nautilus system so this is your dry camping your tank fill City water your whole weapon your whole wet Bay City water your black tank flush and then that's that other black tank dump right there right there yeah so this is all like the center for your plumbing right yeah and stuff's bound to go wrong so I love how they put this hack system in here because you can just now easily access it there's your water pump right there if you have an issue it's like you just take this off and it would be so much easier to replace the uh the water pump if you've got a leak yeah any electrical stuff so it just you know just making that ownership experience a little bit better is really nice you have your exhaust for your generator the another propane and your auto leveling right there yep before we wrap up I wanted to show this sticker a little bit remember we talked about the AK axles so what that did is that brought our cargo capacity up to 42 4290 pounds yeah so that is a ton of cargo capacity which is great when you're full timing [Music] foreign [Music] well that wraps up the tour of our brand new fifth wheel thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure you hit the like And subscribe button and again if you're not on our newsletter yet I'll put a link down in the description so you guys need to sign up for that and be the first to know about stuff like which fifth wheel we bought like we've kind of said throughout this video we're going to be having a lot more content coming out about just like upgrades that we make to it by going more into like RV organization the truck towing setup so leave them in the comments below let us know what what kind of content you guys want to see what you're curious about and we'll try our best to make a video on it again thank you guys so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Wil & Jen
Views: 262,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luxury fifth wheel, fifth wheel, rv living, rv life, front bathroom 5th wheel, luxury rv, 2022 fifth wheel, 2022 5th wheel rv, luxury 5th wheel, 5th wheel, rv tour, luxury fifth wheel 2022, travel trailer, luxury fifth wheel 2023, luxury fifth wheel trailers, luxury fifth wheel camper, luxury fifth wheel rv, luxury fifth wheel brands, luxury fifth wheel manufacturers, luxury fifth wheel floor plans, luxury fifth wheelers, luxury fifth wheel rear kitchen
Id: -VkQSV2aRmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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