[Full stream] - Lark Souls 3 [Part 1]

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miss and all through the night no night was night no is where I was expecting you to go that I'm sorry this is a very high-class introduction we knew it I'm gonna send out a notification notification nice yeah yeah today we're going back straight back headfirst into the comfort zone those Dark Souls we're play the third one which is in my opinion probably the best one like it's sort of tied with Dark Souls one for me but I it's real good I've heard that many times with everyone is the best one but once again I have probably even less knowledge about it that Dark Souls 2 and that you I mean let me knew nothing less than zero we're getting negative here oh yeah I don't know how it's possible but it's happening I actually can hear your brain shrinking at a steady rate like a balloon deflating it's consuming me well gee Mickey that doesn't sound very fun it's not oh we're coming back to nut no it not have we thought about the character name for her oh [ __ ] I actually haven't I was like stewing a little bit today and there whatever like I mean like I've spent like one second but my brain was it all it said was Biz Markie I was like right you mean the guy who made that one rap song from the 80s and he was like yes and I was like that's not a character named so I didn't try very hard all right um well cross that bridge when we get to it what am I saying oh yeah dude sauce it's Souls I'm telling Twitter as well tweeter I'm going down I'm telling Twitter said top and Twitter though two up and wanderer good [ __ ] those things that some [ __ ] how do you expect me to know Wow one of the 10 billion identical pop stars that make that kind of music it's like sure sure man who knows who knows sure Kira anyway hmm let's just [ __ ] get this game right in here and as per tradition Perdition partition partition I'm munching some case dill it's very true I liked on Mitchell's stream the other day when he was like garlic bread and I was like whoa that's like a dark souls 1 run friend yeah I mean you showed up with garlic bread I think that was was it bastards I think it was a bastards episode yeah I was like that's a deep cut yeah he remembered his like his big line garlic this famous move so let us know if the frames are shitty I did some test streams earlier but things could just go wrong sometimes sometimes things go wrong also the menu music is even it's like right best yeah like in the first one it was kind of like ambient and the second one it was kind of like halfway between that and this yeah yeah it was a bit loud let us know if the volume is okay - I'm so for this actually yeah [ __ ] yeah oh yeah embrace the darkness embrace the darkness so another thing I actually have some content in this game that I haven't played which is the Ring City DLC see in the corner there I played a bit of ashes of aerion though but it got to a really [ __ ] hard boss sounds like [ __ ] this man and apparently the ring city also has insanely hard bosses which great but it's a new area to explore which is put cool volumes good let us know if the visuals are fine it should be fine but if not we can always turn off recording because we're recording and streaming at the same time right now that's true it's just no game anyway we had added cutscene to watch oh yes [ __ ] oh just maybe the best intro cutscene games - Wow [Music] in factory north - The Venture Brothers friends big-ass castles not stalking big-ass castle students he is with he's seen you he's crumpled mr. Welsh oh yeah I was gonna say it's [ __ ] Koopa shell with him down starting to enroll the pilgrims [Music] we got balanced we got fire on your [ __ ] we got wink [Music] now we got some [ __ ] bosses [Music] yeah he is just a big [ __ ] thing a slow yeah Dukey & Aldrich eight Meldrick these guys are awesome oh that is oh that is supercool when they're all like coming back to life I guess [ __ ] yeah increased before I think in this game like for sure the bosses are absolutely the best thing up good it's bigger and badder money that's not the same giant king we thought yes when you swing so hard he's a light on fire spitting sneaky crunch frames are okay please I hope to god oh yeah it looks like they're good a white folk [Music] actually maybe I know who that is I'm gonna be honest I usually I'm too busy like cleaning up all the nut from the boss part of this cutscene to really pay attention Dragutin arm [Music] but you're gonna make a dragon joke damn I should awesome pretty awesome oh here actually do you want to you should start playing or we probably have to put in a name and [ __ ] yeah Oh God what if our name was and play and complete the ultimate anticlimax it's right there oh we got this marquee we got loot bag up I don't know these people muscle number 5 baby oh great oh my young knight we could start making our like yay look when should I come do name will become a parent so what was fine the Costco forget bug bite wait was a tomato oh it was a tomato at Costco was a jubilant katarina mighty pardon me but oh so in this one instead of our like blessing item or whatever it's a burial gift which is kind of I like that interesting I like that but there's not really a it's not really like a best one here but I think right so yeah we like our ring let's go say the thing is we most of these we we use yeah I think I got something but this this is permanent like Oh God whoa already he looks goofy and this is just a default he has like long-ass limbs he looks like Neil breathe if anybody's ever seen a movie oh my god he does look like Neil brain maybe we should just keep him exactly like the default and column the ovaries no no we gotta go bass skin color and we got some [ __ ] insane in fact how do we do how do we do the randomize like hold both triggers or something is it the one on the top left no back just back chat how do we randomize mm-hmm it doesn't look like it says it doesn't say there's gotta be a random right Oh God that's probably not gonna know yeah it's like kind of like an obscure menu oh of course mmm color well we can have different color pupils we gotta have a yellow eyes like Scott Farkas from Christmas Story I don't even know what you're talking about Scott Farkas is the bully oh okay yes yellow eye yellow eyes all right listen we got yellow eyes all righty all right so we're not gonna be able to randomize that's fine we don't need to be random Oh like one Naruto I won Scott Farkas I am one Naruto David Bowie cool yeah I think we're good oh I like that it's gonna cool yeah looks like real shit's like when I was like seriously playing Skyrim and I was like he's gonna be blind in one eye oh yeah okay all right all right instead of looking like Scott Farkas he'll be blind in one eye he has no depth perception that's unfortunate this is our first moment of character building for our hero not a speck of depth perception this looks like this is not gonna be terribly exciting in fact damn is there any way to make this go faster jesus [ __ ] christ awesome 2:55 the classic maximum integer the classic programming uh let's see what is dark red powder or dark red the [ __ ] does powder mean just white white I guess weird he's got some red lips bumpers oh the bumpers zoom in and out here we go he's pasty look yeah you looked gross oh oh oh his lips are like glowing I think powder is the way to go Queen Elizabeth II and [ __ ] it looks like he's just been like sipping on okhane lipstick too for green oh oh frames oh it was when I was holding bumper in moving the camera that is fair all right okay thank you to her set bumpers yeah that speeds up this would have taken so [ __ ] long all right can you just have a disgusting like shiny opalescent face oh the boat cab coming in hard accept please accept it okay okay oh there we go okay tattoo slash mark notice what are your important option Oh sick we can have a variety hold on it's got to be right under like the middle of his [ __ ] face oh yeah let's see oh I got censored printing tattoos can we do like a teardrop yeah sure every person he's killed in prison awesome Oh No let's see colored blue I'm thinking this guy to contrast with Costco's dark brown and bikeways deep red this guy's gonna be a blue dude blue I like it oh three slashes do like wolf this is very Bowie asked yeah yeah cut is he's Neil lightning oh god the Sun dude Oh sunshine I don't leave permanently priceless I don't know anything else that is sick um do we want on the cheek early what I don't like [ __ ] like no smack dab on the nose big oh he's going to forget starfish like latched on to his nose he looks like me man mermaidman or scour Mantua from The Venture Brothers that's hick but do we want business looks kind of ugly as sin it looks like we've sinned but that has been sort of a trend that is very true a little bigger oh oh oh [ __ ] um he looks like [ __ ] Bane oh my god oh my god all right I like that oh yes oh yeah like up right so make sure it's really dead center actually you know what I like it yeah burn oh wait no don't discard my cheese between those changes there's still some slight weirdness all right so cosmedix how is a [ __ ] tattoo not too cosmetic oh we do this okay female hair brow brow hair color we got to go something obscene yeah something that'll go nicely meaning we live in a society oh god he's gonna need a different hairstyle hairstyle [ __ ] there's still some slight jank to the menus no that's what makes Dark Souls Dark Souls in fact let's make this a little more nuanced more is he like a [ __ ] vaporwave character oh yes mood man Pepsi okay hairstyle yeah is important this is this is cruel Oh God oh you're balding that's Costco's yeah we can't cut we can't take that do that over the 1i angst gone oh the [ __ ] movie on Belmont Leon Kennedy [ __ ] I visit an evil you guys know what I'm talking about this is Leon Bell one right here oh that's like Farquaad haircut wait this one's the Farquaad smuggling tips yeah the [ __ ] hair physics are amazing is this like a one random all right it looks clear tails into the [ __ ] girl styles even though my my dude is a dude I don't think bold is the way to you not a chance but do you really want do you want Farquaad hair my notes are Farquaad or the one that's just the one strand like the bottom right corner yeah I think the one strand of the Farquaad Oh God between those I'm gonna go for the Farquaad yeah I gotta make it look like a [ __ ] nerd our clock our clock lock it locking it in I feel like no beard because we have to keep our yeah mask or amazing but it almost like looks with the sun's eyes it kind of looks like he has a pencil mustache anyway with yeah yeah holy [ __ ] yeah it's [ __ ] powerful no eyelashes it's in his eyes he's screwed I mean I think you more mean like Santa's just gonna get in his eyes that's true I don't think eyelashes reach into your eyes and take out the sand once it's in there my love you that's one of my eyelashes it's a hand space shape very important this is important he already I mean he doesn't look quite far quad enough we've had a lot of like like circular ones so I guess we should give me some like boxy Oh God hug me [ __ ] let's give him a reserved nose yes Oh God Oh Oh looks like his breach the height of the tip oh I see you can count like yeah oh ho ho that's a little true a little far down oh oh you look like he's smearing now oh he's so full of himself he's like a prince hold on yeah let's give him the smear why not like a little sneer he's gonna get a dick okay there's a dick whoa mmm look at that very interesting I'm gonna put it high up he's gonna be a is just gonna be like a canonical [ __ ] it's gonna be like a little huh Oh God oh you looks like soon Amish child piece of [ __ ] today um oh well we just did synchronized um how about the [ __ ] glabella that is grass tickly under looked in face surgery uh we definitely want that gives him a more kind to Express yeah we gotta go but Stephen the squint like he's [ __ ] looking at the Sun like you oh yeah Westers make those make those eyebrows recessed those bridge height down yes we want his face scrunched yes god he looks like a [ __ ] prick oh yes what does this do I don't see much of a difference there weird oh it's like Oh see it's kind of it's only tiny teeny tiny Ridge Pixar [ __ ] Pokemon ass nose oh oh yeah you looks like the [ __ ] potion seller yeah oh I like that bridge hold on let me a video might go down for just a sec here where we're gazing at something I'm just turning off preview here and so that my computer doesn't get ridiculously overheated smart I just realized I've never turned it off um we know strolls I don't want to fiddle this man's no oh oh I don't know if I like you yes Skeletor yeah that's too much for me oh that's good I like that yeah it looks a lot more mischievious rather than go back a little bit I want to see it looks domineering whereas this one nevermind I like that you like this he looks now he looks like a what does he look like like an you looks like a [ __ ] [ __ ] his nose just like broken too I think I'm gonna put it right here so it looks really frustrated nasal sighs uh can you even tell the difference it's kind of in a painted he does he's pushing well see logging his face a little bit can we like bring his jaw jaw look at that he is like a banana oh yes I just want to see Alec petruchio with also Crimson Chin Crimson Chin's got some moon man God yeah this doesn't change that much yeah but we need to make him a little chubby little square John you like that oh yes this boxxy boxxy Joel alright alright you know it's a good character creation screen when all the settings are at their highest value mm-hmm 255 across the screen oh god we got [ __ ] oh we are gonna spend so [ __ ] while I'm doing this and we're never gonna see your head no a little long to see our head that's important I love the shutting job we need it to be just as massive as possible Oh see that won't do oh not won't do it all yes oh my god oh no not not that yeah make it low make it low you know he looks like that like your until little witch Oh God yeah he looks like that like bloodline that loyal bloodline that was super incestuous and there's like that one too like portrait done of their like son that's what he looks like I have no idea no clue all right nothing lips lips eyes it's very small it's kind of tiny smeeling pursed lips yeah he's not the Canadian mouth little mm mm-hmm I like actually do you able to see his mouth yeah I was gonna say good all these are those two puckers crunches basic Oh rim smearing there it doesn't have to be all the time oh the final touch the final touch she barely looks like a person anymore he knows a few rows lock that in what oh this is all face shape I think I'm fine with this face I like this face actually this is a face that only a mother could love just alien enough it's incredibly alien he literally looks like an alien he's [ __ ] banana Bane what does my feet shows have you looked in features 255 years old boy just gets like gross you know make him a pompous young prince young is important oh Jesus bloom yeah I think blue with his theme yeah feminine basis what we need to be a hundred percent week hundreds and weeks keep it real week is this okay skin color there we go I like Balu I feel like blue contrast nice thing with the Sian starfish on his face yeah let's make it light he's gonna be pale blue oh he's turning into a [ __ ] blueberry you're turning violet violet let's keep it going the red um pallid or Rosie see this quiz list easy up until this point when I got to the word pallid solid like paladins of the realm oh good game great [ __ ] game look at what a masterpiece masterpiece build detail oh god his face is like particularly blue I like that it's kind of the start can stuck his thumb in his mouth oh god you're right like otherwise incredibly scrawny oh wait that shrunk his head though you can't wait a damn second come on go back up make that meter here again the chest and head or somehow they are linked almost as though somebody cannot have proportions like that in the real world which is insane by the way yeah we gotta get scrawny with a massive head Oh God all these are like tied together alright alright I like the toothpick legs I'm walking around nickietrips he's plus his legs Frieden walking around Christmas tree have a happy holiday do that [Laughter] my lord body hair thick he's gonna have nothing a muscular no standard standard yeah voice wait yeah young yeah no questions asked young we did that is the age of or something um no I see no a baron or nobility sorry I'm the Baron yes [ __ ] yes dude oh nice wearing armor inside wait um class okay so I suggest we just do like night meetings like tries to close it's like nightmare just won't close over I wonder if his chin will poke out of certain helmets oh definitely like yeah it changes the face shape a little bit there yeah yeah I mean look at that look at that his chin should be [ __ ] bursting through that I kind of just recommend yeah boring its standard it's boring but the best way God we are [ __ ] idiots so let's go-o-o has any how many names company oh oh I think I think God's talking to me good lunch bag Rodriguez lunch bag Rodriguez how did you come up the back I just came to me lunch bag oh god those Rodriguez too big - please Dennis Rodman's awesome Dennis Rodman's like it's like Dennis can you please tell us about your estranged son lunch bag I don't like all right I'll chat any [ __ ] I'm sorry I just talked to God son oh you did I'm a little freaked out really violently talked to you they're talking a little freaked out lunch bag Rodman the lame younger brother of lunch bag Rodriguez the man that God told us to name this character already Dennis Rodman's oh are you are you fine this do you ever do it anymore come alright [ __ ] yeah I don't set any more complaints I got a few but you know defines the character lunch bag alright we're in it lunch bag it's like the perfect combination like doggy bag lunch box in fact here we are in game which you may notice the quality way less there is way less Wow still a lot better than the past you I mean which means I found that when saying a sentence I want to include all the words in the sentence and sometimes yeah and sometimes when I leave them out it makes it so the sentence doesn't really work that's crazy someone's gonna leave them up I get angry oh so because For Whom the Bell Tolls we also woke yep massage dB it's a message massage so we got your standard it's pretty similar alright there are some differences you may notice there's a blue bar along with our red vitality oh yeah Nana yeah basically he's got [ __ ] chumps ghouls navels think oh this is just an item there's a kind of tough enemy in this first area but it's very optional and you're kind of you're low-key supposed to play come back for it same with Dark Souls 1 yeah close Dark Souls 1 literally forces you to oh poor physical again baby oh yeah baby oh how I've missed you what's this oh hey [ __ ] you Richard come [ __ ] you [ __ ] you yeah so corpse here wow he got thrown into that different chunk on it with his noggin so we got an ashen Estus flask annual me notice we started off with three Estes glasses you also may notice this guy looks a little familiar it's like Oscar Oscar - Gretch Oscar the Grouch so the action Estus flasks are like magic they're like manna Oh God refills yeah oh this guy's despairing oh god I'm gonna have to get used to late there's no indicator when you can backstab something any more like insecure oh oh and you don't oh I just hit X to suck up his item to [ __ ] all that muscle memory oh that guy's got a fancy hat that was a fancy hat um swear it's gonna tick around here a little bit this is a pretty fast sort of honestly yeah pretty good crossbow God the difference between walking and running is like barely noticeable after sukira oh yes here you can last round oh my god beautiful that's beautiful simply beautiful the Pacific Northwest finally here okay and there's a big thing up there that big thing so you remember how Dark Souls 2 uh-oh game is really loud calm we can do that I remember how dark souls - yes Dark Souls 2 had pretty poor continuity of space you know oh yes it kind of taking her to the first one yes this game brings it back wow yeah that seems like such an undertaking to like figure out yeah and honestly this area that we're looking at right now is one of the few areas that kind of breaks that ruling this area is separated from the rest of the world at least oh god at least by in terms of like paths like it's still visually connected yeah but you can't actually you have to just warp between one person point it's tutorial Island oh we got the rest in money is the game I guess there's not really sound going on right now so yeah there isn't too much going on also the only option that we had there was we've become the halls today couldn't do anything I'm so used to secure oh where it's like rest [ __ ] travel [ __ ] burn a sacred Jizo statue see you chumps yeah these guys are chumps of the highest order oh yeah and you don't hold down those two attack buttons again 200 I'm gonna have to there's gonna be so much getting you please like every hole regain the power so in this one the right right bumper is still light attack but then right trigger you can charge up your heavy attack okay so do that whatever you want all right I will also Oh a dam I said I said you should play a non-player it's fine I'm gonna die in like two seconds Oh comforting oh [ __ ] I'm lucky yeah well I won't have this handicap yeah you don't have a [ __ ] muscle memory all right there's goop coming out of his spine and he's got a big twisted sword in him it's that that like mind-control thing from Joe Joe they have to pull out oh its dues but cell button so much oh the sword is gone yeah the sword just went like hey this guy's young mommy Oh what are you angry about it it's boss oh he's here it's eeeh Dex but yeah Wow Oh God Oh God right like if it was a pretty cool lookin dude yeah Oh God how do I heal I [ __ ] hit up on the d-pad come on come on try to parry this man and I'm out of Estes goddammit this is good whoa he almost knocked me off a cliff oh I'm alive that's pretty awesome I guess come on Oh God I don't have this turning down at all this guy's not too bad alright but there's did poorly what's this oh I was back there huh what's this Chemical crawling out of his back this is a little smooth looks to me like that coffin slug oh actually unrelated because there's so everybody just Walsh move but I can see how you would think that Oh get his Tim you got a cleric sacred shine you can start chiming around Wow way to bring it around bring it around Terk yeah so there we go okay this first boss he's kind of a chump I mean you can honestly just roll through his attacks I was just standing there trying to parry him the entire fight because I remembered like eventually getting decent at this fight and just [ __ ] parrying all this [ __ ] home but it's probably not advisable his timing is a little weird like I said he's not too bad he doesn't really do a lot of damage and you shield a lot of this [ __ ] yeah yeah look how much damage you doing easy he's a pretty [ __ ] sick arena for the first boss - yeah just happens I will say the tutorial area for this game oh yeah is not quite as strong as Dark Souls 1 but I don't think it needed to be as strong because [ __ ] third gear yeah no need oh yeah a little mix-up timing oh no not that way can't make Erie those thrusts see there damn [Music] oh there it is what there's that shmoo coming out and you're shmoo oh my god he is a monster yeah so watch that he's got like good eye kind of weird grab now and a bunch of other moves but he's still not too bad don't get intimidated he's very intimidating he's very intimidating I wouldn't say roll straight towards an office when ah now he's moving out of control yeah he's moving he's moving so every boss in this game has a second phase halfway through really yeah and everyone every single one yeah actually that's that's cool it's awesome the second phase is always going to get to reopen them but it's not like secure oh where it's like surprised they had another health bar and another phase it's like haven't we kind of my crew yeah all right I like that which I like a lot more no also we can get backstabs on things that are like aware of our presence Oh that'll be nice which is insane got that little quality tree texture whoa nice got the Jake jump again pillage ruins pillage remain no remains pillage is right oh sorry oke I'm not sorry little like shield wave yeah no this is my lass that was my secure Oh instinct of like trying to parry and also expecting the arrow to actually [ __ ] hit me is the tracking in that game is so much better what does that mean is that the soul yeah I mean now yeah what was Green yeah what toy did you think they were I don't remember the green flash all right heads a little wobbly there yeah maybe that maybe the shmoo is affecting him he's full of snow possibly the old the old left bumper spam is coming through never surgery wrong all right you know I bet he is he's just armor with shmoo inside we actually he does have a story all bosses in this game have really good yeah like Lord to them I [ __ ] won and I [ __ ] noble or I'm like dark schools to where I'm just like a skeleton Lords yeah we're like stick of Fanta that's awesome ah [ __ ] I tried to roll you go I'll take it what he's like a lizard with a big wooden arm yeah you know who's got a giant snake coming out my lunch bag I'm embarrassed traffic died to this boss twice well we ain't gonna die did he get the who plunge this man oh look a little weird that was weird also good plunge yeah sorry jump me sorry chap I'm coming through let's do it normally like definitely the way speedrunners do it and like the way that you're kind of supposed to do this guy's just like I mean he's the tutorial boss so it's not like you're supposed to parry him all the time but that's the really easy like once you get pareo timing down that's the easy way to get them but we got to get we got to get used to the parry timing yes it is a sprint it is different this game oh yeah there's that young voice oh well you face the light brown alright give me that book didn't even get to his shoe face unbelievable all the witches ring the witch the witch of izalith and her daughter's scorched by the flame of chaos but we know them we know them when does this take place timeline wise all the games are in chronological order so it goes dark souls 1 2 3 cases - after - yes David yes you have the full picture now I think I get it and the it was kind of saying by the way it's demon audio is still good I'm worried that these streams are drowning out our screams frankly I'll pass it's still in the ass good alright thank you all great responsive chat when we got 72 viewers nice and loud engine outside don't worry about it they're a marionette oh well you can do a critical attack on em I know even though he's a boss oh yeah yeah I'm very glad that we just skated past the fact that I said like a boss long epic Devers it's like the sound effects are like visceral yeah yeah there's a lot of bleeding in this game stop okay oh my I'm fine I think stay close to him is this yeah here because he does that move otherwise okay here we go again I'm gonna take a piece you got him you got him are you sure positive all right it's [ __ ] bastard got a rest on his ass oh there's a bonfire right there now I look like a dingus we miss the bonfire come on lunch bag all right oh we got a coiled swords get up so that's the sword that we ripped out yeah light the [ __ ] out of that bun Oh would bond this bond virus oh it's the frame rate going down frames uh says zero percent dropped frames it might just be a classic game I mean let us know I wasn't really noticing anything let us know if the frames are still [ __ ] oh yeah it looks fine I've got a stream open on my laptop all right leave they're fine now awesome that might have just been cuz it had the overlay that said [ __ ] ember restore it or whatever yeah all right first boss let's secure the doors we got our big door animation yeah slow AF oh our boy ain't used to open big doors oh there's a knight over there to look from the grave what I'd do without you I would not have a broken straight sword right ass right you wouldn't have a jack [ __ ] oh you have a headache side up nice way to bring it back around to Pokemon a real theme of this stream as all themes should stream Pokemon let's change the subject I love the ragdoll physics yep they're amazing I'm looking forward to that and I think I think once enemies are a certain bigness if you will uh they just dissolve when you kill them badly but gonna make sense yeah like forgetting dragon asses taking up your old screen well this place Firelink shrine that doesn't look like Firelink shrine not at all whoa that is crazy that is a huge throne over there yeah so any ideas the 5k I'm just gonna say these are Thrones that belong to some of the guys that we saw in the intro I assume that that one giant yeah oh it's our blind lady it's an actual life food Oh firekeepers are back yeah Wow I just kind of like was like you know all those things that were cooled what the first one you should it's just yeah so the Lord's have left their Thrones she's tending the fire and she's like the [ __ ] lords where did you go where'd y'all go we're gonna take nourishment from her sovereign with Souls alrighty is there like some secret meta beef beef beef beef also 13 can't have that no way to be unpin the list to be a vessel for souls sorriest souls will become thy strength I will show you her alright amazing what was her name I don't know if she has a name it's just fire keeper and her keeper okay maybe she hasn't named she probably doesn't know fire keeper so yeah I should probably hey there's a guy it's our friend the fire guy he looks grim he does like grim Wow he's having [ __ ] conniption oh my god conniption powerful word of course let's say something true depression like I can't even die or I yeah true legends of the metal to link to fire we're not fit to lick their boots collapse the hopeless gesture what guy he said you said all right see if he's got anything else sick joke seek the Lords of cinder and return them to their moulding Thrones so I think that's what this chick was sort of encouraging us to do it the Lords they left it wanted out of here you know yeah all right so this place I think is pretty empty right now but it will become fills with life yeah as we meet more people there's a couple more who's a merchant here they all are they out like blindfold things like wool masks yeah she's also I think she's like an old fire keeper or something so she's got stuff she's Undead yadda yadda so people have noted a resemblance between this chick and the hags at the beginning of Dark Souls 2 yeah there's definitely something there yeah um does she have any leather statues sadly I do not think there are any latter statues in this game all right you got your normal run-of-the-mill stuff let's get the white sands soapstone right away we got fingers in there back harkening back to Costco love those dry fingers let's get a torch why not just your run-of-the-mill stuff just get some [ __ ] stuff dude not even a gift in it go did that you've heard that song no a little bit of this a little bit it was annoying if some of my parents used to play this yeah maybe I do know that my parents used to play that song when I was kid chat if you know what song that is it might be called a little bit of this a little bit of that well snow say they want the chin and honestly yeah ditch that helmet there was like a little hood that she was selling we could buy the hood I think I just spent let's give the chin chin oh and my hair yeah talking his eyes piercing in the darkness hey it's the boy guy Zeus Andrei you never remember his name wait it is it's still the same one yeah it's literally Andrei he lived yeah he's a returning character I don't even know why he's here honestly okay that's right so he's like let me spit your weapons hey we're good and he reinforces our Estes wasup - okay and we can also actually wait we can do something called a lot estes which is not how you spell a lot oh so good if we don't have to use yeah we don't manage it I see yeah so if we want to just be complete dumbasses I mean I'm down to be a dumb oh yeah wait did it say confirm Oh commence I thought it's a cancel I was like what is pressing all right and here's the one part of this game that people say is kind of [ __ ] in bed the coiled sword which is I mean just like in terms of non-cohesive world design is that from here we just have to teleport to the first part okay connects it to the rest of them it's like it's kind of like a little hug I get abs whatever it teaches you how to teleport as well yeah I don't mind so we're going to the high wall Walker dude looks like looking like they [ __ ] like they roll up in the night [Music] incredible 4:22 baby whoo that's today oh god the sequel to 424 22 also we started out on a gray --great I'll go get my stuff it's a sacrificial dagger actually I remember that room [ __ ] at all like [ __ ] it's been so yes Ben yes ma'am people have been asking if this is a blind playthrough we've sort of established this with other games but we haven't Lee said in this one luck has not played this he knows basically nothing about it I'm blind uh in gay night just like a and I have played through this game once I had I think when we started this I had about 58 hours in this game awesome cool look at that [ __ ] on fire a little bit oh yeah we are so in in the first game we were an undead in the second game we were the cursed one in this one we are the unconditioned it's good I like embers yeah so I think we are M bird right now and that's why we're slightly glowing cool also damn when you fall even a little bit in this game you go oooh or you talk a little bit of damage oh man alright what are these what are those doing there's some guys um that's so weird it's [ __ ] up I love it yeah I hope you're ready for a lot of that is so cool what a weird little thing yeah I don't like gazing towards something what are they pointing at a casual the Sun up there looks like yeah they're like sunflowers they go towards this Sun yeah and we will explore this whole Castle area it's I mean not like every [ __ ] room is made put a lot of it a lot of it yes I keep forgetting you you don't choose to rest when you sit at a bonfire now it just happens that's nice that's just a Sakura thing oh so my good to sit right here we got [ __ ] dogs thank you from software whoa it's like a skeleton dog it's a bone dog how are you alive thanks please like praying things yeah they're fine they're fine God it really goes right up their ass why does it do that I don't remember it being this like [ __ ] anal about it anal yeah I get it I get it I made I think we get it out thanks all right where's wait where oh he's coming back up he's like a longer circle back around die there's no stealth in this game you so it wasn't like a good back stabbing whoa there's a tall feller okay oh he's got a big axe [ __ ] I tried to pair you well immediately the enemies are like more interesting than the first one yeah or the second one rather yeah we got tall axe guys we got bone dogs I mean it's similar things in Dark Souls 2 but either the enemies get real crazy whoa hey doggy also we got a gym that's [ __ ] wrong I like all these like crane statues is awesome yeah yeah it was Glen this game is pretty heavy on the cathedrals which some people have complained about and I'm like what are you [ __ ] talking about I am a massive sucker for cathedrals oh yeah Fran we're like sorry folks is over oh [ __ ] but this I seem to remember this being a trouble zone trouble zone never mind you'll see there's a thing there's thing in this area lots of areas in this game have things alrighty like a couple of things to get the ball rolling not too shabby shabby you're telling me there's [ __ ] nothing here oh yeah are there it's no longer a to activate illusory walls yeah hit him again okay him baby baby hit a bird gate invisible we're just a just a visible obstruction there I guess rubble some [ __ ] rubble that was good that was good please tell me I'm funny you're funny hey let's see so I don't really remember much about this first area man it's fine okay there's just like occasional like unique bigger guys max come on that's a cool axe there we go what wait what you heard me mashing the button yeah what the hell but that was that you died to japery didn't even like attack or anything you just did like nothing but how was that what was that is this rubble oh my god somebody who chats whip that out I'm not gonna steal that one nice job Oh God do you see all their bodies what's going popping back hands shook so oh is that a dead dragon right there by any chance oh I did you can the motives oh [ __ ] like I screaming you screaming you might want to get him oh she don't scream oh sorry it's just asking for it wow I missed you boy me I was out of stamina Oh weird I didn't even notice oh I procures have not locked on and that's why it's not letting me backstab them okay you need to be but it does happen yeah damn we got to think about stamina now okay there's nothing it's Aikido I didn't realize that getting a successful parry still drained this is good all righty that was an amazing fight that was something let's head on down here when it interesting and aim of light mm-hmm I don't know what exactly that's coming from was there like somebody like corner creeping out here Hey Hey oh it's that guy yeah you just killed us pal I think it was a different one of those guys you're ruining my head cannon can i slide are the frames terrible hold on chill we're gonna pick some frames we can always just turn off the recording still says 0.0% dropped frames hmm should we kill it recording trying mm is that like it when it shows it's drop frames is that like total so supposedly like zero frames it yeah it says well you haven't had any drop frames at all mysterious oh god it looks really weird I test like weird it's totally tuned out it you guys let me know if it's just continuous bad frames and then I can turn off the recording it's just kind of a pain in the ass time to stitch together the the video to post on the full stream but do let us know it was really noticed it looks like they're good on the laptop yeah that's the stuff God you do not get sick of making that noise I don't I think you can make a compilation of hundreds of times during this series that you've made like a she we're like a kind of no way to see another noisemaker oh oh holy moly it just [ __ ] up all those guys okay we're not going up there it's a danger zone oh hey breathe down there oh my god oh you better run boy you better run cause they twist oh holy that is awesome that is crazy I forgot about that all right Wow a little intimidating Oh real the real night oh I didn't even see what happened I was REME Jeff I might have had no help I don't really know I just died well it again frames look fine on the laptop frames be eaten hmm if it's still terrible right now like we're getting like a very occasional frame stutters in-game but that might just be a twitch issue yeah what that means the recording would still be fine though right yeah yeah they don't like pay attention though a little straining it damn better be the frames add to the stink Oh God did it again you will learn I don't know if I will does he like wake people up I think he like is annoying he [ __ ] with them in some way oh oh yeah it does look weird well it is big frightening what's said oh that's good it's awesome I looked away for like a second and two new dudes I could turn off the recording alright I see the big frame we hit the bottom of this I really wish any technology was ever oh yeah now it's showing you the thing Oh weird let's take off the recording hold on okay I remember I saw like the PowerPoint joke about like low frame rates for the first time probably like 10 years ago what do you mean the PowerPoint you people always in chat whenever the frame rates are bad they're like it's like a PowerPoint presentation and I think I've heard that joke about a million times now and I gotta say it's one of those things where it's like it's not like an unfunny joke it I've just heard it so many times that I'm just like [ __ ] stop oh my god it's like not I'm not trying to throw shade or discourage people from joking but I yeah it has got so old especially being a streamer oh listen I'm gonna not press X to get this nice my finger [ __ ] like hovered oh yeah I did this like like drunk presentation thing and my friend did a presentation on how PowerPoint transitions are way underutilized and it's like full animations within PowerPoint now like my mind was blown nice what do you mean drunk presentation it's it's we call it like drink talk learn where everybody prepares the presentation and you get drunk and you just talk about your presentation for five minutes that is it like it's not like part of school or anything it's not like you and some friends his friends that's pretty awesome I did one on like public art being dead well he's buried on Hawaii too that's right yes okay let's see if this [ __ ] up the frames because if people were saying the fire yeah thanks Ange rains earlier looks good actually now great or at least it technical jump then I'll try and keep an eye on this hey keep an eye out ah so I oh god I gotta get back in the [ __ ] zone of like remembering the stamina exists yeah [ __ ] so you can go up there then go past the dragon Oh where's you gonna breathe this with some pants trouser rivers all right it'll will distract by the pants no ride no shopping okay oh I did not realize that guy was alive yeah sometimes a little hard to tell in this game okay I'm gonna open this door no I'm not gonna open that door you ain't but this guy doesn't notice me [ __ ] was that somebody saying something about noticing I don't miss me senpai I'm gonna do a little spackle run run run run run run run run run run run run run run blue there's the dead dragon you're right it was it different dragon I think this is even a third dragon or dinner dragon double third what the [ __ ] they're on Fran so one of these guys is [ __ ] yeah he's got smoothies he's got the scoop in them Oh oh yeah yeah oh this is probably not a good time to do this but I'm gonna do it [ __ ] you oh wait it led me over here this is the way to go I'm doing great I'm fighting these enemies and I'm killing them yeah [ __ ] that guy he'll right oh god oh god no no Bobby Christ I don't want it you're coming out of the [ __ ] woodwork they're collaborating no oh that was called the dude town song that's called a conniption a conniption just like our friend okay frames are great that's good frame is fixed mission accomplished you know I would have had one more estes if I hadn't been a [ __ ] dumbass and pressed X when I had full health earlier that's right take the wall Fitness akiro powers to shut up yeah running past enemies is it sometimes it still works in this game but it's not always the best idea as you can plainly see preferred technique down here find our dragon friend don't give them a piece of our mind in fact we're just gonna walk away yeah there's that successful parry riposte right into tama and the toddler right in the Robertsons right in the Swiss Family Robinson right in the Meet the Robinsons day Oh are you run past this dragon all right fire up here Oh God don't get the items just run past all right open that [ __ ] that's it awesome we did it I was that just a little shortcut oh right jumping oh yeah it's a jump again left it's l3 push in that lie stick well that was a good place to yeah this is the story and I tried to open earlier wait where you going to get much anything else in here oh yes so uh be careful the chain is facing me I have JQ in the past two games I think in this one I'm gonna give you a little hint flack that chest yeah oh and this is a tough mimic holy [ __ ] okay that's awesome oh my god right away right away in the moving camera we first chest that we encountered and you there the long ones again I kind of like the crawling ones yeah stole em grab you if I keep that just now did he go get out of there okay oh you stunned him just the right time he wants to give you a big hug Nick laughs dudes like oh oh oh what are you doing oh you're crazy all I'm crazy you're mad mad mad man all right right right come on Dante all righty just so tall deep battle-ax or when you're feeling deep there's probably I mean people are saying frames but it looks fine on the laptop and I can't do anything at this point so you know I see it's just that like extra sucks because now might be on the twitch o-o [ __ ] I felt my untimely death you fall I fell well I actually just died and then my body failed huh she's gone for my soul and I I should have like sprinted for him and then I was like I can fight I should sprint and that was my downfall this area is a bit of a semi like the mehar to remember which way we've been yeah like this yeah we go the other way yeah that was the first way down walking fast well there's a bunch of dead dragons here yeah yeah I wonder what kind of big events we know always brighter what could possibly happened in the world of Dark Souls 3 I guess then we have that shortcut that really doesn't cut any shorts cut my shorts my shirts homer that wasn't nearly as good as that one like magic spontaneous or impress yeah how I did that he was like dribbling out okay out there all right one way Anthony bland thing you can throw me a bone here how do you guys know that guy's name was bland City I played this game before and do you think through the pain I like seeing all those people buy yeah I like seeing what up do it likes it yeah you do work in mortality data and it's true you know just and white semi sure I'm looking at the laptop when the dragon breathes fire no okay it's doing okay this guy is a tough one is it dark night not quite hey chump chump change oh oh you did it combat art combat art he's skimming the officers memory [Music] yeah sorry classic drink sorry this just isn't your day hi tonight I'm pretty sure it puts us at like a significant disadvantage to have Oh God Oh to have nothing being worn on our head but you know what it's worth it it's worth it for the chin for the truth we owe it's through dagger they're all so long they are long boys we really designed our character well in a cohesive manner yeah when I first played through this game my dude was just like a little shriveled black like crisp oh man it was awesome just a husk yeah forget berchie oh really you know Kay she's like please stop me in the ass as well love it alright so you may have noticed one of those guys [ __ ] wigs the [ __ ] out that's right if somebody went down here holy [ __ ] and the strat with those guys that's the thing that I said was gonna happen some of them are smoother some of them smooth and you just gotta kill them fast though before a shoe moves out yeah before he like powers up like yeah exactly like that what happens when he powers up I kind of like ran he's he just becomes like a really tough to kill enemy okay I think they're weak to fire but we don't really have any fire now but that's usually the way to deal with those dudes all right peyten tight like a wizard doesn't stand a chance on the chart oh nice and with that triple you [ __ ] wrong there's a big boy down there big leg [ __ ] awesome so cool okay this world feels very immersive yeah tonight's little look layers to it yeah it's a it's got a lot of verticality verticality this guy's sitting you died sitting up really thought I wouldn't [ __ ] die from that oh my god you go back down to that spot it's not too bad now though now that we know now that we know yeah I think I know which ones moves - he's the one that isn't praying okay let me off him if you really want it - off him even with you sword that's right I could've done that I like even these like undead goons are like more cooler than the they do feel more like decrepit yeah they sound like a little bit more like character to them I feel like yeah they got some gang all they got something you know the angle and the length I think dangle and length are pretty important characteristics breathe fire on these guys will ya come on man Oh do your job dragon Wow healing right in the path of the dragon flame right are you sure you oh yeah oh damn are you sure about that are you sure about that john cena where'd it go no he died it's raining too bad [Applause] that seems like a [ __ ] perfect pair you guys there should've been at the beginning yeah okay oh if you slaughtered me just destroyed me I assumed this one doesn't have the mechanic of killing somebody fifteen times and everybody spawn hmm oh no yeah that's not in it good yeah uh yeah I feel like there were some areas in Dark Souls 2 where they were almost like necessary yeah yeah like the [ __ ] iron fortress or whatever and no man's Wharf it was just like there's so many there's just like obnoxious just a number of dudes it's almost like they expected you to like throw yourself out at at least 15 times yeah okay just angrily just crush the table yeah like you were going down he was like ah I know I can't climb ladders damn it while the fire rises book Oh kicks are back yeah I just realized I was like [ __ ] we haven't been doing that kicks you got a lot of these trousers we do have a lot of Pam and we go up yeah I ran up that's how let me make this was a really bad time to do this I'm gonna [ __ ] die never lose in the Legend of Zelda to the Adventure of Link I'm like I haven't played the adventure link and it goes game over return of Ganon and then there's like this big figure of Ganon that just goes and that's the laugh that they have on the NES it's the same as thank bald Bull and vodka drinking ski on the same lap yeah and it's like use that again they only had one [ __ ] link fight for it you know I didn't think anyone was in Zelda - he isn't he's dead but it's like when you lose it's supposed to be like somebody fine act somebody finds your body and uses your blood to resurrect him oh God yeah something like that like before Nintendo had like knew what they were doing what Zelda like from like oh yeah overarching standpoint said only yeah I mean they don't even Oh are we back no they've never seen this this is different this one looks so similarly the other one is there another Drona we just talked about fighting all right I would be nice to find what we did we did find it now it was nice that's what happened just now nice tight night noise there's not really anything up here but to I think there is or it might just be a checkpoint it'll check Oh stairs please the same dilapidated stair textures happen no I think this is a new area because it was the bonfire lit dude okay you're right harlot but it was the exact same rubbles heritage which oh [ __ ] that's not good Oh terrible oh no good don't oh one thing just let me heal okay so this [ __ ] there was another guy standing there just like right behind my field of view Karthus from League of Legends that's not gonna be yesterday I forgot League of Legends even existed there are really obnoxious ads for it on YouTube where they get one of those you know those people who are just like I'm gonna like half anime weird anecdotes from my life oh yeah [ __ ] living off of it yeah uh you can maybe tell the resentment in my voice oh man I don't want to just like [ __ ] talk them but I can Frank they do rub me the wrong way cuz it's just like I don't know it's nice to share your experiences but [ __ ] just an animated animated you don't have to like make a stupid little character of yourself that goes like ah oh uh every time you if I can say something just like either make a [ __ ] podcast or [ __ ] make an animation I don't know yeah I guess it's like the easy middle ground it's like the easy way out but they've started uh like recruiting those people to make ads for League of Legends oh and they're like hey guys you should totally play League of Legends and I'm like this does not [ __ ] encourage me to play League of Legends and I did not start out wanting to play oh whoa I realize see what's in this door it's locked amazing let's go this way instead hmm I like if it's the world is so full of stuff like there's all these foxes and all these crates and barrels and cratenbarrel shut up to those kids who were walking in crazy barrel did we got a scent or actually I think I'm I don't know if I like searched it and just like founded my chance or if somebody sent it to me there's two kids [ __ ] around in a Crate and Barrel saying when you walk in it was good pretty great very good shot to them somebody said a ver th e I are forgetting a bonfire and it's pissing me off watch a different [ __ ] stream I don't know what to tell of something else man I wasn't that bonfire that we just found right I don't know Oh who's this - dude is he looks crafty it looks mischievious awesome awesome big old dead end then I guess so all right all the way back up we go are you sure yeah I'm gonna go no the gainer oh oh no um why is that guy red oh would you like touch the plug puddle I think Jesse yeah for a second I was like what the [ __ ] you hang on - oh yeah yeah it's just right sorry [Music] we got to get a [ __ ] sound board oh yeah I'm gonna go like boy whenever we make a boner joke dude you know the sound boards let's go back to the days of Ventrilo mmm mm Ventrilo I don't know what that is it was like an early gaming it's like discord 0.1 and lots of sound boards lots of sound like someone would join your server and immediately hello it's me oh god here you have us again it'd just be somebody spamming in our old sound board amazing okay back to the bunker okay good door no no that one's where the night is we need to go alright knock down this way here it is we're gonna use larks superior sense of direction I told we wouldn't go on the okay yeah this is the way to go welcome this is the way with the anything guy with the shmoop chillin on the roof Fiddler on the Roof well I wish on you in any filler if to sing but I don't I know there's like a dance that they do the Russians do a dance where they like kick their legs out to the side really extravagant yeah but that's all I know about it I've seen I've actually never like seen it everything I've heard it's a [ __ ] long movie yeah so don't rub down as we've learned yeah we did learn that the hard way somebody said it's because our guy's legs were so frail it's true we met a critical error no if we've been in here well I aged jesus H Christ good step up there that was amazing object physics never just yeah this is where I ran through and died yes that's right and because there were just like more guys around every corner you guys kept coming and they don't stop growing oops oh yeah well how much stuff is around yeah we up the stuff stuff in this game secure Oh had a lot of like an object physics - damn that guy knew you like held up his night he was like [ __ ] Perry [ __ ] Harry Harry I dare you then you didn't I was real sad when I learned the source of that soundbite was a dude yelling at his cat yeah I was gonna say I like saw it again like kinda recently and I was like oh it's like kind of just I mean it's like cats don't really care about getting yelled at but it was still kind of like oh we get it you a douchebag yeah but the internet I disturb her from like kleiner yelling at the headcrab oh really I was like when I first saw it I just remembered from scoops scoop that's right it was from scoop I just completely [ __ ] up saying it cuz I'm used to saying my own series about scooby-doo there's clearly just a ripoff of scoops oh yeah whatever I don't think I try to hide it oh oh special zone was this a little intimidating that's guys headless Oh lay these guys are just armor come from I'm really scared about this one yeah check it a little wet oh he's not this courtyard oh that's right there's a guy like chugging around in here yeah I suppose your souls are around here where you fell huh that was a couple of lives ago yeah I think you're right I'm gonna pee up pretty cool they'd be careful oh my god I don't think you can stuff here I don't know if you can still don't notice me senpai I think he's gonna know he's gonna [ __ ] smell you oh he's gonna smell that expression I would say probably don't even try to fight this guy if they're not too bad but oh what are you doing get some items why are you doing dude yes - alright yeah definitely through there that's high but be careful this shooters not gonna heal heal heal yeah thank you because there's a guy who beyond your range of vision there that was shooting fire arrows and he can [ __ ] he can [ __ ] this is good this is progress this is how can we do it oh this area is so cool yeah clearly some sort of war happened or something there was a guy there's a pilgrim yeah all right there was a there was a knight that was clearly alive that was like right in front of you over on the other side but I think don't mess with him Oh what's there and you let me know this oh that was you know spectacular ouch ouch hmm Wow a lot of pilgrims tried to get in here and [ __ ] say what Scott all of them are named Scott every single one everybody names Scott the Scott's whoa yeah what you think is gonna happen in this room mm-hmm try sneaking yeah I'm just gonna go you're worried about the flora dude I'm worried about the floor I didn't even think about that it's not the floor okay well then there's no there's no hope let's get it over with stupid [ __ ] hair wait do you hear that that's an outrider night Oh what is this gremlin looking whoa he just is he sick looking he's got ice hammer hole whoa that's [ __ ] up alrighty and here is its border oh he's crawling yeah this is really cool yeah so this guy ain't too bad I don't know if you're gonna make it with I don't know yes yeah you can freeze me as recently no there's a new effects frostbite so if that meter fills up it just does a big chunk of damage oh oh yeah you want to stay behind him I think as much as possible or not you know just like not waiting for them boom this belly jiggled when he wound up for that sir he's hopping and this Imam so that it's jumping jack flash over here he kind of reminds me of smile a little bit with his thick thighs big thighs I was like trying to figure out what he reminds me of I almost want to say one of those weird scissored string cutting gremlin-looking things in Hercules Oh like the fates of fate I don't remember what they looked like they have like weird little hairs coming out of their nose yeah it kind of looks like his little those tendrils are you happy like Sakura with a body part like hit physics yeah yeah that was something that started in Dark Souls 3 / 1.0 yeah he's starting charging now holy yeah I just dodged it just dodged it over and over you're fine uh-huh there I go all right let's just bring this it goes always it goes I was like I thought it was just a normal like Daddy to me who's like the fog wall of the small boobs like so like that guy who's really sick music - we couldn't really hear that well but when it goes to the second phase it's like oh that's right second phase always that a second phase when you sleep okay yeah what do you like roar in charge so go this way hop down one level and then it's not down any more levels out the door ooh backstep it's like a little like dagger came to the field yeah it wasn't so good I was it a music festival in last June I so I was watching a Modest Mouse or Bon Iver and a nose just came into my field of view like out of a cartoon like just a doze and I was like back and I turned it was somebody I knew anyone who I was there a chance that was like you just came into my life no way possible amazing that's pretty funny I was expecting in half bridges to be like a nose on a stick something just like poked around your head I know where I got this nose oh [ __ ] I killed that guy [ __ ] alright well we know where to go just dodge yeah don't jump down I have like the soundtrack for this game is my most listened to out of the series because it's just so good it is good oh [ __ ] yeah I don't think we even go this way okay I think if you go out oh the other way yeah like back in where we came in well put that thing back where it came from or so help me so help me know red is a ladder yeah I were a rich man man you too I thought that adds up bad with a room full of you you play not know I did not think you're gonna immediately chime in I was like damn you just got a real a real badass cuz he knows the lyrics to wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have you I know it from that Geo video where he like animates your grain with it what oh it's really good yeah like no idea [Music] little dog on the airplane oh yeah he like I've been watching his videos for years and he has one where it's just that song but he used to animate sitting like books a song up hook and some dude that's how I know the lyrics I love that video amazing but no Dom yeah or just six are you saying you sick first see you send me a screenshot of somebody in chat it's gonna be that's right somebody sent that to me we're gonna send me that no all right before Estes we're good we good we might [ __ ] die but whatever Oh God that's one window the long and wind up if you kind of like stain its crotch yeah intestine is generally a good state stay in the ass taint crotch area for a lot of these butts just shove your face right up right up in there and we got to uh we've got to relish having like semi easy bosses because the bosses get [ __ ] tough in this game it's not like quite as shittiest leg around ruling and as secure oh but maybe that's just cuz I'd like enjoy the aesthetic of this one a whole more with the bosses just seem cooler to this guy like I said he's an outright or night what is very-- doing servants of a specific guy that will become relevant later the outrider oh my got frost bit frost bitten twice shy hear me out here just get me out of here oh I should have done that I should've known you in charge [ __ ] tillu beer yeah he's got a lot of enemies in this game have like weird tree like branch [ __ ] that's right even the guy the very first boss had some Truman [ __ ] his like a shmup in hand was what his shmup in hand who's what the [ __ ] are you talking about who's schlub in hand that's all woody the tutorial boss when he moved out oh yeah yeah I got a tree hand yeah yeah definitely live in a penthouse [Music] you agree with it one more time mm-hmm what's the [ __ ] line weights like I'm just I'm just a silly optic nerve or whatever I don't know actually I'm not that one said oh my god [ __ ] you two off the clip I pal this was farther than the iron I thought this was further away than it actually is yeah oh hey it's the guy you knocked off it's like remember me yes that is the ultimate disrespect but could slide down the ladder and stomp on his crotch we still alive where's that a different guy I don't know oops don't listen to me I don't know if destroying like crates and [ __ ] got you out of stealth insecure oh I think it was kind of just like you just give you just break [ __ ] and enemies are like whoa oh yeah I can't help but notice you're going a different way I did go a different way oh my god yeah dude town Coolsville USA wow they were [ __ ] jump they all died just curious amazing a button it's an elevator an elevator I'm not all elevators we missed these there's only like one of these in secure a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what you got here good oh hey without a shortcut hmm oh this is where we died to that one time that's right okay so maybe a shortcut the axe guy poses me no trouble oh my god I think isn't there a bonfire like right there was there close up on fire he'll - OH hmm it's semi-closed sorry I just wanted to get my bearings yeah okay is it close of me out what do you think I think so yeah let's do it just take it right here to kill Olli shy yet that's [ __ ] sweet and mine I mean the goons and goo nets have me to kill me just sorry I was like hey which might just dying well you were like you go up then I was like sure and then I like took a sip and it was like like luckily our nose is so [ __ ] calm yeah this is I passed it but now I'm just to go back to this one this bonbon and we'll have to there's a stand called fun fun fun mmm-hmm yeah there's also a stain called beach boy and it's [ __ ] amazing beach boy it's been animated so you just need to catch up yeah you need to catch up this is not the way no do you know do with that's not the worst to me like it's rising me funny look when it came out but then it got like pretty destroyed but as many memes do yeah okay so I'm not gonna [ __ ] fall down the hole in fact I'm gonna wait for this thing tole Brenda's here yeah but his ass ain't his ass is grass this is grass alright man we gonna pop on down that Ella before I almost just couldn't see it at all cuz darkness darkness I guess it's worth pulling the lever on the bottom huh to make it a rather touching the button to make it go back up I guess save us a little time that's assuming that we die also I'm gonna put my helmet back on alright it really does give you a significant disadvantage apparently something about the armor system in this game it's just not a good idea to have a certain thing unequipped Buffy's alright we will have the helmet on until we find it better one that shows that people gin it almost sound like you said Peter Phil chin wait a few five people change file well I really did not think he was gonna reach me I didn't either it's fine now that we know there's a boss here you just kind of sprint past everything yeah and by Sprint I mean like light jog at best just give it a little a huffed a little March Oh watch month great model great one that's cool like gate there yeah that's awesome yeah this stuff past there of course of course you're good to go while you're doing this I'm gonna go get a school glass of water we're gonna take some water and I have my bottle so no thanks oh my god I'll be back no I'm good I can't believe lark left on the run where I'm gonna kill this guy I swear Oh Oh isn't as youth to round right or well that hit me feel naked with lark not here playing Dark Souls what the [ __ ] do I do is like preparation for the inevitable speed run okay barely got my shield up in time should be rolling into these that has such a [ __ ] long delay I hate it all so I just stab my store of his ass and he went like whoa you're like jumped forward [ __ ] these guys not even that hard but the [ __ ] are we gonna do about like dancer and [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I should have been hitting him this whole time Oh what's this oh he's got a beam right [ __ ] he spent so long charging that firing Avedis right I got conserve stamina but oh good camera set camera ass camera ask him okay okay Oh God oh god he's grindin well this is not going so hot I don't like shores uh was gonna charge us beam Holies got a beam yeah he takes a really [ __ ] long time to charge it gives you all the time in the world yeah but I might still die boom touch braking great song off the V soundtrack yeah don't you dare don't you dare right Oh fake very nice very close very good all right didn't even miss anything yeah okay oh yeah when you beat the boss in this game it usually makes a bonfire up here already cool I'm down that gate opens so there will no longer be that situation from the first game where you [ __ ] like beat the Taurus demon and you're like yeah yeah I'm feeling great I just talked to Sol air what a great back dragon the fire kills you classic moment whoa yeah forgot about that the wider camera angle that's awesome look at it Wow oh my god guess what lark we're gonna go there Oh everywhere the light touches there are big things in there that want to whoop our ass Wow and this raised banner raised to the banner Bruce Banner oh we don't have a banner [ __ ] our anti-climatic dick yeah no what is raised banner uh we like put up but [ __ ] we like raise a little flag and then something happens - I can't wait to see what happens when we get a banner yeah Oh gorgeous and once again cathedrals galore down there [ __ ] Galore will seek a law I must be dreaming I don't tell the fans but I couldn't find the skull blast so I'm drinking out of a mason jar Wow okay I'm glad you needed the mic for that part yeah muted the mood - Luke yeah okay I think we're gonna go up here oh yeah there's a lady was a lady is late he's gonna give us a banner I forget I forgot but I remember now yeah we haven't gone up yet to the Cathedral oh [ __ ] pulse oh there's another one no they're not too bad caracter worse it's guys got a bigger shield though and a biggest sword like frantic button mashing whoa what a lovely room Wow yeah yeah the cathedrals go hard and I love the architecture and look at this these guys look like they're [ __ ] their own head oh yeah it's a little odd oh and this guy's beheading himself Oh sick classic cool that other night was like good [ __ ] it you can go in and meet the Queen Emma that's the name of the chickens here Oh Emma yeah all right so the whole thing of lothric she says churning homes converging and it said chi in the intro sequence this place is called wather ik and it's like all the lands in a certain like oh we got the banner yeah all the lands from across like space and time are kind of converging on each other and like the rest of the world is just kind of ash oh look at that guy he's moonwalking he's moonwalking I wonder what he's fighting what is he fighting who knows oh whoa wow you got spirited away can we climb up to the second level there no the ladder does not extend what about those stairs they're blocked ah [ __ ] sadly yeah sad okay can't even [ __ ] approach them and what is [ __ ] don't even get close also I definitely would have died in that board fight if I had not been wearing my hat I just realized the hats APIs yeah yeah so he was he was like oh wait fort was like transformed into that he was normally he was originally just a normal dude oh and then I think he was given a ring that made him like a [ __ ] ridiculous beast I mean it was the armor but his armor is like bound to his body after he became like a terrifying creature yes I can take it off yeah let's raise that banner Bruce better Bruce better Bruce poke poke hook alright get cut scheme cut scheme hmm maybe we do eventually oh it's kind of a Wimpy banner to be honest yeah no it's [ __ ] tiny it has circle on it a ring if you will oh my who's that it's our old friend it's the lesser demon we ask guys you gotta take us somewhere pinky in the brain here are gonna [ __ ] carry us down down we go so in Dark Souls 1 we touched a ring of light and they brought us up to the big castle area here we start out in the big castle area and we pull up a [ __ ] shitty bring and they brings down another crows yeah this dairy is [ __ ] awesome and what's that the top of the tower there a Archer is it a massive man shooting bow he's a massive man just shooting crows yeah that's cool he's like these damn crows Oh sick okie-dokie so yeah there's the ash or I guess that's water looks like water with an ash beach mmm ass [ __ ] I said it hitch [Music] and also we're em bird now because we beat the boss cool yeah then perfect looks really cool yeah it's awesome it really complimented my original guy who is just a shriveled black dude all right pea-brain to the gate give me sir came through this area is kind of blood-borne this just like this one stretch when I said blood morning these things me messed up noises hick noise well this guy I can't even target him he's not even sending a bad did angered he's just a guy two dudes walking just to friends friends until he went [ __ ] work I like the dogs are like half bow and a half yeah Lister again yeah they look like a mummy yeah sick so we're here what is over there let's find out well oh it's a bunch of Scott pilgrims tons of them look at them all oh oh some dogs out of nowhere [ __ ] dogs from software love it boys love killing dogs I love kill animals to reason brought until I pop as I say so there's a lot of Co grams Oh what's this I was talking one of them is alive he's fine yes he says please kill kill him oh she's got no face he's fine and you're all crane towards the castle he is sticking his face right in my yeah goodness gracious excuse me sir your staff is right in my range of vision whatever Scott these are my brothers Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott and that one is Scott over there but when I'm Scott I don't know if I introduced myself so are we gonna we gonna decline this man I'm gonna accept this sir accepted service he's gonna suck our dick oh he's gonna wrap that [ __ ] hood around it he's gonna go go he's not even open his mouth he's just gonna move his head back and forward Oh No oh there he goes so yeah oh it was back to the main place yes jumping required ahead oh it's that dragon jeez yeah I don't think you can jump to that tail and no I don't think so well so what's that down there there's some weird Tower that's got fire interesting oh there's another one in some kind of I don't know swamp just off the top of my head you see mrs. Schwab also yeah the dead dragons in this game all over the place numerous yeah oh yeah why not the dead at home what where the music's taken you sure about that huh terribly sure lights just turned on for the motion sensor of garage light clap yank it yeah all right what is the next generation of Buffett gonna come out wearing if they eat it this is so blood-borne yeah yeah Rudi right here it doesn't strike five already this someone's talking about shrek five I know that already existed Shrek five think supposedly comes out like next year aren't they like reinventing shrek or some [ __ ] no listen ahead illusion oh oh oh it's the dogs this guy's sick the dogs he pulled the lever and he's SiC the dogs on the dude Oh sad get out of my front lawn get out of my back door oh this is cool yeah there's so much fun stuff in this one yeah ropes in bodies it I'm all about ropes and bodies I don't know about you they really get me going oh it's all farmer Pete its Brendan G he went flying you got it kicked him in the next week get off my damn sword Pete it was actually Jeep oh is that G yeah charcoal pile bundle oh oh that's that he's got a similar hat to that guy that was in the cage oh look at this dude what is going o crumble that dude I still like that little guy a big-ass hat yeah could have jump unceremonious alright there's a bunch of people down there there are a bunch of people down there and actually wait yeah I'll chew on this this a good place let me see here do we even have yup a fireball down there yeah I was gonna say to even have fire bombs we do a few what's y'all come on down oh of course alright sure yeah Oh exploding barrels damn yeah and then those other guys didn't even notice oh yeah our friends are dead oh good worries I don't think the other ones sad whew that's a big I am Loretta's bone interesting say I'm pretty interested in getting Loretta's bone oh you fell I fell to my slide down sorry tall oh man [ __ ] I accidentally pressed X from secure Oh instinct but it actually did something missed an the fireballs selected okay it's a hat dude we have [ __ ] you remember there being Jake fat [ __ ] in this area as well they're like just goblins yeah oh wait what happened just one sink they cringed goblin guys they're fun they [ __ ] read my fan fiction and they were like [ __ ] I thought they were gonna come from the ceiling I came from the ceiling ah oh whoa oh what's that that's an enemy you don't say as a little scary chump all right I'm just gonna go ahead and pass these guys okay oh that one's a lot - oh it's a bunch of dude it's just a bunch of dudes in a cage yeah cool I don't know a backstab them yeah this it's just all fronts what's the war front bottom girls you make so just girls then just girls oh that was a fun little passage fun died somewhere that was where okay careful that is insanely high weed yeah that isn't quite the leap okay awesome awesome awesome let's see I think we're kind of on the right track feels right we're going somewhere oh I think rolling that's what I did earlier that made the guys cringe oh you were all that when you when you roll into enemies it does a small amount of like hit stun now what you see that what oh whoa goblins all right little goblin ugh I got hit by dark magic projectile carriers yeah Oh her somebody's reading from a tome up there I see yeah [ __ ] told on me oh my god this finger laughs she's gotta told me she's gonna stick you choose those enemies are bastards they are really tough invaded by mad dark spirit holy night Oh Drake oh my god I don't say it's been non-stop action yeah what the hell oh I don't wanna alarm you but she's here okay let's go where's the hammer bro oh oh there's the guy it's awesome I just want to go to this [ __ ] thing okay Road Rick but I don't think it's gonna save us oh here he comes quick quick yeah I think that was actually a NPC because if it wasn't if it was a person it was a person I don't think it would let us rest oh here he comes again yeah let's just whoop his ass he's purple oh yes his name oh god I'm really in the collection jumps the gun Oh The Criterion Collection Wow oh [ __ ] I'm an idiot I think I saw that was cool yes Oh what are you doing holy light yeah he's healing himself alright that's fine it's all this aw guys cool awesome oh so what's all this sticking in the ground here's my arrows from the arrow guy oh I shouldn't wonder oh this is bad this is really bad you are trying to swim that bucket holy night ho drink and a song what a spot here can you heal me I really thought I really thought yeah I'm just gonna go back to the pond fire and [ __ ] might not agro the saga yeah Lee no trick here yeah or cheek or death yoke by thanos giant that's good I like that good stuff right there well we're chin quad yeah tried it come on sometimes sometimes you can kind of jank out the the jump in this game sometimes some unintended consequences yeah sometimes it like I think at a certain point it like you like updates your position to be a certain height above the ground so you can when you do it on a slope it looks really weird yeah oh oh my god Oh yo dick it's owed Rick buddy Oh Rick forgetting knows he knowed Rick you're gonna saw a guy and this guy's got a giant plank attached to his back so we can't [ __ ] back up a Razorback we can't back stab and also he saw me through the [ __ ] wall he saw okay Oh hitting me now he comes over that's almost to be honest is awesome Holbrooks texture kind of looks like the Garry's Mod missing texture yeah the purple Oh God please I just wanna get a little bit of damage before [ __ ] phone dick comes over here oh hold on Oh No Yoko Oh be kidding me oh you kid all right woman you won't have to fight hozier it because now we lost our ember oh yeah that's true same onion true dark ring false dark rings untrue just didn't happen okay all right all right guy yeah he's really he's really only got one note this man oh there's a second note I don't know carry this man oh man Oh your blimp doing in that shadow that was a it was sad yeah I tried to Perry let's hope the sauce off through my clitoris kill yo Dragon Slayer great arrow this looked a lot like the arrows that we saw lying on the ground letting out a big fat you could sneak past this dude that'd be awesome but I don't know if you can you can also knock enemies off cliffs in this game again that's right how do i how do i kick it's like a jab forward and right bumper at the same time good bushes sick bushes I guess if you want them to know Mau Mau Mau Mau all right you are gonna want to be a little careful in this area oh yeah yeah so right now he's shooting the enemies in the area but once the enemies run out he will shoot you so go loot that [ __ ] don't go to the enemies okay it's fine you know what I mean take a second image holy God there's a big ass yes I love it they make like a thundering impact grab oh my god I think it means uberman mouth my mouth Oh get that reinforced [ __ ] out of here Oh Mike this is so scary Oh what are you doing consider consider what you're doing oh sorry sorry pal safety okay not quite oh that camera spit nice it's one of these red eye dudes this was something that was like a theme insecure with certain enemies have red eyes and that meant they had like an infection closer spindly everybody's always spindly in this game yeah I'm glad we have a brief respite yeah arrow hail the signal the sea the sea kale you got it this is a good time for me to practice yeah well there's a man shooting massive arrows that you had said do we get to talk to that man and tell him not to shoot us actually yes I giggled because I was like oh how silly but if we do yeah like hey can you stop you tell Chet what Riley just sent to me in snapchat Riley of the net a 100 spooks fame just sent us sharp tail the PlayStation 2 290 cost him two dollars and ninety cents starring Will Smith I think no I think his intention is for us to play this game see oh and it's nothing but underwater gameplay he says that's awesome dudes like a dolphin game yeah echo echo Oh sick boss coming up this is gorgeous yeah go ahead and turn around try that door first yeah it's a good idea Wow wait we don't want it Wow yeah Wow yeah the flowers and stuff yeah so this is kind of this little shortcut see yeah I remember exactly how it connects but it kind of makes it easier to get back to here from the first bonfire and this boss gonna take a couple tries all right let's see what they do Wow yeah pretty cool it's huge bloody massive I wonder if that's it yeah this thing has slightly shinier textures and everything else in the environment could be a little these things were praying to it oh they're all like the gardener's yeah been cultivating it I've been tending to it uses red I guy there are like farmers they all like farming tools sites and farmers only farmers only because if you don't you'll be sorry city folk just some good okay time to commune with our brother that's totally not a living he is you may have noticed hitting his arm did [ __ ] nothing literally didn't know that you have to hit his balls okay anything that has that like full on it on his body is capable of taking damage oh they added some like shut up Colossus weak spots yeah a little bit this boss a lot of people don't like it very much Oh careful he's gonna thump he's gonna throw up on you it's like a Mandrake it's like a giant man Drake man Drake that's yeah I'm gonna hit by something he's splashing things out of his branches I don't like ones that you can't look at like he's doing you something above me well you don't need to lock on to him necessarily that's true I guess okay and he will kill his own minions so oh oh but he will also kill you Wow from us proud yay so yeah he's the whomping willow this was it said the curse rotted great wood that started to indicate that it used to be something that was good that people really liked and then it got corrupted in some way no interesting yeah I remember even he did damage just barely stepping towards me yeah that's all out yeah yeah it's a cool guy yeah I like it the fact that there's just random guys that are kind of cool and unique yeah I mean this is not the only time we will meet this enemy my finger you know I keep forgetting what [ __ ] button to [ __ ] deal with just like walking backwards like ten times day already middle face oh yeah where is that shortcut put your arms around bird look at those houses they're all rickety they're falling the [ __ ] off of there [Music] I just wanna boom I think we gotta travel to the other bonfire either that or there's one that we haven't discovered perhaps hmmm let's take a little look-see take a little look-see so every weapon in this game has a combat art or like skill that's what unleash dragon is in there and I think it's you hit like left triggered or no wait what is it it's like I actually forget how to do combat arts I didn't really use them that much they're not like crucial to the game but they're a thing that's cool yeah if someone in chat could let us know what is it's just like a little like different move yeah it's like a special move okay okay okay we can get the jump on this thief launch Jim oh but he's still got the drop on us I think just along this closer Valley there's like a valley that we can go into let's say we didn't like peruse there's so much to explore like we really have not looked around let's try cross you I don't think we went this way No it has like as I have a much more appropriate number of enemies and this one there at least like they're all like kind of chumps yeah but it's like nice I'm feels like you are not overwhelmed yeah yeah and I think that's more than comparison the Dark Souls 2 yes Sakura Sakura I think it's pretty reasonable just with like standard enemies there were a couple over town [ __ ] but with the enemies were cool and numerous and felt that felt pretty fair yeah but excells - it just felt like so many the same dudes yeah and they were all just like plopped down plop yeah also there's a guy I think this is the way to go I think there's a difficult fading soul that was a [ __ ] jape item oh no oh you got an ugly trick they see you gonna to end it for the weapon arts oh right right right yes koel true when you're commanding it okay yeah I forgot about that should I stay at this bonfire uh yeah I I have no idea if this is actually the right way or if I'm intentionally like setting us back you know or not intentionally that guy is in the ground no shade but that guy was in the ground is in the ground like I don't want to be racist but that guy was in the ground [ __ ] Godzilla that is [ __ ] that is an amazing video actually yeah if anybody doesn't know what we're talking about it's like not to be racist or anything but Asian people this chick like talking and she was like loses her mind she like burps I don't know I think it was just like a weird laugh yeah she might have like burped or like coughed or something at the same time just going yeah Asian people so it kind of sounds like good my thing sucks here's the t-rex hmm I spent years of my life trying to make that sound I just can't I don't know these guys yucks fire bombs that youngin Oh careful this might be the place where guys drop down I see rafters yeah Oh watch out the fact that you just walked in here without healing speaks volumes about your stoicism yeah see you were on a slight incline there so it actually stabbed him in the back what how reasonable otherwise the game would have stabbed him in the ass okay this guy's tall he's good I think he's just got a big sword oh he's definitely bigger than the other ones is he yeah are you sure that because it also took a whole backstab to okay oh god jittering plop him into another universe like that white rat from free ha ha this swords come in another youniverse alright hey it's a duel hmm oh my god please no no Chinon they're there like the chin is too big too putting this interesting oh there's our guy there is yes oh don't go right back into the zone where shot let's get this way should be fun both of those guys just I would say probably run through here or do whatever you want people see oh that guy got torturing oh shut up it's a bot we - we like the secure oh god I would not suggest ya what the bail dude this is where we need to go this is the valley that's talking about as I've run through those shut up a barely a death oh oh that was incredible I think I'm look at my life and realize there's nothing left I think this is absolutely great where the other point fire once maybe and I'm just like a dumb idiot oh yeah not even close what's in his bucket just covens I don't know actually looks like juice juice oh no this isn't this is a different area it's just a real word besides tf2 giblets yeah Oh Jib way that's like a term it is most often used in video games to describe like viscera effects what are they you just like barely didn't kill either of them so they're just like oh sorry he's lonely I'll even me yeah we go yeah might as well maybe he'd go down yeah actually mmm do you want you know [ __ ] don't you [ __ ] as a pirate is free oh you are a dick that's me also what's in here it's a dog dunkey I'd say go down there that's what my intuition tells me go down go down go go go it's very test stroke you did a little bit of a strong oh it's [ __ ] chin banging it'd be done right hey classic it wouldn't be Dark Souls if you didn't have rats and these ones aren't ambiguously dogs either there's rats your ass Wow they get old sewers nice fog trials wring it out monster head the hell does that mean what could that possibly mean we gotta say Stu oh there it is what is that I was kind of scared could it possibly be more rats rats rats yeah I'm thinking these are nine four key time for crime it's a big old red okay nice what by Ray that's pretty good let's put that [ __ ] on right now pop it on ya pop it on that'll help us against the saw guy yeah actually I think it might that rat certainly did leave did when we killed it yeah okay so this links back to that other bonfire oh that's right that was a so this is the shortcut I was thinking of a definite shortcut not the one we originally in tennis but a shortcut nonetheless oh yeah okay right yeah so yeah the one particle right here yeah sweet well I guess we'll pawn fire it up and then go back that way give me a whoop of Trees ass oh so so you're gonna want to go across the bridge through the sewers and then back up and you'll be in the valley at the little blue the stamp Oh blue boy cute yeah it's not a cute stay hey thanks it is a [ __ ] miserable hideous stand with a really [ __ ] disgusting ability oh hey you can't climb you're a bunch of rats leave like start climbing up the ladder these enemies have like a path they like walk to a certain point in their path resets whenever you spawn at a bonfire but then once they reach their point they just like stand there Oh interesting how we're yeah so this this is the way to go yes yeah yeah that big door is the one that you opened so you couldn't just go and pass these guys oh yeah let's say these guys are fine but [ __ ] usually a witch also the witch lady enemies say things in English what out loud like when they're casting from their book they say something about like a bastards curse or something it's pretty cool and then when they they do like a grab attack where they [ __ ] hug you and they're like you like burst into flames why don't they come to me do that that's terrifying I like that a lot and I think the bastards curse is like a real sort of thing in the lore of course of course are there any cute standards though yeah soft and wet you got your California king bed California king bed yeah you got your tusk tusk starring Justin Long directed by Kevin Smith it's truly trapped like it was not even like I'm totally not scary just just ropes yeah yeah it tried to be like cool and like bleak and depressing and it was just really stupid I was just like this has nothing to it yeah besides oh god gross nobody tell Riley that I said that because he [ __ ] loves that movie does he he showed it to me and he was like oh I just love that they commit to the one joke about [ __ ] playing tusks look at those guys what look at me go there's normally supposed to spawn out of there but I think they're broken yeah go go blows excuse me hallmark me yeah my way sir that is so [ __ ] funny I've never seen them do that chunga yeah there's someone its arms and legs too but those are way harder to it and it looks like you're not doing a lot of damage right yeah okay but when you like when you reach a certain damage threshold on the balls that it like destroys them and it doesn't [ __ ] to the damage okay so that's why there's like multiple even like multiple spots yeah tusk is Beth what tusk is bad oh the movie yeah somebody I thought you were talking on the stand and then I was like oh the song sounds good that's like all the things we were talking about literally a minute [Music] hello he also has another [ __ ] movie called yoga hosers starting his daughter and Johnny Depp's daughter the hell he must know Johnny Depp yeah cuz Johnny yet was also in touch yeah miserable role and he did nothing added nothing to the film just it was there and I was like is that joined up that's crazy they look like gardeners I love flowers yeah like for cleaning Dark Souls those come up in different forms later to be cool flowey Wow [ __ ] playfully rancid piece of [ __ ] you can play undertale and you won't be a rinse and piece of [ __ ] anymore you're really not I have it well I really hope which where those guys get stuck up there happens to be any means but I kind of doubt that it will lay out like a one-time thing we like fulfilled some weird arbitrary set but like conditions the hand speaks the hand of a government man yeah yeah friendly fire I saw people talk one out of the holes damn you let's attack you gotta watch out for that it was you [Music] boom oh [ __ ] I'm a tumbler for the punches I'm swarthy is to breathe won't you breathe with me I'm in my life what's that that was the Talking Heads same as it ever was subbu that ever would be telling me you don't know [ __ ] Oh what is it even cold I just know I just listen to that hole that's one of those albums I listen to just all the way through it's so good I remain Mike I've listened to like all their albums at least once but I don't know them like Romanian light is like it's [ __ ] like I don't even listen to a lot of talking hedges but that one album is like [ __ ] perfection it is like honestly like a masterpiece album yeah there's also a really good cover album by I believe your name is angelique kidjo and it's a very light Roku Joe couch oh well yeah it's really good it's very like Cuban very like Afrikaans and it's awesome it's almost as good as the original album nice is it like a cover of the entire album it's just it's literally call her man like that's awesome him yeah well the heat goes on what's the name of that song if anybody wants to look it up I think it's called born under punches and then parentheses the heat goes on you know it's like they have a girl I'm right I do that's like to brag I was gonna say you like to bring that up anytime I can no-name was there do you know he's shaking the controller in front of my face like taking a ride tell me we're pulling good call it quits pretty soon right yes Bosley I hear they're like ice-cream planes in the Bee Gees of course you every [ __ ] time you come over here you have plans after that's cuz I I always do wheeled plans I love hitting two birds with one stone dual wield twins you've been like quintuple wheels plans not I do across the course of a week I hang out with like one person and then I'm like man I'm bushed like the next II feel like the next month of my life Oh God look at that guy he's rolling he's got a hat I'm a tumbler I'm a there are other parts of that song where David Byrne just in the background goes I'm a tiny blue guy I don't know why it makes me laugh so much I'm so thin it's a fun song to sing in the car it's like a hymn that one part that he's like I don't know why but I love singing that part I would say put on a really cheesy voice foot foot come and go over here so I can pop it come on let me hit your foot Govan in fact he only sticks it into the [ __ ] stairs I'm out Oh murder all your dudes oh [ __ ] oh my god I think that is a very rare move cuz I don't remember that I thought he was falling yeah I think it's gonna fall on his back liquid our DNA Oh God [ __ ] give away these guys like fashionable garden paths yeah they know you know their points oh that guy is just one this guy's horribly inaccurate tactical Joe he's [ __ ] the tree though and it's true I just kicked his balls would you there we go nice and gross [ __ ] oh you oh this is happening what fully you don't take fall damage for whatever reason there the hell this is the second phase he's got a big thing coming out of him now yeah oh it's a new arm Cuban arm yeah this is awesome there's the curse coming out yeah this looks pretty sick oh this is so cool he has fresh balls to hit yep oh god he's got like crushed under his weight that would have killed a lesser man oh nice barely reach those he falls over here come on hit him baby hit a Mac that's what I get for hit in the hand you'll slappy the land speaks the hand of a government man oh we shouldn't be that impressed you know things have hands I know it was extra pony the one thing about [ __ ] Jojo is people always get their hands cut up like over the course of the series you would think that it would be like oh you know one part in particular has the most cut off hands but it just keeps each part has more cut off hands I wonder why like I thought it was gonna peak well you will get some insight into the mind of the creator in part 4 that will perhaps shine some light on the severed hand thing there like a guy who like his like in two hands yes you will meet that guy he's awesome there's also a dude uh one of the main JoJo's has a canonical bug-bite fish I think I've brought this I had a board is just vile that one just weird I don't know about that he's like the sketchiest Jojo so it's fine they've all look like a little sketchy every one of them is really sketchy the one was just kind of a dick which one the New York one Joseph Joseph a little bit everyone someone he was mischievious a game that's genius Joe throw generous a little bit it's a bit of a dick sometimes yeah hey mom you [ __ ] yeah but he has he has a subtle nuanced character that goes beyond just being a douchey badass and he develops over time I do like development oh damn I thought that guy was already dead but then the [ __ ] tree came down like normally oh nice in the balls normally I'm not like amazing at detecting like good instrumental ISM or whatever but United music yeah it's like I'm also not good at detecting good acting a lot of the time playing a lot of people were like oh that was such a great performance I'm like oh I guess yes yeah but talking heads was a band where I was like damn these people are really [ __ ] good at playing their instruments yeah like just good yeah and you have like that like there's no how to get everyone going definitely like splash of like [ __ ] that comes out oh man and I think that's like armour degrade [ __ ] or something I don't know Chris that's what orange stuff was in Dark Souls 2 once you kill those nuts that floor is going to come crashing down laughs I'll be careful tic tone yeah we're nuts like a break Fick [Music] it's kind of stupid and inconsistent that you don't take fall damage yeah but also I'm a hater take folder yeah nut juice I think the ones on his back become accessible during the second phase too but just kind of barely oh god yes thing looks good test yeah actually grotesque you all right yeah let's take a little gander here we convicted Nelson please give me sir oh he's rolling that was probably the perfect opportunity to get some hand ones but whatever okay okay maybe not hitting hands I think that's a bad idea Oh cuz it [ __ ] me that's what happened to me last time you swept me under his rug swept me off my feet Oh swept me off my feet did you what the official scientific name of the dodo is dodo dodo dodo start actually is it really open your voice all adds up now it's like this I didn't even though lowland gorilla gorilla gorilla gorilla that is real okay that's some jank look at that oh he's stood on the dog step on the dolls excuse me Simon can you stop stepping on don't record on dog and your pokedex - [ __ ] do you watch she says and I mean no I never heard of she says uh he does this series called boundary break where he basically look takes a camera in places that you're not supposed to in video games and like shows cold like cool little like developer shortcuts and like hidden content that you wouldn't normally see in the game I think I love that stuff Dark Souls and stuff yeah it's an amazing series great awesome like entertaining wholesome guy and for the Pokemon snap episode you got the original voice actor for the English dub of Pokemon for Professor Oak to do the intro oh that's also Super Bowl so my big dumb smile on my face watching that that's so fun yeah they call them out of retirement it's [ __ ] poison poison one last time wait for this guy to feel you eat all of his dudes yeah just get them out of here baby should be like fighting these dudes when we come into the room I get rid of like two of the stragglers at least yeah give me a bowl a I've got powering for the trash juice oh yeah let me have a talk you believe wet splash see how that really necessary curse Roderick would okay I hate being in this position where it's like do I heal yeah or do I not you don't want to waste an Estes but you also want to live thumb would die yeah but not one of the best songs on the soundtrack but it's still pretty good it sounds wanted okay okay oh my god Jesus all the truth all flowers are like movable that almost killed me I should not run away from him like think yeah it isn't scary things when you run away [ __ ] yeah contact me please all right no it's c'mon you give it one more go and then we'll cut it off and we'll cut you off we might not do this guy this grass rat ass I don't give a rat's ass oh wow oh hey this place that I used to work at somebody in their office had a whole like placard that said I don't give up and then it had like a mounted rats ass on it yeah it was I don't think was real but it looked kind of real which still you know it was pretty funny though honestly okay the thing that like when I was like a kid like was the only time I really went to my dad's office really yeah but the thing that like impressed me is that he his friends he's play racquetball and they had like a trophy they passed around that was just like a nice frame with like a bunch of like dust and wind in it oh and it was whoever lost racquetball had to keep the trophy displayed in their office and now and as a kid I was like reverse motivation to win yeah I was like I love it well that was a fun take your kid to work day because he works like in an aerospace thing and they're like flight simulators no please flight simulators and I'm like I like them I do nice we should play Top Gun for the NES it's an amazing flight simulator we could play it with the mothership which is my joystick attachment for the NES the mothership yeah but you literally like it's like a joystick that has like a hole on the bottom it's like the size of like a sideways NES control controller and you just lick you stick it in there how strange it's very bizarre e is the music not playing yeah just didn't this time the music is off strange very weird you just told your damn arms still just told it's still I'm going to be honest this is so much like worse without the music it's so it's just kind of awkward yeah yeah yeah those are guarded by wood scraps I think it was relatively safe when he's doing this move oh never keeping their mind much my mouth you're fine I'm alright don't know about I heard about me all right come here he is he looks squatting down yeah that's it little Mandrake here right it looks like an hour ago Oh No [Music] oh please Wow can I go that quashed that just about sums it up I got crushed all right let's [ __ ] let's call it quits well thanks for everybody thanks for everybody thanks for every last one of you amazing yeah blind in one eye oh god we had 27% skipped frames two hours ago that was like it's still one time yeah that's the same alert from when we switched it up well I hope someone says my man she says also got David Hayter for the Metal Gear Solid episode I don't even know I gotta go see ya oh how is it spelled she's yes she says I think they misspelled it it's supposed to be she says but it's guys Oh Cassie all right that sounds like something that I eat up that's like what was that one channel game facts or whatever it's like kind of cheesy but it like yeah I think it's like still that step up yeah the developers put this in the game and she says doesn't have the cheese I like it what doesn't have a cheese yeah it's a nice pun but he's nice anyway great guy go check them out hey last words thanks for watching everybody
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 31,363
Rating: 4.9796267 out of 5
Id: AlkcL9_0zvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 51sec (10011 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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