Full stack web in .NET 8 with Blazor | OD116

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DANIEL ROTH: Hi everyone. I'm Daniel Roth, Product Manager at Microsoft for Blazor. Blazor is a web UI framework built on the mature foundation of.NET to enable greater performance, productivity, and security when building modern web apps. Today's web apps use a variety of approaches to deliver the best UI experiences. Some pages are rendered from the server in response to requests so that the UI loads almost immediately and is easily indexed. In other cases, it's easier to handle the UI from the client so that you get rich interactivity and access to client capabilities. With Blazor in.NET 8, you can handle all of your web UI needs using Blazor's convenient component model from both the client and the server. Let me show you how. This recipe app is built entirely using Blazor. On the homepage, we can see a bunch of recipes and we can click on a recipe to see all of its details. If we look at the browser DevTools to see what this app looks like, let's look at everything and refresh the page, we can see there's no WebAssembly being downloaded for this app. There are no WebSockets being set up. There's not even any JavaScript being downloaded. This entire app is being fully rendered from the server, so it loads almost instantly and is ready to scale. No JavaScript required. In.NET 8, you can use Blazor components to do full server-side rendering. Now let's look at the code to see how this is implemented. Here's the project. Let's look at the component for the homepage and also the components for that recipe details page. Now, each of these components is set up as a routable endpoint. For example, right here we can see the route for the recipe details page. As requests come to the server they're routed to the component and the component renders full HTML right to the response. Now we can also handle forum posts from our application. Let's go back to the app and close the DevTools. For example here on the homepage we can search for all the recipes that have chocolate. That was a forum posts to do the search. If we click on one of these recipes and go down to the bottom, we can see there's this little widget for posting a review on the recipe. This one is delicious and let's submit that. Then we can see that the review was added to the bottom of the page. If we submit the form without adding any data, you can see that validation works too. How has this form implemented? Let's go back to the code. Here's the recipe details page. If we scroll down, here's the star rating reviews component that's setting up that widget. Let's go to its definition. Then here we can see that we're using the built-in Blazor edit form and input components to implement this form. These components will modify the data and validate it before calling your submit event handler, all from the server. That's great. Now we can actually enhance the user experience of this app to make it even better. Let's go back to the application. Now currently, if we go back to the homepage, every time we navigate, we're actually doing a full page loads. You might even see a little UI blip as the page gets completely reloaded. That's a little jarring. Also, if we go back to the review form and let's post another review, you may have noticed that if I submit this, that we are also losing the scroll position. Again, that's because we're doing a full page load when we submit the form. We can improve the navigation and form handling experience by adding some client-side loading. Let's go back to our application. Let's go to main layout.lazor. This is the main layout for this application. At the bottom, I'm just going to add the Blazor script, then let's go ahead and restart the app. Well, with that script Blazor will now enhance page navigations and form handling. We just wait for that to start. Cool. Now that it's loaded. If we navigate, let's for example, navigate to one of the recipes and go back. It navigates fast and silky smooth. There's no longer that UI blip. That's because Blazor is intercepting every navigation and then handling the response content and using it to updating the DOM of the page without having to fully load the page. Much smoother navigation experience. Then if we go to one of these recipes and submit the form, let's add another review. Maybe this one is just okay. We'll submit that one. Notice that the review gets added to the bottom and we don't lose the scroll position anymore. Now sometimes, and let's go back to the homepage, pages need to perform long-running async tasks in order to fully render. Like maybe you need to get some data from a database or call an API. This can delay the rendering of a page. To simulate this, let's go back to our app and let's go to where we're loading the recipe data in this recipe store, and I'm going to add some code to simulate our database query. Here in this get recipes page, let's add a little code right here, and then we'll restart this. This is just a Task.Delay as if we're making a long-running database query. We'll go ahead and restart that. Cool. Now if we refresh the homepage, I'm going to click one-one thousand, then the page finishes loading. It's a little easier to see if we go to a recipe and I'm going to click back, ready, click one-one thousand then the page loads. We have to wait for all those long-running async tasks to complete in order to fully render the page. Now with Blazor in.NET 8, we can improve the perceived load time of the page, pages that have long-running async tasks by using streaming rendering. Streaming rendering allows the page surrender with placeholder content while the async tasks are running. When the tasks are completed, the new content can be streamed to the client on the same response connection and then patched by Blazor into the DOM. Now to enabling streaming rendering, it's really easy. Let's go to the homepage of the app. Let's do this on index.razor, and we're just going to add an attribute at the top of the page. The stream rendering, we got true attribute, and that will turn on streaming rendering for our homepage. Now notice, like right here, you'll see there's this, if recipes is null, then we're going to render this loading recipes placeholder. That will be important to watch for that in just a second. Let's go back to the app. Now if we refresh the page, yeah, you see there's that little loading recipes dot dot dot that shows up. We can get rid of these guys. Let's refresh one more time, refresh, loading recipes dot-dot-dot and then once the database query has completed, the updated content is seamlessly patched into the existing page. You get pixels on the screen really fast and your app feels much more responsive. Now so far our Blazor app is still only using server-side rendering with some framework provided enhancements on the client. Now it's time to add some client interactivity. This application also has a page where we can submit new recipes. There's this recipe editor page, and we want this page to have a more sophisticated UI, like for example, we want to be able to choose a picture that we upload and being able to see a little preview of it right here on the page, right now we're just getting the filename. We also have this ingredients list Builder where we want to be able to add ingredients and be able to edit and reorder them using dag and drop. Right now if I click this Add button to add an ingredient, it doesn't even do anything yet. That's because this page is using just server-side rendering. It's not setup for interactivity yet. Let's fix that. Let's add some interactivity. Let's start with just this ingredients list editor. Let's go back to be out. Let's go to that submit recipe page. Down here is the ingredients list editor component that we saw. I'm just going to add an attribute render mode, and we're going to set the render mode for this component to be, well something let's say we have a couple of options. We can do server, which means that the interactivity for this component will be handled over a WebSocket connection using Blazor server. Or we could use WebAssembly, in which case the interactivity will be handled from the client in the browser running on WebAssembly. Let's start off with server. We'll do server first, and then we'll go ahead and restart. All right, cool. Let's go back to that submit recipe page. Now if we go to our ingredient lists builder, we should be able to add some ingredients. Add some flour, yes, it's working, some eggs, I don't know. Maybe a few docs. It doesn't really matter, but we can stretch between the units for a metric to imperial. We can even drag and drop our ingredients to reorder them. This is now an island of interactivity using Blazor server within our broader server-side rendered application. We really want this whole page to be interactive. We can do that too. Let's go back to the application and I'm actually going to remove that render mode attribute that we just started. Let's add some data binding for the ingredients. But up at the top, I'm going to add another attribute to this summit recipe page to say that I want the render mode for this whole page to be server. Let's go ahead and restart that. Great. Let's go back to that summit recipe page. Now we should be able to select a picture. Instead of just seeing the filename, we get a picture preview. We can still add our ingredients. That works fine. We can even submit the whole form and get client-side validation working great, so now the whole page is interactive using laser server. What's really cool is that the rest of the app is still using server-side rendering. If we go back to the homepage and let's bring back up those browser dev tools. Let's refresh the page to see everything that's being downloaded. Initially, we don't have any web socket connections being set up. No Blazor server yet. But if we browse to that summit recipe page, there it is. Now we have the Blazor server WebSocket connection being set up. When we leave that page, the connection can be closed down and any server-side states can be freed up so that we reduce the load on our server. You use Blazor server just where it's needed. Now we can use Blazor WebAssembly as well. If we go back to that page and instead of using server, we set this up as WebAssembly, we can do that too. Now one thing I want you to notice is that there's only one project here. We don't need a separate project for our Blazor WebAssembly code. That's thanks to multitargeting, we're able to build for both the client and the server from this one project. Now if we go back to that summit recipe page, we should still see that the interactivity is working. Let's make sure that's functional. Yes, it's working. Well, let's go back to the homepage and bring up the browser dev tools to see what's happening this time. First, I'm going to clear out all the site data just to make sure we don't have any Blazor WebAssembly stuff pre-cached. Now if we refresh this homepage, okay, do we have any WebAssembly? No WebAssembly yet. But if we browse to the summit Recipes page there now we're seeing the dotnetWebAssembly runtime being downloaded and set up and being used. If we have any other pages in our app that are using Blazor WebAssembly, they can reuse this downloaded runtime because it's cached for the entire application. All right, cool. We can set up interactivity for our app using Blazor server or Blazor WebAssembly, and we can do that on a per component basis or for entire pages. That's really nice. But maybe you'd prefer to have that decision to be made automatically at runtime. You might do something clever, like start users off with Blazor server, which loads fast while you download the dotnetWebAssembly runtime in the background. That way the app can switch to use Blazor WebAssembly on future visits if it has been previously cached, what might that look like? All right, let's go back to the app one more time and we're going to switch the render mode to auto, use an auto rendering mode. Let's restart the application. See what that does. I think we can close all these other tabs. All right, let's bring up the browser dev tools one last time. Again, let's Cloud any site data to make sure we don't have any Blazor WebAssembly stuff precast. Let's refresh the page. Do we have any WebAssembly yet? No WebAssembly. Do we have any WebSockets? No WebSockets. What if we browse to the summit recipe page? They are now we see the Blazor server web socket being set up. But also in the background, we're downloading that dotnetWebAssembly runtime. Now which ones being used? Well, if we look in the dev console, we can see that this app is currently running over a WebSocket. It's using Blazor server, but it's got the dominant WebAssembly runtime downloaded and cached. When we browse to this app again, like we can just refresh the page, now we can see in the browser dev console that we're running on WebAssembly, we're using Blazor WebAssembly. The app detected that the runtime was already there and it just used it so we're able to save on those precious server resources. Super cool. Our app is now using the vast of server and client, thanks to the new full-stack web UI support and Blazor in DotNet eight. In this demo, we've seen server-side rendering using Blazor components, enhance navigation and form handling, streaming rendering, adding client-side interactivity per component or per page, and the ability to select the appropriate render mode at runtime. I hope you enjoyed learning about Blazor in DotNet 8. There's plenty more that's new in Blazor to make your next web projects easier and more productive. Be sure to give it a try today by downloading DotNet 8.
Channel: Microsoft Developer
Views: 30,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: .NET, English (US), Full stack web in .NET 8 with Blazor | OD116, Intermediate (200), OD116, On-Demand, build, build 2023, microsoft, microsoft build, microsoft build 2023, ms build, ms build 2023, msft build, msft build 2023, w1m5
Id: iDLWv3xM1s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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